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New Guilty Gear Xrd Thread Remember Faultless Defense is

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New Guilty Gear Xrd Thread

Remember Faultless Defense is an actual thing
where's the west coast lobby
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>win bad players
>lose to good
reposting for help
currently full
For newbies who keep asking "I don't know what I'm doing". See below.

>Guilty Gear Crash Course

>For those wanting a written IDEA on the difficulty on using the characters are. It DOESN'T MEAN YOU SHOULDN'T USE WHO YOU WANT TO USE.

>For those looking how a certain character is played by top players:
(click on "Select a Character" for your character of choosing.)
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I'd leave to give you a space but i'm the host
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>Faultless Defense

god damn it I need to replay that tutorial thing
Thanks again
You need to not have obvious jumps or know the air grab range of your opponents character. May has a decent grab range in the air but loses to sol and sin. She can bully characters with smaller ranges though like elphelt
Anyone know of a Leo guide that goes more in depth than:


Mostly looking for examples of blockstrings/hitconfirm pressure and when to use what and what is safe, + or punishable.

Watching Zidane and Tomo videos are nice and all but it doesn't really help if I don't know the purpose behind what they are doing half the time.

How do you beat newbies just mashing buttons... god I hate fighting games
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>challenge combo require green dauro

If you want help or advice I am willing to give it but don't just bitch and whine because you aren't winning. Ask what the issue us. There are a lot of people in the lobby and I can't keep track of everyone's habits that quick to give a lecture on.
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>Story Mode.
>It's actually just story.

I kinda like that.
I gotchu senpai


>Written Guide

>Video Guide
Is there no real lobby to move around and join games in on the pc version?
What a bunch of sluts.
>Sonyngger game now on PC
Mash JP and pray.

Who the fuck cares faggot, take your shitposting elsewhere if you won't play
FUCK. It should have been you. Check this.
>wakeup DP
Your welcome senpai, have fun.
block and punish
Demonik is final boss tier.
Why are you posting about yourself?
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>gets hit by it
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>mfw no akuma in GG
I have realized that the guy fits into every fighting game and just works.
Even DFC.
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reminder that you are all wonderful people who are fun playing with even if you go 1-20 in a sitting, in which case look forward to seeing you improve each round with much happiness

god bless us everyone

please learn to dolphin/beach ball may scrubbers get dat oki/RC game going https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhSOsErm-c8 you can do it believe

He won't work in GG or even BB. He's too generic martial arts guy and needs various quirks in his design or personality.

Hell even Jam is borderline boring if it weren't for the fact that she's a restaurant owner who uses food as buffs
>who uses food as buffs
The fuck. Sin is the one like that.
can anyone beat this fucker
Is Gold burst worth a use or should I save it for regular burst?
thanks f@m
Whoever is hosting has shit connection
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I'm not buying it when GG has characters like Ky and Anji and BB has characters like Azrael who is as fucking generic as it gets.

Akuma has proven himself in almost any type of fighting game system so far, even airdasher shit like MVC.
His powerlevel also scales because of his superboss appearances.
If Akuma is not enough go Shin Akuma. If Shin Akuma is not enough go Cyborg or Oni.
Fucker can keep up with Asura if he wants to.
Reminder that I-No is pure!
Is there an EU-room up?
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Guys, every time i try to type in lobby chat my game crashes? is it a known bug or its just on my end.
I'm sure Akuma has an Alt costume that would be Anime enough
Purer than >>319985521 that's for sure.
Why does this game not look like it's 60 fps?
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Not sure if I should stay with Ky.
I like his core gamplay because I like me some HONEST characters but he looks like such a queer and it has been haunting me for years.

Because its immitating 2D and 2D fighters dont have one 60fps animations either, just 60fps gameplay.
Have you guys never played 2D shit?
>nips are so racist that gook speak causes crashing
It's a design choice. You will get used to it.

The game is animated in keyframes instead of using interpolation, to achieve a more anime-esque look (since anime is typically animated at 24FPS or less)

The game itself is full 60FPS, as you can tell from the smooth camera movement
They hand-placed the animations, it's not usual 3D keyframe-style stuff
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Almost got a round on him

You guys really need to watch this when asking why they did, what they did.
RamRam best grill fám
Guilty Gear Xrd is one of the prettiest games I've ever seen. I'm not even that big into anime, either. And I hear Revelator is making improvements to the engine by giving it nice lighting and such?

>Akuma too generic

Mate half of GG's cast could be labelled "Generic anime dude".
Someone stop Ogawa's streak or something.


What? This isn't Blazblue. Most of them are fairly original when you take into account the majority of the characters were made in the 90s.
I'm a noob SF fag and a mustard rice too, and I'm very interested into playing GG.
Should I wait for Revelator on PC ? I don't have a stick yet so 360 pad or keyboard ?
There's also clothing damage IIRC

le unblockable chink
>Should I wait for Revelator on PC ?
No. It won't come for maybe 2 years after releasing the console version.
yeah, just like this one

Considering ArcSys is porting 5 games to PC in 2016, I think that Revelator may come sooner than that.
He's too autistic to lose

>Not generic anime dudes

Revelator won't be out for awhile.

And even if it is, it won't be the last version of the game. I'm guessing you're not familiar with Arcsys games, but if you are planning on waiting for the final version of the game, come back in 2024or something. Just look at Blazblue and X2.
Ky, May, Jam. Who else?
That sucks, I'm too autistic to play a version of the game that isn't the most recent one. Thanks for the answers

Guilty Gear X came out in 2000, and was the first game that used the sprites which were retained throughout the entirety of the X and XX series.

Guilty Gear Accent Core +R released in 2012, 12 years after Guilty Gear X.

If you apply the same lifespan to Xrd, then the final Guilty Gear game that will make use of Xrd's assets will release in 2026.
It's really far from what I would call generic, actually the term "generic" is fucking stupid and no one seem to use it correctly anymore.

Maybe you meant overdesigned. Because it's pretty much 90's anime overdesigned art direction in a nutshell.
Sign is the most recent one that you can play outside of arcades though
Well at least you know you are autistic about it.

You will never play Guilty Gear.

Hell, even if you own a Japanese PS4, depending on how you stretch the definition it is within the realms of possibility that Revelator's console release overseas will be timed beside the announcement for the following arcade version.

The expectation is to buy the most recent when it comes out. Arcsys are scumbags.

But it is the most recent one right now. Revelator won't even be out on consoles for something like 5 or 6 months or something. And longer on PC. So at the very least, you'll be getting a decent playtime for almost half a year on the most recent version.

This. Blazblue has to be getting up there now, too, doesn't it? I was never interested in that series, but heard bad things in that regard.
Their models can scale so I doubt that they will ever truly let go.
I'd expect engine changes like with Revelator at most.
You westerners will always be playing an outdated version anyway.

So what's the point? Unless you get yourself a japanese console you will never play the most recent one.
I would understand if it was 60$. But the game right now costs fucking 24$. 24 fucking dollars and you mustards STILL don't want to shell out on it.

