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What went wrong?

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Thread replies: 514
Thread images: 103

What went wrong?
they didn't fire the animator for all the awful movement and shit.
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Not enough of this.
Can I get an honest answer to why people like the firefights more than other fallouts? Enemies still take 20 shots to kill, and the best way to fight is run in and use VATS. Its the same shitty combat. The same combat and stale quests, minus the atmosphere and role play aspects of FO3 and NV makes this shit tier.
Shooting has weight to it.
Enemies take cover.
That's it really
>Can I get an honest answer to why people like the firefights more than other fallouts?

Lol, people actually have this opinion?

After seven fucking years(not counting new vegas since they didnt make it) its pretty much Fallout 3 with simplified dialogue, gun modding, and base building. I don't like waiting that long for barely any improvements and on top of that ruining some of the good aspects of the game
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Fuck this game, fuck Bethesda and fuck the hype.
/v/ found out about it before it got released.
The hype's all they need.
Just wait for mods. All we can do.
>No multiple ways to solve quests.
>4 option dialogue wheel
>Have power armor 10 mins in game
>None of your actions affect anything
>No skills.
>Littered with legendary weapons
>Companions worse AI than fucking RE4.
>Horrible color scheme
>Gun takes up 50% of the screen
>VATS are useless even with 6+perception
>Press X to crit
>Bugs but all fallout games had em .
They got the gunplay to improve slightly, crafting and modding is alright but honestly game is a 4-5/10.
It's Skyrim with guns.
Stop playing on easy you pleb faggot.
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>Lost dogmeat forever with him carrying a bunch of my shit
>Can't pick up plants/food I put down on a settlement
>Can't relocate settlers properly to other settlements

Fucking super over the settlement bugs. I know it's Bethesda but my god.
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Duologue wheel + voiced protagonist.
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They burned me hard with Skyrim. Wasn't gonna fall for the lie again and turns out I made the right choice. Now I get to enjoy my time waiting for Yakuza 5 to show up on the PSN store ;.;
Do you even get that shit on easy? Anyway game is not an RPG even weabshit has more rpg elements than this.
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Have it installed but haven't launched exactly because of that.
On hard it's the same shit except enemies take 20x more bullets.
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I hate the dialogue wheel, but I love having a voiced protagonist.

I don't know which I prefer.

Vault boy/pip boy, that fucking antipathic mascot, FUCKING EVERYWHERE.
About to play this.

Do I have to do anything settlement related? It's such a miserably worthless and shitty feature that being required to use it at all will make or break my decision to play the game.
All of you sound like fags. The game is highly detail. New voice actors. Clothes look 10 times better. Quests, and perks are unique. Interface is awesome looking. Even the quest chapter titles are cool.
can you do a solid snake run and only use the top dialog option (questions) because I'd just pump my points into int luck and charisma and play that way
You haven't really played.
What about the UI? Bethesda fan boys like it, I think it was made by a 4 year old.
I want the words my character says to be INSIDE MY OWN HEAD and their inflections to be in there too. If they hadn't gone for voiced protagonist, they could have increased the dialogue options. Of course there're only two endings and every choice you make is pointless, they needed to pay someone to voice everything you might say, and the money for that naturally cut down what you would ever say.
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The dialogue wheel makes me want to throw up out of my ass. I knew as soon as it was announced it would be shit and I was right.

The dialogue is incredibly dumbed down and I'm still not happy with half of the shit my character says when I select the relevant option.

Thanks Betheshit
>>VATS are useless even with 6+perception
Confirmed for not crit stacking. VATS can easily kill every boss in the game.
It one the funnest features in recent memory.
how the fuck do you feel hype for something announced like 2 months ago?
and why the fuck is this shit a goty contender? didn't it got released like 2 days ago?
>Do I have to do anything settlement related?

Just uninstall now, you're in for a world of pain.
You're in denial bro.
Of course a lot of people are in denial, who wants fallout to be ruined?
You can just treat it as a quest-hub. I made a crude rectangular house with a bunch of storage and some of the crafting stations and don't do anything else with the settlement otherwise. I'm not very far into the story so I don't know if it ever becomes necessary to do more.
That sounds lazy as hell on Bethesda's part. If you make it, they don't have to put any work into making it interesting, you'll like it just because it's yours.
it's fine stop complaining faggot go play Candycrush
I stopped playing after saving valentine the fact that I didn't have the option to bribe the triggermen or even use charisma on em instead just go guns blazing was the last straw for me.
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The sexiest character is not a companion
Wtf is that. She's a little bit ghoul.
I had 30 dollars in Steam funbucks so I bought the game. Worst comes to worst I can always refund it.
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>I had 30 dollars in Steam funbucks so I bought the game
Buying a new game for only $20 is fine.
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>Buying a new game for only $20 is fine.

build a doghouse in sanctuary
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Your green text and reaction images speak louder than words ever will.

It's fun to play. Only autistic whiny manchildren with raging hateboners that comprise /v/ don't like it.

The fact that it's popular and sold well? Get ready for the mass suicides of the gamer hipster PC and /v/ faggots.

Anyone who hates this game is a sexually frustrated perma-virgin.
I have to wonder if people who enjoy the shooter fallouts ever played something like STALKER or even Metro

The original Fallout games had a similar atmosphere as STALKER and Metro, so why the fuck are the bethesda ones so happy-go-lucky?
I'd say that removing a lot of the RPG aspects is a pretty huge flaw. Game can still be fun, just not the same kind that people expect from this series.

I guess I'd say it's like what Oblivion did to Morrowind.

People making too many threads. The entire /v/ catalog are fucking F4 threads
>the game is highly detail
>interface is awesome looking
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fo4 doesn't look too great, but I like it. It's also fun as hell to me

if you don't like it don't buy/pirate it
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>Your green text and reaction images speak louder than words ever will.

Not gonna buy it until some fellow ghoul fix those awful skeletons and do some nice female body type nd animation
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>Interface is awesome looking.
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has anyone found out the item id for fusion cores yet?
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Have fun being a faggot

On another note, I enjoy fighting the new Deathclaws
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>weapons don't sit on your back anymore

I fucking hate this so much
Why did they change the 'Rest' function to something so needlessly retarded holy shit

>Enemies take cover.

Annoying af but I like that kind of realism
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It wasn't even the best game released that day.
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thanks friend, is there some way to find these out in game?
>Brotherhood of Steel sympathist
You deserve it to be honest
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Can't you just click on the object while in console?

the gun is going off but the ghouls aren't taking damage?
using vats when a single shot is sufficient.
oh my god, further proof you are fucking garbage at vidya. how do you even miss that many shots with a combat shotty?
you need the base ID, clicking on object sonly gives you the reference ID
He's using a controller.
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>Proof of being garbage at vidya
xbox comfy controller man
>the way his head pops off
wew lad
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Fallout 4 looks like one of those fake games you'd see a character in a sitcom play

like something from the big bang theory
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i'm using a ps4 controller on PC and i wouldn't have it any other way.
Speaks a lot about the visuals when a ghoul is the sexiest.
please stop posting your gameplay, you're so bad it's almost vomit inducing.
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short barrel, and a scope.
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shoot dirt explode barrel.webm
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sorry I am not a professional fallout player like yourself
Well makes sense to play console ports with a controller. The dialogue wheel is such a pain in the ass on M+K. I have to move my hand from the mouse to the arrows, since my character looks away when I try to click with the mouse.
The choice to voice the protagonist ruined everything.
>Can't roleplay anything but a smarmy American guy/doting mum
>all your choices had to be cut down to cut costs
>To cover how little dialogue you have change the list into a wheel which doesn't tell you anything
>This kills charisma and speech
>since it's cheaper to have the quests focus on combat than expensive dialogue have every quest be a dungeon crawl
>there's only so much budget to go round so make the game world much smaller and only feature one town in the whole game
>to dodge the fact there's only one town steal that wasteland settler mod and make the player build their own with npcs who don't talk
Everything would have been better if they didn't voice act.

