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/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General

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Thread replies: 358
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Dougie Never Woke Up From the Coma Edition


Meanwhile: >>87316338
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What was the point of this scene if they never brought the character back?
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Probably just clever marketers. The whole marketing for the season was pure nostalgia bait and everyone fell for it
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Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Eddie Vedder recorded a song that plays during the Twin Peaks finale. It confirms Agent Cooper never gets his mind back. (Pic is evil Cooper)
Listen https://youtu.be/pXth84G7dkM
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friendly reminder that doppelcoop did nothing wrong and Cooper was the real fuck-up the entire time
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>you now remember there were people who though Cooper came back when Dougie spat out his coffee and said hello during breakfeast with Sonny Jim
Key questions:

>What did the jumping man do after seeing Cooper?
>Is it future or is it past?
>Why was the same telephone pole from Teresa Banks' trailer outside Laura's house?
>Who was the girl that lived down the lane?
What if interpreting what actually happened is pointless and we just enjoy the journey and the ride?



Okay so why was the letter left behind by Linda in Cooper's room at the other hotel???
I was one of those people.
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These issues are undefendable
>no set design, feels empty and lifeless
>no interesting ideas for storylines and generally bad writing
>relies on gimmicks only instead
>those are unoriginal or just bad, unfortunately ("fuck you, albert", glove, andy and lucy, coordinates, riddles, ...)
>bad acting (Bell, Lynch, Horse, Robertson, Dern, ...)
>dull characters (one-dimensional at best)
>storylines and characters are introduced for no purpose
>everything is supposed to weirdly connect and make sense
>shot in digital in a way that doesn't compensate for the technology's disadvantages (looks bad)
>roadhouse scenes (out of place, badly shot, the songs, the bands, the extras, ...)
>student-tier storytelling/editing (characters are shown walking up complete sets of stairs)
>stretched out needlessly, long takes have no particular effect
>obviously delusional and/or inexperienced fanbase perceiving it as particularly meaningful, complex or "deep"
>can't compare to the original series that doesn't have those problems (coherent/complex and beautiful sets, costumes and make-up/well shot/well acted/well written/magnificent multi-dimensional characters and character relations, music, storylines and gimmicks/creates a unique athmosphere as a result, changing the world of television forever whereas "the return" neither manages to do something established really good nor to invent something new)
>extended pitch black scenes because of a lack of a competent cinematographer
>audio issues with microphone static left unaddressed because of poor sound design
>extremely poor editing with magically disappearing extras and production staff accidentally walking into frame
>somehow the best thing in tv history
At least Sheryl Lee still knows how to scream
Its all a dream of tv show and they are not real.

This is not Laura, is an actor
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>brainlets getting confused by richard horne and wheelchair linda when season 1 had the EXACT same concept with MIKE / BOB and Mike / Bobby
>she'll die of throat cancer before season 4 starts filming
different pole but marked with 6. electricity.
movie/book reference. audrey tie in
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So is Sarah possessed by Judy or by the Jumping Man? There's arguments for both.
>YFW season 4 is announced and it focuses on The Mitchum brothers and Candie trying to find Coop while partnered with Gordon and Andy
windom earle tricked cooper into sending him back to help laurel
meanwhile he goes back to twin peaks and starts killing all the people in it
season 4 will be aftermath of windom earle genocide on twin peaks population
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>It will all make sense
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Half the people in these generals now are trolling, pretending to be stupid and asking idiotic questions that are easily answered by simply watching the show. The other half are not pretending.

It was a lot of fun /tpg/. Great show, great generals. I really enjoyed it all the way through, including the ending. I never thought we would even get another film from Lynch before he died, instead we got an 18 hour masterpiece. We were blessed. What a great ride.
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Jumping Man is a minion of Judy and helped to trap Coop and Laura in another world.

We see random elements of the series (pole, horse, Judy's, etc.) in the other world to give the impression that it's a dreamworld or vice versa (that the series is a dreamworld made up of various images the dreamer has seen).
What the fuck is twin peaks and why is there a constant general
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From the moment BOB gets defeated and Coop's face starts to get superimposed over the footage it signaled that the S3 reality of the show is a fabrication, a dream.

