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X-Files or Fringe? Which is better?

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X-Files or Fringe? Which is better?
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If you have to ask, you need to go back.
I really fucking hate show battles/season battles etc.
Both are different, both are good.
Wanna be patrician? Watch them both, it'll do you good.
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Fringe was good for like 1-3 seasons but went to complete shit eventually. Xfiles is top tier kino, too bad they took it off Netflix.
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Anna Torv or Gillian Anderson?
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It's really hot to me that a woman her age has a totally bald pussy.
X-Files > Kolchak: The Night Stalker >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fringe
X-Files has 90s nostalgia going for it, but the mytharc is garbage and the writing just isn't there.

Fringe is an amazing show that did things you'd never expect on network TV in terms of storytelling, and had amazing characters that draw you in emotionally.
also OP is a faggot
and Season 4 was shit but anyone who dislikes Season 5 and how they ended the show is a faggot, the invasion of the Observers was a great original sci-fi plot and the characters' relationships with each other were all explored beautifully
probably easier to shave than dye the grey away
rewatched x-files over the last few months, there were a lot more shit filler episodes than I remembered, and it really does nosedive towards the end.

I'm leaning towards Fringe desu.

red hair mirror Olivia a hnnng.
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>the mytharc is garbage
fringe? more like cringe, amirite?
Convoluted shit that couldn't keep it together.

Meanwhile Fringe brings elements from S1 and peppers them throughout the seasons, I mean obviously not everything is planned out but they still created a work 10 times more coherent than X-Files.
The standalone episodes are the main appeal of The X-Files, and the myth arc is decent until season 5

Brave enough to reveal conspiracies and deal with the implications of sci-fi of the week.

X-Files was fine for what it was, but the conspiracy stuff was a scaffold for monster-of-the-week stuff. In the end it was much more like a police procedural about weird shit than a dive into weird shit.
Fringe because it is more than just sci-fi. The episode "Peter" is still one of my favorite episodes of any show ever.

You've picked the only solid part of the mythos apart from the black lunged bastard.

And it's all in performance, almost none in script or direction.
Both decent at first. Both became retarded in later seasons.
fuck I cried just at being reminded of that episode by this post
this and White Tulip

Fringe ultimately redeemed itself though
September's resurfacing in the last season was a god-tier mythology move
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>yfw the first time this started playing
White Tulip gets brought up so much it's a cliche at this point, but it really is one of my favorite episodes of television. They really played on that fatherhood theme in S5, too, and I watched Fringe with my dad so it clicked.
>more than just sci-fi
no, anon, it's exactly what all the greatest sci-fi is- about people, not technology or aliens

Never change, 77 posts.
>that scene of Walter praying in the church despite being an atheist

also I know it's not from the same episode but
>Olivia seeing Peter's shimmer at the end of the Manhatan episode and confirming what the fans had known and dreaded for ages
gives you shivers even though you knew it was coming
The stuff about Alt-Olivia taking over real Olivia's life and her horror when she returns to find Peter was fooled and her whole personal life has been violated, and her reaction to all that, was a uniquely sci-fi take on trauma and PTSD I found interesting, especially as that kind of stuff is usually done to female characters by a male character with a melodramatic rape scene or something, rather than by another female character and so psychologically
I remember the live threads where we all thought Anna Torv was a terrible actress because she was so stilted in S1 and then you watch her character grow and you realize she was just really good at playing this broken, guarded character.
it really was one of the best female lead performances I've ever seen in television, and one of the best depictions of mental illness too both from Torv (PTSD) and Noble (dementia, possibly schizophrenia?)

You mean... Fauxlivia?
>dementia, possibly schizophrenia
I mean in story context he literally had parts of his brain cut out. So I guess dementia if anything.

Invalid comparison since the fact Fringe started out like an X-Files clone was actually a fake-out. It turned out to really be something very very different.
They feel right into her Vagenda.
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>abused by stepfather, shot him to death before she reached puberty
>experimented on in Walter and Bell's Cortexiphan trials, exposed to unimaginable cosmic horrors
>mother died in a car crash or w/e as a teen
>risks her sanity to save her partner only to find out he's a double agent and have him die in her arms after a car crash
>best friend and colleague killed and replace with an imposter for months before she finds out so she doesn't even get to mourn him properly
>gaslighted in an alternate universe into taking on a new identity away from her newfound colleagues and friends; ends up being threatened with lobotomisation and dissection
>new lover ends up falling for an imposter of her who has stolen her life and admits he preferred the imposter when she finally gets back
>new lover is temporarily erased from the timeline before The Power Of Love(TM) manages to bring him back (yeah nobody can defend the first half of Season 4, even John Noble hated it)
>has her sister, niece and son irreversibly erased in a new timeline
>get shot in the head two season finales in a row
>has her daughter stolen from her as a child and misses out on her entire childhood and adolescence, only meeting her again as an adult after years being kept as living furniture by a perverted admirer
>has to watch her daughter die in front of her eyes
>only the last few points ever get erased from her memory by the finale partial-reset

Olive had a hard life ;-;
>shot him to death before she reached puberty

This only happens in the altered timeline, which she forgets.
The best X-files episodes are better, but the worst X-files episodes are worse.