Agreed 100%
what the fuck are you even saying
Keep postan, I like these
Why would you roleplay in an FPS? Your character already has a set background and character. It would only hurt the game if he WASN'T voiced at this point.
Even if you make your character a black guy or asian guy you still have the same midwest American accent. It's shit.
>being a railkek
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>using Power armor
>using VATS
>playing in first person
>in Fallout

Seriously if do any of these you're playing wrong. Also Aliens? Get your shit together Todd.
bethesda's two biggest franchises are fucking action RPG games.

Bethesda thought they could get away with releasing the same rehashed shit they always do because their fan base has low expectations from them

they were right
Aliens have been in Fallot since 2 at least.
Why would you make your character black if he's white? Kind of like Mass Effect.
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>hate dialogue wheel
>love voiced protagonist

may i suggest you try a different RPG
But Fallout 4 isn't action RPG. That would mean that Far Cry 3 and Black Ops 3 are action RPGs as well. There are no RPG elements here, other than RNG for shooting.
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>People will actually defend this garbage.
they rushed the game for yearly financial report, not gamers
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Incorrect. Curie is definitely a companion and she can even be romanced, although the latter can't be done in her sexiest form.
>another witcher fag who cant deal with the fact witcher is already old news and dead
>Why would you use the character creator instead of the default.
Because it's the first fucking thing in the game and was featured in Bethesda's trailers, they want you to change the protagonist which is why they spent the money redesigning it instead of sticking to skyrim sliders.
I did, he hasn't returned
Mods will fix it, hopefully.
The lore of the franchise has been thrown in the trash so that the new horde of new players dont get confused.
why the fuck is advanced enclave power armour sitting in random pre war buildings on the east coast?
>LULUL high level loot XDDDD
You can actually get past that if you gave the old lady her dose of Jet. She tells you some magic phrase to say and it makes the dude give you 10 seconds to get out of his sight. Still lame AF though
>visible panties through suit

You're right, there's not enough of this.
I thought Curie would get a fleshlight attachment or something
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That sort of true

I was disappointed with every release this year so far, I was too ready to hate FO4. I like the hell out of it

Plus people playing it on toasters like >>316560714 helped keep my hopes low
what the fuck did you do

I have my graphics on shit quality to run on my toaster and the quarry looked fine.

true, too bad it being a timed xbone exclusive kinda ruined it
>Stat progression
>Gear acquisition.
>Character skill trumping player skill
>Dialogue options

It has a ton of rpg elements, if you disagree with that I'm going to need you to define exactly what an RPG is
Do weapons even break anymore? It feels so weird not having to repair my weapons when I use them
You can use the character creator and make your unique white character. If they didn't want you to be white, the would have hired multiple voice actors.
Playing on ultra actually, area i was in just went full retard.
FC3 is an Action RPG, Blops 3 isn't. fucking detriment.
Thought you were done with this dungeon? NOPE FUCK YOU

Worth it for the knife though

This guy gets it
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I don't know, running on max settings, this is the only area with this particular form of wizardry.
The stats are perks though. So all things you listed are in Far Cry 3 as well.
>the would have hired multiple voice actors.
you are really fucking dumb.
I still remember the Sect sidequest in new vegas. With the guys tryng to go to the moon with a rocket and you helping them. God tier quest. I cant believe how think this one´s better.
can someone explain what was going on down there?

some kind of cult or something?
Is fallout 4 this generations ass creed 3??
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Shit happens
No, but you still have to repair Power Armor.
The whole brotherhood quest left me grinding my teeth

>We appropriate tech to keep it from evil hands!
>The corporations are what killed the world, they abused muh technology!
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Shut up and continue supporting Bethesda
Also dont forget that both mouse and controller have acceleration that you cant disable on the options.
nice pink hud, dickpie.
Its a very common bug to have a quarry thats totally fucked

Doesnt load in properly
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If they didn't want blow back they would have made a good game.
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I've been making the same type of hideous goth girls for every game I've played since I was 14. How should I kill myself?
A lot of things went wrong. Hangman's Alley, however, went completely and utterly right. It's literally the only reason I play this game, to pimp out that settlement.

I fucking love the thought of this dinky little shanty town establishing itself just outside Diamond City, with a reputation for good weapons and armor and otherwise seedy, downtrodden people. The game has managed to satisfy my one particular flavor of autism, so kudos for that.
Needs to be more like Risen.
Get strangled by a goth girl
Just buy a new rig and play it on ultra kid. You are ruining the game playing it on low.
stealth and ranged play is more fun, but damn do I feel sorry for anyone that went with a charisma or social build
>Check the user reviews
>Mass of /v/irgins giving it 0s for le ebin lulz

Not surprised.
Give chems to the old lady with the sight.
Then you can.
It's better than that trash that is New Vegas. It also looks and plays better than any mods could ever do for it as well.
I'm enjoying it. It's exactly what I expected. A world with shit to do, things to collect, and a system that gives you more the more that you progress. The gunplay actually works now. When I die it doesn't feel like I was held back by shit gameplay anymore and by my own fault. It actually looks like a living (although destroyed) world now.
Enemies have more variety. Armor system is a major improvement. Crafting is great. I've had ZERO crashes or freezes. NO bugs that have fucked up my game. This is a major step up.

Fuck these picky dork faggots and their hipster-gaming immersion. Boo hoo I can't roleplay my own story. Fuck off. It's not Dungeons and Dragons. Go play a different game. And fuck weapon degradation. It adds nothing to the gameplay. It's simply an annoyance that takes away and is incredibly unrealistic. It's a good game. I really enjoy it. I love how mad these fags are getting over silly shit.

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not bad really
>went full int/charisma
>havent gotten out of my power armor in hours and my settlements supply me with everything I'll ever need

The only thing I regret is not going melee. If I had a melee weapon, I wouldn't even need caps
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>not preparing your power armor with upgrades before raiding industrial building and gunning them down with your minigun while listening to the classical radio station

Should I use this gun? Feels OP

what knife, ive been there and didnt find a knife
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I like how NPCs comment on your power armor, even in the scripted dialogues with quest related shit
>Why would you roleplay in a game from a series known for being roleplaying games?
Back to the chess club with you, Todd.
Barely made it out of the north because Ive been shoring up sanctuary, youve convinced me to ditch the minutemen quests and make a bolt for Big Dick city
I bought it. That's what.

I never should have saved Todd Howard's life.
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No real freedom of choice, you cant be a bad guy and tell everyone to fuck off, it always comes back to having to do the quests anyway
Yeah, you earned it and you'll probably need it.
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do not open this image
reading the metacritic reviews reminds me of all the shitposting I read on /v/

there are literally hundreds of user reviews and the game has been out for 3 days, most of them with a 0, 1, 2, or 3. it's quite pathetic, really
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Probably the part where it didn't even boot up.
Standing on the shoulders of giants, just like Todd promised.
Thats what you get for pirating
>using vats when a single shot is sufficient.
How else are you going to build crit?
Wanamingos are FEV creatures.
Jesus Christ, anon!
>auto reciever

Throw it in the trash
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post your favorite settlements
Nigga how to you pump out the water? I already turned the pump on and got attack by those mirelurk crabs but the water didn't seem to go down, do I have to go back now since I did this like 10 hours ago?

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You even get to kill a bunch of fedora wearing douchebags and save a euphoric robot detective in an unfinished vault meant to be The Projects, without the White Flight.
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Castle and starlight drive in are the only decent ones I've found so far
>Back Street Back ALRIGHT
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This is my first Fallout game. My second Bethesda game (played skyrim, thought it was mediocre). Fallout 4 is extremely unpolished yet fun as fuck at the same time.