Coop knows that SO he without pause exits the scene AND enters the lodge again where MIKE welcomes him with the magician's chant, which conveys to us and Coop that he is now a lodge spirit and can use the full range of abilities the lodge has to offer.

He goes to talk to Phillip and moves to a different part of the "dream". The dream reality is flexible and in flux and can be changed and rippled and so on. He does that but fails to snap Laura out of it. He basically needs for her to exit the dream as well since that solves his particular main task.

He fails at that since another major player (the Experiment) intervenes.

Then he goes back to the lodge to try again. We see him opening curtains with a commanding twirling motion of his hand, suggesting he already knows how to use the lodge magic.

But at this point things are a bit weird.

The two people you see driving at night are Richard and Linda. Richard and Linda drive to a hotel. Linda sees a vision of another version of herself standing by the hotel. This is Linda seeing a vision of Diane, not the other way around. Diane and Coop are trying to enter their world. Then Richard and Linda have sex. When Coop wakes up in a different hotel that is actually the real Cooper.

Sex scene kind of suggests some sex magic ritual since they're so cold and methodical about it, but even afterwards Coop doesn't seem to concerned about where Diane went, like she means nothing to him.

Coop from then on acts like he knows it's all a dream reality and doesn't particularly care about finesse and wants just to get the job done the most efficient way possible.

The end, again, suggests the Experiment trumps his powers and can alter reality faster than Coop can react and anticipate for it.
Reminder that we will NEVER EVER know how is Annie.
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kyle fucking ruled in 17/18.
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Are the new ones in this style out yet? Could you post them?
yo did i just get lynched wtf

I dunno maybe its a TV show you autistic moron

Is it about the bunny?
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This would explain why Jeffries has been in hiding and other take hosts while coop is is still trying to seemingly save everyone himself.

Also, for the people still confused about the year. If you were to stop reading this and go to Odessa, Texas right now and look at the sign this is exactly what it would look like. The next population census is in 2020.

Mrs. Tremond is also a lodge spirit. She has the power to override the contents and owner of a house just like her pseudonym, Mrs. Chalfont. The man she was talking to off-screen was her grandson, not some husband.

>Why was she saving them from Sarah Palmer? Sarah Palmer leaked through at the end. The Double R is intact.

Pic related is the moment we are told by Lynch directly that the "reality" of S3 we've seen thus far is a dream. In essence all of the "real world" of Twin Peaks is a dream and you awake from it by going to the lodge and becoming an inhabiting spirit there.

The overall dream is likely dreamt by the Fireman, who was shown to be floating in a passive, sleeping pose while doing his magic stuff.

The Experiment is a nightmare entity intruding upon that dream.

Audrey's situation in S3 is a microcosm of that.
She is existing in her own dream where some entity is providing her with what she needs and keeping her under lock and key, more or less. Once you become aware it's a dream it turns sinister.

Coop, after reaching Odessa, realizes that too. The dream is now friendly, its inhabitants are not worth his time and effort and he needs to simply complete the task to end it.

That's why he's very cautious, why he uses extreme violence against those rude fellas, why he doesn't care about the corpse and why he doesn't really waste time talking to not-Laura.
None of it matters, it's all a fabrication. All he needs to do is snap her out of it and deliver her to the lodge.
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surely you can work that out yourself mate
I feel bad for Gordon Cole. All of the blue rose case agents have disappeared into alternate realities/dimensions.
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>yfw Leland was only in 2 episodes and one of the appearances was the first one repeated

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Jean Cocteau – Orpheus

Lynch even stole the mysterious humming sound from this film. Just one example of many movies and works of art he ripped off.

I'm not sure if I'm a Lynch fan anymore.
I thought this man was creative. He's not. He's a thief.
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>Still alive: 6%
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its a rick and morty spinoff
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>mfw this actually makes a certain a mount of sense
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>you now remember the one autist who adamantly claimed Coop actually said "COFFEE!" instead of "Hi!" in that scene
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Season 4 is just a few dreamless nights away.

