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New translated chapter.

Official anime website.

Last thread
OK now I understand Yuzu's behavior.
You do? I don't.
Shirapon is watching Mei like a hawk. Yuzu just doesn't want to get caught. especially since they are step sisters.
In fact shérif doesn't want to tarnish Mei reputation. In her selfless way to protect Mei she gives her the impression to reject her. Damn !
Is there like a pastebin with links to quality translations? I keep running into chinese engrish translations on every site.
Autistic freak is making things worse
What is Shirapon's motivation? Is it just to understand Mei? Doesn't seem like love.
She explained her motivation in the previous chapter. Its literally just autism.
Well, it doesn't matter because Shirapon saw everything anyway. Look at the figure in the woods at the end of this chapter.
woah didnt see that
I know, I didn't see it until the second read through.
Not only Shirapon should be glad someone finally invited her to hang out, but she goes as far as to peep on them. Girl needs to know some boundaries
>it's another Yuzu and Mei give each other mixed signals because they don't know how to use their words, while a third party causes tension episode
>shirapon is the monster of the week

Yuzu will henshin and save the day somehow.
real talk, I would be peeping too
I would feel too bad to do that desu
Shame and guilt is for Catholics.
If Yuzu doesn't fuck Meicoon after this arc, or Harumin and Matsuri fuck before them, I'm gonna eat a mahjong set on a wedding dress.
That's an awfully specific set of conditions and self inflicted punishments but I agree.

I want Mei to ravage her. All those pent up sexual urges she's had for the last few chapters towards Yuzu must be driving her nuts.
I just want to see Matsuri and Harumin being all intimate and in love. That would be fucking hilarious.

Actually I'll settle for a "morning after" scene. Where we don't really see anything except for Harumin or Matsuri crawling out of the bed with the other still asleep.
That would require Matsuri to not be a sociopath.

Although I was listening to the drama CD's and in the one Matsuri kept trying to play wing man for Yuzu and help her with Mei.
Love changes you, the moment they have kids Matsuri will turn into Mother Teresa.
Is there fanfiction of Matusri and Harumin yet

Is there fanfiction of anything yet
What's the age difference between Harumin and Matsuri, anyway? If I recall correctly Matsuri is still somewhere in middle school (second year?). She may be putting the moves on Harumin now but I doubt anything will happen for a few years.

Yuzu is the same year as Harumin and Matsuri already locked lips with Yuzu before
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What would Harumin do if she was driving a truck and suddenly lose control of it? She can only turn left or right. On the right's Matsuri and on the left there's Nene.
In case you didn't know, women can't obtain truck licenses for medium duty or above vehicles in Japan. The type of plot truck you're thinking of is typically depicted as a medium duty one, so your scenario is impossible.
This is my favorite Yuzu/Mei fanfiction. The first chapter about them sharing their first (real) kiss, their mom walking in on them, and their relationship that transpires after. It's very well-written and the romance scenes are very satisfying. I would have loved if the manga just followed this plot instead.
Not sure why Yuzu even cares, because nobody talks to the freak anyway or even knows she exists.
Yuzu may be the first person to try to be friendly with her, but Shiraho doesn't seem to be untalkative.

Anyway, this arc started with Yuzu promising Mei that it would be their secret romance so that's why Yuzu cares so much currently.
I really hope they keep the VA's from the Cd drama. Although, I don't mind if they change Matsuri's voice, seriously doesn't suit her at all.
What's up with that sexist shit? Oh wait nvm, fucking nips.
Yeah, I liked em a lot.
Seems reasonable imho. I wouldn't trust me driving a large truck either.
Does... does Shirapon want to bone Mei?
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Goddammit Yuzu, she wants you so fucking badly. This is what you fucking fought for!
No. Mei is just the first person she couldn't understand through observation. She wants to know the real Mei.
>Mei wants the V
>Mei makes VERY CLEAR that she wants the V
>Yuzu freaks out
Why is this allowed.
I'm pretty sure she's not after public sex.

Last time Yuzu thought Mei wanted to fuck it was an embarassing misunderstanding.
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I love Yuzu but she's such a fucking goober sometimes.
Do they fuck yet? I never expected this shit to be longer than six chapters.
It looks like it's the next major step in their relationship. It'll be the biggest breakthrough since, I dunno. They started dating.
Sex is not the next step
What then? Because i'm honestly as confused as Yuzu as what should be next sometimes.
Yuzu is useless. Mei is willing and needy and she isn't doing anything.
What do you think is going on with Mei currently, in the last 3 chapters? It shouldn't be really hard to understand.
Well it's obvious she wants Yuzu. She wants to be intimate I guess? Hold hands and stuff?

