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In 10 days we will see the new chapter, hopefully with lot of kisses
Hopefully the anime staff gets released as well
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Yes : hopefully, some good memories during these last days of summer for Mei and Yuzu.
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And volume 7 is two days before with some extras.
Yuzu is always blushing much more than Mei on the covers and romantic panels ... a turn of table would be good.
Great cover!
How about some extended drama instead
Well not with another "my fated person" or other romantic antagonist.

I just hope that the drama will be on another scale : family revelation, fear to be discovered, Mei's mother discovered...
Hopefully they finally fuck as well
They will be "interrupted" : at the moment Mei is ready to give in, deus ex machina and cliffhanger.
It things get really hot, I am sure they will be interrupted or some of them will stop
And everyone on /u will facepalm again.

Please, Saburouta, surprise us.
New 4P leaflet for Citrus vol. 7
Please god, stop this monster.
So cute! I love their chibi version
Does the creepy senpai represent the readers or what?
My guess is that Shirapon-senpai is Saburouta's self insert, she has mentioned that even though she is the author she has no idea what Mei is thinking so she probably created Shirapon who is obsessed with Mei to represent her struggle to understand Mei.
Bonus points because she gets her self insert to hang out with Yuzu too.
If not even the author knows what Mei is thinking, then we are fucked.
Finally, we got the cover!
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2nd cover
both covers shows Yuzutop for the win
Love thiese covers but it shows a dominant Yuzy wheras in, the last chapters she chicken out a little when she can have intimacy with Mei ... except in the last chapter.

Hope it is a kind of prediction for next chapters : Yuzu take the lead seriously this time.
Yep : a submissive Mei is cute.
Oh ! The best one.
Oh my, Yuzu's left hand...
Waiting for the raws in the next days.
The better to finger you with, my dear.
She better do something about dem nails first, though.
Well ... Mei is the masochist type. She'll do with that.
The new volume will be out in the same day as the chapter right?
One of my friends had the first and second one in physical copies, she had me read it, which was what got me into the genre. I haven't found anything, just as good as this one yet
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Volume 7 : 16 so Friday
Yuri Hime (chapter 29) : 17 so Saturday.

Another Leaflet for the next volume : always a little heart on Yuzu side, never on Mei's side.

I would like a little role reversal in the next chapters.
Citrus is not a good representative of the yuri genre though. It has its fun and raunchy moments for sure, but when it doesn't deliver you will finally realize the true reason why you can't drop it: This shit is a Mexican telenovela.
I do wish idiots would stop making this retarded comparison to telenovals. You know what it's actually like? Manga.
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Indeed. I don"t see the telenovela obsession around Citrus critics.

It is a good yuri manga, with its drama like every manga on matters of love between teenagers, yuri or not.

and frankly, the last ten chapters were gold and much more interesting on the narrative point of view.

The scene where Mei repeat Nene's words of admiration for Yuzu : she makes clear at the end that she repeats her words but some details show that it is a kind of implicit live confession.

The scene in the library when Mei erase Yuzu's doubts.

The story improved and the characters are deeper that at first sight (well, in respect of standards of a slice of life yuri manga).
Role reversal no thanks, if Yuzu changed I would hate it. And Mei is just right and is slowly opening up and learning to trust and love someone.
Citrus is great, I love it. Try Girlfriends, I am sure you will like.
Yeah. The first two volumes are good , after that it became crap and very dragged out imo. Some recent chapters have been good though. But you probably should read a lot more yuri if this is the best story you've read so far.
Anyone saying it's dragged out is talking nonsense. I can only think it's because some people can only process basic stuff like whether the characters have sex and are just impatient for that to happen.
Wise words onee-chan.
I don't get how people can like stories about human relationships that get developed far too fast.
I don't know, maybe people are just too used to Hollywood's portrayal of romance, in which characters meet for a few minutes and then are shown having passionate sex some minutes later - same with other forms of American media.

I honestly find that portrayal of romance as very shallow, and emotionally unsatisfying. They feel empty and those stories as something that exist solely to be consumed.

I would rather see a story take its time developing relationships, even if the journey can keep going forward and back - which I actually like, because people's maturation isn't a linear thing.
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And there are so many things to discover about these two : childhood, dead father or divorced mother, and so on.

So now, i prefer much more to know more about them and see them maturing than to have the sex chapter incoming too fast.
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>mfw people unironically like this garbage
Wait, where is that page from?
Volume 5 extra never published in the english edition. An anon did provide one for the japanese release.

Yuzu wants to hear Mei's laugh but she is not willing to do it. So Yuzu tries with a goofy ways : imitating Momokino and tickling Mei. The problem is tickle for Mei make her blush and very aroused. to avenger herself, she tickle Yuzu back ... the last page shows that the two sister "plays" and are "vocals" (wink wink).

