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BREAKING: Colin Trevorrow Exits as Director of ‘Star Wars:

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Fired more like
This is the greatest thing.
fuck jurassic world
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Holy JUST #wow
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Who gives a shit, the same mass-audience disney star wars flick would be made with any director
Did RLM genuinely enjoy Rogue One?
It's okay, a 6/10 movie, but it wasn't that good. (It was merely better than The Force Awakens)
Lel. Chris Cuckmann did this
Disney had the idea Star Wars would be making them money forever I say by 2020 no one will care about the last star wars film
No. They shat all over it for the same reasons they praised TFA.
Great news.
>Did RLM genuinely enjoy Rogue One?
What? No, they disliked it quite a bit.
>(It was merely better than The Force Awakens)

They vehemently disagree with that

They likes Force much better
hm, so which one should i like, if i had to pick one?
Why do you hate him
I'm happy, at least the movie now has a chance of being good. Probably not though.
Great. More people need to recognize how awful Jurassic World is
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Rogue One
Fucking good. Why did they get this literal nobody to direct a film in one of the biggest hollywood franchises ever? Pretty much anyone would be better.
Fuck Disney, Fuck K.Kennedy and fuck Star Wars.
Jurassic World was Russo Bros level of bland, artless blockbuster-by-numbers.
Fuck me plz
I think they'll change their decision in a few years time then.
It took me like a good six months to realise TFA wasn't that great. I was just hyped Star Wars was back.
What will /tv/ say when Disney inevitably asks George Lucas to return
George, knock it off. Star Wars paid for the iPad your typing from.
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Anyone who disagrees is just being contrarian.
Fuck you!
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Heard you guys needed a director
heh, toldja kid
>Rumors suggest that Zack Snyder has been approached to direct
Disney doesn't want directors (as in people with vision that want to inject their own style into the films), they just want someone who can make predictable cookie-cutter family-friendly shlock. Even if they get another literal who the second he steps out of line he will be replaced. The end result will be essentially the same anyway.
Good. Jurassic World was total fucking garbage.
TFA was shit.
Episode II was better.
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>This woman is in charge of a billion dollar franchise, handpicked by George Lucas right before he sold it
>Nebulous contributions to Spielberg movies of the past 35 years
Episode 2 might have sucked but there was a lot more originality in that then TFA
I honestly don't know what I would do if George Lucas directed one of the Star Wars movies.
I actually think it would be great, he isn't good with total control, but when he's surrounded by people that tell him some of his ideas are shit, he's gold.
are u cute?
So that's two directors that have walked from the first 4 Star Wars movies produced under Disney. And people will still pay to see their shit..

You'd have to be mentally retarded to continue to give money to the house of mouse for the same creatively bankrupt lukewarm garbage over and over again.
Man, Star Wars under Kennedy/Disney is really turning into a poison chalice.

>Josh Trank project strangled in the cot, director blacklisted, following F4 fallout
>70% of R1 rewritten and reshot by Christopher McQuarrie, Gareth Edwards' only upcoming for the next two years is credit as a producer on the next Godzilla
>Lord and Miller fired from Han Solo movie, entire thing being reshot and reworked by Ron Howard
>Rumour mill swirls that TLJ wasn't a happy shoot, lots of reshoots, film taken out of Johnson's hands by the execs, also has no future projects listed
>Trevorrow shown the door

Pretty sure if I was a young up-and-coming director and Disney called me in to talk about doing a Star Wars film for them I'd run through the nearest drywall to escape.

(pic related, it's what Edwards has lined up for the future)
There is literally no downside here. This man is an omni-hack. For him in the ear.

I'd honestly be all for keeping Johnson around if 8 works out well.
So let's recap the turmoil in the new Star Wars franchise

Rogue One underwent heavy last minute reshoots.
Han Solo movie director is fired.
Episode 9 director leaves project.
Rebels TV show so unpopular it's ending a year early.
Toy sales are plummeting,

I'm starting to think Disney needs to fire Kathleen Kennedy.
star wars is dead

start a new hit franchise

and then end it as soon as possible
>Toy sales are plummeting,

But this is made up
8 is literally going to be Empire Strikes Back 2: Electric Boogaloo

Johnson even said he wasn't interested in explaining Snoke's origin. He'd rather write for Kylo Ren because everyone can "relate" to the tantrum throwing emo faggot character that killed his own father.
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Remember now, The Force is Female.

