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>Smash is a real fighting game! >Smash is better than other

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>Smash is a real fighting game!
>Smash is better than other fighting games!
>Smash takes more skill than other fighting games!

I tire of this.
>Smash is better than other fighting games!
>Smash takes more skill than other fighting games!

Replace Smash with virtually any fighting game name.

Replace Fighting Game and smash with any game and its genre.

Why do you care?

Delusional nintentards.

They are everywhere on this board.

Smash is not a fighting game, is better than some fighting games but also a lot shittier than a lot of fighting games, and it takes skill but more in the naruto kind of way than the SF kind of way.

I'm sorry if my opinion upsets you.
too bad fighting games are a dead genre thanks to 3rd strike trumping all modern mechanics
was this another example of no skill in a "fighting game" OP
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You just haven't played the best modern fighting game of all time yet, don't worry.
Because it's stimulating to talk about video games.
3D fighters still have a ways to go.

But 2D fighters are never going to go back to the drawing board now that SFIV and KOFXIII are out in full swing.
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Smash actually got a 4th game
better movement than 90% of fighters (the same can not be said of Smash 64, Brawl, or Smash 4), completely unique combo escape mechanics, weak / strong hit boxes and knockback scaling that add depth and reward mindgames and a level of creativity in combos literally unseen elsewhere in fightan.

not to mention it retains most fundamentals of traditional 2d fighters, outside of obfuscated inputs (no qcf here), crossups (block button) and the corne
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What mechanics does 3S have that "trump" all modern ones?
Parry. It was literally the best mechanic to ever exist.
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New Darkstalkers when?
You can't be serious.
both of the are better than third strike

this anon >>266508191 seems to have had a rather legit premonition
>It's not like Street Fighter so it's not a fighting game.

I'm tired of this.
It isn't
It is
It does

Next bait thread pls
it will be a Japanese exclusive mobile card game
Looks like someone going into some kind of convulsion while at their keyboard to me. But maybe that's what divine revelation is like.
Fighting games are just muscle memory with little to no adaptation aside from "hold back when they're attacking". You could get deeper strategy out of a modern fucking shooter.
Fighting games are the only genre that can release identical clones of each other with absolutely no forward development as a series and people still eat it up.
It's exactly what divine revelation is like
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When Fist of the North Star gets another fighting game that does it justice
Why can't I have them both?
Smash is going to get the most entrants at EVO next year. Just you watch. Then maybe you not fighting game retards will shut up.

1/10, bud.

Try harder
There is no holding back in Smash.
>implying anybody plays this

Its fucking free on psn with set characters and a set rotation. You can buy 1 character for 5 bucks. I bought that dumb bitch and I couldn't even find other people to play with. It was okay for the time I played it. But just accept DoA is no different than SG which is a fighter for people who don't play fighters.
No one says those last two
It's just you and other retards of your ilk like >>266508980 pretending they do so that you can perpetuate your fun little Nintendogaf boogeyman
Commit suicide

So by your logic we should call Counter-Strike an arena shooter, because Quak was released first. Get a grip, noone from the FGC will ever accept Smash as a fighting game. Call it a beatem'up or whatever, but "fighting games" are a defined genre that's been going for over 20 years.

>h-how dare you not accept muh smash, it's a better fighting gaem than SF!
>notice me FGC-senpai ;_;

Ye sure, it's a great game, but not in the same genre. You can compare it with Digimon Rumble Arena and Playstation Battle Royale.
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Smash is shit and apparently janitors can't take nintendo's cock out of their mouths.

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Will 2D fighters ever be good again?
nice b8 m8 id give that 8/8
pretty much this
>nobody says those last two

Delusion off the charts.

>implying it'll exceed 500
>implying that meleefags havent dropped it day 1

USF4 will continue to dominate
literally no one says any of those things except the first
i generally prefer smash over other fighting games

i don't really play fighting games and i'm a nintendrone, so i guess i'm the target demographic for the game series
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>that Potemkin redesign
>no Jam
>no Baiken
>no Johnny

Also, didn't it do horribly in Japan?
gg elitists are probably the worst people in the fighting game community. especially because most of them are garbage at their own game, not to mention their attempts at others.