It seems Mei was a very smiling child before her dad took off :
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Another page
Raws tomorrow ?
Guess it will take more 2 days to have it
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Aroused Mei in volume seven extras !
And a cute little sample down the page.
I so wanna see those pages where they are like Leopard! They are always so cute like that.
Yes ... it seems that things are getting hotter and that Mei cannot control herself in this state.
Is that all the pages?
I ma not on my computer today : promise tomorrow, i'll zip the extra and post it. Chaosteam promised a new tranlation but i will post the version i downloaded when il was done by a kind anon some months ago.
Thank you
I am so curious to see all the extras, they are always very sweet and we can see a horny Mei....
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Here the 5 pages of the extra of volume 5 (never published in the english version, only the japanese one, the other 2 extras are known since they ware translated by seven seas).

Pretty sad since that is probably the best one of the three... maybe it was the special edition of volume 5 in Japan.

Thanks to a kind anon whe did it some months ago ...
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Page 2
Page 3 : >>2358514
Page 4 : >>>>2358511
Page 5 : >>2358245

Pissed Mei is sexy... but i don't blame Yuzu, she earned a very pleasant punishement.
"Your tongue sure is long". You have no idea, Mei. Some day, you'll know the power of Yuzu's tongue.
She will haha
And Mei have long fingers...
I bought the collector version of volume 7'
. Will let you know about the little extras.
Thank you.
Not for nothing but it's workable.
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I am pretty sure Mei wouldn't mind.
I don't remember, where it is from?
Volume 5 extra ; this one was translated and published in the english version of the manga.

The title : "the younger's sister is jealous" because Yuzu is playing Yuri games... and Mei found out.
Mei always takes a nap in the most heated moments.
She sure does! Come on, you need to be awake when the time comes!
Citrus TV anime cast announced
Yosh ! Chapter's 29 colored cover and title : "summer of love". Our hopes are high.

I have the impression that Mei and Yuzu will have some difficulties to be intimate with all the gang aroud them.
Yes, seems like a big pajama party. Does we have the full raws already?
Not yet. It seems that the cover was released around because of the TV cast on it.

But there are not Yurihime raws out there yet, neither chapter 29 on chinese forum. We will have to wait the kindle release.
Seems like everyone but Matsuri's VA vill reprise their role. Havent listened to the drama CD, so i dunno if this is a good thing or not.
It is ok for me : Mei and Yuzu's voices seemed very acurate, Harumin too.

It is a good thing for Matsuri : her voice was too on the nasty side of the character. I wanted to slap her face just earing her so that is fine for me. Her character is much more complex than the manipulative side. Maybe they change it because Matsuri revealed redeemed herself in the last chapters, so her former voice was not acurate anymore to depict her well.
No info on the studio yet i presume ? Hope it will be P.A. Works.
>Hope it will be P.A. Works.

I pray the HanaIro staff of P.A. Works working on it
Citrus vol.7 extra

Thank you onee-Sama. The only thing i understand is that Yuzu is at Shirapon house and goofyly succed to make Shirapon laughing. Maybe the pajama party will tale place at her house.
Shirapon's mom looks scary. And there is an yakuza vibe in those guys
Those color illustrations which will be the start of a new volume are not normally of something that literally happens as illustrated.
They are yakuza. And woman is probably a servant.
>Mei and Yuzu will have some difficulties to be intimate with all the gang aroud them.
As if they do anything when they are by themselves. They are dating and sleeping on same bed, and they barely even kiss
She looks a lot like Shirapon, not sure if she is a servent, she might be her mom.
Same eyes indeed. That is the first thing i thought too since Shirapon and her are in yutakas.
Chances Harumi and Matsuri screw before Yuzu and Meicoon?
> that hair on Yuzu's head going up
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Are we ever gonna get Hot Young Harumin Sister back as an actual character and a competitor for Mei's heart?
most likely 0
Last time we got the raws damn early, I am so excited!
Well another colored pannel on chinese forums see Mei very eager ...
Must be a dream again
Or Mei is half drunk. Or Mei's dream since Yuzu already dreamt about it, that would a kind 'having her own medecine" if Mei had sexual dreams concerning Yuzu.
Sadly i do not understand what it is said, must be the second colored page.
No full chapter yet?
Nope, private tracker on chinese forum. Will have to wait the unlock version of Yurihime on kindle and some kind anon to propose the raws.

It seems the chinese one that provided with raws three days before the release do not provide anymore.

