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How would you adapt this picture in to a film?

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How would you adapt this picture in to a film?
It's the x-men series
>C is humans
>B is mutants
>A is magneto and raven
>person in question are the x-men
So if we both pull the lever it ends up on B?
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How would you solve this?
i like this one
I would walk away and say "not my problem"
Isn't Saw kind of like this?
Don't pull anything. The only deaths in this scenario I could be directly responsible for is either 2 people total on B, or 4 people total on A, so I choose 2 by not pulling.

The only way all those people on C die would be the man at A pulling the lever, which puts the responsibility on him, not me. In a way, if he pulled that I would be responsible for 0 deaths total. So my choice is really kill 2 people, with a chance that I might kill 0 bundled with that. That's a lot better than killing 4 people.
lol who cares they ded
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Why don't they just roll off the tracks?
I can't do anything because I'm tied.
Though I think the question posed is kind of irrelevant, the panic of waiting for a train to hit you overrides the pain of witnessing death, I'd still pick the same option and kill the 5 people first. Even if the pain is comparable you're giving mercy to more people quicker that way.
Isn't Snowpiercer the closest thing to a movie about a scenario like this? He has to constantly choose about left or right. It even takes place on a train.
Snake eyes
This is too wholesome for this website.
Someone else's problem.
The egalitarian decision would be to save the most amount of people possible, so save C. I will do my best to live with that decision.
shut the fuck up website expert
You are complicit in him pulling the lever, since you could have stoped him from killing more people than you could havr saved.
But if A operates by the same logic you'd be killing more people than necessary since he wouldn't pull his lever.
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I don't know if he is going to pull it or not and you can't expect me to waste time debating the merits of "if" when I know there are 10 people I can instantly save on my own.
I'm not responsible for his decision he made with free agency. If my decision makes me technically complicit I don't think that word carries any moral weight.
>if I watch someone commit a murder, that doesn't make me complicit ;)
Yeah, Yeah, "don't tread on me" and all that, right Mr. Fiscal conservative, socially libertarian?
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It's literally none of my business, I have no relationship to any of these people.
I'd let the man at A pull the lever to save his wife and kid.
someone post the goats one
>if I watch someone commit a murder, that doesn't make me complict
In what world does it? You might be expected to report it to the authorities and cooperate in an investigation but that's it. If you witness a robbery you aren't charged with theft. There's no option in the hypothetical to run over and tackle the guy at A preventing him from pulling it so that only his wife and kid die. My only power rests with the lever I'm given in a cruel twist of fate I had no control in beforehand.
>t. sociopath with little regard for human life.
The point is that you can't leave the scenario, retard. You need to choose.
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But if he wouldn't have pulled it then you didn't save any of the people at C since they weren't ever in any danger.
I'd pull that lever so fast I'd rip a tendon in my arm.
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Right, and in the parameters of a thought experiment where it is assumed you either have to pull the lever or don't, leaving the scenario is not one of the options...which makes you complicit if you do nothing.
I did choose you retard, I'd let the man at B pull the lever. Please explain how it's sociopathic to let a man save his wife and kid versus directly killing his wife and kid in front of him.
...again, how do you know he won't pull it to save his wife and child?
Because you are unfeeling about the deaths of 10 people?
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I would do nothing. I can't justify making two extra people die based on what someone else 'might' do.
So why the hell wouldn't anybody just pull the lever? I'd kill millions if it meant my family, especially my kid(s), survive, Stupid scenario
He might. But he might not. Yes, you're gambling with the life of more people by pulling, but the best possible scenario as far as least loss of life goes requires you to pull
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>I would kill millions to save my kid
I'm sorry that tribalism has fucked your brain up that bad, you would be a poor human being then.
It's not your family you spaz.
*by not pulling that is
>Every Meme a Reddit
Human life isn't a numbers game.
Either way people are dead, I'm not going to kill a wife and kid in front of their husband/dad, or kill a husband/dad in front of a wife and kid.
>but the best possible scenario as far as least loss of life goes requires you to pull
Which is literally what I said.
Tribalism is core to what it means to be human.
I'm not doing nothing though, I acknowledge inaction equates to action in this scenario. If the two people died I said I would be directly responsible. The optional possibility of all those people on C dying though rests with the man at A. The only decisions I have agency in are killing 2 people, or killing 4 so I choose 2.
It's irrelevant if the trolley is the same trolley by the end because either way my actions caused the man to be run over by a trolley
At that point I couldn't possibly care less

