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Yagate Kimi ni Naru/Bloom Into You

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Thread replies: 506
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Ch 11 is out: http://www.mediafire.com/download/zq1abyudmcpyq5a/%5B4s%5D_Yagate_Kimi_ni_Naru_-_11.zip


Vol 2 is also out.

Previous Thread >>2005024
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Rough trans for the new thread.

Kouhais: Yuu-senpai!

Yuu: Long time no see!

Yuu: These are my kouhais from when I was on the softball team in middle school.
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Kouhai: Is that person over there senpai’s friend?

Yuu: No, it’s a senpai from the student council.

Yuu: The student council president, Nanami-senpai.

Kouhais (formally): Hello!

Nanami: H-hello!

Nanami: Obviously Koito-san is the senpai, but, how do I say this…
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Nanami: It looks like there’s no senpai feeling at all.

Yuu: No way. Even if it’s me, I work hard at being a senpai!

Nanami: Isn’t being really cute a good thing?

Yuu: Being cute or not cute doesn’t matter.

Kouhai 1: Yuu-senpai is very reliable, even though she’s very short!

Kouhai 2: That’s right, even though she’s very short!

Yuu: Hey—

Nanami: Indeed, Koito-san is different from how she looks, she’s really reliable. And sometimes, she’s very cool.
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Kouhai 1: Yeah, she can be cool, I agree!

Nanami: That’s what they say, Yuu-sempai.

Nanami: It looks like the phrase “cool” is really effective on her.

Nanami: I’ll keep this in mind.
So Yuu's probably pretty fit? I wanna see her in action.
>Ch 11 is out
Non-Chinese raws ever come out too?
Touko calling her Yuu-senpai though.
Touko is teasing Yuu.
What is that? new chapter?
vol 2 melonbooks bonus pamphlet. iirc. might not be melonbooks, might be another retailer

the other stuff in the pamphlet is other yuri mangaka's quick little yagakimi strips, I don't consider them important enough to trans but I might if anyone really wants them lol.

link to the chinese scans here: http://manhua.dmzj.com/zuizhongwochengleni/48764.shtml
In addition to that I'd like to add that vol 2 is already getting reprinted.
I'm so happy about this manga's success.

good storytelling wins for once ;-;
Can you post the source and the amazon.jp link?
I hope for a western release, german or english. Citrus got here to.
Source for what? For vol 2 getting reprinted? Here you go

Vol 2 on Amazon:

It's already licensed by 7Seas. Vol 1 will be published in January 2017 iirc.
>It's already licensed

I saw that, I was actually talking about a ranking list.
I have no source to link in that case, since everything I said is based on what I personally witnessed. I like to check the Amazon top 100 to see what's trending, but I'm not autistic enough to make screenshots or compile a list.
The only ranking list available around afaik is Oricon weekly top 50, but I think they don't take ebook sales into account despite them always being the most popular on Amazon lately.

You can still check the current ranking though, and see that it's still pretty high even more than 2 weeks later.
I know, I'm saying it's really cute.
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pic I saw on twitter back when the volume was first released (and I was desperately searching やがて君になる for ch 11 raws) that showed yagakimi as number 6 on the overall(?) amazon manga charts
Oh thanks, well, if they are cute why not? haha
they're pretty cute but since nakatani didn't draw them I don't consider them to be as "canon" and translating from the chinese scans takes slightly too much effort for me lol

the chinese scans are all written in traditional and I only know simplified so I have to write the traditional characters in my phone and look up what the associated simplified characters are to understand them it's annoying haha. yes, this was a blogpost, sorry /u/
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I wanted to do something productive today and translated/edited this extra page.
Is just a rough translation.
Same. I can kind of read it since I know simplified only. Still, a translation would be good. I would work on it but I'm pretty busy
thanks! can someone translate the others too? it seems interesting even if it's not "canon".
on the plus side, reading the chinese scans/translating them occasionally has improved my traditional a lot! fave yuri manga of the forever.
That's what I usually do if English translations for a manga aren't out and I'm forced to read the Chinese version. I'm surprised at how much I can understand sometimes.
oh I thought Nakatani draw them
>the other stuff in the pamphlet is other yuri mangaka's quick little yagakimi strips

I translated the only part that nakatani drew, lol
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If is ok then I'll try to translate this little extras from time to time, my chinese is weak but I'll do what I can. But they wont be 100% accurate.
this is from other artist right?
>make you a matching one
"made you"
First one is Shiori Nishio: http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=132760
Second one is based MekiMeki.
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Here is another one.

>The typo
Sorry, I'll make sure to fix it later.
I dont get it
these trans are. um. a little off.

yuu: oh...there are some side dishes I don't really like in this bento.

yuu: do you eat these, senpai?

nanami: can I really? koito-san is so thoughtful!

nanami: is that book really interesting?
(small text): maybe I should also buy a copy...

yuu: if it's alright with you, you can keep this copy

yuu: I'm not going to reread it anyways

nanami: koito-san is so thoughtful!
(small text): thank you!

yuu: senpai really loves to keep the things I no longer want

nanami: r-really?
(small text): I'm sorry...

yuu: I have worn out to the point of being unwearable gym clothes, do you want them?
(small text): joking...

nanami: p-please be sure to give them to me!!!
(small text): koito-san really is so thoughtful
> I have worn out to the point of being unwearable gym clothes, do you want them?
I have some*
Ohhk. That's much easier to understand, thanks.
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Such useless squid.png
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I knew my translation wasn't accurate, but to be so far from the actual dialogue... crap, I guess I'll step back and leave it to someone who can do it better.
That just means you need to work harder at learning to be a good translator. Keep at it, anon!
it's alright, I'll try to keep catching the mistakes and you'll get better with time, probably lol

i'll fix the old ones when i have time
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My yuri senses are tingling.png
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She knows.
How long before this girl loses it?
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Getting sick of your shit.png
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She's a walking time bomb. She's already ticking.
Sayaka is no slouch though. She's got a pretty high social position in the school and can easily pull whatever tail she wants.

The only question is when it's time to throwdown, will she do it in private or in public?
Even if she's getting hurt, I don't think she'd explode in public. That'd be a "crashing this plane with no survivors" situation.
It seems like YagaKimi overall sales exceed 100k mark!

This proves that REAL Yuri with good story SELLS (IN YOUR FACE YURI HIME)
YH editor on suicide watch.
No but seriously, this is great. 100k sales when vol 2 was released less than 3 weeks ago is no joke for a non-mainstream manga, and indeed proves that well written yuri has an actual audience.
Yuri Hime needs to step up their game for their monthly formula.
This makes me really happy.
>It seems like YagaKimi overall sales exceed 100k mark!
I would never expect to see a yuri manga sell so much.

But this is exactly the thing that YH wants more of? Stuff that doesn't need "in your face" yuri ever fucking chapter and ideally on page 1 already, but allows something to build.
Yeah, YH wants it, but YagaKimi is not published on Yuri Hime, and I can't really think of any series with a similar formula in their magazine, unless it's one of those that aren't getting scanned.
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Btw, I know it's popular because I see the advertisement on the train.
But I'm surprised that it's this popular!
Such a good news for Yuri Manga~!
a beacon of hope

In before "this is an exception it doesn't count because reasons, just like every other yuri manga that sold well, yuri is doomed!"

How is Bloom not "in your face"? Confession in the first chapter and already a kiss scene soon after by the train.
>Stuff that doesn't need "in your face" yuri ever fucking chapter

Actually, more "in your face" yuri like Bloom into You is what Yuri Hime desperately needs.

