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What are some examples of a second game being the best in

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What are some examples of a second game being the best in a trilogy of games?
OP is a faggot with bad taste.
>What are some examples of a second game being the best in a trilogy of games?

Pretty much every series I can think of except Dark Souls.
I don't know. Maybe you should start with an example?
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>helicopter boss fight
What more could you want?
These passive aggressive thread starters are so fucking old and annoying.

Just say your opinion "Dark Souls 2 is the best one" and be fucking done with it.
Banjo Kazooie
nice samefag you cockgobbler

i agree with the picture but why are you such a fag
Does the next gen version of DaS 2 fix the downgrade?
No but they added a bunch of new stuff
Endorsing cheesing you faggot ass.
>Proper Build System
Yeah sure is great you're forced to level up because all those souls have to go fucking somewhere also
Go the fuck back there.
A) You can't judge a game that hasn't been released yet
B) DS1 is far better than 2. You are garbage
Anyone who thinks Dark Souls 2 is the worst one in the series is instantly trashed. Rose tinted goggles wearing idiots.
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Bloodborne as has its own version of magic
this t︂b︂︂h
The worst is DeS
Is it used to abuse boss fights like Dark Souls magic always does until nerfed? If not then fuck off.
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there's more ambient occlusion (and real dark locations), it's a middle road between old version and gameplay vids pre-release
this joke isn't getting any funnier
get some new material
Resident Evil 2
>this joke isn't getting any funnier
It's not a joke, underage plebeian.
>It's not a joke
i am sorry for your condition then
Guys what does it mean if I don't find either Dark Souls or Monster Hunter fun?

And before you ask my favourite games are platformers, side scrollers and RPGs.
It means you don't find those games fun.
Frequency's sequel Amplitude. Amplitude was and still is amazing. I just hope the new one is amazing.
>side scrollers
So... what? You already said platformers, so like, beat 'em ups, or shmups or something?
8/10 shitpost OP
Saging so I can funpost a response.
What trilogy? DS3 isn't out yet so it can't be counted. That means you're including Blooborne even though it a vastly different game with no connection?
Why would you include Bloodborne in this "trilogy" rather than Demons' Souls?

And to top it all off, all of From's games are better than DS2, even Shadow Tower.
That's the third game.
>this, except the last sentence
I had to mention both because not all platformers are side scrollers.
If I were to be specific than Sonic, Mario, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Rayman, etc.
Finally best souls 2 is appreciated on v. Bloodborne is cool but it's short and the pvp is ass. After a break DS2 feels great.
whether or not you like dark souls 2 better is entirely dependent on how much you value mechanics and pvp, i would say. dark souls 2 has worse world design than dark souls 1, but the mechanics are much improved in combat and the amount of weapons is fairly high. some would say that the amount of weapons being high doesn't matter because not enough of them are meaningfully different, which is a fair criticism, but is subject to the arguer's opinion on how much difference is required between weapon movesets to be called meaningfully different.

the dlc for dark souls 2 brings back the sort of world design that people liked in das1. and scholar of the sin fixes some lore problems related to the main game. it doesn't fix the sort of bland level design, but it does fix some of the lacking backstory with the world.

i personally prefer souls 2 to souls 1, but that's because i'm a pvp/mechanics fanatic. i very much appreciate all of the new mechanics added to das2, particularly power stance. most people on the internet seem to care more about the world design than the mechanics of the souls games, hence the relatively widespread dislike of das2.
>dark souls 2
>good in any way
>soul memory
>no online community due to lock out system
>cant jolly coop due to lock out system
>cant pvp due to lock out system
>constantly nerfing bosses
>lazy boss design
Hope you faggots know you are being baited. Everyone knows that DaS2 is one of, if not the most hated games on /v/. I think the only game that might be more hated is Other M.
Was that armour ever in the game? I don't recognise it at all.
Good thing "best game" is up to subjective personal opinions anyway
This. Only nostalgia-faggots think differently.
What about Gone Home?
Don't get me wrong, DS2 is not a bad game. It tries to innovate on numerous points to improve on its predecessor.

Unfortunately it also takes a lot of steps backwards at the same time. And level design is just not as tight as the original.

