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General Thread

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Thread replies: 304
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Continue From >>1901376

This thread is for:
*Screenshots, pages, and discussion about general series, current or old, not covered by an existing thread, be it yuri, fanservice, subtext or goggles. Canon and non-canon both welcome.
*News reports about things relevant to our interest
*Original content that doesn't fit any specific thread topics
*Pretty much anything that doesn't have or need its own thread.
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I'm still mad
Fuck Mugino tho
I see /a/ is still here.
We learned to ignore him years ago.
Getting pissy doesn't help, it's just gives him more attention.
I can't get around to watching it cause I'm afraid I'm gonna end mad too.
Autists don't really react to anything. They live in their own little world.
Mad about what? I watched it recently and don't remember getting mad about anything.
Most people don't get mad because it's been very clear from the beginning. Especially if you like beautiful onee-samas, you'll like it.
/u/ is not about your blogshit.
/dynasty/ says that Magan&Danai is on a hiatus because the author came out to her family:

"这些天一直很痛苦, 不想画画, 不想出门, 不想面对学业. . . 昨天九三陪我聊了一整晚, 我们一起哭一起笑, 一起回忆过去的幸福, 幻想以后的生活. . . 一切都要感谢她, 每当我绝望的时候, 我都知道我不是一个人在活着 [ 心 ]
11 月 2 日 20:31 来自 iPhone 6 Plus"

I don't have weibo acc, somehow I can still see her profile so it should be a public acc right Σ(・口・).

Anw, here's my brief trans of the above status on 02/11/2015:
"Still sorrowful these days, not wanna draw, not wanna go out, not wanna deal with academic work... Yesterday 九三 (a person's name) talked with me all night; together we cried, laughed, remembered the good old days, and imagined life in the future... I have to give all my thanks to her, each time I'm in pain, I always know I'm not living by myself."

About her family's reaction, it seemed that they're throwing cold water on her. Her mother wouldn't call her on the phone anymore. When she called, her mother used a cold tone to reply. (from the status on the same day as of 2/11) (’へ’)
Well at least she's got her wife.
I am autist, I was the best of my class for years
Family a shit, glad I don't had one
Also found this on dynasty. I'm a casual apparently because it's my first time hearing about it:


"These (recent) days have been very painful.

I don't want to draw, I don't want to go out the door, I don't want to look at my school work. Yesterday, Jiusan talked with me for an entire night. We cried and we smiled, we recalled our past happy moments and life after the fantasy ended. It's all thanks to her- whenever I despaired, I remember I am alone"
Wait what the fuck, did she and her girlfriend break up? I don't know what the fuck's going on. This is going to be another Honey&Honey isn't it? I can't handle this shit.
Glad you are looking forward to the movie, as some of us are. But you really are a casual, as this has been talked about in another previous general thread, and there's also a whole dedicated thread to the show some pages down.
It's probably "not alone". Goddammit, at least read >>1908190 translation first. Typos happen. Stop freaking out immediately.
No, her girlfriend and her are fine. It's her family not reacting well to her being a lesbian, and that's bumming her out big-time.
I have to freak out when real lesbians are involved.

Okay, thank goodness. Her family needs to chill the fuck out and be proud she's popular on the internet for being a lesbian.
>proud to be popular on the internet
She's loved by who knows how many people around the world, her comics have brought many laughs and smiles to me and many others. She's a good person who does good stuff, being popular on the internet is just as valuable as being a celebrity in this day and age.
Man, that's sad.
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Saw this in vol 2 of Uchi no Musume ni Te o Dasu na! - Oyako Heroine Funtousu /Keep Your Hands off My Daughter! / Don't Meddle In My Daughter! / Don't Meddle With My Daughter!
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I don't think Saber falls for him in any route beside her own, and Rin just likes him without being particularly emotional or passionate about it. When she finds him dying after Lancer stabs him, she's mainly thinking about how it'll affect Sakura, who is indeed always in love with him. I choose to think Ilya's feelings are sisterly with a little obligatory mischievous loli teasing.
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and that's all the relevant parts

funny how the side story focused on the daughter that's published in a yuri magazine hasn't had any lesbian stuff yet (aside from blushing) while the main story has the mother have sex with another woman

if you know who the artist is, it's not hard to guess what else happens in the main story
Japan's first official same-sex couple celebrate union in Tokyo

>"I just don't understand it," says 34-year-old Tokyo resident Shizuka Watanabe. "I prefer a normal relationship."