Once again, it is telling that almost every yuri series that's long running didn't happen in Yuri Hime.

Don't know what that anon was smoking, literally every Bloom into You chapter is about yuri that's very blatant and in your face.
>Stuff that doesn't need "in your face" yuri ever fucking chapter and ideally on page 1 already, but allows something to build.

But I like both
>No but seriously, this is great. 100k sales when vol 2 was released less than 3 weeks ago is no joke for a non-mainstream manga

Got any comparisons so others can understand the scale?
Well, Yagakimi does benefit from being published in a magazine with a variety of stories and genres and a much wider audience Its reader consists of both normalfag who likes a good romance and yurifag. Meanwhile, the audience for Yurihime is very small to begin with as the magazine only tap to a very niche genre. For a series from Yurihime to sell REALLY well, Yurihime needs to widen their readership first.

I guess that's what their editor is trying to do, but too bad up till now they still fail to attract competent author who can do a long-running manga. Shoujo Shikkaku is a nice attempt, but they really need to try better.
It's not really because it has a good story or anything. It's just that most yuri stories are pretty bad and boring, while being niche at the same time.
Yuri manga sells. Yuri anime though....
It's needs that one title that will be a surprise hit that make the anime producers reconsider
Which studio is the best one to adapt it?
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I haven't found an accurate resource for sales of lesser known titles, but Oricon is what I hear about most for tracking top manga.
Their most recent weekly rankings:
Overall rankings for 2015:

The first two volumes of Happy Sugar Life apparently sold 260k copies.
>The first two volumes of Happy Sugar Life apparently sold 260k copies.

Holy shit. I never knew yandere yuri could sell like that.
>The first two volumes of Happy Sugar Life apparently sold 260k copies
Haha wow, that edgefest sold so much? Where did you find the data?
>The first two volumes of Happy Sugar Life apparently sold 260k copies.

Holy shit, what?
Elevens confirmed for having shit taste, what else is new?
>Haha wow, that edgefest sold so much?

This is Japan we're talking about. It explains itself.
>Where did you find the data?
It's on the obi in the picture (累計26万部突破).
Well then. It's a bit weird albeit interesting, because I've never seen it ranking in the Amazon top 100 so far. Looks like the Gangan readership really likes their edgy mango, huh.
Touko really has a warped understanding of love. She's not necessarily wrong, though.
So, I read the previous thread. Asexual what? What do people mean when they use the word within the context of a fiction, like this manga for example?
Go ask tumblr.
can't believe i missed this. it's so comfy to read
A person who doesn't experience sexual attraction.
It means they're tumblrinas who want asexual representation in manga and are willing to twist every scene to make it look like the MC is asexual.
So, they don't? Yuu and Touko? According to who? Tumblr?
I'll wait until it goes anywhere. I'm all for development, but...
The pacing is fine for me.

I like it that they routinely make some sorts of line or limit of decency which they always break later on.
I was (trying to) alluding to the fact that it still has every possibility to fall flat.
I'm not saying it will, I'm saying it can.
>wow I'm really enjoying this

Gee, thanks Prophet Muhammad
By that logic you should stop following basically every on-going series because there's always a chance of the author screwing up.
The initial anon said they missed it, but is now reading it.. I said I will wait. So I wouldn't yet know if I enjoy it.
In short, you're doing it wrong.
Yes, I am usually waiting until a series is finished.
Well, your loss then. I've chosen to believe in Nakatani instead, and I'm enjoying every single chapter of this ride.
She's got it wrong completely though. Love isn't about expectation, or at least, it shouldn't be.

What are you even on about?
Just read this. I can see why people like it. It's hilarious.
>I said I will wait. So I wouldn't yet know if I enjoy it.
Then why the fuck are you even posting in this thread?
According to Yuu herself. You know, the whole never feeling excited at all over anybody making advances on her? Not even when she's getting kissed?
>still this butthurt about tumblr

Man, you guys are worse than tumblr.

The actual reason has nothing to do with "asexual representation", but just with not believing that a female character can be this disinterested in love.

They just don't notice the details that show that she's already in love.
Agreed. It's ridiculously over the top. Gotta love it.
Based on what you described its more like Yuu hasn't experience sexual awakening instead of being asexual.
Yeah. She's a clueless late bloomer, though. She's learning.
>She's got it wrong completely though. Love isn't about expectation, or at least, it shouldn't be.
She will learn soon enough that she has been loved by Yuu secretly for a while, and that so far it has made both of them happier regardless of consequences. I'm sure everything will be all right and they'll live together happily ever after. It can be done in 5 volumes.
I think we were talking more about what she subjectively thinks/thought, regardless of whether it is true, or it has changed, or not, etc.
She also shows interest in kissing and even admits that she doesn't dislike it to the point that even Touko teases her about it, also she commented more than once about Nanami's attractiveness.
To me it just looks like she hasn't grasped the meaning of the abstract concept that is romantic love, which is what makes her so confused about everything else.
Maybe? I don't know much about it, and I can't find much info about late blooming through a quick search. It definitely fits the name of the manga, though. Is it possible she hasn't gone through puberty yet? Where do you draw the line between those 2 things?
>she has been loved by Yuu secretly for a while
Yuu isn't in love with her or at least hasn't realized it yet.
She has realized it. It's just that she tries to deny it. She can change, and probably has to change, but she doesn't want to. It's because Touko might not love her anymore. It may ruin their relationship, and Touko would leave her alone. She would rather keep it inside her heart, rather than being lonely again. It's a person that is slowly suffering from repressing her love.

I can see where this is going. I hope it won't drag on with shitty angst. I trust the author not to do that, though.
it has nothing to do with puberty and everything to do with yuu as a person. little kids have crushes/fall in love all the time

although I agree on the kiss front, the series as a whole is way more about how yuu hasn't experienced what she expects romantic desire to be
But she doesn't know that changing would make Touko go full retard and stop loving her. She does want to change, she says it herself all the time.
Remember the scene when she tells Touko that she can't fall in love with her and then it shows a gloomy look on her face which basically tells(well, she even admits it later) "I'm totally lying"?
After that, Touko tells her "never change, Yuu", as if straight up telling her that she doesn't want her to fall in love.

Now in this chapter there's the scene where she realizes that Touko is cute but she also realizes that she can't really tell her.

At this point I think it's pretty clear where this is heading.
>At this point I think it's pretty clear where this is heading.
Towards the play, where Yuu once again performs her smooth talking and charms Touko even more. They always make some rules which they break later on because of love. The question is, how many chapters will it take until then?
>I'm totally lying
That line goes to her saying she won't change which she admits was a lie.

>At this point I think it's pretty clear where this is heading
Of course it is. But we're not talking about it.
She knew though. That's why she backed off and lied towards Touko. What she said after Touko walking away from her initially is basically a (fake) rehearsal of the old Yuu in the first chapter.
>That line goes to her saying she won't change which she admits was a lie
Yeah, she admitted that she lied when Touko asked her to not change and she said "okay", but she was also lying when she said that she's unable to fall in love with her, at least that's what her body language indicates.

>Of course it is. But we're not talking about it.
Was this sarcasm? I can't tell. In case it was, I meant to say that Yuu is going to actually fall for Touko but she won't be able to tell her because the latter doesn't want this to happen.
>she was also lying when she said that she's unable to fall in love with her, at least that's what her body language indicates
That's not lie, but a good ol' suffering. She wants to love but can't and since she realized what Touko really wants from her, she felt loneliness and was desperate enough to lie.

