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Why is it so hard to make a good SCP game?

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Why is it so hard to make a good SCP game?
Because 60% of the monsters on the website are

>Regular object. When used for its intended purpose, the user slowly dies. The end


>This monster is unkillable. You will never kill him. How he has not swallowed the earth yet is beyond us.
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Oh boy here we go
Man, what the fuck happened to SCP?

I remember it being mostly creepy paranormal creatures and things that were honest threats to humanity's safety.


Did the community die and get taken over by idiots or am I missing something here?
I remember this one stupid SCP about a mask making acid in a tank slowing becoming too acidic to contain, as in the PH was slowing approaching zero.

Laughed my ass off as concentrated HCl used in highschool labs has a PH of less than 1.

This one?

The toaster one is actually legitimately creepy, if you bother to think about it. At least if you are talking about the entry I think you are.
An object that causes loss of identity, obsessive delusions, and eventually suicide isn't spooky to you?
Honestly, I just made that up. Was not aware they had an actual SCP toaster.
should be a surgeon simulator game, only autospy simulator, and very subtle in the clues it gives you about the scp victims
Shit like,
>looking at it or even contemplating its existence will open a magical cornhole that rends you from this plane

Plus the lore would suck ass.
>Subject a if seen, use . Agent successfully contained with being the only method.

There is.

I suggest reading that thing trough. Though it isn't seriously scary or anything, the implications it's premise has are mildly creepy, to me at least.
I think if this wasn't written in the first person, I would enjoy it more.

That is the whole idea behind it though.
It is impossible to refer to it in anything but the 1st person, and anyone who is too close to it eventually goes insane as they start identifying as the toaster itself.

Some fucks made a short film that is surprisingly okish about it.
I think a good idea for an SCP game would be based on the red disk thing with that post-apocalyptic remnant of a super religious world that was destroyed by big black whatever things.


Exploring it would be pretty interesting.
I wish there were more extradimensional SCPs.
Shitty entries like the crocodile.
>that SCP that's just a normal guy but not really, because he just poofs to different dimensions and such randomly

The guy has no fucking control over it either.

>Wake up in cave
>go towards the light
>it's just an endless desert
>look up in the sky
>two suns
>the two suns move in the sky
>oh wait nope those are eyeballs
SCP died when Are We Cool Yet became a thing.
because SCP is fucking dumb and full of original character donut steel bullshit
Am I a sucker for liking SCP-682 ? I find the experiments destined to kill it but failing miserably pretty fun in a dark humor way.

Like this scientist that introduced a child to it, then when the child got eaten he tried it again but with a sedaten child as to not triggen the reptile, but the child still got eaten. At the end he's himself thrown to 682 because what kind of psycho use children as cannon fodders.
I would say there should be a game where you start out weak as shit and have to strap increasingly dangerous and reality-bending artifacts to yourself in order to stay alive but we already have risk of rain.
I should write a joke SCP about a clueless DSP-like person always randomly appearing as a D-Class who always survives when dealing with Keter class objects while everyone else is dying

>Woooow, how am I even supposed to clean up this doll?
>Huh, how has everyone died? Who will hold the doll up so I can clean it? Fucking bullshit, I'm out of here.
Honestly, the crocodile should exist as a barrier to prevent other invincible ultragod SCPs, together with Kain. They're like a necessary evil, but the testing logs are indeed fun to read.
The problem is that there are those other than them.
CSP only works as a wiki
if you want a CSP game you have to start from scratch and reinvent the entire thing
make it like x-com the gubberments of the world want you to take care of mysterious shit because it's starting to effect too many people
you make facilities, have researchers dig up mysteries, capture mysteries, contain, experiment, you get it
as you dig deeper you find weirder shit, mysteries that effect reality and time, that change the colors of your menus or switch up your controls
Ends in two ways, you lose control of the dangerous beasts you've amassed and the y-com project is closed or get a chance to dump all the fuckers in a black hole to another dimension, not your problem anymore.
yea, the logs are gold
I think the best one if the one that materializes post apocalipt worlds in mirrors. The VHS/DVD related ones are spooky too, such as the basket game tape one or the one where Al Gore or whatever talks about Google's HQs burning.
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My favorites are the ones that are strange area's/worlds/dimensions that have expeditions sent into them.

Most of them end up ruined by over embellishment, usually involving the unnecessary addition of Monsters.

Minus Level related.

It was a fascinating read until they ruined it toward the end. Pic not related, though.
To be fair they "culled" most of those. Iris is still around, though, as well as DBZ guy.

I thought "K" was the worst one.
Why is this one still there?
It would probably work better as a tabletop game. The best SCPs are ones that work in odd ways, and can only be survived in odd ways. Vidya doesn't have the level of freedom to portray that yet.

On the other hand, it could be an interesting monster fighting game. Good luck capturing this
Like any other fanbase, casuals happened.

Some entries are so bad that the SCP item itself kills everyone it touches EXCEPT the person who wrote the entry. Pure Mary Sue all over.

Also, my favorite SCP was ruined with "btw im a girl :)"-tier bullshit.
Because SCP is shit, because it was taken over by megalomaniac admins who demand people suck their cocks to create content and have filled the site with their mary sue self inserts
The Zone from STALKER without stalkers would make an interesting read though. Although the mutants like Poltergeists and Bloodsuckers should exist to keep expeditions somewhat tense, otherwise it'd mostly be just anomalies and anomalies until they hit the Brain Scorcher.

>to be fair they "culled" most of those

And then replaced them with their even worse, "researcher" self inserts.
Which one?

Kain is fucking stupid. Outrageously stupid. He should be removed but never will because the people who run the site are retarded.
>All The Things Dr. Bright Is Not Allowed To Do
what the fuck man
everyone is supposed to be a no-name researcher because the articles are about the SCPs
how does anyone allow a monkey with a medallion wandering the halls off the Foundation is beyond me
40 posts in and nobody mentions there's already a good SCP game? And it's free, too.
I don't see what is so spooky about /v/.
835, I think? It's a coral that is found in an underwater expedition, but it starts to eat through their suits and when they're sucked into it, they find teeth and hair and stuff inside of it. And the one who managed to survive started to get bone cancer and weird growths and shit because she was becoming another of the organism.

The data logs are really creepy, except someone started mentioning genders and adding a romantic element to it.

>He only wants to protect me because i'm a gril lelelele :))))
>oh no he got eaten aaaaaa
>now i'm turning into monster too
>don't worry james now we can be together forever :))))
Nothing kills the spook harder than that
This creeped the fuck out of me.
It's a shame because the picture is really gruesome, and the data logs are some of the most detailed on the site. Before some cunt ruined it, it was REALLY good.

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This one could be a good game. ESPECIALLY what's described in Document 354-3-a.

Because SCP is reddit garbage, and most contributors can't write for shit. In fact most of them are tv tropes rejects, children, and complete idiots. Some specimens have been taken to DBZ bullshit levels, and on top of that it is a community project so everyone can piss on it like if it was a community pool.