You're right, I miss read. In that case, I do nothing
>Human life isn't a numbers game
I don't know where this pseudo-Christian meme comes from. If I have to choose between saving 10 people or 4, I will automatically choose the largest number for minimal loss of life. It is literally the most sensible and logical choice.
I meant not pull. Since the best possible scenario is 2 people dying only, not 4 which would happen guaranteed if you pulled.
im sorry you have been brainwashed so much you cant understand what a family is.
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Tribalism is literally an offshoot mess of genes that don't apply to a world filled with billions of people anymore.
So you'd save 10 homeless men over 4 world renowned Doctors?
That's not a decision you have the ability to make in this scenario. The only way the train goes towards C is if the other guy pulls his lever.
If you don't see them die they are neither dead nor alive.

Run away
Then why has every mass migration in history always completely fucked over the native inhabitants?
Ten people don't become less people if they are homeless. The goal of any crisis intervention is "action with minimal loss of life". Every time, I am going to pick 10 over 4.
Well then I'd bank on the idea of self preservation in others, and pull the lever, hoping that the man at A also pulls his lever.
Because your brain is fucked by /pol/ and that isn't really true. I'm sure that rustles your jimmies though.
>tribalism is an offshoot mess of genes
>not pulling
>you or your wife and her son die
>kill some random people
no brainer m8
That's dumb. You're supporting people that are a burden on society, over people that can save many lives. Your direct actions have a long term negative effect.
>literally not what he was talking about
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Fuck off you social Darwinist Nazi faggot. I don't have the right to judge a person's long term worth. I can only play a numbers game and pick a decision with the least amount of casualties.
>Because your brain is fucked by /pol/ and that isn't really true.
It'll be easy for you to cite a miss migration that hasn't then.
trying to picture the autistic neckbeard that made this
It's not your family you spaz.
You judge a person's worth every day you look at someone, you absolute faggot.
You just do the numbers game because you want to sleep easy and night and can't handle tough decisions.
>prove a negative to my /pol/ meme
Your entire premise is somewhat autistic and you can't even see why. What are you constituting "mass" migration? You realize that 9 times out of 10, it boosts an economy of that country? Bringing in low paying work that builds up the lower middle classes?
>you or your wife and her son die
Nice try.
You don't need a right to judge that.
You're still judging their worth, you're just arbitrarily judging them to be equally valuable.
Selfishness is what it means to be human. At the end of the day everyone looks out for number one, no one is truly selfless deep down. How would saving a million people I don't know help me as opposed to my own family?
Tribalism is the result of evolutionary traits that were best suited for small community management. Technology
>You realize that 9 times out of 10, it boosts an economy of that country? Bringing in low paying work that builds up the lower middle classes?

This. Get rid of borders. The economy is your god.
Why do we not need to manage small communities anymore?
If you think that asking for an example of something you claim to have happened is asking you to prove a negative then you're even more retarded than I thought.
Thats not how genes work, they dont just stop being relevant when you want them to
He's not asking you to prove a negative, just fine one single example.
>you just do the numbers game because you want to sleep easy and night and can't handle tough decisions.
For some reason it autistically bothers you that I will choose 10 over 4 each time because of some goofy social Darwinist meme logic of "personal value" of maybe the 4 are doctors or something and yet you can't seem to see how you are incorporating the same logic you condemn, you are arbitrarily choosing worth based on your feefees.

