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Xenoblade Chronicles X Voice Actress Is In Favour Of Lin's

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"People are calling it censorship. I really see it as localisation"

Unrelated to the thread, but should I make a male or female character for X?

This is like 2 weeks old. Over that, maybe. Definitely Pre-Xmas.

When did NL start doing click bait? This is alarming

This just confirms that dubs and everything related to dubs is fucking cancer. Of course a stupid fucking dubber would be okay with censorship, her job is literally censoring Japanese voices with her own anyways.

Subs or don't even watch/play it.
this and she's probably jewish or some shit I'm pirating that censored crap either way
it's normal if i wanna fuck Lin?
Anyone who expects them to leave in sexually suggestive costumes for a character that is repeatedly declared to be 13 years old is completely delusional and out of touch with reality.


boob slider tho, rip
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>actress who plays a retard is retarded

Who would've seen that coming?
Please note that it isn't a person. It's a cartoon. A
I don't care. She's a cutie.


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>Don't mind Lyn being censored because it's something different
>Big panty fetish, wouldn't mind if every female character had something different

Yeah yeah, hurrrrr got a bingo, I know
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>I was paid to have my voice recorded and this is my only relation to the project
>My opinion on matters outside of voice acting are now relevant

Who gives a shit what the bimbo thinks about the potato she plays?

I care about censorship because everyone (not just Lyn) got hit with the censor stick by way of removing the fundoshi, among others. The name changes also bug me.

There's a modded version of the game that removes all the censorship and adds back in the original voices, but you need a Wii U capable of piracy.
It's not a significant thing(i.e. won't affect gameplay) but there are a few differences in dialogue, like Irina being more receptive to a female player character.
>VA is supportive of company that hires her
nothing surprising there
>The name changes also bug me.
That is literally just localization.
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Reminder that censorship fags are literally our version of social justice warriors except instead of the patriarchy boogeyman they're whining they can't see little girls half naked in video games
dubs have always been trash
they think they're gods for releasing it in another language, changing as they will. Meanwhile people would tend to rather have anything but them, the fewer the changes is how it should be.
When they decide to translate a game, the first thing shouldn't be what can we get rid.

I never said it was censorship; I simply said they bug me. It's much like how FE If/Fates changed the Revenant Knight class to the Malignant Knight class, all so they could pull the joke "Maligknight".
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>i'm 13 yo inside and out, i'm lin lee koo.
thanks nintendo, we all know that you guys are secretly lolicons
I love it when people say freedom is important while trying to censor or justify censoring
Were i live, there are a bunch of 13 year old girls that dress and act like sluts. People dont mind that. Using swimsuit on the beach, they also dont mind. Americans are a bunch of fags.
Also Lin is not real, she is a videogame character and a mimeosome

My question is: Who the fuck is she even TRYING to direct this to? Because anyone with even a grain of intelligence understands why any kind of censorship is bad and thus would also see right this literal doublethink newspeak.

And on the other hand those that don't have a problem with the censorship don't need to be convinced, since they obviously already are eating up whatever is thrown at them without a thought.
>censor censoring
You're gonna have a party full of bitches anyway

"People are calling it censorship. I really see it as localisation"

" People are calling it censoring information but I really see it as a bunch of terrorists with bombs and guns killing innocent people without reason".

Man that's a pretty long line to draw, even for a 2 bit voice actor acting like a retard.
>everything related to dubs is fucking cancer

this, i could care less about some swimsuit but every attack against these pieces of shit is a bonus in my books

>I play GTA and have fun killing random people because it is just a video game and for fun and fantasy

>Video games violence doesn't cause IRL violence!!!

>I went to the strip bar in GTA, but that doesn't mean I am misogynist IRL because it is just a video game and for fun and fantasy, totally different from IRL

>video games can't make you misogynist!!

>HOWEVER, a character in a video game that is just for fun and for fantasy that even though isn't real, isn't even a fictional human, but a robot which can't have a real age anyways that is even slightly sexualize and even though to a lesser degree than IRL 13 year old girls in USA mainstream tv/media/ads is TOTALLY WRONG and UNFORGIVABLE and the LITERAL SCUM OF THE EARTH!!!11ones


People that are okay with censorship are this retarded. I guess it should be no surprise.

This really wasn't a problem 12 years ago. It's a more recent phenomenon.
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VAs are the most entitled cunts in the industry.

Just look at the recent shenanigans where they claimed they weren't treated right and wanted benefits like a hollywood actor.

Blame the Abrahamic religions as people claim they are not under influence of any religion at all but yet quite reasonable and willingly accept your example in green text. In truth it's just a facade as they claim are not religious and reject all aspects but are still influenced by it in this day and age even though they reject "religion" as a whole but still accept it.

Even atheist who claim they are atheist are complete bullshit as they follow the Abrahamic doctrine to a creed.
What happened to that whole voice actors on strike thingy?

>Even atheist who claim they are atheist are complete bullshit as they follow the Abrahamic doctrine to a creed.

Not everyone, but anyone you disagree on the internet people will just call you an edgy kid or a monster because you have different opinions.
It IS localisation though. Different cultures have different moral codes. In the west dressing like a slut is considered dumb and gross while Asians just don't give a fuck about women. There're too many idiots who think all the people in the world see the same thing in the same way.
OP, if you're desperate to see pixels, a google search is all it takes
Reminds me of Richard Honeywood's section on Culturalization in his localiation handbook.

>…culturalization allows gamers to engage with the game’s content at a potentially more meaningful level. Or conversely, culturalization ensures that gamers will not be disengaged by a piece of content that is considered incongruent or even offensive in the game’s environment.

>Cultural mistakes often prove to be costly for game developers and publishers – not just the loss of potential revenue but the greater effects of negative public relations, damage to corporate image, and strained relations with the local government. In the worst-case, a local government may not only ban the game but take more direct action against the company, including detainment of local personnel for questioning and even incarceration.

>Also, a new bug type “cultural” or “geopolitical” or whatever appropriate should be created in the bug tracking system to ensure the issues are flagged and resolved.

But why must a culture be "localized"? Why can't people just, I don't know, deal with the fact that different cultures exist and avoid those that they don't like as best they can?
Oh look it's this again.

>People have different opinions on what constitutes acceptable editing and get really mad at each other despite the person who gave them the contract clearly being totally fine with it.

Also you know, people thinking mass media is art.
>her job is literally censoring Japanese voices with her own anyways
I don't think you know what censoring means
I made this same thread awhile ago when the interview and I actually got banned for six days because apparently posting a source link is "advertising"

Fuck the mods here, seriously
Because reading a bunch of Japanese memes/puns/etc no one gets is fucking retarded. I'd rather them adjust the joke to something applicable to the west than leave in something that means nothing to me and therefore waste my time
Because this is mass media where everything has to sell a gorillion copies to make any money. And money is the only thing about the game's existence that matters.

though as far as literature goes there's numerous theories, some which are based on science (on which there is still major debate) and some are philosophical and linguistic purely.