I dunno man, i'm retarded, ;__;
Mei has not yet realized for herself that she is in love with Yuzu. In this arc she is figuring that out. The intimacy she was showing toward Yuzu in 26 was about Mei testing how she feels.

You probably just assumed that she was already past that stage, but Mei is screwed up.
Oh... ohhhhhhh! Holy shit, I just realized what all that shit with the rings was. She's confused and trying to figure it out too.

There's been something there but I always mistook it for already being in love but now that I think it you're right. The evidence was there.

I feel stupid.
The real question is who will Shirapon end up with? My monies on eyebrows.
I'm nearly done with this series. I'm sick of convenience-characters brought up just to extend the drama. Saburouta, pls
Yeah I agree. I want to at least see how the next volume is though. Maybe the anime being made will change the style a bit for the better?
They're not for extending the drama. The story of Mei sorting herself out thanks to Yuzu ought to be take some time anyway. It would be cheap if it didn't. It's rare for a yuri romance to get the chance to run long enough to do something like that.

The other characters are to make it work better as a manga story. It stops it becoming like Yuzu and Mei are in a bubble of a plot mostly taking the form of internal thoughts while interaction with anyone else is inconsequential.
Not everyone has to end up with someone you know.
She's 15, third year middle schooler.
Old enough to bleed, old enough for Harumin to earn her red wings
captcha:ew52 popo
>They're not for extending the drama
But that is what is happening. Your idealized reasoning for how this story is written sound nice but it will never stop the author from writing in new drama.

It is also rare to see yuri couples who are in a stable relationship and figure out their problems without incident. Somehow I don't expect Saburouta will opt for reasonable character choices when a dramatic one could be used instead.
How will citrus make its transition to SPACE?
I was thinking of this too. The anime might change up the drawn out drama for a 12 episode run or something.
>When Mei becomes an astronaut Yuzu begins to worry about the distance it will put between them. Stowing aboard her space shuttle trip to the International Space Station Yuzu goes a thousand miles up for the one she loves. But how will Mei handle this bundle of energy in the weightless, cramped space station full of her peers? And how will they hide their incredible lez out sessions? Find out on this season of Citrus: In Space!
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am I the only one who thinks Yuzu is super hot with black hair? I mean, she's a cute blonde but she'd be so sexy with natural black hair.
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Yuzu is kawaii no matter what.
black hair just looks super good in this manga in general
This. Couldn't have said it any better
What's yuzu's natural hair color? Wasn't it brown?
It's black. Her father had "chestnut hair" or something. Yuzu started dying her hair originally to feel closer to her father who died when she was very young.

But i'm almost 100% sure her original hair is supposed to be black.
Oh god, forgot about that. They totally look like sisters. But Yuzu's a bit prettier imo.
Ok one retarded question, does chestnut means light brown or blond in this manga? That's when the manga kinda started having mistranslations
I think it's a brownish blonde? I dunno. It may be a mistranslation.
It also doesn't help when the color drawings depict Yuzu with blonde hair.
If it's chestnut, then it has to be like a reddish brown, which can happen in real life in a population that consistently produces natural black hair, although it's rare.

Generally when Asian folk attempt to bleach they get a sort of orange-ish brown shade, not the plain blonde that Yuzu has.
is it just me or was i the only one under the impression that harumin had black hair until i saw a coloured pic
So when does the Anime start?
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We'll find out this weekend at Anime Japan, probably. Along with some visuals hopefully, so we'll know if it'll be a cheapass disaster like the SK anime adaption was or if we have a chance to be hopeful.

Ideal situation is that we get a show with decent but modest budget, some good voices and a writing staff that can come up with a satisfying one cour story using the ingredients from the manga that manages to smooth out the kinks of the original story without completely changing everything, while also leaving enough for a chance for a sequel.