The new iteration will come in 6 months. That fucking 4$ per month for your enjoyment. Jesus fucking Christ.
What >>319988071 said, just buy the game so we can get another
Calm your tits retard, that has nothing to do with being a mustard or not
I think we've hit the point of diminishing returns where any improvement on the character graphics at least will be far too much work for far too little result.

I'd rather just see the roster keep growing. Come on, 50 fighter game.

>Bought the game
>Dead as fuck day 2
>Only 17k copies sold on PC

Is the Hori Fighting Commander 4 good? Will it just werk on PC?
Is this really the pinnacle for 2d though? Well this kind of 2d graphics was what everyone was actually dreaming of it could be. Still, I wanna know if there is more that can be improved.
I really dont think that bloating the roster is a great idea.
SF4 got really hard to get into by the time Ultra came out.

Tekken Tag 2 with its 60 or something characters was even worse because not only did they come with much more moves you need to learn to deal with, but it also made you learn two complex characters.

I do think that we need another grappler though. Only Potemkin isnt enough.

I actually hate how they moved to 3d but still retained the low frame rate animation. This game would look 10x more glorious if everything animated smoothly rather than intentionally dropping the key frames so it looks more like an anime.
Why are steam users so fucking stingy, it's really not that expensive and you can get refund if you don't like anyway
That's what I believe too. There is even a segment in their GDC presentation where they showcase the full 60 fps animation instead. And it looks way better. Hand-drawn doesn't come off as low-frame rate even when it is due to different techniques used.
Heading off to bed in 30 minutes and taking the server down with me, savor these final moments

Agreed. I detest character roster bloat. It's one of the worst things for a fighting game. Why would you ever want or need 50 characters? All they do is start overlapping in terms of style and moves and it drives away anyone to get into the game because there's just too many characters by that point. It's intimidating for newer players to try and learn that many characters and matchups. Hell, it's not even fun for high level players. Who the hell wants to be learning 50 matchups to play? Tekken 6 is a good example. I wanted to get into Tekken 6 at one point, then someone told me to be good you have to learn all 40+ matchups and I basically just said, nah screw that.

Quality > quantity.
Isn't that normal?

>here is even a segment in their GDC presentation where they showcase the full 60 fps animation instead.

Oh cool gonna watch that now.
Yeah, it's good i have it and it just works on pc.
I've heard good things about it and it should work on PC. However I don't know if it's a good controller to play GG with.
Doesn't Jack O at partially a grappler?
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Playing in the lobby makes me realize how trash I am. Fuck...
No. She's a tower defense monster.

To save you guys some time.

Personally, I actually like the decision they went with. I prefer the limited look, it makes reading every frame easy and it adds a lot of style even if it's less traditionally pleasing.
Does I-No have any real big combos? It seems like everything is just 3 or 4 hit mixups with her dash into chemical love
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>can't choose between Axl, Faust, Sin or Bedman
I dont get it. 24€ was a nobrainer.
60€ standard is too much for a multiplayer game you might not enjoy, but this here is pennies.

Hell you can even get it for less on G2A.
Just pick the 2 you like most and work on them as main/sub
Is there a /v/ EU lobby up or should I make one?
>highly technical

Huh, I took to him right away. Something just clicked when I started playing him.
That happens a lot people just click to a certain character which is why it's always good to try the entire roster before settling
Character bloat sucks but it may be an inevitability with Guilty Gear. They're probably going to reuse the Xrd assets for a long time, and I imagine they're going to be putting out roughly annual releases.

We're at 6 new characters with Revelator, including Sin. We can probably assume most of if not all of the previous cast will return at some point, with one new cast member in every installment.

As long as they're reusing assets it's probably impossible for them to justify removing characters in successive versions. Worse yet, losing a main in Guilty Gear is much harder than usual since everybody plays so wildly differently.

I do want another grappler but now I'm kind of wondering if they decided that it was going to be treated as Potemkin's specific niche.
Because for most people fighting games are not fun, even more of less so with stranger over online

Usually people enjoy fighters if it's locally with friends, not with a bunch of tryhard randoms
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I still can't combo
They could make a hybrid grappler like Alex
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Search ID: 83eu

EU lobby
this is the kind of thinking that caused me to miss out on every Blazblue after the first one

fuck that, i'm fine with being a version behind
i'm casual anyway

Given the rate that these games are being ported to PC I wouldn't be surprised if Revelator is out by the end of 2016 or early 2017

and this is the latest version of Xrd too
it could be worse, we could be European
you got something like this for Ram or Venom? Thanks kind anon!
I fucken gotchu wit Ram f@m

>Written Guide

Well if we are going by Pachi's mentions. There won't be another grappler UNLESS it's a new character.

>you like the most
>can't choose
yeah perfect
I was annoyed finding out that story mode was just a glorified slide show, but now that I'm actually watching it, I'm happy they did what they did.

Fighting game story modes have always been a huge mess. Mortal Kombat had the best one I could think of, but even then it felt like a lot of it was just useless padding to add in fights.
Thanks f@m!
I think handling the story like it's done in Xrd is much better than what we had so far where they really had to shoehorn the battles in. Seems like they accepted fighting game gameplay just doesnt play nice with story so just shove in a movie and stop trying to work the story around the gameplay.
Story mode was nice actually. It gets boring when you have to fight which actually makes no sense sometimes. Like you said, it's just padding.
Lobby is up and running.
>tfw no schoolgirl alt for ramlethal
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Apparently some anon told he was doing some 10K screenshots requests here. So I'm requesting color 2 Ram, like th eon I draw on MS Paint.
I'm having a weird bizarro problem. I want to play Husbando Gear, but Elphelt Megawaifu Valentine is the only character that's working for me.
Then play her nigger.
She's the best character in the game, her corner pressure is insane.
Good games to everyone in the west coast lobby!
I hope they unfuck Ram in the console version of Revelator. She didnt deserve to be raped that hard when she wasn't even a top 3 character while those characters went untouched.
anyone hosting usa west?
How did she get nerfed?
>I only watched anime on TV and crunchyroll
Sol is a blatant (but cool) Gary Stu self insert. A Queen loving super scientist who easily transitions to becoming a bounty hunter super soldier prototype that's actually the strongest because fuck you.

Chipp's gimmick is REALLY not original, the North American weeaboo that shouts random English and goes NIPPON ICHI, JAPAN IS NUMBAH ONE out of naive iginored is a time honored gimmick. It's just that common variation now is the innocent waif, and Chipp actually is good at being a ninja.
Shit, look at Galford from Samsho.

And I could go on.
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I thought when we left off on AC+, Venom was trying to murder Millia.

Why the fuck are they friends now? Do they go out for tea and gay shopping or something?
ggs to the people from the west coast lobby, if anyone wants system advice i can help out a bit but i'm not really familiar with most characters outside of sol and some slayer stuff
How did you do that crazy corner combo with Sol?
Really wish they'd done more character redesigns, Millia and Potemkin turned out fantastic.

Venom should've worn his story mode jacket.
To those who need the basics of basics of a certain character go here.


