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Just watched Stargate for the first time. Please tell me there's

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Just watched Stargate for the first time.
Please tell me there's more movies like it.
there's a whole show like it.
There are several shows.
All of them are terrible, by the way. Watch Farscape instead.

The shows are low budget and all the aliens speak English somehow, so it pretty much throws the main theme of the movie out the window.

SG-1 is comfy af though, especially the early seasons.

Everything after O'Neal leaves is shit though.
Dumb redditor
Honestly if you enjoyed the movie and want more then SG-1 is essential. Probably the one time I'd say another actor plays a character better than Kurt Russel. Richard Dean Anderson just IS O'Neal to me.
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Currently on S3. So fucking comfy
Atlantis: The Lost Empire
5th Element
Immortal ad vitam
10,000 BC
Gods of Egypt

all have elements in their stories and/or design that channel Stargate more or less, but no movie is quite like it.
This. The Startgate show replaced David Spader with a generic musclehead chad. It's essentially StarChad. It appealed primarily to middle aged women.

FarScape had some of the same actors but also had better writing and space muppets.
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>David Spader
Lmfao virginscape vs chadgate
Actually make the comic you lazy homo.
>"no we wont give you weapons for tech to save our planet because that would be evil"

>rape, murder, torture, fart jokes

fuck off nu-male

Nothing. The show is good but slightly different in tone. Don't watch past season 8. Atlantis is garbage. SGU is very good and a worthy successor to BSG, don't listen to the hate
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So weird how David Spader used to be a little boipucci and now he's this
I don't like the idea of watching the tv show when the only thing I really loved about the film was Spader and the overall sense of wonder
looks a bit like shatner in that pic
Don't be retarded.
>Atlantis is garbage. SGU is very good and a worthy successor to BSG, don't listen to the hate

kill yourself

The fucking L I Z A R D K I N G
There's like three TV shows just like it. In fact they are called Stargate. I watched SG-1 and it's literally the same two characters from the movie just with different actors. I've never watched Atlantis or Universe.
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This entire post is bait.
>entire post
almost, he ain't wrong about season 9/10.
>David Spader
Do you mean James Spader? Who the fuck is David Spader?
>there are people on this board who unironically like Atlantis and think SGU was bad because it wasn't a clone of SG-1

you fags need to off yourselves, you're cancer to the genre and the reason we don't get good sci-fi shows any more
the series, especially most of SG-1, are decent in their own way but the movie is a lot better. The SG TV series are mostly self-aware kitschiness, simple plots and fairly simple world-building

Wish they would do a TV adaption of the original movie that had a hard focus on the anthropology background of the movie. Could be 10-episodes a season with multi-episode arcs taking place on particular planets and fleshing out the peoples and cultures. most people would probably hate it though
Atlantis is good. They all are. Stargate films & TV are filled with more soft disclosure than any other franchise in history.
>Atlantis is good

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He only bulks up towards the end of the series.

this fucking clown only watched the last few seasons of stargate

look at him and laugh
it's pretty gradual actually

only the first two seasons does he act like a parody of Spader's character in the movie. Third he gets a better haircut, I think, I can't quite remember. From there he gradually is brought in more as a "sexy" character
yeah sure whoever
I wasn't baiting, I was expressing my opinion.
Spader makes the film god tier.... he has been criminally underutilized.
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>all the ST belong in high mid-tier
>firefly low-mid tier
>SAAB and Caprica should be mid-tier
>farscape should be god tier
Replace Deep Space Nine with Babylon 5, then move Deep Space Nine next to Andromeda.
that actually pretty decent listing desu
>re-imagined BSG anything other than God Tier
>The Expanse that high
>Fagscape that high
>SGA that high
>Dark Matter than high
>SGU that low

whoever made this infograph is partially retarded.
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Did he really do anything wrong?
aside from look like a massive faggot, not really
Lexx should at least be high mid-tier
genuinely can't understand the hate for Farscape, considering the series as a whole it's much better than SG-1 as a whole. Is it misdirected spite for Claudia Black and Ben Browder?