I'm not, faggot. 10 people are worth more than 4 if it is between a loss of 4 people or a loss of 10.
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What was the answer to this anyway?
Because nobody in the first world actually functions in small communities.
>For some reason it autistically bothers you that I will choose 10 over 4
This part of the post would make a lot of sense if you weren't the one that started this whole debate in the first place
>10 people are worth more than 4 if it is between a loss of 4 people or a loss of 10.
Only once you pre-judge them to all have equal worth, which is ideological, not logical.
Because I'm not making the initial claim you fucking retard, you did. Mine was a counter claim, you first have to prove your /pol/-tier premise on mass migration. All I said was, no.
He literally is...
I don't think you know what ideological means.
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>He literally is...
He literally isn't, you are the one doing this.
You're trying to force him to prove that every single mass migration was terrible instead of just providing a single example when it was not.
You dense fuck
But that's not true. Most of the first world still lives with a family, has a friend group at school, gets a few select roommates, works as part of a smaller team at work, etc. I can't think of a single significant thing people accomplish alone besides a few outlier geniuses or in a huge groups without subdivisions. Those genes developed in the first place because they were useful and effective for humanity, we got the genes then started living in them. We weren't living in them then got the genes.
I'm not.
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>You're trying to force him to prove that every single mass migration was terrible instead of just providing a single example when it was not.
Which is proving a negative, kid.
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The answer to this is, as always, multi-track drifting.
Well it wouldn't be based off feefees at all, would it? It'd be a logic based decision with the central goal of making the most net positive outcome to society. Granted people can have flawed logic, but that's different than operating based off emotion.
Why does it say that orphans will die if you go right, even though you save 30? Also is this crafted for this website only as it's using the term "leftie" as this board is more right leaning to dissuade them from going left which is logically a far better choice?
so you're just an idiot that took over after the last idiot decided to take an issue with the first person
you're still as autistic as the person you're claiming to be autistic
deserves a jej
How do doctors fall under "Personal value"?
By choosing to save these 10 homeless men, the 4 doctors will die, every patient they would have saved now won't be saved by them. (Resulting in more people dying)

Ergo you have caused a negative effect by not saving them.
People aren't worth the same at all.
I'll give you a scenario, poofter.

There's a Red button and a Blue button, a Red chair and a Blue chair. A timer will countdown from 10 to 0, if it hits 0 a bomb located underneath your chair goes off, resulting in your death. Pressing the Red button results in the Red chair blowing up, which has a doctor sitting on it. (You know this information.) Pressing the Blue button results in the Blue chair blowing up, which has a homeless man sitting on it. (Again, you know he's homeless)

What do you do? Do you kill yourself by doing nothing? Kill the doctor by pressing the red button, or kill the homeless man by pressing the blue button?
>I don't think you know what ideological means.
Why not? The notion that all lives are equal pertains to a particular political ideology. It's ideological.
What you are doing is asking him to prove a negative because you're unable to provide a single example.
I don't think you understand the issue. Small knit relationships in microcosms, now exist in a technologically interconnected global world of communication, where you and your roommate live in an ocean of millions of other roommates you don't even know about.

Globalization of markets and technological advances have literally changed the game.
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This thread is full of idjits.

The trolley problem is already part of many films in more or less analogous ways.

For example, in "The Dark Knight" it’s literally the Joker who ties his victims (people on the boats) down to the main track, and then ties himself down to the side track in order to give Batman the fatal choice, and wait for his reaction, because he perfectly knows about Bruce’s inner conflict; it’s just a game to him.
I'm not the one who made an initial claim, my slow newfriend.
Not that guy but kill the homeless, next question
What should a self-driving car do in this case?
>The notion that all lives are equal pertains to a particular political ideology
Let me guess, I'm a liberal cuck because I think all human life has equal value under the law?
>Because I'm not making the initial claim you fucking retard, you did. Mine was a counter claim, you first have to prove your /pol/-tier premise on mass migration. All I said was, no.
In which case you're asking ME to prove a negative. Do you even know what that means?
>he doesn't understand how logically speaking, it only makes sense to judge all human life as equal value. Specifically for problems like this.
I feel like you are legitimately retarded, your claim was that masd migrations fuck up native countries all the time. Prove it faggot. Telling me to disprove it, is a negative.

Jesus fuck, is nu-/pol/ really this dunb now?
It is illogical to think that all human life has equal value.
But the small relationships do still exist and are effective. The only thing communication technology has done is changed how different tribes communicate with each other and how some of us form them
Have fun
I think the burden is shifted onto the people actively creating a trolley on the path to murder someone
unless it's automated by robots, then you're back to square one
No it isn't, /pol/.
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thee first immigration to germany when the italians greeks and turks came

prove me wrong with actual arguments
>logically speaking, it only makes sense to judge all human life as equal value
A 105 year old man with no relatives laying on his death bed is worth the same as a pregnant woman single mother of 5 kids who is nearing a breakthrough in cancer research that will save the life of millions. logically only makes sense to judge them as equal value.