Kind of like how ESB didn;t explain Sheev's origin and focused on Vader?
She's a woman in an entrenched position at a major Hollywood studio. Literally everyone lower down the food chain will take the hit for her monumental incompetence and demagoguery, just like Amy Pascal at Sony.
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But it's not you dumb faggot


That bitch has the protection of rehashing Star Wars, but with more women and minorities.
Thank fuck. they should Dan Trachtenberg
So you're totally fine with the new movie being nothing but a rip off of ESB


>Not a sith lord.
>No dark side powers
>Literally just an old man in a gold bathrobe
i fucking knew this would happen after the han solo directors left

might be good news
Patty Jenkins hired when?
He babysat one movie for the studio that ended making about as much money as every Martin Scorsese film put together.
Nothing could be more promising than if Snyder was announced to direct ep9, 10 and 11 as a new trilogy with 7&8 just awkwardly existing
The downside is that Disney judged that fucking lapdog to be too much of a risk, which says a lot. They want someone they can exert even more control over; someone that will literally do whatever they say. A director that will follow all instructions, put his reputation on the line and agree to a meaningless director's credit for a glorified toy commercial. These movies are the definition of soulless corporate products. Lucas sold out to an extent with his movies, but at least there was a sense of vision, even if he didn't pull it off. Disney will employ company men until the end of time.
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And people really hate Rey
WB would be retards to allow her out after making Wonder Woman a hit.
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>from the director of book of Henry

That was a close one Disney
I heard Joss Whedon just got done with Justice League.
Based Snyder will reshoot those and flawlessly incorporate the entire SWEU into the Snyderverse
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They just don't like her.
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Lets get our guy to direct it
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This article is literally arguing the OPPOSITE of what you're presenting it as evidence of you fucking retard. You just disproved your own argument.
It's Josh Trank's time to shine!
Imagine growing up watching star wars; the first films that really made you love films due to their limitless imagination and pure sense of adventure. Then lo-and-behold, after some indie success, Disney offers you the chance to direct the next installment in your favourite franchise. And bonus, they'll let you write it with the other people involved
It's a filmmaker's wet-dream

And then.... yeah...
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BB-8 and Kylo Ren cereal boxes fly off the shelves.

Rey boxes wind up at the dollar store.
>>Not a sith lord.
>>No dark side powers
>>Literally just an old man in a gold bathrobe
that's the only reason i'm actually fucking interested in snoke now

Literally the opposite of true

wow so many shills here. Could it be that he just didn't want to get treated like a bitch, which is obviously what Disney hired him to do?
>Four of six Disney Star Wars directors have been fired

You didn't even read the second link you complete fucking moron.

Wow you are a laughably stupid cunt.
nigga did you even read what you posted

>“This is clearly lining up to be a very good Star Wars movie year…and strong toy sales for us,” he adds.
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I'm glad star wars is crashing and burning desu lads
Lol I'm so glad Disney is butchering Star Wars left and right. All the normies thought Disney buying Star Wars was a god-send and that the franchise would live on in harmony. Little to their surprise it's turned into a gigantic cluster fuck.
>This much damage control
He didn't step out of line though, Book of Henry was easily one of the worst movies of the year and Disney didn't want Star Wars ending up the same way
I wonder what the odds are of Spielberg getting his spot. I hear he's always wanted to direct a SW movie.
Never forget to mention Kathleen Kennedy's name. People like her, Tom Rothman, Amy Pascal and the like cannot be allowed to slip through when they fuck up.

He will never work in Hollywood again. It was too hard for him NOT to do drugs during production AND then badmouth the studio just before release. Just take the damn paycheck so you can do your passion projects.
Give Ep 9 to Rian and allow him the full creative control he deserves, thanks

Keep crying, bitch nigga.
Search your feelings.

You know it to be true.
He once said he wouldn't do it because it would be like dating your best friend's girlfriend or something like that
Please get Raimi, please get Raimi, please get Raimi...
>Johnson admits that everything he writes has to be approved by a team of feminists
>Abrams literally just rehashed ANH but worse with all the interesting scenes cut out and appalling editing and characterisations
Sad thing is, the films will still be praised by """critics""" and make billions
>being this new on /tv/
>didn't see the fucking spam from autists getting angry that they shat on it
god damn i miss george lucas
Colin has been a wonderful collaborator throughout the development process but we have all come to the conclusion that our visions for the project differ.

>our visions for the project differ.

It's over.
That's not the only reason. TFA sucked ass as well.
Edgar Wright could do a good job.
So far Disney is 2 out of 4 with their Star Wars directors.
>two directors
Three actually.
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>Main villain of the new series is just an old man in a gold bathrobe with no special powers and no back story.

Oh, and everything he has in his military arsenal is BIGGER

>BIGGER Death Star
>BIGGER Star Destroyer
>BIGGER Main Villain

I think he's too methodical and cerebral for something like Star Wars

Brad Bird would be a better choice
A corporate rep would have to say that. Being honest and saying "yes, last year was complete shit and almost everything we produced shelfwarmed, but maybe we'll do better by betting the farm on the next Star Wars" would have their shareholders up in arms.

