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Translation Thread

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 336
Thread images: 70

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Continued from >>2044335

Welcoming all translators, typersetters, quality checkers, etc to bring more scanlated yuri goodness to the world.

/u/'s scanlations: http://dynasty-scans.com/scanlators/u_scanlations
KanjiTomo (kanji reader tool): http://kanjitomo.net/
SFX reference guide: http://thejadednetwork.com/sfx/
Typesetting guides:

Previous TLs
Incomplete (need TL help): http://pastebin.com/exVYKTEr (embed)
Complete (but may need QC): http://pastebin.com/GQfKfytX (embed)

Yurikuma Arashi Vol3
ch20: http://pastebin.com/sP9nfFLY (embed)
ch21: http://pastebin.com/zkMFKFtG (embed)
ch22: http://pastebin.com/NDbEtwcm (embed)
ch23: http://pastebin.com/0dCiruhi (embed)
ch24: http://pastebin.com/H4vswJ4m (embed)
ch25: http://pastebin.com/EvzQDN2D (embed)
ch26: http://pastebin.com/USagc4dH (embed)
ch27: http://pastebin.com/cgv35aN4 (embed)
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New Morishima
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I LOVE it when she does this stuff!
that's need to be translated
ch 1 - http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=52858850
ch 2 - http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=52938454
ch 3 - http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=53266001
ch 4 - http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=55032050
What happened with the typesetting of those 2 yuyushiki doujins?
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タツノコッソ Scans Anon here. Still haven't heard back from the guy who agreed to typeset the first one with the latest proofread of the rough translation. He has my uncompressed RAWs, so I'm still waiting on an update. Another person accepted the editing bounty as well but they haven't sent me any messages.

Also the link for Shakaijin Yuyushiki 1 needs updated in the master list. Most current revision to my knowledge is this: http://pastebin.com/E8Ee1JJg

If there are any QC updates I can pass on to the typesetter, please post them so I can relay that to them.
So because Anon has been missing for some time, would anyone else knowledgeable in moon runes like to look at Goggled Anon's Yuri Kuma Arashi translations maybe?
Where is this from?
Yuri Kuma Arashi
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How do you translate "dododododo"?
*rumble* tends to be the appropriate JoJo usage.
So "rumblerumble", stretch one word rumble to fit?
I'd say just one or two rumbles around the katakana to save on redrawing.
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>to save on redrawing
About that...
Too late lol?
Has anyone, by chance translated that pixiv comic a doujin author wrote about how she went to a lesbian brothel to help deal with her depression? It seemed like a surprisingly touching story and I've been really curious to read it.
http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=51537801 this one, right? I haven't seen any.
Translation is on Yuri Project.
Thank you for the head's up. However, I can only find a request for it on the board section of the website, and not the actual translation. I tried searching the title of the story with no results.
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Thank you very much. Have a cute pic as a sign of my gratitude.
Missed me?

YKA ch 20:

My shithole country was range banned for few weeks but it seems fine now.
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Updated: http://pastebin.com/cBWYh68T
Anyone able to think of a better way to phrase that liaison line?
Thanks, I'll try to work on it this weekend.

Perhaps, instead of liaison, a word such as "surrogate" or "proxy"?
Well the word in question is 馴れ合い, which both Google and KanjiTomo translate as either collusion, conspiracy, liaison, cozy, or illicit intercourse. It's putting that into a decent sentence that's the tricky part...
Maybe something like "your affair with me"?
I guess we'll go with that for now
If they were doing something in collusion, you could say something like, "or like the arrangement/agreement/deal you had with me/we had."

It's not used to refer to a love affair.
The term "love affair" has the connotation that it's behind someone's back, but that's not what it really means. Saying something like "the arrangement/agreement/deal" sounds too cold and transaction-like to me. I'll let actual moon-readers debate it.
Specifically, I mean just "affair" taken by itself does not imply anything other than the certain events that both had partaken in, of which they both understand what it is they are referring to.
Bearing in mind in this context 馴れ合い is being used to describe how the things she and Yurika have been doing is different from actually being in love.
Maybe something like "It's just illicit intercourse like what you've been doing with me"?
"illicit intercourse" also sounds awfully wooden. Would "false love" perhaps be better?
false love would be 偽恋
If they're actually fucking, then do "mindless sex" or smth like that? I dunno...
I'll use whatever has been decided upon when I get to typesetting, so fight it out amongst yourself.

My typesetter for Shakaijin Yuyushiki recently asked me if there were any updates to the current translation/proofread.

From what I've looked over, the script seems solid enough for a rough draft so I asked him for a copy of the typeset to post here for a final QC.

I'll update when I've received a reply. Thank you all for your assistance.
It looks like whatever link was there has expired, by the way
>No... the gender isn't the problem here
It's a shape. She wants to always be together with Reia and marriage is just one of the ways for that.

