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filename thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 386
Thread images: 129

You know what time it is
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Thought of this one a little while ago.
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Man, that scene was so good and dark
Ew... what a horrible way to go...
What episode is it? I aint watching all this shit for one gore scene
Oh gee wizz I sure do wonder what google and youtube are.
last scene of
s04 ep08
He hasn't seen the show, genius. What's he meant to search?

I suggest watching the show. It's pretty damn good. Regardless of whether it's overrated or not, it's thoroughly entertaining and they put their budget to very good use.

>Your build sucks!
> I tank Diablo
>And then i use Crushing Blow, just like this!
Shit show
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2MB, 1280x720px
Why would you watch the episode? You've already seen the gore through the power of webm.
game of thrones eye gouge scene
game of thrones spear giant fight
game of thrones sure i wonder what it's like being retarded like this faggot >>256315638
This it kitsch
why would he do that when he could just ask /v/ anyway and get the answers fed to him like the shitter he is
** is
More like STR, CON, and INT vs DEX and CHA.

I have never watched GoT but so far it seems like a show that people only watch because of "shocking" scenes and muh precious dying cast members.

Is there an actual reason to watch it besides that?
DEX build was rekking him though it was overconfidence that killed him
that and the hound thumbs going through his eyes and into his brain
No. It's edgy shit that got popular because "m-muh tits".
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You mean apart from if you like the fantasy genre? No. I bet you like sports games

>the only reason people like it is because it is visually engaging and features plotlines that lead to deaths of characters you'd assume would be exempt from it
Its bretty good historical fiction in first seasons, then it goes full retard.

I thought people mainly watched it for tits. I only watched the first episode and it had someone fucking every five minutes.
People watch GoT because it's popular and everyone is talking about it.

You don't want to be that loser kid that doesn't do popular things and pursuits his own interests, do you?
>Gets destroyed by poison
>Has no skills other than fighting
Nigga what are you even talking about?

What's the matter, too baby to handle mature storytelling?

Sure I like fantasy movies and books but all I hear is people talking about the tits, gore and dying cast members. Sounds boring as shit if that's the only thing worth mentioning.
>Early access.

The entire first quarter of season 1 is a perfect analogy of someone kickstartering/early accessing a game and somehow assuming this gives them a binding investment and power over the developers.

It's fucking perfect, right down to the golden crown being shitty pre-order bonuses.
game of thrones in a nutshell
got bored of it towards the end of s1
if i wanted titties, i know where to go, i dont need this shit in my tv series every 5 fucking minutes.
There's no reason to watch the show because the books are better in every conceivable way, unless you consider the fact that you have to read and remember things a detriment.
The death of important characters is just something that happens because of how the story unfolds, and it always has important consequences.
>Wrecking him
>Dex Babby thinks his feather tickle strikes do anything
>Implying the laws of averages won't kill your stupid fancy dancer ass sooner or later when you've sacrificed all damage potential from strength to pump dex
>Implying this isn't why people think the monk class is shitter than it really is because everyone builds dex

Dex a shit.

shouldn't that shit be /vg/ now? You have enough pics to loop your own 500 post thread alone now
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getting your jollies.gif
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monk class is shit because half of its abilities emphasize quick movement and the other half require standing still
unless we're on about different games
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Japan is fucking disgusting.

Why do their game shows have absolutely no regard for human dignity?
>STR character gets completely outskilled throughout the whole fight and receives a fatal injury, and only "wins" because his opponent drops his guard
Wow, STR 4 lyef.