Dark Souls > Dark Souls II
That was the new invader who appeared everywhere in SotFS http://darksouls2.wikidot.com/forlorn-set
Not as nice in game, but they never are
Stopped reading there.
Then you just don't like them.
The only reason I got into Demon's Souls in the first place was because I was told if you enjoy Monster Hunter, you might like Souls.
So I entered into the Dark Souls series with Dark Souls 2 because the steam version of Dark Souls 1 kept crashing on me and ds_fix wasn't helping.

What exactly am I missing out on with Dark Souls 1?
Not as hated as DaS2. It'll be forgotten. Meanwhile the DaS2 hate train has been going strong for almost 2 years and shows no signs of slowing down.

You're right, DaS is better than DeS and BB
Nah. Most threads are more like >>318734972 now.
Especially since we have other, bigger series falling from grace to distract us, like MGS
Dark Souls 1
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This one.
Metroid prime 2
>Almost all levels are boring or mediocre at best
>Almost all bosses outside of the DLC are raw ass like super fucking ass ad fights/strafe the big knights shield side and punish fights.

Lets not forget how everything pivots like a fucking god damn ballerina on crack when it winds up its attack. Like what is enjoyable it? It has bad bosses/bad levels why would it not be a shit game? Because of builds/tons of reskin weapons? So you can play with tons of shallow differences in a sandbox of shit?
Oh that stubborn fucker. I never took note of his armour. Neat.
I think the difference is you could realistically imagine someone actually defending DaSII on /v/, so the trolling is actually responded to.

That said, The Last of Us.

Maybe Bioshock Infinite as well.
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now this is a /v/ quality post right here
But that's the third game in the series.
Weak bait.
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le dark souls 2 has good mechanics but a shitty world maymay
Nailed it. Most people drawn to Souls games are just interested in playing a single player game or one with occasional coop.
it's the fifth ;)
Not really, and here's the thing I've noticed; I see people say "Oh it's not a bad game" sometimes. But then it's always followed by something like a "But this is wrong with it and this and this and this." If you literally can't say a game isn't bad without listing a dozen things you disliked about it, saying it isn't bad doesn't have much merit.

Meanwhile most posts are like >>318735256 whenever DaS2 is brought up.
Dead Space?
Far Cry?
Actually, hate train is slowing down immensely.

There are a lot more defenders of DaS2 these days.

/dsg/ has also done a complete 180 and admits it's a good game these days.
>Rose tinted goggles
>Both games came out within a few years of each
That isn't really how it works
I prefer Banjo Kazooie over Tooie though.
Just because you can't play it doesn't change the fact it is still the best of the series.
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You can't hide from your mistakes.
Hows Rayman Legends?
Can we stop with this "Ds 2 is worst souls game" meme please? Thanks.
Demon's Souls was forgotten.
It really isn't. It's not bad, in fact, some aspects of it are still superior to any game they've put out since. But those alone does not mean the whole package does not comes up short to the later games, especially DS1.

It's hard not to hate BSI in the account the people yelp Citizen Kane of Vidya unironically.

The Citizen Kane equivalent of Videogames would be lauded as such for it's gameplay. not story telling
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You first OP
Why does everyone love 2 more exactly?
I don't really go to /dsg/ much so I don't know about there, I just mean on /v/. I do see a few defenders but they are a large minority and most are likely just trolls.
Saying something is not as good as something else isn't hate.
the level design is shitty, yeah.

but why are the bosses shitty? most bosses are humanoid, yes, and most bosses use weapons with horizontal and vertical strikes as their movesets. i could use the same argument about moveset uniformity for bloodborne, where most bosses are beasts and have basic claw swipes and lunges as their primary attacks. and i would argue that the dlc bosses of dark souls 2 share the same general lack of moveset variety found in the main game's bosses. in what way is old ivory king or fume knight distinct from say, lost sinner and smelter demon? don't they all have the same general moveset of lunges/horizontal strikes/vertical strikes? what makes a souls boss GOOD, and why is that goodness lacking from the bosses in the main game but supposedly found in the dlc bosses who aren't all that different from the main game's bosses?
Because while 1 set up the world/setting, 2 managed to conclude the story.

Also, the flashbacks to the old times was good.

By the way, are you referring to Godfather or darksouls?
>people that like something I don't are probably trolls

Shut the fuck up, retard.
I hate DaS2, but I'd much rather argue with people that like it than talk about DaS with someone that has such a shitty mindset like yours.
Because the multiplayer actually works, the backstabs aren't instant and there is a good variety of builds you can make. Not to mention it runs well without mods on any pc.
Godfather. Young Vito's story was good, but I just didn't care for what Michael was doing.
>People who oppose extreme opinions and go "No, you're exaggerating" must be trolls.

