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Recent Yuri Releases

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 346
Thread images: 55

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Continued from >>2156273
Translation Thread >>2123852

https://yuriproject.net/strange-babies-ch02/ (pic related)
Inugami-san ch21

Shinozaki-san ch38

This Girl Will Make Me A Woman
Dear My Teacher 8
>Due to an unforeseen circumstance that was beyond our control we are unable to upload Dear My Teacher or any of Ajiichi’s work on Dynasty Scans.
forum drama?
Whatever it is, it looks like it's between Dynasty and the scanlator (since the chapters released by Binbou are still on there).
Possibly. I know the original scanlator is a fixture there. Their work is superior, but they haven't really released much over the last few years.
>no reader
Downloading manga feels so 2000s.
They do say it'll be on batoto
Pink Rush ch5

You can find it on Batoto. (yeah, i know people hate it, but the TLer doesn't look to be allowing uploads elsewhere)

Currently the only known facts are:
1) Dynasty have only stated "for reasons that can't be disclosed"
2) This looks to only be limited to Ajichi's works released by the particular scanlator (Kimi no Tame, all dem Touhou doujins, etc are unaffected)

>You can find it on Batoto. (yeah, i know people hate it, but the TLer doesn't look to be allowing uploads elsewhere)

What's the reason people hate batoto? I never used it before.
Personally I find the layout makes terrible use of screen real estate and the keyboard shortcuts aren't very good. Also making you log in to access older chapters
It has its issues, but it's a decent site for keeping an eye on general manga, including stuff that might go unnoticed by Dynasty only several hours later.
I mean, I use it, but I'm not happy about it. I also find it painfully slow, but that's something most of the large aggregators suffer from. Also, their occasionally incredibly arbitrary decisions about what to host.
School Idol Days S (Love Live Sunshine)
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>online readers
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Is overrated blandness like Ano Hana and Sasameki Koto
We found him, the hipster yurifag. You probably like Love Slave.
They're a little right about Sasameki Koto, I like it a lot but it could have been half as long.
>Pink Rush ch5

Wow this is an unexpected surprise
I like characters that make me doki-doki and a manga that doesn't waste my time.
>This Girl Will Make Me A Woman

Why is she calling her Miss? It's sounds very unnatural and distracting from the overall story.
because unlike you, she has some manners.
The afterword explains.
Still doesn't quite explain it, is it English English "Miss" or translation from some Japanese word?
I've always wondered if the translation has something to do with that, but I can't read moon and when I've asked no one has read the original.
it's apparently a translation of the Japanese onee-san because the translator thought the frequency at which he was saying "onee-san" would look awkward in a translation.
That translator should be shot.
if you don't like that, then go read the raws you fucking ingrate.
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They're definitely not great, at least in terms of English writing.
We need more momono moto
Forgot link https://twitter.com/momono_moto/status/787825276193415168
I don't know why but two girls hitting on each other at the same time feels really original and fresh
>茜色のキスは屋上で out Oct 18
Looks like we just did. Maybe someone can translate this one too.
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(C89) [Shimoyakedou (Ouma Tokiichi)] Konya mo Anata to (THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS) [English] [Yuri-ism]
>not downloading every yuri manga you read to boast about the size of your collection on /u/
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Impersonating FlanDoll (Touhou)

Yagami-san and Tooyama-san (New Game, KouRin)
>having free hard drive space for manga.
Must be nice having all that disposable income, onee-sama
how poor are you?
I spend all my money buying games and ordering doujinshi. The most room o have is a 1TB SSD for games on my PC

I actually used to keep yuri manga on my PC until i realized there was an entire folder of single chapters where a group scanlated something then abandoned it after one chapter. I actually consider a group having their own reader to be a sign they're committed
with that shit you can buy 10TB of HDDs
>"I'm a fujoshi and he's a yuri-otaku"

>Completely changed the tone of the manga
>Introduced a guy that looks like a serial rapist
It's like there's a force working against the yuridom
The tone wasn't that off but the art definitely looked weird this chapter. I agree that guy is stupidly menacing though and he better not be a generic hardass homophobe father in slippers or I'll lose it.