I'm wondering if we're going to see literal mountains of unsold Porg merchandise come January, just like Jar Jar back in 1999/2000.
Bigger Luke
Disney can't keep getting away it, they just can't, I won't believe it.

What will they buy next?
What will they ruin next?
What director will they assimilate next?
What will they blend into a fine white paste, leave to cool in a shaped mould and sell to you as a "faithful" extension of the original next?
What the fuck is going on at Lucasfilm?

It's just one shitshow after another
But it broke bigger ground!
Everything is bigger you say?...
Does this confirm Bigger Luke in the new trilogy?
Kathlyn Kennedy is not human, it's like some kind of creature that takes a nearly human form

Nobody irl has Bugs Bunny teeth like that.
Kathleen Kennedy and her bullshit over letting directors take control. There's coming in to say no to bad ideas and then there's demanding directors meet certain criteria for you and your committee.

Guy is busy with Incredibles 2, coming 2019 as well.
>a marketing rep tried to talk up his product so nothing's wrong

Fucking this nigger right here. George needs opposition; that's when he shines the brightest.

The reason the prequels were mostly bad, was because of that slimy, yes-man cocksucker, Rick McCallum, wyrmtounging his lips around George's cock every 3 seconds and never providing any real input about how terrible some of his ideas were. Like, even at the casting level. The other front runner for Anakin was leaps and bounds better that Joke Lloyd. watch Rick in the behind the scenes stuff for some serious hindsight cringe kino.
They should hire Sneed.
A pg-13 trilogy of sequels to the Dollars' trilogy
Starring Lena Dunham, Scott Eastwood, Miles Teller, Michael Peña, David Oyelowo and Gwendoline Christie
The woman felt it was her destiny to lead the Star Wars francise. Like The Force (tm), it GUIDED her to make shitty commercial products
I see. Well even if it makes sense from a business/profit point of view, from an entertainment point of view I'm glad he's out.
I would cut off my nuts and feed them to the homeless if Kathleen Kennedy gets Hou Hsiao-hsien to direct IX

Episode 9 will have a Death Star made out of a sun.
If Lucas hadn't divorced his first wife things would be much, much different.
The twist/solution will be when the resistance realise that crashing a spaceship into something at the speed of light would literally destroy the galaxy
Tell me more, I know nothing of this.
he wouldn't have any creative freedom
i just said the idea of snoke being some rich dude is more interesting than him being an emperor ripoff
i'm not even the guy you replied to
Hi first wife re-edited ANH and saved the film which was originally a poorly-paced mess
Episode VII already did that, sort of

XI will have a Death Star made out of one trillion lions
I'd rather see Kennedy fired and someone competent put in her position, but I know that's never going to happen short of her position becoming completely untenable due to a serious public embarrassment.

It'd take North Korea hacking Disney/Lucasfilm and releasing all of her private correspondence, and even then they'd still keep her around in some capacity just like Pascal.
Family friendly anime. Partner with some Jap studio like they used to do with Miyazaki and eventually take control of it if it's pre-buyout Pixar successful.
>All those unsold Finn toys.
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When his plan to be hands-off with Empire and Jedi so he could focus on building a home with her and starting a family backfired and he had to be on set most days to supervise proceedings, she started an affair with the decorator he hired to furnish a nursery at their home.

Can't say I blame him for divorcing her after that.
yeah, she's around for the long haul. We'll have a good idea how her Han Solo gambit turns out in a few months.
Where the fuck are people getting that Snoke has no force powers?

It's not like the Sith are the exclusive wielders of the dark side. Plus they've been introducing new Force religions and factions since TCW.
Is it tasty? Might want to pick this up
and afterwards I could cut a hole in the box and fuck it
>REEEEEEEEE, it will be like ESB
>something is different from ESB
>REEEEEEEEE, that sucks. It should be the same as in ESB.
Boy oh boy I can't wait to see Han Solo - played by a young Jewish boy with zero acting experience literally hired out of a Bar Mitzvah by one of the execs - get sidelined in his own movie by Emilia Cankles. Very cool.
Now THIS is podracing!
Is it true they want to bring in Spielberg? He's been playing nice with Disney with BFG and Indy. He could even bring George in for a few days
No it was abject fucking garbage. Acting was shit. Writing was shit. Fucking weird character 180s for Jyn Erso and Cassian. Oh, and the premise was shit to begin with. Literally old EU-tier fanservice.
No. Dumb. Limited plot capability. Only served as an excuse to have cameos from CGI Tarkin/Leia and Darth Vader swinging his lightsaber around like a floppy dick in the breeze to make all the fanboys jizz.