By 馴れ合い Yurika was referring to 馴れ合い夫婦 - couple living together without marring, in other words haram. Maybe use something like intrigue.
Something like this then? http://pastebin.com/Pu4T7J2A
Sounds fine to me. Sorry for the bullshit above, I'm a bit tired. What I meant is form doesn't matter if they can be together.
Yeah, I just kinda assumed it was Yurika speaking there.
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Kale is a super qt. I would pierce her heart with my love bullets if I were Reia.

YKA20 v1:
Also, if cleaning Anon is still here and would like to continue, I would appreciate it.
I'm here. I will clean chapter 21 tomorrow.
Thanks, but there's no rush.
>Instead of a human who thought she were a bear
was a bear
ditto with "were a human"

>Another day, another full score
"perfect score" would probably work better

>Right, kale?
>Missing caps on Kale

>No way I am going home.
No way am I going home.

Missing church bell sfx

YKA20 V2:

YuriKuma Arashi - Chapter 21 Cleaned
YKA ch 21:
>Rather than being eaten by me
>you were supposed to have shot me to death.
Kale wanted to get shot. And Reia has never agreed to shoot her anyway.

>They both can't help but transmit her hopeless love to me
Can't help isn't really needed here.
Same thing really. It all boils down to stuff Kale one-sidedly wanted to happen. I just went with what sounded better.

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This was just a bit too close to vore for my liking.

YKA21 V1:

>What kind of herb would you...
herb tea

>I'll give her my thanks and take her back home
I'll give my thanks (just to avoid confusion)

>It will put it's life on the line

So... the tombstone in chapter 22 says Leia on it?
Indeed. Such is the pain of noone revealing how to spell out names til the end game. The romanizations seem to go back and forth anyway (vol 2 uses Eureka while vol 3 uses Yuri-ka), so I guess just stick with what we've been using (Reia's a kanji name anyway)
Wikipedia and >MAL use Reia too.
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Got a progress update from my Shakaijin YYS typesetter.

Everything looks good so far but the last line on the page stuck out to me.

>But, just a little more...

I'm wondering if it's meant to be more along the lines of:
>But, a bit later/a little afterwards...

Any input on that?
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Also, it may be asking a bit much but if anyone here can translate the foreword/afterword (まえがき/あとがき) for this doujinshi, I would greatly appreciate it.

If anyone's interested in doing that sadpanda hath, I can compensate them for their effort. That's all I have to report.
I'd say it's more of a "just a little longer" kinda thing, ie. Yui's anticipation of finally moving in with Yukari and Yuzuko.
Is this the ending to YuYushiki?
Pretty much.
Alright, I'll leave that in as-is, then.

タツノコッソ recently announced 社会人ゆゆ式3 on her twitter, so I'm definitely hyped for that (amazed it wasn't concluded with 2).

Reminds me, I'll have to do some searching around used doujin shops for 相川が可愛すぎて困る. Still miffed that I missed the window on her pixiv booth.

That and ゆゆ四季まとめっ!are my next scans on the list to handle when I have some free time.
What's the most up to date pastebin for part 2?
Speaking of Tatsunokosso, here's a Halloween YYS fresh off the depressed Chinabears.
To my knowledge, it's this one:

Shakaijin Yuyushiki 2:
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Okay, here's some translation corrections. I wasn't going for perfect wording, just bettering the translation so a few of them are probably aren't worded as well as they could be. I leave it to someone else to improve upon that.

Pastebin so I don't need to double post. Only contains bits I made corrections to, not the full script.

A lil TsubaHonks from Sekihara
YuriKuma Arashi - Chapter 22 Cleaned
YuriKuma Arashi - Chapter 23 Cleaned
Thanks, Anon.
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Googled Anon:

There's a lewd Aikatsu! mini-comic that appeared recently in Pixiv. Since, well, it's Aikatsu!, and all, so please let me translate that one. Cleaning of the pages are currently under way.
YKA ch22:

Damn, what a good chapter.
post them and I'll see if I feel like doing it.

Nothing stopping you. I don't really browse Pixiv for doujins to scanlate either way. It's mostly just the Sadpandas.
Great! By the way, this is a legit doujin that was published in winter comiket. It's similar to the RanAo lewd book I translated. The author just decided to give it away for free.
No complaints on my side.
I have to give you credit for cleaning that first panel on page 79. It looks amazing.

Anyway, I should be done typesetting chapter 22 by tonight.
Morishima, playing with my feelings like that... I love it.

YKA 22: https://mega.nz/#!FNhBSbKT!MiadTm1MLeWOncmZXr6FPDxOU6XJS9tJmIb6HA1um0M

Also, on the second to last page, why are Yurika and Kale living on inside of Reia, who is dead? Shouldn't it be the other way around?