NTR have the raws ...
Oh hell, so bad. Seems like we will need to wait 1 more day to see it
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That was real haha. I only have the free sample raws.
Could you tell us what is happening ? If you understand. I know that chaosteam is working on it now. They just had the raws.
You mean this page?
Ah sorry, i thought you had the raws. Well, if i recall well, Yuzu did a kickey to Mei in chapter 28. She got her revenge but Yuzu seems proud of it.

Hope we have a calm fluffy chapter.
I don't have, and I didn't share these pages.I thought you wanted to translate these pages.
No i can't. I would like to be able to but, sadly, it is not the case. Many untranslated mangas (i buy, i precise), interest me.
Raws of the chapter https www facebook com/pg/AiharaMeiSenpai/photos/?tab=album&album_id=406746666388145
Nothing fucking happened: the chapter
Mei is so cute at the end.
OMG! So cute, they both using the rings
I believe the sleep over party will be next time...
Can someone give us a little summary ?

Thank to the anon for the raws.

I understand that they are preparing the pajama party and Mei cannot think anything else than Yuzu.
In fact, it is an introduction chapter, and i like this kind of chapter too, we have some Mei'sinsight on her affective dependancy to Yuzu.
I also liked it, it was sweet and cute. They are both liking each other other more each chapter and starting to act better around each other
Can't keep her hands off the hot brat.
They're going on a trip to stay at a place owned by the cafe man.

Mei is getting more and more adorably dere
Matsuri likes it LBR.
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This is the most Yuzu face Yuzu has ever made.
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Damn, this chapter was full of QUALITY.

Imgur link of the new chapter
Thank you so much kind anon cute ch
They are so adorable. I wonder what Saburouta has in store for the pajama party. I little dramaless chapter is cool too to focuse on the simple little gesture of everyday life of our couple.
Going on a trip to stay somewhere together is not really called a pajama party/sleepover.
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Well the party will beduring a night during this trip. It seems that the next 4/5 chapters (volume 8 ?) will be this trip arc. Before the last year of school.

Even Mitsuko has a soft spot now : that was really a "feel good" chapter.
If they were staying over at the home of one of them, that would be a pajama party. But they're not.

They not necessarily even going to be having an actual party either.

>It seems that the next 4/5 chapters (volume 8 ?) will be this trip arc.
Arcs are 4 chapters each

>Before the last year of school.
Summer vacation is between the 1st and 2nd term, and Yuzu and Mei are in their 2nd year
Ah, i did not know for the summer period. ;)

For the arcs, yes, 4 chapters are the usual number but since Yurihime became monthly, maybe 5 chapters, maybe not, i just addumed that. Or just more volumes in periodicity.
Please do not use emoticons.
I hope they finally throw Himeko at Nene or Shirapon.
I believe 4 chapters of this trip would be a lot, no? Guess 2 chapters would be enough, unless something happen during the trip, like they saying everyone that they are together.
Who ignore they are an item in the group ? Himeko ? Nene ?

Matsuri and Shirapon know, Harumin must know it by intuition. Let us not forget that Mei never cleacly said she "loved" Yuzu to her, face to face like Yuzi did at the end of the school trip and many times after.

Mei clearly implied it, did not denied it, but the "official confession" is only on Yuzu's side. Our goofy blonde deserves a real "i love you too" from Mei.
I never realized Yuzu's mom had quite the fivehead.
Can someone link that special chapter where Matsuri tells Spygirl that Harumin's her girlfriend?
Extra from volume 5 :

fucking stop telling people not to use emoticons because they won't
Something did happened. Are you moon illiterate, senpai?
It's one of those that wants them to have sex already, doesn't care about the rest.

Just read a damn smut or some NSFW work.
I know someone who reads this and loves it too. He's Mexican. Then I realized all of my yuri loving friends are Mexican just by sheer chance.

Yuri is almost as popular as DBZ in Mexico apparently.
Only if you mean she has a fever
Who the hottest midget : Nene ? Matsuri ? Sara ?

I don't know, i am not a fan of Matsuri yet. Even though she has better intentions, i'am just waiting for something more flabmoyant from her in the good sense of the term
I'm Mexican and don't like shitrus.
>>Well there are other topics. Trolling in a specific topic read by people who are interested in the manga in question always baffles. You don't like, ok fine, and ?
Does anyone know the number of circulation? I only know that it was 300k for 5 volumes but now we are in volume 8
>Does anyone know the number of circulation? I only know that it was 300k for 5 volumes but now we are in volume 8