TFA was better, but only by virtue of being a passable popcorn flick in the vein of Fast n' Furious. Rogue One was so frustrating to watch I couldn't enjoy it no matter how hard I tried (or didn't try).
Not just any exec. Spielberg himself found the kid in said Bar Mitsvah videos. He's King Jew and everybody just took his word.
Well, now she's already been fucked by niggers so it shouldn't matter to him anymore.

Wow, deep inside knowledge guys. Real savvy stuff. Could have sworn i saw him act very well in Tetro and Hail Caesar but le jewish conspiracy makes more sense.
>Where the fuck are people getting that Snoke has no force powers?
Recent leaks, interview with Rian Johnson, information on the back of toys, Topps cards, etc

Snoke literally has no force powers. He's just an old man in a gold bathrobe

No back story.
No origin.
No force powers.
Why would I care about the new Star Wars movies? It's all about a diversity coalition (led by brave women) fighting white male oppresion.

I want Star WARS. Big space and land battles.
Neither. They're both shit, but for different reasons. One's less shittier than the other. It's like deciding between two piles of dog crap to eat. One has less shit so you'll get through it easier.
It would be too BOOOOOOOOOOORING for normies.
It's going to be a woman director and you all know it.
Fucking Reilly Martin.

maybe now based Disney can get someone with ACTUAL TALENT
This. I saw this in a 2004 documentary. I think it was Empire of Dreams.
And then they had to hire an acting coach for him halfway through the production, and schedule five weeks of reshoots, because surprise surprise - he can't act.
It's literally true though.
will we get a bigger guy?

She looks like she doesn't mind going ATM
In Episode 2 we had a real battle between 2 real armies. Now we only have ragtag rebel or resistance groups with crappy ships.
It's gonna be some no name one because people like Patty Jenkins and Katheryn Bigelow are doing better things. And critics will treat the movie with kiddie gloves.
Yeah, sucks though she's a great editor. Who knows what could have been.

Why are good, prolific editors so often women, in comparison to other important roles in the creative process of making a movie? Is it because they tend to have personalities better suited to that (highly agreeable and conscientious) than to exerting the authority and uncompromising vision of a director or non-hack writer?
TFA is for children on reddit who can't sit through a movie that doesn't have shitty Whedonesque jokes coming at you a mile a minute.
>Haha nice joke Disney, people will realize making the badie turning good in the end is literally the end of rotj
>Just do it Colin!
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giv bunny gf
At least they are correcting their mistake now, instead of when 80% of the movie is already shot.
A female director, female. Not woman.
You wouldn't say a man tennis player, you would say a male tennis player.
>sworn i saw him act very well in Tetro and Hail Caesar
no, you didn't
>why are there penguin things? and why do you want them to comprise the force that beats the new order?
>i thought you wanted this film to be good?
>oh... i see... that's why you hired me... right...
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Guess its time to direct that star wars movie
Why would being highly agreeable be a good trait for an editor? You would think it would be a bad trait, since you'd agree with the director that his shit scenes aren't shit.
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>that's the only reason i'm actually fucking interested in snoke now

Literally no one cares about your pleb opinions, mongoloid
I think men are often better at assembling something from scratch, women are often better at taking existing parts and putting them together in the most elegant configuration.

Compare Great Expectations to Wuthering Heights, for example. Great Expectations has a vast web of brilliantly-conceived characters, locations, etc but presented in an incredibly convoluted manner. Wuthering Heights has a handful of characters and only two or three real locations - mostly based on Bronte's own experiences and surroundings - but fits together perfectly.
This is what they meant by "The Force is Female"
There is a YouTube video of stores full of Star Wars toys.

(Edit for video title)

>Star Wars is a DEAD brand. The merchandise rots in stores.
By WorldClassBullshitters
Well for most directors, they're the ones with the vision and final say on the movie. Some (Kubrick for instance) are so particular they just edit their own shit. So the editor couldn't bring too much of their own stuff into it, they'd have to carry out the director's ideas. Lucas is maybe a special case but I can't imagine she was totally redoing Scorcese's movies in the early 70s for instance
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Snoke is an ancient space vampire who swapped bodies so he can live forever and accumulate wealth
Fucking kathleen kennedy...
Is..... this a Jojo reference?
>By WorldClassBullshitters
Nice butt hurt.