Combat in fallout 4 shits on the older games. Enemies pressure me and come out of nowhere. Take cover and lob grenades and generally just fuck my shit up all day. They don't stand still most of the time either always fucking running and moving for cover I had to predict my shots to headshot them

I've seen my char's corpse get gibbed countless times now and I'm actually enjoying it since it's no cakewalk at least with my shitty weapons.

Their only flaw is they stop chasing you or looking for you if you run far away enough but in say the factory there's wide open areas with them sniping you from the roofs on all sides.
that doesn't even make sense, the white guy i designed sounds nothing like how he looked, and i've met plenty of black guys who sound "white".

the voiced MC just fucks all sort of character creation options
So are speech checks done as a percentage or in the logical manner of NV?
where did you copy this from
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>Fuck these picky dork faggots and their hipster-gaming immersion. Boo hoo I can't roleplay my own story. Fuck off. It's not Dungeons and Dragons. Go play a different game.

Mod's will fix it I hope... then i'll play as a little girl
>what went wrong?

The fucking weapon animator was a left handed faggot trying to take it out on all us righties.

>left hand bolt actions
>no ammo fucking mods.

the direction of the guns in this and 3 are shiiiit.
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>awfull UI borderline unusable as skyrims
>cant see how you look quickly, have to switch through shitty inventory animation constantly.
>poorly thought out weight distribution for items
>awfull level up system with artificial gating for leveling up that affect your game negatively, like lockpicking and hacking having level requirements just to even ad a perk.

Other than that pretty good.
>So are speech checks done as a percentage or in the logical manner of NV?

Not sure. There was a part where I couldn't talk someone into something for a quest, and I kept reloading to chance it. 6 failures in a row.

I then drank a shitload of items to boost charisma and only then did the option work.
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>found a legendary plasma pistol with a 20% chance to cripple enemies legs

holy fucking god is this thing a life saver. stops bears and mirelurks in their tracks.

The first is easily fixed by a mod

Second someone will do eventually. It's just basically taking what new vegas did and implementing it towards the enemy types in FO4

It is pretty retarded that they didn't jump on ammo types.

I also wanted them to implement the leaning/peeking around corners that the NV mod added in.

Percentage guaranteed.

Once clicked a RED dialogue option, and i succeeded. other times a yellow option failed. Rarely but did.
>The first is easily fixed by a mod

Not an excuse.
for a game that concentrated on the "gunplay" to they sure didn't add that leaning peeking mechanic. They barely introduced the jumping trend lately with a AP using jet pack. Its just silly and seems like an afterthought.

>implement shooting mechanics
>implementing breathing during scope usage
>dont use ammo
>dont use grenade launchers
>left handed bolt actions

Awww shit they're going to introduce all the same mechanics they had in previous games as selling points for the new dlc arent they?

>tfw my PC can't possibly handle Twitcher 3 or Fallout 4
>Waiting for the game I absolutely must play now and neither one is THAT good
Here's hoping Deus Ex 4 causes me to upgrade.
>press alt to bash
>hold alt for grenade throw

That shits retarded as fuck too. They really half - assed gunplay gameplay. Its fighting with bethesdas tradition wacky level scaling thing aswell. Game isnt about positioning or cover, but more of unloading your mag as quick as possible and ducking to reload, rinse and repeat.

Hope someone mods it to be more like stalker.
I'll probably sink a h*ck of a lot of hours into once all the dlc is out and mods fix the things I don't like.
Until then I'm not playing it.
wonder how long it'll take to down to 4.99 goty version.
2 yrs? 3?
I had this thought back when Skyrim came out

I still haven't played it
It only hit me near the end of the dungeon why it's called Dunwich.

That knife is by far the best melee weapon too, can't find anything better still.
Careful there, you only get it via the minutemen. It's easily my favorite place in the game, though.
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Godspeed you glorious robo-bastards!

Pretty hyped to buy and play it once the first few major unofficial mod patches and the like get made. Loot lists, interface changes, apparently keybinding is fucked, and more.
Im hopefull moders will fix the sneaking.

Im fearing to put points into sneak skills due to bethesda not fixing it since morrowind. It breaks so easily and ruins any fun you may have avoiding enemies and picking ambush spots away from line of sight.
The bleed is so broken. I use it to melt bosses.
Can you make a synth out of your ded wife or was that just an ebin ruse post?
>enemies still take 20 shots to kill
takes 3 for me
it was the same for new vegas too unless you were retarded and used shit weapons all the time

You know what I hate the most?

No vaulting or holstering yourself up easily reachable ledges. I wonder if that can even be modded in. I mean it's about fucking time.
But you can disable them with the .ini

Stop being shit at computers
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>I'm going to need you to define exactly what an RPG is

Pack it in, everybody. We've got a real intellectual on our hands here.
What perks are even worth it? They all look shit and it looks like you don't even want to take anything other than the crafting recipes and the lock picking/hacking things?
>put all my points into charisma and int
>just do the town building shit
>12 hours in
>haven't done any quests besides the minutemen stuff

This town builder stuff is so shit but i can't stop doing it.
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>(angry bark)
Not that anon, but thats not an excuse. It should be in the options by default. Since it directly and hugely impacts playability negatively if youre not using a controler.

Its pants on head retarded and having to eddit an ini file is no excuse.
Anyone getting artifacts on certain objects i.e step ladders and parts of walls?
Lockpicking/hacking and then just pick whatever is giving you percentages or special abilities. Don't get shit that give +dam resistance.
Stuff like gunslinger and rifleman that just boost flat damage to entire classes of weapons are probably the best.
Anybody have a guide for the best ass when making your character?
Should it be in the options? Yes.

Is that anon shit at computers? Yes.

Im glad we could have this chat anon.
I really appreciate gta v for that.

Its probably its best feature.
yea it's weird but you can change it you nerdlinger
>>since it's cheaper to have the quests focus on combat than expensive dialogue have every quest be a dungeon crawl
aww fuck is this right?

This is worse than the fetch quests of NV.

fuck it. I'll wait till next years complete edition.

>tfw enjoyed the first one enough to buy it after pirating it
I'm actually going to give them the benefit of the doubt and buy it on release for full price when it comes out on PC.
Is it still borderline snuff?


Anon didnt say he didnt know how to do it otherwise. Be objective my friend.
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>>just do the town building shit

opinion discarded
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>>left hand bolt actions
>>no ammo fucking mods.

Combat Rifle upgraded to more natural .308 receiver does more damage per shot than Hunting Rifle and can also mount Scopes. If you don't like it than deal with it.

Rifleman perk leveled up gains AP damage percentage alone with the increase in damage. Ammo in new vegas basically meant that X ammo does more damage to Y enemy and became rapidly redundant. There are now three types of damage; Physical, Energy, Radiation so enemies are now weak to weapon damage types instead of bullet types from only one gun.
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Dialogue wheel?
Voiced... Protagonist?
Does it stack or something?

