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IGN isnt impressed with Xenoblade Chronicles X

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IGNs impressions of the game begins at the 28 minute mark.

>Affinity quests lock you out of doing the Story quest. You also cannot quit Affinity quests once you've started one.

>The world isn't as memorable as other open world games

>Enemies feel static

>The game is too talky

Basically they hate the game. Expect 6-7/10. 7/10 if you're lucky.
Fucking Bump
It's IGN, Fallout 4 can have a million bugs, it will still get a 95/100

XCX can have just 1 issue, and it's instantly a 7/10
>[game reviewer] isn't impressed by a Japanese game
>on a Nintendo console no less


Made by the West: +2 points to final review score
Made by the East: -2 points to final review score
>Mainstream reviewers are not to be trusted.
>Steam reviews are worthless since it's just 'good' or 'bad' and everyone maymays.
>Metacritic is garbage because people spam most games with shill/anti-shill reviews.

Where the hell can I go to find out if a game is any good?
>IGN calls XCX shit because it is
>"nah ign are just faggots lol who only like western trash"
jesus christ
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>The world isn't as memorable as other open world games
Are you fucking KIDDING me?
IGN's last 10/10 was a japanese game. Actually, so was the last one before that.

It's not hard people
>reviews don't matter until they're shitting on a game I don't like

fuck you
XCX is an objectively bad game, not just a game I don't like.
Fuck off shill.
He can decide if a game is worth the price in two hours!

Most stores don't even offer returns for video games period these days.

Try again. The caps made it a bit too obvious that you're just shitposting.
Using the word wrong anon.
That's an opinion.

You can, however, use it to state facts about why the game is bad, if you want to try it.

Nice meme word.

It's no wonder we have sites like IGN nowadays. You shits are giving them free money
oh boy is it meme time
i love meme time
>That fog
Dammit, it's [Current year]. When will developers finally stop doing this?

is that supposed to be suprising? xcx is 8/10 at best. even japan thinks so. this is old news
When the Wii U dies. Seriously it's fucking disturbing that that hardware this shit is still on sale.
don't buy games that don't have demos
I don't... even... understand anon.
Jesus christ, you're successfully upsetting me.

Gamestop makes absolute mad cash because of retards constantly trading in games for zero value, while they sell USED games for $5 less than regular price.
Literally nobody expects Xenoblade X to be good. I loved the original, but this shit looks plain bad, in every way possible. IGN are right, as usual.
IGN is fucking biased. They said they enjoyed the game besides how certain missions lock you from story missions, and he hated it because as a reviewer he has limited time, and his kek friend tried to justify it as if it affects everyone. It's the same with the AC game, where that SJW bitch decided to give the game a 5 when it was obvious she enjoyed it and the flaws made it deserve a 7 maximum but not a 5.
They find a little detail in games that they weren't paid to give good scores, and from that they go on and on to give those games the lowest score they can
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>open world
>Gamestop is the only place I can go to sell game
I could take a more memorable shit than Xenoblade X's world.
why is anyone surprised? Nobody liked it in japan either.
>never asked to speak to the manager/claimed it was a defective disc

You should go outside more often.
So I can only buy less than ten percent of videogames released now? Cool. 10/10 solution.
>34/40 from Famitsu
Name another place anon.

And don't say ebay or amazon or some shit. Because the work you put into it equals the same amount of money you get selling it.
then just pirate the rest or quit whining

you don't need video games to live you dumb cunt
only tasteless redditors who have been here for a year disagree
>The game is too talky

Opinion discarded
This. My local EB games has a 7 day return policy anyway.
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why are you triggerring /v/? You could have made a comfy xeno thread anon?
It really doesn't help when the dub is shit with no dual audio. And the story is shit. And the localization is no doubt meme infested shit too.
God damn this game is gonna suck dick.
Ha, oh anon, your humor is quite excellent.
The children on this board wouldn't understand a good game to save their life. They just like shiny things and blindly follow reviews by people they don't know and parrot quips.
A more honest place to get a review on this site is /b/ only because they will just show porn which is all the fucks on this board want anyway.
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cool memes guises! now it really feels like we're part of neogaf lollll
Why don't you do your own research?
Check out gameplay videos and maybe watch like 1 walk through video to see the world and shit like that.
If it seems interesting get it.
Don't like it? Return it.
I'm surprised more people don't do this shit.
You should be able to tell if a game is worth your attention or not by
A) the studio
B) how much gaming journalism marketing is behind it
C) /v/s consensus with a downward curve
the most cynical are right more often than not
Watch some gameplay videos on youtube and decide for yourself.
>he doesn't wear the same delusional nintenbabby glasses i do
>he must be meming!!1!
why do you do this to yourself
>Are you fucking KIDDING me?
Are you saying you are impressed by the emptiness that is barely concealed by the fog?
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>people say muh weaboo game is bad
>how dare they
>people say fallout is good
>how dare they

caring about review scores is incredibly pathetic
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Old news even the 11's were not impressed by it
They only matter when they are shitting on Nintendo games, with any other games /v/ will say review scores don't matter.
and where exactly does one buy the pc version of xbc you fuccboi petition kuck?
yea man this game is def gotyay
shooting people through walls..and 3 floors above you..goty
retarded plot and having to grind to advance it also make it goty
what the fuck is this gibberish?
i dont think xcx looks good
Step 1: Watch a gameplay video
Step 2: Look up the studio, director and staff behind it
Step 3: Don't be a baby born in 2002 and have knowledge of the games the people of Step 2 have created in the past
Step 4: For hidden gems browse /v/ from time to time, if a non-advertised game gets threads every couple of weeks after it's been out for years chances are it's good

Works for me
What videos have you watched that make you go Nah, I don't like anymore.

I am really interested in it, but I haven't watched many videos. So if you've got a negative one I can decide for myself.

If you want to of course. Maybe even just a point in the right direction.
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If you expected anything less, you deserve the shock of this.

This game will be lucky to get an above average rating on majority of sites.
>The girl is less casual than the reviewer

I think that's a new low.
What ps1 game is this
>it's like I'm really raiding 40man WoW

It really just needs the DMGmeter in one corner
IGN isn't impressed with anything that isn't a triple A western-made title.
Why are you guys obsessed with review sites so much? Who gives a shit about what some person thinks about your favorite game online?
Xenogears, it's pretty cool.
Holy fuck that looks terrible.
Jesus christ.
Is there any way to turn something like the minimap off?
anyone can tell that's zoomed in retard
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You can turn it all off.
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You can turn various HUD elements off. I'm pretty sure you can even turn the whole thing off. I bet the jap playing turned all that shit on, they seem to be immune to clutter.
You watch gameplay videos from random people on the internet.

Reviewers are worthless.
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10/10 UI
Are you talking about Fo4?
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it still looks like shit zoomed out

Goddamn at that UI, even if it's zoomed in that looks like garbage. Why the fuck is all of that shit in the FUCKING WAY?!
Please tell me I can disable most of that HUD.
>a city overlooking the sea

>all that shit
>whoever made it forgot to add the most important one

Fingerless Glove Meter
Ok, thanks anon.
I mean, I played WoW with all the raid addons so I would be able to live with the clutter.

But yeah, that's good to hear.
What does that battle menu on the right do in game?
Wow this game really is going to be good isn't it.

wheres the cum meter

Hey retards, you do know you can disable all that. Oh wait, you all probably didn't even pass 5th grade math. It's no wonder you fear numbers.
The battle menu is just for giving specific orders to your party members, either in group or individually.
>game has been out for 6 months in Japan
>pretty much everyone moved on once it came out
>Japanese reviews gave it an average score
fuck off you cunts. This game is deader than the Wii U
Hello everyone, /vg/ here
I'm here to apologize for this thread, a resident shitposter apparently got banned from there so now he is shitposting here, and for some reason he always talks about Xenoblade so please ignore him.
damn someone's buttblasted.
It got upgraded to Scrotum Tension Meter
I struggle to see how the game will be playable with all of its UI gone but okay
>IGN isnt impressed with anything that dosent make them money
Fixed it for you

That isn't an upgrade.
I know I can turn it off, my WiiU has been turned off for months now
You're proving their point
>People upset that an average game is average
Shut up babt.
PS1 is giving it too little credit, but it sure almost looks like it could have been a late PS2 game if tons of visual tricks were thrown in. Early-mid PS3 at most.
What went wrong?
Yes, you totally need the button manual, the squad quest icons, the minimap, doll fuel gauge, and the enemy levels visible at all times.
>Japanese reviewers gave it an average score
>things that never happened
You are the same one shitposting this in every single XCX thread, arent you?
>putting all of this time and effort into a Wii U game when it could have greatly benefited from current gen console hardware or even PC hardware

Why are Japanese developers so fucking dumb?