Anyway, I was arguing that at the present time in the manga Yuu still hasn't realized her love and seems like you feel the same way. And no, that wasn't sarcasm, I meant that it's not the point where it's heading since I was talking about present time.
Because there is no good yuri anime.

>inb4 crap like Sasameki Koto or Aoi Hana
Sasameki Koto was pretty good. It was just horribly paced.
Android and iPhone themes for Yagakimi. You need the +Home app.
If someone could just extract the wallpapers that would be nice.
Aoi Hana is better then your worthless life. Too much realism for you anon.
>Aoi Hana
I have OP's picture as a wallpaper in my smartphone, but this is so much better, thanks Anon.
i saw that one in the main sections of the bookstores in japan not confined to the yuri sections, so i guess it is popular.
Isn't the gloomy look on the face due to the frustration of not being able to love back? And touko told her not to change, but yuu does want to change, therefore she admits she's lying when she promised touko not to change, cause she wants and will take up on any possibility to change. She doesn't know she's actually in love, but she's getting there.
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I have extracted the wallpapers
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I never understood that thing with the hands, did touko touch her hand and that's why yuu is looking that way? Or is that just symbolic that yuu secretly is the one who wants to be with touko?
aishiteru, oneesama
Well, that makes sense. Touko doesn't really 'need' Yuu, even if the latter doesn't support her Touko will do what she must do and keep pursuing her dreams anyway.
Personally I think it's the latter. Yuu unconsciously wanting to hold Touko's hand. But I'm sure Nakatani made it ambiguous on purpose so that the first interpretation can be valid anyway.
btw, do you have the original wide ones?
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I only have two wide images, the first one being the only one I could find and the second one. I think the rest are originally that way.
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pls be my senpai, oneesama
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More official art for /u/
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Bloom Into You wp.png
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Here's the better resolution version

Does anyone have this with better res?
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this dynamic hng.jpg
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are we posting qt art now?
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Sadly I couldn't find a better version of this
They kinda both need each other. Touko needs somebody who'd let her do lewd stuff to them without bothering her with relationship shenanigans so she can keep her perfect role model facade up, and Yuu needs somebody who likes her but that won't be bothered by the fact that she can't love them back, so she can hopefully learn to love some day without feeling lonely all the time.
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senpai!!!!!! marry meeeeee
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Does anyone have a better version of this
>Touko needs somebody who'd let her do lewd stuff to them without bothering her with relationship shenanigans

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in that ran x yukari doujin nakatani did, I remember her saying something like "drawing ran's fluffiness makes me happy"

I wonder how much she enjoys expressing nanami's extreme gayness lol
senpai is a goddess. i cannot thank you enough, marry me already!
On that topic, how often do you think Touko masturbate to the thought of Yuu doing lewd stuff?
you're talking to different sempai you two-timer!
oh no i fail as a kouhai!! im so sorry senpai!! senpaaaaiiii
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It's ok, my kouhai-chan.
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I found a wide version of this
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Who's the left couple
you will always be my forever senpai! aishiteru
Mikoto and Sayuri from Itou Hachi's Sayuri’s Little Sister Is An Angel.
She basically uses Yuu as a sex friend rather than a girlfriend, or well, as a kiss friend so far. Of course, that's not everything, since she does legit like her and also Yuu doubles as her confident, but the point is that Yuu is not all over her like how a regular partner would do, nor they do couple stuff in public, things that would bother her and her perfect school life.

She went to her bedroom and she does have a pic of Yuu sleeping, so very frequently.
>She went to her bedroom and she does have a pic of Yuu sleeping, so very frequently
I was half expecting an extra chapter where Nakatani shows Touko trying to steal Yuu's panties when she visited her room.
She sniffed her bed. That's pervy enough already.
Chibi-Touko is super cute.
hm yeah I overall agree, its just that touko's sexual desire for yuu only exists because she fell in love in the first place, so it feels kind of reductive to say that what she needs is someone who lets her do lewd stuff when that desire stems from her romantic feelings for yuu.
But the reason she fell in love with her was because she didn't want any relationships either at the time. It may not have been on purpose, but one could argue that she initially liked her because she knew it'd not be bothersome to "date" her.
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And she not just want to fall in love, she explicitily want to fall in love with Touko.
>trying so hard to love her back
>it'll only backfire
Being Yuu is suffering.
She wants to love but not be loved back because she thinks that to maintain the love of others (as well as their admiration and friendship) comes with expectations she has to fullfill. That's her world view and that is how she lived her life until now.

And so the only thing she asks from Yuu is loyality.
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What is this
where is it
whats it from
kind of a reach imo, but interesting enough, though I don't agree.
yet another melonbooks vol 2 bonus

What, it turned into a SM manga now?
It makes sense but I disagree.
It's a joke.
Finally the sex I've been waiting for.
Got more of this?

I want to know why Touko is having batsugame but can't read Chinese.
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There is a 1080p version from the one without text when you google search it, but it might just be an upscale.
I only realized it after I extracted it, but the version from the theme is actually a bit different, crop and window wise.
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Here are the rest of them, if anyone still wants them.
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I do. Thanks.
Is there even a 100% original, perfect, complete version of this picture? UNCROPPED?
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Speaking of which, when I first read this I started believing that she's eventually really going to ask Yuu to do the lewd stuff.
I mean, if Yuu keeps agreeing with whatever Touko asks her to do and the latter wants to push it a bit further every time, isn't it natural to think that this is going to happen?
Wait for the artbook.
Kidding aside, as far as I know, no.
If I remember correctly it was originally the volume 1 cover and the wide format version with the light flecks came from the PV. So the theme wallpaper has probably the original left side and with some photoshop magic you would get the closest thing to the original picture.
It is going to happen.
is it possible that it came out as a vol 1 bookstore extra?
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Looks like it. I looked it up and a version like the PV one, just without the flecks, was the extra for comic zin shops. I kinda like the idea of the second open window though.
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What I don't understand is why Touko said "I will make you fall in love with me" if she doesn't want Yuu to change and fall in love with her?
She did not say that.

Alleged wrong translation
>tonight, /u/
It never occured to me until now this illustration was actually full of sexual tension on Touko's side. Or maybe that's just me.
No. Maybe?
Save that for the doujins.
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If she didn't said that, then what would be the translation?
looks like one was done by Sunao Minakata
Yeah, the one where Saeki pushes Nanami down on the desk.
She wanted Yuu to touch her breasts when she was in her room so it's bound to happen, unless Yuu somehow back off.

>let me love you
I think.
Let me love you.
Should have known, you can tell by the way the eyes are drawn
Thanks, now makes sense.
from dynasty forums:
Okay, so for chapter 3 page 23 we have this

"Koito-san wa dareka wo tokubetsu ni omoenai tte shitteru.
Watashi no koto mo suki ni narenai.
Sore de ii no.
Suki de isasete."

"I know you can't think of anyone as special,
And that you cannot fall in love with me.
It's fine this way.
Let me continue to love you."


"Sonna no...
Hen desu yo.
Suki nanoni, suki ni natte hoshii to omowanai nante"

"This is...
Just weird.
You love me, yet you don't expect me to love you back."
yeah, I had a vague memory of that, thanks for clarifying since I was too lazy to search haha
>From "Let me continue to love me" to "I will make you fall in love with me".

