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Will we ever get an Etrian Odyssey that isn't full of lolis?

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Will we ever get an Etrian Odyssey that isn't full of lolis?
No, thank god.
hopefully not
I want an etrian odyssey that I don't have to be afraid to buy at a store.
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Why the fuck would anybody whan that?
What is this game and why don't I own it. Please tell me about it.
it's a dungeon crawler on the 3ds
with characters you make that can also be lolis
You use the stylus to map dungeons and make notes
That's your problem, neckbeard.
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Buy digitally, it's even cheaper.

First person dungeon crawling RPG. 3 titles on the DS, 3 released on 3DS with more coming. Use the bottom screen to draw maps, create a team of 5 using any combo of classes.
it's a dungeon crawler
you draw your own maps
class and build diversity is top notch and combat feels oddly satisfying considering it's a first-person jrpg battle system, probably to do with strong class synergy possibilities and good challenge
I glad I'm not a faggot like you.

Etrian Odyssey.
>Not buying whatever you want and calling out biased normalfags, who assume every anime girl exists solely for wanking, for their objectification of 2D characters
Do you even love your waifu dood
I don't have an imagination then, I didn't care about my team at all.

I did have fun, but I didn't beat the game
>class and build diversity is top notch
Bushi best subclass for everything except support and status NS.
So its like Ultima Underworld?
But I'm a normie and I like the series too.
>go to Amazon
>order it and save yourself the hassle of having to leave your room
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Sucks to be you
There's always the younger versions of the classes and older versions. None are even really "loli" in the first place so much as they're just drawn cartoony with big heads.
will we ever get a wrpg not full of generic scifi/medieval tropes?
It's heavily influenced by old dungeon crawlers like Wizardry.

Giving your team a story is pretty fun. I didn't go as far to do that myself in 4, I was just blown away by the game and how much I enjoyed the difficulty, then I played the original 1-3 on DS, gave them a story and got my ass thrashed.

Man, some of you people are so hilariously insecure. Let me give you some advice, nobody in retail cares what you spend your money on. To them you're just another person getting in the way of being able to stand around doing nothing.
>Will we ever get another VtM game
I hope not just imagine what they'd do to it
The only way that'll happen is if they change the lead artist and seeing how his art style is the face of EO, that isn't happening any time soon.
But he's a pedo
oh sorry, I forgot one
>will we ever get a wrpg not full of generic scifi/medieval/sickdark tropes?
It's like Persona Q but boring and unfair.
Just my luck, an Etrian thread.

I downloaded the Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl demo on the 3DS eshop. I like the gameplay style, but I'm not really into all the text. I know it's an RPG, but how much boring filler shit is there? Is there a better game in the series to start with?
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It's not like you have to use those portraits. They include two male ones as well for that very reason.

a change of artist would legimitately kill the series

it would be like taking out george kamitani from vanillaware games.
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EOU has classic mode which is the same game without the fixed story and additional dialogue. You could also play 4.
>but how much boring filler shit is there?
In story mode? A lot.
In classic? Barely any. Granted, the start of the game is pretty text heavy, but once you actually start playing it's pretty minimal.
> play EOIV, it's my first EO
> enjoying it quite a lot
> get to the Golden Lair
> something about the dungeon just rubs me the wrong way, kind of have to make myself play through it
> get to a FOE room in the second entrance that I have a hard time getting through without pissing them off
> put the game aside, decide to get back to it later
> several months end up passing, finally get around to passing that room last night
> lead to a dead end of sorts
> it's been so long since I went through the dungeon I've kind of forgotten how it works or where I'm even going

Yeah, the game's great and all but I'm ready to be done with this specific dungeon.
Did you do Story or Classic mode?
If you're doing Story mode then switch to Classic since it has a lot less dialogue and filler there.
Raping children is morally repugnant.
You should have downloaded the demo to EO4.

Untold's demo forces you into the story mode which, is going to have a story and lots of text.

EO4 is the best starting point and, imo, the 2nd best EO game after 3.

Untold is good if you loved the rest, wanted to experience a story or play the first redone on the 3DS in classic mode.
>but how much boring filler shit is there?
if you honestly think the minimal storyline is "boring filler shit" then I just don't know what to tell you
unless you're playing the actual story mode with pre-made party members and shit, in which case I'd seriously suggest you play classic mode instead
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*Fixed party, I mean.
EO boxart isn't even that normal unfriendly, you faggot.
The Golden Lair is pretty generally agreed to be the worst dungeon in 4. The 4th dungeon makes up for it and more, and then the 5th dungeon comes around and you'll REALLY have to force yourself to finish the game due to how shitty it is.
thats an etrian thing. It's a bitch if you put it down mid dungeon and have to come back and remember everything.
Then prepare your anus for the 6th.


Okay, at least it's not just me. I'll take that much.
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Will we ever have an Etrian Odyssey that's good?