A hopeless dream, I'm sure.
SK was so bad. it made me mad because it and aoi hana were yuri's "chance" at anime, and they had the budget of a pack of gum
>hoping for a season 2

I want it but it's a foolish dream.
Aoi Hana was a bad choice to adapt (as was Sasameki Koto), while Sakura Kiss should have been fine, but the anime managed to be pretty charmless compared to the source.
What the hell is Sakura Kiss?
I guess Yuzu still can't get over the trauma which her homophobia old friends caused at ch.23. that's why Yuzu being so awkward at public, she doesn't want others find out the relationship between she and Mei
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Yeah, When I read that chapter I knew it was going to hurt her a lot. I felt so fucking awful when she was excited to tell them and they fucking throw it in her face.

She's just a baby.
No, she's not traumatized. Read of beginning of chapter 25.
>Sakura Trick*
Shouldn't post while tired, apparently.
It probably has more to do with the fact that she's dating her step-sister
I ran it over in my head a lot and even if they aren't blood related it must be a really awkward time when they come out about it to everyone.
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I wonder what their parents will think. I mean, they sleep in the same bed.

>Your daughter turned my daughter into a dyke!
>No, you're daughter seduced mine!
>mei was sent to live on a farm
>yuzu was drafted and killed in vietnam
Honestly I found it weird. Blonde suits her better, as well as with her personality. When this chapter raws first came out, I thought this was Mei
I've been curious about Mei's mother for a long time. Like we know nothing about her at all. We know that Yuzu dad is dead, but what the hell about Mei s mom. How cone Saburouta hasn't made an arc about this yet.
Thought, that Yuzu's mother might have said to Mai that Yuzu had chestnut hair color like her dad. And because she looked so similar to her dad, she colored brighter. Or something like that.
I assumed she left when Mei was younger, maybe due to her dads strict ass ways or something back then.

She might have been just some gold digger after his money and he kicked her to the curb. He isn't the same guy now as he was then.
Yuzu's mom and Mei's dad are easily the most nonsensical characters in the series. We're talking about two newly weds who are basically okay with never being together? I mean it seems like Yuzu didn't even know the guy at all prior to his introduction or am I remembering this wrong? How is that they dated, got married and presumably had to have had at least a honeymoon together all this time with Yuzu still completely clueless about what type of person he was
Teens are self-centred and busy with school and friends? I don't find it that unbelievable compared to a lot of the other stuff in the story. The fact that they're okay being separated so much immediately after being married is pretty retarded though.
Mei's dad is downright the only objectively terrible character on the series. Nothing about him makes a lick of sense
They don't have to make sense. Even his relationship with Yuzu's mom, I find it justifiable. They have long distance relationship. Never heard of that?
Yuzus mom probably understands he needs time on his own to find his self. Because we've seen how opressed he was, just like Mei.
I found that arc quite interesting. Better than some useless extra characters. Because we got the information of why Mei ended up like this.
Typically "finding yourself" ends with you meeting the love of your life and settling down.

Mei's dad seems like he literally has ADD
And Mei has autism. Maybe the entire side of Mei's family has some sort of mental condition.
>"finding yourself" ends with you meeting the love of your life and settling down.
This is the base for a co dependant relationship. A relationship doesn't define a person. People still bed to do things for themselves while being together.
So people need more space, and others are more clingy. Also single people can still have found themselves, even though they are with anyone.
Could probably benefit from a bit more proof reading there
Mei's dad is going through a severe midlife crisis.

Look at her grandfather and what kind of guy he was, albeit he calmed down a little after his heart attack or whatever it was.

Mei's dad probably grew up in a super strict household and was trying to follow in his own fathers footsteps only to break under the stress and goo full, "fuck it i'm traveling the world", which isn't uncommon with strict Asian households.

I read a story about a guy who grew up with a tiger mom who forced him to go to medical school even though he never wanted to and after getting his degree he gave it to her and said, "Here. Now i'm going to go do what I want to do."

Now he is doing what he wants and he also found the love of his life. He helps disadvantaged kids get educations and travels. He's happy, finally.

Not to say up and leaving his daughter was a good thing, he's still kind of a fuck up hippy.

And now Mei is going through a similar situation where she's trying to sort out her own life. She may end up, one day learning to be more care free like her dad. I mean, Yuzu and her mom are a lot alike in some ways and Mei's dad was a pretty uptight strict guy a lot like Mei, before he went all hippy.

Maybe that's why Yuzu and Mei are made for each other too.
It's because of autocorrect. This is not a blog though, so lower your expectations
Shouldn't my expectations be lower for a blog?
I can see Mei's dad not giving her much shit about it. He probably feels guilty for all her traumas so he'd just let her be happy. Yuzu's mom looks like a sweet person but I can see her going nuts fro the sake of drama. But isn't lesbian marriage in Japan similar to adoption anyway?
I dunno but if I were there parents, as open as I am to them being lesbians i'd still raise an eyebrow since they sleep in the same bed.