Maybe I should really start to learn moon if translations got so bad.
to be fair, nakatani seems to write in a purposefully vague way sometimes
Pick one.

I'm not talking about this specific instance lol
What do you guys think (or hope) will actually happen in the play?

I know some shit
Is BOUND to happen.
Yuu's friend will unintentionally write a romance with a kiss scene. Roles are decided by drawing lots and the main couple happens to be Touko and Maki.
I actually want glasses-kun to get the role.
I guess it'd at least serve to make Yuu jelly.

Glasses-man would make more sense, since Maki would simply step out the role.
Just imagine, everybody's getting pissed. Saeki because she can't be next to Touko again, Touko because it's not Yuu, Yuu because she starts to get jealous and Maki because he hates to be part of the play instead of just being in the audience.
>rage powered play
It'd be kinda fun to see, not gonna lie.
Ihoshiku's translations have always been somewhat dodgy.
I originally wanted the two leads to be Touko and Saeki since that'd make sense but a rage filled play would also be pretty fun to see.
Well those are really different…who should I trust now?!
The people doing the translation now seem to be ok.
That wouldn't be really as drama-inducing as Saeki and Touko as the main roles. Maki was never and never will be a threat, and his potential role as drama plot device was already dismissed 2-3 chapters ago. More than a rage filled play this would be a groan filled play with everyone being pissed for the role choice but no actual drama.
That would be: awesome.
Judging from how Yuu's friend wanted to know more about Nanami, it seems more like she's tailoring the roles to fit their personalities, so I doubt that it's going to be random.
I certainly hope the earlier chapters will get re-released by 4s too.
So, is this get anime and they choice the same seiyuu of Kumiko x Reina
how this make you feel?
Well, considering that this is actually yuri, that would be like a big fuck you to the author of Hibikek. But since this already got a PV I think they'll stick with those VAs in case.
If the play is going to be romance, ideally I'd want Touko and Sayaka to be the two leads. It would give Sayaka at least 1 chance in life to kiss her crush, while making Yuu jealous.

But I'll enjoy any outcome Nakatani puts forth. I always do.
The play being yuri would be way too lame and convinient.
it'd be interesting if maki was one of the lead. stirs things up abit
Is this a training for the play?
Who said anything about yuri? It could just be Romeo & Juliet 2.0 and Touko dresses up as the prince. Because if there was going to be a kissing scene, it's reasonable for the girls to refuse to act it out with a guy friend and prefer their female friends instead.

At least that is the case where I live. I guess it would be considered weird in the west.
Well we're talking about japan here. And I'm pretty sure it would be weird for any straight girl. Anywhere. I also doubt Nakatani is going to go with the overly-used-for-a-kiss R&J play. It's gonna be something original.
Of course it's gonna be original, have you guys been reading the manga? Yuu's friend is writing a script for the play, it would be unnecessary to have someone writing a script if it wasn't original, since a classical play already has them available and ready.
Kek imagine the play including a fight scene and the main leads for it are yuu and Sayaka. Of course, sayaka is jelly so she uses this as an excuse to actually slap yuu, thus ending up with a real fight scene.
I think Sayaka is a bit more than just a teenage crush.

Would she mind getting a piece of that ass? Probably not. But being Touko's confidant and partner in crime seems way more important to get than getting laid to Sayaka
I wasn't talking about a literal R&J play, anon. And I said that NAKATANI would come up with something original.
>And I said that NAKATANI would come up with something original
Well, if Nakatani comes up with something original it means that, by proxy, Yuu's friend is going to come up with something original since in-universe she's the one writing the play.
Truly befitting of a shounen magazine publication.
Well exactly. Just in case you were talking about the characters
R&J 2.0 isn't meant to be understood as actual R&J, don't be obtuse.

And yes, Japan. Asia. Where nobody would jump to "lesbian!" conclusion as soon as they see girls getting close. This is the country of Takarazuka. This is the country where yuri does not necessarily mean homosexuality. So please don't jump to conclusions that straight girls would always find it weird to kiss a girl instead of a boy, because you clearly don't understand the culture. What I said is a common thing that happen in school plays here: both boys and girls regularly refusing to be physically intimate with the opposite gender who they aren't in a relationship with/have interest in, girls would do it with their female friends while boys don't though.
You guys are just talking about the play right, let's just keep it there and don't go talking about Japan's culture.
I get what you're saying, and it makes sense. However, I refuse to believe that girls, just because they are from a certain culture doesn't mean that they would be comfortable kissing the same sex in a romantic way just to avoid kissing the opposite gender for a play.
Like this anon said, let's not go talking about cultures. We don't get plays here, but we definitely don't pick the same sex to avoid some physical contact with the other.
>just because they are from a certain culture doesn't mean that they would be comfortable kissing the same sex in a romantic way just to avoid kissing the opposite gender for a play
No, but they would probably be okay with kissing the same sex for a play.
>This is the country where yuri does not necessarily mean homosexuality.

Keep telling yourself that, anon. Those waifus are waiting for you for sure.
They'd probably okay with kiss among friends for shits and giggles away from public eyes. Kissing someone who probably isn't a close friends for a stage play in front of many people though, pretty sure they would not be okay with that.
they made me think that yuu was stupid for a while when they translated her thinking nanami was a second year as "maybe she's a third year" lol
>"I will make you fall in love with me".
Please tell me I'm wrong in assuming the bottom line is what the top was translated to.
Probably not
It's a mistranslation though. 好きでいさせて means "let me love you"
"Let me keep loving you", to be accurate.
I'd put that as "Please allow me to love you ;_;", personally.
How can you do the spoiler black things
I'm on mobile
いさせて is progressive, so it should be "Please allow me to continue loving you".
No, I'd agree with >>2053565 and >>2053576. I think you're thinking of something like 好きつづけるでいさせて.
好きつづけるでいさせて doesn't make sense in the slightest. いさせて is inflection from 居る.
I'm rooting for a Sayaka end.
>They just don't notice the details that show that she's already in love
Show me the details. I have a srong yuri vision but I don't see them anywhere at all.
>doesn't make sense in the slightest
I think you should consider studying a bit more.

This is a confusing conjugation, and the crucial fact is that it can BOTH mean "make you fall in love with me" and "let me love you".

Here's why. The basic phrase is 好きでいる, which uses the させる form of the いる verb. させる is one of those phrases that has two completely different meanings, both "let" and "make". It can be read as allowing an action, or making you perform an action. Together with the lack of address in the line makes it unclear who is subject and who the object, relying on interpretation alone.

This is actually what makes this line so powerful, because in reality, she's saying BOTH "Let me love you" and "I'll make you love me."

It's pretty poetic and something you just cannot translate.
I am studying right now. We should have a study group session sometime.
Fuck sayaka. She will never be loved by touko.
>. I have a srong yuri vision

You definitely have a wrong yuri vision. Get it fixed.
No she's not "already in love" but she's getting there.
I'm curious to see how seven seas will translate it.
This was really insightful actually, thank-you. Sometimes I wish more scanlators would include notes to explain these kinds of things. It gives me a better appreciation for the moment after originally being put off by it.
You're making it seems as if it's impossible to translate it. It is possible to translate that, just not 1:1 translation, but who wants that anyway. And why is everyone ignoring the fact that the てhere? Its there for a reason, to indicate a continuing action.
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好きつづけるでいさせて is completely grammatically incorrect, which is probably what they meant by "doesn't make sense."
>completely grammatically incorrect
I'm confused as to how you think it is.
But more importantly, this was all to correct the first Anon that the original line didn't at all imply the word "continue".
Never mind that I would be fine if it were translated that way. But he'd brought up the matter of accuracy.
Never mind, I just got it. Silly me.
It's not fucking fair. Stupid fucking Touko. If she doesn't come into your personal space is because she knows you don't want her to do it. That damn egoistical idiot.
Sayaka > Yuu
Sayaka please, stop posting.
This manga would improve if Sayaka became the love interest. Yuu can go be asexual somewhere else.
She'll become the love interest after Yuu stops being asexual and turns Ms.Perfect-Facade off.
>this manga would improve if the part that makes it different was gone

That's completely wrong. If Sayaka became the main love interest, there would be no story.
>and they lived happily ever after
>the end
I don't see the problem.
Yes there would. And it would be more enjoyable than the ever-grating "is she gay or isn't she gay?" going on with Yuu.