>bunch of water and a low poly landmass

>looks like it could have been a late PS2 game
Looks like FFX if you ask me
>trusting reviewers
I totally want to have to turn them back on when I need them and then off when I don't. God damn this game must have been made by monkeys.
Just a heads up that it'll automatically update to its highest firmware if connected to the internet. Keep that in mind if the softmodding scene blows the Wii U wide open.
Nintendo was the only one willing to fund Takahashi's autism.
>He this this game is something amazing
It was average in japan you cunt. Defense force is in full roll here

Though for newer games (and sometimes all other older games) you need to trick /v/ into making a proper criticism so you can get proper posts instead of fanboyism or shitposting.
>softmodding scene blows the Wii U wide open.
And mod it to what? There are like 3 worthwhile games for it and the Wii can be emulated just fine
See >>317423601
so this is the power of wiiu huh? quite impressive.....

spoiler black box i'm being sarcastic /spoiler black box
Ask your favourite vendor at GameStop.
Xcx is shit and people float
remember when shitposting had actual effort put into it?
>cut it just before the SUCCEEDED
Cmon man
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Is it FFXV-kun?

Is he finally back? He seems to have gotten slightly better at concealing his autism.
Post reviews :^)
He should retire if the only things he can make now are these bland open-world games that have none of the Xeno-spirit in them
You're a fucking idiot. If you seriously can't remember which buttons do what after five minutes of playing the game, you're an actual literal retard. The minimap is pointless since there's a more detailed map on the gamepad. The doll fuel gauge is pointless since there's a fuel gauge next to your health bar as well, as well as gauges for the rest of your party members' dolls (the one on the right of the screen only shows how much fuel your player character's doll has left). The squad quest icons are completely unnecessary since if you wanted to do squad quests you'd already be at the BLADE concourse where you can select whatever quests are available from the network play menu without having to check which ones are available. The enemy levels are just an eyesore, and you can check them by hitting R when you're near them anyway.

No, it's babt from nintendo general.
it looks to be staring at an ocean. just how much "busy" are you expecting from an ocean?
That's actually just the weather setting in. Fog sets in when it's cold and early morning.
Fuck the gamepad, I ain't using that clunky piece of shit.
>he complained about the devs being incompetent at their job
>he's the moron
you fucking shill just go kill yourself
The world looks amazing anesthetics wise and is a breath of fresh air considering considering all of this year's big open world games in fairly mundane environments. I think I'll have fun exploring them and it's worth $60 to me for even a dozen hours of entertainment and I'm sure I'll get more than that.
What whether phenomenon is responsible for the low-poly rock formations in the distance?
Weebs/Nintendrones actually believe this.
hi nintendo
It's pretty necessary. You need it for fast travel and for laying down probes.
STFU troll.
>he cant even type a gramatically and syntactic correct sentence
As expected from a shitposter, even the IQ is below that of a retard.
Meanwhile Dengeki called it an RPG masterpiece https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1tfO-elYLCSqnqk81vvPcXPGaMEG7o8qZIg8w-JVpZO0/pub
Metacritic, and never listening to /v/. Never done me wrong.
>The world looks amazing anesthetics
Actually it's a pretty big step down from Xenoblade which actually had a unique world to explore
>STFU troll.
god damn you are nintendo
>Affinity quests lock you out of doing the Story quest. You also cannot quit Affinity quests once you've started one.
Never was a problem for me at all when I imported it. Unless you're trying to speed run through the story you won't have an issue, unless you're terrible at games, which IGN has shown many times their reviewers are.

>The world isn't as memorable as other open world games
I disagree, its geometry and vertical design compared to the original is staggering and is way more impressive than Witcher 3 or Fallout 4s.

>Enemies feel static
I don't understand this? You mean how they move in combat like its not an action rpgs like Tales of? I guess if you didn't like the way the original game did it then I guess this would be an issue for you.

>The game is too talky
Not really, if you mean giving you tutorials while still giving you exposition I'm surprised they're not jumping with glee considering they complain when games don't give them enough help. I think they did it fantastically with making it all seem so seamless.
Literally an offline MMO. At least Amalur had some pretty good combat.
We must have played different games because Xenoblade just gave you the illusion of a large open world. That game was a straight line where you had zero reason to backtrack.
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>The world isn't as memorable as other open world games

The Worlds in Open World games are never memorable, it's sort of why Open World is a garbage gimmick.

Can't spell ignorant without IGN.


>20 new post with single sentence or like 3 lines of shitting on the game
>unique post counter dosent increase
Man, thats what i call dedicated autism. Seems like someone is really butthurt about not being able to play this game.
>nips doing open worlds
confirmed shit
>nintendo nips doing open worlds
confirmed literally fucking cancer
“Being several years behind others in the development of an HD title and taking into account Monolith Soft’s company size, there are just some thing that we could not achieve, which couldn’t be helped, but in order to move on towards the next step, there was no avoiding this. And that is the truth,” writes Takahashi.

Takahashi concludes by saying that he’d like to use the experience him and Monolith Soft have obtained in the development of Xenoblade Chronicles X in order to make his next title something that is rich in story

Even Takahashi knows he fucked up
The multiplayer is pretty damn fun. It's very close to how blue burst was + Mechs. Exploring dungeons with your friends really helps the experience.

I can see why single player might turn off some less hardcore jrpg fans.

Yeah I bet you make an accurate research with review and comparations for every single product you use fuckboy.
youtube reviewers. watch channels like superbunnyhop, matthewmatosis, hyperbithero, etc. when you find one that has similar taste in games as you, follow them on twitter to see what they think of a lot of games
should've stayed in japan
>That game was a straight line where you had zero reason to backtrack.

This impact aesthetic in what way exactly?

Mechonis and Bionis were interesting worlds this is just some random planet
Except Mechnois was a boring slog to go through, that portion was easily one of the worst parts in the game. The scale in which you climb him is pretty neat when you're outside, but inside is a boring ass dungeon.
DWTerminator is also pretty great
It was still a interesting idea that you climb along a sword and then into a open wound to enter Mechonis

This is just another planet, nothing interesting about it.
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I swear
IGN must have the shittiest Review system in the history of videogame journalism

>5 positives
>1 negative
Its okay, 9/10

guess the game
jesus fucking christ who gives a shit
ign doesn't like it, gamexplain doesn't stop sucking its dick
who fucking cares jesus
If you just read the review and ignore the number that they give a game, they're not too bad

Words are better than numbers in describing things anyways
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>Cant argue
>moves the goalpost
>by using a quote, which he takes out of the context, missinterprets and says things that arent even stated by the quote he uses
Next you are saying you are just pretending to be retarded
>Turn off HUD
Except the planet has great geographical locations that aren't just generic forest, desert, lava areas, but have more to it if you actually took the chance to see them. Which is the point because its all explorable on foot and a mech and they were able to craft that in such a brilliant way, why the original game had nice setting the geometry and vertical designs were pretty plain, they weren't as interesting to explore once the novelty wears off.