Has anyone read the series she was talking about in the afterword? It made me think she is going down the YD route and we'll lose her just like the other author but maybe it would end up being safe this time.
Lately it does feel like a great disturbance settled over /u/. We need some more fluff releases to mellow the chaos.
well at least it won't fail all at once...
I read the first few chapters. It's a gender-bender comedy, and any mention of yuri/yaoi are treated as joke fuel for the gender-bending.

It's just the reality that outside of a few magazines (Dengeki Daioh, Yurihime), almost no publisher will allow gachi-yuri to be serialized.
Don't fall for what the yuri doomsayers say. Yuri is and always will be a niche genre with noticable ups and downs, people who spend a lot of time here tend to forget that.
> It's like there's a force working against the yuridom

How much money have you spent on yuri?
>>Introduced a guy that looks like a serial rapist
Er... I'm assuming that's supposed to be Mikoto's father?
Fathers are awful, they fucked our mothers, that's definitely not yuri.
Never forgive them.
/u/ confirmed for having daddy issues.
I love /u/.
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This was nice. Can't wait for chapter 2.
If you aren't conceived in vitro by two women, what are you even doing on /u/?
I'm sorry, the science didn't exist back then.
this is the yuri board, not the man-hating board.
I had no idea Cartman posted on /u/.
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There's a difference?
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Cartman's mother is actually his "father" though. He never did figure out who his actual birthmother is.
You haven't watched South Park in years, have you?

>Impersonating FlanDoll (Touhou)
It feels like there should be more
>that underwear
hella classy
No news for Akuma no Riddle ch47 yet?
I posted this in General but I guess it got lost in the sea of shitposting. I think the titles is Calulus (or maybe it's supposed to be read as Catalyst?) Syndrome. It seems to be about a disease that turns girls into catgirls.

Guess it's better than turning into weapons
The url more or less spells it out as "Catulus Syndrome" (with the kanji reading as Catgirl Syndrome). Ironically the wiktionary for "catulus" lends it definitions more towards dogs (and a bunch of Romans).
don't bully Romans
>Shinozaki-san ch38
still no yuri, fuck it i'm dropping this shit its gonna end just like stretch where nothing happens and we all end up blue balled
Well anon, evidently you havent read many rom com then. The author may as well end the story if they got together now.

And Shinozaki has never presented itself as a yuri series, its focus has always been the otaku shenanigans. Its protag just happens to be a fucking gaylord.
Cry about this horrible oppression on tumblr, please.
Shinozaki is a comedy manga about a closeted lesbian. If you're only reading it to read about girls in lesbian relationships, then by all means, drop it. But to say that there' "still no yuri" is ridiculous. It's been yuri from the moment Akina laid eyes on Kaede without her glasses in chapter 1.
Request Compilation (Touhou)

Nanoha Vivid ch65

YoshiMaru Tawawa Challenge (Love Live Sunshine, YoshiMaru)

Standard Carrier Wo-Class Shimakaze's Yuri Slave Training ~Pleasure Training~ (KanColle)
It's just that the comedy has gotten stale.
then a girl who joins a dudes harem because of a crush on another girl is yuri too then.
Well according to some of the general thread anons that's true. And if you disagree you're a purityfag.
No, dipshit, we're talking about girls loving girls here. That's what their relationship is. You're being nearly as retarded as >>2168528
What's up with the bizarre martyr fantasies? Lately, the only thing that's gotten anyone called a purityfag is getting triggered over someone recommending Octave.
I suspect it's the same guy, who's now butthurt over it.
Shut the fuck up about things "not being yuri" just because there's no explicit clam slamming in it. It's shitty stale bait.
I think that anon is upset because of the lack of focus on yuri overall. People started dropping it left and right when the guy started being prominent.
I'm actually quite fond of Makoto and the fact that they have an explicitly and implicitly sibling relationship and are both repulsed by the idea of incest, but I understand why other anons have dropped it.
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I dropped it too honestly. No reason why it couldn't have been a sister.
bros before hoes
Yeah, I like him too. And I can relate with being a nerdy big brother to a (somewhat) normie sister.
Here you go >>2163932
>see preview
I'm not touching that. I mean I'm sure it's full of intelligent discussion and all.
No, it's concentrated cancer. That's why I linked it to you.
He started out alright, but he became more and more cancerous every time the author thinks adding het harem fanservice with him is a good idea.
Because presumably yuri siscon isn't as big a cliche as brocon?
Shinozakis just attract harems, clearly neither he nor Akina can help it.
Pretty much. If the artist started running out of ways of getting comedy out of Akina being a closet otaku lesbian, they should have advanced her plot with Kaede instead of shifting focus to the big brother.
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No, but it's infinitely better. Hello, welcome to /u/, we like yuri here. Not het harems pushed into yuri.
Did I say I preferred it? I'm just offering a reason as to *why* it was chosen.