I'm willing to bet all my money on that this manga will be going on forever like this.
>Sayaka is the main love interest
>For 100 chapters:
>Sayaka -- I want things to stay the same, because I am still the person closest to touko
>Nanami -- I will continue to pretend to be perfect since sayaka explicitly doesn't care about searching for what nanami is hiding
>the entire manga becomes slice of life subtext introspective shit
I'll take you on that bet, how much money do you have?
Wrong. Sayaka knows what Touko is hiding. There is no further searching required.

But she doesnt care. Sayaka is okay with the fact that people can put up a front in public and be someone else in public. That's why she's the one who spotted the teacher/waitress dyke couple first.
So the ones pushing the "Yuu is asexual" meme are nothing else but Sayakafags? The more you know.
she's 100% okay with that, yeah. and that's the whole problem. there would be no progress ever because sayaka is so 100% okay with how things were in ch 1 of yagakimi, before yuu and touko met.

meanwhile, nanami would also not pursue progress because from nanami's perspective, sayaka doesn't know anything, and nanami is fine with that.

both sayaka and nanami were fine with the status quo before yuu came into the picture
The one pushing that is Yuu, with her "I don't feel jack" attitude. I don't know why do you take offense in that, it's just something that happened.
No, just a fan of good romances. This feels almost like a shitty harem show.
Yuu hasnt changed the status quo either.

Touko is still le tryhard president in the eyes of the school and nobody but Sayaka/Yu are the wiser.
It's not that she doesn't care, she's just the topical angsty retard that was ok just by being by her side, since she thought she wasn't gonna get stolen anyway. She probably hoped to keep getting closer little by little over time.
I meant the status quo in sayaka and touko's relationship
Yuu is not "asexual", that's just a forced label pushed by those who don't want to see the bigger picture and dismiss her behaviour and internal struggle as such because they cannot comprehend or accept something that's outside their limited knowledge of human sexuality/feelings. Or Sayakafags.

>This feels almost like a shitty harem show
Literally what.
Her internal struggle as an asexual person who doesn't wanna be like that, you mean?
Don't do this to yourself, /u/. You know it won't happen.
Her internal struggle as a confused teenager who doesn't know what love is except for the stuff she has read in her shoujo manga, of course.
Can she get a consolation prize at least? This is gonna get dragged on forever, so there's plenty of time for that.
I hope that, she's cute and not deserving to be left behind.

Hopefully it picks up. After Stretch slow paced love manga left a sour taste on my mouth.
>Can she get a consolation prize at least?
She deserves nothing for yelling at Yuu.

The big meanie.
Heartbroken Sayaka gets a threesome with sensei and her gf.
Who? The lesbians are already all taken. Perhaps she and Akari can console each other once the latter realizes that her senpai has no intention to date her.
She's had plenty of suffering already.

She's just angry cause her little world is falling apart, Anon. Please understand.

The manager is kind of a player, but I bet she's a faithful husband after all.

There are more lesbians in the world, Anon. What about Koyomi? She could become a famous yuri writer in the future.
>again with this meme
>inb4 I took the bait
Fuck off tumblr
>not knowing yuu is already gay for touko
Behold failed basic reading comprehension
Kek exactly
Lol I agree, that's so stupid
This. All the fucking way.
When did she yell at yuu??? And I agree, she deserves shit.
I disliked Sayaka the moment I found out she was touko's best friend. I just knew the little shit was gonna get in everyone's way and bully my Yuu with her possessive closest-person attitude. The hell did she expect, stay like that forever? She'll soon learn that she won't get her fucking way and that touko's pussy has Yuu's full name all over it permanently. Hmph
There are actually people rooting for a Sayaka end? This world is a strange place.
I found it on weibo a while ago. some kind of valentine's day yuri kadokawa thing

Thank you
Why is that shit that says sample in the way
Yuu is too good for Touko.
You think they're just going to give out the goods for free?
why are you asking a question you know the answer to...
It's impossible to translate it keeping both meanings intact. You have to make a choice and something gets lost.

It is OF COURSE possible to translate the text so it means something, it just don't be the exact same the line said in Japanese. English just doesn't work the same way.

By the way, I ignored ている because it's another case of a double meaning that goes along with what was already explained. The ている construction has six possible meanings, not all of which are continuous.
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man this shit is so interesting, and has implications on the story too. I wish the translators would sidebar/end of chapter notes it because it seems pretty important.

on surface level, based on yuu's response (and things like the kiss in ch 6, "didn't you say you'd be fine with loving me quietly, now you want this?", assuming this was translated correctly lol), this line was canonically taken to mean "let me love you"

but subtextually, the "make you love me" double meaning implies an eventual, foreshadowed romantic inclination of yuu towards nanami, which is something some people on /u/ have been asking for lol

on that note, koyomi and rei both say things like "it's hard for yuu to decide to do something, but when she does, she puts full effort into it" (obvious implications on the whole yuu possibly being demi thing)

also I'm probably overthinking it but yuu likes the stars/is reaching for them/can't reach them, and the starry screentone is used for the post-kiss panel in ch 2
No. Just no.
The kid is young and never experienced love before, of course she have a hard time realizing it since it's nothing like her shoujo manga, plus it's a girl. She's not demisexual or sapiosexual or whatever tumblr retards use to label their special snowflakes selves. You don't need to want to fuck all the women of the world to be a lesbian, for fuck's sake.
That's the beauty of translation, instead futilely trying to make 1:1 translation, you insert an equivalent of the sentence, aka 'localize' it. So it may not be the exact same line as the Japanese, but that's the point of translation isn't it? As you said, languages don't work that way.

And come on man, context are here for a reason. ている in this case is obviously continuous.
Next chapter should be out sometime around next week, do we have a date for it? Maybe 25 May?
Magazine is out the 27th of every month.
What? Are you serious? Already? This was too quick. I guess I'm so used to fucking citrus releasing their chapters once a year.
I know right, this is fucking beastly.