Like, oh... oh yeah. Hm. Welp, I guess we should have payed more attention to the situation.
Shit I identify so much with both Mei and Yuzu I may have autism
Pls stop. It's that the impossible mei is transforming and that's so unbelievable to her that it's giving her enormous amounts of teenage anxiety. It's normal
Serious question.
Does Mei literally have autism or is she a normal girl who just lacks some social skills?
I don't think it's clinical autism, she's just not used to expressing herself normally. She didn't have a normal upbringing, at least after her dad left. She isn't sure of what she wants or feels sometimes.

She's in a lesbian romance with her stepsister and her emotions are like a tornado. Plus, even if she acts calm cool and collected at the end of the day she's still an awkward teenager inside.
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So what's the final answer cause I'm confused af
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It's this
Later in that chapter she asked mei if she should "grow out" pretty black hair like hers
This. Whatever the translation was supposed to be the point it's getting across is that Yuzu dyes her hair the same color as her dads because her natural hair color is black like her moms.
I just think it's refreshing to have an anime/manga character who actually dyes their hair instead of mysteriously being a natural blonde Japanese person.

She still has natural green eyes though but fuck it.

Really desu who cares. It's anime, I'm not watching it for historical accuracy. They have pink, blue, green, red, purple hair.

As long as it's kawaii
It's a personal preference. I don't know how to explain it.
She's got naturally black hair and bleaches it brown (茶髪), originally to resemble her Dad's hair.
>But isn't lesbian marriage in Japan similar to adoption anyway?
Hold up, is this really true? Interesting to hear gay marriages are seen as normal as adoptions in Japan
There is no gay marriage in Japan - in order to be recognised as a family for legal purposes, some couples have one partner adopt the other.
Actual adoption isn't that normal in Japan though. I was reading about it recently. Apparently kids who are taken into care usually stay there.
That's kinda cute in a fucked up backwards way.
Japan has a long history of family adopting an adult male to secure an heir. Even today it represents around 90% of all adoptions in Japan.
Okay so here's the real question.

Who will adopt who when they inevitably get "married"? Mei adopt Yuzu? Yuzu adopt Mei?

Or does it not count since they are legally sisters with the same family name?
Yeah, that's what the article said. iirc it said that some charities are trying to encourage adoption and also improve care for kids (they generally seem well enough looked after, but end up incredibly institutionalised with no life skills after they age out), but potential adoptive parents are hamstrung because birth parents can come back and get their kids at any time unless they explicitly rescind parental rights. I probably found the link to the article on /u/ anyway.
The adoptee must be at least one day younger than the adoptive parent, so Yuzu would need to adopt Mei. But yes, I would guess being stepsiblings might bypass the need for adoption entirely, as they're already part of the same family - though I don't know the details of how remarriage works in Japan, particularly if Mei's biological mom is still alive.
My head canon is that Shou kicked Meis gold digging mom to the curb because all she wanted was his money.
It'd be kinda funny if Mei met her mom and she was like some kind of dumb bimbo.
Citrus anime design.
I like it, I can alredy feel the melodrama.
oh god im so pumped for this, here's to hoping that it doesn't get screwed over
Hey, looks good.
Can't wait to see that in motion. It looks pretty good.

I really hope they don't treat it like a cheap kinda thing, ya know? Like, the story and characters. I hope they've got a good team working on this.
what a retard. how could you treat to someone you love like that.
The eyes are not sparkling....though this does look like PA works or White fox.
Why is it that I think a post like this is probably talking about Yuzu, even though Yuzu always does her best to do the right thing and treat Mei well, whereas Mei really struggles to be affectionate, is frequently harsh toward Yuzu and is sometimes outright abusive?
>ch 27
it's just cruel.
What, not kissing someone more in public when they demand it because they're having a weird moment and have lost their normal composure? That's reasonable, not cruel. It's not like she hit Mei with an umbrella or mocked her.
you don't one ask your s.o out of date. and treat her like additional accessory.

chop out something out of your relationship and take another you like. that's definition of selfish.

how hard is it to write couple pages of shitstorm of doing the right thing and fix it later? isn't how this series start?
You're just being stupid about it. Yuzu is not being selfish.