Just click the character portrait and you will know what to do with the rest.
Man, I main her, and the more I play with her, the less I think she sucks.
You just can't imagine how OP and retarded she was on 1.0.
On 1.1 she lost damage and some retarded stuff, forcing you to play smartly. And she also gained tools like the 5KP that isn't jackshit.
And when you see how some guys like TheArm yesterday performed, I'd almost say she's almost fine.
his jumping dust puts the other opponent into a pretty long untech state and recovers fast enough that if you do one right as you jump, you can land another one before you land. after that it's just doing fafnir as soon as you land or doing a running jump to do another dustloop into whatever finisher.
>After several years, Milia Rage found out that Zato is somehow alive and goes to check it out. Milia made peace (sort of) with the Assassin's Guild which is under the leadership of Venom as Slayer retired.

Trust me, I've watched plenty of anime, even imported video tapes way back in the 90s.

Using Sketchbook Kate is a bad example, because even using the manga version, Guilty Gear's original cast, which includes Chipp STILL predates it by about 5 years.

So yes, the majority of the cast were fairly original for the time they were released.
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I guess new room
It sucks that that there is no host migration for lobbies.
They took away all of her good combos and her oki. They made sword setups worse because nobody was actually carrying the swords since they were so shit and the small buffs they did give the carried swords barely changed anything.

So she went from a top 5 character to bottom 2 with Potemkin.
I don't get it
She is still scary if you get hit by her. There's a reason she's one of the characters where people should be holding their burst for.
As a person who mains Faust and subs Ky/Axl play Faust/Axl. Both have alot of overlapping similarities in their neutral/approach. Bedman is pretty much a pure devote character because of his unique mobility/not easy to use tool set. Sin is for fag lords who wanna autopilot then blame matchups when people block them for more then 2 strings and they can't properly eat.

Is she really that bad, or is this just people overreacting? I was watching NEC earlier and 2 Ram players made top 8. And there was like 180 entrants or something.

Yeah, I know American players aren't the best at the game, but if 2 Ram players are making top 8, she can't be all that bad, can she?
I dont think you understand just how shit America is at anime fighters.
And Samsho predates it by five years.
Actually read the paragraph.

Kate was just an example of the goofy Japanophile archetype's current form, as I said. While Guilty Gear started in 98. It's like praising Sailor Moon for being original as a lovesick shoujo protagonist with a great destiny.
Id say shes bottom 3. Slayer and Potemkin are both worse. Ram still has more neutral then either and isn't quite as lopsided despite being shit herself. I don't see how shes worse then Slayer who has almost no fucking tools to get in outside of spending meter on dashes.

That being said atleast Ram had a godlike point so when they hopefully unnerf her they have a point to build towards. Slayer/Potemkin feel trapped like ASW is afraid to give them buffs because they could go from bottom to broken so fast because of their close up tool sets.
Its America yes but its also GG. No matter how shit a character is excluding current edition Jam its possible to win with them. GGs mechanics make it inherently possible to make comebacks as long as you have meter/creativity and fundamentals. Its not like SF where sometimes you can be fucking doomed at the character select. Even Potemkin players can beat Sin/Zatos so anything is possible.

One of the reasons i love the game so much.
>Slayer/Potemkin feel trapped like ASW is afraid to give them buffs because they could go from bottom to broken so fast because of their close up tool sets.

I read somewhere that Potemkin only needs one of his moves buffed that if it happens, he'll jump straight to high tier.
The problem isn't really that Ram got nerfed it's that Millia, Zato, and Elphelt went completely untouched. Especially Millia and Elphelt since they just play themselves while Zato needs to actually know what he is doing to be good.
She's pretty bad, but to be fair, she's still perfectly viable in tournaments. There're just a lack of people who main her at the top end. Slayer and Potemkin still appear in major tournaments and even their mains know they're bad.

I don't know if the balancing team is really on the ball or what. Guilty Gear's always had a lot more competitive variety than most fighters for some reason.
>Always wanted to get into fighting games
>Never am able to do combos and end up mashing buttons
Probably somebody saying that giving his 2S vacuum would fix him. I have no idea, you'd have to look at that list FAB put out
Question for BBCPEX players - is catgirl Dr. Doom good? I heard she was hideously OP on release but then got nerfed into the ground.
Nigga combos are the last thing you need to learn to be good at fighters.
>Potemkin 2S vacuum

That's fucking scary as shit.

Either they give him 2S vacuum or remove the blow away of Heat Knuckle. The point of Heat Knuckle was dropping the opponent in front of you for another reset. With the blow away there is literally no point in not going for Heat Extend
Fuck that mentality. I hate Elp/Millia/Leo despite tier placement because they inherently play autopilot as fuck. But i'll never agree with the nerf philosophy. Ram got fucked simple as that and she didn't deserve it. The entire cast shouldn't get fucked too she should just get unfucked. Millia/Elphelt are just hateable autopilot whores because their movesets by nature dictate that. Making them bad so people won't use them is a anti fun faggot move.

Its the whole reason i went from hype to no hype in SFV it feels like since the Laura build/Beta 2 build nerf after nerf is being shoved down peoples throats especially Ryu. It went from looking like a ST/Alpha love child to looking like 3s got fucked by SF4 in a bad way.

I'm sorry but fuck that the problem is Ram got nerfed. If Millia/Elp got nerfed too people would then target Faust/Zato then target again and again until the game is pile of plain mush with plain ass fucking tools. What makes GG so great is the creators realize some movesets are inherently better utility wise. Ky doesn't play like Zato but Zato controls most of the screen at a shit ton of times and has great neutral. Ky is linear and relies on locking people down with repeat pressure/fundamentals. One just turned out better. Balance faggots are a cancer who think a game can't be competitive unless everyone is plain as fuck.

Thats even more to my point

I tried picking up skull girls, the moment I go online, I feel the anxiety of it and get absolutely smashed to the ground.

I'll stick to easy :(

Right now? She's pretty OK, although she was immensely broken the time she came out and slightly needed thebpatch after. Now she's fixed but she needs a bit of effort to won now which is totally fine by me
You're not gonna be Ogawa over night dude, start simple then slowly work your way up
Skullgirls is one of the hardest fighters to get into, along with Mahvel.

Would you guys recommend this for starters?

My experience with fighters were tekken as a kid and DoA on xbox 360. Its a genre I'd love to get into
It's okay, just find a good friend to scrub it out with repeatedly even if you end up losing 40 games to 1. You just need the tenacity and determination to git gud.

>Tfw start out with X2 using Sol/Ky as training wheels and having to go up against Baiken
>46 match losing streak
And personally, I'd recommend Guilty Gear as a good starter, yeah. It's the one fighting series that is the most fun at all levels of play, the tutorial is really good and actually explains shit and they streamlined a lot of stuff in Xrd and there's plenty of character with minimal execution barrier for starters.
>could not find room
>FAB list

The story surrounding that is still funny to date. I feel sorry for him though. Still, I wouldn't want a grappler that is top tier.
Honestly, any place you start when you are new to fighters is gonna be a bit of a slog.
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Does Slayer have any ground comboes that just aren't varying amounts of S into Mappa Punch?

