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Has a spectacle of video game violence ever made you say something

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Has a spectacle of video game violence ever made you say something along the lines of "Holy shit"?
The boulder punch
re4 has the best satisfying headshots, prove me wrong
Metal Gear Rising in general.

Resident Evil 4 chainsaw decapitation was pretty shocking. As well as Gears of War chainsaw executions.

There's a death scene in The Last of Us that's pretty gruesome too, in it a clicker smashes Joel's face.
Not really. When things get too graphic I just groan and roll my eyes because I know they're the result of pandering.
Holy shit, that made no sense.
I had to pause the fucking game.
The endgame of Deadly Premonition.
Manhunt in general. And some RE4 death scenes.

Hell RE4 for being so campy had decent horror and gore. The village and the intro were pretty tense, and the part with regenerators too. The rest was meh scary wise, but suplexing everyone was fun.

They were pretty good

horrible how shooting sucks in RE6 and is just shit in RER
RE4's gunplay is unmatched. I don't know why it feels so less satisfying in the later RE's
First time Leon got his head chainsawed off I laughed pretty hard.
Some movie yes (only like 2 or 3 times, and I've seen a lot of gore), but never a vidya.
However, the directly implied rape in MGSV:GZ has made me uninterested in purchasing MGSV:GZ and MGSV:PP
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It made me scream "FUCK YEAH!"
Lunaris Temple Level 3 in Path of Exile.

Christ, that's a lot of blood.
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>Clocktower 3
>First Boss smashes a little orphan's head in

The last time was in Last of Us.
If one of thoser huge, fat clickers grab Joel, they will slowly rip his head apart after hooking his jaw.
You can start to hear the flesh getting torn and the bones being broken and then the screen fades to black.
That shit was very, very disturbing and well executed, sometimes showing next to nothing is better than showing gore.
From this gen? Not much. But whanever it does, fuck, it sticks. First time I saw a Gears of War chainsaw execution I flipped out, mostly in excitement. This one, though? I was actually wincing.

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GoW 1, 2, and 3's intro sequences are all fantastically violent
First time I gibbed someone in Fallout 3.
A bunch of scenes in God of War 3 made me say, "Holy shit, this is bad." So I guess kind of.
Everything in God of War
Now I want to play RE5. I've been playing a lot of RE4 since the sale.
I loved ripping off apollos head.
How can a game from 2005 still look so good? The level of detail they put in those textures is unreal.
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kiddies go back to bed please :/

.... kek

>directly implied

Nice oxymoron you got there faggot.

>i cant read whole sentences
Brutal Doom. It's just too much for me.
One of the posts you are responding to is negative, one is positive, and one is neutral. What are you even saying?
Don't know why but maybe because I didn't see it so often, when I first booted up CoD WaW after I bought it around Christmas.
I ran five feet in my first match, got hit by a rifle grenade, and watching my leg fly off like that just made me say "what the fuck?"
Yeah RE4 when Leon dies by acid. His flesh falls off his skin, first time i saw i just said "shit" out loud.
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>double clicking to gouge out posiedon's eyes

>the first time when you were like 13 and you decapitated a minotaur and ripped the head off a medusa within 10 seconds of eachother
Don't have opinions
Getting beheaded in Vanquish by that one mass of robots was jarring, but mostly because it was unexpected in a T game.

Also not-Hilary-Clinton shooting herself.
I found most of Wolfenstein TNO to be pretty "holy shit"
>Was banned in Australia
>Friend claimed he had a version of it
>Said you could do shit like decapitate a head, put it in garbage bag and shoot hoops with it

Was he "that kid", or did the game really have that kind of shit?
The microwave scene at the beginning was a bit too much.
The Noob fatality in MK9. You know the one.

Fucking postal 2
Not really, even the goriest games in history don't hold a candle to your average splatterfest movie.
This is a thread made for and by little kids.

You goobers haven't raised your standards since the age of 12 apparently.
Hes that kid You cant interact with stuff like that
God dammit. Read it as
>Has the spectacle of video games ever made you say something along the lines of "Holy shit"?

Goodnight, /v/
Shame RE5 multi is dead forever
It's late, my vocabulary is becoming limited due to exhaustion. Soon I wont be able to make coherent sentences.
You could sever heads and save them for later but I dont remember doing any hoops
Id say Clocktower 1 was worse.