A has to die, I'd pull that shit so fast. The husband can even get out of the way, so only 3 total deaths.
Logically support your claim that a man who murders babies for fun has equal worth to you.
There is legitimately some people that think this, disgusting.
They aren't as effective, look I'm not going to go on a rant about evolutionary biology in human social structures. Just read a fucking book on tribalism in the modern world.
Proving a negative isn't about who made the first claim.
It's about forcing your opponent to disprove every single possible scenario to your argument instead of proving any proof of it in the first place.
You are asking him to provide evidence of how every single mass migration event resulted in something awful instead of providing evidence of a single one that hasn't.
Are the life of 10 ISIS terrorists more worth than the life of four 8-year-old girls just because they are more in number?
I'd greenlight killing a million people if it meant saving my wife, tbqh.
Aren't as effective as compared to what?
Well a) we're not talking about the law and b) you can call your ideology whatever you like, but it's still an ideology.
Ok, now direct that post to the actual person you were talking to this time. Since I was merely calling you out on your inability to understand what proving a negative is.
So what is the goofy as shit alternative? To set up a "moral committee" to judge the post-worth of every person who may or may not die like some sort of Nazi SS purity board?
I'm pretty sure it was sarcasm.
>every decision I don't like, has to be ideological.
What does that have to do with proving a negative?
>t. doesn't have a kid
>Proving a negative isn't about who made the first claim
Are you larping as an idiot?
Or you could just leave it to the same processes which all of our other ideas about morals and worth come from. Or just take some agency for yourself.
You're going to have to be more specific.
He's right though, if you think every life is the same, that's ideological. A mass murderer is not equal to a teacher.
Look, I'm completely separate from this one, but if one person says something is bad literally every single time and you say nuh-uh, you should probably be able to come up with an example since you only need the one to prove him incorrect.
>What does an initial claim have to do with me wanting you to prove its negative?
Reddit really did ruin this place.
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movies often have choices like these, but they always find a way to avoid having to make them

>spiderman, will you save mary jane or this bus full of people, you can't save both
>I'll just save both, lol
it would actually be refreshing to see a protagonist unapologetically saving his love interest over a bunch of random people
unironically this
I'm not saying "nuh uh". I am saying prove it.
Batman did this in Dark Knight since he went to save Rachel. The Joker just switched them around.
What if you have to choose between
A) a cute girl or
B) three people who aren't criminals, but they're all kinda dicks
Who said I didn't like the decision? Assigning worth based on how productive someone is is just as ideological. I don't take issue with your principles so much as I take issue with the idea that it's purely logic based.
To prove that though he would need to address literally every single mass migration in history. In reality it's just an argument over a general principle/ rule of thumb but to deescalate to that all it takes is one counter example.
>He's right though, if you think every life is the same, that's ideological
No it isn't. You just want this to be true because your brain is warped to think the extreme opposite is true. Get off of /pol/ and realize that you have no concept of what Darwin even meant.
I'd pick my future wife.
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Be nice if he could back up the general principle. It's almost like the premise is stupid..

This is why you can't be trusted and I'm pulling the lever.

No offense senpai I'm going going to bear a terrible burden for this.
So let me get this straight, you genuinely think that proving a negative is about who made the claim first and you're calling other people idiots in defence of that belief?

Why the fuck do you keep bringing up Darwin?
I haven't been on Pol in like 2 years since I visited it that one time.

Stop saying "Darwin" over and over again, he was wrong about a lot of shit.

Your argument is basically "Nu uh, you wrong, stop being Polman."
Blue button ezpz
ok but this has been like some kind of weird semantics argument for 20 posts
Saying I want to save 10 people over 4 based on numbers is as logical as you can get. Sorry you aren't mentally developed enough to understand how that isn't an ideological decision.
What if you know she won't reward you with sex and you will never receive any tangible benefits
To properly demonstrate this I'll need 97 more levers
I am convinced you literally don't know what proving a negative is or means.

Infamous. There's part of the game where you have to either save your girlfriend or 10 doctors.
If you save the girlfriend she never stops hating you
the good ending for that game is ending up completely alone, alienated from the society you saved
I'd inquire for more information, are the other three male, females, or a mix?
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Don't do it. Consequences will never be the same.
That's fine, since I'd be dead too. Otherwise, I'd find you and chop your limbs, toung, and eyes out. No offense.
Not my fault.
I played it recently, you actually get memed.

