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Killer Instinct thread. Post mains, opinions on the game etc

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Killer Instinct thread. Post mains, opinions on the game etc
Go away Microsoft shill, nobody cares about your shitty exclusives
Im shilling because I enjoy a game that happens to only be available on one platform? Fuck off and contribute or get off the thread you console war fag
Fuck off faggot, don't reply to me again
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You best believe I main the fuck out of her.

Also Season 2's soundtrack is the best soundtrack from last year.
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i really miss that bastard

those cameos were killing him
cant wait for it to come to pc
you got that season 1 ultra edition redeemed f a m? get a free trial or something
Just started learning the game as my buddy just picked up a copy.
Game is fun although I don't care for most of the cast, enjoying Jago, Sabrewulf, Cinder and Omen though.

Getting good at reads and breakers is going to take a long time though, I imagine that that kind of ability just comes down to experience, adaptation and match-up knowledge.
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I main glacius. Being able to combo out of a throw and combo from long distance is the best thing I've experienced in this game
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Glacius is so fucking good

How the fuck do you player as Cinder
I canr either anon. Cross play with Pc will really help population.
>How the fuck do you player as Cinder
Throw bombs, set niggas on fire, set yourself on fire, hit them a lot.
yeah i got it the day some guy made a thread about it on /v/. i didnt need a free trial or anything (at least, for the non-gold version)


I only use combo assist. How do I get good?
> plays glacius
My nigga
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>mfw playing shago after stealing the code from that anon in the giveaway thread
He's fun as fuck
Learn to hit more than one button and do special inputs.
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>mfw Glaciusfags will NEVER have 2muchfun
Practice, do dojo mode, and get your ass kicked
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> plays glacius
My nigga
Any tips on improvement?
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>saberwulf main
>tfw cinder
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>Style over substance
>Will never enjoy things such as a cold beer, or snowboarding

>Strong, silent, sophisticated, like a luxury BMW
>Can eternally hold your ice cream sandwiches without them melting, a true friend
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> Glacius main
> tfw sabrewulf
Just get a forward medium punch done and create a distance with as much ranged combos as possible, seriously its like being stuck in one of Saberwulfs combos but with an entirely new physical dimension to it.
pls someone explain this enrique glacius joke.
anon come on, this ones obvious

remember that one jap cinder during EVO? he was stylish but fucking insane though
The one true main.
I was thinking of learning fulgore as a secondary actually
I main him because he is absolutely fantastic. He's great for just laying all the pressure possible on your opponent.
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>Orchid main, Hisako secondary
>mfw Kan-ra
PC version when? Hopefully before SFV or else it'll sell like shit.
Glacius is my forever main. He takes tons of dedication to get proficient with but it is so worth it
The PC version releases march 3rd I believe. Other anons correct me if im wrong
its q2 unfortunately so sfv will come out before it.
I wanted to main him when I first got the game, But I ended up using Spinal. Granted that was before Fulgore's release.

My top three are Fulgore, Aganos, and TJ. I used to be great with Kahn-Ra, but something changed and I've lost my touch
> he plays Aganos
Holy fuck how good are you at this game?!
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Guys guys stop arguing

You're both terrible
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You're a literal meme character faggot
Well its both f2p and full-digital which might be more accessible
i cant be alone in think both versions of spinal and all his colors look just awful.
two best designs are retro fulgor and retro orchid. prove me wrong.
>mfw yellow retro fulgore all day
you forgot to add windows 10 exclusive.
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don't you talk SHIT about me sir spookycackles
no :)
Ive always thought new Riptor looked awesome
Is playing Aganos typically associated with high skill curves? I forced myself to learn him because I loved everything about him. I have only picked this game back up recently so I've been a little rusty but I'm still decent at least
Aganos is one big tough cookie yes

Might switch to Rash later on

A little bit too yolo. Not as good as SF5 Beta, but still fun. I'm hopeful for season 3.

Blockstring into frametrap into fire, repeat. Then lose because your damage output sucks, and they picked Hisako.