Stay golden anons, I'm looking forward to seeing each and everyone you next season. Farewell.

Old screams from the original series and FWWM edited in.

She can't scream for shit now.
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Why were people so dumb in the 90s
Richard, who we first see driving at night with Diane, is the synthesis of the thesis of Good Coop and the antithesis of Bad (Doppler)Coop, which is why he shows no affection to Diane and is so ruthless in the diner. Somehow crossing the 430 mile barrier created this new identity by electrically welding the previous identities together. It's also possible that if we were to see his badge when he shows it to Carrie that it would say 'Richard something' instead of Dale Cooper.
oi m8
dont stop this
I miss him /tpg/
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17 was supposed to be the end
Then judy suddenly takes laura and puts her in a dream
Cooper goes with diane, but she writes herself out of existence, the finale scene is laura hearing her mother realizing that its a dream, cuts to black Laura wakes up on February 24th the day she was supposed to wash up dead. No nostalgia cause everything they could do happened in 17. All they could do is cut to black

We live inside a dream
1. everything we ever saw, except the second part of FWWM, was a dream of an abused Laura
2. cooper fucked up reality by saving Laura, creating a bizzaro world
3. cooper we saw at the end was the real one, the rest where idolised versions of himself
4. judy is an ancient evil entity but also a restaurant
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nigga ripping off is what artists do
Lynch is a hack
Why do so many accountants watch this show?
based hawk hater
I fucking knew it.
Anyone else miss when the show was about a girl murdered by her possessed father and an FBI agent tries to solve the case using a mixture of logic, intuition and the vague supernatural?

Inb4 >lynched. I fucking loved every minute of this season
>literally rehashing all of his movies
agree, but example scene for your last point? what does the penultimate one even mean? pitch black scenes example? maybe intended?
or not the cinematographers fault? otherwise spot on.
Bruh, "it was all a dream" is the ending to like 90% of all Lynch's work.
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Is this cannon?

“I think I killed my…,” Phelps said to the operator, according to the outlet.

“What do you mean by that? What happened?” the dispatcher asked.

“I had a dream and then I turned on the lights and she’s dead on the floor … I have blood all over me and there’s a bloody knife on the bed. I think I did it. I can’t believe this,” Phelps told the dispatcher.

Raleigh police charged Phelps with murder on Friday shortly after he made the emergency call. His wife, Lauren Ashley-Nicole Phelps, 29, was found dead from multiple stab wounds.
quads of enlightenment
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How many members of the cast have been lynched now??

>pic related
>michael j anderson
>julee cruise
>david bowie
>michael ontkean
>sherilyn fenn
cute boy
That's what I do. I don't really understand half the shit that happens and I don't need to. I know it's pointless/a waste of time trying to figure it out. In some cases like Lost they never had a plan/idea for the show and in others like Twin Peaks the creator is insane. But that's alright. There is enough enjoyable stuff in Twin Peaks for me to keep going.

Don't get me wrong though. I like Lynch. I think he's a wonderful director. I'd still never give him complete creative control over anything. There is a pretty big difference between the first two seasons and FWWM/season three.
But the show can't still be that 25 years later.

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>"I'll walk through that red door and I'll be home for good."
>doesn't walk through the door

sad ending confirmed
what kind of shit is Lynch's works?
This coconut is a lodge spirit.
Cooper in part 17:
>"I know exactly what's happening and how to fix everything"

Cooper in part 18:
>"What the fuck is going on?"
julee cruise appeared at the end of 17 mate
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Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Eddie Vedder's Out of Sand proved Vedderposters right. (Pic is evil Cooper)
Listen https://youtu.be/pXth84G7dkM
The protagonist of part 18 isn't Cooper
Were Richard and Linda in the same motel as Leland?
>david didn't have to pay a union actress for a 30 seconds of dialog
who do you think she is carlton lee russel?
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Tremond' and Chalfont'd
jesus, why do people keep repeating that Fenn got lynched? She's been very positive about the show and you need only to look at her twitter to see that. She wasn't angry at Lynch directly in that one series of tweets that gets reposted here, but there were some other issues.
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As violated as i felt with that ending
People are gonna talk about this ending for years cause of Lynch