Is an interesting interview with a very, very good localised/translator for mass market media, he did metal gear solid and I think shadow hearts 2/covenant.
>censorship and localization are mutually exclusive concepts

you don't have to be smart to be an actor
The argument you'll usually get is "maybe you'll be interested and learn more"

I don't know, maybe because Western culture is RIGHT, JUST, and MORAL, and Eastern culture is WRONG, UNJUST, and IMMORAL

Why don't you get an education you fucking degenerate.

This is a sarcastic post, but is really what these fucking retards think
Cant badmouth nintendo here anon

>Because reading a bunch of Japanese memes/puns/etc no one gets is fucking retarded.

Well yeah that I understand. Localize what needs to be localized, I've done that myself. But changing something because there are people out there who will be offended by something different is retarded is a valid argument only for trying to make as much money as possible. I don't like it, but I understand that argument. Too many people pretend things NEED to be changed though, without even bringing money into the equation. I can't help but call that shit out.
But. It isn't. It's "this wouldn't fly over here."

You don't have to be smart to post on 4chan either :^)

or maybe you do because apparently I can't tell what a fucking STREET SIGN is.
>In the west dressing like a slut is considered dumb and gross
Only when it comes to video games. Dressing like a slut is glorified in the west when it comes to music, movies, books, general fashion, etc. Dressing like a slut in video games only gets shit on in the west because the west still views video games as nothing more childrens toys.

Even then
These people are lunatics.
But that's an entire line of theory of which your theory is literally no better or worse, you're calling out is purely egotistical.
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>It's not censorship, it's localization!
Every thread
>having an opinion that protects her job

top lel

what else did you expect?

Yeah, I can't believe there are people who defend censorship these days. Sure, some do it only for chuckles, but there are people who actually support it now. At times like this I think of that EFG poem written in 2007 complaining about how shitty 4chan had gotten, and I wonder what he'd think of this place now.
>I'd rather them adjust the joke to something applicable to the west

eat your hamburgers apollo
She's 13.

If I need to use more words than that there is no hope.

Also the glorified dressing like a slut is inherently incompatible with a game where you can dress people up as it's a celebration of independence and agency which is inherently not there in that kind of game but that's getting into philosophical arguments that I refuse to get into on /v/ because it'll just get dragged down to the lowest levels within seconds. (but it's core to why many feminists are totally fine with bayonetta and even think she's great)
>People are calling it censorship. I really see it as localisation
It's still censorship even if you put another label on it.
>comparing actively making it impossible, or at least attempting to suppress looking up a concept with people deciding to remove it from a piece of media.

This is why this discussion cannot happen on /v/. No one respects it, or understands it.
>She's 13.

She's not real.
If she bleeds, she breeds, anon. It's only very recently in human history that fucking 13 year olds is seen as "evil"

They used to be married off at the age of 12, and that was completely normal
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>Society that sexualizes real minors still butthurt about people on the other side of the world sexualizing fictional characters
Don't want to see Lin in a bikini? Don't put her in a bikini? Wow that was hard.
Who cares what the english voice actor thinks?
>w-we have every right to enjoy seeing a thirteen year old little girl in a bikini! It totally won't scare little girls in the west! We aren't pedos we swear!
I guess protecting children is considered censorship here.

Come to think of it, I wonder when and why the world changed its mind about appropriate fucking age?
>It's "this wouldn't fly over here."

says the culture that sexualizes teenage girls
Reality doesn't really matter for this. I could get into all sorts of conversations about the nature of how we perceive reality but I won't. All I will say is that because of how we in the west see things (and I won't comment about Japan, for all I know their mainstream is the same and this was only really aimed at anime otaku, I don't know that well) her being 13 makes it creepy.

That's not even an argument or a point of view, that's just a "here's some history"

Unless of course it's part of a big "we should go back to how things were" in which case fuck you. the past sucked for nearly everyone.
>having to argue that a fictional character isnt real

guys please
The Chinese government is removing ideas that it judges to be harmful to its society and culture
Western companies are removing ideas that they judge to be harmful to its society and culture
Why is one okay and the other not?
>She's 13
She's polygons with a texture over them, not a real person.

You're lying to yourself if you think children don't wear bikinis.
America has beauty pageants where 8 year olds are dressed in slutty outfits

You pigs are so hypocritical. I hate people who take some pointless moral high ground just so they can feel superior
Why is okay for real thirteen year olds to wear bikinis but it's not okay for fictional thirteen year olds to wear bikinis?
>Reality doesn't really matter for this.

You know, I'm obliged to believe you considering the large amount of christfags you have.
Get Phantasy Star you plebs.
>She's 13.

Who is 13?

In any case, I'm going to need to see a photocopy of her state birth certificate to know if you are just talking bullshit or not.

>You're lying to yourself if you think children don't wear bikinis.

Seriously. I've seen 9 year olds in two piece bikinis on the beach. It's insane.
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why would anyone care what the voice actor thinks?
if lin wasn't mandatory for all of the missions i wouldn't have any problems benching her the whole game when there are so many better party memebers
Lin isn't real. She's not a person.
Apparantly it never really had that view.

"While marriages at very young ages could and sometimes did take place, particularly for girls of high social status, it would be a mistake to see marriage below or around the age of puberty as the norm even for young noblewomen. . . . Emerging evidence is eroding the stereotype . . . [with] work on low- and lower-middle-status women [showing that] . . . a large proportion of the sample married between the ages of eighteen and twenty-two, [and] . . . showing that urban girls [in Yorkshire] tended to marry in their early to mid-twenties and rural girls . . . in their late teens to early twenties."


Well that changes the argument I made >>322683690
even more different. Now you just don't really have historical evidence backing you up.
What about the people though?

Because the fictional ones can't speak up and defend themselves, they can only say what they were programmed to say, so someone has to defend them. Otherwise, we're just supporting rape.
You're right; reality doesn't matter here. It's all about the moral high ground some translator is taking because he/she is trying to shield us from these possibly dangerous images of a 13 year old fictional girl in a fictional future in a fictional world riding fictional robots and fighting fictional aliens.
that left arm tho
whats' your point?
Joost says she's fine with quiets outfit but that's not good enough. so in this example the woman's opinion should matter either. faggot

>. the past sucked for nearly everyone.

Present's not much better, mate.


No really, I want to hear you try to explain even why it is wrong to sexualize a 13 year old in your own words and view.
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>mfw American culture is so fucked people are legitimately afraid of being attracted to sixteen year olds

You don't magically change once you reach eighteen. Maturity depends on the person
I googled your line, there were only 8 hits.