So first it is a flawed concept, an internet thing, and at best you will get complete utter retards working on it like the slender games.I am not even sure why the people like Slender, it is really the most retarded spooky story since Tails doll.

If you like SCP you are literally underage.
Organization that studies / contains weird spooky shit = pretty cool concept
Most of the shit that people write for it = fucking awful retarded bullshit
This started in /x/.
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Your point being?
Even if it had a good start, /x/ can't also write for shit, this part is covered under "Complete idiots"
You know what'd be really cool? A SCP game about going out to find these anomalies.
I remember reading one article a while ago about a night club in Italy, which undergoes a variety of different circumstances every night, but it ALWAYS happens
One of them being something involving a man starting to chant in latin, and all hell breaking loose
Just imagine being in the middle of that shit and trying to follow the procedure to shut it down as quickly as possible, it'd be fucking amazing.

Too bad SCP went from "Really unique and creative idea" to "A bunch of idiots writing shitty stories"
Same thing happened to creepypasta.
Oh, well sounds like you though it was from reddit or something.
>tv tropes rejects
TVTropes used to be a lot worse than it is.

It's mostly about a post-apocalyptic world that's used to be occupied by religious zealots iirc, don't think there's much else to explore after reading the recovery notes
My favorite is the sea monster made of sunken warships.
>spooky removed cartoon that turns children into murderers and can see through the 4th wall as if it knew who was watching
How did this article get featured again?
The weird beige infection thing is cool

999 is moe
But AWCY is the best group of interest.

SCP died when the community went full reddit/SA.
I really wish people knew how to properly write romance into horror. It always ends up retarded and turns into self insert fanfiction.
SCP fighting game when
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Eh, I actually sorta liked it up until it became self aware and aware of the foundation.

That's another pit fall of over embellishment some SCP's suffer from, item randomly becoming self aware and/or aware of the foundation.
Who is the sexiest scp
The fat guy who can travel through dimensions.
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One of my favorite tape-based SCPs
Everyone would tier whore 682
Apparently there's a few. Including a batshit insane Youkai.
Courtesy of Japan.
999 hidden OP
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>flaming skeleton
Which scp is this really? The number is for some world of robots
Who the fuck is Dr. Clef? (the character, not the writer)

I see him mentioned in a fuckton of articles.

Also, what's the most powerful SCP besides 3XX something (who is basically God) and 001
in terms of power it would be Kain, he's SCP-107, I think
Dr clef is the self insert of the writer clef

Strongest scp is hard to say since there are several strong in their own way

^probably. He's the LITERAL Gary Stue.
Can someone give me a TL;DR of SCP-2000
Is Procedure 110-Montauk where they rape her?
It undoes any end of the world scenario by retrocasuality.

tl;dr system restore the scp
>682 vs God will never happen
I hate all of you.
Edge of Tomorrow, but not.
Yes it did

682 won
I've been saying there should be a SCP Tycoon game for years now,
When? And how the fuck did it beat God?
Link please
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965, my bad. It's Face in the Window.

I'd say the most powerful SCP is either The Hateful Star or The Sealed King.

Hateful Star

The Sealed King
Ignore him, it ended in a stalemate. God got angry that the staff tried tricking him into fighting something that wasn't his creation, so he left the facility.
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It didn't win. There was no fight. "God" and the Hard to Kill Lizard were invisible to each other. "God" implied the Hard to Kill Lizard is not from his universe, therefor he cannot influence it.
That's probably about when the horror/creepy aspect was dropped and the 'weird item' aspect went into full affect.
This one assume the form of your waifu:

What to do ?
It's in one of 682's test logs.

God wad ordered to kill 682 and couldn't because it wasn't one of "his children". 682 then phased through God and killed all the researchers.
>There will never be SCP levels for Viscera Cleanup Detail.
because it's an interesting concept
>Subjects who achieve auto-gratification through masturbation via the use of media containing SCP-071 (whether delayed or not) suffer the same effects.
Well fuck, that really sucks

There are plenty of powerful SCPs. There's one that can fuck the universe over by reversing time towards the big bang, and another that collapses all of spacetime. If I remember correctly, there's one that randomizes the universe. leaving the user with the only memory of what happened.
I dunno. I hit random and still get a few good ones. Then there are some retarded ones, like flying Jeeps.
I wrote that one when I was 16. I'm not sorry
is that guy even the real God or just a powerful reality warper with a god complex?
But does it turn into fictional characters? If the object of the viewers sexual desires was an anime girl, would it turn into a "real life" depiction of that character? Or would it somehow look like an anime character? So many questions.
containment break was pretty good though.
My ideal SCP game would be something like this:
>first person walking simulator
>you're a low-ranking researcher at the foundation
>you do experiments and shit
>rise up the ranks
>sometimes sapient SCPs break loose and you help in recontaining them
>final level is stopping an end-of-the-world scenario involving SCP-001
At least, there was a reason for its shittiness.
I don't think retrocausality has anything to do with it
its just a structure capable of creating humans at an insane rate that's protected from the vast majority of end of the world scenarios
Probably something weird like He believes he's god, so he is even though he really isn't.
I know I'll catch flak for it, but when it comes to SCP 001, I love Clef's "The Gate Guardian".
the guy who shifts dimensions at random sort of is the same concept except better done
I personally presume it to be the latter
Im hella old on scp and scp 001 used to be a black rock.

What is 001 now?
That was my favorite one. The logs toward the end and God's message breaking through the corruption sent chills down my spine.
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So what SCP's are you aware of that are based on real world things/mythology?

>Jörmungandr of Norse myth is an SCP.
Yeah I admit it's written poorly. But I stand by the core concept of a person with limited telekinesis via photographs. I'd welcome someone redoing it, but no one has.
Isn't that basically the canon SCP-001?

What are the other SCP-001s

captcha: among lunymen
I honestly don't like any of the 001's

only milestone I enjoy is 2000
It would scan your mind for all of your subconscious sexual desires and turn it into reality.

So it probably would end up looking like a real life version of your waifu, according to your tastes.
>No SMT styled SCP game where you recruit SCPs to fight for you
There is multiple ones, they can't/refuse to decide on which entry gets the 001 spot so they just have all of the candidates viewable.
anyone here really REALLY dislike Able?


Nah, there's no canon one. Just proposals.
Which ones are good?
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I think the worst SCP-001 is the Spiral Path. It kinda invalidates everything.
Most scps hate humans though
Band together to fight a bigger evil or something. I dunno.
>All personell were missing
and the ones that don't generally tend to be relatively harmless or harmful beyond their own desire

I'd say read and decide for yerself.
which number?
Not if you're part of the Serpent's Hand.
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Are you being serious? The full caps makes me think possible sarcasm.

