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Could you imagine how amazing it would be if consoles died, and

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Could you imagine how amazing it would be if consoles died, and only PC gaming remained?

>Everything would have to get ported over.
>One big community
>Everything is developed on the system that plays it so no port BS
>No more arguing about superiority of what system they're on

A man can only dream.
Or they would just release everything on smartphones and tablets instead.
Pc is to muck money £700-800 and u have to upgard ev year

Pc is carp

Keyboard got to many buttens
They would have to water everything down, tripple A shit would have to move to PC or die

>Not buying a Walmart comp to play Crysis
>All consoles are carp
>Remove some of the buttons on your keyboard.
Consoles will never die because companies would still want closed hardware to be sure games won't be pirated at least two years from console release so they can get money from games.
And custom hardware doesn't mean much. If it's cheaper to produce x86 closed machines, industry will produce them.
I had an Acer Predator.
It was OK.
>One big community

If there's one good thing about consoles it's that the community doesn't include the likes of Russia and BR.
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Don't start a pro-PC thread with an image that heinous.
>Gaming was best when PCs were quarantined as the platformer for shitting "machur" games
So, what years?
Russians are bros, BR can be pretty funny when you can understand them.

Get your country to embrace democratic socialism and it very well could happen in your time.
Late 90's to early 2000's
>no more arguing about superiority of what system they're on
>pcuck shilling
Have you seen half the threads on here?

>Anything positive about sony

WII U discussion (kek)

XBONE Disccusion
>There is no xbone discussion so there's little to say on this
Why don't you just get a job and afford things you want to afford.
It's not like we are talking about yachts or something.
who's actually profiting from it, though? If you're a hardware company paying money to advertise the system as a while without any mention of your hardware, you mights as well be pouring money down your competitor's offshore bank accounts
NEET and messed up too much, most I can hope for is Mcdonalds. Do not want man.
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>sit at a desk
yeah, because slumping on the sofa is really fucking good for your posture
>two feet
more like 4
>a literal keyboard
what is a gaming peripheral
>the next four
i can use same logic, all console users are peasants. nice generalization asswipe
>deal with windows
yeah, because console OS's are so good
>rampant piracy
either it is rampant piracy or muh steam drm, try to make up your mind
>tend to be obnoxious
yeah, sure. we have to be, because you console shitheads are even worse.

There, I have disproven at least a part of your argument, thus you have to correct your original argument to reflect it. Remember.. "...any of this"
Intel/AMD, nVidia/ATI shitposting would intensify tenfold.
The opposite will be what happens, since you pcfaggots only pirate games or buy them when they are at a insultingly low price (to the dev) and with tablets and smartphones taking over the space that PCs had in most people's life (browsing internet, games etc). PC will become a platform for small devs to make a name for themselves mostly, it already started with CDPR, Mojang, etc.

In a decade or two PCs will literally only have indies, every dev that actually wants to make money will release games on consoles only. In fact in a decade or two PCs won't even be a common household item I bet, it will return to its old status of being a machine for working.
>to the dev
you know, it's the devs themselves who set the discount
Sometimes people just post things you don´t want to read (more than usual, i.e. anything at all) because they simply are disgusted by undereducated shitheads like yourself.

Not everything that extolls something´s virtues is shilling, not every mention of something is a meme.

Learn some new words, it is impossible for you not to benefit from things like these.
the devs set the prices themselves moron
>m-muh pirate argument
Not him but which one do you think they're going to pick?

They would pick phones over pc since they can charge normal people microtransactions. It isn't about if they need to water down a game it's about how much money they can make
>steam monopoly setting absurd prices
>nvidia and amd jewing for hardware set absurd requirements
>devs would rather let you spend 500$ on the latest gpu rather than optimize
>piracy even more accessible
>more indie and early access

many things could go wrong
>buying games

If you made pies, that you know are worth $8 or at the least $5 (a fair discount) wouldn't you feel insulted that to be able to sell a pie that you made specially for a segment of the people in your area you need to sell it at $1 in even though it cost the same to make as the $8 pie that everyone else bought. And no one else can buy this $1 pie because it's some niche pie that needs a special fork or whatever make this part up yourself.