Also the part about Reia's gift to "me" and stuff like that. This might be baseless, but I feel like that should be "us" to include both Yurika and Kale.

I changed those both in my revision here. If it's actually incorrect I'll change them back.
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>Shouldn't it be the other way around?
You'd think so, but the dialogue does say "Reia no naka" (if it was inside of them, it would be "watashi-tachi no naka"). Not sure what to say about that...

>It seems like Ginko saw something different than we saw
than what we saw
I really mean no offense, but can we get a... third opinion on this? Would it be alright to post in the general and ask moonreaders to give their two yen?

I cannot imagine why two people, who are still alive, would have to live on inside of someone who is dead?

Also, were the changes I made to "us" on the second to last page alright?
The "us" part is fine. Far as I can guess, it's to do with the general "living" thing Yurika and Kale are going through this chapter.
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You don't need to know moon to get what Yurika meant. The world is basically Reia to them. The changes she brought were so drastic they can't return to the boxed life they had even if they wanted. The world as they know it now is inseparable from Reia's image. Do you even love?

Also, don't change middle panel to us. It's Yurika's call back to pic related.
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Need help on something. Madoka and Rin somehow ended up in a love hotel and the signage text below reads as 休憩. The problem, what's the right word for it? It's a signage for the hotel, but I'm not sure "Rest" or "Break" are good words to attract customers.
Either one is appropriate, since they're used to distinguish from an overnight stay. Rest probably sounds more natural, though.
There's a possibility it's a long name assuming the signage isn't 3 feet wide. But yeah, thanks.
Alrighty then.

YKA_V2: https://mega.nz/#!xRB0RRiD!kuEVXQLjtO1SHlGN6aIQ7uFDICPWWBP3GuIf-Wd9sFI
Some AnyaRanko
Anyone interested in working on this project?
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Anyone willing to translate this set?

This looks really cool, and is relevant to my life as a lonely lesbian. I would love it if someone picked it up.
Translator showed up! Now we need an editor.
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I'm sorta confused here. Sumire is doing Akari's Oozora Otenki gig and Sumire here uses, uh... Akari's pussy to report the weather. (It'll make sense eventually). In this scene, Sumire is saying it'll rain soon and I'm not sure how to translate 指 with the word くも beside it. I get the idea, but how do I word this one? Did Sumire say "finger" but corrected herself and said "cloud"?
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On a side note (I believe I asked this before), I'm planning to translate an original manga, but waited for an opportunity. That opportunity arrived when an Aikatsu fan artist is making an original work (pic related). She was supposed to publish this in GLF last June, but was delayed. Now she's poised to publish in GLF in September.

Is there a way to announce I'm doing this manga and stop other groups from picking this up? Or everything's a free-for-all?
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It's a thing manga and doujins do where they present one word but give it a different reading. It's often used for all the chunibyo superpowers with kanji spellings and English readings and whatnots, but can also be used to give certain words double meaning or extra edge. For example, in this snippet from Yurikuma, it's written down as "beginning" and "end" but is read as "arc" and "telos"

In this context, Sumire is referring to her fingers as clouds (cos they gonna make her pussy all wet har har). It can be a bit of a hassle for translators to decide how to put things down as they usually end up missing the extra nuance or having to explain things in a TL note. For the sake of the sexy weather puns here, using "clouds" in quotations would probably work best.

I can't exactly think of that many groups actively scanning Aikatsu doujins. Either way you should probably avoid having a "shut up I'm doing it" attitude, because it comes off like you're the only one who's allowed to translate this series. Honestly, the worse you'd have is someone ends up releasing their own version with a slightly different translation.
>but corrected herself
She's using weather lingo as sexual innuendo, saying kumo but meaning yubi. Without context, something like:
-As we see here,
-low-hanging clouds spread across the sky,
-bringing with them a high chance of rain. Ah, this might be quite the

...maybe. Clouds and fingers don't have much in comparable description
That's an interesting mechanic to adapt to porn
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Thanks. Currently applying the script. Aside from that, what's a "Kupaa"?
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can someone please translate ?
I'm guessing it's one of those "retarded smile" noises (similar to Higurashi's "nippa")
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It's a "spreading" sound effect.
Anyone willing to typeset this Nakatani kancolle doujin about Tenryuu and Tatsuta ?