Anyway, in the end this incident will help Mei better understand her feelings.
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Get your hands off of those silky thighs Matsuri.
Eyebrows' eyebrows are becoming their own character.
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I hope she gets more to do in the anime. She feels underused.
>that sakura trick-tier colouring
Geez, why can't yuri anime get a decent budget anymore.
>that lazy random blush on yuzu's knee
Mei's is blushing too. I think it's a stylistic choice. I saw it on the coloured images from something else I was reading lately.
Because she is. I love her design too. I'd like her to get more characterization in the manga so she stands out more. That or just see Mei act more friendly to her since even their friendship seems one sided despite how close it made them seem when kids.
Mei looked like a such a sweet kid too. I completely believe the friendship between the two at the time.

Shou kinda ruined her life.
Felt a bit ambivalent about the designs at first, but now i kinda like them. Just hope the anime will deliver when it comes to all the cute/expressive close up shots.

Also what's the thing that starts at 10:00?
The Anime Japan Expo that will start. Maybe they will announce the staff and the studio for the anime too.
They didn't even announce it yet...
Maybe tomorrow.
Hopefully they're the same VAs as the drama CDs, they fit desu.
All I care about are the VAs for the South American dub.
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>South American dub

Good one, made me reply
This is exactly what I was afraid of. The style just looks so cheap.

Take a look at Hanayamata. It's not an expensive anime by all means, but it manages to look pleasant on the surface.
>This is exactly what I was afraid of. The style just looks so cheap.
We haven't seen anything yet.
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Start moving already.
I never had much of an interest in this series, but since it's getting an anime I may aswell see what's up. I only have one question which will determine whether I do watch it or not; how prevalent are men in this?
Almost non-existent. There's only 2 guys that play a story role in Citrus. The first is a male teacher, I think he gets exposed as a scumbag in the first chapter and disappears. The male who plays the strongest story role is Mei's dad and he only appears for 1 short arc.

Mei's grandfather also appears as school chairman but I'm sure many don't include him.
Not very. There's a few with some impact, especially the teacher at the very start, but none of them are really seen much.
Sounds good, I'm okay with male characters in yuri so long as they never get together with any of the girls.
Citrus on cartoon network or disney channel.

I remember when my country made a channel put evangelion at 3 am, citrus would get a worse treatment.
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I was thinking of that today while I was walking around shopping for groceries. (Weird thing to be thinking of outside of my internet time for me.)

Cartoonnetwork would NEVER air a show like Citrus and at first I was like, well yeah. Duh. But then I started getting upset with it while I was looking at potato chips and was like, "Why can't they fucking air it? What's wrong with people?!?!"
Your post made me laugh, sorry.
I just wish networks were more open to romance anime. ;__;
The colors are brighter than I thought...I hope they do Yuzu's stylish street clothes justice.
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Step up the quality, oneechan.
Looking forward to seeing it in action- can it break the curse and actually make it to season 2?
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I fucking hope so. A lot of my favorite manga end up getting anime adaptations and end at season 1. Might get an OVA but fuck. I want more.

And this in particular. I mean, I know it will end eventually. But part of me wants to see everything through. High school, college, marriage etc. I'm gonna be so bummed when this ends even if it's perfect.
>matsuri's wandering hands
>the twins no one cared about
>harumins friend that showed up in maybe 4 panels

alrighty then
I never cared for the twins. Waste of ink.

I like Yuzus fan though. She's cute.
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I dropped this some time ago but I'll probably pick it up again because of the anime. Also some of the side characters look interesting.

That said, is Mei a virgin? She implied that she wasn't IIRC.
I think she is, the most she's done is some heavy making out. I don't think Mr. Rapey Pants got that far.

But man did that kinda stuff fuck her up figuratively. It's why she had boundary issues and kept using kissing and stuff to mess with Yuzu. Before she fell for her that is.

Now she's struggling to figure out what a normal, loving relationship is supposed to be like. But she still wants the V from Yuzu badly.
I don't think frenching would be enough to fuck her up mentally. And again she did imply she isn't.

I don't care that much desu, she's a shit character anyway.
>That said, is Mei a virgin? She implied that she wasn't IIRC.
i'm sure she is. honestly the first chapter is so out of place. we'll be getting an animated version of it, too...
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D-don't talk shit about Yuzus princess!
Yay, can't wait for /a/'s gloating.
Honestly, because of how long it's taken to get chapters out (at least in the early days) some parts feel completely different and I have to wonder if it was because the author was just going through different moods because it took so long between chapters.