>"They can't produce children. So in principle, I oppose it," says 83-year-old Tetsuyuki Akiyoshi. "But in today's world, I think it's okay to accept those kind of people."

The most tolerant one is the old guy, who knew?
But they're 'officially' not friends anymore aren't they?

Yukarin and Nana have hope.
Now we just need to fix Nana's workaholic ways.
In real life, romantic partners will get upset with you if you don't consider them friends. That's why we use terms like "just friends" or "more than friends". Cutting that word out altogether implies that you're just kinda stuck with your relationship.
>The most tolerant one is the old guy, who knew?

Not as unusual as you would think. Old people (like 80+) who already have finished with their life have an easier time accepting it since they don't have to be part of this new world.
>But in today's world, I think it's okay to accept those kind of people
That doesn't sound like tolerance, but more like resignation.
No, that's tolerance. You tolerate things you might not like.
Tolerance just means not getting upset about things you don't like. That old-man attitude is the right one. If it doesn't affect you in any way, why should you give a damn?
The dude is 80+. After all the shit he's seen and been through, what's gay marriage compared to that?
Disappointing stuff, culturally, family is the priority for them.
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Kinda late to the party there, Mario.
I was expecting a pair of high school girls in their uniforms for some reason, those two are still pretty cute though.
>They can't produce children
I never understood this argument. Why don't those people go and make 30 children during their lifetime if it's that important.
Biological purpose? They see it as those people failing to fulfill their duty, why should they fulfill it for them?
>Wow this female has great genes. We gonna make a lot of children to fulfill our biological purpose and continue human race.
said no one ever
It's not conscious, but that's basically what happens when you find someone hot.
Because it is a silly argument. There is no 'purpose'. Nature does not 'want' humans to reproduce.
where we can send them stuff?
They are beautiful! And also there is no enough manga about girls at their 30's.
Yeah, but on an instinctual level all animals are driven to reproduce. Humans are a little bit more sophisticated than that, but stuff like orgasms exist as a biological incentive to fuck.
You're an idiot.

Nature doesn't have a will, neither does life. Organisms live to reproduce and pass their genes to next generation. That's it. Every single thing in every single living being on the Earth is designed to find pleasurable having descendants, the reason sex feels good is because is a reward to your effort to create offspring, the reason women have more libido during her ovulation periods is because sex is just a mean to create offspring. This is basic biology.
The school setting with immature girls is so overdone, I really want mature adult lesbian relationships too. How long has the schoolgirl setting even existed? Since anime and manga began?
According to Wikipedia, circa the 1900's, with the creation of the Class S.
I never get why you people are so obsessed with wanting 'mature adults' to the 'immature schoolgirls' actually. There's not much difference between them anyway, to be honest.

Yayoi x Shion or Nagisa x Shizuma
The heart desires what it cannot have/familiarity breeds contempt/some other relevant trite saying
Plausible deniability. At least that's my reason. I hate the "school setting" because with on paragraph the author can pull of the "it's just a phase". With adult characters, that excuse doesn't work anymore. I believe it's stupid in school settings too, though.
Well it looks like we were right all along, about everything.

>When it comes to what turns them on, women are either bisexual or gay, but never straight, according to a new study by the University of Essex.
>sex-related research
>ever right in any aspect

We can only wish.
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how old is Shion?
You're making Mugino look smart right now.
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nigga what
Somebody got triggered.
Nah, that anon took that cake today:

>>1908731 There's not much difference between them anyway, to be honest.
>can't even quote properly

I don't blame them for liking Haibara. But this is for a "lover".
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Also, a domination of the top 3 by foreign looking girls.
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Well, it could be the older version of her.