I can typeset it myself but I'm pretty new to this. Also I don't know how to clean. If no one take it I will do it though.
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Can someone please help me decipher these handwriting?
Book translated: >>2101772
Thank you SHiN (and the rest of Lazy Lily)! Keep up the great work!
I'm free right now so I don't mind.
[I would have responded to you sooner but I had to wait for my completely unjustified ban to end. Mods = fags]

P1 (right to left)

"Rina, give me a bite of your hamburger!"
*bed hair*
(Oh man, she's got some rice stuck on her face)


"Jeez, it can't be helped."
*bed hair*
*sound effect for surprise*


"Y-you dummy! What on Earth do you think you're doing? The heat has made you lose your head! Miku, I only said to give me some of your hamburger!"
"Yeah! It's rock!"
*bed hair*
*despite that she's happy*

Someone else will have to do any technical stuff.
>Miku, I only said to give me some of your hamburger!"

Whoops, should just be "I only said to give me some of your hamburger!", assuming the cat-eared girl's name is Miku.
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Could somebody please translate himegoto flowers 10?
thank you!
If somebody typesets this into a hard translation, for the love of Madokami, PLEASE don't put "it can't be helped"

do something else... like "what am I gonna do with you?" or "I guess there's no other choice." or something... ANYTHING besides "it can't be helped"

"I guess there's no other choice" fits just as poorly.
I'd put "Whatever you say."
It's traditional. I don't really see how your suggestions would make the translation any more faithful.
Sorry, it can't be helped.
It's a stock direct translation phrase and hardly anybody says it unironically in English. It also shows that the translator and/or the copy editor are both either lazy as fuck or non-native English speakers.
Oh you!
There is no natural way to translate しょうがない into English, just deal with it.
Yep. You need to deal with it by not using "It can't be helped" b/c there are lots of other better (maybe not BEST, but better) ways.

Nee-chan, your logic is flawed if you think that because there's not really good way to translate it, you have to use the worst, most unnatural sounding phrase. Please go shitpost somewhere else.
It's case-by-case of course. A good reminder to apply brains to translating. Maybe this famous phrase fit the original example used to explain it or maybe they intended it as a catch-all, but using it every time is as accurate as a broken clock.
>what am I gonna do with you?
>I guess there's no other choice.

Neither of these sounds any more natural in English.

>Whatever you say.

And this doesn't even make sense in context, since the first girl clearly ignored the request for hamburger and was focused on the rice stuck on the second girl's face.

You only don't like it because you're sick of seeing it all the time, but in reality it gets USED all the time precisely because it's a pretty close approximation to the Japanese. If you want non-stilted translations, don't try to go between two languages as fundamentally different as English and Japanese.
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I'm currently not into advanced typesetting, but is there a way for me to imitate the fading of the text on the phone? I mean, the top top part of the email is visible while the text at the bottom is almost unreadable.
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A bit closer to the original.
So, for reference, what did you do with it?
I tinkered around the Gradient Overlay in the Blending Options. I then chose the gradient style, angle, and scale.
Oh and for that distorted text, select "Dissolve" in the Blend Mode option of the text.
Noted for future use. Thanks.
The translation is kinda iffy, so some QC would be appreciated.


Also somehow my Mediafire upload can't get pass 99%
>pg 6, "when she arrived"
when she arrives
>pg 7 & 10, "hero always comes last"
"the hero always comes last" or "heroes always come last"
Counting cover as page 1.
Page 2
Tatsuta yawning sound, better keep the original fuaan.
Page 3
Inazuma use 'Commander' instead of Admiral
Page 9 and 10
Level are different than the rest. Page 10 [Oh my, what's wrong Tenryuu?] Tenryuu into Tenryuu-chan.
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>still not translation

>Label the page wrongly
>Forgot to add leveling layer

Guess the alcohol from the previous night really got to me.


YuriKuma Arashi 23 when?
>get to the last page and the colophon
Wow, this is official?
When Anon comes back to look over translations.
Uhh, it's 2016 anon.
I think he means 2012 when it was scanned
Those good ol' elementary days where you'd go to your friends house and bring your feeldoes
Since YKA Translation Anon has said before he/she was range-banned, I set up this etherpad for YKA 23. You can post directly there if that is the case.

Here's an updated version, fixing the more obvious errors I made
YKA 23:

I wasn't banned, but since this chapter contains a lot of japs' food onanism I kind of lost the will.
Couple of phrases I've reworked or left as is just to make it flow better (eg. I think 'actors' sounds a lot more natural than 'key persons')
>I wasn't banned.

No worries. I wasn't trying to rush you, given I also have a busy week, but I just wanted an option in place in the event you did get banned again.
More glorious YuiAi
Whatever you think sounds better.

That's nice of you but a little push is exactly what I needed.

YKA 24:

YKA 25:
ch24: http://pastebin.com/1DbmpKx8
Not sure about using "tsundere" for a word that isn't actually "tsundere".

ch25: http://pastebin.com/vqQwbf8Y
YKA 26:

YKA 27:

>not sure about using "tsundere" for a word that isn't actually "tsundere"
I couldn't think up anything better. Really, you should just put a little more effort and my "help" wouldn't be needed.
ch26: http://pastebin.com/JRDMazKg
ch27: http://pastebin.com/4W1VrKqe
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im done.jpg
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>pic related, me when suddenly five chapters behind

Just joking. I'll try to complete chapter 23 over the weekend.