10/10 game
no the character creation is easily the worst one beth has ever done, skyrim blows it out of the water.
You can stop with the pretending I know its you

Learn what a computer is how to use one kid
this desu senpai
even dragon age inquisition let you choose a voice
franklin i wanting like pero shootin thing no do yes me
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place item in container
click container
"player.additem xxxxxxxx "

Don't abuse it or anything. i only used it to get more .45s for my silver submachinegun

Cause im the fuckin Silver Shroud.
Im not me anon. Im not going to screencap (you) either just to convince you how im not me. Otherwise it would seem desperate. Capiche?
I think that's actually a bug. I played on ultra and had an area with alright textures, left and came back and the textures went to shit.
Well, its pretty much the only thing they added since 3. Everything else is either the same or significantly worse.
Yes and it is also true damage I think. Don't quote me.
The game has a memory leak, so the textures get worse after a while.
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Well isn't that g*shd*rn rude!
Its too late for that you're already desperately trying to save face

I called you out on your bullshit and got a laugh.
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The dialog wheel sucks.
They tried to give the protagonist some kind of personality, backstory, and motivation, but he/she is just really boring.
A lot of the perks aren't that good and most of them are pretty boring
Shit like Local Leader is practically required for settlement stuff
The actual building stuff isn't that great
The gunplay is improved over the previous games, but it's nothing that special
Gathering materials for weapon modding or base building can be pretty tedious
Getting Power Armor, a Minigun, and fighting a Deathclaw as one of the earliest main story missions is just kind of dumb.
Removal of faction/town reputation
Removal of ammo crafting
Removal of ammo types
The Wasteland feels pretty similar to FO3's
The game in general feels pretty similar to FO3
>the legendary enemy has mutated!
Oh boy the enemy gets all of it's fucking health back. That isn't stupidly tedious at all, Bethesda
I would have just liked more of a Player character feel to it, reading exactly what the character would say.
But im just being funny with you, im not that anon. I mean extrapolating that he didnt know how to do it from him complaining about a missing crucial feature was pretty dumb, but i didnt want to go great lenghts mocking you. Lets just be friends.
thanks, and no i'm not planning on giving myself a shitload of a specific item, I need to test a few thigns out with multiple copies of certain items.
Lone Wanderer for every build. It works with Dogmeat
It's guaranteed (You)s every time.
I feel like a lot of the improvements they made in NV over FO3 were disregarded.

I don't know if Bethesda doesn't give shit or anything, but at least NV added in the popular mods as part of functionality of the game.

The game is gonna be bland once I play through more, I know, but at least it has good potential
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Feels good having all that armor
>constantly walking with 6 perk points un-assigned.

Fucking hell, those things are boring as hell, you know you fucked up when it feels like a waste leveling up.

what was the console command for re-assigning stat points in skyrim, does it work here?
>let's make our main character a dad cause our audience is older and they could easily self insert
>Lone Wanderer for every build. It works with Dogmeat

fo' real?
I rarely use companions, they piss me off and ruin my attack plans
Also forgot to add that both the regular HUD and Power Armor HUD are pretty damn ugly an the pip boy interface looks worse than 3/NV
> No multiple ways to solve quests
Indeed there is, and certainly no less than FO:NV

> 4 Option dialogue wheel
So on average 2 more than The Witcher 3

> Shaun
Yeah, so what?... stop nitpicking.

> Power Armor 10 minutes in
True. But you fail to mention that power armor acts much differently in FO4 and requires rare fuel to use properly. You only use it when you need to. Much better than the old system.

> Actions dont effect anything.
So you obviously have come nowhere near the end of the game

> No skills
Now your just rehasing stale meme-complaints. Most agree the new system is much more fun to play around with, and more involving.

> Littered with Legendary Weapons
How is this a bad thing?

> Shit companion AI
Not arguing there. But what else is new from Bethesda...

> Horrible Color Scheme
In which way? The Blue skies and lack of puke-green filter, or the customizable color of pip-boy and ingame frames?

> Gun takes up 50% of screen
Overexagerated as fuck

> VATS is useless
Jesus Christ. VATS is probably the most important tool you have, especially at Survival difficulty.

> X to crit
Only in VATS. Regular attacks still crit by a %. Luck still determines how often you can use Crit in VATS as well. Again, stop with the rehashed meme complaints.

So bassically what i'm seeing is someone who pretty much hasnt played, and just parroted every line of shitpost they've seen.
>fighting a legendary robot enemy
>it mutates
what the fuck is this

The game feels like a player made mod for fallout 3 with mods. I played it and felt like the game blew its load way too early. Also beth learned nothing from last time so its like the bombs fell last week. easily their worst game yet
Is it bad if i use player.setav carryweight xxxxxxxx
>So on average 2 more than The Witcher 3

No, the options are
1 - "flavour text that does nothing"
2 - "sarcastic text that does nothing"
3 - yes ill do it
4 - No, ill do it later.
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>Rare fuel for power armour

Meanwhile I'm running around with 18 fusion cores in my inventory and have fuckall to do with it.
>fuck weapon degredation
>completely unrealistic
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 0/8
>Indeed there is, and certainly no less than FO:NV

There's a lot less than NV. Most of the optional ways to solve quests were just a charisma check in dialogue that saved like 5 minutes. The rest of it was just "shoot all these guys".

Congratulations 4chan Gold™ account member!

Your comment has been given a free (You)!

Thanks for your membership!

The mutating enemy shit is annoying as fuck.
>requires rare fuel

Nobody believe this meme, so just stop. There are literally 10 fusion cores within a 30 second walk of Sanctuary.
Yeah, it's great. I'm surprised at the amount of hours I've put in and it's only amounted to 28% through. It's more of the same, but Russians instead of Chinese. It's the most fun I've had in a game this year, which isn't saying much, but if you enjoyed the first one, you'll dig this.

Thanks for listening, like and subscribe.
You can buy the fucking things in Diamond city for like 500 caps.
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>this whole post
1 cent has been deposited in your account - Bethesda
I would rather have 2 dialogue options that say 2 contrasting different things, than 4 options that say the same thing 4 different ways.
>So on average 2 more than The Witcher 3
Except the dialogue choices in Witcher 3 would often lead to different outcomes and generally contained useful information.

Not to mention they were much better voice acted, and the excellent animations made it look like the characters were actually having a conversation.
So what's the point of building up the settlements? Do they ever do anything? I mean, do you even ever have to defend one?
Is it true that FeMC has better voice acting?
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Help! The dialogue is so bad that my character literally cannot stop being sarcastic!
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Slave mods when? I dont want to build farms, i want to build slavery pens and sex brothels.
>shoot in 1st person
>no recoil
>shoot in 3rd person
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So the elevator glitched out and when I tried to just noclip out to continue up the tower, this happened.
Even in 3 they looked all kinds of fucked up and you could thell them apart, now they just look like old people whos nose fell off.
I think they generate resources with certain upgrades, but that's probably about it. They get attacked sometimes.

I'd say it's like Mass Effect where both protagonists sound pretty bad

Holy shit, how can you be so misguided?
By getting those Toddbucks from Bethesda
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Later I had to just no clip up to the top. Fuckin dogmeat
Which of Todd's lies were the biggest?
>It just works
>No loading screens
>The baby's looks are modeled after the parents
Why is that huge dog running in place?
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This is why you shouldn't take Jet.
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>pull out revolver
>for some reason he spins the cylinder
>with the hammer cocked
You clipped yourself into a star trek episode.

help him wtf
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He's so cute when he looks gigantic.
If you shoot him, will he fall?
It just works
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So which game has the uglier guns, FO3 or FO4?
At least FO3 weapons are based on real life weapons
It was a silly joke thing you could stumble upon at random.
Now their an actual thing that hasnt contributed to the story beyond being the stereotypical greys who kidnap humans for fuck all.
In the DLC you collect audiologs left by previous eople on board and one guy talks about discovering what exactly their up to but is never expanded upon.
>FO3 weapons are based
Stopped reading right there. Possibly the plebbiest opinion I've ever read on this plebby forum.
Pipe guns in FO4 are fucking disgusting. I refuse do use them.
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We can find out!
The Pipe Gun's are so fucking ugly that they hurt to look at.
fuck, meant to quote>>316565935
This is the funniest b8. Good job, anon.
He's a big dog.
just played this game for like 1 hour and dropped it. i dunno, i just dont feel like playing it anymore. killing the deathclaw did nothing for me and the game is pretty much the same as fallout 3/nv, guess im just tired of the formula
>Indeed there is, and certainly no less than FO:NV
Charisma check or kill em all
>So on average 2 more than The Witcher 3
Shit quality and quantity ty fo4
>requires rare fuel to use properly
Unless you sprint it you literally have enough fuel for entire game by just getting military containers.
>So you obviously have come nowhere near the end of the game
Oh no 1 faction difference
>How is this a bad thing?
Because this isn't an MMO you faggot.
>Overexagerated as fuck
Pretty true though
>VATS is probably the most important tool
Haha no
>hasnt played
So much denial
Those alone dont make an RPG.
In a Role Playing Game you could at least not have the character be someone specific.
You cant roleplay when your told your a family guy whos lost their wife and now is dedicated to finding their lost son.
What a letdown. That bug must have its own bug.
Thats a thing happening to people who actually bought the game you fucktard.
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Yeah this is kind of related. Lots of stuff just can't be hit in no clip. Sadly, this was the end of my noclip adventure.
>In a Role Playing Game you could at least not have the character be someone specific.
Well no there's two ways to go with it. You can be someone specific and take the role of that guy like Witcher or Deus Ex.