People who legit play gg shut up about it and play it instead. Its the dickriders who spout shit about it "saving the anime scene."
I like new potemkin
>No Jam
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Them shoes, though. I think he'd look great without them.

I wish I was kidding.
>nintendrone janitors

how did it all go so wrong
>smash bros
>fighting game

yea, the shoes are shitty, but otherwise he's a fucking knight wearing armor and a military suit
he went from stone age to iron age
Its not that its not like Street Fighter, its that it has literally no similarities to any other game in the genre outside of being a game stuck to a 2D plane in which you hit people.

And on top of that, it plays closer to OTHER genres than it does to a fighting game.

That doesn't mean its bad or shouldn't be played competitively, its just that if you were to sort every game by genre, Smash wouldnt be found under fighting games. That's it.
I play SSFIIT at a really high level and U also play most other Street Fighters, Tekken 5 DR, KOF 98, KOF 2002, UMK3 and a few more at tournament standard.

I can't for the life of me git gud at Smash. I used to play 64 and Melee a lot, casually mind you but they're fucking hard to play. I'm not saying they take more skill than ST or whatever but they shouldn't be underestimated.
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>Not mentioning the best fighting game
Disappointed in you /v/
>I play SSFIIT at a really high level
if you aren't EVO top 8 material then get out of my face

yes i also love sagat crouch fierce
Only on NintendoGAF they would make stickys for Nintendo game launches.
So I guess that Tekken is twice as much of a fighting game than Smash.
I've played against Daigo once before in London in I think 2004 and took a game off him as Zangief I don't play much anymore.

New Potemkin is fucking awful.

It wouldn't suck so much if the helmet/shoes were gone or he at least had his old IK where that shit dissolves before the final blow.
aren't there like 10 games in the tekken series overall?

i'm talking about tournament results, not "taking a game."
How is mvc3 compared to mvc2?
Nobody takes you for a ride in MvC3
X-Factor ruins the game
>Real fighting game
>Better than other fighting games
Whoever said this probably was autist
>More skill
...No words
It's an insult to call Smash a fighting game. It's better than fighting games. You can't mash to win in this one.

>Smash is a real fighting game!

That's because it is, you fucking retard.
universal overhead, parry, super cancel, tech roll, negative edge, a series of option select native to the game

there's a lot of stuff in the game worth noting, why would you think any of the new games trump it somehow

It's a real party fighting game
>still believing every combo is doing hundred hand slaps over and over

Yeah, doesn't take it away from the "fighting" genre, now does it?
honestly, can you think of a single other game that has generated as much posts about it over the past few years? if any game deserves a sticky, it's one for the launch of smash.

I expect MGSV to get one as well, naturally.

alternatively, do you want every other thead in the catalog to be smash? or would you prefer it contained?
it's a PLATFORM fighting game.
>Street Fighter

No dash, no waves.
>tapping forwards rather than backwards to block
>somehow takes more skill

And you people still think we should take you seriously.
SF has had a dash since Alpha.

also, MvC and Tekken had wavedashing before smash did
>Smash is a real fighting game!
>Smash is better than other fighting games!
>Smash takes more skill than other fighting games!
No one really believes this they are just trolling, stop falling for the bait.
Will there ever be an HnK game that topped the fighting game?
is this a different version than the one that gets posted a lot?

I actually don't see anything here I disagree with.
>dat jojo placement
who /khan/ here
>EO version
fucking subtle troll
This person has MVC3 in high.

I can't tell if you are joking or what.