Anyway, most people don't realize the ghostly entities are the projections of the people who make up the giant torso creatures, now a gestalt life form and each still sentient and aware.
This should be close enough.
>follow SCP over the years
>have a bunch of ideas
>never work up the courage to write anything out of fear it might suck

I really wouldn't worry about quality that much. Have you seen some of the shit that goes on there now?
Well, as someone who wrote several, most of which sucked (and still do) I just say go for it.
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I've wrote up a few, but I never got around to completing them. Some of them are very basic, some of them are addons/related to existing SCP's.

For example, a set of colored keys related to "The Blue Key" SCP.
Do it anon!
Extradimensional SCPs are always the spookiest for some reason.
>That one log where chicken broth, rabbit feces, milk and petroleum randomly starts flowing out from nowhere
>Random shit being dumped into a vending machine
>That one SCP which was a portal to the real world and agents were trying to escape into it
What did you write
>giant torso creatures

I think you're confusing SCP-354 with something else. That red disc one probably, but I haven't read it in a while.
So favorite Group of Interest? I gotta go with the Church of the Broken God.
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whoops, my bad.
105, and 239
Carter and Dark, or whatever their name is, are pretty cool.
>Carter and Dark

This. I like the idea of owning my very own novelty SCPs if I had enough money.
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>You will never visit the Museum of You.
Takes out anger on others due to its self-loathing nature. SCP-/v/453 cannot create nor contribute anything resulting in success, thus falls back to critiquing others. We hope one day that /v/453 will kill itself and stop being such a burden to humanity, until then we chose to ignore it.

There are no procedures to contain the subject as he is no threat, as stated before it is incapable of anything. If encountered with the subject be sure to prod at it as it will result in a syndrome known as "butt-hurt" due to its lack of rational thinking or understanding.
pH is a logarithmic scale, 0 is ten times stronger than 1. That said, pH 0 is not that bad and the scale does go into the negatives.
Been a long time since I went on the site, let me try to reminisce.

Row 1: 173, 682, 096, 106
Row 2: ?, 058, Edgy kill Lord, totally not Adam Jensen
Row 3: Those crabs that eat toddlers, Pikachu, ?, ?
Row 4: ?, ?, I remember a hamster one, 131
Row 5: That teddy bear that could change his material, cowbell robot thing, ?, that ant eater
Row 6: le funny britbong slug, ?, toaster, bad humor tomatoes
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I think a good SCP game would be a cross between prison tycoon and L4D or if its 2d a TDS. Make your facility good and manage mishaps with your SCPs efficiently enough to keep your expenses from being higher than your "funding" or whatever.

build a research section that will study and do tests on the SCPs, upon a discovery you get a bonus to your funding but every field test of a SCP has a chance to lose researchers or have a breach (which you might have to take out using the FPS/TDS mode). Losing researchers and definitely loosing a SCP would be very costly in research time and money. Maybe you could unlock weapons and other advancements through researching particular SCPs you have at your facility.

But i will stop daydreaming now, it will never happen
>that SCP that was seized from them that can make animals into humanoids
Also like how they show that things like catgirls wouldn't work because a cat wouldn't have enough material to become a person. Or how they thought it wasn't working on a dog, only for a tapeworm with a screaming human face to burst out of it.
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>Test 3
>Subject: Agent ????????
>Result: A young boy, a television set and SNES video game system appeared. The young boy called out Agent ????????'s name to play video games with him. Agent ???????? climbed on the pedestal and played video games with the boy for half an hour. No source of electricity was seen during this time.
>Text: Sharing is caring. It's cheesy, but true.
>Note: Agent ???????? claimed that the boy in the pedestal was identical to one of his childhood friends, who let Agent ???????? use his video game system because Agent ????????'s family was too poor to buy one.
awcy? cause i love dada
Far left on row 2 is Infernal Occult Skeleton.
I hate that one, not so much because of the idea behind it but because everyone and their mother misuses it
Row 2:
Flaming skeletons, see
Row 3: Rabbit that eats itself to the point where it vanishes for a half hour, not sure
Row 4: Don't know.
Row 5: Keter Teddy bear that makes lethal teddy bears, weak evil toy robot, not sure.
Yeah. The only AWCY articles that I feel were done right so far were


I'd like to play a I have no mouth and I must scream style adventure game with multiple different stories that can be played in any order that all connect.

That Red Round cylinder thingy and the red lake would be two good sections.
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So what stages do you guys think there would be?

Off the top of my head.
>Pipe Nightmare
>The Stairwell
>Empty World
>House of The Worm
>Museum of You
>The Blue Key Forest
>To End All Wars
>Carnival of Horrors
>Minus Level
>Red Sea Shell Dimension

nigga just put a bag over it's face
An SCP foundation level, obviously. With researchers in the background observing the fight and gathering data, and MTF on standby.
That one SCP where it was this giant polyp at the bottom of the sea and it ate these two MTF guys
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What is the scariest SCP?
I hate the fact that due to the overwhelming number of overpowered entries you can't form a canon.

There's like 50 different SCPs which can cause the end of humanity, ranging from "Earth can't sustain life" to "total metaphysical annihilation of the universe".
I would main shiny Wooper
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These are pretty good stages. I would also like to add:

>Time Dimension
>Mirror of Salt
>Bellmaker's Tower
>Religious Broadcasting level, which has multiple phases
>Regular SCP containment cell
>North Pole
>Human Breeding Center
>Blood Pool
>Islamic Republic of Eastern Samothrace
060 is the spookiest
Your mother
Well the fact you attributed SCP to Reddit and called everyone out as underage, clearly shows that in fact YOU are underage, so GTFO before you're BTFO doublenigger
Ronald Regan Gets Cut Up or the Russian Chess Machine
Maybe when it supports mods there will be
ill agree to an extent, some articles hit it just great but the rest just use it as an excuse to make nonsensical scps that kill people cause "LOL DADA MEANS NONSENSE"

theres a scp tale that basically states that awcy scps that just randomly kil people are stupid and that there needs to be some sort of message or protest
I like 682 because it's literally Gustave the crocodile.

I really need to look for good SCPs again, there was some seriously spooky shit in there.
In my opinion the stairs are one of the spookiest, because imagine going down into a literal void of light, all alone.
And NPCs. I want neural guards and monsters that can slip out and kill you.
SCP is at its best when it's bizarre weird shit instead of world-destroying apocalyptic shit.
SCP-914 and SCP-261 are best SCPs.

i'm too scared to open this pic or to read it, but what is the alien thing on window SCP about?
A good example of that 40% exception is the one of the nail that traps your shadow, SCP 272. Some really good field reports in that article.


>Test subject: 1 D-Class personnel (D-272-10)
>Surface: Concrete floor of test facility 25-h
>Lighting: 1 stadium light, positioned on a computer-controlled track
>Purpose: a.) Determine the effects of rapid lighting shifts and b.) Determine if subject can be withheld from the object via restraints, barriers etc.

>Procedure – Test 1: Light positioned to cast a long shadow. Nail dropped into the head of >subject's shadow. Light slowly raised.
>Results – Test 1: Subject dragged at a proportional rate towards the object. Subject has difficulty standing.