If you try and save your girlfriend, it tons out she was on the other roof.
Let's say that you don't know the gender of the other three people. You just know that a lot of people consider them to be a little unpleasant to be around.
Is a man in a coma equal to a man who isn't?
If one has to die which one should it be?
I fucking love these threads.
What are you even on about?
Assuming there's any serious possibility of me getting sentenced because of my actions in the original problem where I clearly was not at fault for anything, I'd kill the jurors out of spite
wow I completely forgot about that. Explains why I don't remember her in the rest of the game.
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>Kill a lawyer
>Don't have to pay him
>Jurors choose to acquit me for saving their lives
Pretty clear choice there.

I'll adopt a street in your honor and kill your wife if she ever dates a black guy.

You have my word.
Hmm, I'd save the 3 then. I only know the cute girl is cute, for all I know they're all unpleasant.
If I had more information about the people my answer might change.
One HAS to die, which one do you choose?
You said all lives were equal.
Yeah, the reason why she hates you if you end up saving her, is because she knows you basically tried to save the other people and not her.
>People aren't worth the same at all.
>due to these special circumstances
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Killing myself saves 2 people, so I do nothing.
>my philosophy doesn't have to hold up against the most obvious counter arguments possible!
Me too. I love the images that blend the trolley problem with other well-known problems like >>86873683
That doesn't change how your argument is nothing but pleading.
You should really read that and/or re-read that. Where the burden of proof lies and what the nature of a claim is are two completely different things. You can argue that the burden of proof lies with me, but that doesn't mean you can argue that you're not asking me to prove a negative. They're not mutually exclusive.
Hey man I gave him fair options, kill yourself, kill a homeless man or kill a doctor.
Either it inspires morality or causes him to realise his thinking is odd.
>students hating on trolley problems

That's, like, the best part of taking ethics.
Yes, that egalitarian humanism is just a fad. I'm sure I'll get over that phase any day now.
Noble decision, in reality I don't think 99% of people would make this choice. Would you honestly do this or is this grandstanding?
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>my argument cannot hold up under the weight of simple scrutiny
He's pretty close to that solo guy. I'd send it over the five and untie him
I honestly would because of the morals I choose to live by. I'd hate it, but I couldn't allow myself to let two people die.
You're acting like the only way societies or even individuals can come up with ideas and general principles about worth, morals, or anything else are by groups of official committees that are present whenever someone has to make a decision. Do you need a moral committee to instruct you every time you enter a store to determine whether you want to rob it or not? No. You as an individual and even whole societies don't need moral committees to make a judgement about the worth of peoples to function.
Do you make the claim that mass migration has worked out well for native populations, or do you now remain agnostic about the matter?
I'm suicidally depressed, so there's not much stopping me from killing myself anyway other than how devastated my mother would be. If I can spin my death as some sort of heroic choice, she won't feel nearly as bad.
X: Doubt
Who else would kill the most people in order to lower the population, just to further their own goals?
>but that doesn't mean you can argue that you're not asking me to prove a negative.
I'm not, you retarded fucking cunt. Eat shit.
What does the amount of dedication you have to your retardation have to do with anything you just said or that I just said?
I've explained to you why it's ideological, a claim you've been unable to refute.
watch yourself on that edge
Pleading isn't an argument, friendo.
>pull levers at the same time
>train explodes and conductor dies
>He cares about faceless whos
No you didn't. You just said it was true and then screeched a bit.
Its not pleading. You said all lives are equal, was Hitler equal to Martin Luther King Jr.?
It's a condition your philosophy has to be able to address. It's the whole fucking point of it. You say all people are of equal worth. I say here's a situation where that would obviously be questionable to most people. Do you say the same and why?
One was a mediocre artist, and the other was a plagiarizer, both shit desu.
/tv/ - armchair & philosophists
inb4 edgy /pol/-tier responses
>if I repeat special pleading enough times, I'm make him think egalitarianism is silly.
>dudebro! Hitler isn't nice like MLK! Checkmate! You dumby!
Greentexting does not make you win an argument, you're losing. You won't even engage because there is no response, because you know that your ideology is retarded.
>calling egalitarianism
Don't cut yourself on that edge.
the left can't meme
I'm calling you retarded. I think an intelligent egalitarian could defend his beliefs much better.
>he really thinks egalitarianism is retarded
>because anons won't engage him in trap plead arguments
As long as i have no connection to group c, id let the other dude decide
>Try more greentext next time faggot.
Maybe I just don't want to indulge you?
If you can point toward a reason to assign equal worth to every human that's not ideological then feel free.
This one's easy.
If you chose to switch at first from wherever it was going originally, then yes, switch again.
If not, then obviously you wouldn't switch the second time, either.
I'm becoming more indulged in smugness that you can't address the most obvious counterpoint to your position than I am by being robbed of your delightful insights.
Saying some lives have worth over others is literally ideological.
>okay, keep saying retarded /pol/shit you edgy teenaged cunt.
I pull the lever and jump out of the way of the trolley.
Why is saying a chef has more worth to society than an ISIS member ideological?
How would you differentiate between, say, a wealthy hedge fund manager who donates generously to charity and a hardworking, intelligent inner-city schoolteacher? Who has more "value"?
Because you are assigning personal subjective worth onto other people based on a scale that you already agree with. It is literally all ideologically based.
AS the single person is killed, the other 5 are viewing from an outside perspective, it can add to the illusion of watching a movie and will remove some of their empathy. One singled out vs 5 will instinctively pull a pack mentality into the back of their minds. It wouold help to cope during the wait for the train to make that sharp turn.
Is that a trolly car?
Can I derail the trolley?