All of them come from the same book, I don't know if that's even strong evidence.
Glad Nintendo is dead.
It doesn't matters because what is and isn't real is beyond eroded to the western world. I'd suggest you read some basic post-modern introduction and the articles "the gulf war never happened" if you care at all about these ideas.

Well they definitely do have the high ground over wanting to see it :^)
Since always, in the twitter they always do the "the news is only a pic but we're not putting the pic on the tweet pls open our website", and the youtube channel is even worse
The nature of relationships changed, specially for women.
It's no longer a choice the family makes for them, and the man isn't seen as "responsible" for the woman anymore, so more maturity is expected from the woman.

Also, in modern times people came to associate maturity with formal education, which surpasses biological maturity by almost a decade.
>(but it's core to why many feminists are totally fine with bayonetta and even think she's great)

explain your position then

otherwise you're just pulling the "go google it, i'm not defending my position" card in another guise

if you don't care about what we think (which you're attempting to convince us about the weakness of our position, right?), why should we bother with yours?

>mfw American culture is so fucked people are legitimately afraid of being attracted to sixteen year olds

Yeah, this. I remember years ago I was hanging out with a 20 year old friend, we were watching a movie, there was a sexy 17 year old in there, and he was telling me how guilty he felt because he wanted to plough her. I was quite surprised that anyone would feel guilty over finding a 17 year old girl sexy.

Unrelated but I remember seeing someone on Gamefaqs complaining about Tales of Xillia because Jude clearly wanted to bang Milla and their ages were five years apart.

Localization is literally soft censorship. If it wasn't, it would be called translation. All forms of censorship are bad.
It's a bad localization bordering on censorship.


Fucking this. I long for the world where Japan just releases their games natively with cheap, English subtitles and I can import my games without having to go through a middleman of prude Americans who don't understand the material they're translating telling me whats appropriate for me or not.
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>It's sickening that people can be allowed to put a young girl in a bikini in a video game!
What's wrong with a bikini? Do you have a problem with real teenage girls wearing bikinis?
>Of course not, the right to express yourself through how you dress is important to self-empowerment
Then why can't these girls in the video game express themselves?
>Don't be ridiculous, they not real, they don't have rights, they can't choose to express themselves
Then what are you defending?
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I wonder what the best culture in the world is? Most seem to suck.
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why does she look like such a downie
You... do realise you can't just quote a book and expect to get different books from it right?

From a quick google search of slightly different terms I found that several sources put the 16th century as having the average age of marriage rise to 26.

Birth, Marriage, and Death : Ritual, Religion, and the Life-Cycle in Tudor and Stuart England

18-20 seems to be the range that was most acceptable throughout.
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>America is Commiefornia
No guilt here senpai

I guess it depends on what you consider localization. Some people see it as things being changed as necessary, say, Japanese jokes or idioms that make no sense (like the "the sun is yellow" to show exhaustion). Others consider that translation.

We need to resurrect Socrates.
the long and short of it is that she's a cool, strong independent character who is sexy and owns it. But they take some issue with the camera. I believe the way I heard which I liked was it's like hiring a really strong woman for her great character acting skills, then getting the cameraman from babestation.
>Even atheist who claim they are atheist are complete bullshit as they follow the Abrahamic doctrine to a creed.
Secular Humanism is just Christianity with all the religious-y parts removed.
Ignorant white american woman is dumb as shit, news at 11
But you didn't explain your position. You're presenting (your?) points in the third person to avoid revealing your point(if you have any).
Shit voice actor has shit opinions.

Wooooow so surprising!
The point isn't that all girls married while pubescent, it's that it was acceptable for it to happen.
I was with a girl for three years and all of my friends and family loved her and thought she was great. But after we broke up a couple friends found out we started dating when I was 17 and she was 14 and they called me pedo scum and stopped talking to me entirely. It's so fucked up, we went to school together and we both thought we loved each other for years. But because I'm a guy and I was a couple years older when we first met i'm apparently pedo scum
>Then why can't these girls in the video game express themselves?

Because in this case they don't get to decide what outfit to wear. You do. They don't possess agency.

tatsu tendies
But the player's avatar represents the player's agency, in bayo, you're playing the role of her character.

And even then, in bayo i'm pretty sure you could swap around her outfits too.
When will you kiddie fuckers give up?
>You... do realise you can't just quote a book and expect to get different books from it right?

It's a quick way to determine how well supported something is.

I'm sure I could google some queries that support the other anon's point and then we'll be nowhere.

Do you know how to use a search engine?
There's a mod that will delete this thread. Censor threads never make it longer than 10 minutes before it's deleted.
>They don't possess agency.

Well that's fine because they aren't real people. They are pixels on a screen. Are you saying that people who play shooters should feel remorse or guilt over all the enemy characters they gun down? Why won't anyone think of the pixels?
They never decide what they wear because they aren't real people; the character designer decides if they have established armors.
No fictional character possesses agency. They are not sapient. They cannot be oppressed, because they lack the capacity to recognize oppression. Whatever the character is wearing has no bearing on this fact.
So again, what is the problem with a fictional character in a bikini?
Why does the problem not relate to real individuals?
What are you defending?
It was weird.

It may have happened (for the nobility, for political and monetary reasons) but not for lower class.

You know that when I suggest you read these things it's not because I don't want to explain it, it's because either there's background which you may or may not (I generally assume not because I'm on /v/) or because the books I'm suggesting do it better and faster than I can.

Unless you're talking about the other point in which case I'm just mocking you.
We'll just make another.

It's like you've never posted on 4chan before.
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>her job is literally censoring Japanese voices with her own
I'd suggest you actually try critical thinking rather than parroting ideas from hack philosophers.
How can you oppress something with no agency?
>You know that when I suggest you read these things it's not because I don't want to explain it, it's because either there's background which you may or may not (I generally assume not because I'm on /v/) or because the books I'm suggesting do it better and faster than I can.

>explain your position then

>otherwise you're just pulling the "go google it, i'm not defending my position" card in another guise

>if you don't care about what we think (which you're attempting to convince us about the weakness of our position, right?), why should we bother with yours?

(I have to keep reminding you that you're trying to convince us, and you're doing a bad job at it.)
Once it's awake, it's ravenous at the speed it deletes.

Explain the sun is yellow sentence please.


What a disgusting Jew thinking he can change Kojima's work because he knows more about it than Kojima.

>literally having a problem with "Can love bloom on the battlefield?"

If that little kike shit had got his way we would have never gotten that line. Thank fuck he was held back from changing it.

