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My ranking of the MGS games that absolutely no one will agree

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My ranking of the MGS games that absolutely no one will agree with:

MGSV > MGS3 > MGS4 > MGS2 > PW > MGS1

Didn't really like MGS1 that much. Also, I think I'm the only person in the entire multiverse that has MGS4 in their top 3.
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MGS3:S > PW > GZ > 1 > MGS4 > GB > MG2:SS > 2 > V > PO > MG1
that'll make them angry anon! >XP
good taste, but:
MGSV > MGS3 > MGS2 > MGS4 > PW > MGS1
Do you want a special snowflake medal ?
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3 > V > 1 > 2 > PW > MG2 > 4 > MG1

Cum on me, faggots
those emotes are goiung redit tier
lurk more
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MGS 3 > MGS V > MGS 1 > Portable Ops > MG2 > MG1 >>> Power Gap >>> Peace Walker > MGS 2 >>> Humongous Power Gap > Gone Home > The Holocaust > MGS 4

Easiest way of telling a MGS fan is a colossal faggot: When they actually thought MGS 4's complete shitfest was good in any way, shape or form.
I think most people on /v/ agree that MGSV is a good game, but it was disappointing and the story was ass
>Gone Home > The Holocaust

Jew detected
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MGSV disappointed me more then MGS4 did
3 > V > 1 > 2 > 4 > PW
What you were disappointed by is irrelevant. I don't care if you overhyped yourself into expecting the second coming of christ with MGS V. MGS V is still a million times better than MGS 4 by default, just by virtue of being an actual game, for once.
Non-pleb and non-child here

MGS2 > MGS1 = MGS3 > MGS4 > PW = MGSV
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>MGS 4 above anything
You're a pleb and your opinion can safely be discarded.
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Why I'm glad we are skipping the pointless argument

I did not over hyped myself I just expected a story like the past games had
im playing through mgs series and so far mgs3 is weakest gameplay wise. Having to rely on absolutely horrible camera needing to go through a lot of menus to change camo every second ontop of having the same horrible controls mean the gameplay is by far the worst.

Everything else better this time round tho.
Honestly MGS a good series but one of the greatest ever? Fuck no. No wonder people praise the story since it's a mediocre game gameplaywise but storywize it's only entertaining with how cheesy and shitty it is.
The way they go out of their way to spoonfeed the serious subjects would be insulting if the game took itself remotely seriously.
MGS should've been a cheesy 90's tv show.
>PW / V above anything
How does it feel to be 12?
>Having to rely on absolutely horrible camera
>not playing Substinence

Are you absolutely fucking retarded? When people say MGS3 they're obviously talking about Subsistence

Nigga you weren't stupid enough to get 2004 MGS3 were you

>going through lots of menus

You literally press two buttons
Your opinion is wrong.
>not playing the substinence version

>Complaing about controls that are extremely simple

>Not using the "control" menu to get a heads up on some of the things you do

Sorry man you are going to need common sense to enjoy metal gear games
>Nigga you weren't stupid enough to get 2004 MGS3 were you
Yes I was stupid enough to get the first release of the game a large, famous corporation of insanely famous and talented designers/artists/programmers including your personal hero Hiteo Kojimbo descided was the version of the game the public should play.
Does substinane also fix shitty low res no AA graphics making seeing anything beyond 20m impossible, while enemies see you? Does it fix the horrible crawling/body dragging controls?
>You literally press two buttons
Every tmie you want to change camo. Face and body camo separately.
Why not do like the l2 button menu like all the other things are? You need to change camo about as often, if not more depending on situation. Just shortsighted design.

MGS3 is nowhere near "best game ever"
As a stand alone game, MGR is way better.
OH so having camera angle change when crawling out of bush/wanting to crawl the other way making snake sperg out/ dragging a corpse making snake sperg out/attatching snake randomly to a wall when running near one is "good control"

It's honestly extremely shitty.
I mean styx has some bad controls when it comes to ledge grabing and such.
MGS ones are so bad that if you removed the story it wouldn't be worth playing.
Never had that issue when I was playing it

The changed camera improved alot of things. It's kinda the reason they re-released the game
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>being this bad
what about you in a universe that only diverged a second ago with an atom out of place in a different part of the world?

does that guy have MGS4 in his top 3?

did you think about that you stupid fucking faggot?
With the release of MGSV I've been force to make two separate lists.


MGS V's story is a million times superior to MGS 4's.
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