Also I think the X-filed would feel too dated for younger millennials; Fringe cast is more quippy and fun so, and the series is sadly, much shorter, so if you don't know which to watch start with Fringe.

This show uses parallel universe trope better than any other TV series.
Anyone else autistically watch all Fringe openings and get excited?
Gillian Anderson is god-tier momfu material, but no single mythology-related scene in X-Files is as satisfying as this
>tfw Fringe was on the verge of cancellation at the end of of both S3 and S4 due to streaming services not being included in viewing figures but both times fan petitions blew up to such an extent it made even infamously-cutthroat FOX reconsider and give them enough time to properly play out the myth arc they had planned
good fuckin' feels
They were deceived by her Vagendaâ„¢
>tfw the first time the Amber logo played and you just knew this series was gonna reach heights none other had gone to before with the parallel universes trope
Ending at season 4 wouldn't have been that bad considering season 5 just erases itself anyway.

Wrong. Season 5 wrapped up the other central mythology arc (the Observers) and included vital characterisation, especially Walter finally confronting his horrific actions in the past in full by choosing to erase himself from the timeline for the good of humanity. The fact it was subsequently erased doesn't change the fact that we saw it. It's part of the story.

Plus September was a fucking boss in the final season.
>no season five
>wanting to miss out on this
>Season 5 wrapped up the other central mythology arc (the Observers)

It did, but really I didn't like the observer endgame.

>alter finally confronting his horrific actions in the past in full by choosing to erase himself from the timeline for the good of humanity

His letting go of Peter at the end of season 3 would have been enough for me.

>Plus September was a fucking boss in the final season.


Season 5 wasn't bad, the overarching fatherhood theme was very good. But the I don't like what they did with the observers.
him letting go of Peter in S3 showed him confronting his forays between dimensions and the catastrophic macroscropic impacts of that, but S5 showed him facing up to the question of ethics in science he had previously ignored with the Cortexiphan trials on children and his actions overall back when he was partners with William Bell- his original solution was to run away from himself and his sins by lobotomising himself, but by S5 he's grown enough as a character to decide he wants to serve a lesson directly to the genetics scientists of the future not to fuck with ethics and our humanity even if it means he pays the ultimate price

I thought the Observers' endgame was a refreshingly original concept myself, especially as transhumanist attitudes are being explored in real life atm
Another thing I found impressive with Fringe was how they always utilised their limited resources so effectively. Its sense of scale and ambition (and how well it accomplished those aims, especially in the third season) is pretty impressive given that the last season, for example, had a $4 million budget.
I've tried three times to get into Fringe, and I've never been able to make it through the first season. I find the characters to be incredibly boring.

And I just don't understand the show. Apparently it's about a group of people fighting a shadowy organization that has abnormally advanced technology and science. But the show is set in a future earth that has technology and science beyond our own, so I was never sure if what I was seeing was supposed to be a normal thing in that world or not.
The show is set in the future? wut
Force yourself to get to the second season, that show starts to change around then.

You'll also realise there's so much foreshadowing in the first season, it's sick, that no one picked up when it first aired.
Faux Mulder > Fauxlivia
iirc, it may just be an alternate earth though. The very first scene has a commercial airliner that pilots and lands itself, along with other technology that's more advanced than our own.

I'll try to get around to it eventually.
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X-files easily. The problem with the x files is the mytharc stuff is honestly completely retarded. That doesn't stop it from being absolutely amazing because of the characters and monster of the week episodes.
Eh. I saw xfiles when I was young but didn't remember shit. I rewatched it in the 2000s without any real nostalgia and it's still great.
I enjoyed Fringe more. Although part of that could be that the final season of X-files were garbage and left a bad taste in my mouth.
There is a single corporation in the Fringe universe that has technology beyond our own (Massive Dynamic), and the reason for this will be explained eventually.
kind of stupid to compare the show that started in 1993 and the show that started in 2006. Now - Fringe, no question, but X-files had a huge impact on television, and the creators of the Fringe were clearly inspired by this show
This desu senpai
At it's best X-Files, taken as a whole Fringe.
Walter still had the teleportation technology and the ability to cross universes in the 80s.
Lmao, Anna Torv is Rupert Murdoch's niece. Fan petitions had zero effect.>>86954138
Because he's a genius who had government funding to do it, but that sort of stuff isn't in the public sphere because him and Belly covered it up which was the complaint made. And Massive Dyanmic ripping off Walter's ideas is a small part of what I was alluding too, with ripping off technology from the other universe being the larger part.
>spotting the hidden observers and next episode easter eggs in every episode
>all of the season finales
>the alternative openings
X-Files is top tier comfy but Fringe is seriously something else.
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>Watching Football on TV
>Fucking Observers are in the crowd
L O S T may have popularised meta advertising, but Fringe perfected it.
>ITT: plebs who call others redditors because X-files muh nostalgia

Fringe was perfect. Disappointed it was cancelled and only given a half-order last season, but they really made the series full circle.