That game should never have been made. We should never have asked for anything after 2. It should have just stopped there.
This was a surprisingly really good game. What does /v/ think of it?
that's an edit, the real version had fighters history dynamite in that spot
Fuck off retard
>Darkstalkers are not dead.
Soon anon, soon.
>Makes fun of Smash
>Posts Darkstalkers

Literally the most irrelevant fighting game ever made.
Your point? Darkstalkers is a lot faster paced than Melee.
that would be Warzard
No, that's Fighter's History
That Shampoo is Second best Ranma girl
>Popularity makes games better
I don't mind people praising smash, but it's irritating when people put smash on a pedestal just because it's different then proceed to try to put down other titles for it.
First is obviously female Ranma herself
Smash is more of a brawler than a fighting game

it CAN be considered a fighting game, but it'd be more toward "brawler" or "party brawler" rather than the traditional 2D fighting games.

Btw Felicia is a cutie pie. WHERE'S MY NEW DARKSTALKERS, CAPCOM
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>mechanic completely destroys the notion of solid anti air play
>best mechanic ever
>hating on Clay Fighters


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>Marstorius will never be in another game

Darkstalkers is the reason marvel exists, it's the basis for every anime fighter.

you got me
I know, it hurts me too
>Darkstalkers is a lot faster paced than Melee.
>Tournament level
Pic very fucking related
Best DS grill
Vampire Savior I mean.
>Hating DBZ 3
Nigga ill fight you
Daigo lets everyone do that.

>Project Justice
>Fighters Megamix
>Vampire Savior 2
>Soul Calibur
>Virtua Fighter 5 FS

Tatunoko vs. Capcom
Tekken Tag 1
Capcom vs. SNK 2
Marvel vs. Capcom 2
Super Turbo
>tfw Darkstalkers will never make a glorious comeback
>tfw Darkstalkers will go out with a whimper instead of a bang
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>Soul Calibur

Soul Edge > 2 > 1 > 5 > 4 > 3
Guilty Gear XX
Kof 2000
Marvel super heroes vs street fighter
Marvel vs Capcom 1
>muh link
Garou: MoTW
Third Strike
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Are you retarded?
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People ask for it but I guarantee that if they actually did announce it people would start crying "New Capcom will ruin it all! It won't be the same!"
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Fuck ya'll for not mentioning MoTW anywhere. Who Butt here?

Or people won't buy it....like they already didn't do when Capcom did DS Resurrection
>Vampire Savior
Cool i lov..
Get out

>Soul Blade/Edge
Lots of stupid shit but was overall a pretty good game, a nice start to the series.

>Soul Calibur
Fantastic game, fixed many of the problems with the first game and refined and expanded on many mechanics, looked absolutely amazing for its time.

>Soul Calibur 2
Horribly dumbed down version of SC1, focus on a "wider audience" gameplay depth was removed in favor of adding guest characters as a selling point, many bugs such as Gstep and 2G make this already painfully slow game even worse.

>Soul Calibur 3
HORRIBLE game received zero testing has even more bugs than SC2, completely unplayable mess. the Arcade Edition fixes most of these bugs, adds new characters and is a pretty good game.

>Soul Calibur 4
Fixed various problems with the series but added a retarded physics engine that had no place in a fighting game, this led to many infinite juggles and instant ring out combos.

>Soul Calibur 5
By far the best game in the series, goes back to its SC1 roots, ads depth and solid mechanics over stupid minigames, expands on many of the original mechanics, overall a great game.
>tfw only one good Fist of the North Star fighter
>tfw if there will ever be another, it won't have the groovy OST from the show
At least the PS2 fighter had Sentoo and Ai o Torimodose in it, but god damn I want some more of the OST in
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>mfw they use the ugly-ass MvC3 style as a base instead of glorious 2D
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>lol guys instead of making a new game please buy the same old game that's already on GGPO for $15

Is does require a bit of skill..noobs can't simply grab the game and expect to be good...I tell ya my friends thought they were good...they all got 3-0'ed...then they said "I just got the game" and I say "me too"
Honestly, they should just do another Star Gladiator. The cult following isn't nearly as big as Rival Schools or Darkstalkers, so there won't be as many people crying foul when Capcom lays out microtransactions for changing the color of Hayato's not-lightsaber.