Bravo Frost/Lynch
Yes, it is.
i do
the show peaked at cooper explaining tibet
season 3 was my secong favourite thing, followed by fwwm
Hey guys how do I avoid every other thread on this board?
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Sure, I miss the simplicity of it. But it's like becoming an adult, really. In shedding the simplicity of childhood and leaving your comfort zone you also learn to accept and love new pleasures and create a new comfort zone..

I HATE knowing that literally 90% of Season 3 had no point to it

BUT the complete and utter LYNCHING of EVERY SINGLE viewer will be something talked about for decades




[Citation needed]
why did she ruin her beautiful face
youre trying to interpret twin peaks like its mulholland drive or lost highway when it isn't. it was pretty clear that lynch rejected having an objective reality in twin peaks like in those films, everything was just dreams blurring together.
i don't get it
>mentally ill millennial talking about how people where dumb in any timeline

Oh God, that guy had severe fucking autism. Think he killed himself already?
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What was the point of this scene if they never brought the character back?
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>scream, lights out, cut to black
Jesus christ that has to be the single most nerve shattering final moments of anything ever. I was literally fucking shaking.
Sheryl Lee is the best screamer to ever grace the screen.
Turns out (Pic actually was evil Cooper, or might have been).
who dis
Didn't you pay attention? He's Richard, he doesn't even act like Cooper
>Had no point in it.
Eh? You mean, no point w/r/t episode 18's conclusion? Maybe you are right.

Did I enjoy the hell out of those 16 episodes prior to 17 and 18? All the small characters, that were unique and memorable and made the world feel full? Yeh.
I unironically agree

If Cooper had just stayed in the lodge everything would have been fine
just wait for S4 when they're trying to uncover who the new murderer of twin peaks is (sarah palmer)
Twin Peaks ending is basically "what happens if you fuck with alternative dimensions/histories but you mess it up and get lost and stuck"
my head

i also think this
yet it's fun trying to make sense of it, like you'd do with your dreams
Never said she ain't a bit nutty, but she's still been happy with the series.
isnt that literally the plot of lost highway
Welp I was lynched
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lucy kills mr c and several punches lad has a bad anime fight with bob. cooper puts a ring on evil coop and he goes back to the lodgel. Cooper celebrates with his friends then goes to the warp zone to the pilot for season 4
who cares
fuck this shit and fuck you lynch you stupid hack
>like in those films, everything was just dreams blurring together.
EXCEPT, except, the whatever-world of Giant and Eyeless-Diane/Woman thingy. That was real. Realsies. That was man properly gone out of the cave to gaze the sky.
I'm not saying 90% of it was bad, I'm saying 90% of it had no payoff.
When he wakes up and sees the note, he is confused at the fact the note mentions 'Richard' and 'Linda'.
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/tpg/, please recommend me some MacLachlan kino to fill in the void the ending gave me.
I can relate with that. Should a season 4 arrive though, it will only slide further off the deep end
there is no hope
• First whisper: "My father killed me" (delivered by Mrs. Tremond)

• Second whisper: "My mother killed the world" (delivered by Mrs. Tremond)
Who was the second Mike in Season 1 again?
What's the story with that gif?
this is all bullshitting
Cooper wakes up after sex.
Laura wakes up after watching the house for a while.
Diane woke up and left, probably as Diane.

Better check out /ota/
ON THE AIR - Forst / Lynch

What is it about the blind Asian lady that made him realize it was a dream?
It makes it quite enjoyable
Sex and the City.