Sword Valley for example looks cool from afar, but traveling through was anything but.
>out of context
>Takahashi apologizes to the fans because the UI was a mess, the graphics were bad and the story was sparse and uninteresting

Yeah out of context
>If you just read the review

nope, let me know when IGN stop comparing games and throwing buzzwords and other nonsense in their reviews like they came straight from reddit.
>Trusting any reviewers
Judge for your own self you fucking idiot.
It's not that hard to look around for some youtube videos.
I imported and finished the game after it came out in Japan and I kind of agree at least with the points in the OP. But at the same time I don't feel like those should be listed as main problems at all

>posting a spoiler screenshot
It's an alien planet like a billion other alien planets, yeah it might look nice but it's less interesting then Mechonis and Bionis
>xD ign trashed this ps4 game lmao ps4 sucks
>ign trashed this wii u game
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Visuals are meaningless

It's true, the open world of the last 2 Xeno games is mostly just eye-candy

Pleasant to look at, but there's hardly any interaction.
>posting a spoiler screenshot

Yeah, yeah robots who gives a fuck
Exactly, in the end if the setting itself has boring designs then what's the point of wanting to explore it. X does a far better job than the original game which to be fair used maps and not connected seamlessly.
Where does he say any of that were shit? Where does he say the game was shit? You are literally saying things that arent even backed by your quote and reading the things you want to see into it. The only thing he says that they couldnt achieve everything and they made new experience and will use this experience for their next game.
You have some serious autism, get yourself checked, man.

no? I'd explain what it was but I don't want to post a spoiler myself
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Shh, it's only a spoiler if you tell them it's a spoiler.
Potential XCX spoilers: is it true that everyone is a robot
When it comes to the humans, yes.

It's called context retard, the dev won't straight up say "yeah we fucked up" it's always going to be sugar-coated

You need to get checked for autism if you don't understand this
>/v/ now cares what IGN thinks of games

this is literally reddit incarnate
that is gay as fuck
This goes for any damn platform except for xbox because xbox owners are few and far between.

Reviwe sites are nothing but pawns for trolls and shitposters to use.

Dat ass
well, the end cutscene makes things a lot more interesting (and sequel fucking WHEN)

I really preferred her brown tbqh
>Where the hell can I go to find out if a game is any good?
Actually read reviews and see their actual impressions in detail. Judge if you value those factors or not.
Well you can switch at anytime, its an option.
Is it that jose otero fag? the man that loves destiny and gave taken king a 9 and has gone on record as saying that Taken king is probably his game of the year so far?
>EVER liking a Nintendo game

The game is looking to be pretty bad, but trusting IGN?
What's with the anime chick cut off on the right?
like most of ign's 10/10s are nintendo games
>another fucking shitty wiiu game

You dont fucking say. God damn square and atlus are the only ones who can make an rpg anymore. Cant wait for smt4 final, persona 5, and ffxv to blow this pile of shit out of the water next year. The wii u is literally virtual boy tier. Fuck the people defending it remind me of those kids who got an n64 for christmas and had to give a fake smile to their parents otherwise they would beat the shit out of him for making them waste 300 bucks on a pile of shit console. I genuinely feel sorry for any of you who have one. Good money that couldve went towards upgrading your PC or buying a PS4. Hopefully you faggots dont fall for the same shit with the nx, which is doomed to be another failed console too.
So you admit he didnt say any of these things?
Why are you still argueing, then.
>b-b-b-but muh context
Not even in the context it does mean this. Its pretty much just like before, there is criticsm and they heard it. And this is pretty much what every dev says when there is feedback.
And actually do you mean what context means? Because the quote you first posted to prove your point didnt have any context at all.
You seriously get some basic education, instead of acting like a autist on an anonymous image board.
If you can't tell if you want to buy a game or not after watching several hours worth of raw gameplay then you're a retard. Who gives a shit what reviewers say outside of exposing technical bugs or flaws?
dub is fine. if you want japanese language then buy the japanese game. Can't read japanese? well to bad. it's a superior written language. learn it.
You're an odd one.
>durr hurr redditors
>Types "THIS" in all caps
If you are going to make a useless and elitist comment to another useless comment at least put some thought into it.

>square can make good rpgs
fucking no
Atlus I'll give you but Square? You must be retarded.
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A lot of other previews are at the very least positive and a bunch are glowing with positivity.

The dude reviewing it for IGN hasn't been up on the game since before the Jap release even.
>I'm too fucking stupid to understand reviewers are not honest.

Square Enix hasn't made a good JRPG in 10 years.
Not him, but Squares 2016 lineup is looking really good. Granted I'm not gonna praise shit until they are out and are actually as good as they look. There's plenty of chance for any or all of those games to be ass.
their main FF series has been in the shitter for about a decade now sure. But their off branch smaller projects are usually better. And have you played the ffxv beta? Shit was fucking fun and I hate open world games.
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>The game is too talky
I really hated Episode Duscae to be honest. But I will admit it's really well made, it's just not my thing.
The only 2016 "square" games are eidos games.
>implying TWEWY wasn't good
It's just the trolls and shitposters looking for an excuse to do exactlly that. Anything to shit on a game they don't like because they have nothing else to play for some reason.
I thought it was good, the patched version added a lot of cool stuff, and seeing as how they've revamped the combat further for the final game I'm pretty happy with what they're doing. Fan feedback is greatly helping the game
>Star Ocean 5
>DQ Builders
>localizations of DQ 7-8
>Localization of FF explorers
>Nier automata possibly
Eidos is fucking kicking into high gear taking on all these games, I had no idea

>Hey retards, you do know you can disable all that.

One should question devs who thought a UI should end up like that at all in the first place. Doesn't inspire confidence

Who cares

This is the site that gave GodHand a bad score and throws "does the same shit as last time" in both the pros AND the cons depending on who is paying them.

Why do people use IGN? Because theyve been around so long? Same goes for Gamespot How the fuck do all these critics coexist when not only are they crappy critics but theyre crappy at the games they play?

The music was good at least. Rest of the game I kinda didn't care for.

In fact, music is the only saving grace Square Enix has for their games.
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>"The world isn't as memorable as other open world games"
Compared to what? Open world games may be memorable, but it's certainly not because of their open worlds.

its 2015 for christsake!
>game with huge focus on exploration
>he just wants to get to the story and get game done for review when he has to the end of the month to get review out
Yeah he never wanted to review this game to begin with.
>We want the nostalgia audience
>Star ocean 5
>not made by Square
>Dq builders
>not made by square
>Dq xi
>not made by square
>localization of dq
>well maybe but way too late and in the end not made by square
>FF explorers
>a mediocre game but well okay
>not made by square
Most of these arent even made by square and saying square devs make good games because of those games is even more of an insult.
Its like saying all of EAs internal studios make good games when they once again buy a 3rd party dev studio that made quality titles.

Why explore when the world isn't memorable?
Sounds like that Gamespot reviewer who had to review Yoshi and his excerpt starts with, "Ya see I didn't even want to play this, I could be playing Witcher 3 right now, but because I care about my job I will review this game, best be grateful."
/v/ after three weeks
Why are you being such a fag. They have personally funded, overseen, and will publish these and have their name on the cover and startup screens
He's looking for shit that exists in Fallout and other Bethesda shit. He compares it and talks about how there are settlements and shit in those games but not XCX. But in XCX's world it doesn't make sense to have stuff because how it's an alien planet. It's fine to compare it to Bethesda games as there are enough similarities but at some point those similarities stop and so should the comparison. He obviously would rather be playing FO4 instead.
>They have thrown money at something
>this makes them good good developers
Yeah nah mate, square is shit tier as dev and literally japans EA surviving by leeching off devs that make good stuff.
Alright well since you wanna get autistic about this, well just throw the blanket over the whole thing and go back to "square is looking to have a good output for the next 2 years"
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>shitty mmo combat
>derpy faces
>dumb story
>fetch quests rivalling dragon age

IGN has it right for once.

If only we would also see some retroactive proper scoring of Xenoblade as well.
name one good game and watch as we all shit on that
Don't but a game on day one you fucking dipshit faggot.
>static enemies
>non-memorable world

>gives Fallout 4 a 9.5
>despite the horrendous bugs
How far is this guy into the game? Because through out the game more settlements appear when you make alien allies. For example: The Wrothians set up a settlement in the Continent of Ash after a certain point in the story, you can even take specific quests from them.
Hes probably only a few hours in because he would rather play destiny
He says "several hours" and then chuckles. Although that doesn't really mean anything.