>Procedure – Test 2: As above. Light raised very rapidly.
>Results – Test 2: As above, but at a more rapid rate. Noted that subject was unable to remain standing and accelerated upon falling; attributed to the decrease in shadow size relative to standing. Subject acquired minor road rash.

>Procedure – Test 3: As above. Subject restrained with chains attached to their feet, chicken wire screen placed between subject and object.
>Results – Test 3: [DATA EXPUNGED]. Subject expires. Object recovered. Further testing with restrained subjects prohibited.

>Conclusions: Subject seen to be ‘dragged’ by their shadow, at a rate required to keep it cast upon the object. Intervening obstacles appear not to impede this function, although will damage the subject, or in the case of barriers like the chicken wire, [DATA EXPUNGED].

>chicken wire
Dude what about the invisible shark?


I thought it was done pretty well.
I think that one is completely harmless apart from being spooky
its literally just an alien that likes to peek into windows
A Window which causes a creepy face to stare at you endlessly. It's supposedly harmless but people tend to get paranoid and panicky when they know it's there. The Researchers are uncertain if these feelings are natural responses or an affect the SCP has on people.
SCP had some really cool stuff buried under a mountain of really crappy stuff
Some things like the Church of the Broken God were really interesting
I remember a set of them where it's basically a stargate portal and there's multicolored discs or something?

It was in that pack that got made a long time ago with a bunch of the old ones in a pseudo realistic fashion.
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Sounds like you're talking about the Red Sea Object.

one of my biggest fears is about being watched by something then when i look at it, the motherfucker just stays there, static. It may sound kinda stupid but i almost had a panic attack looking at the thumbnail.

Shit there was this dumb movie communium or something like that. It was dumb, but this one scene where this one stupid looking alien looks at the main character across the door made me shit my pants so fucking hard.
Just play containment breach u plebs
Maybe? I remember it's a different world though. it wasn't on earth. There were multiple files describing different colored objects that had strange effects on things, and there was also a log describing some guy going insane or something.
why did i stay in this thread
fuck im getting chills
that's my fear as well
fuckfuck fuck
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>Mrs. [REDACTED] had gorged herself with nearly 10kg of bread before her stomach burst and she died from internal bleeding
Id really like a tv show about it.

Warehouse 13 kind of had a similar premise, but wasnt creepy or spooky sadly.
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I am familiar with this film. Pretty creepy, but then the aliens were harmless and were actually bros.

Might not want to open this spoiler image if you didn't like the staring alien.
That was kind of the appeal of Slenderman and the Weeping Angels from Dr. Who
>tfw when i have an idia for a SCP
do they still have you write a text so you can get an account? i failed the last time i aplied
What is the most helpful SCP?
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The goo thing that tickles you
The eye pods
infinite pizza box
orange goo monster
pill that cures everything
machine that resets everything if it blows up
The drink machine that can dispense anything is cool
a cup of joe
>The machine that upgrades anything you put in it
>Infinite healing water in a canteen
>The amulet that makes you a superhuman if you wear it for 20 minutes
>126 digit password that lets you use any account
ew no gross
>126 digit password that lets you use any account
which one is this
It's an anomalous object. I suppose it really doesn't count as an SCP.
>Praise the Great Ones
>Missing Cargo
>Pleasant Meal
>The Builder's Work
>Mall Butchery
>Hill of the Valkyries
>Bloody Sunday
>It Doesn't Hate You


Mall Butchery takes place during the subject's actions in the mall.

For me >>252998896 and SCP-455.

>and getshot
Advice noted captcha.

there was this one day when my friend had the fucking idea of putting a chair near me when i was sleeping. He then covered it with something black and put an alien mask in the middle, facing me.

I got so scared that i literally pissed myself. I was 17, even tho i wasn't that realistic. My friend feels bad about it even now. Yeah, he should. motherfucker
The "demonic" plane always kinda freaked me out. The fact it didn't really require priests, but people of resolute belief in something, was an interesting twist.

The second image is an animated gif....

ayy lmao
When bad shit goes down, the machine recreates humans. The foundation tells them that they need to recreate society and once they get civilization back to the way it was, they implant false memories.
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>Have an idea for an SCP
>Work on it for months, making sure the atmosphere and grammar is perfect
>Never actually post it because it's a video gamerelated SCP
How come scary stuff based on video games just isn't scary anymore.
>Dragonball Z Budokai-like gameplay
>Stage hazards

I would be completely down to play this.
I thought The Hardest Game was kinda disturbing.
Ever since BEN DROWNED and that faggot jadusable trying to literally charge money to find out how it ended, people are hesitant of vidya spoopyziti.

They're just taking other creepypasta and turning it into games instead. I.E. Slenderman.
I wish people here would understand that after the game was made, they amped up their quality control. They even discourage people from making human SCPs or even Keter SCPs.
The machine also has spacetime bending abilities that reset the world to a state table enough for humans to thrive.

So it kinda resets the world but not really.

I really don't get how it's an SCP since the foundation made it.

i'm too scared to look
Can anyone recommend me some good Series III SCPs?

it still requires special containment procedures
2845 because it literally exposes the foundation
They just opened up Series 3. It's kinda hard to find a real good one. Just look at the Top Rated for each month.

I like the Star book because it worked with the idea of how fast we forget things in the media. Remember how hyped up H1N1 was?
Was that bird flu or swine flu?
Swine flu.

Yeah, remember the super dangerous BIRD FLU? And how everyone forgot it in a week?
What's your SCP about?
I'd rather have a good tv show similar to it. The Lost Room was to short and warehouse 13 is shit.
>That one SCP which was a portal to the real world and agents were trying to escape into it
Which one?
Was shit. They finally ended Warehouse 13
>That one log where chicken broth, rabbit feces, milk and petroleum randomly starts flowing out from nowhere

That was from a 001 proposal about 30 People who could Neutralize SCPs. If they died, new SCPs would be created.

001 Proposals are really hit or miss.
>Extradimensional SCPs are always the spookiest for some reason.
I wouldn't say spookiest, but I agree that there is an inherent creepiness to them. Possibly because they seem utterly unknowable and unexplainable.

Here, have a "Hole to Another Place.
>"Please send rain."

What's your game like, /v/?

It's really depressing, actually.
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>You will never have your own copy of SCP-1004

I like how the article leaves it open to interpretation whether its downside is an anomalous property of SCP-1004 itself, or if it's entirely down to human nature.
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SCP-106's pocket dimension rape dungeon.
Because someone would have to both like SCP and understand horror.

The one that's a boggart except it shapeshifts into whatever you find the most sexually attractive. The catch is, having sex with it wastes you away. I think it's SCP-071.