You're not alone anon.
I turn into a deer in headlights the second the foe goes on the offense.
But I'm gonna try to tough it out once I'm done with studies this week.
FAB didn't want to make him top tier though, his changes were all aimed at making him solid and usable, straight-up mid tier. Poor guy, though, yeah, ASW never ever wants #reload to happen again
any us lobby?
Strangely, getting married and having a kid has only made Ky's relationship with Sol suspiciously intimate.
This is your threadly reminder to complete all the challenges for whatever character you're interested in
Skullgirls having a great tutorial for competitive play is practically a meme.

It's more just a great crash course.
The amount of difficult reads and team reliance never isn't known to the average player, and the peak game play shown in tournaments is basically nonexistent outside its own fanbase.

If you like the general feel, go back to it, but stay focused on learning matchups and neutral in a 1v1 fighter first.

Xrd is actually a great startup since they removed a lot of weird skill gates to the execution. Also while the game is fast, it compliments all player fighting styles fairly well outside corner turtling.
Okay fags I'm getting this game now. Is the tutorial good ? Are there any people in Europe West ? I'm a fucking scrub playing on keyboard so bear with me.
Are the DLCs still free ?
I would. I find that the fighters with the biggest barriers to entry are ones with large rosters. It's why I never recommend USFIV to newcomers.
As long as hes still hard to utilize which i'm sure he will be because his run pressure/optimal play is technical as all hell i wouldn't mind. Definitely better then fighting Elphelt/Millia/Leo 2 of which require hardly any execution and can be picked up in a day or two if experienced and are annoying as shit to fight.

I'm biased as fuck against Leo though. I have no issue fighting one in 1-2 frame delay and offline but Leos normally dwell in shit connections like 5-6 frames of delay. Still beat them with my subs alone most of the time but i hate that character. Hes free as fuck to IBs but in delay its like a coat of armor around his autopilot ass.

My favorite shit is when Leos complain. Hes basically a lower tier Elphelt. His gameplan is too block with his face and try and get in and vortex you. They think they deserve to be bumped up to top 5 too for whatever reason.
i hope it's a mech

What are you even talking about, Skullgirls' mechanics are incredibly simple and intuitive compared to some of the esoteric shit Guilty Gear has (not to fault Guilty Gear for having it, though)

"I got my shit pushed in by pros" does not equal "this game is hard to learn"
S to sweep for that juicy oki
laptop keyboard
don't you at least have a USB controller

Have fun being unable to do any move that requires you to press more than 2 buttons fampai

That's like all shitty characters. I played Johnny for a long time, and in AC+ he was literally the worst; 0-21 matchups. But eventually you just fins the handful of things you can make work with him, and melt people with that.
Just because the mechanics are basic doesn't mean that the barrier to entry isn't high. New people would have trouble playing one character at that speed, much less three.
Anon for the love of god atleast get a plug in controller even a DS4 or 360/Xbone one Jesus. No matter what anyone says Keyboards are not viable for fighting games to a respectable level.

Its not bashing its just the truth. Ill take M+KB in so many genres but no fighters/action games
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I will one day, sempai

Hope you're doing 2K>2D (knockdown)/into Under Pressure okizeme. You can delay UnderPressure into It's Late or you can do Helter Skelter instead for a crossup.
>I'm biased as fuck against Leo though.
Please. Everyone should hate that fuck.

That's why there's a saying. "If you want to just beat up people, learn Leo. If you want to learn the game, pick anyone else."

He's the BB character of the game.
Does May have any good midscreen combos at all or is she spending the entire match just trying to get that sweet sweet dolphin wallsplat?
I never understood why people looked down on keyboard schemes. I don't play with one except when it's the only scheme available, but it always seemed really solid to me. Execution was easy to pick up on it and it feels like it wouldn't be hard to get away with some complicated shit with effort. I imagine inputs aren't really much different from typing out sentences.

Let's try this.

Anon, hold down both SHIFT keys and type "THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG"

Let's see how bad it is. If every character doesn't come out, it's probably best to get something else, or prepare for suffering.
I remember people on /v/ literally crying when they first shown the new designs
>tfw I can't even win against bots

Maybe fightan games just aren't for me.
>He's the BB character of the game.
What's Elphelt?

There's already people crying about Elphelt in Revelator.
/v/ always cries.
How so? Isn't it similar to hitbox with the right config?
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>Really wish they'd done more character redesigns

Never wish that on anyone you fucking monster especially after Jams fivehead

ayy lmao, canceling purchase right now
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Same happened with Potemkin and Baiken.

While I'm not upset about the roster of Xrd, I do really miss Baiken.

It's not so much the keyboard part as it is the laptop. Most laptop keyboards are garbage. Especially for fighting games, you want a decent keyboard. Something like a mechanical keyboard with 10 key rollover. Hell, I tried playing on a laptop keyboard for SF4 once and it was impossible to do an ultra because it could not register 3 keys being pressed at the same time.
You know what i hate most about him? How stance 5K inherently is low invincible. He bypasses doing a proper meaty low to bait out wakeup throw which is a fucking basic GG fundamentals. Hes a character designed to be picked up by the dumbest of the dumb. Hes not great and has a mediocre neutral but learning him is too fucking easy. His execution/blockstrings/approach are all easy as fuck to grasp.

If Leo ever becomes top 5 legitimately top 5 like Elphelt ill fucking snap my disc. Elphelt takes 10x more in the neutral then that chucklefuck and ill stand by that and shes fucking dumb as shit too. Every Leo including Zidane is usually whiny as fuck too. Like he deserves more when hes solid and braindead.

Dacidbro is probably the only Leo who says hes solid and well rounded and loves him for it. Its funny because its pisses Zidane off. Fuck that character. Not even mad at Leo offline/good connection cus i can IB him but before i learned the MU he was hell for no good reason and Leos are just people who don't wanna learn the fuck core aspects of the game.

Even Japs have dropped off using him alot since they know the fucking game and can just play better oki characters that take understanding. Zidane is the only GG player i know who uses him and knows GG well. And i'm sure its because Leo is probably the most like Anji currently which is sad as fuck.

She's just too good. But you still have to do shit with her. I don't care what you guys say. Knowing Berry and Shotgun won't save you even as a beginner.

The biggest gripe on her is her hurtbox. It's literally like a goddamn stick.
Zappa already looks ridiculous though, why does he wear a thong and shorts over a skintight jumpsuit?

How the hell do you play any type of difficult or competitive game on that piece of trash?

Surely you can just buy a cheap keyboard with n key rollover or a game pad and plug it in?
Because you might as well using a hitbox then because it conforms to the hand easier. Also i'm skeptical since every single keyboard player who i've ever seen at a tournament/locals can't do jack shit in a real match despite repping it.

Hitbox scares the shit out of me though. It makes things inherently impossible on a controller/stick possible since you can input some things far faster then the clocked frames it takes to input some things. Such as a 720 or certain cancels being near instant.
This one is just bad.
Maybe they should put those clothes onto the ghost woman or something.
I thought BB was leaving a bad influence on GG when I saw Elphelt, but after seeing her in game and learning about her character, I am very happy with her presence in the cast.