Pathetic. When does taking the position of reason equate trolling? Yes DS 2 falls far short of DS 1, but then you have idiots trying to pretend there were no improvements either, that there were no improvements from DS1 & 2 over DeS.

Pointing this out and be attempting to be objective does not make us trolls. The shortcomings DeS has compared to DS1 is a far longer list compared to what DS2 does.

All three are excellent games. But they're not all equal either.
>3rd game isn't even out
>already deciding a best in the series
this is how retarded DaS2 fans are.
DaS3 is going to be the best of the series desu.
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Only the OP says that to bait replies. I hope DS3 is awesome. Mostly I hope the pvp connects and isn't trash. I'm not worried about the single player portion, I'm sure it will be fantastic.
That game was utter shit compared to 1 and 3.
Then wouldn't GF1 be equally bad?
Vito dies like halfway through, Sonny gets slaugthered pretty fast as well.

Godfather has always been about Michael, it's kind of strange how you could be bored with Michael's godfather arc, if you enjoyed the first one.
GFWL Halo 2 is the only version of Halo that mattered IMO
Maybe I need to watch 2 again. I can't remember much of it.
Forgetting about Custom Edition?
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I watched 2 as a kid and was really bored with it, you kind of have to watch 2 right after watching 1 to fully understand Michael as a character, and the setting in general.
Else a lot of things will go over your head, kind of like how you have to play DS1 before 2
I cant believe how fucking triggered i am by a shitposting reply fishing faggot
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Are you upset about people enjoying Dark Souls 2?
I haven't played the new ones actually.
Not enjoying monster hunter just means you aren't a blind nintendrone. Only these retards like this shit.

Not enjoying dark souls means you suffer from shit taste though :/
>So I entered into the Dark Souls series with Dark Souls 2 because the steam version of Dark Souls 1 kept crashing on me and ds_fix wasn't helping.

are you using MSI afterburner or evga precision? afterburner made dark souls crash whenever I started it
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>gaming journalism
>/dsg/ has also done a complete 180 and admits it's a good game these days.

Only out of spite and sheer jealousy of Bloodborne's exclusivity. As soon as Bloodborne came out they were trying to enforce a reevaluation of dark souls 2 with thread after thread after thread here but it failed.

RIGHT NOW there is one of the cancerous blobs from /dsg/ shitposting in /bbg/ like they always do because they simply can't let go of the jealousy. He's probably the one who made this thread and the other one shitting on BB and praising DS2 as well because all three signs of shitposting appeared at the same time.

Talk about pathetic.

It's pathetic.
Well that depends. Guns aren't magic, but they are ranged, and you can cheese the fuck out of boss fights with guns if you level up Bloodtinge. Bone Marrow Ash + Guns completely trivializes the game.
Because FO4 is completely awful in all respects, right?
It does very few things well
Your post contain many more shitposting signs bro
The funny thing is that this retard didn't think this through.

You just said Dark Souls is the best of the Souls trilogy, specially since Dark Souls 3 doesn't exist in any playable form as of now.

Good job.
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except the enemy variety anon, think about the enemy variety :^)
It has a lot superficial improvements across the board.

Which makes it a near universal improvement over 3, which is an equally superficial game.
Dark Souls II is the third Souls game, is it not?
It really is though.
You mean like the 1 billion humanoids with swords from dark souls 2? What about it?
But it does exist in playable form. DaS3 is some kind of Dark Souls / Bloodborne hybrid that will polarize a lot of people again. I know many people who played the beta and didn't like how it plays at all because it was too much like Bloodborne for their tastes.
Not in all aspects, but to get a "5/5" everywhere? please.

I actually recently played Metro 2033 and was very much impressed with how they handled the setting, gameplay and story. Apart from the shitty stealth, it was actually pretty great.

It's sad that most reviewers trashed the game, for reasons which are often ignored or seen as miniscule when they review AAA titles
I was being sarcastic. I see that shitlord in /bbg/ too.