I dropped it because it became stale and the endless introduction of new characters plainly shows that the author has no idea where to go next

And why would I want to read something with no direction at all?
because Akina a cute
That has never even happened. Please don't talk about the manga if you don't read it.

I'm not that cheap
Same as anything, you enjoy the characters and the situations they get into. Why does your opinion of a manga you don't read matter to anyone?
we all have our price anon
You're talking about Comic Flapper that was publishing Sayuri-san just recently. And comparing it to Dengeki Daioh which has only one yuri title under its belt just shows your ignorance.
Did you not read the other posts confirming it? Or are you just in denial? Face it, the lardass and the 'jokes' revolving around him is what's killing the series.

I have too, but that's not nearly enough
He only appears a handful of times, mainly to drive the message that otaku are people too, and if you think the author is making him a harem, you must not read a lot of harem.
just because a lot of people agree with you doesn't mean you're right. It can also mean you're an idiot in good company.
If anything he's making my opinion of otaku even lower than before.

>making him a harem,
Not actually making a harem, but het harem pandering "fanservice". It has the same effect though.
Not you are overreacting by small things
You should take that broom out of your asshole and realise that sometimes, people like to make jokes, and when the perpetually offended are around who cannot fucking take a comedic relief character, then you ruin the fun for everyone.
I cant think of any of the girls actually show interest in him though. He always just seems like a big brother figure to Akina 's friends, and his sempai is so immersed in her yaoi delusions that the probability that she will hook up with anyone is non existent.

I mean its ok to feel frustrated and drop it because the lack of direction and progress, but blame it on the brother alone is unreasonable. Stagnation is a common problem of rom com like this, and I think its just unlucky for us the author has chosen otaku shenanigans as the focus instead of Akina s loveline, while the latter is what actually has brought her to this point.

Also I like Touko x Konatsu and they kiss in the next chapter so I'll probably hang around for a little bit more.
This is exactly how people try to defend the brother in Prisma Illya too.
Except that guy is the MC of his own series, which is based on a harem VN where he's the lead.

None of that applies here.
The brother in Prisma Iliya is actually a different character, though, and thus I don't really get what you're trying to say.

Stop shitting up the thread just because you got triggered.
>people like to make jokes
Everyone does, and that's not a bad thing.
Running that joke into the ground is a bad thing, however. Akina's brother is well on his way to China at this point.

>his sempai is so immersed in her yaoi delusions
And this is another joke that's been driven into the ground with no survivors.
It applies when people are using the "stop hating him guys he's just a comic relief you just can't take a joke" card there too, just like in here.
no you fucking retard, it's two completely different contexts.
Plus, nobody is telling you to top hating it, they're telling you to stop throwing a hissyfit about it whenever the series is mentioned.

You don't have to like everything. But if you dislike something, you don't have to fucking go on about it at every opportunity.
>stop being mad
>while being even madder yourself

I'm not the one getting triggered by release URLs.
I'm not the one using insults and buzzwords to prove my point.
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>Nanoha Vivid ch65

So adorable.
The general thread is full of trolling, lurching to extremes to create strawmen to attack.
NicoMaki Manga (Love Live, NicoMaki)

Some HonoUmi, Some KotoUmi (Love Live, HonoUmi)
>If anything he's making my opinion of otaku even lower than before.