I like the new BSG but it does have massive flaws and almost everyone agrees the last two seasons are pretty iffy, and most people don't like the series finale. I'm not keen on it but I don't hate it

for these reasons it doesn't belong in god-tier
farscape is campy YA-pandering garbage with extremely irritating characters and no remotely interesting story arc to make up for it. The fact that SG-1 declined so heavily when they brought in the two leads from that show and basically made it Farscape 2.0 is testament to how poor it really was
I haven't seen either but I heard Stargate is basically a remake of The Man Who Would Be King
for fifteen or twenty minutes maybe
There's a lot of reason to be angry at them about Stargate, Lucifer. Some people just don't take kindly to muppets. I enjoy it but it's pretty fucking weird and doesn't really get an internal logic til season 3ish.
bringing in two new main characters does not say a lot of good things about how the writing was doing in SG-1 by the last two seasons. While I don't like the two actors' characters in the SG-1, they really aren't like their Farscape characters at all and that isn't a legitimate criticism. Correlation doesn't imply causation, etc.

Yes, Farscape does have a romance element that does get pretty nauseating and slowly begins to dominate the series. It's still a funny and energetic series with interesting sets, puppets, and overall style. I can accept someone not liking it though
>be only guy who delivers OP's actual request
>get no replies
>autists who can't control themselves and must make everything into le general thread commandeer thread to talk about shitty tv show
most of those suck and I don't really follow the 5th Element being similar
Lexx is high tier
Crichton dream episodes is the best sci fi tv that exists.
>flying benis
who the fuck watches this shite
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its some weird/lewd surrealist scifi stuff, underrated.

pic related
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>Gigi Edgley
It's a dragonfly you dumb pervert.
Literally the same movie
Which is quite understandable. He is still a nerd, but you don't get to be field operative for ten years without making huge gains. Just travelling everywhere on foot with the kit is enough.
>Numale Trek
>into the garbage compactor it goes
Why did David Spader age so badly?
did he? grow him some hair, take off 10kg and he's ok
the guy is 57yo ffs
>Cowboy bebop
>not Space Pirate Captain Harlock and Planetes
pleb choice
well you have a spaceship landing over an egyptian temple where an ancient secret is hidden away, enter weird aliens with awesome armor... that scene is pretty stargate-ish to me
im ok with this.jpg
How the fuck is Red Dwarf not even on this, in any slot?
>Michael Shanks
>generic musclechad
Only after season 7 t b h
how are you so blind?
fucking archaeologist propaganda, why do the jews want us to be archaeologists so badly?
I actually majored in Egyptology because Stargate inspired me as a kid, shit is cash
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holy fuck i am blind
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>David Spader
are you retarded?
read entire thread, I am loving it.
Is that David Spade? Barely recognize him.
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i know, makes all the less sense to still use it
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>we will never see prime kurt russell beating up egyptian gods in space ever again

hold me bros
I'm never going to stop using it.
fair enough, godspeed anon
>james spader

great actor but JUST

Who the fuck is David Spader?

He was in a movie with Clive Warren
Replace DS9 with Babylon 5 and I can agree with this list.
>prime kurt russell
man, I miss this guy. even liked soldier.
those helmets were so fucking based
what a fucking letdown were the snake two-piece ones
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watch it Ta'uri
implying even Setesh guards are not better!
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>exo squad is low tier
what a shit list

I hate reading good ideas from anons because they'll never come to be

>Babylon 5 isn't god-tier

Faggotscape is shit. kys.
see >>87442723
the muppet only makes it hotter
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9-10 is good.
vala is annoying but mitchells is alright. orici is qt, baal is cool, ori armors and tech are great. episode 200 is godly, Unending is goat finale.
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B5 did have a rough first and fifth season.
soapopera BSg is definitely not god tier

the expanse is
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You have a go.
Farscape =/b/
Lexx =/d/
SG-1 =/tv/
Star Wars =/v/
Dark Matter =/co/
Star Trek =/r9k/
BSG =/soc/
Dr. Who=/toy/
>stark trek
>no planetes
>killjoys not featured
Incomplete and pleb list. Useful only for the absolute beginner of science fiction. And it makes star trek sound much better than what it actually is, weak and plotless space comedy and adventures.
lol go masturbate to rogue one again
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This is VERY MUCH like it. Only it's sense of wonder is 10000 times larger.

Yeah, I know you've heard it's a shitty movie.