Sometimes it feels like she didn't know where she was going with it and just winged it.
Gloating for what, the guy gets fridged in 0.01 seconds anime time.
Where did she imply that she wasn't a virgin
Was it that time where she almost raped Yuzu?
I always took her sexual advances as something else. She's not exactly stable emotionally, at least she used to not be. Being molested by an older guy probably didn't help.
I think the early stuff feels relatively consistent with what came later.
>Being molested by an older guy probably didn't help.
Now that's a total asspull and bullshit. Your fan fiction sucks.
Nowhere did she imply she was not a virgin. She only talked about kissing, not fucking.
You mean homo romance anime or in general? They do the same with het stories too?
All I guess. Romance anime doesn't do well on tv for some reason. Or networks wont chance it.

And all Cartoon Network, or rather Adult Swim cares about is shonen actiony stuff.
Yeah. He just walked her home gently, nothing more.
Back to /a/ you go.
Your /a/fag is showing. Mei gay af
Maybe because they think anime is like cartoon where only children will watch?
>Sometimes it feels like she didn't know where she was going with it and just winged it.

Didn't, and still doesn't.
I like it. I'm not expecting anything amazing but pretty decent.
I accidentally got on the hype train. And when I get on the hype train I ride it all the way until it's done or crashes.

I hate myself sometimes.
When she was teasing Yuzu about being a virgin meaning that she herself isn't one.
She was mocking Yuzu's innocence and naivety. It wasn't necessarily implying that she isn't a virgin, but that she felt more experienced and superior to Yuzu in this area. At that moment, she was also pretty emotionally broken and was attempting to detach her feelings from her relationships/actions.

She may very well have had sex already, by the way. Just clarifying the opposite interpretation.
>Mei gay af
Not that anon but she was clearly harassed against her will. Doesn't mean she's straight.
okay im confused. i was always under the impression that what happened between her and the teacher was somewhat consensual, that she was aware of what she was doing. was she really harassed against her will?
It's more like she just didn't give a fuck, she didn't care about kissing Matsuri, and when drills tried to put the moves on her, it didn't change the way Mei acted at all. That's why she also didn't give a fuck about kissing Yuzu to make her shut up in the beginning.
She didn't consent. She just didn't care enough about herself or think it would do any good to resist, but he was forcing himself on her.
>just realized I'm 10 chapters behind
Why are they releasing this via Facebook now?
Yuri project dropped it when it was licensed, chaos team picked it up. Chaos team are exclusive club losers that put a watermark on each page.
Go back and re-read it. It's super obvious she wasn't into it but she didn't care about herself back then. She was just letting people use her and rolling with it emotionless (at least she tried to be emotionless until Yuzu cracked her trauma shell a few times.)

I said it before and i'll say it again, Shou completely ruined his daughter by having a selfish midlife crisis.
>clearly harassed
In your headcanon. In reality, there is no evidence the teacher did anything more, so stop trying to pass your theories as facts.
I didn't say she was outright fucked. Just that it wasn't consensual. It still counts as harassment.

>there is no evidence the teacher did anything more
No evidence that she's a virgin either, on the contrary it's unlikely seeing how she was teasing Yuzu about it and how nonchalant she is about it.
So, did anything got revealed at Anime Japan?
>it's unlikely seeing how she was teasing Yuzu about it
That's just Sabouruta trying to make her manga more appealing. You don't have to take everything too literally. Also harassment can be a kiss too not rape.
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I love how far down the lesbian hole (hue) Yuzu has fallen.

I liked that they explore it sometimes like in the chapter where she runs into her old friends and they act like assholes about it. It was good drama and felt real.
i am now realizing that, since this is getting an anime adaptation, there isn't going to be a full blown sex scene as payoff

i'm sad now

i really hope i'm wrong, but my intuition is giving me bad vibes
This is marketed to teenagers. There was never going to be sex scene, sis.
I never expected a sex scene but is it too much to ask for implied sex? I mean, we've got making out, groping, taking off shirts, nude bath scenes etc. I think some tasteful implication isn't out of the question. They've been teasing that the two would have sex forever now.
Don't listen to them. There's no reason to think Yuzu and Mei can't have sex in the manga before it ends.