How? Out of all the Otakus shown thus far, he's the most tamed and chill of them. What could he have possibly done more than the others to make your opinion lower of Otakus?
When are we getting more yuri amnesia onee-sama?
Rare to see a protagonist this dense.
Girls Und Panzer: Phase Erika ch1

The Long Wait Is Over (Shirobako, AoEri)

Kotatsu Second Years (Love Live, HonoKotoUmi)
Gendai Majo no Shuushoku Jijou ch3
Tenshi no Kaori Sasowarete (Love Live Sunshine, YoshiMaru)
Thanks you for your hard work at translating.
A White Sigh, Like a Burn Wound

>it's a oneshot with a boyfriend drama and your heart starts beating, wishing for a good end
>boyfriend drama
Oh boy, can't wait for the intelligent discussion.
>boyfriend drama

Liar! You promised DRAMA, that's not drama, the guy only ever shows up in a flashback
She didn't even go out with him so I doubt anyone will try to stir up shit about it other than yourself of course. MC sees her say yes in the flashback but the big reveal is that she turns him down immediately after.
>I doubt anyone will try to stir up shit about it
You don't know /u/ very well, do you?
Metaposting about potential shitposting isn't that smart either.
Another new series from CUNE and the first chapter is already very good.

CUNE is giving Kirara a run for its money at this point.
The Zartlichkeit Du Yuri picked it up. Chapter 2 soon.
Pure Love Bath Romance (Love Live, NozoEli)
>Zartlichkeit Du Yuri

rip whatever series that was, then
GOOD! The more competition there is, the better the manga will be. EVERYBODY WINS!
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holy shit the tension in this.
but the ending is like a kick in the balls
A shame, this series is damn great.
Still waiting for the instant where everything will crumble down. Next month might be interesting though, if Mikage gets caught for lying about having a boyfriend in front of Tsubasa and Nadeshiko.
Why? They released Dear My Teacher Vol. 6, 7 and 8 rather fast after the announcement.
I think it's more likely that she stole the boyfriend of one of those three girls so now they are there looking to teach her a lesson.
Nah, not so much b/c of that line about "I know she'll keep teasing me forever" or whatever it was implying that they're going to be together.
I'm so delighted someone picked up nanashi no asterism! I powered through the first chapter on my own because I really wanted to share the series with the rest of /u/, so while I would have loved to keep working on it (and other series), work has been dominating my life lately. I've been sort of hoping someone would just go for it and do chapter 2 to pick up where I left off. Best of luck to the scanlation team.
Don't know about it, we only saw Mikage with a "boyfriend" once, in the first chapter, right?
Anyway, it could be a good thing if the situation between the girls could change.
>/u/ can't wait for translations of a shitty manga with girls with boyfriends and a siscon trap boy that steal tons of pages from the "yuri" to develop a yaoi couple nobody give a damn about
Nothing new.
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I know right?
So much butthurt for a yuri manga.
>anon don't want to learn japanese to read whataver manga she want.
you choice.
>Idiot who can barely write English tells anon to learn Japanese.
My sides
see, i was right, i win!
No, I'm telling you to learn proper English before you tell other people to learn a language that not even you know. Practice what you preach, fool.