According to ANN which got form Comic Natelie, 800,000 copies

I guess that number of circulation includes Seven Seas's english copies (?) anyway, if the number is accurate, maybe we'll see volume 7 on Oricon. So far the only yuri series that have ranked there more than once are HSL and Murcielago (yuru yuri too I suppose, since it's very successful)
Do you like yuri? You must if you're here. Case in point, Mexicans love yuri.
I don't find any of the hot, but Nene is cute and nice. So I'd pick her.
Also you forgot Himeko
Midget and brow chan combo. Each time i see her, i picture a little Touko.
I'm more of a victor fan, but also I've seen guys who love idol stuff. They even make their own translations
Maria Sama : of course cause of the drills. Not the brows. I always thought that Saburouta was inspired by Maria Sama among others sources. Mei = Sachiko for exemple (with differences of course)
Citrus volume 7 is translater. CT of course. Big revelation : Yuzu Okogi (her real n'aime).
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What matters is that her girlfriend Haraumin finds her hot.
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Yuzu sure is queen of making faces. Second attempt ins an extra, this time successful.
That number is world wide number. Btw, Yryr charts Oricon consistently though, it just charts last week too.

I'm not too big fan of Citrus before but holy fuck, after Mei and Yuzu started dating the quality of this series increases exponentially. Which is nice, because there aren't many yuri (or romance in general) which deal with cp after they start dating.
Same for me. I almost let down the manga after Matsuri's arc and the "sofa scene". But, the last ten chapters are gold.
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Okogi ? We have some insight on the social status of her family. It is clearly opposed to the wealthy background of Shirapon's, Mei's, Harumin's family.

Love the fridge rule (the last gutlet of milk in the bottle is the other one for me). Practical Yuzu as always.
Shira Sempai did not know that Mei and Yuzu were only step sisters ?
>family names
名家 != 家名

>these eyes are suspicious
Jesus Christ. That was just the Japanese equivalent of "I can't believe my eyes".

No, she knew that.
So I went to check the raw and jesus fuck, who the hell translated this.
>名家 != 家名
So translations mistakes ? That is why i did not understand.

Do you see any other real misunderstandings ?
>Jesus Christ. That was just the Japanese equivalent of "I can't believe my eyes".
What's the actual phrase in Japanese?
You can literally punch this phrase into google translate and it will give a more accurate result.
The last page of the extra is a real meme box.
Ah fuck I havn't read since the chapter where Mei left with creepy girl and ended with Yuzu and Mei making out in bed.

What the hey heys happening? what is all this new content here and there and where do I read it?
You have chapter 29 (translation incoming tonight - chaosteam translation facebook) et a bonus chapter from the volume 7 that was published some days ago (chapters 25-28).

So you lost nothing.

Bonus chapter (between chapter 28 and the new chapter) : http://imgur.com/a/HeyM8

And >>2361419 for a link to the japanese version of the new chapter until english translation.
I do not get it!
Shira said she has no siblings but how can she have a brother-in-law?
Theoretically, then Shira would have a sister if she has a brother-in-law? Or not?
And who is the lady?
Is it the mother of Shira?
I really do not understand the content.
She doesn't have actual brother in-laws. Her family are yakuza and those men would be basically assigned to her house, like guards.

Woman might be her mother, but in family like that I don't think the lady of the house herself would prepare dinner, she'd have female household staff who handle that stuff.
From what i understood : it seems she is Shirapon's mother or aunt. Since Shirapon said no sibling but a brother in law, it is the same case than for Yuzu. Her mother married again or, if the woman is not the mother, her father has a new wife.

It is not very clear. Maybe a kind anon who know japanese can clarify it for us.
I undestood that too : a kind of Yukuza family but i didn't get the brother in law expression in these sense. So maybe it is just an cryptic expression from Shiraho : brother in law = one of those guards as you said, he is like a big brother for her.

The woman has the same eyes than Shiraho, so maybe someone of the familly but not her mother. It seems that we need to know some subbtilities on japanese society to understand this extra.
Ah I understand! That's why Yuzu says "Same as me". Makes sense.
Is it mentioned anywhere that they are Yakuzas? Maybe Shira's family is just rich.
That "my older brother-in-law" is just plain wrong. It would be better to translate it like "brothers of a sort" or something along those lines.
Edit from Chaosteam : brother in low = stepbrother.

So, like Yuzu and Mei. Brotherhood by remarriage.
So, the translation is wrong?
That makes a lot more sense
Indeed the same as me seal the deal : Shiraho is in the same situation than Yuzu.