Easy or not, her playstyle is really unique and her mechanics are interesting to play with. Her personality is much less uguu than I thought, she's about on level with Chipp in terms of how crazy she is.

Fuck Leo though.
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playing I-No sucks. she's a lot more accessible than she was in X2 but they crippled so many of her moves that it doesn't really matter. I'm having a hard time seeing the point doing some execution-heavy combo and realising it does less damage than a simpler combo from almost any other character.

since she's so mixup/okimeme based she essentially feels like a worse version of millia.
>Is the tutorial good ?
One of the best in the genre, though it's still not perfect. There's a post early in the thread with a youtube playlist you should check out.

>Are the DLCs still free ?
I play street fighter and it's not that bad. I get bodied because I'm bad but not because of my execution.
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>spent all day losing yesterday
>didn't care was having lots of fun

>play a single match today
>get bodied by a ky player
>rage hard, salty as fuck, quit the game

The magic is gone.
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Leo has no strikingly problematic matchups.

Man, the shotgun pressure is the most braindead shit I've seen in this game. The worst thing is that it works at every fucking level. I get opened by this shit, noobs get opened by this shit, even pros get opened by it.
The guy can pressure you to death with that crap, and the way to can escape his to take some serious risks.

Elphelt is very uni-dimensional, same goes for Leo. Both of those twats needs some serious tweaks.

I guess you just bind 3 kicks and 3 punches and throws to one key? I guess that makes sense and you could do that in Xrd as well, but it's still pretty terrible and not ideal for either game. But if it worked for you in SF4, it should be the same here for the most part.
I-No would probably be my waifu if she didn't have that disgusting mole. I literally cannot play her like that.
I'm doing alright so far though
Leo is the ElFuerte of GG and i stand by this statement. He plays almost no neutral and just attempts to get in with a lazy coin toss game. Hes not quite as hard to look at doing it but both are about the same gameplan wise. Both are also no notable tier list wise but garner the hatred.

I beat most Leos but its never a fun fight just like ElFuerte its a fight of trying to play well then try to do the same thing every single match.
Exactly what I did, since it's included in the controller settings it's not illegal so I binded focus, throw 3P and 3K to 1 button each.
Millia is the only pure setplay character that's allowed to be good.

Ram was close to taking her crown so they fucked her up the butt. I-No knew her place from the start.
room where ;-;
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Its fun because its true though and it pissed Zidane off to hear it. But i wanna hear one MU Leo has worse then a 6-4 in. Ky/Axl/Faust fuck with him but he has ins with all those matchups. His neutral is not Potemkin/Slayer tier where he can be kept at bay all of the game sometimes depending on the MU.

Fuck Leo. Leo players are just Marvel players who failed at playing Marvel so they go into another game to do it.
>the shotgun pressure is the most braindead shit I've seen in this game.

I'm not going to even debate on that. But at least right now, there are ways to actually escape it and you are highly rewarded with it.


Leo though, Jesus. He's not even fun to play against.
Hitbox costs $150+ though.
Where you live?
I can make one right now if you're west coast.
I can't believe I laughed at this. It is true though.


Don't give up. It's a hard genre. Losing is a part of getting better.
I'm in lower Ontario.

Story mode is really just story? Here i was avoiding it because i did not want to play branches like it was in blazblue.
ayy lmao
Anyone wanna host a SEA room for that anon?

The only difference between hitbox and keyboard is button size and spacing. To reject one and consider the other scary is stupid
>Leo parry
>Almost all moves
>High or low at the same time
>Free super into hard kd hit confirm in corner or brings to corner if mid screen.
>Parry is so fast Leo's often try to do parry into parry to catch people
>Parry has to be punished as its frames are ending and has no real punish window when disappeared.

I hate it so much. Its such a fucking child tier tool. Its designed so anyone can use it when they first pick the character. I get he can't block or jump in stance. But his normals become insanely good and parry is just fucking stupid with them.

Leo isn't top tier by any means but hes hands down the easiest in the game and i'll fight anyone who says otherwise. He has nothing that takes mastery.
Yep. Pure story. Start to finish takes around 4-5 hours if I remember correctly.
Yeah, it's just a poorly done anime that runs at an eye blazing 20 frames per second.

No wonder you get an achievement for sitting through it.

I'm still here yeah, if anyone's down with a SEA room I'm game
I'm west coast and would jump in
Man, I don't think that there are MUs worse than 6-4 in GG, not counting Pot who may have a 7-3 versus Axl.
The thing is with Leo, when you get in, you're in. And when you're in, you're gonna fuck shit up.
Because I, as a Ram player, i barely have any trouble in neutral with him, meaning you can easily zone the fuck out of him with ranged chars.
But yeah, he's as braindead as Ram 1.0 was. Neutral not so good, but setplay fucking you hard

>there are ways to actually escape it and you are highly rewarded with it.

Escaping it is not a huge problem for me, since I need less that two rounds to figure out how the elph player deals with it.
The thing is, yes, it's baindead as fuck.
>elphelt shotgun pressure
just blitz shield it into IK lmao
your opponent is doing the most predictable repetitive shit ever that's what blitz is designed for.
[Pounding chest intensifies]
Gotcha. SEA room jh7o
>mfw main Leo in GG and Azrael in BB
I fucking hate Stance > H to Super. Holy shit. Look at that damage. You can also almost cancel to super from it even you take a while to input it. The fuck.
>just blitz shield
Yeah, and get baited and c.grabbed. Best idea.
I only play high skill characters

like May
>one semi quick overhead
>50% meter
>280 dmg and a hard kd into reset situation
>Leo players want buffs

AAHAHAHHAHA FUCK! Saving the webm just to make myself remember why i hate Leo on nights i rape shit ones.
Pretty sure pot has 7-3s vs at LEAST axl and zato, maybe venom and i-no too

Well I think Blitz Charge in Revelator was an answer to this. Dunno if it works though.
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How the fuck do I fight against leo when he charges he stupid attack and then starts dashing behind it? All I know is to block I tried jumping but that needs exact jump

It's like one standard deviation away from BlazBlue stylish mode
double jump or jump jump over?
>tfw new to GG and considered using Leo because sick design
I'll just stick to Chipp then, I don't want to make you upset guys
You can actually do another STAHRU WIRBERU at the second stance S instead of going into the rekka finisher and go from there. Huge waste of meter, though.

Alright gimme a sec
Super jump*
Depends on character, Venom can QV to absorb it
Speaking of Zato, I forgot how painful he is to fight with a Slayer. That's another 7-3 MU.

Ogawa (I guess) put Sin and Elph at top thanks to charge blitz lel
Chipp is just as bad if not worse. Bullshit teleport mixups and deals ridiculous amount of damage.
Fuck these people desu senpai. Just play whoever you want to/like.

No offense everyone else.