>those alternate realities logs

I loved it
The plane. With the door open and the priests making bets.
He seems like a cool guy. Would love to play videogames in his rape dimension.

during or after sex?
See >>253017039
What was left of one of the people who he took into his rape dungeon. HE removed body parts(such as eye and teeth) and repeatedly burned and mutilated that person.
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>It would scan your mind for all of your subconscious sexual desires and turn it into reality.

So we'd get a fucked up Sexual Silent Hill

PANIC or not

>the implications it is premise has

What the fuck? Do you have an SCP that prevents you from using proper grammar, or are you just stupid?
Do you have an SCP that turns you into a fucking grammer nazi?
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"Human subjects allowed to engage in sexual activity with SCP-071 suffered rapid atrophy of muscle, skeletal structure and brain function, with onset occurring 1-2 days after contact. The atrophy persists for up to seven (7) days, dependent on physical therapy administered after onset, though the subject may also suffer permanent decrease in stature, decreased organ function, decreased brain mass, and sterility. Subjects who achieve auto-gratification through masturbation via the use of media containing SCP-071 (whether delayed or not) suffer the same effects."


>SCP-071's ability to change forms does not appear to be limited to normal human subjects. On ??/?/??, when presented with subject D-7883, SCP-071 assumed the shape of a female Golden Retriever. D-7883 reacted with shock and refused to proceed with the experiment, though the subject's physiological signs were consistent with a state of sexual arousal.

>On ?/??/??, SCP-071 assumed the form of a female human corpse when exposed to D-8762. Medical staff confirmed a complete lack of life signs, and SCP-071 suffered no harm from the transition, later assuming the form of a ?-year old male subject when exposed to D-8765.
>That censored age is 1 digit
>You understand basic English? WHAT A GRAMMAR NAZI HOLY SHIT

That's funny. I take it it's the "just stupid" explanation, then.
The only good SCP is the Infinite Pizza Box.
You're making a big deal out of something minor on an anonymous image board.
You don't have to be a dick about everything
>The only good SCP is the Butt Ghost.

Stop being fat, anon.

That's actually the story that made me scared of 106. Also these:

http://www.scp-wiki.net/the-young-man (Official origin story by the author of SCP-106)
Isn't it mentioned that D-Class personnel tend to be Prisoners? not terribly surprising if there would be some child rapists among them

>There are pornographic videos of SCP-071 floating around on the internet

Paranoia fuel.
I'm not a dick about everything. I'm a dick about people being genuinely too stupid to understand what an apostrophe is.

It's such a basic part of English grammar that you must have a serious mental deficiency to lack the ability to use it correctly. So I shit on people who can't, because if you lack the mental capacity to use an apostrophe correctly, you lack the mental capacity to create high-quality posts. Stupid people don't belong here. Post on 9gag or something.

Yep, though the child rapists usually end up assigned to SCP-231.
I don't know, the concept is interesting, but the clinical style of writing really keeps the scares back for me. I get that's the whole point, but still. It makes sense as a way to keep details frighteningly in vague, but when you already know everything, it loses said value.
It's not a big deal. Calm the fuck down.
This. Seriously.
>Heathen level: Unforgivable
Choke on a fucking dick.
Man, the guy put an out of place apostrophe.
It's not really a big deal.
Just stop getting so worked up over such little things.
Take a deep breath or something
Help a bro out
My favorite SCP was the one about this Baptist Church Revival or something in GA maybe where they would go in and it was empty but on a certain day they would broadcast a radio show and someone would get invited in and never seen again, they whole time the only person talking was this hilariously done southern dude. Anyone remember it?
All these fetish fuel SCP's
You are going to take year off you're life careing about something so unreleavant
Found it nevermind


How do more people not mention this? It's certianly not the creepiest SCP, but it's extremely well written compared to the others
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O-oh god.
I quite like some of the Transfiguration SCP's
Best SCP

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>tfw scp pictures scare me so much it makes me cry
Are you a cute little girl?
God you,re a fagoot

Would you prefer to cry from feels? >>253028027
I'm grateful of this thread providing me with so much suggested reading material, already read a few of these articles and they're fun, these should get me through the night

that chess machine pic is the worst
It's the vegetable that turns people into vegetables!
>This just in: A Mr. Carlos was found dead in his home office next to pile of about six dozen tomatoes.
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You can actually make a good SCP game by clearly using [REDACTED] as a good starting point, followed by [REDACTED] game play.

Then to finish it off, you should be able to [REDACTED] with [REDACTED] and finish it off with [REDACTED]

Shit would be so [REDACTED]
>Kill off every SCP after 1000
lol no, series II has some of the best ones.

Agreed with everything else, also get rid of 073, 076, 231, 682 and everything related to bright.
Aww man that's [DATA EXPUNGED]
I think the futuristic underground city one would make a good game.
"10/10. It's like [REDACTED] with [DATA EXPUNGED]"
Don't forget [DATA EXPUNGED]

Sorry guys, I forgot that the DLC would be [DATA EXPUNGED] to add to the [REDACTED] game play.
Is this like stalker lost alpha?
They don't need to get rid of everything after 1000, in fact some of the stuff 2000+ are pretty good. The most terrible ones are sprinkled throughout the first 1000

Addition to remove Clef:
Remove every single meta named character.
All characters should have blacked out names unless they die in the article, or are in 2 or 3 articles that are directly related.

You absolutely cannot have people getting used to or attached to recurring characters.
Did the guy working on containment breach drop it or something?
no, stalker is shit
The only SCP that tries to be funny to succeed coming through.

P-please anon, don't be so [REDACTED]
Please post more SCP stories
This and

It's better when you don't take the thing's seriously.
You don't know shit.

>implying 666-j isn't timeless
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>Addendum 006-J: Guys, it isn't even that big, okay? Look, I'm going up to it and it hasn't attacked me yet. - Dr. ????????

>Dr. ???????? has been promoted to Site Director. - O5-??
Man, the comments on SCP-2845 are fantastic. Djoric shows that they don't want good concepts nor good writing, they just want people to tow the line, worship at the alter of the 'veterans' and follow their idiotic 'not canon canon' thing.
Reddit happened. No seriously, leddit got wind of it and fucked it all up.
>Not 666Michael Bay
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Also I'm somewhat biased towards this one
because it ended up introducing me to the wonderful world of Francis E. Dec esquire.
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Anyone remember the scp about these giant being in space that made planets habitable? I thought it was interesting and remembered reading it a long time ago.
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>Despite the only moderate amount of passengers, the train was able to spin upon derailment and accelerate to supersonic speed. Notably, several cars of the train were filled with thousands of insects and several kilograms of fecal matter. No survivors.
Is there anything honestly wrong with SCP?

Wasn't it always shit from the beginning?
There's a few gems within the turd to say the least.
Was it this?

yeah thanks
It looks like The Sculpture blueberry shit itself
This. Chances are, if you're new to the SCP Foundation, nobody will like your articles, nor will they respond to your criticism.
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It's an Good Ole Boys Club.

