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what's his endgame /tv/

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what's his endgame /tv/
bout tree fiddy

The Iron Throne of course, have you been paying attention?
he wants to feel snow on his cheeks
Crashing Westoros.
kill all life like he was programmed to

what a shit villain
Will he ever talk? Or will he just remain silent for the rest of the show? Will the White Walkers even make it past Winterfell? They better fucking get to King's Landing at least.
well if hes the king of a dead world that means he can do whatever he wants whenever he wants with the entire population of the world as his servants.I imagine hunting a dead deer would be interesting, hit it with an ice spear and it goes down until you remove said spear, then it leaves with an extra hole.
What will he do next?!?!?!?
He wants to try out some of Hotpie's kidney pie.
god damn loch monster poaster
save littlefinger
With no survivors
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We take Westeros from the corrupt! The rich! The oppressors of generations who have kept you down with myths of opportunity, and we give it back to you... the people. Westeros is yours. None shall interfere. Do as you please. Start by storming Eastwatch, and freeing the oppressed! Step forward those who would serve. For and army will be raised. The powerful will be ripped from their decadent nests, and cast out into the cold world that we know and endure. Courts will be convened. Spoils will be enjoyed. Blood will be shed. The dead will revive, as they learn to serve true justice. This great continent... it will endure. Westeros will survive!
What would exaclty happen if the Night King won? Would it just be a bunch of dead people talking and doing stuff that humans do?
Is tormund fucking dead?
what's he thinking hear?
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Admit it faggots

This scene was hella f*ckin epic
"kek muh dragon breathes blue cold fire"
based night king
>Getting excited from watching tv
kys nerd
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wasted get
How does that fucking dragon fly with holes on its wing???
Don't you have school tomorrow?
>just flapping in place continuously spitting fire
Broken as hell, we never saw Dany do this.
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a-blu-a-blu i'm so grown up and serious i can't enjoy cool things anymore because my taste is so refined honhonhon!
wow nice video game my dude

is this world of warcraft new expansion pack
I can see scenes like that in video games

Ever heard of "magic"?
the white walkers are a false flag
they'll be cleaned up entirely within three episodes
He'll say WAIT just before Gendry smashes his fucking breastplate in with his dragonglass warhammer.
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it was a lot better when I watched it the first time
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>posting that one edit of the dragon spewing out fire through the back of his neck
I take it that you didn't notice it
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>the fire the dragon spit out from his mouth is at maximum power despite that hole in that part of his body that produce the fire
>le gruesome zombo-dragon fly good and well despite the several wounds on his wings
Crashing the wall with no survivors
Just turn off your brain bro
So if Dany didn't save the fuckhead crew of last episode, he wouldn't have had a dragon and therefore couldn't get beyond the wall?
He will fly the dragon to his death into the westeros dyson sphere, only to realize in the end that it was all futile
On that image he's clearly leaking fire tho
He had spear on his throat.
>Destroy a giant wall hundreds of feet high
>It tumbles down but some how creates a perfectly flat walk way

What did they mean by this, also why couldn't the undead just walk at the bottom of the ocean. They can't swim but they also can't drown.
le turn off your brain meme gets more cringeworthy every time it's posted
Dont ask logic based questions here, this show is purely about empowering womyn.
He expands to essos
its clearly not actual fire, so what is it?
my money is on some magic particle cannon that expels small crystals of ice cooled to absolute zero.

its 5gum

5gum breath
This. According to the leaks,Euron is end game villain.
It's Updog
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Lets ask Digimons
Just turn your brain off
imagine actually getting mad over a joke

your show is shit your books you fixate over are shit deal with it already
Icy hot
>Reddit logic
>4chans faith
Bringing closure to the pointless conflicts of men.
His first words will be a pun, I promise you
ICE to see you
What's Updog?
what is that?

Which is beyond retarded but I believe it
Where he get a dragon from?
from sneeds feed
read literally the first thing about writing villains
>This scene was hella f*ckin epic

God damn normies

With no explanation to the thousand year old magic that kept the wall standing and the walkers unable to cross it ... dragons with lazer breath blows it up in 5 minutes

>hella epic amirite?!

It was fucking stupid
How does a dragon fly?
Let's play a game

What is the worst reason he is doing what he did
it's where the arrow hit him

to sate his autism

To go as fast as possible, with all 3 dragons he can reach 9000 sanics.
>now this is podracing
Honestly I would not have a problem with it if it was book Euron with all that blood magic, strange artifacts and Valyrian armor, and shiet, but show Euron is just a walking meme.
that's not the problem, some parachutes have holes in them to control the descent better, the actual problem is that a rl dragon would need to have wings several hundreds of meters long in order to stay airborne and support its massive weight
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Conquer the world and raise a huge undead army to defeat the true enemy. The wildfire legion.
night king wants to fuck arya then wear her faces
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>show Euron is just a walking meme
I'm perfectly fine with that to be desu
To get that Dornish holiday he's been wanting for the last 10,000 years.
...and then proceed to shit himself. Tsk, they never write about that in books. No songs to remember.
carbon tax
His endgame is literally to fly over KL (the dragon shadow over KL)

Then he's gonna ignite the wildfire that Bran timeraped Aerys to plant by accidental, this kills the white walker fucking shits army and his mount and he gets picked off by some main character
He looks really happy riding that dragon.
he was on the side of the wall that didn't get destroyed i believe
Nothing much, it's all good, brah.
Bran crossing the wall after being touched by the NK allows them to cross retard
White Walkers are controlled opposition by the Iron Bank to rally lords to Danaerys's side so that she'd invade, thus causing the crown to borrow more gold and bringing in hordes of low-IQ savages who'll ask for free stuff as soon as the war's over and thus necessitate more borrowing. Read the board. The winners are the Iron bankers in their Near Essos enclave.
Moon is no egg. Moon is godess, wife of sun. It is known.
To randomly die in the vale
He regards the living world as chaotic and wants to bring order to it through death. Most cliche of cliches, so you can bet on it.

Promise me, Egg.
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furthermore... his end game was to play the.. Game of Thrones..
he's undead
based leak bro

I'm certain those leaks are fake, but fuck i'll cheer for D&D if they actually have Daenery's corpse rotting on the wall of kings landing, civilians throwing shit at it LOL
This fucking board man..... Jesus.
you mean, the Maesters? fokking "dreadlords" of Westeros, plotting against Houses all the time.
Why can't anyone put a saddle on these dragons?
How does dead men without muscles and nerves moves? kys
Australia? Is that you?
its the same fire photoshopped upside down
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