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Is this series good? just beat Neir and I was wondering

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Is this series good? just beat Neir and I was wondering if I should play these.
no, and I don't recommend it

I loved 1 and 3 though
Curious about this as well but currently playing through Nier, anyone got that image with the suggested quests on them? Really don't wanna wade through fetch quests in a single player game.
Most recommend 1 and 3.

Try not to go in expecting something like Nier. They're different, but I personally thought they were still enjoyable.
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They are awful, awful games that you play if you absolutely want to feel like shit in various ways
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Thanks anon
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No problem.
The only one worth anything is the first one.

The gameplay itself is fucking atrocious, but the story and music in the first game is fucking amazing.

Just look up the soundtrack on youtube and you've got all you need.
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It's a good series if you like weird shit. Play 1 and 3.

The final bosses for the final endings are always bullshit though. Beatable but with a lot of time invested.
Just started playing this, don't wanna play the intro again so just wanna be clear. The book was black, and it said 1300 years LATER not earlier, right?
>people unironically recommend 3 over 2

I know Taro had little to do with 2, but how can you legitimately believe this? 3 wasn't a bad game but 2 was more enjoyable in every aspect but gameplay.
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Yes, later.
I tried playing Drakengard 1, but I thought it was an awful slog after about 6 hours, and gave up. It's a shame that you end up grinding a lot of weapon levels in the first level, which has an awful ~10ish second loop grating on your ears for well into 40 minutes a pop.
Personally, I loved the music. It was complete insanity and chaotic. Perfect fit for the game.
This game is going to rob your soul.
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How patient are you? Because if you can put up with a moderate amount of tedium I would highly recommend Drakengard 1.
It's one hell of a wild ride.
I'm both longing for and dreading the day that Drakengard 1 ends up on the PS4. Only because I know I'm going to force myself to platinum the fucking thing.
These games suck. I drove myself to insanity beating DoD 1, 3 was pretty bad sometimes as well. NieR is loaded with fucking terrible item grinds. Don't play these games

Because I don't want you normies ruining my comfy DoD threads
They're awful games
I love them.
I really REALLY want to finish Drakengard 3 but i just cant anybody has any tips to deal with the bullshit final boss in branch D?
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He's free to try them out if he can stomach the gameplay.

So far most of the bad threads are when the OP mentions Automata being a PS4 exclusive.
i still dont get this what branch is suppose to do this?
I don't even understand where all the shit-flinging comes from.
Many of the people complaining haven't even played NieR.
It's just what /v/ does
Why does everyone hate 2? Is it that bad?
Yes. Taro hates it too, to the point where he wrote a better ending for it and gave it it's own section of the timeline to rot alone in
>in every aspect but gameplay
So the only aspect that matters in Drakengard games?

When the series' most interesting thing is is how bat-shit insane the stories are, a normal story like 2's becomes really boring.

What do you mean he wrote a better ending for it? Is that just laying around somewhere?
>Playing Nier
>Only trophies left are the ending D and the weapon upgrades.
Just fucking kill me, this literally drains your life.
It was released as a short story.
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Probably referring to the novella that takes place after Ending A.

>going for plat before finishing the actual game



Oh, gotcha. Has that been translated?
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An excellent question. Perhaps because the director is trying his damndest to match Hideo Kojima and Swery in terms of batshit madness and juvenile humor. I like the series enough for what it is, but Drakengard 3 felt like it was starting to disappear up it's own but in place. Like Accord.

God I hate accord. I hate it when people dress up Deus Ex Machina.
Do you even know what happens in Ending D?
copy yout save file in a usb and go for the final ending you bungus
There's a reason he's saving ending D for last trophy
Your save is erased after Ending D.
I keep listening to DoD soundtrack to this day. Fuckers keep taking it down and some guy just keeps reuploading it.

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Oh, fuck, right, duh. Fuck, now I'm sad about it again.
They're fucking horrid games. Just read the LPs for the story instead of suffering the gameplay yourself.
No, 3 isn't good either.
Are the drakengard games as grindy as Nier? I never played them and want to start with 3
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In 3, you'll be grinding a lot of gold to buy all the weapons in the shop, along with materials if you plan on upgrading all the weapons too.
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Read Dark Id's Let's Play of Drakengard 1. Unless you want to torture yourself -- some might argue that it was the whole point -- then go ahead and break out the PS2 yourself.

I don't know much about 2, but it's more or less non-canon, at least relative to the other games.

Play Nier. The combat/gameplay is super primitive, but isn't horrible, and there are even neat ideas here and there like applying adjectives to your equipment to change its traits.

I haven't finished Drakengard 3, but it's slightly more well-realized as an action game than Nier.. only just.
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I like Accord. The Capitol City being all futuristic has been there since the first game, so it's exciting to see what someone/thing from it's original universe or world is like.

I really hope we see more of Accord in Automata and she's not just mentioned in passing or something.
It really fucking sucks when a sequel to a story-intensive game is exclusive to a platform that doesn't play the fucking original.
sync up a youtube video that shows you when to press the button
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>tfw my female friend can easily clear Branch D's final boss, but I can't stand a ghost of a chance without a timing guide

Such exquisite humiliation.
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After I beat it the first time, I've been able to clear it flawlessly (though the final note sucks still). In some sick way, I miss the struggle. I felt like I really overcame an incredible struggle when I first beat it.
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I have absolutely zero sense of rhythm, so it's a nightmare for me.

That being said, DOD1's final boss is really fun, and I can do it whenever I want for kicks. G.Queen was nothing compared to the Intoners.
La La La
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only 1 is worth it
I enjoy Drakengard 1's music.
oh my how contrarian of you!
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