>Potemkin Buster was nerfed in the same game that this is possible in

just shoot me now

What specific region is this in SEA?
Doesn't he have the fastest overhead at 18 frames?
Welcome to fighting games
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I think I'll just do this >>319994286
Not like you will have trouble against me anyway.
Just play what you want. I'd recommend Sol or Ky for training wheels though since they teach you fundamentals a lot better than Leo ever will.
How about for Elph?
So is this worth £20 then? How many players are on it? Whats the general skill level for /v/ and how hard will this be to pickup for someone who's good at SF/Marvel/Tekken/SG but has never played GG
Well anon i now hate him more i was just giving him the benefit of the doubt from looking at it and assuming it was like 25-30 frames.
Can you read the fucking thread you faggot
>rip heavenly potemkin buster
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Playing since yesterday

So far my fav characters are Sanic, Gitaroo-woman, CYKA waifu, and Marth
Before release I always thought I'm gonna main May but she is lackluster in comparison.

In general this game is fucking good. More fun than Blazblue so far and the music is amazing.
I just wish there would be a bigger roster

>playing Chipp

There are more people playing the PC version right now than all the other versions combined

If you have prior experience in fighters then the pickup will be easier
Prepare to do lots of nothing but get your shit slapped and rage.
This game has no combos, or anything save for a few characters. It's just a chain skill spam fest with some characters completely out classing others.
End game consists of just two OP characters and everyone else is a shit.

I highly recommend it.
How much do I need a fight stick or pad to git gud? I'm using a 360 controller dpad atm, it's hard to be precise.
I didn't get the "ryu treatment" while learning street fighter, but now I'll have to get it in GG so I'll do that, thanks.
His stance HS is around 18 frames. His guard break (qcb+HS/Blitzschlag) is around 30, though. Both overheads.
I shit talk about Leo but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't play him. Go play him if you want. We're just saying that even if he is basic, you won't learn fundamentals with him because he is a gorilla. Sol is a gorilla as well but you still need fundamentals with him. Much more than Leo.

Can't find the room mang
Any NZ players around? Just wondering if many people over here bought it, zero matches so far.
At least Justice is not in this game. I'll take braindead rushdown characters any day over that.
>20 frames.
>normal anime is just 16.

>If activated within range of the opponent, the counterattack is guaranteed, even if the opponent was attempting to block (If Faust blocks nearby while a bomb explodes during bt.D, for example, Faust gets hit)

At least it's not valkyrie arc :^)
You really can start with anyone. You are just going to need to find out what is their poke button and see if their anti air is 6P. Also this is a chaining game so the combos are different and use something sort of like capcom's magic series.
>Playing from L O N D O N
>Can't find any games at all
Is this bugged or something?
I'm sorry anon, but it's honestly truly terrible.
>/v/ finally has constant guilty gear threads

GG is back baby.
>More gamergate threads
They will be gone within a week if they don't patch the game for the multiplayer to work better. also most people will drop out because their 2k hours in CSGo or whatever isn't going to help them stomp people in GG.
I have added some people from here so it wouldn't matter since they are all big gg fans
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Poor form, bad pun.
He didn't even write "gg", fuck off
Why aren't you guys playing the best GG?

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Are you a homo or something?
I always end up maining bara characters too
Netcode is trash.
woah rude
Try change download to japan?
>parrying the Heat Extend at 1:30
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To new peeps I'll link this video since it features characters that are easy to get into.

Tomo(LE) matches.
The best Leo in Japan.

En(Slayer) vs Mugen(SO)
2nd highest ranked Slayer vs Best Sol

Best Millia in Japan
>tfw my chinkwife is garbage tier in rev
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Azzy is homo
>Easy to get into
fucking what
>Getting a DP in CF

See this is the reason why sometimes I question ArcSys balancing.
Vote Chipp Zanuff

Is this the Evil Monkey one?
Sorry SEA anon,ping way too high for you.
>Easy to get into
I didn't mean beginner characters. I meant easy to like.
I'm going to play Elphelt and no one can stop me!
Yeah np. Online for me is still a barren wasteland since release.
Whats a good gamepad to use for fighting games anyways.
Kind of getting annoying with my x360 controller cause even keeping my thumb on the lower half of the dpad it still possible to accidentally put in 47896 motions on accident.

Am I just a shitter? There has to be something better right. An please no I don't want a giant ass fight stick/pad thing.
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There is no way slayer is highly technical I picked him up at the drop of a hat and he's half the players I see online.
Hori Fighting Commander 4 for PS4/PS3.
I heard good things about it. Or you can wait February for the expensive Madcatz SFV fightpads.
>finally get 3f delay vs Millia in a SEA lobby.
>He knows what he's doing, throw pin, knockdown>tandem top YRC>bullshit
>finally someone good!
>connection is lost with the opponent

Fucking rly m8?
But chipp is already the king of his own nation!
>Whats a good gamepad to use for fighting games anyways.
Literally any dualshock
what are the MSRP on those things?
>Tfw you have zero respect and people get mad at you for scrub tactics like run-up DPs
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I heard good things about this one. Not sure if it works on PC though.

Not DS4. It's pretty bad for fighting games. And DS3 is barely passable.
>implying that isn't an improvement
whats the recovery on leo parry now
Yeah I was looking at those, though I'm kind of put off by how it isn't symmetrical.

Also it got me thinking. Has anyone experimented with this abomination?
Seems like it might have potential, maybe?
Or be a total disaster.
Are there any pics of her alts yet?
>dualshock 4
>Playing Leo

Fuck off
Not him, but I use a DS3 exclusively for all my games. I have access to other controllers and I've used my friend's fightpad, but I still feel the DS3 is the best for me. I guess it's subjective.

The worst is using it to play Project M, then going to a meetup that plays it on a Wii instead of Dolphin.
I mostly like either unless they're so far above me they regularly pull perfect rounds.
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The what
I use a Hori Fight Commander 4 and it works great.

Steam Controller is absolute trash for fighters of any kind. The dpad was simply not made for high-density, high-accuracy inputs, and the pad is virtually worthless for anything

I hope that Combo Breaker 2016's exhibition event is "play a fighting game with the Steam Controller's gyro sensor only"
Yeah I like the way that one looks, but I feel like I would be more suited for something like this(pic) How are the 4862 not a problem?

What about the diagonal inputs though, isn't it awkward?
That's fucking "raw, dragon installed tyrant rave" levels of damage. What the fuck?
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n-no bully

he's so cool ;-;
Not really, the only problem I have with it is I press the buttons way to hard I end up with blisters
Leo is low tier, guys.
There is no point in buying another controller if it has the same X360/DS3 layout.
The SF4 Fightpad is what you should look for, but I don't think you can still buy them. The asymetrical look of the hori fightpad 4 is so you can either hold the pad normally or "piano"-mode (with all your fingers on the buttons, just like a stick)
DS3 works fine. I've used it a ton too but I some inputs can be tricky. It's way better than any other console gamepad though, that's for sure.

I guess the advantage of the one I posted is that it works on more than just fighting games. So you can just use it as a general-purpose gamepad while also being good for fighting games. Those Madcatz controllers are pretty cheap though.
I hope Rev does something about this
>few days ago
>nobody gave a fuck about tiers and instead just played who they thought was fun, because each character is viable in their own right
What the fuck happened?

>tfw your only IRL friend who plays this game mains fucking Leo

God dammit

The upside is that eventually I always wind up memorizing his mains almost as much as my own, and get better at fighting them than basically any other character. Happened when he mained Yang and eventually Poison in SFIV, happened when he mained Tager in BB, and hopefully should happen here. Eventually.