The bathroom death was the worst, holy shit
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I feel I've grown completely jaded as far as overblown spectacle goes.

Heres square enix setting the scene with a giant battlefield, a colossal army clashing into another colossal army, giant fire ball beams going all over the place, exploding and being absorbed by the occasional force field here and there thats barely holding on, thousands of space ship-ass plane things flying all around the place at sanic speeds blowing each other up, and the fucking moon opening up, lava flowing out of the cracks, and a giant fucking elder god dragon comes out to wreck shit.

Yet I just feel like I've seen it all before, and anyone mentioning it says its the tightest shit.

I want to go back.
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>Said you could do shit like decapitate a head, put it in garbage bag and shoot hoops with it
What you can do is keep the heads and throw them as a distraction since the game is pretty much a stealth game. you cant put heads in bags or anything like that. There are hop rings in some parts of the game, i guess you can try to throw them in there if you want but the game doesn't register that as anything.
Oh I saw the RE4 bit and assumed he was talking about that. Looking at it agian, probably should have assumed the manhunt part
Gears of war

What do I win ?
nigga u serious? pirate that shit and play it on pc. But yes, you can do that I suppose. The head's meant to be thrown as a distraction but if you find basketball hoops I'm sure you can have yourself a ball.
Man, Id kill for a new Onimusha with super ultra prerendered graphics
That first Advisor encounter in the barn in Episode 2 was pretty crazy.
RE4 had "creepy" "chiller" enemies that moved slowly towards Leon, and that big bloody explosion when getting a headshot and watching them drop to their knees was satisfying.

I can't speak for RE5 or 6 because I haven't played them, but in RE:R the enemies seem like they're going for more of the "shocker", "holy shit" type of scary, they move faster, there is no blood explosion, and there is no satisfying death animation.
well yes I'd assume any seasoned gamer feels the same. That sort of spectacle really only panders to children. But I think OP meant violence in video games, gore and whatnot
Dead Space 2's intro was pretty shocking, and that's having played the first one
and the eye needle machine, but that was more body horror
The regenerator execution in Dead Space 1 was fucking terrifying too

too bad everything loses its scary factor as soon as you die to it
except on Hardcore. Everything becomes 10x scarier
*rests fedora
Also, RE4 had a more niche collection of guns, whereas RE:R had all the standard stuff, the glock, various assault rifles, etc.

RE4 made me feel like a tactic hipster, RE:R makes me feel like I'm playing the game in the exact same way everyone else did so it doesn't feel as special.
RE5 was only fun for me in co-op, but every game is fun in co-op.

And then the zombies got machine guns me and my friend just agreed to stop playing.
some of the sleeping dogs environmental kills were brutal
>the eye needle

It's only a spectacle of violence if you fuck it up.

Severla of those make me go "I'M A FUCKING COP?"
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Soldier of Fortune 2: Double Helix
When Steve Haines shot that one dude in the head in GTAV.

I was not expecting something that graphic from an HD universe GTA game.
I suppose the eye needle thing in dead space 2 kind of got to me.
>The microwave scene at the beginning was a bit too much.

>SF and their residents burning to death

I loved it and want more of its kind.
Also, gibbing someone in half-life for the first time as a kid and closely examining all the guts that got spread around, especially the half-skull/half-face. Oh and also Condemned, I haven't played the second but the melee combat is just brutal.
How did I forget that?

>standing over a dead guy
>gradually mincing his whole entire body with your knife

How fucking long ago was that?
even if you do it right, it's still OW OW FUCK OW WHY

after replaying dead space 2 and RE4, I realized they are almost the exact same game
>dismemberment-based combat
>giant drill/bulldozer section operated by annoying female companion
>stupid ancient ruins segment
>invincible enemy that chases you until you figure out freezing it is its weakness
>giant eldritch monster final boss
>cult of happy immigrants
>tedious block puzzles with obvious solutions
>everyone dies except you and female companion
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Couldn't help but :O the rest of the fight.