"It" refers to Coop fucking with supernatural shit he doesnt understand, and fucking everything up because of it. Just like he did in S2 and FWWM.
Dune and Blue Velvet if you want Lynch-era twink Kyle.
Showgirls and Flinstones after that
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>delivered by Mrs. Tremond

Just finished. Spectacular show, best i've ever seen by far. Feels more like an 18 hour film than a show really. Extremely well directed, emotionally a roller coaster of many different tones and happenstances, at once a mystery to unravel as the viewer and a sensory overload. Not what I signed up for but spectacular all the same.

I'm convinced there will be a followup season or film, episode 17 had a "finality" to it with the battle, the connection to FWWM and episode 1 and the roadhouse singer, but 18 was a setup to a whole new plot that does not get resolved.

I'm amazed this got made and even more amazed it worked. The structure, the sound design, the visuals, the characters, the weirdness! Incredible is all I can say.
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Friendly reminder that Joy Divison recorded a song "Interzone". That's means that Booper just want to get out from the dreamworld. (pic is good Booper)
Hey anon, have you ever had a dream so vivid and warm that it lingered with you long after you were awake?
Jumping man is only a spirit linked with teleportation according to my interpretation. He is neutral. He appears when people teleport.
>Feels more like an 18 hour film than a show really
where've you been
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>mfw when we live inside a dream
in lost highway one reality is clearly subordinate to the other, in twin peaks this is absolutely not the case. Richard is not "The Real Cooper" waking up from a dream. (How would he dream about a horse he hasn't seen yet?)

Nice headcannon
Even if there was a Season 4 they're probably not coming back and their problems all had a resolution. Season 4 would probably focus on Cooper, the Texas woman/ Sheryl Lee and the Lodge stuff.
hey bugs, easy on the pcp
Thank you for finally vindicating the dream theory. I'm tired of all these time travel fags missing the point.
no, we see evil cooper and then laura's impression of cooper in her dream
call for help.
Was what happened in seasons 1 and 2 real?

Who was Richard and Linda? What did the giant mean by two birds one stone?
why did mr.c burn? punishment for leaving? still seemed pretty chill. how does it work suddenly not having a doppleganger?
Kyle McLahLan acted out three personalities distinct of each other.
Kyle MachlAchlachan acted out four personalities distinct of eac toher

Emmy award when
>The end, again, suggests the Experiment trumps his powers and can alter reality faster than Coop can react and anticipate for it.

but are you sure the evil entity wasn't trying to keep laura sleeping- so cooper basically succeeded in the end
>wheelchair Linda

literally who,
i was hyped for this
the only correct answer is LYNCHED
his literal first appearance is literally in a hypoxia induced hallucination, how on earth do you exempt the fucking giant of all things from being in a dream?
>Season 4 with no Albert
>being disappointed at lack of closure when the entire show is full of unexplained mystery since the first season

Interesting take, thanks for the write-up
It's a pornographic movie that /tv/ is obsessed about.
Lynched pissed nearly everyone off with this.

>normies stopped watching on ep 2, because it's boooooooooooring
>original series fans gave up halfway, because no Coop, and different tone
>Lynch fans liked it up to 17

The only ones left are Lynch fanboys that would praise anything he does. I really liked the final episode, solely because of the atmosphere. The ending was terrifying. Good 1 hour standalone. That said it's absolutely terrible conclusion to the series.
we only know that she becomes aware that she's in a dream, we don't know if she actually wakes up
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Now that it's all over, what the fuck was 119?
red herring in episode 6
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it was all real but coop tried to fuck with it so now he is stuck in an alternate timeline with Laura
he fucked up
It's a collection of posts from last thread, not my original thoughts (I have low IQ, I have no ideas of my own)
He's in the company of Ghandi and King now
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>jumping man
>at all bad

stop bullying our guy
season 4 isn't happening
The Trial (NOT by Orson Welles)
Why would you let an FBI agent into your house if the person you killed is still there?
>Dreamfags trying this hard with their headcannons

wait what about audrey
"Agent Cooper, listen tothe sounds!"

and Major Briggs body in one pic
I don't want to lose myself
It's a whisper
It's a funny thing
We fold like icicles on paper shelves
It's a pity to appear this way



