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How that he was killed? There was no proof of anything. No trial

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How that he was killed? There was no proof of anything. No trial by combat. Not a smidge of evidence.

Did Starks go full Aerys Targaryen?
She is stupid
And I thought he was in CIA
Whether there is evidence or not, they know for irrefutable fact how evil he is and of the crimes he has committed. Therefore you are retarded for comparing them to the Mad King.
He gave Sansa to the Boltons. He was already on thin ice for that. After Bran revealed he betrayed Ned, well then evidence shmevidence. The in show rationalization was stupid, but its easy to see why they did it.
Everyone already hated him plus the writers want to end the show and need to start cleaning house
Only legit answer.

>After Bran revealed he betrayed Ned.

Holy shit. Word of a witch. This is fucking retarded.
Let's not forget about his hore house

I wounder what happened over there
>How that he was killed?
ESL detected.
Bullshit. There needs to be a trial, you can't just "know" someone is bad and decide to kill them, especially when you're trying to establish your legitimacy as a ruler. Who's to say the Stark ninjas won't just decide that one of their bannermen are bad and lay them out without a trial? Especially since they rely on testimony from a psychic.

They're very Mad Kingish, they're just two girls killing because they're emotional, but the hack writers don't think about that, only "badass moments" to get reactions. And why the fuck do the Vale knights let it happen? And why isn't Robyn going to do anything?
>There needs to be a trial

stopped reading there. Where was the trial for the guy Ned executed in the first episode? there was none because the Starks don't hold trials. because the crime was clear.

saged for making a shit thread even by GoT standards.
The show was written by liberals. Of course they don't have self-awareness about their hypocritical beliefs.
It is obvious that westerosi culture is redpilled on women's limitations as rulers.

The other lords didn't see the stark sisters ridiculously unjust and impulsive emotional actions as beyond the pale....more like a coin that happened to land on tails this time
Ned confessed his crimes......Jesus Christ how many deviations is /tv behind /pol on the bell curve?
Fuck off, there was a trial and judgement, you just don't see it on screen, the situation is different because Ned executed a criminal with a warrant while the magic Stark girls decided to kill the ruler of a friendly sovereign nation in cold blood, with zero repercussions. Even normies are getting tired of this shit show, expect the next season to be laughably bad with horrible ratings
They could have killed him off in a more intelligent way, like a game of wits between him and Arya where they are both gunning for the other and Sansa doesn't know who to trust.

Or have him just trip and fall from the battlements. Even that would be better, highlighting that for all his plans and schemes, no one can predict when their luck runs out.

Anything would be better than what we got.
Why am I supposed to believe that the men of the Vale would just turn against him? Is this fucking Lion King?
Everyone in the fucking Vale knew Baelish was up to no good and that he had to murdered Lysa. They fucking ceased the opportunity the Starks presented to them to get rid of the guy.
>After Bran revealed he betrayed Ned
The testimony of an aloof autist that saw it in a vision?
Because the knights of the Vale know he's full of shit and resent him.
If someone ever questioned it he probably recalled the memories of their first sexual encounters offscreen.
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>Bran quickly becomes unlikeable and many people plot to kill him
>because he can probably use his psychic credibility to make shit up, and more importantly make believable shit up, many rational people defect to other powers and eventually Bran's reign of terror is ended
THAT would worthy of A Song of Ice and Fire, not Harry Potter garbage like "Baelish is creepy, so let's kill him/"
Bull fucking shit, Sansa herself was saved by Petyr and Baelish was under the protection of Robyn, the regeant in the Vale. Yet he dies in cold blood because a crippled psychic, a Naruto ninja and a half mad meat puppet decide to make it so. It SHOULD be an act of war, and if the knights of the Vale "know he's full of shit," and still let their leader die, then they're not knights and will probably just let Robyn die too, which fucks over an entire nation. Fucking stupid hack show, they should have just dropped all the side plots and done 10 episodes of Jon and Dany being heroes and fighting frozen zombies, that's the only thing dumb enough for them to handle
You're retarded.
with that logic jaime should have let aerys live because muh honor muh grace muh kingdom. why are people pretending laws and oaths have never been broken in got.
No dude, you are, and that's why you're here defending GoT.
Not saying D&D aren't hacks, but the knights of the vale are sworn to Robyn Arryn. Not fucking Littlefinger. While Robyn trusts Petyr as the regent, all the other Lords and knights know he's a manipulative cunt. He's well known for being a shady piece of shit. You Royce has been looking at any opportunity to get rid of that scumbag and it finally presented itself in the form of a poorly written scene that felt straight out of a soap opera.
To be fair, as you say the crime *was* clear in that case. He was a man of the Night's Watch and had abandoned his post- to which there is only one penalty. They didn't need much beyond him admitting he was from the wall, and that he was no longer at the wall. Some chucklefuck nobody that had already given up their life broke their one law.