I remember that other boss, the acid one

>OId timey Britbong mother and son
>Sweet, peaceful scene of son looking after his old, blind mother
>Sprays acid in both their faces
>Beats them up
>Dumps them in a barrel
>Pours more acid on them whilst they're screaming
>Laughing all the while

It was like, the most bipolar thing I've ever seen.
>Joel's death animations when killed by a Clicker or Bloater in The Last of Us
>Lara Croft getting impaled through the face by a tree branch in Tomb Raider
>Foetus swamp in Demon's Souls Valley of Defilement
>Rummaging around in Paz's abdomen in Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes
>Basically everything in Silent Hill 2 and 3
>ctrl+f stroggification
>0 results

that shit spooked the fuck out of me because I was like "oh, I'm going to escape from this thing before anything actually hap--shit, jesus.
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The entire opening sequence to the very first time I killed a combine with a gun in HL2. Then trying UT 2K4 for the first time, then trying Planetside and SWG. My 14 year old self couldn't believe it.

I came from a machine that could only handle 2d PC games and very, very light 3D like Descent 2, Doom etc.

>tfw you will never experience that ever again.
Most of the heat actions in any of the Yakuza games. For good chunk of them the person would definitely be dead if it was real life. Especially Taiga in 4 throwing niggas around like ragdolls even harder than Kiryu.
Robotech:Battlecry for the gamecube. It was my first time of what I guess could be considered "open world" even though I was just in a box of space or sky. It was the idea of HOLY SHIT I AM JACK THE GIANT KILLER AND I GET TO MEET RICK that got me I guess. I was also surprised that I got to kill the little people. Also I just noticed you said video game violwnce and not just a holy shit for videogames in general. I'll post this anyways because more people need to play Battlecry.
You're Sun On Yee motherfucker
yeah, that was fucking ridiculous.

Actually that whole game has something on every level that would make you flip out
I'm pretty sure something in Mad World did.

Oh yeah, it was the finishing scene for the wolfman boss!
Mad World gets WAY too much shit compared to No More Heroes.
some stuff from the new Mortal Kombat has
RE4 was pretty perfect. Everything matched up. The weapons, the enemies and their AI and movement, the animations. Everything.

RE5 was nearly a copy-paste of RE4 but not nearly as interesting because of the enemy design, level design,overall experience, and because we already played a much better game in RE4.

RE6 had a weird aiming system. It had both a reticule that wavered and a laser, an aiming cooldown that was useless since you can cancel it by letting go of aim and immediately re-aiming, enemies were sped up to make things more "difficult", weapons felt weak and boring, and melee attacks lacked the feel of impact RE4 and RE5 had due to a stamina gauge to "balance" them.

Revelations was a mix of RE4 and RE6 in that enemies were slow again but they twitched around more to make it harder for you to aim since they had no real AI or environments like villages or ladders to fuck around with.

tl;dr RE4 was impeccably designed, rest weren't, especially RE6 and RE:R.
The first time I saw ragdoll physic was in metroid prime. I still remember it. I came from playing on fucking amiga.
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It's the closest any game has ever gotten to a Falcon Punch
Anyone have the webm of No More Heroes where the main guy chops a girl into pieces?
First time playing Dante's Inferno when I beat Minos. I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't the equivalent of putting his face in a rotary blade saw.
>Playing Fallout: New Vegas
>Starting Honest Hearts for the first time
>Everyone goes on about the Yao Guai (Mutant bear thing), and how scary and dangerous they are
>Get in a fight with one
>VATS + repeatedly punch with the Two-step Goodbye
>It's arms and legs fly off as it shoots up into the air
>It then explodes in midair

Same thing happened with the Ghost of She. Loads of hype, running through the Grand Canyon while high as fuck, get to the boss and make fireworks out of it
Probably biggest shock I ever had violence wise in a videogame was when I played Tenchu 3 as a kid.

The insane bloodspray was crazy
>ctrl + f "quake 4"
>0 results

that fucking intro sequence was completely out of left field.

>oh boy, generic "hero is strapped to an assembly line of some sort
>probably intended to kill me
>help will arrive soon I guess
>first machine gets closer
>okay guys, you can come out now
>my turn
>um... guys?

shit was intense.
I've never been grossed out or truly shocked but i'm often pleasantly surprised. so yeah i've said "holy shit" a lot in reaction to video game/movie/tv violence but it's generally followed up with "that was awesome."
You were a few minutes slow>>253687721
"holy shit" inducing spectacles of awesome violence has always been more of a movie thing for me.