Nonstop monthly release, lightning fast scanlation, tons of volume/store bonuses from guest artists, and of course a damn good story on its own

Can you imagine what /u/ would be like if we had a dozen series like this? Goddamn
How many volumes do you need for an anime again? I'm kinda conflicted about it. On the one hand, an anime of this would be fantastic, but on the other hand I don't want it to drag on forever like you-know-what.
replace the word "demi" with "eventually falling in love with touko" if it works you up that much

getting so bothered by terminology is pretty tumblr in and of itself, kek. everything is on a spectrum anyways
this is literally just what demi means. we have a word for it so we don't have to type an angry gator rant every time we want to refer to it
I didn't even know that was even a thing, but:
>Demisexuality is a sexual orientation in which someone feels sexual attraction only to people with whom they have an emotional bond.
>Asexuality is a sexual orientation in which one feels little to no sexual attraction or interest in sex
Yuu is asexual.
She showed interest in kissing, so there goes tho whole asexual thing out the window.
OR, Anon. Meaning not necessarily both. She does feel little to no sexual arousal to anything, not even after the kisses.
Great way to ruin this thread, faggots.
Why are you being so non-binary?
But she still wants to kiss for a second time and there will soon be a third.
Not to mention that not only she admitted that she's interested in kissing, she also said that she didn't dislike it at all. She also blushed when she noticed senpai's long eyelashes.
What are you faggots going to call this behaviour next? High-functioning asexual?
Not any of them but asexuals do kiss.
Yeah, how do we dare to discuss the sexuality of a character that has sexual problems?

It's certainly not normal behavior. Whatever the case is, she does want to change, but she does have problems.
It's a story about a girl's wish and struggle to experience love for the first time not about your fucking snowflake delusion. Fuck off.
Of course she's struggling. A lot of asexual people don't like being asexual. I don't know if it can get better or not though.
the reason I think yuu might be demi is because of the way in which rei and koyomi have talked about her (the whole gets really interested in something, but it's hard to get her interested in the first place thing). it seems pretty foreshadow-y. though ofc, where we are in the story right now, yuu considers herself to be aro.

>a story about a girl's wish and struggle to experience love for the first time

so...it's a story about yuu struggling with where she is on the ace spectrum, if she's on it at all, dealing with how she totally doesn't want to be on it, etc. we are literally talking about the same things except some of us don't want to have to write out "a story about a girl's wish and struggle to experience love for the first time" every time we refer to yuu? lol

why are you getting so mad about terminology, damn
This is an interpretation that a Japanese person would not make. The grammar simply doesn't work and you're seeing something that isn't really there.

て here is asking for permission. It would still be that way even if もらう or 頂くwere added at the end.

"Make [a person] fall in love with [me]" is 好きにさせる. It uses に, not で, to indicate change. で is used in 好きでいさせて to indicate the continuation of the current status, that is, being in love.

The only valid meaning that can be gleaned from that sentence is "Please let me stay in love with you."
This. Rek those faggots
Nice bait
Great arguments!
Hey faggots, asexuals don't like kissing and certainly don't blush when noticing an attractive aspect in someone.

>Senpai has really long eyelashes that's so hot
>I'm so asexual
Thank yo/u/ anon. I love you.
>use my proper term for love struggle
It's like tumblr has a field trip or something.
yuu thinks that she is aro.
Non-asexuals don't say they didn't feel anything after getting kissed though.
I didn't even know wtf demi was until this faggot meantioned it. Kek. So supposedly it means asexual until you fall in love with someone?
no one has said it's necessary for anyone else to use these terms, but /u/ is getting up in arms about how no one! ever!!! should use those terms. which is stupid, lol.

2054485 said a != b
2054496 said a == b, why are you mad about OTHER people using b

no one said b should supplant a
I'm pretty sure Yuu would ask you what the fuck is an aro if you ever tell her that.
Asexuals wouldn't want a second go at kissing though
yuu personally identifies as the definition of aro*


her not knowing the term aro doesn't disqualify her from feeling like she's aro. before I accepted that I was a lesbian I thought I just had a super strong sister complex, does that make me not a lesbian lmao
What the fuck are you talking about
Well then wtf is aro?
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I'm sure one of the kind tumblrinas in this thread with a college degree in sex research and self diagnosis will tell you in a minute.
A dumb round toy robot.
So yuu identifies as a dumb round toy robot? Better than "asexual" at least.
Yuu doesn't identify as anything, not even as a lesbian. But she shows signs of asexuality, that's the point.
Sayaka end.
We're never going to reach an agreement with this argument. Let the tumblrinas believe that their special snowflake sexuality is being represented here, I will eagerly wait for the chapter where Yuu finally realizes that she's desperately thirsty for Nanami's V.
Am I the only one who finds Nanami annoying. Here's hoping for Sayaka to fuck her once and then dump her in the trash.

Yuu can have Nanami all she wants (not like that's what she actually wants, enjoy your asexual main)
What a crappy attempt to start the sayaka argument.
Horrible attempt at bait.
Nothing wrong with having an opinion.
So all Sayakafags are just tumblr, makes sense.
Except that wasn't an opinion.
Something tells me you don't even know what asexual means.

Asexuality is older than tumblr, nice bait.
I have never even been to tumblr, and I'm waiting for that too, so spare me your tinfoil paranoia, please.

Sometimes I do. She's terribly egocentric. I like her when she's not being delusional about perfection and trying to be her dead sister, though, she's pretty cute and charming.
Except it is. It is me expressing that I'd rather have a Sayaka end.
Asexual=not having sexual desire
Something tells me you redefined the meaning of that word. That's all tumblr does anyways.
Yes. And how is not minding getting kissed a sign that she's not an asexual? She doesn't say that she enjoys it either, so there's your proof that it doesn't make her feel anything at all, neither negative nor positive.
>not having sexual desire
Sounds like Yuu to me. Maybe this is about the actions of the characters and their problems within the manga and it has nothing to do with any agendas or internet wars? Ever thought of that?
Sayaka deserves something better.
Actually I agree with you there.
>blushing before kissing an attractive person
That's so asexual of her.
>not feeling anything at all after such an attractive person kisses you
She's may not be 100% asexual, but that's pretty damn asexual, if you ask me.
Sayaka deserves a man.
>wanting to kiss for a second time while blushing
She's going from "asexual" to sexual, if you notice.
Kek jk she deserves the Sensei
Hopefully she will. I want her to be happy.
She already transforming
Sensei is "married" though.
>suddenly an explosion of forty or so replies
>I wonder why
>it's tumblr's obsession with labels again

You know, for a place that's allegedly about acceptance and being progressive, you tumbltards really like to divide people up.
aromantic = someone who doesn't experience romantic desire. regardless of whether or not yuu is actually aro, at this point in the narrative she clearly regards herself as such.

all this drama started because /u/ is so desperate to police how other people talk, where is the division actually coming from, I wonder?
>police how other people talk

Cutting down Tumblr Speak is the duty of all denizens on the sane side of the internet.
>police how other people talk

It's tumblr doing that though. Only tumblr cares about all these fucking ridiculous terms and can't let things just be as they are.
This. I don't know where this influx of newfags comes from, but here tumblrspeak is not accepted, and neither is "lol", "wtf" or other similar chatspeak.
"Asexual" is not tumblrspeak. I'd argue "aromantic" because it sounds stupid, but if it means that you don't experience romantic attraction it fits.