Well anon you have cemented me in my belief that anything but a literal 1 for 1 translation is an absolute form of cancer.
And that's why we post when it's late night.
that's complete bullshit though. abrahamic religions have far more rules against blasphemy and homosexuality than looking at naked women, yet no one says a word when games have you killing god and having gay sex.
>caring what an english va thinks
nobody would use their terrible fucking dubs if they have a choice anyway, fuck em.

localization is censorship when you remove and change shit, simple as.
translate the fucking text and then piss off, nobody wants any more of your meddling than that.
I think it's still going on but it will end soon. No way in hell are these people going to get a percentage of sales of the game. The VAs in the western world are entitled little shits.
>nobody would use their terrible fucking dubs if they have a choice anyway, fuck em.

it's just an opinion that protects her job, it comes to no surprise
I can't remember it's been ages since I played bayo (and I couldn't play 2 due to no wii u and no real drive to buy one) but even so it wouldn't be out of place for her to wear a sexy outfit cuz she owns that image. I fully assume that's what you're talking about.


But they do, the way they're write determines what they'd actually wear, and you get to overwrite that. Thus they don't possess agency, while some do.

To an extent yes, if it's well written and all that they'll have armour that fits the character, I've seen it when they don't really a lot.
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Why the hell would I take anything the VA for Ritsu in the dubbed version of K-On says?

I mean for fucks sake, just LISTEN to the dubbed version of K-On and tell me that is anything to be proud of.
When I buy a game or decide to take interest in something
It's because of the what the creators of that specific thing had created, not what some no name hacks behind the scene have been altering without my knowledge.
Fuck no name hacks altering works of art, I dont want your bastardization's, I want the artist's ART. FUCK YOU
I'm not going to teach you fucking post-modernism 101. Fuck off.
You would be surprised.
>I fully assume that's what you're talking about.

Kinda, it's just weird af if someone were to argue that bayo is better than potatoface even tho both represent the player's desire to customize their character(player agency).

It just sounds like dumb irrational character favoritism to me, no offense intended.
>game has terrible lip sync
>game doesn't support surround sound
>game has unnecessary censorship
>game features no dual audio
>game requires absurd amount of hd space
I'm still enjoying it though.
>I know what kojima wanted to do, therefore I should be able to change what ever I want

That is some top shelf god complex.
You can just discard their opinion, they don't know how to talk to others and argue properly.
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>just LISTEN to the dubbed version of K-On
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>Explain the sun is yellow sentence please.

Ever wonder why the sun on their flag is red? It's because the Japanese perceive the sun as being red. If it looks yellow to them, they assume that they're exhausted and their eyes aren't working properly. So, saying "the sun is yellow" is just a way of saying "Man, I'm beat."
YEA, how DARE they leave in Perverted Costume in the Japanese Version.

No 13 year old Virtually Created Robot that's not real should suffer from wearing lewd costumes.........Wait....13 year old Virtual Created Robot that's not real?
Then you suck at explaining and/or conveying your argument.

Whoop, thanks for the compelling arguments, my mindset is forever changed.

(desu tho, I knew you never had the intention to teach, just to berate :^) )
>But they do, the way they're written
> they're written

You just contradicted yourself. They don't have agency because they were written to be a part.
>But they do

Have agency? No they fucking don't. Quit being retarded.
>the way they're write determines what they'd actually wear, and you get to overwrite that.
"What they'd actually wear" is a subjective opinion, and were it not, it would primarily be determined by how the character is written in-game.
If there was a situation where the player could choose to dress a character in certain way that explicitly made them uncomfortable, then you might have some point, within the context of the game.
But as far as I am aware that is not the case in Xenoblade, and again, it has no bearing on the fact that a fictional character is not capable of possessing agency, and at most can only appear to simulate it on the basis of how they are written.
Would you accept a bible that been slightly altered by Satan? no, you want the original print from god himself.
I'm not accepting anything less, FUCK YOU
Dear fucking lord this is the most retarded thing I ever read on /v/.

/v/ calling everything censorship is like Tumblr calling everything rape.
I know.

I'm going to reveal my hand now and just tell you that usually when dealing with posters like that, my goal is not to argue or "win", it's just to extract information/arguments that I can better myself with.

Now watch as he calls me a faggot on an anonymous imageboard.
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Xenoblade faggots are actual cancer,
I mean just look at this shit. This is something you would find in a comments section of a Pewdiepie video
>changing someone else work because "muh sharia law!"
It's censorship all right.
Not really, it all comes down to "this is a strong woman who owns this image and it's a celebration of her sexyness." vs "you can dress this girl up however you want, no matter how she would actually dress to get a boner"

obviously I'm making that very crude to make it super black and white.

And sorry if my points are getting more annoyed. I'm probably gonna leave because I'm sick of people trying to get me to force feed them information needed to even be involved in the conversation, let alone have a meaningful opinion on it. But you were pleasant to talk to.

someone that can read Japanese and lives and works in Japan can't figure out what a Japanese author wants to convey. are you actually for real or are you just mono-lingual/cultural?
>take product
>cover it up
>give it to people
>not censorship
>please spoonfeed me the information I should have before I even come into this conversation.

Fuck. Off.

>If there was a situation where the player could choose to dress a character in certain way that explicitly made them uncomfortable, then you might have some point, within the context of the game.

I think that would actually be better in some weird kind of way, a sort of meta-acknowledgement of it. Hmm, not sure how I feel about that one though, I think if done well that could actually be a pretty cool take on the whole idea.

This is really interesting.

I would not mind a short TL note with that explanation at all in my games/anime along with the sun is yellow statement.

I don't understand why people would want to play/watch something from another culture without making every effort to indulge themselves into that culture at the same time? What is the point? I want to see life and the world from as many different perspectives as possible, I don't want my media to be perspective corrected back to fucking American every time.
There's times where you have to change things for the larger market. Kanji puns can't be translated, so do you translate it literally with a TL note or do you write in your own joke to get the same point across. The ideal translation gets the same point across, even if there are some changes from the literal translation.
I don't agree at all for removing/changing content because the western market doesn't like X thing. (Like portraying sex in media)
>please spoonfeed me the information I should have before I even come into this conversation.

Fuck. Off.

>If there was a situation where the player could choose to dress a character in certain way that explicitly made them uncomfortable, then you might have some point, within the context of the game.

I think that would actually be better in some weird kind of way, a sort of meta-acknowledgement of it. Hmm, not sure how I feel about that one though, I think if done well that could actually be a pretty cool take on the whole idea if done well. You could play around with characters refusing to go places dressed in certain ways, or commenting on the way they're dressed and the like.
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Where were you for the past month? Everyone was like 'SJWS BTFO xDDDD' because Joost said that. Also, the fedora tippers aren't the ones saying its misogynistic.
Idk, "to get a boner" just isn't a strong metric imo.

I mean, you have people getting a boner to floor tiles here so ...
>playing circumcised blade
Why don't all of you just own EU Wii Us if learning Japanese is too hard?
Floor tile guy is a literal hero. don't sour his good name by dragging him into this.