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What the fuck do I do now?
nice headcanon
just accept your LYNCHING and move on
so when's the blu ray coming out?
Yeah, the people talking about the population of Odessa are retarded and don't know how census works.
it was all fucking dreams, did you not notice how dale cooper had a dream about the murder case he was working on and then a few weeks later physically walked into that same dream that was clearly specific to him and his case as if it were a real place?
Okay, one thing I'm still confused about: what was Mr. C trying to do? What was his endgame? Why did Cooper have to stop him?
Richard Horne?
18 was the most quintessentially Lynch episode in the series
She were a tulpa/never existed
No, it's not about the bunny.
wow so fresh man
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This is from right before Mr. C goes up the stairs to see Jeffries.
>what is inspiration
Is this the new excuse for everything?
what site? I wanted to start an organized backlog for some time now.
It's 911 reversed.
How do people think this was a bad ending. "Coop trying to be the righteous savior fucked over and erased the entire reality of S3" just sounds so nihilistic. It's more like he used S3 world to expand his lodge spirit powers, find diane, and save laura. He hasn't lost yet, sure Laura's scream embodies our fear of no closure, and Coop being helpless, but Coop could find Gordon in Odessa Reality and get the "unofficial version" or go to the sherrifs department and consult with Hawk and Andy. It's not like we outright saw Judy go neck-bite mode. Besides why would she scream if not for the memoried flooding her (which is a win in coopers book).?
vedderposters are based af, reddit
oh my SHIT

he LITERALLY told Judy about Mike and Coop going to meet Jeffries, he saw them going up the stairs and then he went down, then we see Sarah smashing a bottle on lauras picture

has both films and tv shows in it
uses themoviedatabase
He just wanted to stay alive (while getting as much out of his life as he could). Same as BOB
Yeah, but it didn't fit with the rest at all. If you want to have that ending, you should structure the rest to make it work.
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* Cooper DoppelCooper
Frost is probably 100% more creative

Santa Maria!
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What site is this?
Damn. This really brings a tear to my eye.
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Portlandia has kyle kino
Lynch fag spotted,
You literally worship everything he does
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Lynch is subtly admitting he helped the US government fake 9/11 by filming the Twin Towers on a sound stage
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trakt.tv family
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I really enjoyed the finale, but it also fills me with an incredible sadness.
>(which is a win in coopers book)
And a loss in Laura's.
She now remembers all the suffering and trauma, after escaping it in FWWM


The first episode along with the scratching sound in the woods heard with coop/laura have the answers to everything in the finale
>Laura is doomed to suffer for all eternity
>Cooper is doomed to fail at saving her for all eternity
>the entire series and everyone in it could have been a fabrication by cosmic spirits that use their dream/nightmare-cattle for sustenance
>Audrey is trapped in her own personal coma-induced fake world dream
Fuck. To think episode 17 almost ended happily.
The entire fucking scene of them walking up the steps, I was starting to get nervous because I was expecting to see Sarah and what the reaction would be like. Then as they were walking away, the slow lingering tracking shot I started to get on edge. Then Cooper getting confused, saying nothing.
Then what year is this. Scream. Cut to black.

Fucking bravo lynch. This will go down in history. I was literally blown away.
BOB wanted garmanbozia.
thanks fellas
And those answers are?
Do you subscribe to the notion that Giant pulled Laura Palmer away from Coop in the woods, in order to..? Protect her?
ep 18 shown dougie and jane-e so that time line still exist. Season 4 could be mainly Cooper in Carrie page world, with some segments every now and then of the old timeline
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these are the people who make up reddit theories
Audrey is still in coma. She didn't really have a role in the story. Lynch wouldn't make her suddenly wake up just to please the viewers.
Haven't used that site in years, it actually looks good/functional now. Heh...