Disgustingly hilarious, maybe.
They are comedians, they have no dignity.
It is. GRRM couldn't worldbuild his way out of a wet paperbag, he uses 'rocks fall, everyone dies' as a default solution for every plot he cannot be bothered to resolve, and the big centerpiece of his books - awfully written sex scenes and rampaging grimderp - no longer have the shock value they used to when he started spinning his yarn. And the HBO series is worse than the books.
Life has no meaning in Japan is why. It's a society built around utter conformity to the point any given person is replaceable for another.
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Their opinions, though.
>mature storytelling
>Tits and sex every 5 minutes
>oh noes everyone dies so sad wud cry again :'(
>Russia people is like black but wrong color by accident
my sides
You don't even know the best bit, he was screaming "I RAPED AND KILLED YOUR SISTER" while he caved his head in too.
>Gets destroyed by poison
a very powerful poison and he still resisted it enough to crush a man's head with his bare hands
>Has no skills other than fighting
he clearly outsmarted Oberyn
>4chan gold account.gif
Monk class is shit because its class abilities are bad and clash with each other and he can't use gear in a system where non-casters need to be kited out like christmass trees to do anything.
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Doesn't invalidate what I said. It's bad, but it's really not so bad as people say it is. Ignore dex. Ignore wisdom. Strength and Con. Put spare shit in to INT since monks legit have good skill options.

Fighters really aren't better in enough of a meaningful way to pick them over monks. Which is a bit unfair given fighters are utterly irrelevant anyway, but there you go. At least you get a bonus of frustrating GMs slightly if you use your abilities properly.
it's like I'm really on /tg/
and that's fine
Is that all?
You're always on /tg/. Other boards are just us roleplaying.
Every board wants the /tg/ dick. They can't help themselves.

I'm going to go against the /v/ norm here. I love the books. The series is fantastic. The show is excellent as a condensed version.

I love how the fedora hipsters is thrown about as an insult here yet seemingly represents about 90% of posters on /v/.

>a very powerful poison and he still resisted it enough

It's intended to cause a very slow and painful death, the effects wouldn't have set in so quickly.

>he clearly outsmarted Oberyn

God no, Oberyn had him in his pocket the entire fight. If he didn't have to insist on muh justice then he'd just finish the Mountain there and then. Gregor's strategy wasn't to let Oberyn dominate the fight and trip him while he was showboating, he simply saw an opportunity and took it.
>monk skills
Monk is a rogue who gets stumped when he runs into a trap or a locked door. Just likes he's a fighter who can't use weapons and armor, and a class that needs Wisdom but doesn't center on detection/outdoorsman skills and can't cast spells. There is nothing, nothing a monk does that someone else, or a summoned monkey, doesn't do better. They are considered ass-tier for a good reason.
>implying rogues are relevant because of traps or doors
Anon, do you even know why noncasters can go get fucked in DnD?

And a decently leveled monk can slap his dick on traps without consequence anyway. It's one of the only things they're good at.

what movie is this
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rethink your life.jpg
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a bane of thrones: a song of masks and big guys
>4 panel dead baby meme.jpg
How does that kill him? I don't watch the Hobbit sorry.
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3MB, 1280x720px
He's allergic to gold
The hot semen seeps into his brain and the sperms eat his brain cells one by one.
I know how D&D 3e works, I spent years trying to fix the damn thing before I gave up and started running games that don't suck.

>And a decently leveled monk can slap his dick on traps without consequence anyway.
Nope. He might spot it, but he has no way to deal with it without triggering it. And proper traps aren't the sort you see as red floor tiles in video games. Proper traps are when the doors close and a slab of stone crushes everyone in the room, or when the floor opens and dumps everyone in a deep chasm with twenty wraiths at the bottom. The sort that doesn't give a fuck about your reflex save, touch armor class or hit points. People bitch about rogues being terrible because someone always has to play one.
Oh is that like his power or something, Who is he anyway? Isn't it a bit violent for a children's film?
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you're pretty.png
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More like Sengoku Rance
Those kinds of traps are the area of total dick GMs that want to kill the group no matter what rather than engage in cooperate storytelling, and even then the monk over a certain level will at least survive the fall of the second trap if he remembers some of his abilities.

Not every GM wants to run "Make sure you have ten characters made" campaigns, and most don't want to run with GMs that say it. Even Dark Heresy wasn't that unfair.