You still lower the price $1 because $1>0 and you need money, but sooner or later you'll probably stop making that pie especially when less and less people have that special fork
>steam monopoly setting absurd prices
it's the publishers that set the prices and the discounts
>nvidia and amd jewing for hardware set absurd requirements
nvidia is the jewish one here. Meanwhile, amd is the one trying to set much more open standards that is not nvidia proprietary bullshit
>piracy even more accessible
"m-muh pirate argument"
>more indie and early access
early access is bad, true but indie games are bad because...?
Duke Nukem 3D
Doom 95 - Final Doom
Fallout 1 & 2
Half Life 1 & 2
The Sims series
Civilization 2 - IV
Deus Ex
Warcraft 2-3
Starcraft + BW
Black and White
Neverwinter Nights
The Baldur's Gate games
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
More shit I'm not spending time looking up. Consoles have had a good run but a world win which all console games had been PC games and controllers as PC peripherals would have been amazing.
>Games being judged on their own merits instead of loved/hated for what gaming platform they're on.
>/v/ in charge of food analogies
Pathetic, you can do better anon. You don't even need a degree for plenty of better jobs than McCucks.
you overdid it
I come here just for the retardes food analogies. There's no end to it.

Also checked
>That closed case
Because fuck airflow
>games being judged on their own merits
>In order to judge it, you have to play it
>In order to play it, you need a system that can run it
>It's only on one console
>requires you buy a PS4 to play it
Now see, if the game were multi-plat, it would be judged actively as the game itself and no by what it's on. As is, nobody except rich fags and people with bad priorities can play it.
And that's all they get to play.
Vents on the bottom on the back to windtunnel the airflow.
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It would be fucking awful. The strength of PC is the elitism. We still get niche quality shit instead of watered down generic garbage like the consolefags do. We can pirate which forces user friendliness. If a game comes out missing half its content we know day 1, why do you think Destiny never made it to PC?

Consoles are for children, them having them keeps those children off our platform.
>We still get niche quality shit
That wouldn't change
>INSTEAD of watered down generic garbage
What is the Indie scene?
Although there are some good Indies.
>Pirating forces user friendliness.
Not really... what honestly makes you say that?
doesn't matter. you fags would find something to argue about. Probably nvidia vs ati or some shit.
Wouldn't it be great if it could get additional airflow from the side too? In addition to the vents on the bottom?
It's not a food analogy, its a business analogy I just picked pies because I thought you fatsos might better understand the point.

I already made an analogy for that but whatever that wasn't even my biggest point, my biggest point was that PCs are in their way to disappear from the household, and believe it or not lots of casuals also play on PC even if they don't have the specs to run the game well. About 3 or 4 of my friends bought FO4 for PC and they run it on lowest settings with sub 20 fps. Why? Don't fucking ask me but they do, and more than half the people that use Steam don't have rigs much better than what my friends have.

Your platform is dying, cherish it while you can
I can see Nvidia trying to make games outright exclusive to their cards
>videocard exclusivity.
They almost have it as is with some games. Certain games run like shit on AMD cards.
Seriously, though. Your analogy makes fuck-all sense.
Seriously, though. Your analogy makes fuck-all sense. Besides, your "proprietary fork" comparison is much more applicable to consoles
What even is subtlety?
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AAA studios have to get funded somehow. Console manufacturers are able to give them a lot of money, in exchange for having exclusive content/games on their console, which is good for the console manufacturers because they make a little bit of money off of each game that's sold.

Though, if PC gaming did take over, we might see instead of console manufacturers funding studios, it's done by API designers and other software developers. So maybe Epic games might fund a studio to make their game with UE4, but every game that uses UE4 has to pay a small royalty to Epic(That's actually how it works currently, though I don't know if Epic have ever funded any AAA games). So I guess it could work the same way if PC were the only platform.
>PC is dying
It's dying for casuals and retards that plague every person that managed to acquire the "that guy who is good with computers" title.
Did you even read the OP? If consoles died and there was only PC, there wouldn't need to be multiplats in the first place.
This is would be true of more people owned gaming PCs, but there are far more consoles out there than gaming PCs.

I seriously hope you enjoy indie games, that's all you'll get. But stay in denial, in time you will see that I was right
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woah senpai that shit tier case and monitor slow down getting a heart attack here
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AMD vs Nvidia
Oh please, don't speak of console as one big platform. The "proprietary fork" argument works so well against consoles because of how stratified it is. Want to play that old game from 5 years ago? Too bad, Gamestop doesn't stock them anymore. Want to play this other game? Too bad it's exclusive for that console.