I don't even go on tumblr but if they have certain characteristics putting a name to them isn't gonna change anything.
Damn why do I see so much Tumblr here?
This thread is pure cancer
Exactly what I'm thinking.
>waaaah Tumblr, Tumblr!
Goddamn, when did you all turn into such whiny bitches incapable of actually discussing stuff?
Are you Japanese? (Honest question.)
My friend felt little to no sexual arousal until she met her boyfriend when we were in our twenties and now she definitely feels plenty of arousal. I've had make friends who insisted they were asexual until they met the right girl as well. People come into their sexuality at different rates.
No. But I've acquired the language enough to know if something is natural or not.
So there's hope for Yuu? That's good to hear.
Oh my fucking god
I'm getting triggered
That would sound like
>they thought they were homosexual until they met the right girl
Replace it with asexual. It sounds just as stupid. It just means she's a late bloomer, not INCAPABLE of having sexual attraction, which (if you paid close attention) she's already having.
Let's all talk about what would be sayaka's reaction once she finds out touko, her dearest friend and crush, has a raging boner for Yuu, who will soon be thirsty for touko's erection.
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She's already angry and feels there's something weird between Touko and Yuu. Once she'll learn the truth she'll either try to fuck up Yuu or convince Touko she doesn't need her. I just can't see her accepting this situation without a fight.
Option 1: Sayaka is a yandere and will try to murder Yuu during the school play by using a real knife instead of a fake one.
Option 2: She'll try to make it look like Yuu is doing something bad to Touko in front of the whole school, or do something to make her unpopular enough that Touko will be forced to not hang around her anymore to mantain her facade.
Option 3: She'll try to convince Touko that she's the one she needs and not Yuu like what this anon >>2054947 said.
I can't think of other options, it will probably turn out to be neither of them.
Those are all pretty good. I hope >>2053474
happens cause it would be hilarious and marvelous. I doubt it's gonna happen but there's still a 1% chance.
Why do you think she's a yandere though
She won't accept it without a fight, that's for sure.
Whatever she does I'm sure sensei will come out to her and tell her there's life beyond Touko.
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Sayaka isn't helping. At all. She's making touko think that she believes her perfect facade. If yuu wasn't there, touko would think she had no one and thus keep suffering, trying to keep up that facade to not disappoint sayaka. That would give her no one to trust, making their relationship as distant as possible. So it's pretty much her fault that touko keeps falling for yuu. Sayaka sucks.
I don't, I just said that this is a possibility.
Sayaka believes that Touko doesn't want anyone to enter her personal space, so she deluded herself into thinking that being her closest person means staying on the border of her comfort zone because it's not like anybody is ever going to cross that line, right?
What why
Anon, it's a joke. That anon probably said it to joke about that panel being too lewd for this obviously christian and chaste board.
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Sayaka is helping Touko.

Touko want to be her late perfect sister. She know that she's far from perfect, so she push herself. Its not easy to keep pushing yourself, sometime you need others to pull you or push you from the back. Sayaka is doing that. She keep reminding Touko what people expects of her, because that's what Touko wants.

Sayaka is just supporting Touko doing what she wants.
Touko is getting mentally exhausted, keeping up that unhealthy act all on her own cause she thinks that otherwise, people will be disappointed.
>I don't think anyone remembers what I was like as a kid.
This means that she doesn't think anyone remembers her true self, cause they rather be with the new, forced person she's being. In other words, they rather her sister than herself.
Letting her think there is no one in that dark world who understands her, letting her get so exhausted, is not helping her.
Thank god there is yuu.
Nah, it's a joke cause it's something Sayaka wouldn't want to see. But then again, if you have to explain the joke, there's no joke.
Eh, you're wrong. Touko knows Sayaka sees through her, but she assumes Sayaka wants to keep the status quo (which she does) so she never broke the facade in front of her. Sayaka is there to help Touko realizes what she wants, the perfect girl in everyone's eyes.

I don't really see Sayaka as a person who would resort to a violent confrontation, she is fairly smart. Admittedly, she also does know Touko pretty well, Yuu is just such an unexpected development for her. I expect once she knows about them she would confront Touko rather than Yuu, trying to convince her that she could do everything that Yuu can or that Yuu is indeed in love with her and would eventually betray Touko's expectation somehow.
That's just a self fulfilling prophecy though. If you keep acting like a different person all the time, you can't blame people for liking you for who they think you are and not from who you really are. Furthermore, if nobody used to talk to her it wasn't because she wasn't perfect, it was just because she was asocial as fuck. She's so deluded it's not even funny.
Not the other anon, and I'm not dismissing the importance of Yuu, but you don't really get the chapter where Touko said she'd rather die than being told "people will just accept you the way you are" do you ? Some people, especially Nip, care about other's perception of them than anything else. She is that way because that's the road she chooses, and because she gets satisfaction and self-fulfillment from it.
Sayaka helps Touko by supporting her, Yuu helps Touko by challenging her. Sayaka did it because she respect Touko choice and want to see Touko achieve her ideal. Yuu did it because she's afraid that Touko would break before she achieve her ideal and because she likes Touko as she is.
If she keeps this shit up, she WILL break for sure.
In what chapter does it specify that touko know's that sayaka sees through her?
Stay triggered then fucknut. My friend went through the same shit "So and so likes me and I don't like them back, they're so nice, what's wrong with me, am I broken." and it just turned out she hadn't met the right person. Also, Yuu is clearly already falling for Touko.

Grasp for your representation elsewhere.
Good point. I was confused as fuck during that chapter so I'm re-reading.
I'm not tumblr, asshole. And the whole "I'm getting triggered" was a joke cause I was making fun of them. Yuu is not asexual. So please refrain from insulting others without knowing shit.
I decided to err on the side of being an asshole since I wasn't sure.
I blame society, media or whatever for shit like that. The moment you aren't some kind of hypersexual teen, or have "healthy amounts" of sexual relations in arbitrary decided time intervals in your adult life, the majority of noisy "normal" people start to look at you like you're some kind of alien and deserve every ounce of pitty they can come up with. It's no wonder half of them run to tumblr with their retarded but shiny, colorful, new boxes to press yourself into.
This thread has turned to pure cancer and it's my fault. You fucking faggots.
>it's my fault
>You fucking faggots.
Why? Just because she's not a natural born stone cold killer?

Plenty of people are not natural public speakers or born leaders. But they take on positions and roles they were not 100% made for every day and survive just fine, it's called life.

Touko's practically got it made for. She's pretty, smart, athletic and has a good family. She can get good grades just by studying, she can speak loud and clear just by trying, and she can bang any man, woman, animal, robot she wants just by giving them a wink or shaking her slutty rear a little. She's got no room to complain about how it's all so hard.
There are people who also suffer from extreme anxiety when they have to speak in public, no matter how good and talented they look, and this seems to be the case with Nanami. Have you seen how much spaghetti she spills when she's alone with Yuu? That's her real personality.
If she ever slips or makes even a single mistake her Miss Perfect facade will collapse immediately and she'll start panicking, that's the reason why Yuu was so much against the play.
No, cause by this point the manga made it obvious touko has some problems.
>good family
Her family is balling as fuck and can take fancy trips. How many nip families supported by lone salary men can do that? Also Touko seems to have a decent allowance without needing a part time job.
I'm pretty sure her family is the reason she ended up being so mentally fucked up. Money can't bring back her dead sister and money certainly didn't give her the emotional support she needed by that time.
This isn't about the money. Their eldest daughter, probably the favorite too, is dead. Imagine how broken her parents must be. I'm ready to bet that her situation at home must not be the happiest.
Honest question, is nanami a second year? I'm confused cause in the translations it said third year but then it says second.
She's a second year. Third years have a green ribbon, by the way.
she's a second year, ihoshiku really fucked up that initial trans (and honestly i don't know how they messed that up cause it's rudimentary)
>second year
Which means Sayaka can still meet some cute freshmen gilrs of her own next year!
>ihoshiku really fucked up that initial trans (and honestly i don't know how they messed that up cause it's rudimentary)
In their defense, I'm JLPT N2 and I've been horrified by similar small mistakes that crop up in qc. I'm sure their translator was competent, sometimes you just kinda slip up like that and it doesn't hit you until someone points it out.
She translated it from Chinese and she apparently wasn't even fluent in that. She was just incompetent.
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We seriously need a compilation/collage of all the panels of Sayaka suspiciously observing someone.