But them I'm of the opinion that traps are a shitty concept that can only harm the flow of gameplay in the first place.
fuck off newfag.
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a gun.jpg
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I like images and filenames that become so well-known that they become subject for new filenames.
so edgy bro :^)
Well, yes, monks can contribute to the party if the party is never challenged in any way and your DM runs a padded hugbox where you can practice amateur drama and win D&D. But for people who actually want to bash their heads against apparently insurmountable problems and take unnecessary risks with their elves, traps that shoot an arrow at you when you step on a giant glowing button are about as dumb as rooms full of random monsters that just stand and fight, or as an evil king you can persuade to abdicate with a good diplomacy roll. Easymode games are pointless and monks suck so hard not even the charop boards can make them viable.

That's Gandalf when he was younger
I like fantasy, just not shit like GoT that are killing fantasy.
Horace Knightley . webm
I think the books are shit. I hate his fucking writing style so much. Then again I'm a pretentious dickhole when it comes to books. Shit like his belongs in the "I have the reading capabilities of a 15 year old" section. It's contemporary young adult style in a mature world. It's so fucking bad.

The show, on the other hand, is really good. That's just comparatively to other "good works" within each medium. The books, compared to other books, are drivel. The show, compared to other shows, is one of the best ever.
>this is what showfags actually believe
There are ways to make games hard without traps. You're hung up on traps specifically while they are the shittiest idea ever. There's a reason they're not really a thing outside DnD.

They ruin gameplay flow. If you make them too deadly, you relegate someone to playing trap bitch who is irrelevant and bored when not looking for traps. This also slows gameplay and story progression to a piss filled bog pace because you creep along everywhere expecting the impossible deathtrap. You either bore your trapbitch or bore the rest of the group. Not that this is a riveting experience for the trapbitch anyway with how trap checking works mechanically speaking.

If the traps are too light, you can just throw your facetank on them and call it a day.

If you're the kind of person that likes DEATHDUNGEON slow as mud crawls, good on you, but that should be kept to games and groups built around doing that specifically.
I've seen this guy for some time and he cracks me up every time. Does anyone know where it's from?
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I don't get it
What the fuck.. Is this 2002 ?
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Ebola spreading.webm
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how old is this?
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Where were you when best character was kil
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League of legends.jpg
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Two can play this game
You watch the show to bitch about everything that's different from the books
>you know what time it is
It's time for video games
Is it about difficulty?
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tortanic launch.gif
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I wonder what the hell she's saying in the beginning
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Atlus Fans.jpg
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>Brain Age
Aw shit son that's more like THE FROST LEGION IS COMING

Why do I want to hate fuck her?
You know, if I found myself magically transformed into a female one day, I'd probably whore myself out immediately as well
Too meta. You could easily shorten it to "average pot user" and THEN let the effects of it happen. That causes an ironic result that they won't see.
That is just too embarrassing to watch
Always close it at 5 seconds max
God I will never fucking go to a con
We all would do it anon.
Not all cons are bad. Most attendees are just there to dress up and have a good time.
I don't think so, because playing guitar at a good level isn't difficult at all.
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I just brushed my teeth, and now I have to clean the stomach acid off of my enamel. It's too early for such disgusting shit. Just because you have boobs doesn't make you a female.
Then I still don't get it
>Fleshed out and interesting characters.
>Superb acting, drama and script.
>Plot revolved an ultimate goal well divided between each main head.

Yeah, sure man, it's all just tits and gore.
The logic behind it is probably that an RTS is more difficult due to more shit you have to do.
That's more using CHA instead of combat based skills
I think It's about having more things to do and learn.
how is disliking a show, edgy?