>Star Gladiator was supposed to be Masters of Teras Kasi

Hey not my problem, fans don't want to support their game then how can we trust them to buy a new one?

checkmate consumers
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Who would actually take a shot with a new Darkstalkers though?

It's like Skullgirls where most people never played the game but just like the girls
Godamn that's a shit list. You should be embarrassed.

>Star Gladiator

literally WHO?

I found it funny that hayato is probably one of the more memorable characters in MvC2. There's a lot of franchises Capcom could pick up.

Turning Cyberbots into Virtua on 2.0 would be nifty

If you think this is fast, you have NOT seen input display from Marvel vs Capcom 2 or Darkstalkers at high level play.
That logic is retarded. Fans already supported the game, so you expect them to support the same thing again instead of releasing new content?
Why isn't Pyro playable in Darkstalkers HD?

>Fans supported the game

back in 1994, in arcades
I've seen this so many times, this is worst than "Suddenly /v/ loves Halo"
Yeah because they can totally tell how many people play a FREE game on GGPO
>oh look it's this bait a...

Huh... I like you anon.
I'm just saying Star Gladiator, since it's thing Capcom can do to create a new product save for actually being creative, and is less likely to piss off a small, but rabid and vocal fanbase.
>or would you prefer it contained?
Well, seeing as this thread is up and running.
And seeing other threads going up and down everyday, the stick was useless.
And they're disappointed when a console release fails. Capcom has unrealistic expectations as far as sales go. They only want blockbusters, but they don't realize the content they're releasing is extremely niche and will sell to a small, but dedicated fanbase.

Maybe we'll get more Avatar gear.
>so you expect them to support the same thing again instead of releasing new content?
No, they expect to milk fans and then say "oh, guess you should've bought more", regardless of how well the rereleases do. For another example see Chrono Trigger on the DS.
Aside from the waifu-worthy characters, there are some really cool people. Lord Raptor is a good example.
More like
>Make sticky to stop 3429573257372 smash threads
>Make a shitposting thread anyway
>gets blocked from posting
>you will never play as a Mayan death robot again
>Announced Pokkén Tournament
>Didn't announce anything else about ti
>dat laser pointed straight at the sky
that's anything but fun
Who actually believes that?
that exist tho
You should ask Harada how Tekken X Street Fighter's going.

speaking of Tekken, how 'bout those fucking hitsparks in the T7 Alpha, amirite
Funny how this only happens when people flame against Nintendo, right?
My younger brother thinks this shit.

Not surprisingly its the only "fighting game" he stands a chance against me in.
>muh parry

Focus is better, git gud
get out
It's probably some casual that came from a God of War game and got his ass handed to himself.

that actually could be cool, that's pretty much what Bust a groove is

There's plenty we know about it:

>Arcade release first
>Developed by SC team, Harada is also involved
>Won't use a high/mid/low system for blocking, will use something else instead
>Has Lucario, Machamp, Blaziken as playable characters
>Console release implied
>you will be never be a Mummy who turns Asian qt3.14s into Pandas
This is simple and slow compared to pretty much any other fighting game. The most complex portion of that is the distance in which you travel. Otherwise its all incredibly simple motions.
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I'm not sure whether it qualifies as a 'fighting game', but Smash (by which of course I mean Melee) is a hell of a lot more interesting at tourney level than 90% of conventional fighters due to the movement options and combo escape mechanics.
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>Anon foretells P4A's 'mash X for a combo' handholding bullshit
>you will never rock out as Lord Raptor again
>you will never try to save your brethren as Sasquatch again
>you will never shoot 'em up with BB Hood again
>you will never kick Jedah's ass again
>you will never save the world from Pyron again
>you will never battle with the Aensland clan as Dimitri again
>you will never try to achieve your dream of becoming a star as Felicia again
>you will never lead the Aensland clan to victory as Morrigan again
>you will never... um... be a fish dude as Rikuo again
>you will never find redemption as Donovan again
>you will never walk like an Egyptian as Anakaris again
>you will never save Emily as Victor again
>you will never avenge your mother as Lei Lei again
>you will never achieve peace with the suit as Bishamon again
>you will never face your inner demons as Talbain again
>watch high level tournament play
>nothing but Capcom characters
May as well watch people play Third Strike. The variation in this game is fucking awful. Every Capcom character has priority over the SNK characters. And Sagat's Tiger Knee covers like 75% of the god damn screen.
the engine will also be different or heavily modified it seems
Spoken by someone who knows absolutely nothing about fighting games.
I remember a collage of similar complaints about the arena shooter genre, something along the lines of "hold down the spacebar to bunnyhop and strafejump". I guess he was just predicting the future like this guy.
different from what? T6?
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Spoken by someone who knows absolutely nothing about Melee.
It's funny because Darkstalkers is a classic example of a fighting game that's just neutral game into ABC Super
>We never got that PS2 collection.