Or you can make your own character who has a vague backstory.

The problem with FO4 is it does this shitty middle-man thing where your character isn't completely your own, but he's not fleshed out enough to actually be someone interesting enough to take the role of.
Thats odd.

That reminded me when i tried to shoot a raider through one of the windows in diamond city, it hit an invisible wall. Basicly what i gathered the window was just a see-through alpha texture and not an actual window.

Literally just a less violent more accessible Mad Max.

>can run witcher 3 almost maxed
>fallout 4 gives me frequent massive lag spikes that lower frames to 2-3 per second
Aliens were in FO1 and were confirmed canon in Van Buren. Stay keked.
>Literally just a less violent more accessible Mad Max.

This is a pretty good description of FO4 desu senpai
God fucking damn it, is Bethesda just flat out coming out and saying the "NWO" boogeymen of the Fallout universe were well aware of the upcoming apocalypse?
Is there seriously no way to see my weapons now when I holster them? They just magically go away?
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>confirmed canon in a game that never went beyond the planning stage and every single element of which was completely abandoned for every single title that came after it, as if it never happened at all, because it didn't, it was a cancelled game you dumb motherfucker!

Try harder.
>no lights in your buildings
It just works, anon.

Did you pre-order the Season Pass? Can't wait to see what awesome DLC Bethesda comes out with! :)
it was an open world wrpg

pretty much a standard to suck if you are a part of that genre
the only thing wrong is the obvious gamepad UI and bad execution of m+kb controls, but it plays fine with an xbox controller so whatever
That's all? I'm running around with around 30, I haven't searched for em and am only level 14
>tfw someone says fusion cores are rare
I really like how enemies now have more than 2 AIs "I'm melee or I'm ranged" now depending on the type of enemy they all act pretty different.
I don't think I would even like the game without the messed up glitches. I'm not saying its good, but its definitely fun to see all the BS.
>never went beyond planning stage

isnt there a playable prototype?
looks fun
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>>tfw someone says fusion cores are rare, I tell those fools I have THIRTY fusion cores. count em', THIRTY WHOLE FUSION CORES
who else skipped the building shit completely, I have 3 settlements all three of which were mandatory

I put some storage chests in red rocket and I'm using that as a home base but fuck it that's all I'm doing
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Do I have to move my settlers to a different place if I want my main hub to be different?

Do a lot of settlers move in to a settlement if you set shit up for them?

I kinda wanted to move into The Slog simply for the pool, but I was considering moving to the Castle
The wacky stuff sure, but that window texture just being a transparent alpha and not an actual window wasnt very fun, also i saw alot of people getting that deathclaw stuck in the vents at the start, getting rid of all the excitemen from the fight.

However i did get alot of bugs of my dog and other stuff falling from the sky for some reason and sometimes cars rolling off the hills due to some spawning bug. That was pretty fun.

One time i shot off a synths head and he fell down dying, then got up and just stood there, all animated and everything, but he wasnt hostile or interactible anymore. Was really wierd but cool. I kept hitting him with a bat destroying his outter armour, but coulldnt decapitate his limbs anymore unfortunately.

Nothing went wrong.

It was the perfect game and everyone should buy and play it.
>skills are perks
so what? there's still ultimately the same available skills only they're now tiered perks and more closely tied to their related SPECIAL attribute, it's a change for the better

unless spending 14 points per level into lockpicking was that much fun to you
The synth was merely pretending to be alive. It just works.
I pretty much get every boss stuck on some random geometry. I don't even try to, they are just too big.
Or I come out of a doorway and start surrounded by ghouls who 1 shot me everytiem, so I have to lower the difficulty.
I want more shit like that elevator though.
With all the sales it got, i wonder what were the actual development costs.

I want somebody else to make a bethesda game clone, but improve upon it. While the content isnt exactly quality type, but theres alot of it and the level of interaction and 'stuff happening around you' is really compelling.

I prefer that over plastic shallow open worlds like mordor, mad max, ass creed, far cry.
I have like 22 fusion cores and have never run out of them once in 36 hours of playing and I've been using Power armor all the goddamn time
I like what NV did with aliens, having them be a part of the Wild Wasteland perk. That was nice.

But seriously Fallout has always had aliens.

Perhaps not X-Com level, but still.
>outside diamond city
>see seucrity guards fighting with muties
>Help out
>thanks for the assist

I love how npcs react to the little things you do
couldn't you just spawn him next to you using the console commands?
The dialog wheel just plain sucks. Voiced protagonist sucks too, the writing is waaay to cringe worthy.

Do away with wheels and pre-written dialog, we should be able to type out our own answers with dynamic dialog. Just invent some better AI and machine learning and it should be easy. Being able to choose ourselves what to say would improve roleplaying by at least 20 %.

Being able to change NPCs would be next step, just have some sliders to changer their personality and write in some unique dialog with keywords and each playthrough could be truly unique.
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>who else skipped the building shit completely, I have 3 settlements all three of which were mandatory
>I put some storage chests in red rocket and I'm using that as a home base but fuck it that's all I'm doing

You're missing out on some autistic fun
If they removed all those wacky physics objects and stuff just laying around they could make a hell of a better game. Just stuff the loot in chests or make the inventory all text based with a /look command and they could spend all that time working out a coherent plot instead.

"There's a Nuka Cola within your reach"
/pickup Nuka Cola

See how much processor power you could save? No need to render all that junk or make some bullshit physics engine that's just bound to make stuff fall through the floor anyway.

This would dramatically improve the Fallout franchise.

I was wondering if you were sarcastic in the first post. I actually liked the thought from the first one. Maybe test it out on some ascii model.
Why even have graphics at all? It would save so much processing power. Just make the whole thing a text adventure!

>unless spending 14 points per level into lockpicking was that much fun to you

It was. Because I like playing fucking RPGs and I like playing games that aren't fucking nerfed for faggot casuals.
Why have text when you could just have a blank screen
I could imagine a better game than Fallout 4
Graphics are good since you can shoot bad guys. Graphics or physics for junk is just plain wasted. Now use that freed power to be able to shoot 100 bad guys at once instead or calculate realistic bullet patterns or have damage model like real anatomy. Can now kill bandit in one shot but bandit now 100.

Real Fallout

Use machine learning and mine world.guns.ru+wikipedia+imfdb for real guns instead of silly pipe gun, make computer use data for model guns self. Input 10k unique real firearm into game. Great experience. Make machine track bullets and 3D model of gun from youtube video, record sound of gunfire. This is all possible with technology of today since 10 years back. Instead liberal arts kek spend week make one fantasy gun that doesn't make sense. "Hey look cool", game company boss agree, doesn't know real gun.
The new system is definetly dumb.