Sansa declared a bunch of things to one of the great lords of the land may or may not have done on no testimony other than that of her crippled and disturbed brother and her own opinion. Let's not pretend that he's a nobody- at this point he's the lord of the Vale- one of the seven kingdoms. For context, an acting lord of the north (not even an actual one) summarily executed one of the leader of the great houses on her own word. She definitely doesn't have the authority to carry out such an action without letting him have a trial. The fact that nobody would defend him isn't the point, it's the precedent she's setting.
>"My visions tell me Littlefinger conspired to kill me and my father, throwing the realm into chaos"
>"I don't believe you."
>Bran describes that one time their dad got raped in crystal clear detail
"Guess you can see into the past after all."

What do you not get
Things that make no sense

Sansa being a competent administrator despite never applying herself towards anything but being pretty and sobbing

People assuming the teenage girl with no experience is responsible for the improvements at winterfell and not the former master of coin with a reputation for making money out of thin air

Things that do make sense

The lords of the north/vale not being surprised when 2 teenage girls act based on impulse and emotion
why am i cryin in the keep right now
Jaime killed Aerys and NEVER lived down the Kingslayer name, Sansa and Arya killed Baelish, a legal ruler and will only get a YASS QUEEN.

People are getting confused, it's well known to the AUDIENCE that Petyr is a schemer, and Petyr is suspected by a few powerful CHARACTERS (Cersei, Varys) but he works hard to keep his nose clean. The evidence being they had to rely on A LITERAL PSYCHIC for testimony. Royce, for all intents and purposes, should only have a dislike of Baelish, he has no evidence of Baelish killing anyone. The point is, Petyr dying is just convenient for the writers because they can't understand the character and it's easier to write a ninja character like Arya.
DnD already admitted that they want 'shock' moments for 'water cooler talk'. They fucking suck and ruined one of my favorite shows.
>Jaime killed Aerys and NEVER lived down the Kingslayer name,
In universe
> Sansa and Arya killed Baelish, a legal ruler and will only get a YASS QUEEN.
Not in universe

Also Baelish was a legal ruler that threw the realm into war, betrayed Ned Stark and tried to kill Bran Stark.
What I hate most about d&d is that they totally poisoned the well for anyone without experience to get a shot out of the gate the way they did with got
she was exposed to ruling from her father growing up. sometimes people just need the confidence to act on what they already know
But nobody KNEW that, they gave the Starks a deus ex machina to unceremoniously clean up a character they weren't qualified to write, it's such shit. And in-universe, the Stark girls won't get any shit for killing Baelish, don't expect the Vale to ever be revisited.
it was just a convenient way to get rid of a character so they have fewer plot lines to worry about

That would be a good story line. The Starks get into trouble for this and become distrusted by the people. However that won't happen because it's too clever and interesting.
There's nothing implausible about Bran proving that he's an all knowing psychic to anyone that had their doubts before this confrontation.
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>Jaime killed Aerys and NEVER lived down the Kingslayer name, Sansa and Arya killed Baelish, a legal ruler and will only get a YASS QUEEN.
Jaime was Kingsguard, sworn by Oath to protect the King. Sansa is Warden of the North, Ruler fo Winterfell.