>my "help" wouldn't be needed
You did the omake for the past two volumes I think? We sure could use you for the third as well.
/yys/ salutes you
>We know this warmth won't last forever.

>still thinks I know jap
Have an omake then:
Omake: http://pastebin.com/CsNPQh7b

Decided against that cos it sounds unnatural.
>Make sure you switch your phone to flight mode this time.
It's roaming mode

>I think it's her "first"? Excuse me if I'm wrong.
world's first

>Hey, Kureha, where you born, did you have a breech birth?
Am I too ESL for this sentence or is it actually wrong?
Could someone please translate this?:

Here're the individual pages:
Hey Madoka
Shouldn't you start preparing for Homura's walks? It's already almost spring.
I don't think you need to. It's not like she's stupid or something.
Ah Kyoko-chan
What are you talking about Kyouko. There's plenty of dangers outside so you have to.
When how about just using a collar or something.
Eh, that's
Are you stupid!?
Nowadays you use a harness, a harness!
No I have a feeling that's no right either
What do you think Madoka? Which is better?
A collar? Or a harness?
Eeh, umm..
Ho, Homura chan is fine no matter which way she is!!
Eh, uh?
Can somebody please translate these doujins?
The first and third ones have been translated in chinese too, if it helps.
Some rough TLs for the New Game! prequel spinoff volume
ch0: http://pastebin.com/Ss49D5nV
ch1: http://pastebin.com/j2Da8UPV
ch2: http://pastebin.com/TKN1wzHJ
ch3: http://pastebin.com/JNLPY0ie
ch4: http://pastebin.com/bQmKZLej
ch5: http://pastebin.com/epS5w34L
ch6: http://pastebin.com/xnLE3Jxx
ch7: http://pastebin.com/pxrWuhvU
ch8: http://pastebin.com/jXkgrtJC
ch9: http://pastebin.com/Z569kXPm
ch10: http://pastebin.com/V6kzLHFr
ch11: http://pastebin.com/7XRNA5Ez
ch12: http://pastebin.com/rP3mVX4Q
ch13: http://pastebin.com/MLd41QHk
Thanks Onee-sama!
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Some anon asked for Shoujo Shikkaku Vol 2 on Buyfag Thread. Here it is:
How's my type-setting?
(I made some minor changes to the translation so that it would sound better to me.)
YKA 23:
Thank you very much. That anon was me.

So no changes then?
Not that I could find.
can you use the bigger pics?
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A different font as well as centering the font would look better I think. I think the most commonly used fonts for manga typesetting, for plain text, are called wild words and anime ace?

Only difference I notice is that "way" isn't included in the last page and typo fix. I think it sounds off like that, but I don't really like the way I had that line phrased originally either. More literally it was Homura chan is fine no matter what Homura chan she is. You can use whatever you think sounds best.
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Someone mentioned this was translated here. Can anyone tell me where I can find that translation?
Is Anon planning on cleaning the remaining YKA chapters?
Yes. I just opened PS.
Thanks, nee-san.
I didn't have the bigger pics, so I'll use yours.

Personally, I really like Times New Roman, but fine. I don't think either of those are in MS Paint, so what do they look like?
(I refuse to use Comic Sans.)

I didn't see the "way" in that line.

Also, do note that this is literally the second time that I've ever done type-setting.
YuriKuma Arashi - Chapter 24 Cleaned
Both suggested fonts you need to download and install, after which you'll be able to use them in paint and other programs. They're both free I believe or at least should be easily findable for free through Google.

I recommend learning some basics of using another program, like GIMP or Photoshop, if you're thinking of getting into typesetting/editing. You'll be able to do a lot better job that you could with paint. There's some guides in the OP, I imagine they should list some additional fonts if you don't like those two and give some good general pointers.
I'm making these translated pages for myself. If someone else wants to upload them somewhere, that's fine, but I'm not going to.

(I will also not be getting any programs that I have to pay for.)
Did somebody pick up this already? I can help.
>paying for things on the internet
Just look for a 'portable' version of photoshop. I can even throw my version of CS6 up on mf or something if you want.
No one has said they picked it up, and if you don't, it'll probably stay like that for all time. No pressure though.
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We finally bear fruit, /u/.

As soon as proofreading is done for Shakaijin Yuyushiki part 2 (or Yui-chan to Tanoshii Halloween), I'll gladly open up a typesetting bounty for it.