>I win

Are you a child?
Haha fuck you, I want it, and need it. Also /u/ is not one person, as evidenced by your shitpost.
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Tanlines and Tomboys

COMIC BAVEL 2016-09 [Digital] P189-204 [syou]
Well this is kind of depressing.
Yuri Danshi
Don't reduce Octave to a troll word. That's letting the retards win.
You know what? You are right, sorry about that.
Reimu x Remilia Untitled H-Manga (Touhou)
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[Eromame] The Yuri Ika (Split couple duel) [raw] [Japanese] [ongoing]
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(C90) [Nedaore (Ayane)] Rinshousuru Futari no Madobe (Puella Magi MadokaMagica)

(C86) [Asatsuki Dou, Wancho-ke (Youta, Wancho)] Koma-chan Yuuna!! (Non Non Biyori) (pgs 4-11 yuri story, 2nd story is futa and has solo hetero pics)

[Romi] LoveHo Iku KanaFumi (Kari) (THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS) [Korean]

(Utahime Teien 11) [Tsuki no Uragawa (Romi)] Kanade-san, Daitemo Yoroshii Deshouka (THE iDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS)

[Munyuudou] Shokushu to Black Magician Girl-san (Yu-Gi-Oh!) [Digital] (weird yuri tentacle)

[Anthology] Denei Tamatebako 8 - Utakata no Tenshi-tachi II (Various) (has few yuri stories)

[Anthology] Denei Tamatebako 1 - Sakura Saku (Cardcaptor Sakura) (some of the stories are yuri)

[Anthology] Doujin Anthology Bishoujo a La Carte 3 (Various) (has few yuri stories)

[Yumesaki Annai Kairanban (Hiro Hiroki)] Marshmallow March (The Marshmallow Times) (couple yuri pics)
GuP Little Army II ch11

GuP Motte Rabu Rabu ch36
A Kiss and a White Lily ch25.5
I think these two are my favourite
They're all second-language English speakers, and it really shows in the TLs. Kimi no Tame nara Shineru is borderline unreadable, which is pretty sad for a Kuzushiro series.

There's nothing wrong with being an ESL translator, but you should definitely check it over with a native English speaker.
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(C90) [Fuketsudan (Chabo)] Yadoame [English] [ATF]

>monster girl
>tentacle girl monster
>yet it feels bad after reading
Toki ch4 & Saki Biyori BG ch58-59

Aromatic (Touhou)
Possess (Idolmaster)

Stairway of Summer (Love Live Sunshine, YoshiMaru)

Confession (Love Live Sunshine, RikoYou)
>Stairway of Summer (Love Live Sunshine, YoshiMaru)
that was absolutely adorable. i wasnt too keen on this ship but desu im on board after reading this.
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Looks like Mira is doing a elf/dark elf story for Vol 3 of Yuri Pregnancy by KTC.

I didn't even know a Vol 3 had been announced yet.
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>dark elf
It should be out before the end of the month, and there'll be a 4th.

Apparently the artists want it to be lighter in tone this time.
When wast the last Citrus chapter again?
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>There will be a 3rd volume of yuri pregnancy
>and a 4th one as well

There is a God after all
Flowers that Bloom from Boundaries: First Part (Touhou)
Where's two and one?
They're oneshots. Search Yuri Ninshin on exhentai or dynasty.
The Mistress Story ch12-14
Nanoha Vivid ch66
another childhood friend history
The Continuing Misadventures of a Yuri Otaku
no Dynasty, eh?
This must be from the "we can't say why" drama over Dear My Teacher being translated by some other group and blacklisted on Dynasty. What is the point of translating if they make a fuss over people trying to read it? Drama like this usually signals the death knell for a scanlator too. Hope it isn't so since we barely have any left as it is.
Wish I could read it without downloading it. Oh well.
Riko Complex (Love Live, RikoYoshi)
Is there any hope for Opapagoto?
My bet is machine learning will get good enough to translate japanese before someone gets around to translating it themselves. Same goes for most TL-never series too.
Dynasty wouldn't be Dynasty without the drama.

read it in chinese
That's a shame, I really like Binbou.
Everyone is blacklisting dynasty all of a suddenjust what the hell did they do?
Who's everyone?
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>fansubs drama
>scanlators drama
I don't think i want to get involve in these pointless drama. I already periodically check yuri-ism and sadpanda for manga that will not shown at Dynasty.

Yuri community is already small in the first place, getting divided is just going to hurt everyone.