Platinum games have been like "Haha aw yeah!", but they don't reach "holy shit, I will never forget this"
Other than smash bros?
I was playing one night and it was 2am I think, I thought let's try one more game. Clocktower 3 cool I played the SNES one. Got to that scene .......noped and turned the console off.
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>Hotline Miami
>Throwing boiling water on someone

>That van that crashes through the wall
>eventually the driver gets out and begs for his life
>Main character Smashes his face in, breaks his arms and legs and sets him on fire
RULES OF NATURE and the part where you jump from missile to missile to get to Ray made me literally laugh out loud at how ridiculously over-the-top it was.
I guess you've never played a Contra game.
The first time I played Fallout 3.
Average /v/ user is 17 so most likely not.
Fuck you man. That part in God of war 3 where you are ripping the finger nails off a Titan made me feel ill. I hate finger nail related shit
>thumbs in eyes on the armored guys
That games really deserves its sequel, but it's never going to happen.
I have actually but the difference in graphical capability between the two games is significant enough to change the experience completely.
Also the gore in Hells Highway is brutal
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The PS2 Contras aren't so far off.

Especially Neo Contra. That whole game is straight up bonkers.
Does the kid yell "It got me!" as he dies or am I hearing shit wrong?
I still haven't fully understood happened after all these years. Fucking aliums.
The first time I paid attention to what the executions were, for me it was front-kicking a guys face into his head when he was sitting back against the wall. Or liquefying a guy's head with a long melee weapon when he's down.
Is that from Harvester? That whole game is like that.
Call me a casual but some of animations on the AssCreed games are pretty violent. Connor is particular savage.
it's not being jaded, you just acquired some degree of taste

too many film and game makers cramp up too much shit together at one time just because they can to the point where you as the viewer get confused and and loose interest
is that Charles Dance?
That's one isn't gory, but Christ is it terrifying.
I only ever played the original Contra so I can't say I know if you're right.
I think you ought to give people the benefit of the doubt more. Assuming everyone is a kid who never played any of the classics is gonna make you have a dim view of everyone you talk to on /v/.
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I bought 1 from the recent steam sale, and it's fucking creepy

even the main menu is kind of disturbing
The first time I saw the the Strider execution in Titanfall. Oh so satisfying.
Don't forget eye gouging and skull drilling.
Phantasmagoria I believe
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This surprised me at first
and then I realized it was satan
Some of the ambient screams down there makes me genuinely uneasy, pretty unusual for a game.
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When pic related gets impaled and some shit in Dorf Fort
Postal 2 is fucking amazing.
It's like someone took the notebook of that edgy kid in middle school obsessed with violence we all knew and made it into a fucking game.

I know man.
It was especially jarring for me after only knowing about and playing Postal 2 first.
Postal 2's tone is like death by flatulation.
Postal 1's is like a real guy going postal.
I was gonna say "You must be new here" after that but your candor is refreshing.

I highly recommend Neo Contra though, if you can find it. Fantastic game. Not sure how well it emulates though.
>easiest boss fight in the game
Unlimited magic felt fucking crazy flying around with it.
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Penumbra, when The MC has to kill Red

it isn't even particularly graphic, just how I have to end his life by FUCKING BURNING HIM ALIVE after seeing how shitty his life was

I reloaded my save thinking that I could save him somehow, and I had to go through it all over again

tfw walking into his room after killing him and seeing where he spent the majority of his life
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I feel bad for forgetting this until reading your post.
wut gaem?
>Connor is particular savage.
You got me.
Dracula's Cursed Castle: Masters of Darkness 2
I had to close my eyes during that shit man
I can't stand eye injections
I suppose I am somewhat new comparatively, but two years is long enough to understand how things work around here, I would think.
Is Neo Contra hard to find? I have a PS2 I can use to play it on.
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i remember being disgusted by this
I love that the game decides that at THAT point the main character is deranged, with the white noise effect going on.
dwarf fortress.
because you have to imagine the violence you're inflicting.
pic related. not mine though.
I once had the monster hunter mod installed and jaggis would fight a rathalos I always heard the theme song in my head.
The moment Rules of Nature really hit in MGR I was saying "Oh my fucking God" the entire time and laughing like a maniac.
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Holy crap, man.
obligatory comment
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I see some cheap copies on ebay.
Death on!
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this was a pretty intense segment. not to mention my thumb felt like it was going to fall off
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Cool. I'll look at getting a copy. Thanks.
stream where?
Not a holy shit moment but more of a could he get fucked anymore moment.
I thought the obligatory comment in this case was "Stream where?"
Made sense to me. I don't think he was actually punching it to move it. He was just pissed as fuck and had his adrenaline running.
Killing Bragg was pretty good, but I think my favorite of the two games is in the first one when you first use the Blackhole ability (i think), and the one guy flies up, and then comes back down getting impaled on a wrought iron fence.
>The final level of W101
It felt like the end of an amazing fap.