But for the time being, God dammit.

After an entire 3 days of playing, memers try to be armchair FGC pros
Any advice for gittin' gud?
I've never been good at fighting games, I use a 360 controller and I have a mechanical keyboard, but the keyboard layout is really hard to follow.

I can't afford a fightpad. Are those worth it if I wanna get serious?
The fun is over, now it's super serious everyone wants to be a tournament player time.
PCfats came in, simply.
Beginners are always the same, they care about tiers but don't know that it works only for the very high level play.
I feel ya, in the same boat.
Not sure if I'm just new and suck at this, or if my controller is part of the reason things are so awfully difficult.

Only the most simplest things can I pop off with any consistency and even then it isn't sure fire.
Pick a character, go to challenge, go to training room, go fight people and get rekt until you get the hang of it.

Where do you find these? My main's not in Xrd and they nerfed Slayer pretty hard. I was thinking of picking up Sin, but do you have a catalog link or something for the whole cast?
No change in Rev. So yeah, he's actually even stronger because of Burst Overdrive.

All I see is Leo ranting (warranted) but still saying play who you like. There are some people here who actually played the game for a long time you know. Not everyone here is a beginner.

Every character is viable anyway. No one here will become the next Pro.

Fuck Leo still.
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I've got this one for pc from ebay for 10 bucks.
One of you should open up a lobby, I'd like to eventually fight someone on equal ground. ;_;
Does this game have voice chat? I see some settings for it but I have yet to hear a single person.
Yes. Both text and voice chat. Although nobody really uses voice chat from my experience. Most just type.
>No one here will become the next Pro.

>watch a tourney stream
>literally just a sea of black people dotted with 3-4 white/asian nerds

Honestly I don't even care if I never enter a single tourney or consider myself "pro".
Not trying to be racist, but really.
These people need jobs, not videogames. This is one dream I don't care if I ever reach.

It does. I think most people just don't bother with it, especially as it defaults to off.

I know I have it disabled because I have no real desire to talk to people unless I'm playing with friends, and then we use Skype.
Is this playable online vs west coast with that SEA ping? Can you play with JP players if it even has them?
I've been using controller and jsut spamming combos in challenge mode for a number of hours now. It's starting to feel more natural and possible, I still whiff stiff but I think i'm still just getting used to the muscle memory rather than controller holding me back.

It's possible, don't give up mayne.
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>That glorious feel of landing an Insta kill

God, It must be a huge demoralizer for the other guy...
Try grabbing bursts. It's like your first fap all over again.
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>doing a PBB on a burst
Yes, yes, dance my puppet
>Not just using Leo's parry on bursts
Why does Dragon Install have to be so shitty? I just wanna RIDE THE FIRE!
another SEA anon here,if i connect to JP player usualy i can get around 6~8f. worse is 10f.
I use a ds3 but make sure to disable the joysticks in what ever you use to bind it because they're easy to hit occidentally while doing inputs fast on the d-pad

It has it but I keep it disabled because I assume it's open mic. I hate open mic. And it would also make everyone else hate me for constantly broadcasting clickety-clacking arcade stick noises over a trashy $5 microphone.
Most of them do have jobs or at least the one's I've met, they use their own car and bring their own TV/game systems to tourney's.

I know the guy who runs tourney's in my city brings his own shit, don't get me wrong though the lazy cunts that drain their parents money are there too but they're mostly collegefags.
That Ram knew he was going to burst. All of her moves were leading to that. I felt bad for that Chipp.
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>yfw Ky's ponytail breaks
Dustloop, a long time ago.
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>Friday, play with a friend online with no issue.
>Yesterday and today, always stuck with 13-19 frame delay, see everyone with 2, 1 or even 0 in lobbys.

Why? ;_;
Okay, how the hell do roman cancels work? The tutorial tells me I just need to hit a button after the attack lands, but then nothing happens.
So that challenges are interesting, but are the just for learning cancelling properly and timing? I'll never remember these wack short combos, and I only got up to 21 on I-no

3 buttons. PKS works. Also requires 50 meter
YRC requires 25% meter
RRC requires 50% meter
PRC requires 50% meter

And it's 3 buttons to press simultaneously.

The best way to learn comboa is to learn move properties, like which are jump cancelable or chains to what. If you check the challenge mode combos there's usually a combo or two there that shares a common string with every other challenge combos of that character
Most of them aren't very practical. They're just used to learn the mechanics with jump cancelling and shit.
DI is great what are you smoking?
Challenges are a combination of teaching you the character-specific timings and cancels, and the developers spoonfeeding you some shitty combos so even casuals don't have an excuse.

If you just want to learn a combo, you'd be better off looking up a bnb video online. There are much easier ones you can do.
OH! All 3 buttons! No wonder, I had remapped that function to a different trigger. Thanks anon!
>trying to do challenges
>one requires to use roman cancel after first hit and then go into a combo
>roman cancel never registers
Your timing is probably off
Check the binds on the shortcut or your timing is wrong. Do a raw RC and check if it registers.
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That's how burst throwing works, and that's why it's so satisfying

>using the shortcut

Don't do that.
why ?
That was such a gamble on that bait burst.

Only way you knew that would work is the opponent did that a round or a match before.
its cheating :^)
Don't listen to him. Gamepads aren't exactly designed to press that shit. It's a different story if you have a stick, but seriously, if you can press 3 buttons with your thumb on a gamepad you are some sort of wizard.
oh boy here we go
Oh shit
Foot fetish confirmed best fetish
It gives some great buffs yes, but it's easy for the enemy to just play keep away, and you're insanely vulnerable when it ends, on top of losing all your tension. There's a reason it's never used in tournaments.
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Foot fetish get
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Checked and noted
2016 will be year of the Foot fetish!
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Well at least I know it's not a bot or script that got it.
What's a burst?
How do I bait?

You bastard.
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living the nightmare.jpg
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Ain't that sum shit!
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thread's over
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and of course /get/ is gay as fuck
oh boy what a waste of a get
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It is all over.png
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wew lad
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awwwwww shiet
A worthy post.
Fucking faggot
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Fucking poetic anon.
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rip thread
I clench my gamepad and I'm able to press 3 easily with my thumb.
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Fuck you.
Get me in da screencap

Ignore that fag, shortcuts are pretty much the only way to comfortably play this sort of game on a pad. The alternative is clawing it, and the claw is fucking annoying for fighting games.

On a stick the shortcuts are a lousy crutch and you're better off learning to play without them, but on a pad you should use what you've got.
Well done!
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Great fucking taste, my fellow footfag.
Please respond.
I'll explain in a new thread. We lost this thread now.
Superb taste
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Finally a not wasted get

Which is sad because this thread has been going pretty well discussion wise
Unironic rape threats and misogyny. I want /pol/ to go.
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Get confirms best girl
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3:17 uno farto
Truly suit /v/
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Fucking foot niggers
>cumming on a woman
i bet you kiss girls faggot
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What a fucking waste
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ching chong.png
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seven zero's
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fucking nice
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He could be saying he wants to be in a committed relationship where there's enough trust that she would let him fulfill his fetish of cumming on her feet and face.