The thing the pro-censorship fags always gloss over or pretend doesn't actually exist is the fact that some people don't even care about the slutty outfits. You don't have to like something to defend it. For instance, I don't think fanservice is inherently bad. I can enjoy it myself sometimes, but it's just in too damn many things these days, it's spreading like an uncontrollable cancer in Japanese media and showing up in places it doesn't belong. I'm not saying it's morally reprehensible, it's just annoying. Like Fatal Frame. I don't think fanservice belongs in a horror game, but it's not forced, so I don't care. I'd still argue against the removal of the bikinis anyway even if I don't give a shit about them before censorship is the worse of the two by far.

That and I can into Nihongo, so it's not like the censorship of localized games affect me, but I still don't like it.
Nah, you're just bad.

I'm sure this method of persuasion will aid you in years to come.
>her job is literally censoring Japanese voices with her own anyways.

That's Chris chan levels of autism.

Yeah, TL notes like that are always interesting, though I understand why people try not to use them. I like my own translations to sound as natural as I can, I try not to break the flow, so I very rarely use TL notes. But I also like reading TL notes myself, so I completely understand people who make liberal use of them.
>This is something you would find in a comments section of a Pewdiepie video

I'm also appalled by you knowing this.
Pretty much this.
Because not every game is meant to be a cultural piece, and trying to make it into that ruins what the developers were going for.
>Because not every game is meant to be a cultural piece

Let me decide for myself.
Here's a little wisdom nugget for you. When you read a work of fiction, you never know what the author's intended meaning unless you read or watch an interview with them. You can infer, guess, hypothesize, speculate, come to YOUR OWN conclusion on what IT MIGHT BE but until the author actually says his you can't really know. This is in any language, including your same first language.

This is even something you have to do in high school, under the guise of, in America, English class.

It's why you have over the top theories like ash died in episode two or the zelda time line quarrels until the official time line.

Oh and 日本語は分かる。

Okay fuck all you idiots for talking about this censorship BS again, firstly. And secondly I just came into this thread to thank OP for giving me Lin's VA's name because I thought she did a really good job. What little I've played of the game anyway, only about 40 hours in.
Weebs try too hard to think anything being "oppressed" is worth defending.
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>This thread
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>subfag opinion
please kill yourself

You can beat around the bush all you want but it doesn't change the fact that dubbing over dialog with alternate dialog that has been altered in meaning and content is censorship plain and simple.

And don't try to pretend that dubs don't change a shitload about the script.
makes sense I mean NoA has to get approval before any changes are made so if the devs aren't angry why should I act like a white knight
Just replace all kimonos with sweatpants and all rice with cheeseburgers. Perfect American localization.
>dubfag opinion
please kill yourself
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>wanting to understand the characters is bad
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Celica is cute! CUTE!
xenoblade x takes place in an american colony so that would make sense
>Nobody English VA who is paid to play here character says Censorship is Localization even though she has no clue what it actually means and thinks her opinion matters.
>Forced to listen to her shitty voice acting through "Localization" and removing Japanese VAs.
See....All these people defending censorship in games could more timely worthy things in real life....but no, gotta shove those real life priorities on to Coded and pixelated Virtual Characters who don't exist nor have human rights.
>meanwhile you post a screencap with subtitles on it
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>Wanting the original audio is bad
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I don't think anybody is really pro-censorship, just that you're being incredibly culturally clueless if you think a company whose primary market includes parents of small children, like NOA is going to let a representation of 13 year-old wear an outfit with underboob and a pube window.
its almost like this site doesn't support audio or something
What about the other changes, like removal of the bust-slider from main character creation? You can argue that Lin's costume changes are localization, because they were changed into something else. But bust slider was just removed, there is nothing to replace it.
Censorship is blocking something that's immoral or offensive. Americans don't consider Japanese language immoral or offensive - they just don't understand a word of it. It's not dubbed over for moral reasons, so it doesn't qualify as censorship.
is the voice acting good
is it set outside of japan
if the answer is yes to both of these questions you should choose the dub
> like NOA is going to let a representation of 13 year-old wear an outfit with underboob and a pube window.
Is this 13 year old girl real?
Is she even human?
Does she have her opinion and right to respond to anyone?
Does she show any signs of caring what she wears?

If all these questions equal to "No". Then people are defending it just as equally retarded for thinking Virtual Characters have any representation of real life people.....that do the EXACT thing these people are against and do jack shit about it.
But the dialog is subtitled. You can understand them fine.
Or are you so autistic that you can't recognize emotion from the tone of the voice?
child porn should always be suppressed no matter what
>Censorship is blocking something that's immoral or offensive.

Holy shit that Chinese education.

Censorship is blocking something for literally any reason.
why choose subs if the dub is good and it's set outside of japan
>you should choose the dub
dumb americans
Good thing we has the esbr to tell those parented that the game is rated T for teen and that they shouldn't buy the game for their 5 year old.

>no one uses esbr

That's the parents fault then.

Holy fuck I can't believe I just read something as dumb as this.

What has child porn got to do with a 13 year old in a bikini? Christ man go to a fucking beach in real life, you will see fucking 8 year olds in 2 piece bikini's, it's disgusting.
>Xenoblade Chronicles X Voice Actress Is In Favour Of Lin's Western Costume Change
It always amazes me that this is the only thing people chose to pay attention to when there are so many other things that showcase the signs of Censorship.

From reading this, I can come to the understanding that this Nobody Voice Actress doesn't actually know jack shit about the situation that surrounds censoring Games.
Typical she would defend it because she was paid to do the voice people are forced to listen to.
>anyone who wants subs is american
not from the usa you stupid american
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Do you weebs have any idea how different the Japanese language is compared to English? There are lots of grammatical difference between the two, so much where translating a game straight into English would be full of sentence structure errors and run on sentences. Changing it to make more sense for another language, and keeping the original meaning in the localized version is NOT censorship. Only if it completely changes meaning because it's too offensive for other people is when it turns into censorship. Fuck off with your LOCALIZATION IS CENSORSHIP meme
its a beach and those kids are swimming that's entirely different now please stop trying to justify pedo shit
Maybe some people prefer the Japanese voice actors? Unlike Western VAs, Japanese ones are often very active in media, and somebody might have followed one over several years.
Or somebody might just think that JP voices are better.

The storage media is so large these days that there is literally no reason not to give an option. If the digital size is an option, it could just be made separate download version, since everybody doesn't care about dual-voices.
>Censorship is blocking something for literally any reason.
have you ever used a dictionary in your life?
>child porn should always be suppressed no matter what
So according to you, a teen that is of 13 years olds who wears a two piece Bikini is sign of of child porn.
See, this is why I laugh at people who try to defend this nonsense. Especially when they try to defend it for the fact that it's a Virtual Character THAT'S NOT REAL.