>You will never experience it for the first time again
Wait, the little robot that collects pieces can behead you? Holy shit, I didn't know that. Guess I gotta play it again.
>final boss on 101%

More of a spectacle of Climax than of violence.

Like Elite Beat Agents, what a fucking climax.
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you know the rules. You post it, you stream it.
Kenny beating Carver to death in The Walking Dead

TWD spoilers, by the way. One of the only times I've wondered what sick bastard had to design that viscera mess.
Who gets off on this shit?
>playing couch re5 mercs with a friend one time
>he enters dying state
>moments later this shit happens http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BElh48YGEOM

we were both kinda shocked, and it was even funnier/more shocking because he was using fairy tale sheva, so it was that combined with a panty shot
Where do you think we are?

That whole sequence was one of the most awe-inducing scenes in any video game I played.

At the time, that was totally above and beyond expectations.
this is like the second time some one has brought this up to me. that smashing, breaking of bones, and setting of fire is a sequence that lasts only about 2 seconds with short blacked out breaks in between. not to mention the game is retro and pixelated. i was completely disconnected from it.
That's unnecessarily hostile.
THat and the headsnap were the only really violent deaths in that game.
The rest were kinda tame or out of shot
Who shat in your Cheerios this morning?
This is a christian message board
If you didn't get what the fuck was going on, you really should get help
I once got a very satisfying headshot on Sniper Elite v2

but then the game was shit
I don't know what your problem is, but you clearly had a bad day. I hope you have a better one tomorrow.
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How normalfag can you be man? Only tumblr and redditshits say stuff like "step in front of a train" or "don't breed" or other childish shit like that
PRetty much my experience with the game
First time I remember was in Turok 2 when an explosive shotgun shell blew a fat enemies stomach open and blood seemed to flow from it.

Felt pretty wild at the time.
Brush your teeth with colgate and orange juice.
What will that do?
Drown yourself in semen.
Taste really fucking bad.
It's a fetish man, we all have our fetishes. Let it go, they can't help it.
Reddit, it wants its faggot back.
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holy shit you really are a tumblrtard

Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed
Go step barefoot on a Lego.
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I don't really like orange juice anyway
Everything in Clive Barker's Jericho. I don't consider myself squeamish but the stuff in that game was over-the-top grotesque.
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>giant capuchin

a fucking giant monkey? I hate those fucks
Ranch or Cool Ranch?
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Quick someone post more ryona games
That sounds like a fetish in of itself
Darkness 2.

That move where the enemy gets his spine/skull forcefully ripped out of his ass still makes me cringe. The first time was out loud "Jesus fucking christ" tier.
Ara ara, we got a tough one here, folks~

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You stupid bitch

You stupid fucking bitch
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Shitposting general is in >>>/s4s/

Although when you shitpost in /v/ you're pissing in an ocean of piss, but stay mad anyway normalfag.
>this is what some people who are allowed to vote actually believe
>this is what some people not in mental institutions actually believe
We’ve found the thread’s winner.
>>my dick in your ass.
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Wish i kept my gore games gifs

Isaac's screams are just brutal, and how you can pin point the moment when his spinal cord snaps.
*grabs you by the throat*
Do you KNOW who you're messing with?!
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>I'm trying

I've seen this at least ten times and this still cracks me up.
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God of war 3. Hercules.

>that scream in the crematorium of the guy you gotta rescue
I literally hope you accidentally see your mom naked on Christmas morning and the following awkward tension ruins your entire holiday season
Most executions in The Last of Us.
I'm with you in that guro isn't my thing. But what on earth do you think you're going to accomplish? 4chan is full of that kind of stuff.

Besides, I find NTR more unpleasant.
>not slapping her ass and giving her the dick
>don’t bother fighting something
>just let it happen
Remember that when someone tries to kill you, okay?
Fucking Prey man, that game was full of crazy shit
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>mfw TLOU gore
>most deaths just fades to black
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>being this mad
He was referring to bandits. Even in the death scenes they show you enough to know, which I like.
Unless 4chan is attempting to murder you, I'm not sure how that's relevant. This is more like trying to hold back the ocean with a rusty old spoon, you're wasting your time.
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Next gen version.
I thought the first time I saw it that one of the executions in the darkness two was a guy getting his anus and entire colon ripped straight out.