>he likes Destiny
This explains everything.
If its Jose Otero then yes. Those other 2 guys on the podcast don't play jrpgs at all. He gave taken King a 9 and im pretty sure is the main guy on their destiny podcast.
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>censor game to appeal to normalfags

>normalfags hate it anyway

sasuga NoA
Gametrailers are the only long time reviewers I genuinely trust. Watch their streams and talk events about shit like e3, or their speculation vids about MGSV or even just the trailer review of MGSV. They are like the exact opposite of Giant Bomb. They fucking love games, they get excited, they get hyped, and they know their fucking shit.
Is it like FFXII? Because if so that's waste of a mech. I was expecting Armored Core when you entered it.
IGN and Gamespot aren't the only review sites, you know.

Gametrailers is spot on 90% of the time with their video reviews. You may not agree with the number score (if this is the only thing you pay attention to, you deserve to be misinformed), but the review itself is always extremely accurate.
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One does not deliver on promised features, such as a breast size slider, while the other does
Yes the combat is pretty much exactly the same as FFXII, right down to being able to customize the AI to the point the game basically plays itself.
>right down to being able to customize the AI to the point the game basically plays itself.

Oh fuck, I love that.
1st. Who gives a shit what IGN thinks?

2nd. I bought Xenoblade, I bought Xenogears twice, I bought all the Xenosaga trilogy (I don't know why), but fuck if I'm going to buy censored garbage when there are so many other RPGs I could be playing.
GT reviews are pretty cool and trustwortjy
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>I bought Xenoblade, I bought Xenogears twice, I bought all the Xenosaga trilogy (I don't know why), but fuck if I'm going to buy censored garbage when there are so many other RPGs I could be playing.
Do you actually know how fucking ironic your post is?
>Bought the Xenosaga trilogy
>Won't buy X cause of censorship
>censored garbage
Oh boy

Yeah, you're not a fan of the series anyways
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One of the few times Todd Howard wasn't the liar. I can still remember the team at PAX and how they lied
Japan didn't like the game that much either. Is safe to assume that reviews won't be as good as the ones for the first Xeno.
Yeah instead you'd just be lucky if the game could play well at all without crashing or a bug ruining your day, oh and mods on consoles being never ever.
I'm just not gonna buy it at all it's much easier. I don't support single audio track when it is actually as easy as flipping a switch. If they are that hard up for cash charge 10 bucks for it as a download anyone interested would buy it to avoid dub trash.
>>Affinity quests lock you out of doing the Story quest. You also cannot quit Affinity quests once you've started one.
>>The world isn't as memorable as other open world games
>>Enemies feel static
>>The game is too talky
these are all opinions

they obviously hate nintendo and will score it low

I'm still buying the game and I hope this doesn't sway other's opinions
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Well, he never actually promised that, did he now?
>>Affinity quests lock you out of doing the Story quest. You also cannot quit Affinity quests once you've started one.
>these are all opinions
dude what
>it just works
Pre-ordered the game here too, but I'm not expecting a GOTY. A good game, but nothing fantastic.

Should still be lots of fun though even with the censorship.
Says who? That tweet by a guy who constantly gets things wrong? Unless you get a better source we don't know what they said at that panel.
I'll probably end up agreeing with IGN on this one. XCX looks like a disaster in the making. Xenoblade reminded me how great the JRPG formula could be. But from what I've seen with XCX, it looks like Monolith Soft is going in the complete opposite direction. Less focus on story and adventure, more focus on boring, quest-grindy elements and the awful "bigger open-world = better game" mentality that Skyrim forced on us.
Didn't he even delete his tweet after GameXplain released that video? Pretty shameful.
>people in this thread actually suggesting you listen to this board

it's worth taking in the opinions of this board, so long as you do so with a kilo of salt

just like you would that of any review, user or otherwise
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>but fuck if I'm going to buy censored garbage
Haha oh wow
How about the pax panel itself?
That's not the QA panel, that wasn't what that tweet was referring to, it was the question and answering shit that came after that wasn't uploaded.
Oh, didn't someone post that mp3 of that?
No, no one has any recording of it whatsoever.
Who's reviewing it, the José guy? He was in all those IGN videos covering the Japanese stuff so why would he start disliking it now?
Are you sure? Are you REALLY sure of that... shill?
It's like someone found a secret stash of the freshest, most king prime bait ever whenever an XCX thread pops up.
But that's the fucking podcast idiot, with people whining about that guy saying a joke about Sketel meme.
It's funny because the vast majority of previews so far praise it.
Yeah it's Jose. To be fair, he never really says what he thinks overall about the game and focuses on the negatives, which really seem like small things, but who knows?
>But we're still gonna remove the references the Xeno-series is famous for
>and see that breast slider?
>we're changing that
I love how the idiot even renamed the title to PAX Lies when it was one of their recent pod casts, its amazing the level of reaching some will do.
This game was a letdown for me the moment they showed actual gameplay for the first time in a Direct. The combat system used in this RPG isn't for me: or it must be curayzee, or turn based, not this mess with no reactions, only bangbangs everywhere
I told you guys it was an MMO.

You didn't believe me, but who's laughing now?
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>and see that breast slider?
>we're changing that

Ha ha ha..., that was NoA, not 8-4, you dumb bastard.

Yeah other than Kotaku(by a guy who didn't like the original Xenoblade) and now IGN(by a guy who'd rather play something else and sounds like he is in a rush to beat it even when reviews won't go up to the 30th(according to Gamespot and Polygon) and that's almost a whole month since review copies have been out)
>localizing this
Naw, they're too busy localizing FE:F to care about this
>bought Xenogears twice
>bought the Xenosaga trilogy
>won't buy XCX because censoring
I really wish people would look up the shit they talk about.

watch gameplay on youtube
glance at metacritic reviews for any poor game choices that aren't obvious from videos

it's that easy.
if you don't want to put ANY time into finding out if a game is good or bad, you might as well listen to advertisements
>Naw, they're too busy localizing FE:F to care about this

But it's true, they were the ones who made the change. Why yes my source is someone at 8-4 but WHY WOULD THEY LIE????
Why do I get the feeling these threads just get trashed by fallout 4/ rooster teeth fans

> Tons upon tons of glowing F4 threads months and months before relase

> Todd is a meme

> Bethesda is a shit develope--

Christ that looks bad.

When will I actually use my Wii U again?
is this a joke? This HUD is a joke right?
>Japanese game
>Every doing well with western reviewers
What a surprise!
>Angry that IGN doesn't like Nintendo games
>An alternative would be for a Nintendo bias website to give the game a good review
How can I trust either opinions?
Like what?
well who's right and who's wrong because i'm getting different signal from other sites
>having Nintendo bias
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Daily fucking reminder to respect your elders.
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>people actually caring about IGN
Remember to buy Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3 bundled with Mountain Dew and a limited edition Nuketown pass!
>that final slash
nutthin personnel kid
Good, hopefully it bombs so shitty localizations won't happen anymore.
is anyone have those xeno webms where cars had no shado nor collision?
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what a shit taste.
Basically they complain that game is too long. And that you can't progress thru story cause you need to do some quests first.
In a game which built around sidequest.
IGN is a joke.
They want instantly have fun like in Fallout 4 getting power armour as first quest.
They will complain that getting a doll is too much of a work and too long and other bullshit
it's probably from some fagot's stream
IGN gave Fallout 4 a 9/10. Who gives a fuck what they think about vidya any longer?
>it still looks like shit zoomed out

>posts another zoomed webm
100% chance that Fallout 4 will have more staying power, and be more memorable than Xenoblade X. Sorry to burst your fanboy bubble.
Can't you bum rush the doll in roughly twenty hours in a 100 hour game?
Games only have to be fun to the individual playing them. 'Staying power' is irrelevant unless they just decide to stop making video games and we're left to deal with only whats currently out.
>100% chance

But I quit Fallout 4 at the first vault. In fact, I quit Fallout 4 earlier than I quit Fallout 3. Sorry to burst your fanboy bubble Bethfag. I don't even own a Wii-U you nigger, I was waiting for one of you Bethesda-shills to try and undermine my post and it didn't take long
you can, technically you can beat story in 50~ hours if you ignore sidequests
But 20 hours is still too long for modern "journalism"
>Expect 6-7/10. 7/10 if you're lucky.
But thats what I was already expecting. I'm hype as fuck for the game, but the way mainstream reviewers judge games doesn't allow the strengths of the game to shine. It was always going to get medicore reviews. This is hardly breaking news.
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also nice quadros
In another preview the same guy focuses solely on the Skells and makes it seem like it's the only thing that matters in the game when it's only a facet. I partly blame the marketing for it being "GIANT ROBUTT GAME" and while yes the Skells are a really nice addition there's a lot more to the game. The original didn't have mechs either.