Oh Poor Poor 13 year old Robot Girl.
Who gives a shit about Lin's VA? The dub of this game is absolute trash. XC had a much better dub
huh never knew that thanks I guess
And Lin is wearing highly futuristic combat gear that just happens to look goofy. She is fighting alien monsters, why would you think it has anything to do with porn?
yes it is
Yeah. It's different because it's actual kids and not pixels on a screen.
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Adjusting grammar and sentence structure so that the syntax is correct is not localization, it's just good translation.


If someone made a video game and you go to a beach and there are 8 years olds swimming and having fun in 2 piece bikini's would you say the same? Or would you call it pedo shit?

Why do you have different moral standards for fantasy than you do reality? How can something be evil in one but not in the other?
how is a bikini supposed to protect anything?
>If the digital size is an option
Sorry, that should be "if file size of the digital version is a problem"
that would be fine
How the fuck should I know? How is bunny suit that other girls can wear supposed to protect against things? It's some future science magic, like flying bipedal robots.

I'm not surprised they censored Xenoblade. I don't like it, but I'm not surprised and I understand it. Sure, it probably wouldn't have mattered 13 years ago, but the world is getting more and more insane as time goes on. The Fatal Frame thing though? You really can't defend that one.
pedo shit is pedo shit why bother with the semantics
Western voice actors have a wider variety of voices and sounds. Japanese voice actors can hit different levels of emotion better. Though you have to deal with high pitched squeaky loli character often. I'll take the squeaky lolis who actually sound sad or mad over the ambivalent guy who sounds the same when he's mad or sad.

Have you ever used a non censored dictionary before Wong?

>Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication or other information which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined by governments, media outlets, authorities or other groups or institutions.[1]
Does this shit have a good ending?
is the bunny outfit great as an item?
Oh wow. Don't ever go to a Water Park or Beach...Like, EVER in your life.
I'm afraid what you might see there will break your life and reality to make you question how much of a lie is your life.
pretty sure that's not a thing but okay
you realize that its only done in real life because its natural for kids to swim right?

Then how is Lin not fine? If a real life 13 year old girl wanted to run around in a bikini, would you be fine with that? How is it different than a 13 year old girl in a game wants to do that? Doesn't it speak of her character and what type of person she is?

I don't understand why you think this is pedo shit at all. She's not even naked it's a fucking bikini. Big whoop.
What game is that script from?

I believe one of the main problems with localization these days is something that Ace Attorney team talked about a while ago.
First translator does very rough pass of the script fast, then to get it presentable it can go through up to four editing passes, and editors typically can't read Japanese.
It does make sense, because getting good translator is way harder than getting a good editor, and companies want to make most of their resources.
If censorship is "blocking something for literally any reason" then how come you're the only person in the world who actually thinks dubbing is censorship? No one agrees with your retarded useless definition.
It does look nice.
>only done in real life because its natural for kids to swim

I didn't realize it was natural for little girls to wear two piece swimsuites for swimming.

So again. Why is it such a big deal when it's in a video game, but perfectly natural when done in real life?

What are you even talking about? Changing character outfits is not part of translating a language.

Wong open your slanty slit eyes and reread my first post, over half the replies where people agreeing with me.
Fans of Xenoblade aren't the ones making those comments, anti-japanese shills are.
if a kid wanted to swim then its fine for her to use swimware game characters on the other hand don't need them so if its in the game its there for the consumer to jerk off to

So, uh, if I don't want every game/show/porn to explain the intricacies of the subtle Japanese art of dumbass puns, I don't get a choice? I just have to see an obnoxious asterisk next to a quarter of all subtitles?
the game characters don't have any will of their own so if its there its just being used for fap materiel unless the story calls for it
Does anyone here SERIOUSLY think there is something morally wrong with sexualizing a fictional character?
of course not but child porn should always be suppressed
>do all my parenting for me
People shouldn't be allowed to have kids until they proved they could handle it.
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I don't think there is anything morally wrong with sexualizing non-fictional underage girls too. Just a bit fucked up and perverted.
>if its in the game its there for the consumer to jerk off to

I was giving you the benefit of the doubt but upon reading that sentence there I realize you are a fucking moron. How does someone get to the point of stupidity that they come up with shit like that?

How about because a video game is a representation of reality so people swimming in a game would wear the same shit people swimming in real life would? Technically you animate a character to swim wearing 8 layers of fur coats but why would you if you are going for realism?

Lin is not even a human. She's a robot. There is nothing to fuck under her bikini, just metal gears. Maybe the designers wanted to represent a type of character that likes to wear what is comfortable regardless of the context of the clothes or the situation around her. Or maybe it's just fucking hot and bikini's are an acceptable form of pseudo underwear that you can wear outside. I have literally seen women walk around in bikini's before in real life where I live, and I am not even close to a beach. It's not sexualization, it is reflection of reality.
>the artist said this, but I know he really meant to say this other thing that isn't even close, because I can read the artist's mind and it's better this way
dumbass translators who think they're clever

>it opens the game up to a wider audience
Doubt SJWs would use this argument when they take out gay or effeminate characters to "open it to a wider audience". They don't care about art, they care about politics.
Only applies to real life child porn by any reasonable country's definition.

You still have not explained the connection between child porn and Xenoblade Chronicles X or any character within it though.
Sooo, what should I whip up today /v/?
Texas is 17 and can consent with those three years younger. Are any other states like this?


In the united states of america, lolicon is only considered child porn if the art is depicting an actual real child. Because unlike what you want, there is no punishment for thinking things.

Video games, comics, animated videos, and other types doujinshi are not child porn even if there is a fictional 6 year old getting railed in every hole.
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>this is regarded as a sexually liberal policy in the united prudes of america

>people have to read up on whatever literature I've read to understand my argument, I'm so smart!
>this literature I base my view upon is the view everyone should base theirs upon
>if the art is depicting an actual real child

No it's not. Jesus Christ that's why unenforced laws are shit, people are completely ignorant how stuff works, even though it's 5 minutes of googling away.

Eh, loli is a real grey area in the states. It's pretty much legal on a federal level, but state laws trump federal laws apparently, so you may or may not get fucked for being found with it depending on your state. Hell, I live in a state where it's supposed to be completely legal, but a DA in a nearby city had someone who drew loli in exchange for cigarettes in prison charged with drawing child porn and added several years to his sentence. But he's an asshole who liked throwing people using medical marijuana legally in jail just because he could.
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who gives a fuck about potato.

Hope,L,Gwin/Doug Party masterrace
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This has nothing to do with ratings or ESRB or ratings in general.

Nintendo of America is extremely controversy averse, they believe if Soccermom #397 finds out that the company she uses as a virtual babysitter developed (remember, Monolith is a part of Nintendo now) a game where a 13 year old wears this >>322684002 they'd throw a fit.