>I seriously hope you enjoy indie games, that's all you'll get
I, for one, welcome the return of the AA development scene. The right balance of high enough budget for beautiful games and high enough passion for great games.
This tbqh
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>/r/mustartdrace fags falling for pastas
Go for a warehouse job. It usually pays a bit better and you don't have to deal with customers.
>with tablets and smartphones taking over the space that PCs had in most people's life (browsing internet, games etc)
>implying typing on a phone is what's done in any majority if there's a keyboard around
>implying PCs don't have huge functionality over mobile, including with games, beyond the keyboard
>implying mobile isn't just a fad, completely fucked up by any innovation that would allow less traveling, a la a home based business meta

>every dev that actually wants to make money will release games on consoles only
>implying PC isn't literally extra profit
>where porting is becoming as simple as hitting a button on the game engine (consoles being x86)

>implying there isn't piracy on consoles
There's lots of room for innovation, but the majority of non-sustenance money transfer is for education and entertainment. There are over 19M fresh internet users per month. There's plenty of room for both.
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At some point consoles BECAME fucking PCs
>online verification DRM
>DLC and micro transactions
>social media
>web browsing
>Netflix and Hulu

What's the point of consoles even existing anymore if a console is just a fucking PC anyway?

It was different ages ago when your SNES could do SuperFX and Mode 7 and shit like that which your 386 rig couldn't dream of, but now every plastic box, whether it's a PS4, PC or Xbone has practically the exact same godamn hardware in it.
lol @ literally wanting a monopoly instead of competition
You know why you don't like it? Because you're a bitch. Fuck off if you don't like it. You're on the mighty 4chan-/v/. We're the asshole of the internet and proud of it
Yeah I'd love to live in a world where all gaming is dictated by Valve via Steam. They practically have a monopoly on PC gaming as it is, and you wish they were bigger? As in, literally the only place anyone buys games?

I'm sorry, I like PC gaming as well as console, but it has its own huge, glaring issues that you all seem to ignore while constantly spouting its up sides in relation to gaming on console.

>all games would become digital, you never have a physical disc with the game on it in your possession again, just the license
>Steam becomes absurdly more powerful and thus even more capable of abusing its user base, paid mods come back to stay, EULA changes and doesn't even try to be reasonable
>all those projects that could only have existed with console manufacturers picking up the bill never get off the ground
>without publishers really being a factor, AAA games cease to exist, which may sound good at first, but then
>indie survival Greenlight games become the new law, everything is indie, everything appeals to what gets sold the most via early access

The loss of console exclusive games would hurt the most. You tards don't ever think about it, but most of the greatest games ever made where paid for by console manufacturers looking for something to be exclusive to their shitbox. All those beloved SEGA titles, JRPGs, Nintendo games, ect wouldn't have existed had PC been the only platform from the beginning. Nintendo, Sony, and to a lesser extent, Microsoft, have given a lot of studios the chance to make the games they would never have been able to otherwise, because the console wars are a source of competition.

You think "without consoles, devs would just compete directly on PC, no hardware wars". You're very wrong. Look at how games "compete" on Steam as it is. Look at the kinds of garbage that wins. If anything this industry needs MORE, heated competition, more good exclusives across all systems, and more than a race for fucking second against Sony.
>Could you imagine how amazing it would be if consoles died, and only PC gaming remained?

>all the cancerous console shits would convert to PC and ruin the community with ignorance
>all the kids and teens would constantly yell and be shitters on mic
>all the casual shit games on consoles would be ported over and still be casual shit games

>no more arguing about superiority
>amd vs intel
>ati vs nvidia

>A man can only dream
It would be a fucking nightmare
>monopoly on an open platform
Yours isn't better, pal.
someone post the screencap
>console shits would convert to PC and ruin the community with ignorance
>implying there aren't measures against this, like dedicated servers with moderation

>implying more games isn't great, if for nothing else but mods
>if shitters don't have consoles, they increase their applicable intelligence and do something productive from exposure, especially to modding and free game engines

>amd vs intel, etc.
At least it's not over stupid shit like 30FPS.

Git gud.
Didn't post that, but white goes with more, and "simple is best"
pc and wii u is the way to go.

why does anyone have a ps4? for one game?
weeb games.
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