We got common interest and objective, but why we should suffer like this?
kek, it's always been full of drama
yes. while i am aware, i just didn't take part of it.
GuP Phase.Erika ch2

Mahou Shoujo no Nichijou 2wei (Prisma Illya, MiyuIllya)

Christmas Nya! (Love Live, RinPana)
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mildly out of character but who the fuck cares
Yuri-ism stuff always ends up on Dynasty, maybe not immediately, but it does. The only exception I can think of is Isya's stuff, but that's b/c Yuri-ism's officially translating her stuff, now.
Would somebody please post what exactly is going on? What happened? What's the fallout? stuff like that.
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It doesn't matter to any of us. It's the scanlator's own problem.
Gakkou Gurashi ch51

Saki Shinohayu ch38
>I would advise you not to test if you have immunity against blood infection

Yeah, Kurumi is fine.
that ending.....

i feel unclean
It was the ending that made you feel unclean?
I like Heart of the girl and Amnesia girl, but this is even better and it deserves to be serialized. I need it.
Why is that loli so fat?
Can you not read? Or have you never seen a pregnant woman?
>No Dynasty

What the hell?
>no dynasty
>can't download it
I don't even
>>can't download it
What? The download link is the [MF] link.
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Two hundred (200) pages

Franted aome we've seen already, but damn. This is like more effort than s/he put in actual serialized stoey.
Yuzimori-san 9: Things are happening edition
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I don't like you.png
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Sweet new reaction pic
[hushabyevalley] alien girl (english)
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[Takano Saku] Kanojo to Watashi no Himitsu no Koi - She falls in love with her

(C90) [Shiromitsuya (Shiromitsu Suzaku)] Zoku Rin-chan de Asobou! (Love Live!)

[Vampire*Berry (Ougi Hina)] SEcret Time. (Kantai Collection -KanColle-) [Chinese] [百花屋汉化组] [Digital]

(C76) [Chocolate Macaron (Yoshizawa Vanilla)] Adoration Waltz (VOCALOID)
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(SC2016 Summer) [KOTORIBIDOU (koto)] Shimaikan ni Yokuarukoto (Kantai Collection -KanColle-)

[Kochou no Yume (Utakata)] Ojou-sama to Otawamure (Touhou Project) [Digital]

(C90) [J.O.C e.go!! (Kasuga Souichi)] Love Siesta (Granblue Fantasy)

(C90) [Umekko Dou (Umekko)] Sundome Jirasare Onanie (lolis)

(C90) [Kurocan, Toramadara. (Itsuki Kuro, Ryuuga Ookami)] Dokodemo Issho (Love Live!)
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[peachpulsar (Mira)] Himitsu no Yuri Esthe [Chinese] [片羽汉化组] [Digital]

(C90) [HEADROOM (Sakawaki Herodai, Oda Haiji)] HERO!! (Boku no Hero Academia) (pgs 3-14)

(C88) [Yumesaki Annai Kairanban (Hiro Hiroki)] Copybon Matome (Various) (pgs 16-23)

[Anthology] 3 nen 2 Kumi Maho Gumi!! 2 (Ojamajo Doremi) (several yuri stories)

[Anthology] 3 nen 2 Kumi Maho Gumi!! (Ojamajo Doremi) (several yuri stories)

[Anthology] Girl's Parade Scene 7 (Various) (couple yuri stories)

[Anthology] Girl's Parade Scene 3 (Various) (pgs 5-20)

[Anthology] Girl's Parade Scene 4 (Various) (pgs 90-103)

[Anthology] Girl's Parade Scene 1 (Various) (pgs 144-147. 149-157)
>all that tongue
>no cunnilingus
Well it's mostly just scattered non-smutty concept pages.

If we're lucky maybe the comic will have some, though probably nothing really explicit.
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Sansha Sanyou ch11

ReiMari Manga (Touhou)

Nyoroko's Live Broadcasting ch03

New Game! ch40

Drunk Aoba the best Aoba.
>New Game! ch40
That was great. Rin being super gay, Kou being perhaps slightly less oblivious, Aoba being sadistic.
Season 2 when?
>[Takano Saku] Kanojo to Watashi no Himitsu no Koi - She falls in love with her
This is great! Yuri-ism already translated some of the stories in this book.
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no release date for yuri preggos 3 yet?