Most current versions of its script are here:

Main: http://pastebin.com/Ubvqrahh
Corrections: http://pastebin.com/wYyvcXK8
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those hands.png
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I am again impressed by how well you clean this.
Nice, finally. Can't wait for part 2.
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Someone could translate are 3 pages please... is a doujin of Akaga
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Looks like Doki's started putting it out.

>but I don't think "erased" is an apropriate expression
YKA23: Konnyaku Edition (See Dynasty Comments)

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Apologies if this has been posted before. There is an original work that I would love to be translated. This first part was already translated here:




[Mountain Pukuichi] Puku Yuri

Someone please translate this.
Gay ghosts
Any scribblespeakers able to translate this afterword from Kase-san vol. 3? >>2112610
Thanks. It's one of the stories in this >>2114994.
Will transcribe instead.





Bit of Takamachi family fluff

Thank you!
A Yuyushiki yuri doujin without Yui for once
Can I please get a link to that game that you have to play to get onto exhentai without the SadPanda blocking your way?
It's called "Google and Lurk Moar"
No, lurking won't help. Why? Because that requires that someone on here WON'T be an ass-hat like you and will actually post it. That also requires that someone else ask for the link.
Google also didn't help. That's why I asked here you fucking cunt.
See >>2115909
Does VN translation discussion go here or is this just for dougin/manga?
Hard to say, since usually the particularly game in question has its own thread. No problem with you asking stuff here, though I suspect you may get a better response from the Video Game thread.
Basically, what I want to know is this: there is a VN I want to play/read/whatever, and someone has translated the VN but as far as I can tell it hasn't been incorporated into the VN itself (the translation is in a separate text file). How difficult would it be to patch the game into English if the translation has already been done?
Definitely a question for the game thread, since it falls more into tech stuff.
Hi, if anyone's able to help, I'm just unsure about how to read the part after "思いつつ、"
Sensei's concerned that Eri may be pushing herself too hard.
YuriKuma Arashi - Chapter 25 Cleaned
Ask /v/. They know more about that than we do, in general.
Just in case you felt the last KeiChiho doujin wasn't angsty enough
YKA 25:

I was not prepared for these feels when I downloaded it today.

fuck everything...
Anyone know how to get past sad panda?
>how to get past sad panda
google this
Yep. I know how to. Thanks for asking!
Google it.
1. Create account on g.e-hentai.org
2. Wait one week.
3. Access exhentai.org
4. If you still can't access after one week. Clear cookies and then log in to g.e-hentai.org then access exhentai.org.
What is with all these people asking recently? Did you even read the thread? Someone spoonfed the answer like 20 posts above.
Man, Yukirinrin really loves these alternate universes for Splash Star.
YuriKuma Arashi - Chapter 26 Cleaned
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Try not to cry.jpg
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Have a more adorable version.
This was strong.
The feels are real, onee-sama.
A few more random TLs from that SakiMai anthology
http://pastebin.com/MiyRz8x5 (p25-28)
http://pastebin.com/TVcKV3q8 (p29-31)
http://pastebin.com/hAWQXpFa (p35-37)
http://pastebin.com/46R0VFvY (p63-66)
And another for good measure
http://pastebin.com/QcCamHDa (p71-80)
Here's the first chapter of Tousaku ShoujoSoukohun. Basically Sakura Trick but with eyeball fetishes
Haha! That was fast. Thanks!
And here's the other part of the eyeball licking story. (Rest of the book appears to be one-shots). TL's a bit more shaky in this part.
Sorry to ask once again, with じゃあ特別にとちゅうまで一緒にいってあげる!
how would you translate 特別に in this case?
Thanks. I will edit this.
By the way. A lot of RAWs were posted on Yuri Project board. I hope someone will pick up Minamoto Hisanari's Yuridori Midori. It's good.
>Anata ni Subete wo Sasageru to Watashi no Gankyuu wa Sou Itta
Could you translate the title?
Something along the lines of "I Will Give You Everything, Even My Eyeballs"?
And if you're the type who likes to typeset Table of Contents, chapter titles in order are (as far as I can tell):

*I Will Give You Everything, Even My Eyeballs Part 1
*I Will Give You Everything, Even My Eyeballs Part 2
*Showcase Girl
*Division Girl 1
*Division Girl 2
My eyeballs told me to dedicate everything I have to you.

She wouldn't normally, but she's doing so anyway specially for this occasion/person/whatever.
Regular ChiyaSyaro please. Hold the angst.
That definitely clears it up, thanks anon.
YuriKuma Arashi - Chapter 27 Cleaned

I will leave omake to typesetter. I have other projects to do now. Also, please translate page 192 and 193.
Ugh, I suck at translating afterwords. Might need someone more proficient to look over it.

>It might be my own personal interpretation, but I wrote the manga version of "Yurikuma Arashi" in order to delve into the theme of "When a life ends, something is left behind" that the original work had.

