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Demo for Naruto Storm 4 comes out on the 17th. You'll

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Demo for Naruto Storm 4 comes out on the 17th. You'll give it a try, right?
I might.
sfv, an actual real fighting game, has its beta on the 18th, so no, only children will bother with your weeb trash.
For PC as well?
As long as it's not huge, I guess. I don't need to download a 4-5GB demo on my already limited as fuck hard drive.

I played exactly one Naruto game.

I learned that the story is somehow even more retarded than I was expecting, and had no fun whatsoever beyond the sheer "what the fuck is this story" value.
I think so, yeah.

Aw come on, anon. You're supposed to have an opinion of the anime before you try any adaptions. I mean, that's not always true, but maybe it is for Nayrudo.
I'm prolly gonna be maining Salad. She's cool.
She's pre-order bonus, likely won't be in the demo.
I know that, I'm talking about when the game releases. I'll be SaladLover 257.
If it's not Ultimate Storm 2

I don't care

Is the story mode going to be any good?
Storm 2 is probably my least favorite. Going from Storm 1 to 2, I got disappointed from how Ultimate Jutsus got cut down, clashes removed, and wall battle totally missing.

The Story mode was damn good. I kind think Storm 3 did better at that, though
Will there be 2 player vs mode in the demo
Story modes is gonna be great.
It's online I'm worried about.
>stopped caring about Naruto around Rescue Gaara Arc

Did it get any better?
I hope so, but I kinda doubt it.
A little, then it kept spiralling into wtf territory and got straight up confusing toward the end.
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>Being Confused by a shitty Friendship story.
Anon pls.
I agree, but I like it way better than Bleach. One Piece is better, but I personally have more interest in Naruto.
Is it possible to pre order on psn?, i really wanna play as Salad but would rather get it digital instead of a hard copy
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>play Naruto on the 17th
>play SFV on the 18th
why post if you didn't read it?
>have to preorder it to get the code
looool no
>Kaguya isn't a little confusing.
I know you can pre-order digital games on PSN, but the way Bandai handles pre-order bonuses is with a little card inside the game box. Maybe they'll just give you the DLC right with the game for a limited time if you download it digitally, but that's a BIG maybe.
The arcs following Asuma's and Jiraiya's deaths, respectively were pretty good, especially for the standards of this story, albeit the latter fucked up at the very end with a huge copout.
The entire war is pure shit with some very rare good moments sprinkled in.
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Is the Madara Hashirama fight the only thing in the demo?
The games made it sooo much better though. The final battle up to the ending in Storm 3 was really good. Shit had me crying.
Not him, but the same preorder bonuses apply to the Steam version as well and there is obviously no card nonsense with that.
Then again it was only recently that NUNS4 became available for preorder while you could do that on the consoles for months, so maybe part of the delay was them setting it up.
Probably. There could be a 2- player vs mode.
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Reminder that best girl won so hard that it made /a/ like Naruto for a whole month
I thought /a/ hated the shit outta this. I went there one day when the manga was ending. There were threads, but they were full of shit posting.
Muh dick!
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Hiashi just needs hook Hanabi up with Konohamaru and nobody will ever be able to compete with their clan.
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She won so hard there were fairly regular threads for ages.
Plus the Gaiden was fun as well.
Better than having a picture of a bunch of traitors.

I loved how we never see a lovey dovey scene with Hinata.
Well, the endless butthurt from NaruSaku fags helped too
Nobody would have to it would be over for the Hyuuga.

>Best in the generation is dead
>Heir married out
>Spare married out

Once he died the Hyuuga would literally just be no name jobbers
What? Shizune didn't win shit.
>part 1 Naruto (pajamas)
I see they are as focused as ever on making sure the roster is not over-crowded with pointless masses of costumes.

And why does everyone want Hanabi to fuck Konohamaru so badly? She's not even a regular genin and until recently had no actual character. Now that she does have one, it turns out they are both upbeat and energetic, which is not a good sign either.
Then again besides wanting Best Girl to win, I've never really cared about shipperfaggotry.
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>Hinata will never cuddle with me

time to end it
She won being, perhaps, the only chick in Naruto whose motivation isn't centered around The D
Silly anon, Shizune is all woman
Maybe Burrito will help out by marrying a cousin that looks like his qt mom.
>>I loved how we never see a lovey dovey scene with Hinata.
To be fair Gaiden was not originally meant to be a story of its own, just a side thing to be handed out, focusing on Sarada because Bolt got the film.
But yeah, we all know Kishimoto was never going to make any really romantic or touching scene, he is incapable of that.
genetics. After Naruto, Sasuke, and the Hyugas Konohamaru has the best genes in the village.
In which case it would be HER who would become an Uzumaki, not like there's any chance of that with Salad in the picture.

The Hyuuga and the Uchiha will fall, this is the century of the Uzumaki.
All he has is possibly the ape contract and a tendency to become senile with age.
I meant it like people from the Hyuuga clan can still exist for some more generations if Bortty does marry a Hyuuga cousin.