See how they're different?
>You pushed lysa out the moon door
Even if they can't prove ned that's enough to kill him right there
>Hold up, Lady Sansa, didn't you swear in your testimony that your aunt committed suicide? Wouldn't that mean you're an accomplice to her murder since you kept quiet?
They already had a trial several seasons ago where Sansa herself testified that Lysa was crazy and threatened to kill her.
That's like saying Chelsea Clinton could be president......

Sansa's entire life until this season boiled down to

Wearing/sewing dresses
Lemon cakes
Worrying about being raped
>I was frightened by what Lord Baelish was capable of.
Ruler to Winterfell which is allied to the Vale, killing its regeant because the psychic told her to. Yes, this should fly nicely
It would turn out great for the knights of the Vale to threaten Sansa while they're at Winterfell.
She has rubbed elbows with some of the show's best schemers. Sophie Turner sucks but Sansa the character isn't too bad.
>why isn't Robyn going to do anything
he would try to (if dabid bothered to go into that aspect) but whathisname that commands the knights will override his authority
>two wrongs don't make a right, m'lady, did your father teach you nothing?
Btw m'lady the other lords and I agree that we don't want to be ruled by a bunch of magic children, rebellion now
Sansa didn't kill anyone though. Tiny little bit important detail there.
Yeah, see that man there? Petyr Littlefinger Baelish? Known liar and master manipulator? He told me to lie.

There. Stop sperging so much already.
Asking a question of someone who just contradicted themself is a threat?
That was weak.
You mean right when he was completely at their mercy and all it would've taken for her was one word to have him executed?
Remember the Karstarks? You can often fuck up a person's plans more easily by simply packing your shit and leaving rather than starting shit like a dumb ass.
>He told me to lie.
And now she admits to lying. Wow.
Well she didn't techically lie did she? She told Lysa was mad because she saw littlefinger kissing her and threatened to kill her. Petyr was the one that said that lysa commited suicide.
People don't magically develop skills through proximity to talented people....

Is this a thing plebs actually believe?

It isn't like cersei, littlefinger, or the boltons actually bothered to try and teach her anything

The just used her as a pawn to their own advantage

Hell Fucking Arya probably learned more from Tywin!!!!'
She only didn't mention that Pete pushed her out of the moon door when they asked her, and kept it to herself for years.
>people defend this dreck
Do show runners browse this board or something?
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He actually did try to teach her a bit in the previous few episodes, even though it was part of his attempts at manipulating her against Arya. Even though Arya and Sansa were apparently not even at each other's throats to begin with and all their scenes of conflict were just red herrings. God, the writing on this show is awful.
his death scene is fucking retarded , also would have been cool to see him react when bran said 'a dragon break the wall , army of darkness is comin'
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>Ignores that LF rescued her from King's Landing
>Ignores that LF rescued their dumb asses outside Winterfell
>Wants to execute him for Lysa when he both legitimately protected her, and then she lied to cover for him
>Conveniently ignores that she herself fucking agreed to the Bolton deal after LF gave her the choice to go back
>Relies on the word of a psychic that most would probably consider insane
>Even if she wants him executed for Ned, she doesn't even consider sending him to the wall on account of the first three points
>Executes LF in their own fucking hall after this sham trial instead of giving him a proper execution,
>Executing her guests like a madwoman will undoubtedly have absolutely no consequence to her credibility because the audience isn't supposed to like him
It's shit.
So lf started to teach Sansa how to scheme months after she had been displaying an inexplicable ability to run a kingdom.........
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Threadly reminder that Sansa is an accomplice to murder and lied under oath to that baldy blonde guy from the mountains.
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is got shitposting dead? haven't browsed /tv/ since the season finale
you act like she was a stable girl or something. and yes, you can learn from simply being around others if you have the aptitude for it and apparently you don't.
Bobby posting is running its course. That's about it.
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>lied about the death of the leader of their house
>only mention it years later when she conveniently wants to get rid of the regent of said house
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This shit right here also really grinds my gears.
>I spent almost 20 years in King's Landing on the small council whilst serving the queen. I think it's safe to say that I know her better than anyo...
>Umm actually no, sweetie, she talked to me about periods once and was also drunkly rambling in my general direction that one time. CLEARLY I know her better, silly man.
Yeah, and?
And you're a dumb shitposter. Any other questions?
According to the books and the TV show she was more interested in pretty dresses, cakes and becoming a breeding machine for a handsome knight.
Yeah, why do you care so much?
She's a slow learner, but she learns.
Thanks for spoiling.
I have to headcanon that during her years at The Vale she was getting taught everything Littlefinger knows. She certainly didn't learn from her Dad, Joffrey or Cersei.
I get that you probably live in a 1 bedroom and work somewhere they pack you in like sardines