>"Because the world keeps awakening and changing thanks to your true love."

>The word "awakening", which I used at the end of story, literally means "waking up", but it can also mean "ressurecting" and "evolution".

>In the smallest of moments, we have modest dreams, but even after we wake from those dreams, everyone's world continues to wake up too. And in the sky, the star of Ginko and co.'s "love" will continue to shine.

>Morishima Akiko

Managed Ikuhara's message okay though

>Morishima Akiko-sensei
>Thank you for the Yurikuma Arashi universe!
>I love all the character designs <3
>I'm so glad to have met you, Morshima-sensei! Growl growl!
>From the Yurikuma Arashi anime's director, Kunihiko Ikuhara
>So clever!
>Never back down on love!
>I will leave omake to typesetter.
Yup, I can do that.

Thanks for cleaning this volume, Anon!
I've translated an Amane x Kazuki Grisaia no Kajitsu doujin I dug up. Some bondage and toys. Sorry about the size, pretty sure it's the only size online. I don't do much translating so please edit if you feel it's necessary.

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Can't seem to figure out the correct translation for this part of Kase-san ch17. Any help?

Need to dash/race/rush home (So as to catch the earlier bus mentioned prior.)
Tousaku Shoujo Soukougun Ch 1 v1
YKA 26, Page 134:
>It's been a while since she's been in Japan so she has been pretty vigorous.

"Vigorous" sounds really awkward, would something like "spirited" still have the same meaning when translated?
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It was QC anon's idea. I don't even know where in this bubble they got 'vigorous' from.

Unless anyone offers something more accurate, maybe just cut out the whole vigorous thing and just stick with
>It has been a while since she's been in Japan, after all.

Vigorous seems to be from はしゃいでいる. That phrase is more accurately translated as excited or restless in this context.

"She's not here?"
"It looks like she's gone out again. She's excited to be in Japan for the first time in a while."

No need to attach "after all." It sounds awkward in English and serves no particular purpose.
pg 16, "ask my out" (ask me out)
"do something special that nobody buy us" (but us)
>pg 21, "as you like from my eyeball" (lick, not like)
pg 22, "different fromusual" (needs space)
I think those are all the errors I found

Tousaku Shoujo Soukougun Ch 1 v2
I know I'm late but chapter title:
>I Will Give You Everything, Even My Eyeballs
Is completely wrong. >>2119089 is more accurate.
Really? Awww, I somehow liked that title more, even if it's not accurate.
It does sound delightfully like a 1970s Italian horror film.
YKA 26:

Tousaku Shoujo Soukougun Ch 1 v3
A delightful and unappreciated Love Live pairing
>After that I feel a gentle sensation through my entire body.
Used in two panels.
Tousaku Shoujo Soukougun Ch 1 v4
Chimame-tai + Alcohol = No sex?
pg 143, "No matter how they tried," (shouldnt that be, "how long they tried,"?
That's how it was in the script. I can change it if it should be something else.
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1MB, 1352x1920px
What does this sfx mean?
The context of the following page tends to help. Given that the next page involves B-ko waking up after passing out, I expect it to be something of a falling unconscious nature like a 'thud' or something.
Sound of something disappearing, happening or changing suddenly or sound of a puff of air, breath outward, etc.

I've seen it translated "poof" to represent sudden disappearance before.

So "thud" or "poof"? Which is better? I want to add that sfx to the page 'cause situation on this page is very similar to page 25 with "chomp" sfx.
I'd say something like a 'thud' but a bit softer, like someone gently collapsing.
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Is this incorrect or just awkward sounding?
YKA 27, page 175 if you don't recall.
The Japanese is pretty awkward in itself.

The phrasing for this one is a bit tough.
Maybe it's something like
>After all, we're always together in always being alone

I don't fucking know. I'm guessing it's a thematic thing since pretty much every character has experienced the whole feeling lonely shtick.
I'll just leave it as is.
We'll always be alone, even when we're together.

We're always together b/c we're both alone.

it's very difficult and I don't really have all the context, so..... I'm assuming, out of these 2 suggestions, one /should/ work or somebody who knows the context should be able to work with it.
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I need a suggestion on something, please. The translation for the middle part is too short and I need suggestions on how to lengthen the translation so it'll fit on all 4 bubbles.

So now... I think... they are probably dating as well...

I'm sure it's fine to split them like this with little text density in each bubble:

So now...
I think...
they are probably dating...
as well...
Not sure it's fine*
How about
>So now... I think...
>Kaede and Yurika
>Are probably dating...
>As well...
>So... I thought...
>Kaede and Yurika...
>are dating each other...
How about this?