The "not canon canon" bullshit also irks me. They need to grow up and accept there is a canon and a foundation to their universe, especially when they have the nerve to call people out on things not following the canon.
>The amount of people it takes to contain every single one of these things would almost take up the earth's population

Blows my fucking mind
Well, just read the read comments on 2845

>This doesn't follow canon
>I know, fuck you, you all said there isn't an y canon anyway
>But... muh canon

They want their cake and they want to eat it
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They already made an SCP movie, so why is a game so much harder to do?
Why don't they just go and just say fuck it and make the Foundation the center of some massive multiverse type thing. Every alternate universe they've been to has been either completely abstract and impossible to understand or have some variation of the Foundation. If everything is canon but canon is a convoluted mess you can just shove it into an alternate reality where it's unimportant. Do it sort of how the Nasuverse operates, with every single route, bad end, and conversation option all be canon at the same time.
>Posts Cabin in the Woods footage
>Guaranteed replies
Because that requires a level of talent and intelligence, the veterans don't have. The newcomers aren't allowed to do anything, so it's not like they could introduce such a concept.
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Naw, that would be this one
>Cabin in the Woods

Well you're not wrong.

Oh Whedon, you so crazy.
SCP simulator where you have to manage teams and containment procedures when?
SCP reverse tower defence?
what cabin in the woods is this
That would actually be really fucking cool
Social justice compromised the wiki.
A really good cloner that churned out stereotype humans was changed because some faggot got offended that the stereotypes were too stereotypical.
Also all the head researchers are flaming mary sue faggots.
>small chance of a breach every day
>Depending on your efficiency and management certain SCP's can escape
>D class are not directly in your control and you need to use soldiers to lead them
>Eventually after enough days a Keter Class will escape and go through the facility
>It can release other SCP's and kill
>The goal is to contain it from escaping until either the foundation get an external barrier to hold it
>Or if you're prepared enough you can re-contain it
Was Cabin in the Woods good?
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>Unlike other final materializations, the relevant SCP-1992-1 final materialization initiated with it pulling into the [REDACTED] train station. Passengers were asked to disembark and wait, due to "technical difficulties." Reports indicate that the train somehow did not have enough seats for the passengers. When it finally did depart with its passengers, it quickly derailed into a nearby auction house, and despite being off the tracks it was able to propel itself through a Sony building several kilometers away. Strangely, a high percentage of the passengers survived and despite their complaints would board another train from the same engineers.
Prison Architect management sim SCP game would be bretty gud.
Worth the watch if anything.
It's a good laugh to watch with friends
>You and your friend's faces when Merman.
incredibly late to reply to op but the main reason is because SCPs are scary because we don't know their full capabilities or how they work, it's scary because any given artifact could be the tip of the iceberg, sure the crystal melts your eyes out but is that all it does? Maybe it can do more stuff, we don't know, we put a laser on it and it turned into a 15 foot demon and ate everyone oh shit spooky.

But in a game you don't have that narrative freedom, if you make a monster or an entity, it does certain stuff within the game, it has rules and limits because it's been programmed, it CANNOT truly be surprising because it behaves in a certain fashion and it can never change.

Sure, it can be confusing or scary as fuck when you play it once or twice, but once someone figures out how the object behaves it will NEVER change beyond that, whereas with the original content it's left open to interpretation and on top of that if they ever feel like expanding it they can just write some more experiment logs.
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If you're a fan of horror movies and want to watch something a little more meta, it's great.
That's what I thought.
Having to build an underground base dwarf fortress style, while every once in a while a new SCP gets discovered and brought to the facility. After that you have to construct new containments for various scps.
Doesn't surprise me. The majority of the veterans are deadbeats that are pushing 40.

The Mary Sue side-tales need to stop as well.
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The only reason 076 (and 073, for that matter) still exist is because there's a fuckload of genuinely good tales and relevant articles connected to them. While they're both Gary Stues up the ass, they are both interesting when used properly.
>pushing 40
How old is the chucklefuck that wrote Clef?
Well it can still be sort of scary if everything has a chance to fail.
Like that one SCP that must always be watched.
You put like 5 prisoners in there and they blink at random times. It is unlikely that all of them blink at once but it may happen. If then also the door happens to be open, good luck.
Also one employee might forget washing his hands etc.
The packet of papers one I think is the most interesting. It's either absolutely worthless, or the origin of everything in the damn facility, which is an interesting contrast
Oogity boogity its a biblical angel.
They already contained and can kill god himself, whats making scurry angel so bad?
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>Severe damage to the domestic area it derailed into. Reports indicate residents of the area could have avoided death if they had simply fled at an angle.
SCP containment breach was pretty cool as a concept. It was more like a tech demo than anything else though, but some of its stuff could be integrated into an actual game.

First of all, get rid of the blinking mechanic and just make it so whatever-number-that-one-guy-is just goes by standard line of sight. Also make the game not randomly generated and hand craft a specific level design for maximum 2spookiness

I'd also like to see a game that takes advantage of that one mirror SCP that led people to various versions of an alternate universe where sometimes it was abandoned and sometimes it was full of 2spooky people/creatures that just silently watched you. I think it was 93. That's make a great setting.
Not sure. But I remember seeing a photo of Scantron on the forums, and he was a literal neckbeard in his mid 30's.
At least Bright manages to be a funny mary sue.
Clef and Kondraki are both played straight.
Who's the other SCP that shows up in containment breach. Other than 173
I find the VHS SCP's the most interesting due to the contents changing every time you play it again.
There was one involving Ronald Reagan and another involving a basketball game that got more and more morbid each time it got replayed.
Anyone have the link to the basketball one? The search function on the site is useless.
probably one of my favorites because it no longer shows up in the VHS footage anymore, like where else can it go?

wish authors would update if not add addendums
I enjoyed this one
>the robot that lost to a plant
Exactly, it's clearly OP
I disliked it. Just an angel that destroys everything that comes near and some other shit.
Did they ever get rid of the woman who has to be chained up naked in a basement and raped every day to keep BAD THINGS from happening?
SCP 231-7?

She's still there: http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-231
231? Nope.
Also, it's not weekly and it was stated by the author to NOT be rape.
Its hilarious because it is written as rape. But gears cant deal with people settling on "Just rape"
So it has to be WWWWWWOOOOORSE.
>Look at me overreact because a female was involved! Please give me attention /v/!
You didn't even fucking read it, you just skimmed it, saw it was a grill, and started whimpering like a faggot.
It's doublerape, much worse and edgier than regular rape.
The picture is actually just a tunicate, some hydroids, and a few barnacles that the tunicate naturally smothered as it grew. I scrape things like that off of floating docks all the time, you can find some cool invertebrates on there.
Oh man, not only is it still there, but it's one of the fourteen selected to make up the "Heritage Collection" of entries they're most proud of.