Nah, Aganos is just low tier, and if you aren't good at him you get blown out in certain matchups. Cinder is near impossible to beat as Aganos because of the corner infinite.
Yeah. Aganos is the lowest tiered character. He has no favorable matchups. At least if eventhubs is to be believed
Is it alright to main Spinal? I main him because calcium.
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So, who do you guys think will be the second guest character for Season 3?
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Ah, I just use him for the fun of it. I have TJ and Fulgore when I have to give a damn I suppose
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>mfw that track uses the exact same voice samples as the SNES

well done mick
S2 best music

Tom Salta is doing S3 which is awesome
Kung Fury
What has he done in the past? I listened to Rash's theme and it was very average. Hopefully we get something better for the other characters.

Halo 2 Anniversary which was pretty nice
He did H2A? Fuck now im really hyped

>Most likely tier
Joanna Dark

>Impossible tier
Ash from Evil Dead
Hey, you're a faggot.
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I love them so fucking much but appreciate the foundations DH made
I think someone is jealous
man i fucking wish
I think there was another omen main a few posts back
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Where are you Omen friends

Join hands with me in sweet solitude
Do the anons in this thread think KI will be at Evo 2016?

EVO 2015 was the underdog show that delivered multiple times
There isn't much coming before EVO that would push it off the main show floor so it certainly will be.
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>mfw PC dudes play for the first time and hear that glorious intro theme


You're in for a good time
Im really happy that the PC FGC is getting this game. It'll help make this game more popular. The more people playing a fighting game the better
The epitome of hype
>luxury BMW
Shit taste confirmed
You have Glacius or something pal?
I may drop Tekken after this gets released for PC. Harada obviously doesnt give a crap anymore about the console audience and this game looks sweet.
Is it hard to learn?
it's quite possibly the definition of "Easy to play, hard to master"

Joanna Dark is too similar to Orchid imo
Id love a demitri look but I'm expecting something that looks like Christopher lee
>>323053642 pretty much this >>323053742
The opener, auto, linker, auto, ender combo pattern is simple and allows people who are new to fighting games to enjoy the game and win some matches but it also allows more competitive players willing to put the work in to do some crazy as fuck combos. KI has a low point of entry but a ridiculously high skill ceiling.
She would be a gun based character.

I would be more than ok with Orchid having a sking based on her.

Hell, Rare based skins for most characters would be great like a Banjo Kazooie skin for Thunder
Arias theme ends up being such a cool remix of the main theme/character select theme
Yeah I'd rather an orchid skin and a more unique character, but even if it is Joanna Dark I won't be salty
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>Mick Gordon is gone
Who /DAH/ here?
Oh but it's fine to have a million bloodborne threads, sonygger please go
I literally just saw Creed and now can only play as TJ Combo
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Imagine the outrage
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>tfw I've been waiting forever to play this but fuck buying an Xbone
March can't come soon enough.
Also I want to play ringuwaifu, fireman or spookyskelly
nigga it's going to be shantae
>tj has a kick alt outfite
>jago doesn't have a dive alt outfit
missed opportunity
i was genuinely shaking my head when they announced the devs behind Divekick were going to do KI Season 2

How wrong I was
Anybody want to help the OP of this glorious thread get better with Glacius? Any anons interested in a /v/ lobby later today?
Also are KI threads the chillest threads on /v/?
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I got season 1 for free with xbox live gold, is she worth 6 dollarydoos?

Currently playing the shit out of the Sadira, she's fun as balls.
i'd lasso the moon down and give it to her if I could


i think this is still relevant
remove the belt and he is perfect
Im actually looking for a highly skilled player willing to exchange gamer tags and play against me consistently, tell me what im doing wrong etc. Its always been the way I got good at fighting games like SF4 back when I liked street fighter (i outgrew sf around AE)
Dude I would but I suck absolute dick, only just got Season 1 with GWG
theres someone named officer mods who post here who is pretty good look him up
I suck bad too Man. Also got season 1 free with gold after a looong hiatus from fighting games. KI is amazing though, got me back into fighters. Gonna be picking up MKX, Blazblue Chrono Phantasma Extend, Tekken 7 when it releases in bone, and Blazblue Central fiction when it releases on bone
What's up with it?
its not his belt it is pimples, its like giving putting Cody in guys ninja outfit I am not saying remove it from the game just make it an accessory instead. his design is so close to being a perfect recreation.

get the fuck in here friends
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