I need it onee-sama
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Sorry for being offtopic, but anyone remembers the name of the age gap yuri with the Doctor and the schoolgirl? They met at a party, the doctor didn't knew shes that young, feels remorse afterwards, but they meet again. It was fullcolored (watercolor) in bluish/purple. I can't fucking find it. I could swear it was on tumblr. The doctor had shoulder long hair, the girls was longer.
31st for earliest digital release

I'll spoonfeed you, I guess.
I love you.
>I just wanna grope some ass
Don't we all.
That page destroyed me. Can't breathe.

Thanks senpai
36.5 chapters and still no signs of gay.
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>It's another lesbians are lust-filled sexual predators episode
I can't bring myself to honestly complain though
>36.5 chapters
>And still no progress
I stoped caring about this series after vol. 2. It's just a gag manga. Fuck this shit.
I pointed out this manga was really boring and had practically 0 yuri a while back and like 3 anons instantly jumped at me
/u/ loves everything cute and has a vagina
See bocchi
Bocchi is fun though
If you think Bocchi is better than Futaribeya you are the reason why we can never have nice things.
>replying to shitposts
I mean
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Sometimes it's hard to tell which side are the shitposters, see hikibek.
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Riko & Haru & Irukawa Hot Springs ch17

fucking finally
Do they fug?

it just this chapter got released after 2 years of wait. now i need to wait for another 2 years for next chapter.
It always feels like a weird one to me, because the mangaka clearly sees them as being in a romantic relationship, but for whatever reason that's only explicit in extra art. I dunno if it's a personal choice or a request from higher ups.
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>They pick up Hayate X Blade again
>now this
can't wait for the next one or two year hiatus though
The sad thing is I don't see it having any satisfying conclusion either.
Holy shit, I was just recently thinking it's a shame it got dropped
I remember that Haru kisses a sleeping Riko in one chapter but I don't think anything ever came of it and there was a rushed ending.

The author is also working on a new series called Ayakashiko, which may have some potential with the human girl and the nekomata.
The Zashiki-warashi in Ayakashiko is also basically guaranteed to give you diabetes so it's worth a look just for her
I think it would be difficult to do while maintaining the same tone, but maybe in a doujin or something?
Probably editorial meddling.
We Ebisu-san now?
This updated? Last chapter was like two fucking years ago.
Any day now we'll get a another chapter of Rock It Girl.
>rock it girl

don't remind me
>Latest Release(s)
>v.4 c.10 by Horobi no Michi (2378d ago)
At least we will always have something that we know we will never get more of
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I was not prepared for how depressing this was.
>Already forgot how much i miss this
Thanks mate
Why aren't there patreons for yuri scantlators yet?
Isn't scanlating on its own already kind of illegal?
b/c it's technically not legal to scanlate stuff you haven't licensed?
Because Patreon is cancer.
Opapagoto when?
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>Any day now we'll get a another chapter of Rock It Girl.

The post was insulting people who said stuff like that, you noob.
Shhhh, Onee-sama, he's mad nobody bit on it b/c he didn't detect the sarcasm.
releases http://hebe.site/yuri-downloads

What about Ayame 14?

If Patreon can support the mangas by purchasing them from the proceeds, I dont see a problem.

Someone at yuriproject has translated chapters 17-20, but no editor has picked up the translations.