Anyway, the woman can be Shira's aunt since the family name was conserved. So, i presume, her father married again or she would lose the prestigous name if it was the contrary.
>Is it mentioned anywhere that they are Yakuzas?
It's not said directly, but the Japanese audience would recognize that's what the joke is when Yuzu sees those men and it's implied through stuff like them calling the woman ane-san (I'm not sure whether or not that's something that would be used for a boss's wife).
I edit : not so sure, maybe the woman is her mother. I recall an anime like Kara no Kyoukai : Shiki's family is yakuza and she took the lead and kept the name.
No, that's mistranslated. 義理の兄たち is definitely plural and in this case it isnot being used for stepbrothers.
I know they're doing it for free and we shouldn't complain but damn, sometimes their translations are terrible, not just citrus , there were mistakes in ntr english version too
So the "same as me" is strange ... maybe implied something like "brother figures" by opposition of a blood related brother and so, Yuzu's comparison with her situation.

Did Saburouta was too subtile or there were translation mistake ?
Well, they asked, some weeks ago, for another translator since their actual one is very sollicited.

Maybe they should propose some beta reading with followers who know a little japanese, do not want to translate in a group but can give some precision on mistranslations.
It worked in Japanese fine because it's different to English. The translation is poor. I don't think the translator understood it properly. What Shiraho said could be taken as something like brother-in-law or stepbrother, so that's why Yuzu thought it would be the same as her, but the next panel shows that's not quite what Shiraho meant.
Then, why do not you give us the correct translation for this sentence?
Is there other group who is interested in translating ? Maybe you can ask other team
I did >>2362493
The full sentence would be like "But I do have brothers of a sort"
My Jap is not so good so my interpretation can be wrong, but do you mean that the word Shirapon used can both be interpreted as "brother in law" or "sworn brother" (which is common for the Yakuza).
Oh thank you so it's our Yuzu who is totally oblivious of the real meaning of Shiraho's words.
But as you can see here >>2362502
it is not used for 'stepbrother'.

How is the right sentence, if everyone can read and understand the Raws, only throws fragments of words but no real sentence?
i saw the sentence.
Well, not the anon versed in japanese, but i presume that Saburouta wrote Shira's words with kind of implicit sense difficult to catch if you are not japanese yourself.

So maybe the translation of these specific sentense is difficult. there are many interpretations : "same as me" can confirm, at the same time, the "stepbrother" interpretation but also Yuzu's self misunderstanding on the real status of the "brother(s)".
The modifier she applies to older brothers is 義理 and that indicates they are not blood related brothers, so they're brothers in some other sense. Ties through marriage would be the standard case. In this case it's that they're a yakuza group and those are "families" (look up the terminology they use).
>(I'm not sure whether or not that's something that would be used for a boss's wife).
Since I wasn't sure, I looked into it I think calling her ane-san probably does fit with her being Shiraho's mother.

It's true that she does have eyes like Shiraho and she calls her Suzuran, so it seems like she probably is her mother.
Well what a journey to understand one panel :)
New chapter is out on Chaosteam's facebook page.
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Well first thing : "Hot springs". Mmmm... interesting.

Second thing : what /u think about the last pages ? What did Mei think about ? I wonder. Matching hickeys in more private places ? Naughty Mei.
Yes, or matching underwear... this is getting so good!
I thought about it too. But, since it an all girl trip, they will see each other in underwear, same thing at school.

Mei will have to show that to Yuzu in next chapter.
Learn English, please, your posts are incredibly annoying.
Isn't that just Mugino? His "writing" style is similar.
Kind of a racist remark. If you don't like them, juste ignore them dear open-minded anon.

Who is this Mugino you are talking about ?
You are either baiting for (You)s, or just new as fuck.
In both cases, fuck off.
Why on earth doesn't Mei smile?!
That scene when Yuzu said she want to do a lot of things with Mei, it was the perfect moment to smile but nothing happened, then I realized that Mei hasn't smiled since they went to visit Yuzu's father at cemetary (chapter 6)
Has she lived a year without smiling???
That wasn't a smile moment
She is not used to it, and her facial expressions changed a lot.
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Mei is a Yukino clone.
so special chapter is Harumi talking to Mei.
"I love this silly girl" expression instead.
Yes. And Mei is wearing her ring. Are they both waiting for Yuzu ?

Why is Harumin cheating on Matsuri?
I have it too but o do not understand what they are talking about.
Where is that from?
Also up on Dynasty: https://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/citrus_ch29
Other missing chapters will be added gradually as they go through a lil extra QC (ch19 will take longer since CT didn't do it themselves)
Bonus volume you can have when you buy the special edition of volume 7.
Does we have the raws somewhere?
Cute. I was dreading Harumin would become the final boss, too cliche. She getting engaged to Matsuri's way better.
Looks like chapter 29 has set the stage for both drama, and potential side pairings forming.
19 is the one Anon did, right? It's more accurate than anything CT has done. Also Goggled, where were you when the new chapter of Yuzumori-san came out? ;_;
Will CT work on it?
Actually, ignore this. I was thinking of NTR Chap 18 and 19 done by anon, not CITRUS 19 done by some ESL group. I hope somebody makes it better. If not, there's always 7 Seas.
It seems. They are waiting for good raws.
It's not like the Yuri HIme electronic version hasn't been out for a couple of days now and it's considerably better than the crap raws they've been using...
The volume book is only in paper format. It is sold with the special edition of volume 7. No kindle or electronic version is available for these three stories.