X-files was good until Season 5 then it got spotty and then full on dogshit.
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Fringe, easily.

My very favorite thing.
Fringe was comfy as fuck
it was at this point I knew I was watching kino
X-Files had the better cast and stand-alone episode

Fringe had the better myth arc but the cast was garbage.
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>but the cast was garbage.

>John Noble
>Joshua Jackson
>Leonard Nimoy

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Even if every other actor was complete shit, which they weren't, the show would still be good b/c of John Noble.
> the cast was garbage.
Bullshit. Except for Joshua Jackson, who was okay, everyone else was fantastic. Even Anna Torv (though you wouldn't know that just watching season 1)
The problem with Fringe, especially in season 2 and onwards, is that anyone with an ounce of sci-fi logic knew how shit was going to go down several episodes before they tried to make a big dramatic deal out of it.

X-Files had the higher highs and lower lows, but I'd still rewatch a ton of those episodes. I have no desire whatsoever to rewatch anything of Fringe.
Rewatch it. It's one of the few shows that's better on the second viewing as you'll pick up on a lot you missed. Especially all the foreshadowing. Not many shows wait 3 seasons for a storyline pay-off

The main story arc is painfully telegraphed so nothing was really surprising the first time around. Picking out Observers in the early episodes might be neat, but hell that's basically just a copy/paste of hunting down G-man in Half-Life 2 levels, hardly original.
Bolivia is best Olivia
The worst episodes of Fringe and the worst episodes of The X-Files all have one thing in common: they were monster-of-the-week stories. X-Files has a lot more of those, and the mytharc stories were weaker and less consistent than Fringe. The thing the X-Files reminds me the most of is early Buffy episodes, except it's less funny.
Anna Torv is so fucking good m8
Not even waifu shit, she's legitimately a great actress, and anyone who wants to know what a strong, human woman depiction should look like needs to watch Fringe.
Dude Fringe is my favorite rewatch series. So many little details.
>Not even waifu shit
speak for yourself lad
>olivia with the surgical marks on her head talking to alternative broyles before they're going to dissect her
One of my favorite scenes of the show. Great acting.
Also this, i've had a huge crush on her when i first watched it.
fringe is 10/10 until the last season
where do you even go to rewatch this?
I bet its not on netflix.
>literal who daughter
>observers restrict their base to specific time
>observers only existing in the main universe

It's been a while since I've watched it but I know I could have gotten many more.
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White Tulip is really poetic though. We get the feeling that we are both mortals and Gods in the same episode. The difference being our perception.
What makes you think that? Season 5 was perfect, miles better than 4 for sure.

The Blu Ray boxset was ridiculously cheap.
Really disturbing imagery too.

Watched it originally in my late teens, she's probably largely responsible for my attraction to strong women.
I watched it on amazon prime, but i heard it's also available for free to americans on go90 or something.
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Her and Sigorney, how are they getting hotter as they age?
>when he's walking through the building and they drag her off screaming
>What makes you think that? Season 5 was perfect, miles better than 4 for sure.
I felt they were playing an easter egg hunt and it stopped being about actual investigations. I felt that Walter's amnesia was a poor story plot in this situation.
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X-Files, though Fringe is more evenly balanced. X-Files kind of shits itself when they wrap up the whole alien plot and then it keeps rolling for a few seasons and even though there are some decent episodes they really should have ended it. Much like Supernatural had one (Two, actually) good end points and then just kept fucking going and has been absolute trash for years now. The highs of X-files are good enough to beat Fringe but Fringe is more consistent. This is my judgment and I am sticking to it.
My guess is either no plastic surgery or it's minor enough that they aren't fucking mummified, plus taking care of their bodies. The "Women age like milk" meme is only true when the women still try to look like they're in their 20s when they're in their goddamn 40s+. Women who just age gracefully generally look fine, and some even look better.

t. Mature Woman Masturbator And Connoisseur
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>i was gona name my daughter Olivia if i ever had one
>mfw when my cousin named her daughter Olivia
Fuck that guy, your Olivia will shit on his Olivia.
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Lmao this shouldn't even be a question
Xfiles has way better characters and the actors have better chemistry together.

I only liked walter in fringe personally
That's my fetish.
When you hear the door to the OR opening, followed by a suppressed pistol shot, that was my favorite "fuck yeah" moment from the series.

There are so many great moments, like when the woman from the gift shop calls peter to tell him Olivia is trapped over there while he's in bed with Fauxlivia. Man this series is so comfy. I love these threads, why can't we have those every day.
I watched fringe while it aired and re runs of TXF

I still prefer TXF
But then we wouldn't have dozens of /got/ or "Simpsons jokes you never got" threads every day.
We used to have these (actually, the same thread for about 4 days+) every day back before /sp/ infested this place with GoT/bb facebook garbage and Bane.
Whatever happened to Peter Bishop, anyway? Isn't it weird that in this age of redditors and more people than ever, there are zero tripfags left? You'd think they'd be all over this shit.
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>Simpsons jokes you never got
>forced memes are new
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He's somewhere. I remember him posting earlier this year and or late last year.

I should my trip on but it's moot at this point.
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