ALso I want a new Cyberbots
which game has the worst fanbase? Fighting game or FPS?
>Movement options
Name one fighting game that doesn't have that
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>tfw I love traditional 2D fightan and Smash
>tfw faggots are constantly at each other's throats about which one is better/more competitive/whatever

I don't get it at all
Good job repeating what I said with a twist.

>According to Harada, POKKEN TOURNAMENT will not use Tekken's gameplay engine and will be "something completely new". The game won't be heavy on technical gameplay and will be focused mainly on action. Harada also stated that there will be no Tekken characters in the game.
FPS. Fighting games have at least stayed nearly as good as they used to be. FPS fans are all CoD or BF fags.
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Every fighter has movement options, genius.

However Melee's are a lot deeper and (in my personal opinion) more interesting than those of most 2D fighters, largely due to platforms, edge game and airdodge.
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This. Even worse than ASSFAGGOTS
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>However Melee's are a lot deeper
It actually irritates me how many SSB players obsess over how much "skill" something takes. Who exactly are they trying to appeal to? Who are they trying to impress?
Those are all completely arbitrary.
>tfw no xrd for PC

Why Daisuke, why?

Your response didn't deserve to be justified with a real response - it was a lazy ad hominem.

Would you rather I have said something like "But I do know something about fighting games, I've been playing Street Fighter and Tekken since childhood"? It wouldn't have made your shitpost any more constructive, and you still wouldn't know shit about Melee
>best modern fighting game of all time
I really enjoy DOA5, but just shut up and go masturbate again.
Those people are just very vocal. People who love both doesn't really have anything to argue about, therefore being overshadowed by people like that. At least that's my guess. It goes for a lot of things in general.

I love both and 3d fighting games as well. I just wish more people would get into other fighting games than just Smash
>what are 3D fighting games
maybe if we petition him

but hey maybe Sega will be bros and pick up the strenuous task of making sure the PS4 build of the game works on something with a mouse

wait, it has nothing to do with sonic or managing a soccer team

never mind
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What do you guys think of chrono phantasma? Saw it at evo and it looked pretty cool, worth picking it up?
Hey, it's okay to have your own opinion. Just don't go spouting shit like how much deeper Melee's movement options is when you really don't know shit about the other ones
Playing something and knowing something inside and out is completely different.

At a competitive level Smash is a whole helluva lot more simple than any KoF, SF3rdS and GGXX#R.

Having more space to move does not make a game more complex or interesting when the movement in general ends up in almost always the same situation.
just wait for guilty gear xxx

It's decent, they toned down the combos, made it a little faster and fixed blocking. It's as anime as anime fighters go so decide if that's your cup of tea
BlazBlue's great, do it man. Although, the player base might have shrunk a bit since the new Persona Arena is out now
I strongly disagree with you, but that's fine.
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Why not enjoy both?
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>Tfw Blazblue is banned in my country because of lolis
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not quite. Melee really does have a lot more movement options than most (not all) traditional fighters

say you're playing Melee and you're standing on a platform with shield up. from that stance you have 10 distinct movement options: roll right, roll left, spot dodge, wavedash right, wavedash left, dash right, dash left, platform drop, jump, and Up Special.