>bb has too many werewolf/zombie enemies
fucking laughable that anyone could actually think that.
The stealth was generaly pretty bad. Shame they really dumbed it down in Last Light.
Not to worry friend, Miyazaki and his A-team are behind DS3.
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>mfw mustards are still salty about bloodborne almost a year later
BB has shit enemy variety compared to DaS1.
And the same team were behind BB, which that guy over there didn't like.
I'd say its on par with DaS for enemy variety really.
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>most of the monster hunters are on sony consoles
> :/
It's time to stop posting
It's not.
Far Cry isn't really a trilogy at this point, but of the first three, I enjoyed Far Cry 2 the most.

If you count Bioshock as a trilogy, the second one is also the best
>Far Cry?

>If you count Bioshock as a trilogy, the second one is also the best

Care to explain why?
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I'm physically sick
That's the joke isn't it?
pc mustard race.

Glad someone got the joke. Guess people forgot about Demon's Souls ever being a thing.
Out of the handful of Souls game it's the worst.
I liked it, don't get me wrong, but it's still not better than the other games.
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>no results
You're letting me down, /v/.
It is better as whole than DeS. Come fucking at me.
It's better than Tower of Latria or Shrine of Storms? Please.
You're wrong though.
DS2 may have been graphically better and not as stiff (character weight/movement/animation) but DeS had WAY better areas than DS2.

Bosses for both are so-so.
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>DaS2 shitposting
Oh that's what this thread is about.
Gothic 2.
>pic not related

Bioshock 2 is the best in the trilogy
>I don't understand what "a whole" means
DeS has a couple of really good areas

that's it
>1. Demon's Souls
>2. Dark Souls
>3. Dark Soulls II
OP was right though.
DeS has way better areas than almost all of DaS2.

That isn't just 'it'. When the entire game is about going through areas to find the boss, that's a big fucking deal.
Technically, Dark Souls 1 is the second game in the series, and it is best. DaS2 is the third game, and it is garbage.
Only the initial jail dungeon part of the tower of latria is any good, and admittedly its really good. The rest is horseshit though.

A large part of the mines area is just you in a tight as fuck tunnel, slapping hard bugs a million times before you get to pass. The final boss of the area is a pure gimmick boss.

Rosetinted glasses
I played Demon Souls after DaS 1 and 2 though.
DaS1 was my first souls game.
Pic fucking unrelated.
OP is definitely right. Ds1 is much better than 2
Postal 2
5 minutes of story and 20 hours of running back
>world 2 and the dragon god in particular are why all of DeS is shit
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>9 on the presentation
The UI is completely shit and the release was almost fucking unplayable it was so buggy. It is still buggy as fuck to this day.

Who could think this is okay?

I shouldn't even bother with the rest.


I no longer believe this is even real.
>Dark Souls 1
>the best
It's good, but I prefer Bloodborne.
Joke's on you, I like them all equally.
DaS1 >DeS >= BB > > > DaS2

DeS > BB >= DaS1 > > > DaS2
Devil May Cry hands down
Wow, how come you're not filtered yet?
Its funny how you try to make my argument about me saying DeS is shit. Or that all of DeS is inferior, when my original argument is that not all of DeS is superior.

Reading comprehension much? The faggot I talked to said that all areas are superior. I then point out shit areas, whilst even admitting the superiority of Latria's initial dungeon. The swamp is pretty shit too in DeS in fact, and they got lazy and didn't even give it a third area, just make the final boss come immediately after the second.

But I've still never said DeS is terrible.
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I will give it an accurate one real fast
It's an Elder Scrolls game so there is only so bad you can fuck this up. Apart from cities being way too small the world is otherwise decent. The inventory is trash if you decide you want to hold more than 5 things at once. The bugs are only as Bethseda TM can provide

Nothing groundbreaking but a nice aesthetic. Lots of uncanny valley shit though.

It's Elder Scrolls it would be like fucking up the music in star wars if this was wrong.

Limp skilless combat that has not seen major or meaningful renovation since Morrowind. Downright boring after any amount of time is spent in the game. Completely broken with only minor abuse. Holds the game back more than anything else.

>Lasting Appeal
You can dump at least a hundred hours into it though it really loses it's shine after 50 and that is being generous as fuck.


That is literally being as nice as possible to it.
Here's an accurate review that last less than two minutes.

Makes me chuckle now even like it did then.
mgs2 if you consider the first 3 solid games as a trilogy as they were intended
Uncharted 2.
Mass Effect.
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