And so is the anime guy who does nothing but summon swords and kill everyone he sees.
The heritage collection is a veteran wankfest" this is not news.
It's one of the most top-rated on the site, it would be odd for it not to be a contender at least
wow i was looking through their heritage collection and saw this bullshit


its just a fanfic about the author
Oh, I remember that, how the fuck did that get into the heritage collection. >>253048505 got it right
If you want to see a wankfest you should see the technobabble namedropfest they put up for 2000.
>its just a fanfic about the author

But they won't get rid of it. Because despite everything not being canon, everything is definitely canon.
>but we already have risk of rain
Binding of Isaac and similar games are like that. A SCP rogue like would be interesting
Eh, I like it better than any of that Clef shit,.
>Eh, I like it better than any of that Clef shit,.
>i'd rather have lung cancer than brain cancer
>fucking butterfly sword battles
>is now a godlike reality warper
Fuck. Clef.
Go away, Clef.
>"I went at the bloody harlot waving me arms around to let her know what's what but she wasn't having none of it. She smacked her lips at me and gave me a good drumming with her arms and legs, and I know it was because of that hideous red stripe you asked to put on me arse, it really makes a fellow stand out in ways he's not supposed to you know? Those savages might not notice it much but you can't fool a proper lady. So anyway I had to tie a bungie and make a jump for it, before sailing back to me tent to nurse me pride."
RIP spiderbro.
>anime guy who does nothing but summon swords and kill everyone he sees.
Oh God I remember that one. How could anyone think that was a good dea?
>In our efforts to get rid of mary sue SCPs, we only succeeded in created mary sue researchers.
Dr.Clef, 2008, on the subject of Dr.Bright and Dr.Kondraki.

What happened.
It's not just good, Anon! It's worthy of being held up as one of our great standards of what an article should be!
You have to spend a day stuck in an elevator with /b/tards or SCPfags

Which do you pick?
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And then there's this, which is literally just "The King in Yellow", only everyone murders each other after going insane.

And that's what they think makes it good!

The only thing on this list that I like is the colored mirror portal one. I don't remember there being anything horrible about it, and I kind of wonder if it ended up being included by mistake.

i'd get a few gem out of all the bullshit they spout

i'd be more worried about aids from /b/
SCPfags, at least I know there's something interesting to talk about.
that scp is plagiarism, but i'll take that over muh veteran circlejerks,
but again, >>253050325

is this the colored mirror one you're talking about?
it's my favorite
Are you surprised that half of the SCP writers are hacks?

Last time I was on an SCP thread on /v/, I was called a faggot for pointing out plagiarism.
Thats a bad thing.
Clef and Kondraki are heinous mary sues because they want to be taken seriously.
>the audience becoming violent makes it BETTER
Inescapable, complete madness is a hell unlike any other and this chucklefuck cheapens it by adding meaningless gore.
These are morons up their own ass.
I remember seeing an SCP that was basically Maya Herrera (The lady from Heroes that cried black ooze) and everyone was praising the writer for originality.
>414 positive votes
>Part of the Heritage Collection
The Clown Show is the obvious winner of best SCP. Probably because it's one of the few where someone probably gave enough of a shit to spend more than five minutes on it.
I don't seem to understand. I thought the whole point of the SCP Foundation was to rip tropes, abilities or objects from other forms of fiction and put them into a "scientific" format.

I was never under the impression that the website was praised for its originality.
Nah there are loads of good ones. But they are afloat in a sea of absolute shit.
I know!

Two or three of the entries in the Heritage Collection are actually good, and the rest are literally the shining examples of everything wrong with the whole site.
Because its a circlejerk for veterans who didn't have enough talent to actually write anything outside of the SCP.
No, it has become straight horror writing put in the frame of research.
People passing off the ideas of others as their own is still plagarism.
There's a big difference from reusing tropes, abilities, objects and pretty much blatant plagiarism
>No, it has become straight horrible writing put in the frame of research.

There hasn't been a focus on horror at SCP since like 2010.
>Butt Ghost

pls link
any ice themed SCPs?
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>Remember seeing an R-18 Kondraki x Clef yaoi on Pixiv, try to find it again
>Instead find a picture of Kondraki losing "his Nasal Virginity".

Fuck it, have 105 x 76-2.

So, how does pic-related make you feel?
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The site seems to know how to identify plagiarism fairly enough.
Click on a series and Ctrl+F "ice"
First result: http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-009
But will do nothing about it, of course.
It was supposed to be like The Twilight Zone or Tales From the Crypt, or other such things; weird tales of the supernatural as told in the form of censored research logs. Instead, it's become an outlet for the authors' self-inserts, sexual fetishes, and obsessions with violence.

Naturally, it's a big hit with tropers.
so if i wanna make an SCP its p much impossible for me to get in and make one now or do i still have hope?
Isnt 76-2 a dessicated old man?
Unless it was written before they found the site, then it is untouchable gold
>Creative english writing essay
>Copy paste any SCP page
>Guarenteed A's if you're in the 10th grade or below.

The SCP writers ladies and gentlemen

It's definitely not impossible, if you write a good piece you have hope.
Whats' wrong?

Piss off mate, that's the second best SCP you're dissing.
Space station 13
You can make it, but you gotta suck a lot of dicks first to be allowed to play. Then your writing has gotta be God Tier. Even if it is, they'll probably make you suck more dicks in the sandbox while they tell it's awful work and you should fix it with their shitty ideas instead.
Korean kitsune thing.
Well /v/ if it sucks so bad, why don't you make your own Foundation with blackjack and hookers.
>SCP-33-J is a HUGE Nigger. Like most members of its species, it is able to Fuck Coffin, and regularly eats twice its own weight in Dicks each day.

I wish I wasn't /b/ incarnate
>Remove every single meta named character.
>All characters should have blacked out names unless they die in the article, or are in 2 or 3 articles that are directly related.

Fucking this.
Coming this Christmas SCP hookers and blackjacks! from the neckbeards at /v/!
I've had an idea for an SCP for a while but every time I consider writing it I remember the sites userbase is full of self inserts and has been around far to long to let new people into their secret clubhouse. That and the fact that the site has over 2000 of the damn things means that my ideas likely already been done.

Essentially the idea is a mineshaft hit a tunnel and the miners explored deeper in. In the tunnel there are arrows pointing to deeper inside, the further one gets in the tunnel the less natural it becomes, starting with the walls becoming smoothed and the arrows replaced by cave drawing, like the cavemen made, then the walls become engraved and the drawings are replaced by alien runes. The further someones gets into the tunnel the more they feel a compulsion to see what's at the end. It eventually opens up into a large cavern and the person starts sprinting towards a pillar on the far wall. When they hit the pillar they phase through leaving all clothes behind, machines are heard for the next hour than fall silent.

I guess the first idea for this was some aliens or extra-dimensional beings trying to abduct people without the usual method of tractor beams and UFO's
That said my writing is far from god tier as I've only written 3-5 page short stories with an over reliance on Shamalmadan style tweests.

You're all welcome. Stop reading when they get shitty.
I've heard of SCP but didn't know it's was this big.
that should be a comic
I think randomized was a good idea. It puts really heavy consequences on death because not only do you go back to start but you can't even memorize the route so you are truly starting over.
Literally named "Cirno" on the classic main list.