Later when I actually saw it again and wasn't just like oh damn, I realized it was actually his spine and skull getting ripped out through his ass. Game also had certain areas of the body just getting blown open and shit from strong gun fire, darkness tentacle whips, or the executions themselves. Chest ripped open, throat blown out, face blown off etc etc. Kinda neat.
That whole operation they did on Paz in GZ. The graphics and acting just made it all the more difficult to watch, not that that's a bad thing. Usually gore feels forced, or there for complete shock value, this genuinely was a well done scene.

>there's nothing in the cave worth dying for

bull fucking shit, that cave probably is filled with the greatest 2D waifus and the biggest 4k displays in the world and the sign maker is hoarding it all to himself.
Oh, speaking of execution-style kills, Sleeping Dogs.
>too fucking retarded to comprehend the discussion
Maybe just don’t reply until you read the post.
boring as shit
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>proving you need to go back to Tumblr


>P.S. Stay mad

May he see his waifu in heaven.
Looks a little...muddy.
Not sure if you're serious but that sounds incredibly disgusting, anon. If you aren't joking you might want to consider therapy.

You mean getting upset about guro? Because that is what I was responding to. I posted >>253694046, he responded, so I responded back. The one not following the conversation is you.

It is only when I don't expect it when it does anything to me. If I know I am playing a game where you can cut people in half then I honestly couldn't care less as it is just a gameplay feature at that point.

On that note E/T rated games often surprise me more then M rated games.
>he doesn't fuck his mom
This entire game is just a beautiful spectacle of video game violence.
To bad the next game is getting censored.
The only form of censorship I've heard of was the fake rape scene that SJWs blew up over. Has there been anything else?
Whaaaat source
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>want to get into old action/shooter games
>lots of them are DEMONS or BRUTAL ALIUMRAPE themed

Fuck man, I'm 2pussy4thishit
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I miss the demonophobia .gif dump. Did anyone ever make a new one?

Also, I guess we should be making .gif dumps for his newer games, or FoxTale's. I always wanted to make a webm of the alligator deaths in CrackleCradle.
That hatched scene in mafia 2 u know what im talking about if u played it
Is that game good?
Nah, still, censorship is censorship. Changing your creative vision to appease some bleeding heart bloggers and journalists is not something that should be rewarded.
I can understand removing it if it didn't really feel relevant or was supposed to just be edgy for the sake of edginess though. As long as I can still curb stomp skulls and slice people in half I'm not going to complain in the least.
Just look up "hotline Miami rape"
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Inject yourself with steroids and RIP AND TEAR!!
Even fucking Stanley Parable is getting censored because some clit misinterpreted this part about player choice.
Rape is a touchy subject with a majority of consumers, and they'd probably lose a lot of fans if they kept it in. Censorship isn't always the death of a product, and you know HM2 is still going to be incredibly violent. Frankly, it'd be stupid of them to not remove the rape scene after the huge controversy over it, even if it wasn't actual rape.
Yes, but it wasn't removed for those reasons, it was removed due to journalists and bloggers complaining, thus it was censored. You can support it if you want, I can't stop you. I personally don't want to see more of that though so I'm probably going to pirate it if anything. I didn't even play Bravel Default, so I might do the same here.
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"didnt know humans could be such pests?!?"(akward voice acting made it sound like a question).... MUAHAHAHAHA!!"
I really should. Because I had fun with the browser version Wolfenstein 3D
If a game had a rape, but it wasn't just a shock value "i got raped" rape, like something genuine that showed the "horrors" of rape and made you cringe hard like some gore or torture scenes; Would people shun the game?
>defending any form of censorship
Pls go Christian mom.

Actually I imagine that part wasn't gory as it would have been done realistically right? What would it look like if a guy were microwaved?
Really? I feel that giving in and censoring their creative work is going to lose a few people. I know I won't be supporting them for this reason. I don't see why the subject of murder can be handled, yet rape is some untouchable thing in the creative world.
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But ryona makes me sad
It would have to be a feminist woman writing it. Anybody else and I'm sure people would throw a huge bitch fit.
Probably. Rape is rape to these people, and for whatever reason various forms of murder are more acceptable than rape.