If ign hates it, then it must be really good.

All we need now is for those dudebro faggots at gamespot to hate it and the game will pretty much have been confirmed as goty for anyone with taste.

Day one buy!
Should have been delayed to the NX like Zelda Wii U so we could get the originally advertised graphics instead of PS2 tier graphics
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to be fair, Dolls are major part of the game. it gives you a lot of damage boost and you do use it quite often.
Yet ignoring side quests, on foot combat (which is way more complicated that Doll combat) is pretty stupid.
I'd say it save to name X as mech game, they just threat mechs as Real Robot type of mecha shows. Aka Votoms or Macross
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fuck my engrish
I meant:
It's safe to call X as a mech game, if you treat it as your regular Real Robot show. Doll's just a tool, how it should be. Focus is not on them, while they have been used as vehicles.
That's the stuff.
That's like, 8.5. You've really got to curb your standards a little if you seriously believe that anything getting lower than 9 from people who are not yourself makes something unenjoyable.
The implication is famitsu is garbage and gives high scores to literally everything, so a 34 is actually bad.

They gave Zestiria a 36, and that was a clown fiesta.
>implying different cultures don't have different video game tastes

>implying Japanese reviews are somehow indicative of Western reception
What he means is that Famitus is the japanese IGN. Which is true.
>What he means is that Famitus is the japanese IGN. Which is true.

This isn't entirely true. Famitsu is basically a Japanese video game propaganda publication. Since the Japanese market has been dying for quite a while now it is in their best interest to review Japanese games highly to help push sales since most of them won't come to the West and the ones that do tend to be niche and not always sell high enough to justify modern development/localization costs, you're pretty much guaranteed a 7 or 8 from each judge just for being made in Japan.

IGN has a bit of a troubled history but their opinions/reviews seem to be pretty honest nowadays, it's OK to disagree with them since reviews are completely subjective the best way to do it is find reviews of games you have played and find a reviewer who mostly agreed with your assessments and then look to them for future reviews.
>that aren't just generic forest, desert, lava areas
...Look, I am buying the fucking special edition, and that is EXACTLY what this game has.

Plains + floating islands
Jungle + bioluminescence + poison
Desert + gears
Lava + ancient metal structures.

What makes it stand apart from the rest is that Monolith Soft has top fucking grade terrain variety and world design. Literally any fucking position can be turned into a scenic vista if the camera's turned the right way.
It's actually the opposite, Famitsu always sucks off western games at every opportunity they get, they gave fucking Skyrim a perfect score and all.
Anon, anon, anon.
The cars are holograms. NLA isn't actually big enough to need cars. They're there to make it seem busy, so they can give the citizens a feeling of normalcy.
>bunch of water
>too much water 7.8/10
It's not snow its white ash

>Being this dumb

I never said Famitsu rates every Western game low, it's just that every Japanese game gets an instantly high baseline so it's harder to guage how much they actually like the game. (Can't fucking believe I have to spell this out. English better be your second language Anon.) Skyrim got a perfect score because 4 people had an OPINION that they liked the game. WEW LAD
>>The game is too talky
Yes. It exists in the game, but the player zoomed in the camera to the extreme and enabled ALL THE MENUS. ALL OF THEM.

Most can be disabled. More than a couple that he has on currently are actually pointless. The doll gauge is useless since the fuel is to the left of your player stats, the squad missions aren't relevant at that point in the game, nor is the minimap in the middle of battle, and there's not much point to having the Division markers or quest goals up at that point in time.

And there he is guys! The IGN shitposter that doesn't actually know where the meme is from has made an appearance.

For the record it's from the Alpha Sapphire review. A game which indeed did have an excessive amount of water sections compare to every other Pokemon game and the reviewer, along with a ton of other people, didn't like it.
No western game has gotten a score lower than 30/40 in Famitsu, at least no AAA one.

Most low budget JRPGs generally go around the 28/40 or lower line. They only tend to give safe scores to games from Square and the like, but I don't know why we're even arguing this, they're a fucking joke anyways.

>English better be your second language Anon

It is.
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This thread has more bait than a tackle shop, Jesus Christ.

KOS-MOS or coincidence? Is Chronicles even in the same universe as Saga?
> Is Chronicles even in the same universe as Saga?
No.X is a retelling of part 1 of perfect works.
Wait, since when did /v/ start caring about fucking IGN's tastes in video games?
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>Being unable to know if you'll like a game or not without reading the opinions of shitty reviewers that probably don't even have the same tastes as you
>>The world isn't as memorable as other open world games
opinion discarded.
>fog doesn't exist in real life and shouldn't be presented in games
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>Arguing over fucking review scores
>Especially shit like IGN and Famitsu
Form your own opinions you fucking sheep. If you HAVE to use reviews at least don't use fucking obvious paid shill publications.
in the eyes of the anti nintendo sect, those baits are now truth, expect people reposting them unironically forever with mods approval since they are coordinating those threads nowadays, as proven by literal waves of 5-10 anti nintendo threads repost being left undeleted for days, every days. The last janitor opening was the last dose of cancer on their team.
Niggas got a point. I generally use /v/ and Nintenso Direct for most of my news

>/v/ isnt shitposting about it
Its not worth knowing
>/v/ isnt shilling it
Its not worth playing
>/v/ isnt defending it from shitposting
Its not worth playing

Hasnt steered me wrong in 9 years
Don't shoot the messenger, I'm just explaining the thought process. Zestiria was literally garbage, there's no way a reasonable publication should've reviewed it higher than X.
>he still doesn't know how to form his own opinion

Stop being a fucking sheep. Watch gameplay videos on youtube. No one needs reviewers in this day and age but morons who need opinions fed to them because they can't think for themselves.
That's interesting take. Tho I rarely see /v/ posting about musous, which are great.
>>317450564 see >>317452410

/v/'s opinion is worthless. Specially current /v/. This board is trash.
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>Tho I rarely see /v/ posting about musous, which are great.
Your own opinions will always matter more than a bunch of angry shitposters such as ourselves.
This is the publication that gave Skyrim a higher score than the original XC. I've put over 100 hours into both, and Skyrim is just objectively worse by a fair margin. People always praise Skyrim's big open world with tons to do, and its exploration, but I've seriously never seen a world as amazing as XC's in any game, with so many varied quests to do.

The exact same people who praise F4's "gigantic varied open world", especially the ones who use it as the entire justification for a 9-10/10, will shit on XCX's, despite it being larger, more visually appealing, and more varied, with more secrets to find.

The only acceptable outcome is XCX getting scores as good as or greater than whatever most publications scored F4 at. Anything else is just more proof that the review industry is broken.
>biggest mainstream publicity the game is getting is negative censorship shit and now negative stuff like this

Congratulations NOA, you got exactly what you wanted
>No one needs reviewers in this day and age but morons who need opinions fed to them because they can't think for themselves.
Those morons buy 90% of all video games. The review scores and hype matter if they mean that I don't get a sequel to an amazing game because they didn't fucking buy the original due to low review scores.

People should definitely form their own opinions based on footage and the like, and I agree with you on that. It's just that it's also important to realize what kind of an impact reviewers can have.
>they're doing this all on purpose
>throwing their bodies into the line of fire so that the game can be a success
godspeed you crazy english-degree losers
>so that the game can be a success

No, they want the game to fail.
Don't you see? By creating controversy, they're viralling the game like crazy!
>The world isn't as memorable as other open world games

Yeah, because so many open world games have memorable locations.