Nope. Bullshit fan theory that was already disproven
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>people keep posting these weird website addresses whenever challenged to show proof and it seems to work out for them, I should try that too

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collin nooooooooooooooooooo
not an argument
TFA is a very mediocre, fun movie while Rogue One is garbage that actually takes itself seriously.
Wew lad! You are salty.
Literature is my weak point intellectually so I can't really converse with you on that level but it's an interesting idea
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My movie now
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Which one turned out better?
Honestly Spielberg should direct episode 9
Objectively? Rogue One. III was better though.
>not fgsfds.jpg
Get fucked, newfag
>Colin Trevorrow
this guy has the biggest jump in any career ive ever seen. went from making literally-whats to jurassic world and then onto star wars? who is this guys puppet master? whos dick did he suck?

Well he got fired.

So nobodies.
ROTS is the 2nd best in the series
The OT takes itself seriously, that's a big part of why it's good. R1 tried to do that but was trash. That's miles better than the cinematic equivalent of plain oatmeal, a soulless, artistically bankrupt retread of ANH that failed to duplicate the basic things that made ANH good (emotional stakes, psychologically realistic characters, imagination.)
Watching the prequels is watching something unique and kinda interesting, but directed by an incredibly lazy person who doesn't want to work hard ever again. Rogue One is just studio trash.
I still don't know why memers hate Rogue One so much. The cast dying at the end felt underwhelming and perfunctory, but other than that it was a solid film.
It could be as simple as studios wanted someone who could deal with cutting and taping/gluing film reels all day. There's probably film history books on the matter.
Spielberg's lost his touch over the years if you ask me. They should keep Rian on board, given how smoothly things have gone with Ep, 8's production.

The prequels are some of the most frustrating things I've ever seen. They're so close to being good. The basic structure is there. A lot of the talent is there. But nothing has enough effort put into it. It just falls apart.

It's like the experiments to create new atoms. It might form for a second, but they blow apart before anything tangible can be shown to exist.
Brainlets, when will they learn
Rogue One is a better film but Revenge of the Sith is far more entertaining. RO is a competent but bland film that barely left an impression, Revenge of the Sith is a hilariously awful mess that's full of memorable moments.
I think she might be part of the clan.
R1 is just as soulless and rehashed. It's just not rehashing previous Star Wars movies, but generic action movies. R1 has nothing of value, while there's at least some charisma in TFA.

Did they have motherfucking bare-knuckle boxing Jedi?
Ian is that you?
Gonna need a source on #1
No one cares Reddit
The Empire Strikes Back > A New Hope >>> Return of the Jedi >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Revenge of the Sith

TESB and ANH are great, ROTJ is flawed but good, ROTS is a meme.
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unironically Revenge of the Sith
Any director of a star wars film will do exactly as he is told anyway, outside of money I don't know why anyone would want to do it.
Yeah yeah. Working on it. Film is my primary interest so that's what I focus on
Ok anons. Let's say the worst has happened, and Disney damages Star Wars irreparably. The world needs a new science fantasy space opera franchise, and they're looking to you for inspiration. What elements do you put in to make it Kino?

Probably to work on Star Wars.
Could someone please explain the appeal of Star Wars. All of the characters seem bland and uninteresting to me.

The mood I've been in, I'd want something that starts off grittier than the expanse but organically grows into something as bold and hopeful as Star Trek.

Fuck you if I have a clue how to do that, but multi generational tales of humanity growing are the shit to me.
The money is insane, man. You get millions of dollars for doing one film AND you get fat royalty checks for the rest of your life. You never have to work again.

Well the first trick is to have had a childhood.
pre 2000:
>I have an idea for a movie i've always wanted to produce. I'm going to ask a studio for money to fund me so i can direct it.
>ok fellow boardmembers, we have a shitload of money and we want to make more. what movie do you think will make the most money in 2 weeks before it goes out of theaters? what director do you think would be the safest bet on not doing anything outside of the box?
Huh, so that's why I fucking hated Great Expectations. Good to know.
You have to have grown up with it to understand it.
If you have average intelligence, it's the force.
If you're stupid normie, its space and nerd culture

I feel so weird these days hating nerd culture but still collecting the Dark Horse X-Wing comic as i find issues out in the wild.
>to understand it
To mindlessly love it you mean. It's not like I'm still a fan of Postman Pat. At a certain point I outgrew it.
Where? Harrison Ford has some I guess despite the retarded shit they had him do. Oscar Isaac is a cool guy but he was playing a video game character. Rey's a weird asexual androgyne who is instantly great at everything. Finn starts out potentially interesting then becomes cringeworthy comic relief, he's also pretty much asexual. Carrie Fisher's always been overrated. What does that leave, Chewie and the R2 knockoff? Pathetic emo bitch Kylo?