Inaction is an action, you are already part of the scenario. You could have stopped nine death, by not pulling the lever you allowed him to murder them.
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I don't get it.
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>If you pull the lever first
>Implying the other guy didn't pull it while you were reading the rules
Tell me how you differentiate worth? Tell me why you have that authority to judge subjective worth? Tell me why no matter how hard you believe in your own set of standards, how it isn't arbitrary.

This is like, baby's first philosophy class. No adult actually thinks this.
Based on that I would request more details be found out. I'd have to debate myself about the worth of charity and its effects, look into the teacher's accomplishments as a teacher, how many she teaches, all that. It's a difficult process but it could be done based on my logical framework. I don't see many scenarios where I'd have to choose, culling helpful people on a whim because one is less so than the other helps nobody, but I could decide who has more worth, sure. Why not?
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C is the white race.
B are Muslims and blacks.
A is the Democratic party.
I come up with the shit on the fly, I don't have an ideology, so I can't see how it's ideologically based.
My claim was a counter, the initial claim needs to be substantially proven first.
Well given the scenario of the trolley what gives me the authority is being the one with my hand on the lever and the lives on the line. Even if my standards were arbitrary if you boiled it down enough I don't see why it would be wrong to follow them provided I do so consistently and with good intent. It could backfire on occasion and lead to negative consequences, but those would be arbitrarily assigned too, wouldn't they? And assigning equal worth to everybody is not a consequence free action either.
>I'd have to debate myself about the worth of charity and its effects
Lol do you?
>but it could be done based on my logical framework
It only works if you incorporate arbitrary qualifiers into your decision in order for your own "logic" to work.
Clearly the only moral choice here is to throw yourself in front of the train in solidarity with the other victims


Anyone else find it interesting these moral dilemma threads took off right around the time Whites are being asked to burden themselves and their way of life with "refugees" because of some made up moral ideal?

Almond status: Activated
Alright, so you admit it is arbitrary and based on your own personal ideological decisions? Got it.
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>forcing a train full of commuters to add extra time to their traveling just for your own entertainment
I agree with you about inaction vs action, by not pulling the lever I'm making myself potentially responsible for 2 deaths. But I "allowed him to murder them" is wrong. By not pulling the lever I've allowed him to make the decision to murder the 9 or not.

Based on what you said I am equally responsible if 2 people die, if 4 people die, or if 9 people die. Why would I be wrong in choosing the scenario where only the 2 might?
>A piano falls on one of these people due to the extra time you took to wave at them, you killed a person.
I know. I've literally made that assertion myself. What's your point?
I could see how you might come away thinking you proved something if you ignored every other part of my posts except the bits you wanted to see.
You have two options:
1) You pull the lever and 5 people die. After that, the trolley continues on unimpeded and nobody else dies.

2) You pull the lever and 1 person dies. HOWEVER, further on down that path there is another fork. A person who you know to be a sociopath is manning another lever. If he pulls it, 25 people will die. If he doesn't, nobody else will die. You are reasonably sure that he is willing to pull the lever.