>The game is too talky

It was made by the creator of "disc 2 is an ebook" Xenogears and "more cutscenes than MGS" Xenosaga, what the fuck were they expecting?
I really wanna like fallout 4, i may wait for some patches. The loading times were so bad specially the elevators one.
>The world isn't as memorable as other open world games
Geez anon. Maybe you should watch gameplay videos to see if you would like it or not?
This isn't 2003 with shitty video quality anymore.

Find me a game /v/ liked in past 2 months

It's negative hype dude. This isn't like bayonetta or dragon's crown, where they got buzz for NOT censoring.

This game is confirmed dead on arrival here, with low sales and review scores, regardless of how good it will be. and it's all noa's fault for failing to build hype and making it into a real contender. And releasing it too late.
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what's so surprising? everyone has known for a calendar year this game was a 7/10

it's not like NOA was doing any gameplay improvements while they localizing the game.
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They improved it by making it more...streamlined.
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what kind of tortured backstory do the characters have in this game
I used to LOVE Warriors games in the PS2 era.
Then they all became generic casual shit where you swing your weapon once and you instantly kill 50 of the hundreds of harmless, braindead peons cluttering the screen.

I remember grunt enemies actively attacking me, even with musou attacks, in the old games. It was a common thing to be juggled, even.

I had lots of crazy fights with the flying super china saiyans in Strikeforce dashing across levels and dodging lasers and fireballs from the gigantic beast bosses.

None of that can be found in the modern games. The apex of "challenge" now consists of enemies killing you in 2-3 hits in chaos mode while still having shit AI.

You know what, fuck this. Now I'm in the mood for some good musou action.
brb getting Strikeforce 2 HD
Well adding in the DLC for free sure made it better for me.
>played Xenogears
>expected Gurren Lagann

Did you play it like yesterday?

nice deflection fanboy
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>The game is too talky
Too much water
Video playthrough is much better. No scores, first impression, and opinions on the games system. thats all.
Real talk though, how does XCX compare to the first Xenoblade?

Better? Worse?
I knew all this shit from watching JP streams months ago

but any criticism on this game is just "bait" according to the deluded people
Who didn't believe you?
The first Xenoblade was an offline MMO, why would its sequel be any different?
buy game at a place that has a 7 day no questions asked return policy
Should I cancel my pre-order to get Paper Jam Bros?
fuck off IGN shill
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I recently got Samurai Warriors 4-II and getting my ass handed to me on normal difficulty if I ever get distracted just for a bit. Not to mention all those objectives.
I freaking love it.

By all means I'm not really good at action games, so take that with grain of salt, but so far SW4-II seems pretty challenging not cause insane damage from enemies.
Learn to make proper PEG, anon.
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worse senpai

no protag, all quests are mmo shit and all your ground combat skills/levels mean nothing when you get your doll and the only way to get your doll stronger is by money not levels
as far as I can tell it's better in almost every way
Gameplay wise completely better in every respect.
Story wise - taste depended.
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found one deluded guy here

:^) I wonder if they censored this too though
Improved combat system and city rebuilding portion.
More shit to explore.
But less streamlined and story-focused.
Character development is now more part of the new Heart-to-Heart quests than part of the main story.
Way more party customization and variety, too.
you forgot
music wise - slightly better

ok meme expert
Dunno, each game has music which fits for me.
Metacritic and /v/. I mostly only take into account the critic scores on metacritic because there really are some reviewers who aren't shills.
>all quests are mmo shit
So the same as Xenoblade
> all your ground combat skills/levels mean nothing
Objectively wrong as enemies have specific anti-doll weaponry, you can get strategic buffs from willingly going doll-less in battles, dolls have way bigger cooldowns on attacks and dolls can get incapacitated/lose limbs which blocks you from using some attacks. There is always room for ground combat and if you invest everything in doll you'll get fucked. Plus, there are certain caves and dungeons you cannot enter with your doll.

Dolls are cool and all but they're not the be-all/end-all of combat and ground combat skills will always remain relevant. They don't give you the opportunity to exit your doll at any time in combat for nothing.
>Japan doesn't like Xenoblade X

That's no valuable metric. Japan didn't like the original Xenoblade, they much preferred the Last Story in comparison (which sorta bombed over here, comparatively speaking).
except you didnt have to do side quests in the first one

here you have to do shitty side quests to unlock main story
>GameXplain reviews the game and considers it fantastic with one of the best open world in ages full of life and interesting to observe enemies and never empty outside of swimming in oceans, interesting quests all around the game and diverse, interesting cast
>">gayxplain" "fuck off shills" "nintenbabbies are that delusional"

>IGN says the opposite

You can do this with every upcoming popular release, see Fallout 4.
Why do you want video games to fail, /v/? I've literally seen people getting mad that Fallout 4 got good reviews BEFORE the game even came out, so they could not even know if the game was actually shit or not.
>. Japan didn't like the original Xenoblade, they much preferred the Last Story in comparison

>xenoblade 4.5 rating 500+ votes
>xenoblade x 3.5 rating 500+ votes

>last story 3.5 rating 200+ votes

im sure they much preferred last story and didnt like the original wow nice sources....
>the world isn't as memorable as other open world games

What sort of absolute horseshit is this? The world and the mechs are like the two biggest points in this game's favor. It's certainly more memorable than any world Bethesda has shit out in the past decade.
IGN plz go.
you need to do bare minimum sidequests (to learn about main characters) in sidequest oriented game.
If story was built differently, like in chronicles, they'd incorporated those quests into main story line.
I got surprised today when a random show on japanese tv had xbx music in the background. Its not rare for japanese tv to use anime songs for the background but i never heard game sound tracks being used.
amazon jp ratings btw

can easily check yourself http://www.amazon.co.jp/

because you want to suck its dick for no justifiable reason
The ONLY "side quests" you have to do to proceed with the main story is explore at least 30% of the planet and mark it on your map and increase affinity with a couple of people, which is literally done with A SINGLE CUTSCENE YOU CAN SKIP WITH A SINGLE BUTTON.
Why are you trying so hard to shitpost about a game you know nothing about?
So you just proved my point right you do have to do side quests before main story just like I said

Thanks I knew I wasn't wrong
>amazon jp ratings btw
>What sort of absolute horseshit is this?
I'd say viral marketing, but it's probably just honestly someone who fell for a narrative.

You see sites giving F4 a bunch of good reviews. "Great story, characters, amazing world" are always included in the points. What do you think happens when people see this game's world is just plain better?

It's beneficial to a large number of different interest groups - organized and non-organized - that XCX's world be diminished. The less people who see what you can actually do with how much money in how little time, the better. It is beneficial for these groups that people have lower standards.
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>you have to play the game to beat the game
no shit sherlock
take this, you are so right
better sources than yours

you had no proof saying how they liked last story better, also japanese amazon is more reliable ratings unlike western
I can already tell that it's going to be inferior to the first Xenoblade. What is it with sequels and taking a step backwards?
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can anyone that's played both games confirm whether it's similar to Mass Effect?

every video gives me serious Mass Effect vibes
>100% chance that Fallout 4 will have more staying power
Yeah, but it will be 100% thanks to the modding community continuously adding new content and not the vanilla game's own merit.

they'll bomb stuff for laughs and don't take numerical ratings seriously
>B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but it's not memeorabel
What about the giant fucking ring in the desert area
Or the massive fucking cliff in the starting area.
Jesus christ, if this shit is NOT memorable, you people have a shit memory
Also 100% because the game is, at this point, popular due to popularity, and its community will continue to grow, while XCX is a niche game which will likely sell less than 1m units.
A developer typically doesn't admit any wrong doing unless they really fucked up and must take accountability for their failure.
You're using Amazon as a reference? And calling me out on having bad sources? Goddamn, man.

I was talking more about their games media, the equivalent to IGN and shit we have. Famitsu gave Last Story a 38/40 and Xenoblade a 36/40 to name but one example.