>start game, find all the safes and computers, doors with expert locks.
>have enough perk points to max them
>cant because theyre gated behind a character level requirement

Thanks bethesda, im sure its fun on paper, going back to 'cleared' places looking for safes you had to abandon just to pick those locks 10 levels later.
>lockpicking and hacking requires a perk
This. I liked Bethesda since they didn't gate you from trying to use something. Even if I had 100% chance of failure, at least it let me try. In Skyrim, I've managed to unlock a few high-level doors by finding the sweet spot fairly quickly.
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Youre pretty good at this anon.

yes but does their entire conversation tree change if you wear enclave armor because they think you're enclave?
But why do that when you could just type

>There are 100 raiders within arms reach.

/fire gun
/fire gun
/fire gun

Until they're all dead. I wouldn't be able to contain all the fun while I save so much processing power
Settlements is what I spend allot of time on. Honestly you need charisma and the perk, as well as food/beds/water/defense.
I'm set up at the starlight I think it's called (drive in theater) and its good, tons of room and good water sources with some dirt. The more you put into your settlement the more people come. I think my max is 8? And I just installed traders and all mod stations, oh I also have caravans fucking everywhere. Makes planning easy with 2 main farming locations.
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My friend found this.
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There's definitely some ludonarrative dissonance shit going on in FO4.

>be a boring housewife
>get cryo'd for a couple hundred years
>bitch and moan while baby gets stolen and husbando gets popped point blank
>exits the vault and shortly becomes a rough, badass, skrillex-hair-sporting skilled gunman
>Freezing Flamer

Why not just call it a Freezer?
gameplay looks terrible.

You still kinda have to work your way up from radroaches and bloatflies and shit though. Better than The Courier who lived their entire life in the wasteland but one bullet to the head makes him pretty much fresh out of a vault.
>no multiple ways to solve quests
Why would you lie on the internet anon?
does anyone else get some Vietnam flashback with this game? The animations during dialogue, the way my character moves their head, the whole feel of the game. It's strange like I've seen that exact shit happen bef.... OH WAIT IT FUCKING DID WHO COULD FORGET DRAGON AGE 2 ALWAYS A PLEASURE GETTING REMINDED OF WHY HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF
over hype
unpolished turd that get forgive because enough fags like the developer
>20 shots
The average for me is one shot one kill, even with just a 10mm
You must be doing something wrong.
Because it's a Flamer, but it's legendary mod is Freezing, which makes no sense.
For me it's
>dialogue wheel that fucks up speech checks
>skills being reworked/fucked up
>boring writing
>terrible controls for basebuildling with little benefit to it
>terrible UI on PC, obviously meant for consoles

At least that's what I've noticed so far
People probably aren't upgrading their guns or switching to a better one when it comes up. I had the same problem until I found a revolver which now kills most things in 2-3 shots. Soon, the process will probably repeat.
Can you even get a critical hit outside of VATS anymore?
No. And speech checks are also a joke. I maxed charisma and luck, so I am pretty mad
Why are Bethdrones so desperately forcing this "NV is bad, seriously xD" meme?

I'm fucking pissed too then. I maxed strength and endurance and I've only been using melee weapons. And since I don't really need VATS with melee I haven't seen a single fucking crit all game.
Can you name settlements?
Are you forced to have a bunch of them or can you choose to just set up in one?
desu, a melee build is probably all that takes any effort since you need the strength perks. Wish I had gone that route. I really didnt expect this lack of design.
expansion where you can build railroads and maintain trains when?
my auschwitz settlement needs trains
you cant name them, but you can set in in only one if you want. The game baggages you with more just for doing quests, but you can ignore them completely after that.

Also what annoys me is all the peopel that work for you are nameless 'settlers' which just removes any identity and charm your crew might have.

LOL absolutely no effort needed. For the first part of the game I was running around with bladed knuckles and that was destroying everything. Then I killed the Swan and got that fucking Power Fist. Game's a joke now. I carry around a double shot hunting rifle to take care of suicider mutants but that's it.
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>tfw witcher has less dialogue options
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Had the brilliant idea to kite a sentrybot into some super mutants.

>this is what xniggers actually believe
Darn I guess I am not missing out then. Its probably better than the short end of the stick I got with my luck/charisma let down desu.
Why cant they fucking balance their games properly, its either retarded difficult, or a complete brainless walk in the park.

Same for sneaking, since morrowind.

Explosions look pretty darn cool in the game, i especially like water explosions, when you drop a grenade or something. They look powerfull.
>Dogmeat at the end
Is he mad that you didn't fight honorably?
>a melee build is probably all that takes any effort since you need the strength perks

I also went strength for melee and I'm having second thoughts about that.

Only thing there beyond Blacksmith for a melee build is Rooted which is pretty good but not enough to stick 9 points in there. Agility and Endurance seem to be much more important, especially for Moving Target and Adamantium Skeleton. Maybe some in Luck if you're using VATS for crits too. All the points in Strength are negated when you use power armor since it's a straight up 11 Strength in one.
Power armor gives base 11 strength? Lmao. I didnt even know about the weird perk system until I left the vault so it was too late.
>Why cant they fucking balance their games properly
Because they've been reusing the same scaling difficulty system since morrowwind.
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I think I finally understand why I'm not having fun with FO4.

This game isn't Fallout anymore, it's actually Far Cry set in a wacky post-war retrofuturistic 50's. And I hate Far Cry, it bores me to tears. Now it all makes sense.
>Power armor gives base 11 strength

Yep, I didn't know when I made my build so now I feel like starting over. Fusion Cores are not hard to come by either, it's not like you need the perk in Intelligence to make power armor for a full playthrough viable. You can also do some stealth to get by in some situations without it.
>it's actually Far Cry

I don't remember falling into a random foreign country and being told that I'm the chosen one to liberate the people.
I really fucking hate how my character keeps telling me as to how to feel or what to feel.
> Awaken from freezer
> Read up on the logs on the working PC's
> Press "e" on skeletons
> My character "What the hell happened here?"
> "Is everyone really dead?"

What are you a fukken retard? You just read the logs, it's fucking obvious what the fuck happened. This will obviously also fuck it up for any role playing as in alternate life mods.
I wouldnt go that far anon. Theres much more left to be ruined to reach the level of far cry.

...You guys actually use the power armor?
>implying the story matters

The baby is just an excuse to jump from one location to another just like that game.
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>What went wrong?

Too much for me to write again
I don't since I already put the points in Strength so every time I jump in one it feels like a complete waste that I did. If I made a new build I probably would.
Why? I don't, but whats the big deal?
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You really needed to post twice?
>Game has been out less than a week
>What went wrong?

Nothing you hipster fuck, I love wandering around the wastes, exploring the old ruins and factories and scavenging materials so I can build up my base, I'm not even doing many quests, I just enjoy modding my guns and armour and building shit, it's fun as fuck.