>The Hound

Holy fuck you are retarded.
Why the fuck would you ask what episode it's from when you can just look up the entire scene online? You are not going to watch the show anyway, so why ask for the entire episode?
If you want to know context here's all there is to it
Enjoy Me - Monroe
>I don't know how fighting works.
Stick to videogames pall
FBI please go
ayyy lmao
i know i would.
And that's why, despite telling myself how I'd be a super slutty whore if I became female, I'm never actually going to go through with it, because the result is an ugly pile of melted tuna. Trap fantasy is so far away from the reality of the situation it's not funny
Lifting that much gold up in your outstretched arms like that
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2MB, 1920x1080px
W-why would y-you want that, onii-chan?~
jesus christ, it even carved shit into itself, check out left leg
maybe you'll have better luck than her.
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All right, I kek'd
>Mongoloid Mating Rituals
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tv trigger.png
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Not gonna fuck up my whole body for a maybe if that's the bad end there.
didn't she get plastic surgery and made her tits larger? I have yet to see her as of the surgery
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name this one
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Except that doesn't apply. Longer fretboard does not = more to learn. It means you CAN do more but knowledge wise it's the exact same.
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I want to hate on this, but damn.
My man brought it.
you'll never know, could become something great.
There is literally no fret board on the first one.
>what are we gonna do on the bed oni-chang
>original not intact
sure, faggot
why does this remind me of the boondocks

>Russia people like black but wrong colour by accident

On the fucking nose
>Watchdogs release
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Playing as Knuckles in Sonic 3.gif
823KB, 430x235px
> russia
So spot on it hurts.
The sole reason I want to leave this shithole.
I count 7 frets, shitbird. That's enough to play every song in existence provided you scale it to octave.
For now, at least, I'll settle to convincing 17 year old kids on Omegle that yes, I am a horny college chick that wants to cyber
heart stopped from pain shock obviously
I don't understand
Steve Martin
File: viral marketing.webm (2MB, 640x480px)
viral marketing.webm
2MB, 640x480px
>girl has sex with ps4 games.gif
least you're making someone happy with that. what they dont know won't kill them
Good luck playing in those 7 frets.
>you scale it to octave.

Will sound so good as the originals songs.
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Resident Evil 7.png
332KB, 481x360px

>ruffies starting to kick in
Every time
>tfw you summon your first frost legion and gangster snowmen wreck your shit
I love that game so much.
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Ice Levels.gif
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Same animation studio. Studio Mir, if you were wondering.

Dothraki stronk
It's more likely the heat just cooked his brain.
Shame that event only gives you money and SNOW. Especially after winter biome is essential.
Hats that are sold by clothier afterwards are cool though.
Pretty sure the heat from the gold would just cook your brain.
>disconnected from server
File: Kickstarter.jpg (54KB, 482x330px)
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Oh man.

This one guy, 23 I think, ended up going at it for three and a half hours. Left saying how he was going to be fapping to the memory for weeks on end now. Actually said I came from schlicking to the text, and he was over the fucking moon.

I could probably make a decent living writing porn, now that I think about it.

It is known.
I made my father set up a formal letter of complaint after watching this scene because it's just too gruesome in my opinion. I get it's a private network and tits and violence is totally fine with me but that shit was too much. period
It is known.

lel, pleb

Dothraki giving zero fucks, cooking stew at 2000C
Looks tasty.
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>pump action automatic barrel fed shotgun
That's a laser Tompson though.
The point of the thread is to not be a faggot
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nobody knows my secret.jpg
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I'm Swedish and I laughed my ass off.

where can I buy one?

Fuck off, indecisive idort faggot.
Then why are you being one?

I can't stop watching this .webm.
I seriously hope you're shitposting because that's just fuckin retarded.
must be bait
oh god, did some autist sonic fan die? What a good family, to care for him so long.
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129KB, 1213x750px
56% to laugh
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Carmack joins OR.jpg
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He was a kid you retard.