Not arguing R1 isn't a shit movie, I'd sooner watch any of the Lucas ones, just found it less offensive (being a big admirer of the OT) than TFA
Why would a director get royalty cheques?
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Say it.
The Force is like the shittiest part. It's like watching Lord of the Rings for Gandalf's magic and not the epic gay romance between Frodo and Sam
You have a ridiculously intact hairline for your age and I'm insanely jealous
I'm not sure what you mean by this.
Thanks writer's strike! You reminded the dumbasses in control they have way more power than they realized. It's gonna take until the next decade for Hollywood to take risks on midsized projects again.
>Guess its time to direct that star wars movie
I want to see the alternate timeline where he did RotJ. I wish they would give spinoffs to interesting directors with crazy ideas. Nobody wants to see Han Solo played by some someone else.
Dark Horse Star Wars was an elegant comic, for a more civilised age.
Neither. Anyone who picks one is full of shit. Theyre both godawful scifi films who waste their budget with terrible acting and terrible rehashed world building.
I wouldve rather had George Lucas doing the sequel trilogy then the hacks at nu-Disney who have shown they wish to make every sci fi or fantasy property on the same mental and physical tier as The Avengers.

So you're saying people would relate more easily to a giant CGI projection of a disfigured old creature in a bath robe with vague plans of universal domination?
good, more dino-kino for me
Amy Pascal was eventually shown the door. So will Kennedy. The only surprising thing is Sony is still trusting Pascal with projects, but that may have been in the terms to get her to leave, they'd produce a couple movies for her. One of which is the Barbi movie, and I HIGHLY suspect Sony told Pascal to dump Schumer, or they would pull the plug.

Kennedy will only fuck up for as long as The Mouse permits. She needs a hit, and fast. Cue the Ewocks!
They talk the studio into putting it in their contract. Although Disney is a massive corporation that doesn't take shit so their directors probably don't get royalty checks. Anyway, my point is you get an insane amount of money to do a Star Wars film.
If you didn't know it was going to be terrible as soon as it was announced you're a fucking retard.
No, that's not what we're saying at all moron.
But Kennedy can do whatever the fuck she wants as long she keeps making money, which is something Pascal wasn't doing
It's funny because the original plans for the sequel trilogy which were made by Lucas were far better than the garbage that we got.
>Amy Pascal was eventually shown the door
And yet she co-produced Spider Man Homecoming, Sony's biggest film this year.
Get fucking real, these people dont go away unless they make room for another or they end up being republican voters
Pascal got very favourable terms at Pascal Pictures, it was more of a golden parachute than a sacking. She's STILL in charge of Spider-Man, Ghostbusters, Men In Black, others besides and is allowed to spend ungodly amounts of money optioning the likes of Zoe Quinn's autobiography.

Even if Kennedy fucks up to the point where the new Star Wars films start severely underperforming she'll just be shuffled into some sub-studio or creative office where she can pull the strings.

Wait, his plans leaked? Is that actual?
They keep saying the force is female but they can't find a female director?
RotS but I like both nearly equally.
>I wouldve rather had George Lucas doing the sequel trilogy
Stop, George is a hack who killed Star Wars and sold the rotting corpse to the evilest studio in Hollywood. Disney Wars is sterile corporate bullshit but George's hackery wasn't much better.

I wonder if they're trying to court Jenkins.
Your part of the problem you disgusting little faggot.
You don't know what hack means, do you?
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What a shock, maybe it wasn't a bright idea in the first place to hire him right after Jurassic World.
>George is a hack who killed Star Wars
And yet Disney did even worse then George's "killjobs" so I guess they re-animated the corpse and fucking shit and pissed on it before burning it right?
Get real, just because the prequels fucked up doesnt mean theyre worse then Disneys Star Wars sequels.
Restart the sequel trilogy.

>100 years after ROTJ
>Descendants of Han, Leia and Luke are main characters.
>Luke returns as a force ghost
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Someone give me a quick rundown on all the spoilers for episode 8 so far
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I know Star wars is already fucking dead but I'm glad that they at least ditched him. I fucking hated jurassic world, and his previous /literallywhat/ flicks weren't much better.
I know exactly what it means and George is the definition of it.
I worked at Target in undergrad several years ago, this means literally nothing other than some dummy in the warehouse over ordered the shits to fill an endcap then the endcap probably died 2 months later and new toys came in.