YH definitely has less sex in it these days than early on and less explicitly, with nipples seemingly basically verboten now, but it would not be big deal for a series like citrus to have some kind sex scene in it.
Mei is so kawaii sometimes.
One of my favorites 4komas. Is just so, I dunno, Calvin and Hobes-esque
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What's up with that?
They're mending their relationship after that whole election thing. She's probably not used to that sort of talk between them after all of those years.
I wish the author would spend more time developing side character desu
Oh yeah, there's most likely going to be implied sex, considering how many sexual themes and hints have been dropped up to this point. But,
>full blown sex scene
I'm gonna put my bets on "no."
And Yuzu is a baby. I love them both.
OK I've been staring at the Anime visual for a while and I've come to a conclusion.

I like it. To the people who are comparing this to Sakura Trick. don't. When you look at it in HQ it really seems like the artist worked very hard on detail. I don't think this is a lazy job at all. Its definitely not Deen par imo. Maybe not A1 either but its much more solid then Deen's style.
I need to see the actual animation before I give judgement, the visual isn't enough. I'm very optimistic and hope Citrus gets the proper animation its beautiful art deserves.
What the hell is that
Scene from an awful movie called "foodfight!".
Harumi is my favorite side character. The best.

I kinda want her and Himeko to les out sometime.
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How can she les out with Eyebrows when she's already taken?
>yuzu is the name of a citrus fruit


Hooooollllyyyy shiiiiiiiiit! I finally get it.
Matsuri is garbage. She's a garbage child. She belongs in the trash.
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Watch yourself, don't make Matsuri cap a bitch
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She's still on my list. She needs a bigger redemption arc imo.
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Did... did the spicy food give Mei the shits?
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>Saburuta: "Because Yuzu and Mei met and reached the hands of many people, Yuzu and the others will continue to walk forward as they cry and smile. There's no other happiness. (cry) It's been a long journey but, I would be so happy if you continue to watch over these two as they continue running. And then also... to their happy future."
>to their happy future

Marriage ending confirmed.

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kek. Fyi Mei is also a name of a fruit
Honestly I got a siscon vibe from that bitch.
Why is she so perfect?
I guess you're thinking of the Chinese for Ume. Mei's not named after that.
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From 2012, the YH next issue preview that announced a serialization by Saburouta.
>her sister, matsuri, yuzu's friend
Harumin harem ending
Wow sis how'd you find out
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I was trying to google fanart (there isn't a lot of good stuff atm.) and found a wiki article about it.

I kinda want to draw fanart but it'd be terrible.
Literally anyone who can into moon knows.

Literally anyone who can't into moon but had read/watched Sakura Trick knows.
Also if you're into cookery. I saw a few articles about using yuzu in dishes over the summer.
What does it taste like? Sweet? I'm a sucker for oranges. Love em.
Yuzu are fairly sharp. They're not normally treated as something to be eaten like oranges.
Oh, so it's more like something to add to something else?
For April Fools, Ichijinsha have a genderswap BL version of part of citrus's 1st chapter:

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>For April Fools, Ichijinsha have a genderswap BL version of part of citrus's 1st chapter:
If they wanted really to go all out, they could make yuri version of Yuri Danshi drawn by Kurata where cute girls argue about yuri girls.
When the hetshit version ?
Fucking why.
Because of Gateau, Yurihime's sister magazine.


Learn to have some harmless fun you uptight autists

It's a great idea!

Am I the only person who likes the idea? I mean, that's still homosexual.
I do not hate men so I guess it's okay.
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Do not like yaoi = hate men, are you idiot?
This. I'm not a fan of yaoi but I don't hate men or homosexual stuff. I've been with other men before anyway, i'll never get to be a lesbian.
April Fools day is a cancer upon humanity.
I repeat the question maybe not liking yaoi is hating men?
The answer is no .
I am a straight girl and I do not like yaoi.
Doesn't look like saburouta drew it.
It's drawn by Akiyoshi Shima, one of the mangaka serialized in Gateau
>I am a straight girl and I do not like yaoi
Me too
It's literally the reddit of holidays.
It would be better if people used it as an opportunity to play clever and harmless pranks on real people in their lives that everyone could laugh about afterwards and in doing so grow closer to each other. Instead people just upload stupid shit to their websites.
Nice blog post, grandpa. You sound like a babyboomer who thinks millennials ruin everything.

Wow, triggered. For your information, I'm a girl.
Mee too. I am a straight girl that loves yuri but dislikes yaoi. I hate it when everyone assumes that I like yaoi just because I am a woman.
I like het, yuri, and yaoi!