>So now... I think...
>Kaede and Yurika
>are dating as well...
I don't think ending it on 'Probably' is a good idea because Maria express her doubt right away in next panel, but maybe it'll look better once you put the text in.
How about I end it with "I think"? Gives an idea Ran was at first sure about the two being a couple but then started to question herself (mainly because Ran was also interested in Yurika).

>So now...
>Kaede and Yurika
>are probably dating as well...
>I think...
One more suggestion.
>So now... I think...
>Kaede and Yurika
>Are probably..

What you're proposing also sounds good.
I'm not going to commit sudoku over it like the Dynasty commenters undoubtedly will, but why bring Reia and Milne back to life?

Also, what is your Dynasty avatar from, Goggles? It's cute.

YKA 27:

Vol.3 Omake:
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Thanks for your help.

Another one:

How do I translate "hyuooo" in two flavors? The first one is "swoosh" but the bottom is different. Like the wind changed from a light breeze to a seemingly heavy and ominous one. Maria doesn't like Ran talking to Sora, especially about romance, and she's about to snap.
I think second is "nyuooo" not "hyuooo". I can't help you with sfx though, sorry.
It's hyuo because the SFX is in Katakana (ヒュオ) . I think it's unlikely the author used Hiragana because nyu looks like this にゅ.
Well that's just confusing.
How about keeping 'swoosh' but use different font?
It's from ch14 on Anko-san of the Deep Sea Fish.

>Shall we go to Estonia?
Shall we go to Estonia too?

>look cute when you lineup our names like this
line up
Also I'd probably put the two names in caps just so it looks like they match better

>They mutually acknowledged each other before they were ever born
even born

>It was a memory of a decent past.
It was a memory from a long time ago.

>Kuniiko Ikuhara
Kunihiko Ikuhara (or possibly Ikuhara Kunihiko, consider that we've already written down Morishima Akiko)


May also wanna check with QC anon if the translation I used for p192 is correct.
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If I really want to nitpick, both fonts used are the same, so I don't think I'll use a different font face.

Looking at it, I think using one font face but increasing the font size and add two !! for the second one might do the trick.
I didn't know you can use ! for sfx. You really learn new things everyday.
I thought that might be what it was from.

I would like Anon to check those last two pages, but your translations have been here for a few days already.
Well yeah. BAM! is way more intense-sounding than BAM.
True that. Never really pay attention to them before but in hindsight it is pretty common.
Two questions...
イタイよエリえも〜んって 汝きついてるの図
What's the function of >の図 here exactly?

And I'm not so confident with いつ in the translation, right now I have
>When you try talking like that again...!
(She was called an アホ if that's what べん is referring to)
I fixed these.


YKA Vol.3 Omake:
Okay, it kinda escaped my attention. Super literal translation incoming.

>It might be my own personal interpretation, but I wrote the manga version of "Yurikuma Arashi" in order to delve into the theme of "When a life ends, something is left behind" that the original work had.

It might be my own personal interpretation, but I felt "Even when life ends something is left behind" theme from the Yurikuma Arashi and wrote the manga version of it trying to delve into this theme.

>In the smallest of moments, we have modest dreams, but even after we wake from those dreams, everyone's world continues to wake up too.
It's just a little dream I have but I wish that even after waking up from a dream everyone's world would keep awakening.

>I love all the character designs <3
no mention of designs
Thanks, I'll update it now.
Tousaku Shoujo Soukougun Ch 2 v1
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How about this?

YKA Vol.3 Omake

I also changed the character designs to just characters.
Sounds good to me.
Anyone please QC this, so I can move to the other projects.
Might be subject to a total script overhaul depending on what QC anon might have to say, but here's what I spotted in the current version

>She was probably calling me name...
my name

>Your breat-hing's...
breath-ing would probably be a better break

>I wouldn't like if you didn't...
like it if

>I'd give them to you with pleaure

Tousaku Shoujo Soukougun Ch 2 v2
の図 is just like "A picture/drawing/scene of" also 泣きついている not 汝

Is there more context for the second? I'm not too sure, but the 言ってみなさい is "try saying" like an instruction to do so rather than what you have.
Fluffy childhood friend sex
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100% Yuri.jpg
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What does it say under 100% Yuri?
>The anticipated new artist's impactful debut!
Updated backlogs for the next thread:
Complete: http://pastebin.com/f0nsev2C
Incomplete: http://pastebin.com/snFYvnVJ
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609KB, 1080x1536px
>1000 times mre (more)
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256KB, 1080x1536px
Here's the fixed page.
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1 Cl7hA_NUoAEdZqp.jpg
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Ah my bad, no wonder I was lost

Top left corner, I guess she's baiting her after getting pissed off?
もういっぺん (try saying that once more) not もういつべん
New thread
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pg 177.png
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another error

>page 177
>"I'm gonna work had to pass!"
had -> hard
Thread posts: 336
Thread images: 70

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