(Obviously wasn't me you were responding to, but I agree with them that it was a bit retarded to use Amazon as a way to judge games. Do you do that often?)
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Remind me why people still give a shit about reviews again?
Especially ones from IGN of all places? I hope nobody is taking them seriously.
>The game is too talky
>Nintendo didn't pay us enough so I had to come up with something negative to say
I've had people say that XC had an empty and unmemorable world. You cannot please some people.
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literally nothing to see here guys
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>n64 for christmas and had to give a fake smile

Ocarina, marjora, starfox, nfl blitz, smash, golden eye, pokemon stadium..

Wait a minute, you meant wii u and accidentally typed n64, didn't you?
It's not side quest if its apart of the main story.
X is more sci-fi like Mass-effect i quess but, its more in vein of Xenosaga/Gears.
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it's just a worm, whatever if its "eye" is about same size as doll
Nobody does, but it's shitposting fuel.
And shitposting is rampant on this board.
Why is everything so GREY? I don't understand why they'd make an open world game with fantasy environments then water it all down with a dull grey filter. I mean they got it right in XC so for what reason did they decide to make this change?
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Looks bland, empty and unnecessarily big. Necessarily big meaning large but with ways to interact with the environment.
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looks better on TV, honestly. Dunno why raw screenshots so bland.
it's been almost a year, try to get new bait or something
That's great news!
Thank you, anon!
Huh, well that's a relief.
>japan liked the first one more
>b-but japs have worst taste trust m-me

how deluded are you people
I wonder if reviewers would shit on that game if it were to be released tomorrow.
>t-the screenshots are flawed, it doesn't really look like that!

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keep in mind that I never played earlier musou games, my experience is limited with DW7, HW, WO3, DW: Gundam, DW: Gundam Reborn, Sengoku Basara (does it technically counts?)
And so far I'd say SW4-II is most challenging from them. There are still tons of grunt enemies tho, but they can use various attacks which you need to watch out. Ninjas can transform into item boxes, spearman - thrust thru with some sort of special attack.
Gather some more info from better sources before wasting money or being too happy about it, maybe I'm just bad.
that post includes a picture of what it actually looks like
Yes and it has a nice grey filter.
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you'll see soon enough anyway, it also looks way better in motion, especially during day time change.
Can't honestly say that game is dull color wise
Might be your TV settings probably.
I mean, it's going to feature an overhauled combat system from XC, right? That's all I'm looking for in this game, the fact I have this huge world to try my builds on is just gravy.
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maybe? it's artsy and the soundtrack has le feels, probably not
That looks washed out and bland. Thanks for the proof I guess?
>IGN isn't impressed
If IGN doesn't like it, it must be really good
not seeing it.
dunno, never really fucked around with them.
but yeah, I guess they enhance color. Isn't most TV have game mode of sorts? Which is probably taken into consideration in process of development?
It's a picture of a TV, of course it's going to look washed out, tardbrain.
>that picture
Based Japan.
Positive everybody shat on NieR and it has both.
>game looks like shit, but if your tv fucks with the colors it turns out alright

also my camera is shit.
I literally using factory settings tho.
>gray water
>gray grass
>gray rocks
>gray monsters
It's okay when Nintendo does it
Looks really good for a Wii U game. How does it run? 30 fps? 60 fps? Any noticable framedrops?
they see every good and bad things you need to know about a game.
of course
well ign can just go fuck off. they are a shitty reviewer anyways.

Man look at all that water
very memorable
much wet
Are you colorblind? At least shitpost about the generic characters, that would make more sense.
Stop replying to bait, only an idiot would say this game is grey or colourless
No, anon, only an idiot would think it's vibrant.
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Stable 30.
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are you colorblind?
Stable 30 FPS, didn't notice any framedrops like in chronicles even in fights filled with special effects, like 4 dolls vs few enemy dolls and aggroed 10 other enemy soldiers.
Aside of pop-in, game runs nicely.
I'm sleepy and don't care. Excuse to post old photos.

>though a bit immature for the game's content
What did he mean by this?

I'll take stable 30, games shaping up to be a day one buy for me.
It just looked like it had some very noticible drops on the gamexplain stream, but that could be the recording quality also.
I don't care about popin, doesnt ruin the expierence for me.
no, It runs at a stable 30
>source: I played it
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This is how a lush, vibrant environment looks. Note how washed out xeno is in comparison.
I'll wait for Digital Foundry and Gamersyde to confirm, thanks.

Whatever you say, champ.
We'll let Digital Foundry decide that.
Also some animations have motion blur.
or you could play it yourself...
Not one single frame rate drop during my playthrough in the jp version, was using the texture packs too so even though there pop ins at least the texture loaded fast.
Why the fuck would anyone care for reviews of this? The game has been out for some time in Japan, why not just ask them what they think of it? Why bother with some site being biased because they weren't bribed enough?
>best open world in ages full of life and interesting to observe enemies
It's WoW-tier full of life, just like XC, wake up.
what a badass
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also minimum loading screens. Only when you start some story stuff, when you fast travel, or when you go into blade HQ.
I think that's it.
So the game is a flop huh? I was gonna grab it, now I dunno. Just sounds really lame and full of shit I don't like. The cluttered screenshots don't help.

Wow, talk about cringe-worthy.
Thanks anon, game looks amazing, even on offscreen pics.
I'm sold, gonna preorder it now. Is the Europian SE worth it?
Awful choreography. Like shitty anime.

>hold on, let me stand here while my squad gets murdered so he can murder me when he gets done with jimmy

Nice facial animation though.
>picture of a tv

>b-but I was merely pretending!!!!!!!
IGN also thought W101 wasn't good.

Who gives a fuck, they're the most casual site out there.
Its poorly received in Japan while selling terribly. Most people want to know if that's still true. Its already looking bad....
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Glad to see the tradition of badass veterans showing kids how it's done isn't over.
>That gif

That's not real, is it?
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Anon pls, it looks WORSE in screenshots. His TV is doing color correction of some kind.
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So is this thread actual discussion, or is it just shitposting about the game?
Quick guys:
Can you play this game entirely on the gamepad? yes or no?

That's sad.
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>Is the Europian SE worth it?
dunno really,it seems to have same artbook as JP one, which was underwhelming. (disc box sized - 40~ pages) Some questionable editing inside but it's nice quality print. Steelbook seems nice, but it really depends if you like them.
I like poster a lot tho.
Overall it's not much more expensive than regular edition it seems. Amazon France even sold it earlier with same price as regular edition.
But if you won't find a deal and value artbook more than other stuff, get regular edition and import X JP artbook in december from JP (3000 yen)

glad I was some help.
Discussion plus one reoccurring shitposter. Its ok
Obviously it's just shitposting

the gamepad screen is inferior to any decent TV. it is seriously a low budget pos
Yes, only menu's being a little less accessable/
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Anon. I just posted a screenshot that's horrible and washed out. If you don't believe proof right in front of your eyes, nothing will convince a nintentoddler like you.
I bought a wii u on impulse for this game, I hate every other game on the platform, how badly did I fuck up
Ah, ok.

Let's talk about the Mechs. What color scheme are you making yours? I'm going white and gold.
I agree though. As a huge action buff and someone that bought W101 despite disliking the demo because fanboys said 'it got better'. Well it didn't and remains both the worst platinum game I played and unfinished.
Yes, but you'll have to open up a menu for fast traveling/accessing your map.
yes, it supports full off-tv play.
Majorly.You don't buy a console for one game but, I hope you enjoy it.
buy the game and enjoy it then sell the wiiU, what's the big deal
>little less
as in it takes more time or options not being avaible.

I've got shit eyes. I'm sorry I'm happy I can at least still SEE
>let me just turn down green on the histogram in my image editor to prove I'm right!

Oh, so you're literally retarded and rely on buzzwords and memes to make you look cool?
Big time. sell it around Zelda release for max profit.
The only reason people are posting TV pics is because the screenshots in this thread look like garbage.
>as in it takes more time or options not being avaible.
you just will have to go to separate screen to access the map, like most regular games with maps and no second screen on gamepad
Nothing game breaking.
The image is hosted here, you can also google images yourself.