Not at all.
Well expect to see your idea on there next week. It's not plagiarism, they had the idea 1 year ago.
Which SCP was it that has the hidden message in its page source?

Was 231, the Montauk girl?

All i remember was that it turned into a creepy nursery rhyme thing. I think something about a king or a queen was stated in it? Dont remember.

Mightve not been an SCP directly, but was a journal or something.
There's an android app too
Many SCP users lurk /v/. Do what the anon did earlier in the thread and delete your post so that your idea doesn't get stolen.
>tfw no ERASERHEAD vidya
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>playing Containment breach
>find SCP-294
>type "Vidya" in it
>"The drink taste's awfully bitter"
It isn't that big really, its just a self perpetuating circlejerk that looks big because it is covered in its own spunk.

huh..something like that could be a SPC But most of the fags on there are so meta they'd spot it in a sec.
which one do you recommend?
because the best part of SCP is that they are a collection of stories in the same universe that you can jump to at random. What people try (and fail) to do is take one story (or SCP Containment Breach which just adds whatever it god damn well pleases) and make it spoopy scary unity enginelletons.

I wouldn't mind if they tried to make an SCP archive game in the form of a higher up going through documented reports, and then the game runs a simulated flashback. All the fun of browsing SCP stories, with no need to commit to one stupid gameplay gimmick.
I use scp database. never tried another

I was half intending to let people steal it, I'll probably write this into one of my aforementioned 3-5 page stories and let someone who already has a site account write an SCP of it if they really care that much because I don't really want to be a member of the site the way it currently is.
>the way it currently is
I hopped off last year, has it gotten worse?
True dat
Also the Dr pages are the worst form of lolsorandumb cherry to put on top of the shit spectacle that SCP is
Except for the Russian. Now he's actually pretty funny

What's that webm from?

Looks like an old puzzle game I used to like
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>tfw a talented writer could steal ideas from the SCP Foundation, and the staff can't say anything about it
Which one is the succubus that needs to be fed semen to live?

Also the loli?

I remember reading them, but cant remember numbers
>There could be a shitposting SCP right now
I could attempt to write it out, if you'd be cool with it. I consider myself a half-decent story writer.
it might also be a skeleton

Thank goodness someone mentioned the best Scp

This is a good example of the SCP obsession with violence. An old, decayed Betamax of President Reagan giving a speech, only the speech is different every time it's rewound and often includes events that could never have been referenced at any time it could have been recorded?

That's great! Post it! That baby's golden!

But no. He's also getting cut apart by some unseen force, somehow still talking despite his throat being carved open and his eyes gouged out. There's gotta be blood everywhere and shit, otherwise people won't know it's ~spooky~.
Feel free, no one owns ideas. I'm sure there are dozens of tunnels what make people want to go down them.
How the fuck could anyone take clef seriously
The russian is from /k/. He's fine by me.

Why it is so hard to make a good game about something that is a pile of shit (there might be some pearls inside, I admit, I just haven't found them)?
Its the writers intention.
>Which one is the succubus that needs to be fed semen to live?

That is Dr Clef right?
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>no one owns ideas
And also, naturally, it contains a demon or something that's coming to get those who've seen it – and here's its picture! Aaaaah!
No, thats his daughter.
Clef at one time was meant to be satan, but now hes a super badass that hunts reality changers because he is one too and hes awesome and women love him.
I posted a 800 character blurb on 4chan that will be gone within the hour. If that counts as me taking ownership of this idea than fuck that. I guess what I meant was that no one owns ideas, as long as they just remain ideas. You need to put something to paper to actually own it.
I thought all women were repulsed by clef
Contraptions, the incredible machine.
>this page

Recognized some of the references, overall liked it.
Retconned, im pretty sure.
Because every story hes in has some lady doctor swooning over his cock.

Thanks m80

The ultimate foe.
Best SCP coming through

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For an organization that houses some of the most dangerous creatures in the world, including old dead gods. You would think they would come prepared for a situation like this.
Shouldn't they have SCP X-Com on stand by or something?
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>SCP 990
>Small USS Enterprise model SCP
>Surfaces it lands on generate actual alien terrain and occasionally hostile planets
>D Class have an unusually high rate of deaths, especially when accompanied by higher ranking researchers
It's also a remake that just released called Contraption Maker.
I thought that one was pretty good too, I wish there were more interviews with him
507 iirc
SCP 990 and 1981 are probably my most favorite, and I've gone through a lot of them.
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thanks, man.
Anyone know the SCP number for that humanoid-looking stone that travels really fucking slow and is currently running away from where he used to live and would write things in his cave wall?
I just remembered the one about the guy who's part of a stable time loop: the Foundation is holding him because they know that, at some point, he's going to escape and go back in time to try to stop them from doing something, because they already killed him when he did.

The concept sure isn't new, and I'm sure it's probably directly stolen from somewhere, but it's good.
I fucking love this one. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside
Well not him but let's assume he doesn't immediately do that. I would want to talk to him and do fun shit together with him. I don't feel so much fear towards things like this as curiosity
No problem, 507 is adorable.
At least you had a good idea anon, my only idea I recall having for a SCP thing was some worthless fluff trinket. I'm not very creative.
Apart from the hyper dangerous mary sure SCPs, they're not very exciting. They're interesting to read about, but it's hard to center a game around it
Until you read until the end and realize what happens.
Yeah I know. Poor museum guy ;_;
What? He just read the guy's mind and gave him a dog. Is that sinister in some way?
Think they'll ever decide what SCP-001 is?
They abandoned it because they feared a breach of information.
>SCP 504
>Item: One mature SCP-504 tomato
Subject: CD player playing "Harmful If Swallowed" (2003, Dane Cook)
Result: At [REDACTED], tomato clocked 167 mph. CD player destroyed.
SCPCB was pretty good but now it barely runs on this shit computer.

how do you make something good out of something shit?
Dr. Clef is just a boring scientist that works at the foundation. All the articles he was in got infected with that fanfic SCP, that changes articles into shitty fan fics.
The sucubus girl who needs a stable diet of semen.
Or cult survivor girl.
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>Whoever snuck SCP-504 into the cafeteria kitchen is getting terminated. Those tomato slices are like fucking shuriken
I mean some of these articles are bad, but some are fucking terrifying and other are just fucking awesome like this, the museum of you, the pizza box/drink machine etc
>the museum of you

Which one is this? Sounds interesting.
this one here we were talking about
Which one?
>Please forgive your son. He might have disobeyed every thing you ever told him not to do, but he still loves you very much. And have this as a gift. You deserve it for doing your duties so well.
>Did you just read my mind?
>I'm sorry, I didn't mean to anger you, I just wanted to give you a gift!

Which one is the sucubus girl?
I know ;__;
you're mom lol rekt
just crtl+f succubus.
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