It's not.
lol go jerk off to you ponies
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>dat Chiana
gut daym
i always thought zhan was hotter myself but her and chi tonguing is basically the best thing ever.
Ran out of treka nd am currently tryin gto get into this. Does it get better at a certainn point? I know Sci-fi shows take some time to get good.
>5th Element
That's the good shit.
One of my all time favorite movies.
Remember the scene where Willis opens the door and the tweaker was waiting for him and said "give me the cash!"
That was frickin funny.
Myself and a buddy of mine in college would do that to each other; knock on the door and when the other opened it say "give me the cash" and do the whole scene together.
Hey Todd, if you're reading this "give me the cash" bro.
Haha lol, good times.
>A Serpent Guard, a Horus Guard and a Setesh Guard meet on a neutral planet. It is a tense moment. The Serpent Guard's eyes glow, the Horus Guard's beak glistens, the Setesh Guard's... nose drips

*breathes in*
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oh god I miss her gratuitous edgy PG-13 sex scenes so much
where's rick and morty?
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Have you tried watching Stargate?

The Fifth Element
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>David Spader
What did Bobby Briggs and Scully's father mean by this?
Its so average it hurts
Taht mug uoy ekil si gniog ot emoc kcab ni elyts. Taht mug uoy ekil...
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>Blake's 7 in low-tier
otherwise you're on the money
this. the shows are based on the movie but they take a totally different tone and everything. the series is much more fun, but if you wanted exactly the feeling of the movie you'll be disappointed.
Deja isn't average. Literally my 10/10 in that movie and I don't even fall for the waifu shit
how did Apophis even maintain followers if all he ever did was job
Bodacious Space Pirates is good fun. Fuck you.
He was second in power behind Ra, also he rarely fucked up too bad until of course the replicators, but its not like he could have predicted that
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I liked Otacon.
lol i never realized this.

i thought oneil was the only one that got recasted
Only good post ITT
No, David Spader was a real name brand actor in the late 80s early 90s.
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im on season 7 episode 17 of my first major re-watch of SG-1

Does anyone else fucking despise Daniel after his return to the show? Was just starting to like the other alien dude from the 3 Warring States and he was a better actor with a more interesting back story.

I couldn't help but want to know why Daniel originally left and I'm assuming, even though he claimed it was just about his characters "lack" of plot, that he was jealous that Sam was taking over the majority of the "smart person" scenes / lines and Jack was getting what he was getting. He comes back and gets ridiculous plot lines where he becomes an ascended god and does nothing now he goes on weird boring Indiana Jones adventures to the jungles and temples on earth, his acting ever since he has come back is insufferable, his ego and delusion of being a grand acteur bleeds through into his character which was already a pompous know it all.

I loved him before he left and was craving his return while that ascended bullshit was going on, but damn, he fucking sucks now.
Yep. Later Daniel is a cunt. it gets worse
It's really Christopher Judge's fault, or in universe Teal'c's. Getting Shanks/Daniels to work out with him during downtime.
Which one is that? which one should I begin with?
This anon knows what he's talking about.
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Jack, may I share something with you? A vision I had in my sleep last night — distinguished from a dream which is mere sorting and cataloging of the day's events by the subconscious. This was a vision, fresh and clear as an event horizon — the mind revealing itself to itself. In my vision, I was on the deck of a vast starship, a bridge of some fantastic proportion. There seemed to emanate from it a light from within — this gleaming radiant trinium. I had known this ship. It had in fact been named after me. This was my first return, a reunion with the deepest wellsprings of my being. Wandering about, I was happy that the ship had been immaculately maintained. There had been added a number of additional decks, but in a way it blended so seamlessly with the original construction, one would never detect any difference. Returning to the ship's bridge, there came a knock at the hatch. You and Sam were standing there. you were both happy and care-free together, clearly living a life of deep harmony and joy. We embraced — a warm and loving embrace, nothing withheld. We were in this moment one. My vision ended. I awoke with a tremendous of optimism and confidence in you and Sam, and your future. That was my vision; it was of you. I'm so glad to have had this opportunity to share it with you. I wish you nothing but the very best, always.
Not really.

Theres Soldier, starring starlords dad but its theoretically a sequel to blade runner.
SG-1 is better than the movie, rest is usual scifi crap.
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