Eli on top .

as expected form gayest rabu.
Why am I the only one who loves Nozomi?
Nico masterrace.
You are not.
>is designed
Go back to biology class, creationist.
It's not all bad - check out that qt 3D waifu.
Where did I imply that I believe such a retarded thing as "intelligent design"? Go a be retarded somewhere else.
By saying every organism is designed, which implies a designer. Classic case of erroneous teleological thinking, as is the rest of your post.
There is nothing theological in stating that all life has the purpose of create descendants, retard. I used design as in "it's the way it is" not as in "some fantastical bullshit being decided it to be like that."

Every biologist in the world would tell you that the purpose of every single living thing, hell even things that aren't technically alive live virus and prions, is to reproduce.

There's nothing religious or remotely theological in my thinking. You, on the other hand, seem like those idiots who claim to be atheist but don't know shit about science. Classic retarded behavior, if you ask me.

Just to let you know, I'm agnostic.
So you don't know what teleological means.
>purpose of every single living thing, hell even things that aren't technically alive live virus and prions, is to reproduce
No, not really. It ends up that way because things that don't reproduce or replicate die out but there is no inherent purpose there.
You're the one who doesn't know, retard.

>adjective: theological
>relating to the study of the nature of God and religious belief.
>"theological and pastoral training"
>synonyms: religious, scriptural, ecclesiastical, doctrinal.

That's the finality at the end. There's nothing fancier. All life exist to reproduce, everything else is just fluff to it. You have lots of species that outright die after passing their genes to the next generation. Maybe purpose isn't the right word. It's not like "someone" decided that it were like that. It just is.
Um, you do realize that teleological and theological are two different words right?
You should probably stop calling other people retards.

Also, just because things "do" something, it doesn't mean they are "meant" to do that thing.
For example, a large amount of living things that don't produce their own food eat, but they don't exist to eat.
'Teleological' is not a bad spelling of 'theological, onee-chan. Google it before making a fool of yourself.
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Theological means "related to religion". Teleological means "related to a purpose". Please try to double check your posts before calling other people retards.

That said, both sides are right in their own way (life has no "purpose" but living things do tend to try their darnedest to get some descendants going) and the distinction between the two is mostly semantics. Arguing over this is a waste of time that could be used for better things, like discussing yuri, and it's also a disservice to biology to argue about it in /u/ without appreciating all the yuri relationships that exist in nature.

Can't we discuss whiptail lizards or bdelloid rotifers or the entire symbiotic love triangle that exists on camphor trees instead?
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Best of all, she's her 2D waifu too.
>All life exist to reproduce,

No. That would imply there is a meaning in life. Life is 'just' a process of physical and chemical reactions.
Stop being so obnoxiously dense. You know exactly what that anon is talking about.

The fuck is this "discussion" doing here anyway?
Is this yuri

No, it's fuck. And already annoying, by how much it's blowing up.
Anything IRL or western is by definition not yuri.
Average Japanese lesbian are cashul animu watchers. They probably don't know animu beyond Case Closed and Doraemon.

Furthermore, nobody wants to be associated with the manchildren mob of Love Live fans.
But Eri is number one?
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Our boy Mugino sure loves shitposting on /a/ just to piss off its inhabitants.
A noble goal.
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It's Retoree's birthday today if anyone cares... It's already over in Japan though.
He should be banned on sight.
Discussion about the shithead should be insta-ban. In other words, fuck off already.
Why won't you guys just anonymize/filter tripfags?
/a/ is one story. Fast enough that you can just filter with impunity. But you can't filter the namefags on /u/ without the board becoming a nightmare to use.
Mugino makes half of the threads here.
Then just anonymize him. Then you guys would notice than his shiptosting isn't any different from any other shiptosting.