In westeros, and patrician society, important conversations rarely take place in the presence of young children.....

It only worked with arya because tywin was making a point to be condescending and the nobles considered her a mobile wine bottle more than a person
Nice trips but that spacing man



reddit spacing
I get that you live in a 1 bedroom and work somewhere that packs you in like sardines.....

That's not westeros or my life thankfully

Important conversations don't happen in front of children unless the important people don't consider the child a person like tywin and mobile wine bottle arya

PEOPLE ARENT SPONGES they cant just learn something as complicated as administering a feudal realm through osmosis
CIA should have verbally defended himself to the point where sansa had to admit it wasn't a trial but an execution. Then he should have pointed out how dishonourable it all was an said how dissapointed ned would be just before getting killed. That would be a good death
>former master of coin with a reputation for making money out of thin air
He literally borrowed all the money
When someone is making excellent points with reddit spacing it is obvious he is stuck at the airport with a cracked phone on labor day
Sauce? Not that I don't think they're hacks but I don't see them admitting to this jewry
he conspired to have Arya killed, Sansa was there, she was the one he admitted it too
>betrayed Ned

Littlefinger swore fealty to his king, not some northern lord. He turned in a traitor.
Why do you expect a fantasy medeival society to act like they have the same laws the real world does. In those societies, the ruler is the final word. Trial? Only if the king feels like it. Did Joffrey put Ned on trial? No, he took his head, and washed his hands of him. Sansa is serving in Jon's place. She's the boss. She can kill a bannerman if she doesn't like the color of his hair - and nobody can say shit to her. Her "trial" of littlefinger was a formality, even Arya was like "Do we really have to do this? Just let me kill him" but nooooo, Sansa had to have her mic drop moment.

The Vale knights don't do shit, because they're a small force, among a stronger force. They want to live. Their leader is dead. Cheers to the new leader, I hope I get paid for this shit detail.

I agree that the whole thing is a shitshow from beginning to end, but you're applying rules to a world that doesn't have rules like that.
That's why he got his throat cut before he could say anything.
So they killed a quest in their house? And these are the same people throwing a shit fit over red wedding?
Yeah, the all-powerful Bran who can't travel back to the moment Jaime pushed him off the tower, but can go back and see Jon's birth.

The three eyed flying twat seems to be real selective in what he can and can't see.
>Why do you expect a fantasy medeival society to act like they have the same laws the real world does. In those societies, the ruler is the final word.
Yeah, that happened a lot all over Medieval Europe. There were rebellions and civil wars afterwards. The King of England did it, was taken prisoner and the men who took him prisoner set up an 8 man parliament that would have veto over any future King's decisions. That same King did it again and all his Barons revolted instantly.