Seriously this has to be one of the most overrated, atrocious and unfun game franchises in existence.
>not sending an all loli party into a dark dungeon full of horrifying abominations that devour human flesh
Only option in the demo was Story Mode. I don't need the text that describes the environment or whatever, I'll follow the story and I can deal with minimal relationship stuff but I do not want anything close to waifu simulator.

I'll try EO4 then. Thanks.
>Will we ever have an Etrian Odyssey that's good?
yeah, we've already had five
heres a reply now leave
The schtick is that you gather ice things from chop points and use them to break those heat scales. Each floor has a heat scale pile that shuts down all the other scales and freezes the water. Go look up some maps or a walkthrough to get through it.
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>but I do not want anything close to waifu simulator
The worst thing about the game was that you "maxed" out your characters way to early.
For the last 20 levels or so before finishing the main quests I've been just leveling up random skills.
>Only option in the demo was Story Mode
Yeah, it kinda blows. The classic games still have some text here and there in addition to a minimalistic plot behind it all, but it's far less reading than Untold's story mode.
And a 6ths coming, 1 crossover (with another on the way) and the 5th installment which still doesn't have a platform.

This kind of game doesn't strike me as having a universal appeal. It's not story driven and it's pretty slow paced dungeon crawling in general. I think someone could be forgiven for not being into this kind of game.
why would you spoil that for him
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But I like the character designs.
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fuck I dont remember this song. I thought I was at the last boss
Kinda hoping the 5th is on vita or wii u. Hate the 3ds.

It's okay, I'm at work so I'm not in much of a position to be opening up Youtube vids. I'm having to make time just to post at all.
neither will happen

Hasn't every EO to date been DS-line exclusive?
That's like taking the toppings off a pizza

Haha your stupid
Who's hyped for EO:MD? Time has slowed down for me
but I like cheese pizza
>No second screen mapping

I own a Vita and I don't want this to happen.
after the anime
Not really a spoiler.


I'd love a Wii U version, but it's likely going to be 3DS.

The appeal of the games has always been the map making and the Vita just wouldn't work with having to open/close a map every time you wanted to draw.
Afraid of what? It's not a fucking crime anon and nobody is going to remember you 10 minutes after you've bought it.
How's the EOIV postgame?
Stopped playing after the final boss.
I am, hyped to know when we'll be getting Untold 2. Also want to know if they've already started on Untold 3 or are going to get 5 out first.
And cheese pizza tastes just fine. Toppings only make it so much better.
A nightmare. The 6th Sanctum is a hell of a place.
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Nigga we ain't getting it because "muh Loli exploitation" from the DLC, and because Sega is purely sucking persona's dick at this point.
>"muh Loli exploitation" from the DLC
I'm sorry?
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2 lewd
The postgame is pretty much 4's redeeming factor that makes it pretty good instead of mediocre.
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>tfw Strange Journey was literally the only good thing to come out of the Etrian Odyssey series
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One of the DLCs has the story mode girls get censor steam'd but otherwise newd photo swaps for the two girls.
Western's Christian values won't let that slide.

but all of etrian odyssey games have pretty much the same postgame

>kill some stronger monsters like the dragons
>do the 6th stratum

besides 3 which had sea exploring adventures
then they'll just leave it out of the localization?
not like fanservice is even a fraction of the reason EO sells in the first place
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>play IV, my first etrian oddysey game
>spend 1 hour naming my characters
>landnecht, medic, dancer, all lolis team
>days later
>check some guides on the internet to see what should i invest my skillpoints in and shit
>mfw i realize that every class has 2 boys and 2 girls
>my landsnect was a boy
>i thought it was a girl all this time
>i chose what it struck me as the cutest one

fug, am i gay now? im pretending he's a girl

i choose the short haired blonde one with tanned skin and bike shorts if it matters
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holy shit you are an insecure pussy
The games have been full to the brim with lolis from day one, that's not a real reason to avoid localization. At worst just don't translate the DLC, it's not like I intend on buying it.
The fact that the localization isn't confirmed by now probably means it won't get localized.
Nah, we don't need NISA-tier shit here.
If you ask me, the game's probably not localized yet because they're putting their focus on EOMD and probably Persona 5.
Once the former comes out then we're probably gonna hear more about Untild 2 I hope.
I'm sure we'll get it regardless. Hell I can recall people saying we weren't getting Untold 1 because of how poorly sales for 4 was. I know that's a different ship than censoring.
Don't worry, we all love Trapshark around here.
>NISA-tier shit
they'll be leaving out an optional DLC release
this isn't even close to what NISA does to the garbage it localizes
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>named team after characters from one of my favorite manga series
>dislike one of the characters
>make her male avatar

>Hell I can recall people saying we weren't getting Untold 1 because of how poorly sales for 4 was.

That never happened. EOU was announced for localization shortly after it was revealed in Japan, meaning we had a release date before the game even released in JApan
glad I'm not the only who made that mistake
>Love hina
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She is a girl.
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>not being based Bandanashark
Something wrong with this trap-lovin' feggit.
Post more bandana, this is all I got
Are you positive? I might just be going crazy then.
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