They'll lose some people over the censorship, sure, but it's most likely nothing compared to the number of people they'd lose if they refused to keep in the rape. Plus, they probably wouldn't be able to sell much of anything in the future either, because they'd become known as devs that support rape or something idiotic like that.
So then you support these bullying tactics? I don't think they'd lose many seeing as the people who cry about these sort of things usually aren't the ones playing games. Censorship of a creative work due to pressure from a group who find it offensive is not okay. It really shouldn't be defended either, let alone supported.
You'll live, I am sure.
But isn't that kind of the point? They won't play it, so why should the devs give a shit about what they think?
If any of you have played it.


Most of the first chapter was gut pounding

like The MGPS, or any of the sneaking segments

Then the finale
It started off pretty intense with Your camp being raided and the whole elevator lobby fight was god damn awesome.

Then Malcoms and the other dudes death followed by the the segment with either brian and junior or ben and terry was great.

But the Core sequence topped what had come before it.

Then the segment with the train tail ended by the boss fight was keeping me at the edge.

Of course Jake isn't wearing one of hundreds of Helmets he picked up

The reveal of the interrogation was god damn weird

As if the story needed to be more confusing

the turret section was a bit lackluster, but mad sense as to why it was there.

Then the tease of chapter two.

Damn it made my heart race, left me confused, and pissed that I had to wait for the next chapter
>So then you support these bullying tactics?
I've said nothing similar to this. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I agree with it or are even ok with it, I'm saying that these people who refuse to buy this game because of this specific situation are being a little ridiculous. Both the people who wouldn't buy because of a (fake) rape scene, and the people who won't buy because the devs are censoring it. I'm sure you realize how much it would hurt the devs if they refused to do this.
They shouldn't, they should be standing by it and calmly addressing these journalists(like CDPR and XSEED), but instead they gave in and censored their creative work. What do you think that tells these journalists and bloggers? They gave them power. They validated their bullying tactics. This is not healthy for creative works and it makes it a lot harder for other devs with potentially "offensive" games.

What the fuck is RER? I live in 2005
Also, I feel that it gave the impression to the people who were against it that the devs "knew they were in the wrong." I'm not saying at all that the devs were in the wrong for including that scene, but if they draw back from what they made, it seems like they thought themselves that they were.
>So then you support these bullying tactics?

Not him but I don't think it's about supporting censorship as much as it's just understanding the rationale for their decision and trying to give them the benefit of the doubt since they were caught in a tough position. Not every developer is willing to be virtually martyred because they decided to fight for free speech in the video game industry. There is more at stake than artistic vision.
I think it's that lardass bloater that rips Joel's face off. I don't remember if Ellie had to face one either. TLoU had plenty of gruesome death scenes.

I fapped to each and every one of Ellie's.
>DSP chops carrots.gif
god of war 3 when kratos pounded hercules face till it literally caved in and there was nothing left was probably the first time in ages game violence managed to shock me
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I feel sleepy...
Yet still they validated journalists and bloggers. They set an example... "Bully us enough, throw enough ignorant hate at us, and we'll change what you find offensive". Also what >>253698729 said.

So this in turn creates issues in the future for not only them, but other developers. As I said, you guys can support them if you want, it's whatever you want to do, but I don't think this sort of thing should be defended, and I won't be supporting it because I don't want to reward them for backing down from their creative vision.
He didn't rip his face off or crush his skull, it's much worse. When you get grabbed by a Bloater, he pulls your head apart by the jaw.
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Admittedly I haven't played Waxworks but that one Youtube video was more than enough for me.
>What the fuck is RER?
Revelations I assume. I think it was that 3ds game or something.
That's good. Waxworks and Elvira are pretty substandard puzzle-adventure games with forced shitty combat.
I don't know what was worse; the sleeping one or the guillotine-horse one.
Or that red -thing-.
>tfw leon gets decapitated

Definitely a holy shit moment as a 13 year old.
I'm guessing you didn't know what a PC was in 2005... The 360 also came out in 2005..

>tfw half life 2 came out in 2004
Most of the newest Splatterhouse. And I loved every minute despite how repetitive it was. Always have been a fan of over the top gore.
>tfw when pulling a lake monster's intestinal track out of its baboon asshole.
I don't think pandas are all that violent.
Well it won't be changing anytime soon since modern gaming journalism is adopting the SJW mindset more than ever before. These groups effectively control the metacritic scores which has a huge influence on sales, reputations, and prosperity of developers.