I may add. The second story between Harumin and Mei is golden. The best extra we had since the beginning.
Oh, durr... I thought Nee-san was talking about the new chapter. Ignore me. I'm dumb.
No problem. Between the volume 7 official extra chapter and the additionnal stories only available with some editions, it is not easy.
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Is Mei even capable of real love? She's a fucking robot. Kuuderes are nice and all but Mei is a freaking emotionless. Beep boop.
This is why NTR will always be better.
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At least she's not a cockslave

I do not agree.

Well she has many subtle expressions. She is the queen of implicit and mixed signals.
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That's not a problem, both male and females are slaves to cock. It's a natural law.
But that's not really relevant because Mei was emancipated since chapter 1 unlike a certain pair of used goods.
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Mei is used goods too, in case you didn't remember the male teacher. You really think a guy wouldn't pork a young girl that attractive? This is Japan.
I am dying to see it! If you find raws (even in bad quality) post it here!
Are you the same person and reply to yourself?
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those legs.jpg
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Here : https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5168001977

Not a great quality but it is sufficient. Dammit Mei ! Those legs !

Special mention the special guest aka Yuzu at the end or, i may say, the "angel of the sun".
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I add fell hard for Yuzu. This story is another confirmation (as if we needed one).
Oops ! Edit : "Mei fell hard".
Well finally, after Yuzu chased after her for 30 chapters.
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Teacher guy would never touch her until their vows or else he would get castrated by grandpapa. In case you don't remember, student council president Mei is a good girl and sex before marriage is something only a thot would do - a thot who takes it in the rear from her boyfriend every other night.
Love Harumin's face on the second panel.
to be honest, I hate the first chapter

I really want to punch that goddamn teacher who dare kissed Mei

only Yuzu are allowed to kiss Mei
kek, >implying Mei wasn't into her from day two, at least. It's been confirmed since the Matsuri arc that she has been pretty much in love with Yuzu, but Mei was too autistic/distrustful to say anything about it until a bit ago.
Yeah that's what I meant. Yuzu's the one who always took action, while Mei was just sitting there, waiting for Yuzu to move the plot.
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Funny how it was Mei who initiated everything though.
It's okay now, Yuzu rescued her.

I like rereading the first chapters because it was so thrilling to see Yuzu go through it all.

She went from never understanding or experiencing love and trying to find a boyfriend like her friends because she thought that's just what you do to falling head over heels in love with a girl. Something i'm sure she never expected to happen.

That sudden realization that, "Oh that's why I never fell in love with a boy, because I like girls." gets me.

Pic related is one of my favorite early scenes, when that spark happened and Mei "felt it" hardcore.
still best kiss

Runner up right here though >>2364758
Is that all that happened? I remembered reading the first chapter and getting the vibe that more happened between Mei and the teacher, didn't read on after that.
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The surprise kiss in the chairmans office was great too.
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What idea did Mei think of here? Is lil miss having dirty depraved thoughts about her sister?
Matching kiss marks
Why is she so lewd?

ugh, Mei looks really really cute

is that from the new chapter, anon ?
What's the deal with the KinMoza avatarfagging in the CITRUS thread?
>wtf, I type desu... why it posted desu
b/c 4chan wordfilters. T B H wordfilters to desu, S M H wordfilters to baka, and F A M wordfilters to senpai.
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You must reply to KinMoza smug with KinMoza smug or your argument is invalid. Besides, there's not enough smug in CITRUS except for best girl.
This isn't /a/, though, nee-chan. We don't avatarfag over here in deese parts.
(but thanks for answering)
It's an older one but still super cute.
Does anyone else think chapter one is pretty fucked up? Basically,
>Yuzu catches Mei getting sexually assaulted by a teacher
>Yuzu makes fun of her about it later
>Mei just copies what the teacher did on Yuzu

>a bunch of back-and-forth assault/harassment in next chapters

>slice of life haha funny best friends and rainbows and cute things and only light drama ECKSDEE

Not that I'm complaining.

Yes, I think the same

Goddamnit, I really really want to punch that bastard teacher

But, ah... he's in a different dimension, damn
I actually find it much more enjoyable now.
>yuzu u look like an angel
>what are you saying?!?!?+11!!1+?1
Oh ! In chapter 29, on the last panels and here, Yuzu is associated to a sunny and angelic figure.