And it's not like there's no precedent for it. Objectionable game content was making the news circuit as recently as the first when Mass Effect decided to include a PG-13 sex scene. And that game was rated M.

>But controversy sells

It sells to people who buy games for themselves, Nintendo wants to maintain a market that includes people who buy games for other people.
It seems more like a precautionary measure to prevent parents from calling the cops on a 17 year old's 18 year old boyfriend

>it's my time to leave while I still can use my "I've read this literature no one else had read" and leave a nice comment so I'm still on the higher ground intellectually
>s localisation
And people will grow up and realize that not all games are for children. Just like all books aren't for children, all cartoons aren't for children, all movies aren't for children.

The only reason people throw a hissy fit right now is because video games are a young media.
Why is it so hard for localizers to know if fans want a loyal port? They could have changed age of the characters if they wanted to.
you realize that the oceans in xenoblade x are filled with dangerous monsters so there wouldn't be any reason for the characters to use the swimsuits in the first place
If he wanted to he could've fought it. Most people who have to draw loli for cigs probably don't have enough money for a lawyer though.
>This just confirms that dubs and everything related to dubs is fucking cancer
no shit, why else would moot make /s4s/
is the kid there for you to fap if the answer is yes its child porn
>you realize that the oceans in xenoblade x are filled with dangerous monsters so there wouldn't be any reason for the characters to use the swimsuits in the first place
So is the Beach but you don't see idiots trying to stay away from it.

Secondly, Not every part of the fucking Ocean in Xenoblade X has Monsters that want to kill you, especially when half of them don't give a flying fuck about you.

This is the type of people we have to argue with.
They bundle stuff up into one thing and make up scenarios in their head to use an argument.

This is the first time I've read through one of these threads and I'm fucking baffled.

>this argument again
sharks rarely attack beaches these days and are you actually comparing them to a world that's filled with monsters like this
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Doth Vee desire the power?
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>Objectionable game content was making the news circuit as recently as the first when Mass Effect

Mass Effect came out almost 9 fucking years ago you retard. That's not even remotely recent.
I desire a fucking resolution to all the sequelbait Takahashi is laying out. Will power get me that?
>stop using facts
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I want to beat my middle-aged meat to her 13 year old panties to be honest (if you catch my drift)
No it is not. There are many instances where freedom of expression has been cited by judges

>Underage girl in bikini is child porn

Oh boy, I better call the cops and report that underage girls at the beach are illegal porn actors.
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>heart glasses on Lin
I feel pretty good knowing I wasn't the only one who did this.

Didn't Hackahashi say that Xenoblade was a experiment? When will he stop fucking around and start the ride?

You're trying to force the concept of will onto something. That doesn't make it a fact.

I don't know what literature you've read that has brainwashed you into this kind of thinking.
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I really miss when porn actually meant something specific. That goes for most words actually. It may have always been the case but recently I've noticed just how many words come here to die and become nearly meaningless.
>get Ares90
>everything that isn't Telethia or Everquenn dies instantly
>turning all the enemies you meet while exploring Mira into a fucking joke
>Telethia needs hours of mindless farming to than too turn into a fucking joke
who thought this shit was acceptable?
Literally the worst game design I've seen in recent years, the wii game had way better boss design than this, what happened?
those kids are just swimming that's completely different
>You're trying to force the concept of will onto something
no I'm not its the exact opposite
are you dense or just stupid?
This is a very good comment and I quote it solely for this reason.
And? I watch a huge ass monster kill lin for fun. Should I be punished for getting joy at her getting mangled by a giant enemy crab?
of course not what kind of stupid question is that
You can jump into water and swim around in game too, what's your point?
Why not, I'm enjoying a 13 year old getting murdered?
>expecting a voice actress shill to shit talk her boss' decision

of course she says she like it. She probably doesn't care either way.
in a world filled with giant monsters no one in their right mind would choose a swimsuit over power armor
"People are calling it censorship. I call it a paycheck and thus will say anything my Nintendo overlords bid me."
you just said that you were getting a huge ass tity monster killed so you weren't talking about the kid
>what is context?
those kids are out there with their families, for their own enjoyment. they are background to anyone else's lives.

creating and designing an young girl character, and then intentionally putting her in a sexy outfit in a medium designed to entertain young men is the exact opposite. that loli character did not just just "happen" to be in that swimsuit.

AND, if the designers decide that some images are appropriate for some audience, while others are not, IT IS NOT CENSORSHIP. If I decline to shout FUCK in a crowded church, it is not because the churchgoers are censoring me. its because I am not a fucking retard and want to get along with people.

The only will that exists is the will of the creator. You're forcing the concept of will on the character to make it seem like it's something that should be there. It's pretty ass-backwards.
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I don't own a Wii U but Cassandra Morris is a qt and I got to spill all kinds of spaghetti when I got to see her at a con a few months ago.

She was really nice.

You can now shit on me for being a dubfag now.
Check your reading comprehension, amigo. I said I enjoy watching lin die.
no I'm not in fact it was the exact opposite
Iunno, it's lighter and i can imagine that it's easier to swim in than a swimsuit. You can also magically wear the swimsuit visually while wearing power armor mechanically because it's a game
I'll never buy a Wii U.
Is seeing some teenage girl in Lingerie really that important to you, /v/?
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>>0 0 0 0 0
in that case I don' care since violence in a game has no real consequences but child porn is always bad
Not only are you a hypocrite but you also dont know what porn is.
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people take muh censorship seriously.

Personally, I don't give a crap. I'm just glad the game is fun.
Well it's not like you care about the argument, if you did you'd know exactly what that side finds important.
they have full body power armor so using swimwear is really stupid
The bikinis aren't the problem. It's the fact that they take out the bikini because they think they're taking the moral high ground.
was it made to for you to jerk off to
if the answer is yes its porn
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Who else can't get enough of Lin's dank meme about cooking onion-man?
Child porn is illegal anon, teenagers in bikinis are practically an american pastime. Where's the CP you're referring to?
So you're saying we can watch a fictional 13 year old get beaten and killed repeatedly but we can't see a fictional 13 year old in a bikini?
16 and above is fine anything below that is too young
Why would you ask an unimportant question?
Fanservice does not equal porn.

Something being made to be attractive doesnt mean the same thing as "being made to jerk off to."

Ill give you a hint, if the only goal for them was to make something to jerk off to, Japan has a pretty big industry dedicated to just that. Video games are not that industry.

Go to the beach, you see teenagers in bikinis.

Now let's say there was a law forbidding showing any skin to the point where every underage girl is required to wear shorts and a shirt.
The lingerie isn't the problem. It's the fact that they take out the lingerie because they think they're taking the moral high ground.
I hate when people meme so much you hear about it in the media
Bikinis at a beach have a function.