A better argument for you would have been "this is a fantasy world with magic" because the "medieval world" argument is horseshit. When rulers act like tyrants they did not last long.
>The Vale knights don't do shit, because they're a small force, among a stronger force.
>Stronger force
Where? Robb got all of the stark bannermen wiped out and the starks only just recently reclaimed winterfell.
No he wasn't he was on his knees begging
I'd argue that. She was more focused on marrying a king or prince than paying attention to her father and how he ruled. The very first episode established that. Ned taught his sons, by taking them with him to the execution, the girls stayed behind to dance and laugh and eat lemon cake.
Sansa *might* have picked up a few things in the Red Keep, watching the Lannisters at play, but most of her time since Ned died she's been locked in one room or another. Arya has a more solid grounding of how the world works than she does.

and we're supposed to believe that because she stands on the battlement and stares off into space, that she's some profound ruler with insight and wisdom now. Arya called her out in the bullshit with Littlefinger, before it started. This was Sansa larping being queen, and she's more Cercei than Ned Stark. It was a "Go gurl!" moment from the writers, period.
Learning aptitude is relative. Some people are slow, some people have to be taught verbatim, some are better with visuals, etc. Also, learning doesn't have to happen at the exact given moment. One can always look back at the past and take something away from it. I think they call it experience.
Not to mention, who's going to be the new regeant? Oh, yeah, they kind of swept that under the rug, there. That other poster is right, the Vale will never be mentioned again in the show.
arya got her superpowers by being beaten with a stick while blind. why is it so hard to believe that salsa got hers by being raped?
He's not IN CIA, he IS CIA
Not even

"Last words?"

Fucking bitch
"I have alwaysh loved...gurgle...."
Again - that's what happened in OUR world. The world of GOT is not our world. Different rules can apply.

And, i didn't claim that tyrants last long. Stop telling me what to post, and stop putting words in my mouth.
Umm, that's not how civilized societies work, sweetie.
So your argument of "medieval world" is out and the argument of "fantasy magic world" is back in. Also, the humans of GoT seem human enough and we tend to cry out when injustices are commited. To put that more succinctly, "for every action, a reaction". Unless you're in a magical fantasy world created by bad writers, perhaps.

>being a non autistic normie

Bran proved to arya and sansa that he has abilities when they were by that tree and mentioned aryas list without knowing, and also where she had been, and what she was doing. Do you even pay attention?
the regeant of the vale was Lyssa you fucking idiot.
Baelish murdered her so obviously the knights arent going to be too happy to have that revealed to them.
Sansa was an accomplice to that murder and lied about it to them. It was her who said she commited suicide.
>Ctrl + F
>No Lawyer? No witnesses? What sort of due process is this?
>0 of 0

Wow, this board is done.
arya was told by a Goddess to kill him if he didn't confess, you hacks
>Sophie Turner sucks
muh dik hopefully
hoe is fukkin thicc
The only reason she died was because Sansa had to act a fool
Sansa admits that she's slow in the head. Little finger basically groomed her and pimped her out, I don't see how anyone can defend such a creepy character.
Grosse, her head gets rounder and thicker every episode. She's slowly turning into pumpkin head. Her head doesn't turn, it rotates.
>forgetting the part where she agreed to it
>Her head doesn't turn, it rotates
kek, what
her fucking thighs though
jesus my sides lmao
I stopped and thought about it, after reading your response.

Seriously? Go fuck yourself, neckbeard.

I bet you look exactly like Martin, too, and you slobber when you talk.
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>no logic
>no argument other than vague insults about alleged appearance
roastie detected
>For years, I've heard Littlefinger is a magician. Whenever the Crown needs money, he rubs his hands together and poof! Mountains of gold.
>Let me guess; he's not a magician?
>He's stealing it?
>Worse; he's borrowing it.

>Oh, he was clever. He did not simply collect the gold and lock in a treasure vault, no. He paid the king’s debts in promises, and put the king’s gold to work. He bought wagons, shops, ships, houses. He bought grain when it was plentiful and sold bread when it was scarce. He bought wool from the north and linen from the south and lace from Lys, stored it, moved it, dyed it, sold it. The golden dragons bred and multiplied, and Littlefinger lent them out and brought them home with hatchlings.

Sansa revealed that Littlefinger murdered Lysa Tully and IIRC he didn't deny it
Peter admitted to killing cats sister, the lord of the vales widow. What a shit thread
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