I wouldn't even know about half of tripfags if they didn't have followers like you that talk about them in every thread.
You are asking people to be calm, collected and logical over the Internet. Do you know how ludicrous that is?

It doesn't change the fact that you're totally right.
>posts in horrible english
>images from obviously het manga that feature two girls looking at each other, post saying how it totally went yuri

I wonder who could be behind that post.
>I wonder who could be behind that post.
Someone who likes yuri too much to let insignificant things like harem leads and the English language get in the way of their enjoyment of it?

If we were all like Mugino, /u/ would be a much happier place.
If we were all like Mugino, /u/ would be like MAL or Dynasty forums.
I don't want to be a part of a /u/ that accepts girls that desperately want somebody's dick as /u/ material.
Please talk about your favorite namefriend somewhere else.
Take a look at the catalog, some of the franchises are built on that. See you!
It would also be indistinguishable from /a/
Mugino's posts are far from the worst ones on /u/.
There's a difference between "Hey here's some yuri porn of some girls from last season's generic harem LN" and Mugino's deliberate and deranged misinformation.
Cyan is not a vampire Restoree
Mugino's a positive person though, you can't get less /a/ than that.
The fuck is wrong with you people?
Exactly. Just as there's a difference between seeing Mugino for who he is - an autistic attention-seeker - and overreacting every time he engages in his particular brand of faggotry.
Lawrence is such a phony
>there are people who unironically like Mugino
Namefagging should be banned from this site to begin with, but liking a shitposter who spams the board with "yuri" which, coincidentally, almost always turns out to be haremshit or het really takes the cake.
Shion is 27 and Yayoi is 22 in the first season.
Please /a/, if you're going to come here please talk about yuri and not namefags.
We ignore them here.

I'm actually surpised.
Its cute
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That happens later. Translations are going really slow for some reason.
Everyone want to rape Alice.

Poor girl.
I'm with you. Fuck these other assholes saying otherwise.
I thought that was Sakuya.
I want her to get through all of this in one piece and marry Roach in America with Yoriko as the bridesmaid or something. She deserves a happy ending after this roller coaster of insanity.

Sniping Dragonfly back was a complete jerk move though, so she may also turn out to be worse than her father.
Alice manages to tie Scorpion up. Scorpion then stabs herself with her tail.
Season 2 announcement?

I think they sold well so I'm not surprised that it will have a season 2.

I just hope they focus more on plasmagica and the other girl groups. And less focus on that "crimson whatever their name" is.
They will focus on the male group as well because both aspect sold well in Japanese market...

Not a surprise that the male bands are popular among fujoshis though.
I've been playing Sen no Kiseki 1-2 and there's a lesbian voiced by Shizuru from Mai-Hime and she flirts with every girl she sees and has a relationship with another girl. Only playable for one chapter though.
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>the show is getting a sequel, as well as a new short anime