Sure, the Hyuuga's could die out, but at least there will still be white eyeballs around.
I meant there won't BE a clan. The name IS the Clan, once no one calls themselves Hyuuga the clan is dead regardless of who still has their abilities.
Sakura basically already ruined any chance of the Uchiha becoming powerful because she diluted the bloodline.

It only takes one generation to fuck everything up just look at Hashiramas family after his kid that also had Uzumaki blood bred with a no name
this is beautiful
>arrange a matrilineal marriage for Hanabi
>boom, the Hyuuga are secure
>due to established trust, it's easy to marry the new super clan into the Hyuuga over time and integrate their engineered genes into the Leaf's strongest clan
Hiruzen was never senile.

Holy shit, why?
Hiruzen was a massively incompetent, easily played and outplayed retard.
With his dying wish, Asuma told an Akimichi to go on a diet.
It's a clan of morons.
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>because she diluted the bloodline.
The Gaiden reveals that to be entirely untrue.

Salad awakened her Sharingan at an age rivaled only by the greatest of the Uchiha AND it turns out Sakura internalized Tsunade's strength technique so well it became a bloodline of it's own so Salad gets that for free.

Who's she going to marry? She's a scrub so whoever it is will need to be the one bringing something of value to the party.
Speaking of Salad, do we know her english VA yet?

I hope it's Cristina Vee.
>Holy shit, why?
For a series that was primed towards young men and boys as a shounen, the shipping was astronomically high since Naruto as a series has a surprising number of good girls. Combine that with the fact that people were expecting Sakura to eventually get over Sasuke and finally go to Naruto who'd been pining for her since the beginning of the series, and you had the A+ recipe for butthurt when Sasuke fucks Sakura and becomes a one-armed ninja hobo, while Naruto just ditches all attempts for Sakura and goes with Hinata.

Some of the chaos was even starting a little before the epilogue chapter (I think due to character designs being shown, and teaser marketing for The Last having strong implications), but the moment people saw the epilogue, it was like a nuclear explosion.
I don't usually like fighting games but for you, sure bud.
>Sakura internalized Tsunade's strength technique so well it became a bloodline of it's own
And I really don't know why you'd even want a bloodline that guarantees that you will never, ever manage to land an actual hit on anyone unless it's the ground or big stationary object, meaningless filler enemies or a contrived story necessity to placate fans.
>If I can't spam the sub button I don't care
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Because some people are fucking retarded
>they think Himawari is ugly and not a miracle of the universe
>didn't read the Gaiden
>acts as if he did
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Thanks, man.
Haven't played the Storm games, I see.
That's literally exactly what happened in Gaiden. She punched a tiny eye monster and the ground nothing else.
>a clearly bright and talented girl somehow acquired her mother's combat move
>she has also seen her use said technique with her Sharingan if I recall correctly (when she barges in on the bad guy)
>hurr durr why does she have that ability that she could very easily have learned or copied, it must be a new bloodline limit
That reminds me of a really good... Never mind...
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Everyday until CC2 caves in.
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those old hags aren't cute enough
I just want Shizune. Mostly for oinknoink moves.
>Rin's contribution is to blow a kiss and smile
Eh, still more than what Pinkshit did, I suppose.
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I want her to oinkoink me if you know what I mean?
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I hope they go all out on alternate costumes.
Damn, those are sagging.
Every costume from the previous games are available. For additional price.

This is gonna be the last one, so they're probably gonna add loads of new ones too. Hopefully not DoA levels of DLC.
Don't we already know how much stuff is coming out due to the Season Pass?
i can only believe this person shot themselves when it was made official

i mean, gawddaymn
and that is awesome!
I dun know.
Reminds me of that one news story about someone committing suicide.. because Itachi died.
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Just improve the online CC2. It can't be that fucking hard after 5 games.
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The best part is that that one was posted just days before either The Bomb or the Last's album cover was leaked.
On another note I've ran out of pics I bothered to save.
Holy shit, I remember reading that years ago.
Wonder if Bort's is gonna be Mailed Flanagan, too.
the itachi thing was just some unbalanced Russkie.

I would bet vast sums of money that no NSfags would ever kill themselves directly, but the amount of depression-induced binge eating following the end of the series will probably take many tens of years collectively via future diabetes.
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No, I won't play "whoever can Chakra Dash the fastest wins" the game. I'll play SFV, a real fighting game, when it comes out.
Why are people not treating Storm like the casual game it is? Nobody ever said it was better than SFV. There are SFV threads up right now.
Terrible case of get gud right here.
Post best OPs and EDs.

If the main focus of the gameplay is fighting, then that's what I'll judge it on.
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>Looks like it's finally gonna happen.
What are they talking about? I only know of one bench scene in the whole series.
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I'm dying!!
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Are you insinuating that just because a fighting game is a bit simpler it doesn't deserve to be a fighting game?
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This is the best one..
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