Thanks for the insight.
If i understand a little the Harumi / Mei interactions, it seems that Mei wants to know how is Yuzu when she is with Harumi.

Same for Harumi. How Yuzu interact with Mei at home. Those two are Yuzu addicted.
never stops being cringe.
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Hey check out this shirt I ordered. It's so comfy to wear.

And no I dont wear it out. Except once to a gas station at 3am to buy snacks while I was hanging out and playing games with someone one night.

wow, from where do you order it ?
can I order it from asia ?

damn, I forgot from which chapter that Mei and Yuzu
It's from after Meis dad left and they had the spark kiss.

Also I ordered it from some custom t-shirt website called redbubble. I dunno if it ships to Asia but go check it out.

Also i've had it for a couple of months and been wearing the hell out of it and washed it multiple times and it's still in great condition. It's a well made shirt.

They have this for sale on redbubble and they have a ton of shirt styles and sizes. I went with the regular t-shirt.

Can you tell more specifically the number of the chapter ?

I forgot it, I read it 3 or 4 months ago, and now I stopped at ch 24 (not because I hate the manga, I really love it... but, I'm still reading another manga lol)

thank you anon, I'll go check up their website on google
The end of chapter 8: Out of love.

One of my favorite kisses.
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I go to redbubble's website, and I found the shirt from anon's photo

Yup, that's the one. I got the grey regular style t-shirt version. Murrican sized to fit my broad shoulders.

really cool, you can choose the color and the size... and also where do you want the image to be printed

thank you for uploading that photo, anon
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No problem. I just really dig it and thought you guys would want to know it exists.
I want to ask something

Is it weird for a bearded man to really really into yuri ?

I mean, I really like yuri. I only read yuri manga or dōjin, only play yuri vn
Beard friend, I have a huge beard i've been cultivating for four months. It is fine.
I sometimes feel like a bearded man, too, sis. I don't think it's that weird desu, anyone can be into romance of whatever type.

Hey, I found another Mei

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Oh lawd I didn't see that one. I kinda want it out of morbid fascination.

damn, I really don't remember which chapter that image you guys uploaded... I think I have to re-read this manga

I found it when I was scrolling for other anime shirts
I stopped reading this a year or so ago.

Have they gotten together yet or is it still nothing but contrived, pointless drama?
They got together 2 years ago
Then I stopped reading it more than a year ago.

The last I remember was blonde girl's friend from middle school showing up and causing trouble.
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Yeah man, after that they became an official couple a few chapters later. They've been together a while.

They have love rings now. They're practically married.
After Matsuri's shitty arc, there's another shitty arc about two literal whos. After that it gets better.
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I hope Harumi rapes Matsuri.

This is might be out of topics, I'm really sorry before

What software should I use if I want to make a transparent png like that Matsuri ? Photoshop ? what tool should I learn ?
>not liking Okada-tier drama arc
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Tell me yout secrets, witch. I'll give you my imouto.
Really surprised anyone likes Matsuri. She had her obvious antagonist arc but afterward I felt she was still annoying, cocky, and condescending. Harumi deserves better.
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Matsuri is a temptress. Everyone ships her with Harumi, but I want to see Matsuri Mitsuko. Like an aggressive JK seducing a strict cake.
Think pretty woman but with lesbians.Once she has kids with Harumin she'll become a responsible housewife.
I'm trash after reading 29... Damnit. Mei needs to learn timing. Yuzu needs to stop and realize whats going on with mei because she sucks at communication. Matsuris trouble. Harumins adorable as always. And im just like the fangirl that just wants more yuri...
Damn saburo! Why cant we have more chapters!!! When will this drought end!!!
Bad news. Volume 8 is the last one.
and you commenting on something that's been accepted on /u/ for a while now never stops being cringe either.

<-- that way
Huh just in time for the anime...
Source? I doubt it's true because it would feel rushed
source ?
Indeed. After the summer trip arc, we need, among other arcs, the graduation one.
Volume 8 = 4 chapters. Already one just for the preparation.

I highly doubt it. Just a troll.
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Coming out problematics will take 3 volumes at least. So. I don't talk about the next step in their relationship.

Matching hickeys after 29 chapters. ! Come on, it is not the end.
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The expressions Yuzu is able to provoke in Mei are quite funny.
It's a shame they changed Matsuri's VA. I quite like Sayaka Horino as Matsuri.
No studio announced yet ?
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God these two are my favorite lesbian couple ever.
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Look at how Mei is hiding her ring.
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Ring spotted. At home. When Mommy is here too.

I did not see it the first time i read. Very subtle from Saburouta.