Two fucking new shows? This is the best fucking news ever.
I hope Retoree gets a chance to go doggy style on Cyan's pussy.
I remember when /u/ was burying their heads in their sands thinking 'no, no, Cyan will not return home and leave Retoree behind' but in the end predictable plotlines proved predictable.
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That's pic related, right?
Do you know what Yoriko was saying to Alice at the end of chapter 70?
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Let's talk about Koukaku no Pandora. Just read the only two translated chapters and they were good. These two are cute together.
>he only two translated chapters
I thought this was getting an official translation?
Yeah, it looks like two volumes are out now. I just read the two chapters that were fan translated. Has anyone here read the first two volumes? I hate buying localized manga.
Cool, though that continues the trend of everybody outside of Cold Steel's main cast being more interesting than anybody in it.
Seven Seas usually don't localize or at least doesn't go overboard with it, so it should be safe to buy. I have the first volume but haven't read it yet myself.
When the story is set on Japan, they even leave the suffixes. But when it's set on a western setting, they do localize it.
If the story is not set in Japan they should localize. Hell, it's cringe worthy read something like: "Jessica-san, please go to the Westminster Abby and talk to Carlton-sama."
Is it just me, or is there a surprising amount of sub-dom Yuri?
*lack of
not amount
sorry, long day
Nene is all Clara-rin love. As of volume 2 Nene owns Clarion. Clarion still doesn't like her ears being touched. Clarion lets Nene hug her and she protects Nene but whether it's Nene being her owner or grumpy tsundere vibes can be argued.
I like it so far so I'll continue buying.
She carry Alice and say "Let end this suffering".
>forgot pic.
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Takashima Hiromi illustrating a LN with these characters. It makes things a bit confusing on her website, but she got hired to do what she does best, I guess. It looks very cheap if someone wants to just look at the pictures (and give them to us).
So are there any scanlation efforts towards the adventures of lesbian Chikane and some mermaids? Or is it going to be one of those series /u/ only talks about through muffled reactions to contextless pages with Chinese text like we're archaeologists trying to decipher hieroglyphics without the Rosetta Stone.
>lesbian Chikane

It will be faster to learn jap.
What series is this?
Sounds like Mermaid Lovers.
I'm considering it but I'm not sure if there's a way to rip the book. Never used the store and I can't seem to find much information on it. I suppose I could take the plunge and check it out.
Hey, what's anyone's opinion of the okazu lady? Does anyone know who she is? Do you think she is a good or bad thing?
I'll use her site as a kind of catalogue when buying manga, but I'll never buy through her site. As for her reviews, I've never cared for her opinion - she comes off a bit pretentious.
>yuri staff

This is her fanbase.
I wonder what her opinion on VD would be.
Probably that it's problematic or some horseshit.
Probably considerably more aggressively phrased though.
But VD is shit so why bother?
Erica detected
Your hypothetical Erica would be right.
For you.
Don't know what happened to the webcomic thread. New Idolon page:

>tumblr nose the comic
If we were more >like Mugino

We would be making angry rants every time some male shows up and drawing pictures bashing some male for the perceived crime of 'getting in the way.'

All in all, we would be making /u/ look even more retarded.
Don't start this off-topic bullshit again. Take your /a/utistic hatred for that namefag elsewhere please.
That's not even a serious Tumblr nose. I bet you aren't shit posting about how your animu doesn't even have noses.
At least my animu characters don't look like they're drunk all the time.
If you can't cherish lesbian drunk love might as well end it now.
Not them, but the art is shit anyways. That person needs a better grasp in anatomy and in poses.
Worse has been published in Yuri Hime, to be honest.
Been off /u/ for a while, remember there being a pretty big CYOA site that was used by /u/ to write stories, but have forgotten its name, and I can't find a thread about it.

Is it still around?
I guess, but that doesn't make this particular art acceptable, good or anything else. Shitty art is shit regardless of how shitty other art is.
That's right senpai
Sure. But I doubt you're contributing half as much to the genre.
So, what you're saying is that is fine that someone feeds you with shit, because at least that person is contributing. What happened to having standards?
What happened to being grateful? You're saying you only want the most amazing artists to make things for you, while you give them absolutely nothing for the time they spend or their creativity? It's pretty much someone sitting on their ass yelling at others working for not working hard enough for them. Get over yourself.
I just called that person art shit, and even explained why I made that judgement. You, on the other hand, don't have other defense than "at least they are contributing!" which is not defense at all. I could say the same about how the 50 Shades is contributing to make more people read books. Does that fact makes those books less shitty? Of course it doesn't. It's not about being ungrateful, it's about having criteria.
Anonkun? Yeah, it's still around.