>Projecting that hard
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I decide on all of them.
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name this one
What is this? A megatexture for ants?

only way to make that horse meat tender
Is this Halo? What happened to it?
>E3 reveal of game to release
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sv_funmode 1.gif
3MB, 280x208px
budgeted persona cosplay
gif from overrated piece of shit show that's not even remotely funny.gif
Fuck me, that looks great.
Stable, reasonably fast, no excess movements.
Imagine if he worked for an engineering company instead of working on a rototiller in a Ukranian shed.
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big guy for wiiU.jpg
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>big guys

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image limit -1.jpg
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>You know what time it is
Time for another /b/ thread poorly disguised as video games?
Dem cvars.

Second time seeing this. The production values seem too good for it to be a porn spoof.

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ship ahoy.webm
3MB, 640x360px
I love boat physics.
Can't think of a filename, though.
At least GoT makes me understand how people who hate Urobutcher feel, that's literally the only good thing that came out of it.
How is this funny. That video is literally a guy mimicking Ocelot's spin trick.
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3MB, 1024x576px
I need one for this
I was cringing for the whole thing until the scene in the webm happened.

I honestly thought it was going to be one of those "important fast character who has to look cool while killing unimportant slow character" but damn, that was good
/v/'s life
dead meme is dead
>that rapture.jpg
because he's poor
Reddit distracts epic /b/ raid with dragon dildos
someone post it
Better than "MUH SERIOUSNESS" you murricans got

Fuck you
I had this happen during the end credits when I was in the boat.
You guys are still doing this? Wow.
>Japan apologizes for Pearl Harbor with US Navy tribute show.webm

the one on the left looks like a guy on mxc
>/jp/ makes a Battleship game.webm
>You guys
You redditors still use that shit? Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow
Old but still effective.

Better than your argument, anyways
Don't get butthurt, I can't help that you're still using old memes. Over 9000! XD

it's from "our robocop remake"

>still no argument
>p-please argue with me!!
Really sad.
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2MB, 238x174px
Well then don't enter an argument.
I didn't.
Bye then
>muh argument!
You guys still doing this? Wow.
buttmad murrican, everybody
I know, it's pathetic how I'm clinging so hard onto memes, right? I sound like Reddit, or "/v/ 1.5"
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dont give them ideas
>/v/ is another reddit
You guys still doing this? Wow.
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robert cop.jpg
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That looks bretty neat.

>Plot Keywords: farting | punched in face | cocaine | dog | hostage | See more »

>another reddit
No, I'm saying /v/ IS Reddit.
>Your sex life is a shadow because it is intangible and constantly looms near you
Right in the feels.
>/v/ IS Reddit
You guys still doing this? Wow.
You wouldn't understand the motives of the DEX character if you didn't, though.
>You guys still doing this? Wow.
You guys still doing this? Wow.
I know, it's pathetic how I'm clinging so hard onto memes, right? I sound like Reddit, or "tumblr"
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1MB, 243x191px
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Fan Service.webm
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>pre-nerf Taokaka gameplay.webm
I like them both, except that 3 has Moira Brown and better DLC
Gold isn't that heavy. I bet you think it's not malleable, either.
Tittering goblins
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face options.gif
939KB, 200x150px
Oh boy.

How many fucking times do you think this happens in women's sports?
>fallout 3
>better DLC
Are you being fucking serious right now m8?
It's pretty much the only reason they still exist

>Not Dear Esther in 1080p.webbum
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STR vs DEX.gif
2MB, 320x240px
Such is life in africa.
>stay under the water
>teeth comes lose
In one punch, he knocked out like 9 teeth.

What a champ.
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brings a whole new meaning to that exploding knees picture
I've made the mistake of taunting in games instead of finishing the job.

Also they both died right? just watched the scene on youtube and the guy got lungs pierced it looked like.
>Wants to watch gore
>Doesn't want to watch GoT

Say what you will about GoT, but it has a lot of excellent gore scenes, do it faggot.
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f2p games.gif
3MB, 295x221px
Big guy survives the fight but dies an agonising death from poison and infection later on.
>wants to watch gore
>opt for mainstream babby-tier kitsch gore
lol whatever you say man
File: Bethesda physics.gif (1MB, 227x175px)
Bethesda physics.gif
1MB, 227x175px
how about

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I bet you're one of those dumb asses who says "people only like Dark Souls because it's difficult"
You're so cool, man, with your underground gore, how can I be cool like you?
is that dodger?