Please explain why Laura screamed
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Well this was fun Lads

Feeling pretty violated with the ending but I think i understand it

I have mad respect for Lynch/Frost for making and breaking some true cinematic ground up to the cut to black, truly a show that people will discuss for years

Youre all good people and i will not soon forget your kind decency
Well ask yourself this
where's Annie?
The giant altered reality because judy was possessing sarah palmer (seen when she kills that biker dude) to protect laura.
>it is in our house now
at that moment Carrie Page ceased to exist and Laura Palmer took over
theres another one who shares posts from "NES Fans" and "Retro Gaming Fans" to all his friends lmao
souce in the trappi boy pls
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I used it for a year I think. The calendar is pretty nice. I use it since it allows me to keep log of film and tv I've seen, don't think any other site does that, other than IMDB
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How many times have you watched the finale and/or have you started rewatching the entire series yet?

you don't know anything about anything, fuck off with your vague non-opinions
Ok so I don't really understand much but I can accept the whole dream stuff people have come up with.
But then if season 3 was a "dream" then that means Dopplecoop wasn't real and "how's Annie how's Annie" wasn't real. Please explain
>at Giant pulled Laura Palmer away from Coop in the woods
the noises are not to be associated with the giant, but with Judy, you can hear them in sarah palmer's house

remember the woodsman "ANIMAL LIFE", it was MOTHER/JUDY who pulled her from Coop to trap her in the alternate Odessa reality where her life is fucked, all men are evil rapists and Cooper and Diane are brainwashed into thinking their names are actually Richard and Linda
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Or SA Desmond.
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conjecture you can't prove that frenlo. but IF (big if) that's maybe coop deserved it anyway from fucking around too much I dunno.
The police were outside in that scene and her retarded druggie brain put 911 as 119.
Yes. Giant knows Judy is in Sarah. Giant pulls Laura away to real-reality or whatever metaphysical reality he exists in.. and then Giant returns Sarah to Odessa with her memory scrubbed.. for Cooper to find her? and bring it all back? in order for..?
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When Bob was created, he was made to consume and live off of human anguish and dispare,
What if laura was sent to embody that, and to stop Bob feeding on others
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Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that One Punch Lad was the real /ourguy/?
Maybe so. Sounds fitting.
She rememebered who she was, realized it was a dream screamed in fear and woke up
Yeah, it left me feeling something I can't even describe, I don't think I've ever experienced anything like it watching television or film before.
She took the bogpill
[intense whooshing]
What's Julee's problem with the new series?
Here, have a non-vague opinion. It was SHIT!
he and Lucy were /ourguys/. pretty much did Cooper's job for him
I just wanna watch the eclipse with hawk, bros. why even live.

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>George Miller given full creative control and a big budget
>makes the best action movie in decades

>Lynch & Frost given full creative control and a big budget
>make the single most well-crafted, haunting, groundbreaking show in decades

Passion is coming back to the industry. And kino will follow.
Yah, I used to use it with my Kodi setup, but the lack of features over time didn't really entice into wanting to keep using it. Will probably give it another shot now.
started rewatching before the finale senpai

wanna rewatch the whole thing before I cancel by Showtime add-on for Hulu
Will we get a season 4?
If season 3 world was a dream, why bother making the seed to revive dougie and send him to Janey E with his best family-man qualities? They shouldn't even exist, right?

We can see that it tangibly happened since Coop is more cold and calculating in Odessa reality.
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Are you implying a chevron-pattern is something extremely unique?
So cooper achieved CHIM?
>If you watch the owl cave symbol break apart in the final Jeffries scene, it breaks into a seven, zero, and then an eight. The house number of the Palmer residence. This is right after Jeffries tells Cooper where Judy is.
Those are real but Cooper was dreaming about them in the lodge.
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time to suicide tpg
it's been fun
>Steven Soderbergh comes back with a new way to fund his films.
>Makes kino about Appalachian brothers being Appalachian brothers and its all right to be appalachian