Giving a bikini to some kid in a video game with absolutely no context other than to have her in a bikini is something completely different
people get games like gta to act like a crazy person all the time so video game violence is harmless

The concept of will doesn't apply on fictional characters. So there's no will a character can or can't have in the first place.
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>Fanservice does not equal porn.
semantics that don't matter
So then what you're saying is, violence in video games don't lead to violence in real life but sexual things in video games lead to sexual things in real life?

Why can you have one and not the other?
Nope, but I'm sure it is to some people. And since imaginary teenager in lingerie doesn't harm anybody, there's no reason to remove that.
Can you form an actual reply instead of just typing random responses?

I don't know where the CP is you're referring to. All I've seen is 1cg girl in a bikini, nothing unfamiliar if you're ever seen a throwaway summer movie staring young actors/actresses.
that's what I said

No, they're literally not different in that context.

You can wear a fucking bikini outside of a beach and not get fucking arrested for child porn.

I don't need some company changing shit in a game so it's PRETTY goddamn obvious they did it. It's the fact that it's such a blatantly terrible edit.
How is that semantics? We were literally arguing about what porn was.
The bikini in roleplaying videogame has function of allowing player to roleplay characters being in beach.
one has no consequences the other is used to fuel their vices
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>all these weebs mad they can't spank it to some teenager in bikini

If you really want to there's sad panda or gel
There are beaches in the game, you can go to them. It's not like a default costume or anything. There are lakes and deserts and all sorts of places with sand, sun, and warm air. What's weird about that?
no one uses the bikinis at the beach because the world is filled with huge ass monsters
Both of those could apply to either given your current rational shitposter-kun.
Who are you to say that killing virtual people doesn't fuel somebody's vices as well?
Why can't they be in the game as well? Since they are an optional costume, you could just not equip them. Just like you don't have to look at porn you don't like.
that's entirely different
>this is the only counter argument anyone can come up with
Literally impossible to effectively defend censorship.
inb4 a horde of neckbeards explaining why sexualising 13 year olds is completely normal and won't cause any problems for this game in the united states

this is why ull never have jobs in marketing
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13 years old is prime
why do people care when the characters look so fucking awful? Im serious name a game with worse character design
Can you elaborate? You're being vague as fuck right now.
>Who are you to say that killing virtual people doesn't fuel somebody's vices as well?
millions of people play games gta cod and battlefield I don't see them killing people
But the characters in the game have means to clear off those huge monsters. What if somebody wants to roleplay their party having a nice day-off, goes out of their way to clear the monsters from the beach and then just runs around with everyone in swimming wear.
>Bikinis at a beach have a function.

To make women look attractive.

It's not for swimming. You can swim in clothes or the nude. If you want function you'll get a proper fitting one piece. Why do you think female Olympians wear one pieces that squish their breasts and not bikinis that show both ass and breast cleavage. Because bikinis are frivolous and don't help you swim at all. They are a cosmetic thing only.
>expecting a VA to speak against the people paying her bills
Bikinis are light weight and not absorbent making it easier to enter and exit the water.
Millions of people also play games with attractive characters. You don't see them raping people.
Millions of people jack off to lolicon and don't rape children.
doesn't really make sense when a new group of monsters can attack at any time
>"People are calling it rape, I really see it as rough love with a stranger."
its probably filled with pedos
One pieces are light weight and not absorbent. All a bikini does is show off more skin.
One pieces are more of a hassle to put on.
So? In a hard life of space robot pilot, just a moment of relaxing can reduce lots of stress.
why would they
...What is?
If there where an Olympic medal in goalpost moving you would win a gold fucking medal.
they have a city for that don't they?
So now people are guilty of their thoughts instead of their actions now?

On you slip on one piece of cloth. The other you slip on 2 pieces of cloth and often have to tie. If you don't tie it well it has a chance to come off.

Which one is more of a hassle?
its bad because jerking off to kids is always bad
Making Lin 13 seems like a weird decision in retrospect. She doesn't look or act like a 13 year old. Not sure what the point was.
That argument can be made for the opposition. Someone up the ladder cared enough to change it and I don't like it when people decide what I do or don't care about. I wouldn't have bat an eye at underage bikini usually, but having someone go like "yeah, we're not giving you the underage bikini and boobs slider, you probably wouldn't care for it".

Naw fuck off, I'll decide what I care for or not. I pay good money for something, I don't need some assholes fiddling around in a game thinking they know whether or not I can deal with boobs sliders. No that's fucking stupid.
I'm not the one goal posting.
Right, why would somebody rape somebody because of game? It's just as ridiculous as somebody killing somebody because of a game.
if it involves pedophilia yes
she looks like a 13 year old with fetal alcohol syndrome
>pre-relase Lin is known as a potato
>88% of the game's writing centers on Tatsu being a potato

It's like prose, it slimes.
Real life also has pools, but they are usually packed. It's more fun relaxing in the middle of the nature.
why would anyone rape someone because of a game?
Why? They are not real, and don't look like real children.
>It's just as ridiculous as somebody killing somebody because of a game
Tell that to people who've killed others over WoW or CS
I think Japan's just doing it on purpose just to stir up shit over here.

It's like a really solid troll attempt that gets results and they don't get any shit because "oh those wacky japs are so silly and gross, haha!"
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>"People are calling it rape, I really see it as rough love with a stranger."
>tfw every hentai with "rape" does this
seriously, do Japs not know what real rape is? a lot of it is like you said or just plain rough/good sex with people you know
Fuck if I know, I'm the one arguing that it doesn't happen.
pedophilia is always bad
besides the fact that kids aren't old enough to give consent
Kids can give consent in fantasy realm though, what kind of argument is that?
Reminder that she's a robot.
People kill eachother over most dumbass shit. Rather than blaming it on whatever it was that caused it, maybe it'd be better to think if killer was just crazy.
In a country with such a small amount of rape, people can use it in fantasies. Just how there's no problem over there with a show where high-school kids play pretend gunfights.
I imagine that it all started with angsty rage fuck fantasies in high school because some bitch was mean. The ones who know how to draw probably made it popular and now that's what they think what rape is. It's technically right but it's not supposed to end in "kimochi" and "hips are moving on their own".

That one doujin with the toy story reference had it down pretty well.
It seems the only one here left is a person who can't differentiate between fantasy and reality.

Lets turn him onto guro. Guro is okay right?
>pedophilia is always bad
So is murder but you don't seem to have a problem with killing in video games.

So again. Why is one ok and the other not ok?

Try to come up with more than a one sentence reply this time.
>pedophilia is always bad
How is it pedophilia when only thing that makes them a kid is artist saying "this is a kid"?
>besides the fact that kids aren't old enough to give consent
If an imaginary character becomes old enough to give consent, will they also be allowed to vote?
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