Jesus christ I could almost hear it.

I don't get it

wtf did i just watch, i swear i heard an actual monkey screaming at the end
Those were Brazilians in their natural habitat, Anon.
Read the latest book and you will.
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Geezus fuck this is some Lord of the Rings shit


Thank god I stoped watching this piece of shit.
Goddamnit I thought it was a four panel collage of buildings that got fucked over.

But tits...
File: WHO STOLE MY FUCKING RADDISH.png (248KB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
248KB, 640x480px
jesus christ this can't be real
>Gold isn't that heavy
Density of gold: 19.3 g/mL
Density of lead: 11.34 g/mL
shared same VA with best girl
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9KB, 275x183px
made me chuckle
File: balance patch.gif (15KB, 470x385px)
balance patch.gif
15KB, 470x385px
File: Howtobasic the early years.gif (1024KB, 315x314px) Image search: [Google]
Howtobasic the early years.gif
1024KB, 315x314px
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pro dota 2 player.jpg
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>trying way too hard to be an edgelord
>it doesnt even fit
You know, it is harder to play the closest you get to the body.
File: video games in movies.jpg (3MB, 3264x2448px) Image search: [Google]
video games in movies.jpg
3MB, 3264x2448px
He really doesn't look that impressed-
File: parrying in dark souls.gif (1MB, 390x292px) Image search: [Google]
parrying in dark souls.gif
1MB, 390x292px
timelapse of kickstarter excitement. I mean, you can be more creative than that, but that's pretty much what it is
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fetuses in a CAD comic.jpg
13KB, 250x187px
File: pol at a dance party.gif (1MB, 480x360px) Image search: [Google]
pol at a dance party.gif
1MB, 480x360px
That's why you never put points into Charisma.
File: Nig and Nog.jpg (32KB, 689x530px) Image search: [Google]
Nig and Nog.jpg
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It's why you put more into INT so you know not to stand next to a fucking angry giant.
File: anon goes after all the bait.gif (2MB, 240x180px) Image search: [Google]
anon goes after all the bait.gif
2MB, 240x180px
i dont fucking know
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510KB, 1400x2049px
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typical playstation marketing.gif
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Pre-release hype
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Well, first step would be to be less of a dick sucker.

You've got a long way ahead of you, buddy.
What do you mean? He explains them all right there.

>tfw I actually know who these players are and was in their FC when i played FFXIV

This right here. At least that's why I do it.
File: I think you need to leave.gif (244KB, 474x544px) Image search: [Google]
I think you need to leave.gif
244KB, 474x544px
Because /v/ is only here for laughs and giggles
File: Blizzard releases an artcraft.gif (3MB, 480x360px) Image search: [Google]
Blizzard releases an artcraft.gif
3MB, 480x360px
>hating idorts

Why is peasant scum so volatile?
Man Velveeta cheese is so painful if you get it on you when it's hot.
>laughs and giggles
Not that guy, but I can't see how that is even remotely funny. It's impressive as shit, but nothing funny.
I miss my lan-party times. Playing CS with my huebros and monkeying out like that was pretty fun.
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chrono cross.gif
881KB, 500x299px

What do I win?
Le black science man was right, Game of Thrones is literally a fantasy soap opera. It is only exalted because it targets the nerd/reddit/4chan culture of the internet.
Gold's melting point is at 1091 celsius degrees. I am a goldsmith, I know this shit.
>that finger shaking
100% accurate
File: ?.png (11KB, 744x520px) Image search: [Google]
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Watch this while hearing any song of the MGR soundtrack, it fits
Can someone tell me the name of this gay porn? I just want to go watch it so I can know exactly how their voices sound in the quotes that /v/ spouts all the time
Thread posts: 386
Thread images: 129

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