Mei sure is smitten beyond redemption now.
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Fuck I missed that. Too fucking cute.
Also I can't wait to see this scene animated.
Yes, very cute. And there are other panels discarded here and there in numerous chapters that need to be caught on the second or third reading.

When Nene meets Yuzu, Mei is supposed to have flet long minutes ago but she is stalking Yuzu since she learnt about her new fan and heard their conversation. Hum, what a tsundere :
I've read and reread this series like five or six times through. Now I kinda want to do it again.

Wish I could keep track of all the specials and extra content though. I feel like i'm missing some things here and there.

I first started reading when there weren't many chapters. Like, I think it was only up to the Matsuri storyline when I started. It's crazy to see how far they've come.

I really hope the anime is popular and captures the story well or even improves on it.
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When she spoted Yuzu's diary. In fact, she was interested in a magazine giving advices to seduce you partner.

She only discovered Yuzu's special notebook by accident. Our Mei was eager to learn some tips on love and seduction.
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Better version.
I noticed that too but only the second time around. It's the little things. Mei is a very subtle character funnily enough.

It's not like Yuzu who blurts out everything she thinks. Well she's the protag so we get to see her thought process more but still.
Yes, Mei's evolution is very subtle but nobody seriously reading Citrus can say that she is the same autist she was in the first 5 chapters.

They has come from a long way, and in the same time, they are in bud.
I'd like a less dense Yuzu in the next chapters. That she can be able to read these subtle sign from Mei. It is the key for a next step. She needs to be more perceptive.

She should teach her how to make a real hickey and be her willing guinea pig.
I'd like to see Mei let her do a little more than give her one kiss a week.
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Like Matsuri said. There's only one thing left ;)
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Don't fail us Yuzu.
Kek. Yuri never sells
Relatively popular.
>...Yuzu inside of me... when it concerns my feelings for you, I have a part that's "good" but also a part that's "bad".

What did she mean by this? Really? Was the good part her love and the bad part her lust? Did she feel guilty for wanting to bone Yuzu?
>tfw the thread is free falling

Welp, see you guys next thread.
It seems Infinitedayo finished promotion with the ending of Zero Kara and is producing Citrus anime.

Maybe we'll have some news with the anime now. Winter season maybe or spring 2018. Too short for a fall campaign.

>Winter season maybe or spring 2018

What ? Aww... I can't wait for that long

I want to donate my left kidney to help speed up the production, anyone know where do I have to send it to ? lol
for me, fall 2017 is too short without any PV released yet.

Maybe winter : cast has been revealed. No P.A. Works anime for the summer season. Nothing produced by Infinite until fall 2017. Announcements will be made soon i presume.

Wait and see.
Even September isn't too late for a PV to be released for a Fall show
I think the good was her feelings toward Yuzu and the bad was her desire to fuck.

Or her desire to torture Yuzu by being aloof forever.
Is this manga even popular in Japan?
Yes. Quite popular.
Nips really do have shit taste. There are other better yuri titles than this. Why is this so popular?

There you go. Now run off and play with the other kiddies in the other threads.
Amen ! Did >>2371240 read the last ten chapters ? Some posters here talk about "Shitrus" with only one or two chapters read (in the better cases).

If people do not like, it is their right. But trolling here, what's the purpose ? There are other threads on other mangas.

We want more popular yuri mangas, as differents as there are, don't we ?
Judging by the japanese reviews of vol 6 and 7. They liked vol 6 more. Where in vol 7 they hated yet again useless new character-obstacle.
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Yes, it seems Shirapon was a great source of negative reviews.

I can understand it, volume 6 focused so much on Mei's defrosting process and the date (with Mei's funny inadequacy in romantic situation), and has the best chapter of the serie (in my humble opinion) : n°23.

The one where Yuzu has a "confidence crisis" when she meets her former 'firends" and Mei do her own version of "talk no jutsu". Great finale with the ring and Yuzu's false hope of a night of sex !

Volume 7 is half cut with Shirapon antics, chapter 25 is so promising with Mei realising that she loves Yuzu, and after that, 10 pages with Weirdo Senpai. I presume japanese readers would have prefered more Yuzu/ Mei.

Let's not talk about the ultimate trolling of the second kiss off-camera with another 6 pages with Shirapon.

Let's hope no additionnal character for this "unforgettable summer". Saburouta needs to deliver. She was able a volume ago.

Sorry for the long post.
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Sorry for the syntax errors.

I may add : Saburouta delivered with the three stories of the volume 7 bonus extra. Better than some chapters of volume 7, especially the conversation between Mei and Harumi, clearly smitten (romantically or friendly speaking) with the angel Yuzu is.

If i could translate it, but except some parts i understand, i cannot. *sigh*
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