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Why can't they be perfect like Pixiv's noses?
I'm not defending the art, moron, I'm defending the effort. You on the other hand dismissed the comic because you don't like the art style. You didn't contribute anything other than your own retarded tastes. I just pointed out that you can't hark on someone else's efforts when you have nothing of but criticism. And your opinion isn't worth shit.
Hey, no reason to get so butthurt if someone doesn't like your shitty webcomic.
Pls. Go back to whatever shit how you crawled out of. Probably aren't even lesbian to boot.
Maybe you should go back to /lgbt/ or tumblr with your westernshit. I hear they like hugboxes and echo chambers.
What the hell are you on about? It's not like these kind of noses are prevalent in Pixiv.
Sweet Jesus she's gonna poke Homu's eye out if she isn't careful.
Put a cap on that autism kek
>everyone shitting on tumblr and redirecting to /lgbt/ is Kek
Effort doesn't matter if the result is shit. This kind of logic is why kids today are worthless pieces of shit that can't do anything of value but still want to be praised because they made an "effort."
>everyone that disagrees with me must be from Tumblr or lgbt while I'm on a yuri board that's become Tumblr v. 2
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This is the worst art you've ever seen? Kek
>still butthurt about tumblr because he got laughed out of it once
What are you responding to
>complains /u/ becoming tumblr
>posts western tumblr nose shit

You're part of the problem.
I'm not complaining, you retard. I'm pointing out that there's no use telling others to go to tumblr when tumblr is already here. And really, I'm fine with it being here if it means more variety in content. Better than having to wait 9 months to get a new chapter of something. Through it we've got Their Story among other things. You could either be complaining about no content or shit content, you'd just rather be complaining. Stop shitposting and go translate something, dumbass.

It's funny how you totally ignored my point. You know what? I give up. Keep eating shit if you like it so much.
Man, you actually have autism, don't you?
so what did I miss? When and why did this become a thing
Not that I'm really complaining
What exactly do you not understand?
Not the other anon, but what is the context for it? I don't know Japanese, so all I see is just 2 girls playing at "pocky kissing".
Watch your fucking mouth!
Can Satougashi no Dangan wa Uchinukenai be considered yuri?
What does your heart tell you?
Why would you defend a country that has nothing going for /u/s at all?
Has anyone found subs for Transit Girls (Fuji TV Lesbian drama), or even seen it? It premiered already.

/u/ strikes again

But really eight years for this doesn't make any sense
It's rape so 8 years seems normal.
I don't see how the defendant's story could possibly be true, and even then calling it rape is a bit of a stretch.
Raw is out, just google the name in katakana. Don't know anything about subs.
It wasn't rape at all. That is twisting it. She was jailed for pretending to be man. If she was a real man, nothing would have happened, because the other woman would have consented.
>I don't see how the defendant's story could possibly be true

People are that retarded, nothing to be surprised about.

>and even then calling it rape is a bit of a stretch.

Not really, it's pretty clear cut if you believe the victim's story.
>She was jailed for pretending to be man.

She was convicted for sexual assault.

>If she was a real man, nothing would have happened, because the other woman would have consented.

But she wasn't a man, which makes it rape as the victim didn't consent to having sex with a woman.
Dude, there was no rape. The lady was fine with having sex. She just got mad it was the wrong gender.

Bet the lady was hot and high all along the way.
>The pair had sex about 10 times until the complainant ripped off her mask and in disbelief saw Newland wearing a prosthetic penis.
Okay girl, if you meet someone to have sex with them 10 fucking times completely out of your own volition, you were fucking satisfied with their performance.
She was fine with having sex with a man, but it turned out her partner wasn't a man, she was deceived. That is considered rape, why do you think this woman was convicted?
But they agreed to have sex together ten times, all while one person never having seen the other's because apparently she was wearing a blindfold 100% of the time they were together. Maybe people really are just that retarded, but I still can't believe any of it.
meant to reply to >>1913471
>Maybe people really are just that retarded, but I still can't believe any of it.