Do you send the trolley on track 1, knowingly condemning exactly 5 people to die or track 2 where 1 person will definitely die and perhaps many more depending on what the sociopath does?
That one of us isn't doing that...
>the feminist's dilemma
I did prove something, maybe you just aren't as smart as you think you are?
Isn't doing what?
Woah, good one! Only reddit and /pol/ exist in your vaccuum of autism!
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>Anyone else find it interesting these moral dilemma threads took off right around the time Whites are being asked to burden themselves and their way of life with "refugees" because of some made up moral ideal?

I'm anti-refugee and anti-immigration, but trolley problems started getting into popular discourse about fifteen years ago (they have been discussed in academia since the 60's) and only really started to get mainstream popular being referenced in movies in the last 5 years or so.

It's not because of refugees, besides I would argue that whites would be the more important ones to save if they were on the track even if it killed more refugees on the other track because whites have literally given us 99% of scientific achievement and having more white people living safely in thieir own nations not getting run over with trucks, raped, or suicide bombed by Muslims means they have opportunties to create more wonders which in the end they use to benefit the entire human race.

Source for pic: Human Accomplishment: The Pursuit of Excellence in the Arts and Sciences, 800 B.C. to 1950 (2003)
idris elba as the lever
Let's say you have 1 minute to decide. All you know is what I've been told. And you must chose. There is no "default" option". If you don't choose, 1 million innocent people (including your family, friends, and everyone else you know) will die instead.
but muh islamic golden age
>I'm anti-immigration
Then you are stupid and don't like successful economies?

Because seven less people die you don't pull the lever and he pulls his. Which means you would have saved seven if he does pull it, additionally since his wife is on the track you can reasonably guess he will probably will pull the lever.
>saying some lives have worth over others is literally ideological
inaction is inaction. Fucking retard
Underrated post, also check'd

Let me clarify; I'm anti-Muslim/anti-Black immigration. Without immigration from MENA areas multiculturalism would have worked. Bring in all the Japanese and British and Sihks and Buddhists possible, etc.
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You two are having a discussion, it's not about proving one thing or another. You can't win at 4chan.
I would chose based on what thoughts I could muster at the time. What would be the egalitarian (as defined by one single anon) approach to that scenario? Flipping a coin?

What did you prove? I never argued against the existence of some arbitrary lines within the scope of what we're saying is arbitrary. All I'm saying is that my system for judging worth would follow the same path every single human idea about any moral or principle did, including the very idea that human life is worth preserving at all, something your ideology hinges on saying yes to, even though you could find arbitrary stances if looked into that deeply enough too.
Ah, so just your classical racist teenager phase, based on loose facts and /pol/ image macros? Gotcha.

So if I'm looking out my balcony and I see you walking on the street about to be hit by a truck from behind you don't see or hear and the after you are run over and lay dying under my balcony and I calmly say down to you "I could have warned you, but inaction is inaction I can't be blamed" you would respond "Yes my friend, I agree".
>What would be the egalitarian (as defined by one single anon) approach to that scenario? Flipping a coin?
Yeah, probably.
>All I'm saying is that my system for judging worth would follow the same path every single human idea about any moral or principle did
Lol, this fucking pretension...
Idk how you can argue with what he said without sounding delusional
Im completely anti immigration though
Don't copy his post.
Find one part of how I described the idea behind my process that's in conflict with that.
If you pull the lever, 5 people will die but your waifu will sit on your face
If you don't, 1 person will die but you will die a virgin

Wat do?
Yes, I'm clearly the delusional one here. Fucking niggers, amirite shadilay??
Why are communists so retarded?

Those are hard facts from a book published in 2003 using peer reviewed statistics and historical data. I'm sorry they triggered you.


Generally this kind of data falls into the subcatagory your ilk describe as "extremely problematic", "hate-facts", "probably should be banned"
The,fact that you assume it is true of all human moral development, just because you personally like it to be.
you forgot about /tv/ you small guy
But you're also saying that if he doesn't pull his lever that I'm directly responsible for killing 2 more people than potentially necessary. If the morality of my decision hinges on what another person does, how is it really a moral judgement on me outside of my original intent - killing two people as opposed to four?
i bet you're half black
doesnt matter though, when you see enough live leaks you'll come around despite your race. i too was once like you
Progressive liberal who believe in free market capitalism, get fucked cunt.
Yes because you have 2/3 chance of being right on a switch, versus a 1/3 chance on staying with the original pick.