The problem is you lot play too many of these stupid art-haus Japanese games with their overly-complicated bullshit stories, you're obsessed with making mods but clearly aren't good enough to actually make your own game instead, you make me sick.
Pretty cool
pretty much everything and it was completely obvious long before release
Simmer down faggot
What's /v/ consensus on power armors? Shit or amazing? I love it desu

>you hipster fuck
Now there's some DARVO if I've ever seen it.
>exploring a military base
>fight a lot of ghouls
>fight a glowing one
>find power armor
>no power core
>oh well, I've found like six here in boxes
>start getting shot before screen comes back
>big robot

Could have used some indication that they wanted me to use the power armor there.
What is this new buzzword used by shills,"fun"? It means fucking nothing,if you enjoy an aspect of a game,say what exactly you enjoy. If you like having options of yes maybe yes no,but yes and what?,admit that and realize what a faggot you are. If you like having the SPECIAL stats mean fucking nothing,then say it. If you like the 'gunplay' and enjoy bulletsponges,admit that. Hiding behind the word fun is for retards who don't actually enjoy the game and are just in denial because they wasted another 60$ bucks.
Inb4 >never played the game
Pirated and 27 lvl,still trying to find at least 1 redeeming point about the game in a form of a really interesting quest,at least one.
Looks damn cool, but havent used it much, doesnt seem as powerfull as it looks.
Was this written by a twelve year old? Because all I see is WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH
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Someone at Bethesda honestly thought this was a good design
dude... what... why did i write desu, I meant to say "so much". I don't think I've ever posted "desu" in my life, or even thought it was funny at any point... what the fuck is wrong with me.
You posted t-b-h
what do you mean?
Not him but I could guess length of stock and position of grip.
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>That refinery paint is still bright red after 200 years of UV exposition
>Outdoor stairs and tubes are in pristine condition, not even a creak can be heard when standing on them
Oh. I'm dumb. I'd post our new owner's name in full caps if only I could remember his filthy jap name

vault 81, only quest i enjoyed.
stopped playing after 18 hours (lvl 27 too)

mediocre game. would have played less but i was basically bedridden at the time
so you want everything to be rusty brown?
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Seems like minor issues.
Please explain anon, its too vague for me. Is it visual design, or ingame performance you dont like?
I just noticed the magazine which may be the funniest part.
At least they kept the funny encounters.

What perks do you thing are the best?
I like demolition expert and lifegiver. Wanted nuclear physicist as well but putting 9 in int seemed overkill
It's funny those people can even make new kind of gun when they can't even fix a hole int the wall.
>Is it visual design, or ingame performance you dont like?

This is what happens when someone who has never operated a gun designs one from scratch.
People can argue about almost every aspect of Fallout 4 especially the dialogue system but the gunplay has been improved significantly
All the hack/lockpick/weapon/armor mods.

I hate being stopped by some stupid door or chest.
>walk around to do a quest
>ghouls, raiders or supermutants, maybe a bot or a synth to spice things up, they all play the same anyways
>doesn't matter if for a quest, not for a quest or will be for a quest, just do it
>kill bad guys, kill high level bad guy, kill legendary bad guy get some loot for 20% damage against mudcrabs with turbans on at noon
>manage goofy villages with a half finished build mode with an interface which makes you wish you were playing dorf fort
>lots of content which all plays the exact same, guns which shoot the exact same and power armor which is alright, but is pretty much the fucking same
>quests and environments can be interesting, but the gameplay is shit as usual
I remember when I was in the place where there are samples to collect and a machine to run, and I thought it was going to give me a puzzle and make me look up chemistry on the internet where I had to mix and match the samples. Nope, just put samples in machine, figure out what they are, read the email and put those 2 in and the isotope in the only place for the isotope and out comes me shitty power armor chestpiece

Stop defending Bethesda
The secret of cabbot house, Devils due, and the last voyage of the u.s.s constitution were interesting to me. Also enjoyed confidence man, finding the railroad, gilded grasshopper, and curing cait. Going into the glowing sea was cool as fuck as well.
>bodies from three years ago
>they're not decomposed at all, just red skin
makes sense TODD
>scribe escort quest
>have to go to the Corvega plant that i've already been to as part of a story-critical mission
>fast travel there
>scribe just falls out of the sky and dies

I'm so through with this shit.
after 37 hours played here are my casual thoughts

the good
>world design
>graphics (aesthetically)
>scavenging and resource management
>shooting is fun and satisfying
>diamond city radio host
>perks (for the most part)
>diversity of armor and weapons and respective mods to be made or found
>exploration is rewarded
>no gamebreaking bugs

the bad
>facial animations
>companion AI bugs
>uninteresting faction and story quests
>disappointing ending(s)
>poor story pacing
>repetitive radio and not enough channels
>the pip boy interface
>sneaking mechanics underdeveloped
>poorly optimized
>cross-faction allegiances can cause confusing combat situations
>load times for HDD users
>having to edit .ini files to modify important settings
In the other games they looked way more rotted, had nasty ass corpse eyes, bits of ragged skin and green/brown shit all over, now they just look like they have a sunburn, so fucking stupid
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>"no game breaking bugs" is a pro
Jesus Christ, how did we get here?
>better than realtime combat

Yeah you're a fucking retard and your opinion is actually worthless. Only someone with legitimate cerebral palsy would think VATS is more effective than manually aiming and shooting.
Except VATS is the only way to get criticals and crit based builds are OP as fuck
>try jumping
>diamond city radio host
yeah what's up with that guy?

Arbitrarily, that command doesn't function in this game. You have to use player.moveto to go to him.
That fresh out of the vault courier could take on the legendary deathclaw before level 10.
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Tried again and it's not even a single occurrence.
Every time I travel with the scribe, he falls out of the sky and dies.
Finding the railroad was alright,but I actually completely missed it,because I stumbled upon the church my accident and figured out the "puzzle" by myself. The glowing sea is cool,but there aren't really quests associated with it,just the church of apocalypse somehow living in an irradiated wasteland with no protective gear and that one MQ,nothing else to do there
At the end of the day they have significantly lower DPS. In the time it takes my character to shoot 3 times in VATS I can shoot a dozen times in real time. Also all those shots have AT LEAST a 5% chance to miss in VATS, likely more if you're at a distance.
Don't know yet, I'm waiting for an optimization patch coming 27th so I can run this game at an acceptable framerate on my toaster tier Athlon II x4 640/7850 2GB.
What happens when you finish the story quests?
Can you continue to play or do you get sent back to before the final mission??
He's the ideal representation of /v/ people outside of their homes
Hes the funniest motherfucker in the game, thats whats up with him.
The quests are FANTASTIC, i wish the Witcher 3 would take some of the inspired Bethesda writing and story telling.

--Mutants are at location A!! Kill them and return for 50 caps to location B!!
--I need a bag of sand from location A, find it and bring it to location B!!

Just fantastic.

The shooting is also AWESOME AND ADDICTING that after 2 hours of playing i turned GOD MODE on and just blow everyone up with my Fat Man (WHICH YOU GET FOR FREE 5 MINUTES AFTER YOU START THE GAME, FANTASTIC GAME DESIGN).

>2015 games.
The quarry looks the same on the PS4 version, the newest triple A 79.99$ game everyone.
Dude what? That's wrong. Time is slowed in VATS and I get way more shots off with my sniper compared to how many shots an enemy gets in the same time vs in real time. Having a well timed critical is what's OP about it anyway. It means you can take out a bigger threat faster.
>load times for HDD users

What HDD do you have? It isnt some 5400 rpm laptop hdd is it?
The shooting is definitely fine, its miles better than a lot of trash that gets put out in this day and age.

And who cares if you get the worst weapon in the game for free in 5 minutes? I think its more economically viable to use fusion cores as grenades than it is to use a fat man.
Did anyone else get a refund? Mine just got approved earlier.
you don't find many mini nukes tho

Shooting a raider 50 times in the face with a double barreled shotgun and him not dying is not "definately fine".
>The shooting is definitely fine, its miles better than a lot of trash that gets put out in this day and age.

Like what? The shooting in fallout 4 is bare minimum functional in my opinion. Missed opportunities everywhere to improve it.
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>tfw just rebooted stalker
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Voiced protagonists, obligatory backgrounds and dialogue wheel completely murder any roleplaying in this game. Remember when The Courier was just some guy that was supposed to deliver a package? I'm having fun with this game, but it's more a Mass Effect game than Fallout. Also, I doubt Fallout 4's modding scene will ever take off
>you'll never play a triple AAA production STALKER game
That would be the damage model, not the shooting mechanics.

I'm not sure why you're resorting to exaggerations to further your argument, though. Provided you actually upgrade your guns like you're supposed to, enemies die just as quick as when you started the game. I was actually very, very frustrated by the time I beat the game because the toughest enemy in the game was some legendary deathclaw I found in the glowing sea and he didn't even half my HP.