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Neon green and black
no option for a map on hud?
The game isn't good looking even in person. This shit needs some emulation magic. How do you go from Xenoblade to this? It looks like Fallout 3. Even emulated Xeno looks better.
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I'm making a red Wels and a black and gold Amdusia
I literally, figuratively and theoretically never saw a single good XCX thread on /v/. And this game was announced three years ago.
Too bad the weapons you put on the mechs fuck up any color theme you were going for.
>The only reason people are posting TV pics is because the screenshots in this thread look like garbage.
I'll put more weight on a picture of a TV running the game than I will a screenshot.

Bad games get bad threads I guess.
You do know this is a screenshot from a youtube video right? Pretty sure its the exploration trailer.
I saw 3 good threads in these years. They usually start with talking about the previous Xenoblade.
no, only minimap is on hud. Map itself is just massive, has notes and you operate with resources you gather from particular place.
Managing/installing modules and maximize your income.
For most quests you'll get an arrow on minimap and you can pretty easily find where to go thanks for a lot of reference points, when I played I rarely used map aside of fast traveling.
It's really not that hard to figure out where you are without looking on gamepad.
Sage green and magenta.
>arrow on the minimap
Isn't there an arrow on top of the screen acting as a compass? there was in the wii game
you have to get lucky, like when /v/ is busy shitposting some other games or talking nonsense. Like yesterday, when people were busy between Persona/#FE, Alyson from Nintendo, and Linkle, we had a good one.
XCX thread OPs just have to get smart.
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forgot my pic
no, nothing like that, but all quest monsters you'll come across will be labeled as such with green exclamation mark.
Yea. We also had a row of good threads during FO4 shitposting
In contrary to gamespot - the chick here understands the mechanics of the game. The guy keeps repeating how this isnt a action game, all of his complaints can be boiled down to him being a pure casual.

>The world isn't as memorable as other open world games
Biggest lie from IGN this year.

>pacing issues
>its not linear enough
No offense anon, but those colors don't blend well.

Don't you want to be fashionable?
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>gets shit all over
>just cries and stamps his feet

Man, destroying dumbfucks like you sure is fun.

>'ll put more weight on a picture of a TV running the game than I will a screenshot.

And the TV picture looks grey and washed out. Holy goddamn son, you are hilariously retarded.
same happened to Bloodborne, when The Witcher 3 came out, suddenly, a good thread
>literally a minimap with an arrow indicating where to go
Works for me. Thanks
>arguing with yourself
there isnt a more pathetic person on /v/ right now.
Vandal, a spanish website, gave very good impressions: Huge and alive world, great OST, way better combat system than Xeno, top noch graphics, interesting plot with nice twist, game has little handholding and you feel lost many times
Your character is a nobody to the plot, 720p, minor bugs like you can go through the cars in NLA
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>because fanboys said 'it got better'. Well it didn't and remains both the worst platinum game I played

Post a pic with a time stamp. Unless its the only Platinum game you've ever played or Bayo is the only other Platinum game you've played, you're beyond full of shit.
Then how about neon green and purple?
Are you actually implying I'm falseflagging as a butthurt xeno fanboi and then insulting myself?

You are retarded as fuck.
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>Futuristic offline WoW raids on Wii U
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no problem, but while all quest monsters labeled for all quests, you can have only one active quest arrow as well as flavor text on the right side.
If some HUD elements seems unnecessary, you can customize what you want or don't want to show.

Game has pretty good UI overall, I guess me being able to play it without any problem while having close to zero JP knowledge is a good indication.
Why are you here in this thread instead of playing video games or doing something else? Are you procrastinating for something maybe? Or do you genuinely enjoy watching people shitpost?
Youre joking, W101 is way better than the bayonetta series.
>You are retarded as fuck.
Not as much as you are.

>loal it litteroralley graey LOLOLOL HAHA!

>green, blue, purple, red all visible on screen
Can Wind Waker be considered an open world game ? Because it was one hell of a memorable game.
What's on the gamepad exactly besides the map?
Can I switch to off TV in one tap or do I have to go through some menus?
it's more like a hallway with a decent sized hub area
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if you listen to the podcast, he admits that he is rushing through the game.

Cant trust these mexicans.
That's actually surprisingly accurate. If the game doesn't receive any kind of contradicting opinions, it's probably just a mediocre game. But if it gets shitposted from the very beginning it's most likely at least decent (see Bloodborne, MGSV, Splatoon, W101, etc...)

New epic thread
Anon, look at this pic: >>317457032

then look at this one : >>317457516

I never said it was literally 100% grey. I said it's washed out and it is. Wipe your tears and look.
You can practically turn everything off
Well that's pretty much what every open world game is, but you have to add shitty secondary quests inside the hub.
Did that reveiwer forgot its on a WiiU.
Fuck off
for the webm or the podcast?
I dont know webm source, probably one of the Japanese survival guides.
podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZLodv89E2o
I didnt check the timecode, but its around 39 minutes in.
Too lazy and/or tired to jump through hoops. Played bayo 1 and 2, tons of clover games, mgr, transformers devastation, vanquish, and mad world.

W101 is awful.
>Can I switch to off TV in one tap or do I have to go through some menus?
yeah you can with single do it with single tap I think. I never used Off-TV much, can't really be completely sure. But I'm like 90% certain.
>What's on the gamepad exactly besides the map?
mostly map and install/manage resource modules, and you can read what is located in specific hex tiles, mostly related to your quests but I can't read JP so not completely sure.
Affinity chart, equipment, doll customization - all done on main screen.
>I never said it was literally 100% grey

thats a shame. W101 offers so much freedom and variety in combat and action, I just really love it. The only things about the game that I didnt enjoy were the shmup sections or anything that detracted from the main fighting (barring the Punch Out stuff), if thats what you mean by hoops I guess I can understand, but they are few and far between.
Oh, light puzzle solving can be dumb too, but the only one that I hated was the first one in the baseball stadium.
That wasn't me. Surprise, surprise, more than one person realizes it looks like shit.
>minor bugs
thats not a bug...
I mean the timestamp part. in any case, the game just felt sloppy and I didn't enjoy anything. Disliked the minigames, the framedrops were noticeable, the visuals, the terrible perspective, the screen drawing, the gimmicks, even some regular enemies felt tedious.
Personally disagree though, thought W101 was awesome. Bayonetta series is just overrated.
>played with the stylus
retard confirmed, move along.
God Hand was their best game anyways, along with Okami.


It's like I was compaining because I can't run TW3 1080p @60fps with my 6870.
I honestly don't care about the lore idea of that (few JP speakers said that holographic car never mentioned)
but lack of collision detection makes a perfect sense for me cause otherwise traveling thru city in doll would be come a pain
it's a gameplay design decision
You still draw on the screen, whether it be the right stick or not. I used the stick.
>when the consoles die
>Metal Gear Rising is overated
quite true, but its still fun
>People posting pictures of Primordia, the blandest area, to make an example of the "dullness" of XCX and not Noctilum, the most lush looking area.
You faggots are practically cherrypicking here
why would either of you respond, he obviously doesn't have it, a timestamp takes 5 seconds to make
You know want, ill give you one you retarded fucking fanboy.
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>"I can tell where Diamond City is in Fallout, where the towns are in Skyrim. There are no large landmarks or markers in the area that do the same thing for me in this game"
Paraphrased because I'm not listening to that shit again.
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Reminder that anyone other than Jose Otero can't be trusted.
>trusting beaners with no patience
The worst thing about IGN is how much they force themselves to circlejerk around fellow editor reviews, even when its clear they disagree.
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Here you go asshole. It still sucks, and I only paid 30 for it.
the shit taste continues, moving on
>tablet gamurr
>le is wasont meee! lolel
Just like how the image is totally grey, right microshill?
Hahaha alright, sure. What's wrong with the surface? Its great for work.

In any case, stay bitter douche bag.

Replying twice within the same minute, I think you are just trying to attack me now, how sad.
>not setting up 20-auto replies before heading off to do nothing like watch Jessica Jones.
Oh right, cant do that on a surface :^)
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Why does this song get me so hyped?

Because it's epic
Unlike you, I'm not a worthless autist that needs to troll to feel good.
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