Also a lot of the toys had the same SKU so the truck would be random, idk remember if funkos were that way. I think they were still a vendor item when I left, so the guy the restocked the pokemon cards would bring some.
That's called a woman
You clearly don't, pal.
Maybe someone realized that he had precisely one successful movie to his name and it was probably a bad idea to hire him
Get real, just because Disney Wars fucked up doesnt mean theyre worse then the Star Wars prequels.
So here's E8 in a nutshell

Finn is recovering in a medical pod.
Rey is initially rejected by Luke who doesn't want to train her
Luke has embraced some weird "grey" Jedi shit about embracing both the dark side and the light.
Luke is eventually convinced to train Rey by the spirits of Yoda and Obi-Wan
Training begins
Finn teams up with his personal fangirl Rose to infiltrate the first order.
There's a big AT-AT battle at the end of the movie
Finn and Rose are captured
Rey leaves Ach-To to rescue her friends
Rey battles the Praetorian Guards and loses
Kylo turns on Snoke
The Millenium Falcon flees the scene with Rey, Kylo, Finn, Rose, Chewie, etc
End of the movie Luke, Rey and Kylo united to fight Snoke

And that's it. All taken from reliable sources and recent leaks.

Yeah I can't imagine the nerd chic Funko crowd didn't eat up hipster Rey merchandise.
Is this all you George defenders have? Are you going to post a real argument or continue to insist I don't know what hack means?
"Today it is announced that Disney Inc. has purchased Marvel, Inc, for 20 billions dollars..."
>George + Marcia Lucas = top-tier kino factory
>George by himself = guy with great ideas who indulges his worst impulses and can't turn those ideas into good movies
Their marriage falling apart was a tragedy for cinema and for George Lucas, just look at pictures of him over the years
>just because Disney Wars fucked up doesnt mean theyre worse then the Star Wars prequels.
They literally are. Episode III especially is far better then Episode VII
>memorable scenes
>average acting
>great set design
versus VII where you get
>worse then normal acting
>re-hashed set designs from the OT
>no memorable scenes outside of TR-8R who was a funny meme until disney ruined even that
Fuck you for defending those pieces of shit
Are you fucking retarded?
So fucking dumb dude literally a copy of Empire
The visionary left.

Look at what happened to Disney, when Walt died. His vision was quietly tucked away in a warehouse, and the money people took over.

Kennedy is Roy Disney, trying to save the shreds of what George built, but failing. She's fighting the people who took Roy out, and take solid, fibery dumps on Walt's grave every day.

The only difference is, Walt died. George has to watch them burn it to the ground.

Actually aside from being the "dark" film it's pretty structurally different. I'm surprised.
And George should have sucked up his pride and found collaborators to work on the sequels with him instead of saying "well if they don't like the movies I make I'll just sell the franchise to another company"

George sucks on his own and needs people to fight him on his ideas, and make up their own unique ideas for him to fight then on

He created Star Wars from scratch, and that shows he's talented, but he wasn't never good as a one man show
Kill yourself reddit.
It's really not though.
Can you believe Walt smoked 3 packs a day? I mean Jesus fucking Christ man
>Posts from 2009

It only cost $4 billion by the way
>>memorable scenes
Memorably awful.
>>average acting
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Get the fuck out of here, the acting in Revenge of the Sith was hilariously awful.
>>great set design
Eh, it was okay I guess. It didn't wow me but I didn't hate it either.
>>worse then normal acting
>>re-hashed set designs from the OT
>>no memorable scenes outside of TR-8R who was a funny meme until disney ruined even that
You seem to think I love Disney Wars. I don't. I'm just saying the prequels were shit.
>Fuck you for defending those pieces of shit
Fuck you for defending one of the biggest Hollywood hacks of all time.
I hate to tell you this but Disney was broke before Walt died, and it was rescued by the Jews that took the company over in the 80s

If it wasn't for smart jewish business men Disney wouldn't exist today
My god how fucking boring, but Disney would still make money on it if it came out today
So in like 25 years they'll start making great star wars movies again? (And then stop again aside from a few standouts)
Rogue One's characters are all blank slates delivering occasional quips alongside StarWars-y action spectacles that makes fanboys cream their pants and forget that they're being fed a weak plot. Jyn Erso is a passive protagonist who has events simply happen around her, never exerting any influence on the story.
While ROTS is an overblown drama with one-dimensional characters, you can at the very least say that Anakin's downfall had a direct impact on the overall story, and the relationships he had with the other major characters. by no means is ROTS a great film, but I can at least call it one.
Walt disney hated jews, so when he died they bought his entire lifes work and corrupted it.

Same for Star wars now, they will rape it to death.
So it's not just a rehash of Empire. It's also a rehash of Jedi. kek

I do like Luke being a Kreia-type figure, though that'll probably last about ten minutes.
Everyone he wanted was to scared to help.
The only good part of ROTJ is the Palpatine/Vader/Luke scenes.
"Dunham announced to lead new Star Wars: Sept 28th, 2017. In a surprise move, Disney (DIS) has announced actress, writer and director Lena Dumham will be manning, er..taking the director's chair in the upcoming Star Wars chapter. "I'm excited to bring a new voice and attitude to the franchise" Dunham said, behind a pile of candy wrappers and empty ice cream containers in her Manhattan digs. "It's time to show those Star Wars nerds who's really in charge - women!"
>I do like Luke being a Kreia-type figure
I hope you get cancer.
How the hell did Disney mishandle a property like FUCKING STAR WARS so badly?
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The Battle over Endor is ok too, but fuck ewoks. I don't mind the bears attacking Stormtroopers but they shouldn't have been killing them so easily by literally throwing small stones at them.