Damn what a year
Do dubs confirm?
Or will we be damned to Didney buying everything and turning it all into a 20 cinematic universe
Everything is a dream or nightmare made by Lodge spirits to feed on the dreamers.
Never try to take a meal from Judy, she'll chase it across realities.
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why is everyone crying about julee cruise
that was her at the end of episode 17 right
please stop buying the "it was all a dream narrative" people, it's about separate realities and timelines, the word dream is used to describe the reality change when the events are altered, is that really hard to understand?
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>pro hoe
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I thought she was Amber Lynn Bach for a second
My reddit tier theory is she was so off her face on drugs she caught a glimpse of reality beyond the dream and subconsciously emulated the backwards speech in the lodges.
Why'd she scream, lads?
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mmmh, retard much?
But none of it makes any sense!
I feel dreams are used in a similar way to bloodborne. The dreamers dreams manifest as realities. The ppl who think it literally didn't happen and it's all a dream are fucking stupid.>>87320183
Laura gets her mind back in Part 18

new thread
Self-defence dude
There is no hope of salvation.
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nice catch. these are why I come to these threads. I knew I was missing somethign there.




>The dreamers dreams manifest as realities
YES that's it! And nice catch with bloodborne too
sorry im shy guy..
>implying Gandhi wouldn't shoot a murderslave tulpa
Vedderposters is 100% correct. wrongposters are always wrong.
I'm sick of talking about Judy
> Vague supernatural

Nigga what
Cooper is what happened to the Dwemer
if every reality we saw was the dream of a character in another reality then what is "real"?
So did evil coop. But being stuck in the white lodge means no more garmonbozia, so during season 3 he's just trying to survive
Whe are going to talk about judy for 25 years again and in 2042 Twin Peaks 4 with all very bad cgi characters playing the dead ones.
How do you know?
That guy was disgusting
What if interpreting what actually happened is jiāo dài
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>cats go so fast these days. ........

what did she mean by this?
Bahaha, what a worthless slut.
Whats the name of the actress that played waitress in Judy's Dinner? halp
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>do it right
>makes it wrong
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>the same day, elsewhere in North Carolina during the premier of the Twin Peaks Finale
Thar's a little harsh, I love Albert as much as the next guy but he's not worth cancelling the series over.
cooper decides to fuck with timelines somehow. He manages to wake up Laura in another dimension after saving her in another timeline. It is unknown if this is good or bad
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rewatched season 3 after ep 16 aired, gonna rewatch finale tonight
The final episode confirms that it is impossible for physical beings in the cannon of TP to die. They can only be trapped outside of time, in other realities or even in other bodies.

While the ending may seem like Cooper lost it infact confirms the opposite. Judy in a last ditch effort to stop cooper from taking Laura to her and excorsising Sarah Palmer/ Banashing Judy's influence from our world, stole Laura and put her in another reality.

Cooper and Diane travel to this world, take over their respective counterparts Richard and Linda so that Cooper can find Laura and bring her back. As long as Cooper doesn't give up it is impossible for Evil to triumph Good as Judy cannot kill him or anyone else thanks to time travel being possible.
There wasn't anything that confirms when this scene takes place, was there?
So ret-conning Sarah to be inhabited by The Mother of All Abominations means that Bob and The Mother lived together posessing Leiland and Sarah and abusing Laura, farming garmonbozia from the whole family until they were ready to posses Laura.
Sheryl Lee is a great actor
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many dreams exist concurrently. old twin peaks timeline still goes on somewhere and janey-e and sonny jim have their dougie
But Sarah was never abusive to Laura and she defended her from Leland.
Coop's final mission of taking Laura back to her home to fix everything actually worked, just not how he expected. In the last few seconds, she screamed as she became self aware, the electricity blew everything out and it went black. The evil black lodge/multiverse/whatever ceased to exist. Basically the same ending as Sopranos when it went black because Tony was actually dead.

Coop saved the real world in 17, destroyed the evil spirit world in 18, and that's it.
More like she was reigning in BOB from doing too much. Also Sarah was in control sometimes just like Leland was.
this, sarah was only possessed after years of stewing over her experiences
Sarah was fucking terrified when she saw BOB.
Yeah, and? Like I just said Sarah wasn't being possessed 24/7.
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Can you brainlets just fucking die already?
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