She managed to convince the judge, so she's either incredibly cunning or simply retarded. I'm inclined to believe the latter.
She only pressed charges because it felt too good.
I was making a hokey reference to some comedic SF novels.
I can't believe you passed up the opportunity to say "criminally good" there.
I mean it's not a new concept, but a lot of it just came up suddenly
it was because of the date, silly.
See >>1912775
> https://www.google.com/search?q=pocky+day
That is correct. It is justice.
Oh, I forgot that I was going to watch this show.
I hope you like "so random xd" humor.

I know I love it.
Can somebody recommend me a manga that meets the following:

>Has canon yuri or decent subtext
>Both girls are young and the same age
>Both girls are roughly the same height
>No balloon tits
>Good, cute art style
>Has more than a few chapters translated
>No heavy amounts of angst but a little drama is fine
>Is cute
>Isn't full of unrequited crushes and love triangles. The pairings are clear.
Yes, I do.

Okay I'm downloading it right now.
I would say for you to watch Ai Mai Mi before. There are some cameos.
I actually have a raw. I forced myself to watch it, and understood a little of it (It's a amazing what you can pick up just from watching chinese cartoons for about 15 years)

The older girl is a creep and the younger one (Sayuri?) is a piece of shit.
Was the other girl literally retarded?
I would say to check out Morishima Akiko's works.

I'm not new to yuri. I've read her work and I'm not a fan.
>not a fan
I am shocked and appalled, anon.
burn the wiiiitch
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>Not a fan of Morishima senpai
Kill yourself
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There are others who liked Ai Mai Mi?
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Yeah, it was even more like Citrus than I expected. Sayuri is a bitch but I understand her, it was only 2 years since her mother died and father already found another woman.
It was my first jdrama, but hell, it's just like my chinese cartoons, but with bad acting.
For me the worst part was how creepy is the 21 year old one. Let's not forget about Sayuri and her not-really-a-boyfriend-childhood-friend and how she's a total bitch with people that have been good to her. It is normal in Japan to take pictures of people without their consent? That part was weird too.

The bad acting is part of the course with japanese TV, someone once commented that that kind of acting is required/expected on TV, which would explains the absurd difference of quality of the acting on movies.
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>how creepy is the 21 year old one
The only creepy thing Yui did was a kiss though. Girl's just trying to be friendly. Taking photos is fine, I think. It's not like she's a stalker or selling them.

>she's a total bitch
Again, for me, it's understandable.

I'm more interested who the fuck are those two.
the kiss scene is cringeworthy
The direction was clumsy as fuck.

>I'm more interested who the fuck are those two.
Actually, me too.
It's understandable. I feel a some of her work has a tinge of "look how GAY this girl is and how it's a GOOD thing". A few panels too much about being gay instead of the story at hand.

Then again, some of her stuff doesn't even touch the subject.

Either way, you ask too much. Stories are there for you to read them, not to please you explicitly. You'll have to make due.
Odd that I did watch Ai Mai Mi, but can't tell which girl is which.
A post over at the YuruYuri thread made me wonder something: is there yuri featuring robots? Female androids, gynoids, lesbots, whatever you wish to call it.

The only things that spring to mind are Subaru from the Nanoha series and Burst Angel 2.
These are the one's I've read.




Pure Marionation was actually one of the first yuri manga I ever read. Brings back memories, good times.
Yes, but not much.

They're usually just regular humans with aspergers. Tonari no Robot is one of the best depictions, but I get the feeling it will never be completely translated.
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Oh yeah, forgot about this one.

Koume Keito should really do more yuri.
He's got an affinity with it to the point where even his het stuff has it.
Not that anon, but I'm not a fan of her art style. All those huge eyes, long eyelashes, too round faces, constantly blushing cheeks and an abuse of flower, heart and sparkle motifs just make me feel like I accidentally went back in time to the early 2000's.
And characters tend to overreact. They almost never are happy, instead they're HAPPY. Or maybe SAD. Or EXCITED. It's hard to explain, but it's like people in her works can't find the middle ground between reacting too strongly and not reacting at all. Maybe it's because I'm used to more down-to-earth characters/stories, I dunno.
The "Legally Married" foxgirls are gonna get a dog.