But I have a preference for yuri.
Het is kinda gross.
Well, I'll agree that het targeted towards the young male demographic is "kinda gross", I like shoujo and josei stuff, things targeted towards girls and women
Het IS gross. Yuri is the only thing acceptable.
Het is fine, it's just that since that's the most popular romance choice you get so many garbo works with the most despicable, cardboard, unlikable characters. The inverse is true too where het has some of the best written romances. Of course, when I'm reading my yuri I only want yuri, no het, no yaoi, no bi, just girl and girl.
>straight girls who like yuri

I think you're both in denial.
Why are you angry?
That was not what I wrote. The only reason I find to despise a Yaoi version of Citrus is that I hate men, as it is not, it does not bother me in the least.

I speak of myself, not of others. Do you understand?
>Bisexual girls can go to hell

Hey anon, you know how the most vehement anti-homosexuality campaigners often turn out to be closet fags themselves? Well...
I think that these comments are motivated by the morality. To condemn the sexuality of others is typical of the moral judgment.
About what is pure and what is not. About what is shameful and what is not.

Surprising of a small group of fans of a genre as yuri. My love for yuri is the only thing that helps me tolerate those anons.
... x_x WTF...
Well at least they did not do a yaoi version of Netsuzou Trap, where Fujiwara and Takeda, did a Yaoi-NTR to Hotaru and Yuma.
Just noticed that this 2014 image is very like their look in the last chapter
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You guys think we'll get figmas?
The art got so much better
Funny thing is that "straight" girls who like yuri often are bisexuals. After all, I wouldn't call a girl who reads lesbian comics "straight"
Me too. It's hard to tolerate hypocrites, nee san.
It's not "lesbian comics". Your post is stupid.
Yuri literally helped me realise I was gay. Might not be true for everyone, but hey.
Not yet.
Amen to that sis
Kek. It's ok to be gay, sis.
Look, that anon is right, yuri is a completely different thing from "lesbian" media. Sorry you are too much of a newfag to not understand the difference.
There's no meaningful difference. Pretty much every yuri manga that's worth calling that will in some way address real-life concerns such as homophobia, the closet and general difficulty of living outside social norms. Even Yuru Yuri has Chinatsu thinking she might be weird for liking girls and Nadeshiko and her girlfriend having to hide their relationship.
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>it's not water, its H2O!
I used to think yuri was different. That was, back when I was in denial
This is the kind of person who would go to /m/ and try to talk about Transformers.
>het female
>reads yuri
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Girls, girls. Can we not go all judgmental about this stuff? I mean, we're all here because we enjoy at least one thing we all have in common.

I don't think anything else matters.
That we're all closeted lesbians?
I understand what you want to say. I do not support any series or movie about gay women and I only see yuri. But I admit that there something very gay in me.
I want to get pregnant of a girl, I'm 17 year old something is wrong in my head ? or is it the effect of yuri?
Is perfect normal. Girls can mate. Try the Parthenogenesis option.
My fated person.....is a nazi!
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There is for real a yhc manga about cute girls having otaku arguments about what turns them on about girls.

Anyway, YD itself became about a mixed group of yuri fans discussing yuri.
I have a hard time reading manga that panders too hard to horny young otaku.

Like yeah, i'm sure that super cute popular girl is going to talk about your stupid nerd shit seriously.

I just barely buy that Yuzu reads lesbian manga but it sorta suits her since she's kinda coming out of the closet and being honest with herself.
Please spare us your self-loathing

But you are a horny young otaku.
I know. But I prefer a female character be at least a little believable.
I think its very believable that a young girl who's finding out about herself starts to test her sexuality by reading lesbian erotica, something she VERY much wants to do with her female crush.
I know, that's why I said >>2303571

>but it sorta suits her since she's kinda coming out of the closet and being honest with herself.
Are most people reading yuri women?
Probably not these days.
I don't know, honestly.
I think yuri might have the most balanced audience of any "genre" of manga. 50% men, 30% lesbian/bisexuals, 20% "straight" women if I were to take a guess.
Are there any more chapters that are not yet translated or is this all we have ATM?
women 55% and men 45% (all are go out of /u/ , facebook, tumblr, youtube and other foros )
I wanted to read the one where Yuzu tickles mei and gets super horny.
we're all girls here anonita
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