You mean make a shitton of money from it?
this behind-the-scenes silliness doesn't matter to 99.9% of people dude, Disney aren't artists
all the films are going to be shit and they're all going to make billions anyway
>episode VII was big success despite not being all that great
>rogue one was re-shot and kinda shit
>episode VIII has no idea what to do with the story
>han solo is a clusterfuck of biblical proportions
>VIII director won't be directing IX

Fucking hell, the curse is real.
At least it's something new (for the movies anyway).
>implying the space battle scenes are bad
>implying the Jabba's palace scenes are bad
Come on, the Endor scenes suck but those are the only parts of the movie that are bad.
>Jurassic World sucked!
>Rogue One was great!
People actually believe this.
The correct opinion is both movies were bland and forgettable.
>gets caught out
>y-you're just a george defender
Oh, boy. The damage control is unreal. Stay in school lad before you start spewing bullshit.
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fuck yes! Now let Rian have 9 as well.
R1 was a mess but there was a decent, not really star wars-y movie hiding in there. World was just shit.

people valued it more than the commercial product it was. Lucas used time to give the brand inflated cultural value.

Disney just wanted to shit out movies every year and wring the brand for every penny.

Cultural significance go bye bye
I'm betting Kennedy's going to try and lasso Jenkins into directing Episode IX. Disney always goes after the ones behind a recent hit that's turning heads

>Phil Lord/Chris Miller
>JJ Abrams
>Colin Trevorrow
>Gareth Edwards to an extent

There will never be another Great Starwars movie.
Disney knows they can't control him, they would never risk it.
No because Jenkins is already committed for the next year.
>he pulls a TP Return on IX and normies get BTFO
I would give anything for this.
I don't even know i I'd want someone of talent to replace him. When you're stuck in the position of having to bring closure to a trilogy you had no involvement with that's off to an underwhelming start I don't know how much you can really do with that. At this point I can only have hope for the spin-off movies.
>I was just pointing out you're incorrectly using the word hack! I swear I don't care about George Lucas!
Wew, this is some pathetic shit. So you're either a particularly anal grammar Nazi or a Lucas fanboy who refuses to admit the truth. Either way, suck my dick.
RO technically, but I was bored by it, so RotS, since it was funny.
This isn't remotely true. He only wanted to direct the first film just to set the stage and then get other people to direct the sequels, but everyone kept telling him that he should go ahead do all the work. A lot of people who worked with him said that he liked to be challenged and people present ideas to him, so this whole "yes man" meme from RLM needs to stop.
Typical mindless Lucas fanboy. Post some real arguments, faggot.
>anyone who disagrees with me if a Lucas fanboy
You need to be over 18 to post here.

Can't blame him. It probably has a shit script and the actors are abysmal. So you have shit actors trying to deliver terrible lines. He'd get blamed for the flop when there's no way any director could make it good.
shits a rip off these days and we have apps and games which are cheaper and don't take up space or cut your feet when you accidentally step on them because my son is a piece of shit.
wow she a cute.
woah dude, get me some of that crystal ball shit
Is this a ruse? Are you pretending to be retarded?
>Snoke literally has no force powers.
Again where has this ever been stated..once
>walked from

more like kicked out the door. These assholes were probably fired for trying to deviate even slightly from the corporate agenda.
Colin was probably fired because The Book of Henry was a massive flop.
Topps Cards that leaked the whole plot
Interview with Rian Johnson
Multiple reliable spoiler leaks
Backs of toy packages

Now fuck off and learn to read the whole thread you cunt.
I think there will be someday. Will be a while. After Disney milks it into oblivion and people stop giving a shit. Then the suits will too and people with ideas will be able to snag the rights for a one-off or a new series and make something cool. And then it'll be taken over and made shit again. Circle of life.
>Rumour mill swirls that TLJ wasn't a happy shoot, lots of reshoots, film taken out of Johnson's hands by the execs, also has no future projects listed

I have not heard of these
>Brad Bird
This. Why the fuck don't people ever bring him up for shit like this?
>sign on to direct a cool star wars film
>realize you have to make a shitty inclusive disney movie
>get fired
Wiat what happened with Oscar Isaac's character? the pilot guy?
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