>it's an actual dog
>not a loli
lolis are overrated, at least you can put a dog outside if it misbehaves.
>implying you can't put a loli outside if it misbehaves
I don't think they have child protection organizations there.
>not putting your loli out

Take a look at this guy.
>Tonari no Robot is one of the best depictions, but I get the feeling it will never be completely translated.

This at the very least will not be an issue
A couple months ago I posted a link to the first chapter of South Kamakura High School Girls Cycling Club which seems to be very yuri, and is getting an anime in the near future. The chapter I linked awhile back was translated/typeset/etc by Doremi, but it looks like someone did chapters 1-4 in addition to that. I haven't read chapters 3 and 4 yet, but just read chapter 2.


Question for /u/ if taking a bite of a sandwich someone else ate a bite of is an indirect kiss what would you call eating the entire sandwich?
Anyone home?
Being hungry. A girl needs to notice the indirect kissing, or it won't count.
No, we're all in Paris, anon. /u/'s one of the slowest boards, calm down.
>Being hungry.
I don't know about that. She didn't give any indication of being hungry before eating it.
>if taking a bite of a sandwich someone else ate a bite of is an indirect kiss what would you call eating the entire sandwich?
An indirect french kiss.
>we're all in Paris
or the next closest thing we are occupied with French kisses.
>Anyone home?
Did you have something yuri related you wanted to talk about, or are you just here to sink threads with inappropriate bumping?
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>An indirect french kiss.
Another thing that could be an indirect French kiss is one girl sharing her half eaten french fires with another girl. I was going to post a picture of that, but they seem hard to come by any (good ones). Sadly the closest I could find was this picture (which wasn't that close):

Instead here is a picture of sensei going after her two loli's.
I don't know if you ended up watching the show or not, but I just watched episodes 1-6


When I was watching episode 1 I was like : What The Fuck am I watching. It was worth it though given episode 6's content. Episode 6 turned me on, does that mean I'm fucked in the head?
>I don't know if you ended up watching the show or not, but I just watched episodes 1-6
I did actually, though I haven't reached the newest episode yet.

As I expected, the show's brand of humor is where you laugh because you don't know what the fuck is going on, very much like the author's other show from last year, which was quite fun too.
It's like Teekyuu except somewhat cruder.
New manga writting by Fukami Makoto!
sorry, it was another mahou shoujo
I'm watching the 100. When lesbians appear and do they die like all lesbian characters? Because if they do, I'll drop it.
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man is actually a woman.png
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Will it really be yuri, or will it be a mere ruse?

>the 100
Whatever happened to the other 200?
>Whatever happened to the other 200?

Got Lost in time.
Season 2.
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Valkyrie Impulse.jpg
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Valkyrie Impulse Project

I not sure what it is but it look potential.

they're actually looking into each other's eyes

cautious hype
It's an LN, with hopes for becoming a game.
Madoka and short haired Homura.
Why launch an all girls cast title to a fanbase that only consume haremshit? They should make it a manga instead.
Not even close.
The ones that aren't part of a media mix are generally off /u/'s radar due to the language barrier, but it's not like there aren't people buying LNs like this in Japan, so what I assume what you really mean is:
>Why is it something I won't be able to read? Baaaw.

Anyway, Valkyrie Impulse is the project of an artist who works as an LN and eroge illustrator. Even if they've done some manga (as most artists like that have at least done doujinshi), teaming up with a writer to try to get the idea started as an LN is a lot more realistic.
Looks good but I think I'll wait for some character info to see if it's /u/ worthy.
New thread
>teaming up with a writer
Eroge writer. I'm honestly wondering why would they release novel and not vn.

Characters' info doesn't mention anything /u/ worthy. It's just basic thing like personality, family.
Has it been translated?
Author hasn't even started to write it.
well, fuck
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