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Official /feg/ Fire Emblem Rankings

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I have compiled an objective list of the Fire Emblem series in terms of quality. The games have been divided into three groups.

>Pure Shit
No one likes these games and for good reason. Poorly balanced and badly designed, these games are very poor excuses for SRPGs. Generally these games have the weakest leads in the entire series.

>Meme Games
Like Undertale and every flavor of the month game that is so often shilled on /v/, these completely average games manage to garner a vocal minority of fanboys that praise these games as though they are some sort of divine being deserving of completely unwarranted praise and recognition. This meme spreads across the community and before long these games are held in such zealous reverence that it becomes taboo to criticize them.

In this respect these games can be compared to real world religions and the absolutely cancerous effect they have on society. Games in this category may not be as functionally bad as "Pure Shit" games, but the horribly adverse effect these games have on an intellectual society is of far more concern than a bunch of bad games that no one cares about.

TL;DR the world would be better off without meme games.

>The Good Ones.
These games are simply masterpieces. An incredible amount of thought was put into each and every aspect of these games. The gameplay is crafted by a team of designers that know exactly how video games should work. The stories are written by talented individuals whom should honestly be recognized as some of the greatest writers of the age, along side other greats such as Stephen King, J.K. Rowling, and Ayn Rand. Unlike meme games, these games deserved to be respected, saluted, and seen for the wonder they are.
>Sacred Stones

Mein nigerian
>path of radiance in meme section
>awakening in good

/feg/ has worse taste than I remember. If anything they should be switched.

Here's the official list by /mk8g/ of all the good fire emblem games:

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What can you expect?

/feg/ unironically loves Ayn Rand. This is their current OP.
>The stories are written by talented individuals whom should honestly be recognized as some of the greatest writers of the age, along side other greats such as Stephen King, J.K. Rowling, and Ayn Rand.

Ahahahahah, what the fuck?
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>Path of Radiance in meme tier

>Awakening having been worked on by talented people
Boy, and to think I thought /feg/ wasn't dogshit.
>Official /feg/ Fire Emblem Rankings
>I have compiled an objective list of the Fire Emblem series in terms of quality. The games have been divided into three groups.
>Official /feg/
Something seems off.
I have never seen a shittier taste in games.

I don't even know where to begin with this list.
>actually believing this bait
It was posted yesterday in /feg/ and no one took it seriously
I just checked out /feg/

What the actual fuck is going on over there?
>Likes meme of radiance
>Hates Awakening like some contrarian fag

Sup reddit
Hmm, let me take a look at your thread.

Yeah sure, the majority of /feg/gets don't consider FE4 a meme game.
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... I like FE6, I had more fun in the first 10 chapters than i did with 80% of PoR
not really, just like any other FE fanbase there's people that either love it or hate it
No kidding.

Leave it to /feg/ to be both pretentious and have a shitty taste in games all at the same time.
I like how the entry level babby ones are in "The Good Ones"
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/feg/ Top fucking kek
It's why it's a bait image.
He should add Hoshido to it.
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It's all just subjective really, we all like these games for different reasons. For me Its the characters, class variety, and rpg aspects that makes me enjoy FE. FE6 gave me characters and classes I enjoyed very early, so I felt luke i was making an army that was really my own. I didn't like the design and personality of the majority of PoR's characters (Ike obviously excluded because Guts-lite call me a fagot, I don't care )so i had a somewhat bad time for most of the game.
Bait as fuck.
Nobody on /feg/ thinks Awakening was a good game.
Then why do they always talk about their Awakening waifus?
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Why does Awakening get so much hate? Is it because it's the most popular?
It was the first game to actually allow you to fuck your waifu.
The characters were shit and the levels were easy as fuck.
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This list would make more sense upside-down, if you switched out Sacred Stones for the Shadow Dragons.

6, 12, and 2_ are all good. I don't even know why I'm taking this bait but dammit if I'm not platinum mad that 12 and 2_ are that low.
Every mission objective was rout the enemy,besides one paralogue with Tiki, and all the maps are just flat open space.
Garbage map design and broken pair up/dual mechanic kills the gameplay. It's still fun, just flawed compared to other FEs
Why exactly did Ayn Rand become a thing on /feg/? This is the weirdest shit I've ever seen.
What the hell is he fighting in that gif? What is FE4 (I think that's alm's game) even about?
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>Ike games are memes
Aw man, I really wanted to try them.
>Awakening is good
>Sacred Stones is good
As it should be, Fates is soon to join.
Kozaki needs to stay as the permanent series artist for all future FE games and the series is objectively better now.
Don't disregard something just because some fucks on a Vietnamese cooking forum said so. Thst being said, I've already layed out my opinion on PoR
One guy is forcing it
I'm pretty sure the original Fire Emblem rankings poster and Rand guy are different people.
I never inferred that they were
Whoever he is, he has successfully killed off all discussion in the general.
Not really
It's always dead at this time.
If he were to shit post at the correct time he might actually do something.
Don't give him any ideas.
How can you possibly rate FE games different for gameplay if all of them has the same gameplay.
>PoR in meme
Opinion discredited
>People unironically think PoR is anything but shit
>le fights for his friends
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>One of those games have sold more than all the others pictured combined
>People unironically say FE is dead because of it
Just salty oldfags because their outdated games are irrelevant.
Fates fixed Awakening so we can just forget this argument ever existed
Rate Japan's taste, /v/
What's wrong with Orochi and Kagerou?
Tits are too big.
They had startet writing their porn fanfiction on toddler Lucina, the place hasn't been relevant since Awakening came out.
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Nothing wrong to be saw here, did you expect to surprise us or something?
>Stephen King, J.K. Rowling, and Ayn Rand.