She fucking does it all the time and is often times the only person in the room to notice all the shit other people are trying to hide.
She's really getting in my nerves. She needs to mind her own business.
Also extremely sharp yuri senses.
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There are probably more, but these are the ones I found.

10/10 work, absolutely marvelous.
>you'll never be the focus of her attention
Why live?
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Oh, shit.
You can tell that she is getting more and more dangerous just by looking at how her expression is changing.
In the beginning she was just slightly annoyed, then angry, and now she looks pretty goddamn tired of that shit and her expression is perma-stuck on "I want to slap a bitch" mode.

I like how Sayaka just seems to act bitchier as the story progresses. Can't wait till something actually happens.
Exactly. Imagine she takes it out on yuu? How do you think yuu will respond??
Yuu needs to step up and fully accept her feelings. Good thing is she's starting to realize them. Hopefully something will happen during the play.
>not supporting based Sayaka on her quest to cuck Yuu

It's almost as if you don't like fun
She's just a passive-agressive bitch, and won't do nothing to help Touko because she doesn't want to loose her place of first favourite. Can't wait to see her loose her shit once she'll know Touko wants Yuu's everything.
She's gonna stop being passive soon enough. Just look at her: >>2056223
I almost like the idea of yandere Sayaka, almost.
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It would be fun, but I think that Nakatani will stick to more "realistic" tropes. Nothing so far indicates that she's a yandere anyway.
She sounded quite threatening during her conversation with Yuu though.
I just hope that she won't go into full retard bitch mode, I believe in Nakatani's story telling abilities but a tiny bit of worry remains.

Keine and Remilia have both gone the maximum edge distance in her doujins. While I don't think Sayaka would do anything extreme given the obviously different settings, it would be absolutely hilarious if she made a scene in public.
I don't think she's the type to explode in public but who knows, she's getting closer to her breaking point.
Despite all that I still hope Sayaka gets a good ending too. (Am I the only one who actually likes her character?)
I don't dislike her, but I'm afraid that she will use her status to put Yuu in a very bad position at school.
I think she is the absolutely perfect "friend" character.

Great reputation amongst the student body, capable of being Touko's equal in athletics and academics, no less striking appearance wise, isn't completely ignorant of Touko's actual self, and incredibly observant to boot.

She's not some neglected placeholder waiting to be used to start drama at the most opportune moment. Her beef with the MC has a gradual build up since day 1 and in many ways, totally justified.
>Keine gone edgy
Which one? Trying to eat Mokou's liver or erasing a past where her student confessed to her.
If she doesn't do anything utterly stupid and refrains from going into fullblown bully or blackmailing mode for maximum drama, I don't mind her. She's doomed to suffer anyway, but if she handles this situation with at least a little amount of sanity I will respect her and hope that she finds someone else. Not to say that she isn't allowed to have an emotional outburst, she can explode at them as long as she keeps soap opera levels of intrigue out of it.
If she does though, all bets are off. I can't stand characters like that.
True. I'll trust Nakatani not to twist the plot into something like that.

Inb4 the series title was actually talking about Touko and the story ends with her getting together with Sayaka

The memory one wasn't edgy. The liver one definitely was.
Based Sayaka is based. Patrician taste.
I agree that both are extreme but I still wouldn't call them edgy. Anyway, Keine and Remi going extreme are 100% in character, fits the story tone and totally makes sense in the context of the story.

In this manga though, Sayaka going full yandere would be too out of character and doesn't fit with the tone of the story.
>Inb4 the series title was actually talking about Touko and the story ends with her getting together with Sayaka
I think this honestly could happen.

One of the themes of the story is that love isn't always going to be explosive and heart pounding. The type of gradual and inescapable love that Yuu is building up for Touko is just as valid.

But you can easily flip this around and apply it to Touko. Maybe one day Touko will realize that the passion she feels for Yuu isn't the only way to love either, and that she can learn to love someone, like Sayaka, without being head over heels for the girl.
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What if Yuu goes into yandere mode because Touko stopped loving her when she started to show her feelings for Touko and she blooms as a yandere?
I don't think this could really happen instead. Touko is really too invested in Yuu and every chapter she just keeps falling for her more and more.
However I don't rule out the possiblity that Touko would have fallen for Sayaka if the latter had confessed to her that she could see through her facade and still accept her for what she is, this of course before her meeting with Yuu.
Sayaka had one year of advantage, it's her fault for getting friendzoned.

Sayaka didnt get friendzoned though. She literally put herself there willingly, presumably after discovering that Touko is seemingly not interested in love.

And you know what, I don't care how cliche this sounds, but I want a scene of Sayaka pushing Touko down and asking her "Am I not good enough?" or some variation of it.

I'd fucking squeal.
How beta can you be to freindzone youself and be satisfied?
That's why I like Yuu, pushing Touko out of her comfort zone.
Fuck yes. I actually really want a Touko and Sayaka scene. Not for them to end together or anything but just one scene and I'll be satisfied.
There was a scene like that in the extra but made by another author, so Nakatani will probably do something unexpected and hopefully not cliche.

Yea, it was Minakata
Is there even a chance this manga will have a lewd moment?
Kek file name
Oh, but of course. Chances are pretty high, in my opinion.
This is exactly what I was saying earlier. If sayaka had confessed that she saw through to her and tell her that she will still be with her to support her, this could have ended up with touko spilling all of her spaghetti with sayaka, thus creating a stronger bond that could have ended up with her falling for sayaka. Not keeping all of her shit bottled up in fear of disappointing sayaka. So sayaka can't say shit.
It's a very Japanese thing not to meddle in other people's business, and in this case, Sayaka was already a close friend of Touko. So, considering Touko was in that I-won't-love-anyone mode, Sayaka decided to settle for the second best thing.

In Yuu's case, though. The one who went on the aggressive on their relationship was Touko. At that point, for Yuu Touko was merely another senpai. Thus, considering after Touko confessed you could still not consider them close, even less friends, Yuu could be a lot more blunt on Touko than Sayaka could.

Basically, the basic issue is societal, but the difference is circumstantial.
In this particular panel, did nanami think yuu was talking about the secs?
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Also why is chapter 9 to 11 not working on dynasty reader?
She has high level yuri googles anon chan
Definitely. Maybe not face sitting-scissoring-69 kind of sex, but groping-frenching-symmetrical docking sex.
new chap when
27th of every month

Should get a new thread up on Friday for the spoilers
I'm now demanding art of Yuu sitting on Nanami's face.
I need some dom Yuu honestly.
We need more fanart in general.

Anyway, new thread soon?
Nakatani is an average writer though. I'm expecting Sayaka and Maki to come into play (lame pun) soon.
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Sayaka chapter?

Oh fuck yes I'm ready

Although that's not really indication of it being about her tho

Someone get a new thread up before the spoilers
Might just be random art, but I sure hope so.
I dunno, she's one of the better ones in the yuri mangas I've seen.
Looking at the black and white pictures, I always imagine Sayaka's hair as something like platinum blond. But that's cool too.
>I always imagine Sayaka's hair as something like platinum blond
Yeah, me too. One would think that Nakatani would put some light screen tone on her hair like she did with Yuu's hair otherwise.
New thread

Heck yes.
Sayaka is the best friend.
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