The whole system is rotten from the inside and it's only getting worse.
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A lot of the violence in Ground Zeroes was like that, except it wasn't played for "awesomeness" at all and left me feeling a bit dead inside once it was done. Can't wait for TPP.
>oh hey, this game looks cute
>everyone's saying it's pretty hard
>I love platformers
I was not prepared.
I got the game for free during the origin special, it just wasn't all that... Interesting, like at all. Felt like RE4 and looked much better but, it didn't feel like it did anything particularly good and just like RE4 but much worse it wasn't even remotely "scary".

Slapping humanoids with fleshy skins and insect like bodies does not equate to horror, there has to be more substance and at the age of 20+ I did not feel even remotely intimidated by Dead Space's journey.

I have a feeling that if I had experienced the game at release when I was much younger as opposed to now, specially while RE4 was more fresh in my mind, i'd have appreciated the game as a scifi version of it in next gen consoles but playing on PC at max settings in 2014 plus the above just didn't do it.

I'm not saying the game is overall bad, just didn't hit the spot for me at the given time.
Pretty much, so you are going to get a few developers who don't give into the bullshit and are worth buying from, and the rest who will continue to compromise until their creations are hollow and lifeless.

There hasn't been the chance of a happy ending for a while when it comes to video games... I guess "nerd culture" in general. I suppose some people will compromise for this, but as somebody who has something in the works and loves art, I won't. Guess the best case scenario is for it all to crash and burn, but even that is looking like it's not going to happen.
For as much as he gets attacked by the SJWs, Kojima is one of the few people who knows how to paint violence and war in a bad light while still making a fun, "violent" game.
>the first time when you were like 13

Damn, I was 18 when God of War first came out.
Yes, TPP will definately be a fantastic game, in terms of gameplay. And I honestly not expecting any of the heavy shit that was in Ground Zeroes, just thinking about what TPP has in store gets me all giddy and excited.
First time I chainsawed someone in Gears of War, especially since in the first one when you chainsawed someone their arms flailed about like they were the flash having a seizure.

Carmine's death in Gears 2.

Pic related
"No Russian."

That part in Modern Warfare 2 was pretty crazy for the first play through. I wasn't sure what to think about it during my first play of the level.
>watch movie or cutscene
>when some grand spectacle of violence happens I space out completely
>only wake up when its over, not really remembering it in any detail
>"what is that glassy look you get when we watch an action movie, anon"

Do I have brain problems?
I fucking know. Can't tell you how many times I've watched the "STANDING" trailer... If they announce MGO3 in the package I might just break. Everything looks so fucking incredible so far, even more if you watch the 60fps gameplay.
TLOU has really good sound design. Just listening to that roar, Joel's screams, and that cut-off cracking sound is a nightmare and a half.
I do that same thing with verbal conflicts.
90% of it is the same fucking death scene over and over

The suicide death was the worst.
You might like this one better, friend.
Okay, yeah, you win.

Just seeing this image made my heart race a bit. Christ.
That framerate is pretty disgusting.
has it been translated yet?
most "violent" point and clickers are pretty shitty gameplay-wise
MGS4 should have ended here
Well, I can't think of many other "violent" point and clickers beyond the ones I listed, Seventh Guest, Harvester, and the king of the shitpile: Phantasmagoria 1 and 2.
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Its because our parents fought isnt it
I'm sorry, what was that?
what game

almost looks cave story style
>The scene in RE6 when Pier's arm is torn off by flying metal

Even if you could barely see hisn missing arm(it was gone, but dark as fuck to actually see it, and even if you boosted the brightness, it would probably be a black hole), I didn't enjoy listening to his screams.



Actually true
>scroll of icarian flight
Seventh Guest was great, though.
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>not excelsus
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The music still gives me chills.
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>taiga wall heat
>picks a dude up over his should and slams his head into a wall
>then as he drops the dude kicks him in the spine
>fight ends, dude gets up and gives me a battery

fucking yakuza games, still great stuff
>heads just pop
nah, they're okay headshots out of ten

Red Dead, max payne 3, and TLOU have pretty good headshots though

call of jaurez: gunslinger has "Stylish" blood effects but the headshots are satisfying because the enemies go slo-mo for a second when you get a headshot
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