Why am I laughing so hard?
Put Radiant Dawn in good and I agree (though I didn't play all of them). Also most of them too long and I generally lose the interest after 30 hours or so (or whenever it is my units get upgraded).

Also about Awakening, maps suck, but all missions in any FE come to routing the enemies, however you want to call it.
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Remember when people put more effort into their shit stirring? I do.
People unironically thinking this looks or plays somehow better than Awakening in the year of 2015? Holy fucking kek.
>all missions in any FE come to routing the enemies, however you want to call it.
Try playing more games before acting like you know what you're talking about.
Holy shit Tharjafag pls go and stay gone.
Probably played more of them than you, nice try though, I give it 4/10.
I doubt that. There are a lot of varied mission objectives in the different games. Awakening is notable for being just about all routing.
if you'd try and rout maps in fe5 you'd probably kill yourself considering reinforcements spawn fast, are usually neverending, and sometimes random

plus warp is literally the best way to clear most chapters
I've played the Fire Emblem GBA game and Awakening.

I really liked Awakening. Not for the waifu shit, just stuff like having a world map and shop. I know it's casualised for doing that but it makes more sense to me. You wouldn't buy weapons and shit in the middle of a battle.

I don't like how you can grind battles, so other than "THE GAME IS EASY AS FUCK", what legitimate criticism is there of awakening?
Most of the games have only one objective completely dominating the game.

It is just that seize was that objective in most game.
No, the NES games are outdated. Everything from GBA onwards however has aged very well and have better gameplay than Awakening
>survive for x turns (and defend someone in the middle)
>route enemies
>seize the castle

Pretty much all the missions all those 3.

And Sacred Stones that is so loved is just like Awakening when it comes to mission objectives.
off the top of my head:

plot's shit
rout missions everywhere
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Yes. Grandpas are too buttblasted and close-minded for acceptance of new age, more at 11. Too bad they're irrelevant now, all that's left is just a pile of salt which /feg/ is.

radiant dawn has several chapters where a point must be reached in _ turns, or where the objective is for all units to escape off the boundaries of the map
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>Everything from GBA onwards however has aged very well
>have better gameplay than Awakening
There's seize, defend, escape, capture, etc in the series. Which games have you played.
You have bonus objectives, like the defend chapter with Duessel, where there are boats, and the boss who you can kill who drop pretty decent items.

Chapter 18 has the eggs which yield a lot more exp than gorgons so you're rewarded for going after them fast.
Seize dominates most games, including the ones that have the other objectives.

Meanwhile FE1, FE3, the remakes, and FE6 have those objectives exclusively.
Alright what did Awakening do better in terms of gameplay?
There's almost no strategy to Awakening, in a series that was all about having tight tactical gameplay. With the way most maps are you just throw enemies out in the open and OHKO everything because pair up & dual striking is broken and every unit has great growths.
Literally every single thing and that is an objective fact.
This >>318148867
Going by OP's taste, we can assume that they should just stick to watching movies.
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Well I was gonna give you the opportunity to not shitpost, but I guess that's out the window.
I've only played the most common 3 FelE games but here is my opinion anyway
7 is fucking fantastic
8 was alright, but not as well paced and was too easy. Great characters though, based Joshua
Awakening is for babbies. I still enjoyed the plot and characters, but I wouldnt go back to it since its either a total joke on hard or lower, or broken as fuck until child units then a joke on Lunatic
that's FE2 (Gaiden), not FE4.
Sacred stones.
Mission 1: Seize the castle
2:Defeat all enemies
3:Seize the throne
4:Defeat all enemies
5:Defeat X
6:Seize the throne
7:Defeat x
8:Seize the castle
9:Seize the throne
10:Defeat all enemies
11:Seize the castle
12:Defeat all enemies
13:Kill all enemies
14:Survive for 11 turns or defeat X
15:Seize the throne
16:Defeat all enemies
17:Seize the throne
18:Seize the throne
19:Protect x for 10 turns
20:Defeat all enemies
21:Defeat the boss
22:Defeat all enemies
23:Seize the throne
24:Defeat all enemies
25:Seize the throne
26:Defeat x
27:Defeat all enemies
28:Protect X
29:Seize the castle
30:Defeat x

They are all the same anon
PoR a best in my opinion

It's too easy but that's forgivable since literally everything else about it is great.
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Daily reminder that without Awakening, the series would be dead in the West.
have not played awakening mainly because the character art and dialogue seems obnoxious


only good thing about the gba games is the sprites and art
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>I was gonna give you the opportunity
>hurr durr Awakening is bad GBA better this is my argument and you must prove me wrong
>not as well paced

the entire segment with lyn is excruciating
Try again.
>only good thing about the gba games is the sprites and art
That's how I feel about Awakening, its presentation was fantastic
Previous games were the same kind of obnoxious in terms of dialogues. Story-wise entire series is always forced shit for tasteless faggots the only thing that is good is gameplay only. Awakening at least make obnoxious waifus cute.
Awakening is all rout and defeat boss, and the only secondary objectives are in the children paralogues.

GBA, had defend, FoW, siege tomes that are used outside of 1-2 chapters.
but lyn mode is literally tutorial mode, and you can skip it after your first playthrough.
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>x/10 maymay response
Never expected better from you desu senpai
See me after class

it's a barebones strategy rpg with minimal forethought

it's obnoxious if not the very first fire emblem played. obnoxious either way tbqh
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That's a nice amount of bilirubin in one pic.
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