that's more than can be said for most traditional fighters, and it gets even more complicated when you factor in the vast number of positions that two players can be on any given stage
Any good fighters coming out next year?
because hair whips and sexy guitar witches are always superior to disgusting lolly pantsu trash

I just reported your picture to your kangaroo overlords for abusing children
Smash is not a fighting game. It's a king of the hill game that revolves around physics. It's just too different.
What. Are you forgetting the whole SF2 clone era when every company was making their own SF2 wannabe that faded into obscurity? Darkstalkers was one of the most innovative fighters of its time in both mechanics and visuals.
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>Reacting this strongly
Well, OK I guess, but BBCP is still a great fightan game IMO.
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Why the fuck is it that any time I make that claim that Melee is deeper than 'most fighting games' someone invariably brings up fucking KoF, 3rd Strike and XXr? I said 'most fighting games' not 'all fighting games included the very best fighting games'. Most people that play 2d fighters don't play KoF, 3rd Strike and XXr, they play basic simplified shit like SF4 and bullshit like Marvel


I don't mind if you disagree as long as you don't perpetuate the stupid 'Smash is casual and requires no skill' meme


it's a pretty simple fact that Melee's movement is more varied (and mechanically more difficult to perform) than most fighting games, including the webm in the OP.
Ah yes, the game that showed how much of a flop the CPS3 system was right from the get go.
>there will be no Tekken characters in the game.
>you will never beat the shit shit out of pikachu as Yoshimitsu
You'd think so, but attacks in Smash are not accurate to the point, they're mostly wide attacks ranging anywhere from 90 to 180 degrees. The amount of movement you have in Smash gives the illusion of depth, but it is not actual depth.

Comparing real sports to e-sports; Its like football to basketball. Basketball is more active, there seem to be more moves, but in reality the thought that goes into a play in football is far more complex than anything that happens in basketball.
at any given moment in a smash game, you are in control of your character

that cannot be said for any other fighting game, where you're completely helpless when you're in a combo and all you can hope for is your opponent to fuck up

having more options = more depth

>Including the webm in the OP

you're pretty good at getting me mad
>trying to make the argument against smash as a fighting game
>Posts one of the worst, most broken examples of a capcom figher
Savior 2/Hunter 2 was a pretty big bang in terms of "holy shit, what are you doing Capcom".
It would probably just be Heihachi
A good bang, not a sour note
Most people who play fighting games play KoF, SF3rdS or GGXX#R or some derivative thereof, maybe those aren't their main games, but they play them. Also, Marvel and TvC are more complex than Smash.
>a shirtless old dude beating the shit out of pikachu
Even better.

I just hope mah champ Machamp is playable.
>Marvel and TvC are more complex than Smash

Heavy lel
Thats simply not true, you clearly have no idea what you're talking about and are making up bullshit because you do not know how any fighting game outside of smash works.
>dat laser pointed straight at the sky
That move looks pretty useless at first, but I've seen people make some good use of it against Bishamon. I think Daigo even mentioned it in an interview once.
Didn't you see the trailer?
He is. If you play Night Warriors.
Damn, you sure told me.
You've given no factual examples of how Smash is complex.
CPS3 was a 3rd strike and JoJo machine
that's both a good thing and a bad thing
>ABC Super
But you can't do that in Darkstalkers. Chains aren't cancellable.
>casual level players arguing over what game is most competitive

never gets old
File: arcana-heart-3.jpg (198KB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
198KB, 1280x720px
So where does Arcana Heart 3's movement system lie in the skill spectrum? thought it was pretty neat myself.

Beyond that, with the character/Arcana combination possibilities, I thought the game was very fun and had quite a bit of depth.
You've given no reasons why Smash has depth other than you can move in XY directions. Thats not depth, its illusion of depth.

You're the one making bullshit claims, you're the one that has to present evidence.
Nobody cares, pedophile.
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