But you could just boil it down to rape too, since that's probably how you view all sex.
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apex taste
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A fantastic get
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I'm happy to be alive
best girl best fetish confirmed
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Best feet.
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Am I the only one who kinda feels sorry for these people? They just wanted to discuss a game, but then some guy gets large digits outta nowhere and the thread just explodes.

I guess no big harm was done since the thread was close to the bump limit anyway, but still
v cute
Wow, story mode was actually really nice. Ended up enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would. It's kinda worrisome though. If they're planing to make story mode for Revelator this good again there's no way they're not going to make the game full price.
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What about that one?

there goes the thread...
shit get
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well done.gif
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>not asking for full price
come friend to the next thread we go
brown it is
Me too, Anon .. me too
Brown skin animes get my cock hard, post more pls
I love you /v/, never change
>320000000 GET
>Loves delicious brown

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Good man
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i am replying to this epic moment, sadly im retarded and saved a thumbnail
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its on now.jpg
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I think it was a good finish to this thread. GG deserved this good get

As you mentioned, it was close to bump limit anyway
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GG sisters.jpg
123KB, 457x640px
Best girl get
>Delicious brown
>But a footfag

Conflicted feelings here

Fucking footfags
Ramlethal Wins!
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oh my
I suppose this is what arksys wanted, with how much of a heavy focus they put on her feet in the game.
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[Suppressed Screams].png
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wew lad

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Glorious moment to be a footfag and a brown fetishist all at once.
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RIP thread
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Ayy lmao
Bless this man, post more brown
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fucking look at it.jpg
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A good get wasted on one of the worst fetishes. Fuck.
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s︂︂m︂h t︂b︂︂h f︂︂a︂m
Nice get
Play the tutorials, chucklefuck.
>this bug is still present
What the fuck
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We won!
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2MB, 329x359px
holy shit
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777KB, 1280x720px
Best taste
>nigga hijacked my post
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What is this thread??
wtf is with madosuki's neck
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Move out of the UK. Problem solved.
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epic meme.jpg
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When is the new thread.
Fuck feet.
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Woah man
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is this real-life?
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brown girls are the best
Underages ruined the thread.
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I'm not
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I really enjoy full rush characters, recommend me someone to play in this game.
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woah buddy learn some get ettiquette

after somebody gets an epic get you shouldn't try for any yourself and just appreciate his
This guy: >>320001876 stole your 6 dude.

You press buttons and stuff happens. Look at the thread.
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seriously, this. Every get is ruined by a million newfags who can't into scripts
Sol is a good all arounder with a focus on rushdown, and is also a good character to start with.
I think I hate you.
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keking elf.png
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>implying elphet is not mash S and HS to win
hey gook moot i want attention and (you)'s too, please give me dubs.
btw i jack off to scat
Glad we established the absolute best fetish combo.

not a nice thing to say about a woman
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11KB, 320x272px
nice taste.
To be fair, she is much harder to play then that, the opponent is always going to be out to fuck yourshitup, so whatever you had planned goes out the window it feels like.
>Indivisible gets funded
>now this
Brown feet truly is the best fetish.
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62KB, 326x256px
>shit fetish
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If a woman can't satisfy a man with her feet, how can she call herself a woman?
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Overrated post
MSRP, Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price.
Fuck off beta manlet Jap. You will never be as good as Bandit Keith
link me a script
>wanting to cum on a woman
>not a nice thing to say

Seems like a compliment to me.
this is the greatest thread of All Time
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105KB, 328x351px
the thread is dead
The Hori FC 4 is about 50$ while the Madcatz SFV are available for preorder for 60$ or 70€ what the fuck
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Best thread ever
>wants to discuss game
>posts waifushit
and not just him. half of the gg posters.
Why is it always some stupid shit like this that GETS?
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bill new nye.webm
3MB, 1280x720px
>character in the game
>not related to the game
Maximum fedora
underrated post
Because he's secretly a Jojo's character
>cum on feet get
>no cum on feet being posted

This is the worst get ever
Shoving a rook up your ass is not playing chess. Moving the pieces around the board while following the rules is chess.
Bill Nye is a giant faggot desu.
Lost all my respect for him long ago.
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40KB, 152x254px
ow the edge
>>>320000048 >>320000084 >>320000095 >>320000123 >>320000126 >>320000138 >>320000145 >>320000148 >>320000149 >>320000151 >>320000153 >>320000162 >>320000169 >>320000170 >>320000172 >>320000180 >>320000182 >>320000183 >>320000184 >>320000185 >>320000186 >>320000193 >>320000203 >>320000206 >>320000207 >>320000214 >>320000215 >>320000218 >>320000219 >>320000224 >>320000225 >>320000234 >>320000238 >>320000246 >>320000247 >>320000249 >>320000251 >>320000253 >>320000262 >>320000268 >>320000272 >>320000282 >>320000293 >>320000295 >>320000301 >>320000315 >>320000317 >>320000318 >>320000320 >>320000324 >>320000332 >>320000334 >>320000336 >>320000337 >>320000338 >>320000340 >>320000342 >>320000345 >>320000346 >>320000357 >>320000389 >>320000395 >>320000403 >>320000406 >>320000409 >>320000420 >>320000428 >>320000432 >>320000440 >>320000445 >>320000452 >>320000469 >>320000486 >>320000531 >>320000537 >>320000539 >>320000556 >>320000561 >>320000597 >>320000618 >>320000620 >>320000623 >>320000661 >>320000696 >>320000708 >>320000710 >>320000712 >>320000714 >>320000716 >>320000734 >>320000784 >>320000787 >>320000805 >>320000806 >>320000823 >>320000848 >>320000869 >>320000871 >>320000898 >>320000902 >>320000908 >>320000920 >>320000939 >>320000968 >>320000970 >>320000993 >>320001002 >>320001048 >>320001117 >>320001127 >>320001129 >>320001140 >>320001161 >>320001204 >>320001208 >>320001210 >>320001213 >>320001227 >>320001245 >>320001250 >>320001276 >>320001293 >>320001301 >>320001325 >>320001356 >>320001381 >>320001401 >>320001426 >>320001453 >>320001479 >>320001542 >>320001543 >>320001565 >>320001604 >>320001651 >>320001720 >>320001815 >>320001942 >>320001950 >>320002015 >>320002035 >>320002104 >>320002123 >>320002139 >>320002164 >>320002204 >>320002212 >>320002251 >>320002263 >>320002325 >>320002437 >>320002443 >>320002471 >>320002758 >>320002761 >>320002837 >>320002868 >>320002896
>weebshit gets a get
fuck you faggots
Thank you for sharing that with us, you sure contributed a lot to this thread.
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39KB, 329x321px
>brown girl
Ya blew it
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60KB, 512x512px
>get is foot related
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3MB, 400x440px
How long did that take you?
Thanks for the (You) my friend, here have one too
Best waifu with the best get

Amazing get
I love (you) too

Finally a good post
Last post get
Thread posts: 650
Thread images: 166

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