17 http://safe.yuriproject.net/res/17086.html
18 http://safe.yuriproject.net/res/17088.html
19 http://safe.yuriproject.net/res/17092.html
20 http://safe.yuriproject.net/res/17107.html
It would only not be a problem if they use the Patreon to buy the appropriate licensing rights.
Do we get romance?
You're so quick and brutal in destroying my hopes Anon.
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well that's the truth.

i think (pic related) is the best we can get.
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and this one
But he is still right.
Shoyamu - First Night Dream (Touhou)

Chibi Ichiki (Kindred Spirits)

Post Graduation Eli Manga (Love Live)

Owari Hajimeta Sekai no Hate ni (Nanoha, NanoFate)

Servant x Queen

Oddman 11 ch27
Just follow the reply chain.
>Servant x Queen
Is this one of those stories where it's easier to tell who's saying what in Japanese, because I had no idea what was going on at least 50% of the time.
Double Bind (Aikatsu, RanYuri)
MakiRinPana's Lessons on Living Together ch2 (Love Live, MakiRinPana)
Yeah that was confusing. I like how the main couple acts, but I do not get their fantasy backstory.
Ruby-chan wa Maru no Mono -zura! (Love Live Sunshine, RubyMaru)
That's probably because this is a sequel of sorts.
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>Oddman 11 ch27

I love it even more now.
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>Oddman 11
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Stop it.
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Love Live! School Idol Project
>Oddman 11 ch27
damnit i must of read the raw for this because i know i have already seen it, when is the next chapter coming out?
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>oddman 11
The harem is circling, they're closing in for the kill. Wonder who'll get the finishing blow.
The raw was uploaded weeks and weeks ago but got suddenly deleted right after it dropped so yeaaaah we've seen it. No clue why it suddenly disappeared back then tho

>The squid girl might be next on the rooftop
Oh jesus!
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pg 15, "I've always wanting", that's an error, it should be "wanted"
>those tags

So what's the deal with this one boss?
Au REvoir fille inconnue (Touhou)

MakiRinPana Rin Birthday Manga (Love Live, MakiRinPana)

Hidamari Sketch 2016-11
Just read it, it's impossible to explain.
Though if you're worried the yuri content heavily outweighs the het content.
>het content

There shouldn't be any in the first place.

no one cares
It's Dowman Sayman manga so it's just weird.
Go cry on tumblr about it.
>defending het
I must be on the wrong the board.
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this this the fate of /u/
>I must be on the wrong the board.
Have you considered that it not that people like het, but dislike you.
Thanks for the laugh.
I hope so, since it's leagues more reasonable than /u/ normally is about such things.
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Did yui ever release sequel or is Double Bind Dream last part?
Double Bind Trilogy is the continuation. SHiN's got it finally, but it needs to be translated.
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This melted me. So cute!
headcrabs are not cute
>Monstergirl yuri
you can never have too much
That is some big facehugger
Can't be THAT BAD to have monstergirl pussy shoved into your face.
What monstergirl yuri is there?
There's one by Mira with something related to Dyrad, but everyone in Dynasty Scans despise that one for some reason. I'm personally okay with it, but then again I have low standard.
>caring what Dynasty thinks
nothing but a circlejerk for the moderators at this point
Well that was unpleasant.
Honestly I dunno if it was moderator circlejerk or people over there have really high standard.

When I saw some of my editing work there for Mira and people just say "Oh Mira, meh", it kinda sucks a bit.
Some of her works are good like that one story about the scientist and an OL, but some are rather ehh. Her drawings are also not that special, but definitely not worse than Takemiya Jin's. She's ok. Just in the middle.
Speaking of Mira, I kinda wish someone have the translation for this one https://exhentai.org/g/892471/6317f82494/ I would gladly do the editing work for it
Mira's great, when she does comedy.
New thread >>2179317
Speak for yourself. Mira is up there with the best for me. Especially since she occupies a small niche of lewd yuri with plot. Most lewd yuri we get is either mind-numbingly dumb, or doujins, so Mira's original contributions are always welcome.
Also because Mira is one of the few authors that isn't hung up on high school-aged characters.
Hey, if you read this, I love Mira. Lots of jackasses make comments even when they don't know what they're talking about or even reflecting on why they think the way they do. True yuri fans realize that Mira is filling a very unique and underserved yuri niche. Additionally she's just plain prolific and dedicated to yuri. Thanks for editing her stuff.
Nah, they're just arses. I loved that one as well and I was disagreeing with people there over it, but I've given up at this point. The place is awful. I appreciate your work, at least.
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