>shoot shoot and shoot and shoot
>upgrade your shooting
>more shooting
>more gun upgrades

Does anyone know?
Second time you've posted that this thread, second time it's been a horrible comparison.

Also last I check the RPG mechanics in fallout took a backseat to the FPS about 7 years ago. Maybe instead of bitching about it, maybe go play an actual RPG like Wasteland 2 or something.
Majority of Witcher 3's quests:
>talk to a generic NPC who then tells that someone is missing and a person who went searching for him/her never came back
>use your witcher senses to do/find/follow the thing X
>kill the thing you find
>go back and get a few crowns

>an actual RPG like Wasteland 2

Good Lord, i dont know which is worse, Wasteland 2 or Fallouts by Bethesda....
why did everyone get their hopes up so high for this? i think you guys would enjoy video games a little more if you didn't go in expecting utter perfection
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haven't played the game yet.

since you're stuck listening to 100 hours of unwanted dialogue, who's the best voice actor, male or female?
>expecting utter perfection

You mean, if you didnt expect game fixes.
You aren't getting anything better, so, deal with it? Dead genre for a reason.

Just doesn't do it for me.
The map is shit.

These quest in Witcher had 1000% more dialogues, backstory and a lot of them lead to more elaborate quests.

The witcher 3 had side quests so awesome i was confused if maybe they are the main quest, not optional stuff i dont have to do.

God damn it, remember the Witcher 3 side quest with this hot sorceress? That was like a few hours long and probably had more dialogue than the entire Fallout 4 main quest alltogether.
>the Witcher 3 side quest with this hot sorceress?
you mean Keira?
it was a main quest though.
thank god
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>he plays on easy
What would a triple A Stalker game do better?

Better voice acting?
A waifutastic stong female companion?
More TWEESTS in the story?

I honestly don't know how the AAA treament could make the game better.
You don't know how more funding could make a game better? Really?
The gunplay gameplay is as bad as fallout 3. They did some basic floaty player fixes, but the rest is still as bad as it was unfortunately.

The AI is very basic at hiding, its just 'shoot - back up around the corner', repeat - while taking hundreds of bullets to the face everytime. No flanking or anything if in groups.

Sneaking and braking contact or entering contact is completely broken since the last decade. Any possible tactical play is minimal due to broken level scaling, broken stealth mechanics, broken crit mechanics.

All in all its fun for a few hours, but once you get accomodated with the new game it wears off quick and is just a reminder of wasted potential.

What if you could shoot someone in the foot or the hand and they would drop their gun, or fall to the ground for a moment. Cant do that outside vats. What if damage done was more deadly and positioning would be key and gunfights a real hazzard.
Okay, tell me what CoP was missing.
The graphics were considered great when it came out.
Bigger map with more areas, more buildings, more NPCs on the map at once because more money was available to spend more time on the engine?

More voice actors, more quests, more guns, more enemies?

Less bugs and glitches?

Even BETTER graphics?

Like how could you ever try to argue that a game WOULDNT benefit from getting more funding?
>No narrative momentum

I've spent more time building my character/settlements and fucking around in inventory screens than i have actually playing the fucking game.

Oh i'm a general now 15 minutes into this quest...But why? Plus i could give 2 shits about my lost son.
How is the map shit compared to SoC ?
I havent played yet
Not that dude and not to pretend to be a gamedesigner here, but adding more to everything might have an opposite effect. Stalker is a pretty linear game with wide areas and its gamelength is within fairly comfourtable hours. Extending that time with some content padding on the sides might just make it look tedious, like some assassins creed or far cry game.

Less bugs and glitches would be good though, but otherwise its a pretty competent and complete experience as it was. I wouldve called it a triple AAA game or AA1/2 at the date it was released already.
>What if you could shoot someone in the foot or the hand and they would drop their gun, or fall to the ground for a moment. Cant do that outside vats. What if damage done was more deadly and positioning would be key and gunfights a real hazzard.
Haven't played 4, can you not cripple limbs like 3/NV to achieve this?
I don't know, how long is it?
Not him but I can see ways that it could, like a larger budget leading to overdevelopment of a game, changing the design leading it into development hell, etc

The STALKER games kinda just miraculously worked as they were since they were simple in ways yet complex in others, it's a juggling act that could easily be imbalanced. Just because a game has a higher budget doesn't mean that budget goes into the right places.
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question: will increasing the difficult level increase xp gain?

I hate that you can just change diffulut settings whenever you want, so i dont wanna play on hardest if i dont get rewarded for it
i'm guessing this is why the game hogs the shit out of my system memory when i'm in cities.

i guess that's cool but sometimes if i spend too much time running around there, my game starts stuttering like crazy and i have to leave. i should buy more memory i guess.
No, you get legendary spawns that give you better weapons
I never played any fallout before but from what I've seen of FO4 I'm not that into it.
Should I just play New Vegas?
My only complaint is that it's buggy as fuck.

>alt tab renders it unresponsive
>have to save before opening terminals because I get physically stuck on them and you lose all progress to last save
>roughly 1 crash to desktop every hour (hell, I crashed 3 times watching the dynamic cutscene trying to get into diamond city)
>support for 2560x1080 doesnt exist and it has the GUI fucked up in some places

also it desperately needs new textures
You can, but its such an inconsistant chance game that its stupid to go for anything else but shooting at the head. Unless you have some +limb damage% gun and perks build for that very purpose. At which point you couldve instead go for flat damage increase on your guns and kill them faster instead.

The mechanics are there, but the balance of the features was direly needing a rework since 3. There wasnt any though. Perhaps it was to keep VATS relevent to the game, or they didnt have time to redesign it and rebalance it around level scaling, who knows. One issue leads to another in this game.

Set it to windowed borderless jackass. Alt tab works perfect.
And then the FPS halves!

No, no it does not
Nothing to see really. I´ve explored most of the map so far, and only the glowing sea was kinda "neat"
>wasting energy
but lights are free energy.
>'m not sure why you're resorting to exaggerations to further your argument, though
Because we're on /v/ and that's the only way many people here know to bring across their point
whats wrong with first person?
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>David Hayter won't let you fuck dwarves because he thinks it's icky
>Todd "It Just Works" Howard lets you have ghoul sex with hats on

Where were you when Bethesda became more progressive than Bioware?
Game breaking bugs and glitches every few minutes and terrible ai. It's a shame because there's a decent game beneath all the awful code.

>Gun takes up 50% of the screen

This is true for the Institute rifle, the things looks like a rocket launcher.
how soon will there be a sale do you think_
You can continue to play.
i just finished the game with the institute and boy was it a disappointment.

>save this settlement from ghouls/raiders/supermutants. again.
>the institute doesnt fit fallout at all
>diamond city is the only city
>my first gun my best gun. just upgraded my 10mm pistol and it kills everything

cait is qt though
These skyrim perks are killing me.

What do i invest my next 5 levels twords to?

Non Automatic Rifles
Automatic Rifles
posted too early.

I asume its redundant to disperse the stats when it comes to damage dealing, and just increase one type fully?

So basicly locking yourself down to one gun type only for alot of the game.
>it was the same for new vegas too
No it wasn't. Suppressed Sniper Rifles one-shot everything but Deathclaws which required an AP round to the head and then a shot literally anywhere else. Obviously sneaking of course, only retards don't sneak.
pretty much. i just use different weapons because i dont always have ammo.
This is the first time that I really want to use weapon mods. Guns in this game are all fugly.
Are the minute men quests radiant? It's hard to tell.
Also are there any other factions besides the minute men, bos, rr, and the institute?
What did you go twords though? Having alot of pistol ammo makes me lean twords them, but what if i'll enjoy assault rifles when i get to that point? Makes me paranoid to invest.

Im sitting here with 7 unnasigned perks. and zero stats in any weapon.
Rifle is safe since it's so general a type.
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