Basic discrete probability is a very good thing for a gambling addict to know.
>I've seen enough live leaks to make me racist
Kek ok.

If the invisible hand of Adam smith pushes the train intop of a few dozen people, it must be because of overpopulation. The free market is ALWAYS right stupid commie
Not because I personally like it to be, because I think it is. You also didn't do what I asked. Find one part of what I said that's in conflict with the idea behind the creation of a moral. It's the same idea I said up here >>86874162
>your ilk
I actually can't tell whether you're roleplaying or not.
>when you see enough live leaks you'll come around despite your race

If you want more facts on the genetic difference in intelligence, which is long since accepted fact in statistical science, then listen to the first nine minutes of this podcast earlier this year by Sam Harris. He sums it up quite nicely.


He's a liberal and a neuroscientist.
No really. You will come around eventually. You cant ignore niggers forever
t. tyrone
>one guy wrote a book once that has ended up hotly debated and criticzed over the last decade due do overreach of his claims.
>this is somehow a sacred text and reaffirms all of my other retarded /pol/ bullshit he didn't even argue in the text.
And It's silly to quantify human achievement in a point scale in the first place.
>Not because I personally like it to be, because I think it is
Are...are you larping?
You really are
You know there's a whole branch of philosophy dedicated to the nature of philosophy, the creation of morals, ideals, etc? If you think it's somehow outside of the purview of a philosopher (if we're going to call ourselves that) to address it and have thoughts about it, I don't see how you could argue anything at all. It's pretty essential, actually.

Also, still waiting for you to do what I asked.
>there being some genetic patterns in IQ tests
>somehow reaffirms my completely unsubstantiated claims about race and intelligence
>look at this podcast I didn't listen to where Sam Harris calls him out on some bullshit!
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I'll be sure to tell my black wife that.
Are you the same guy who was arguing for an hour about the burden of proof? Have you really still gone so far without citing anything, even after this guy has?
>all this word vomit.
Ask her how our son is doing.
The leftie must die to bring about second Hitler and the cure for cancer, but if the brain is being deceived it does not matter either way since it cannot know how far the deception goes.
>I'll just act like I was pretending to be retarded the whole time, that'll make me look better
Are you the same guy who went full retard on burden of proof? You the same teenager crying how watching live leaks made you a racist?
both buttons at the last second, hopefully all of us die at once
Woah, what a fresh meme! I better divorce her and csll her a nigger while I shit myself about white genocide! Thanks anon!

So what it's fun weeeeeee
> implying their lives aren't improved by this rare occurrence
Dunning Kruger really is quite amazing.
drive straight? Its only priority is to minimize human causalities, and only kill if it's a lesser amount of people/people doing the "wrong" thing. It should only kill if the choice is between two groups of people, either going for lesser deaths or more justified deaths.
that's 4 posts in a row without an argument

Because you are not working blind. Because in the conditions of this scenario you know that his wife is on track B. From this you can surmise (unless he happens to be the strictest utilitarian that has ever lived) that he will almost certainly pull the lever to save his wife. Thus it comes down to you pulling the level to save nine people, or letting him murder them to save his wife.

If you didn't know any of this you would have something of an argument. But even then once you are part of the scenario and no longer a bystander you are still responsible if he pulls his lever, even if you didn't know these facts. It's just a matter of degrees of responsibility at that point.

I'm not talking about the bell curve, and no one is disputing the data in human accomplishment.
Whatever you need to tell yourself, friendo.
Hopefully, since your ideology is garbage.
But then am I absolved from killing the two extra people on track A as opposed to track B if he IS a strict enough to let his kid and wife die?
>and no one is disputing the data in human accomplishment
Except there literally is a debate on that, faggot. None of Murray's overreaching concepts are even remotely settled.
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there we go
>egalitarianism us garbage
Lol sure it is, kiddo. Why can't we all just be good bootlicking authoritarians like you?
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>bootlicking authoritarians
Sorry buddy but you don't have to be a statist cuck to think "everyone is worth the exact same."
Mind defending your shitty ideology or are you just going to pretend to yourself that it's great? Explain why I should value 4 doctors LESS than 10 hobos right now.
It was /pol/ shit

Christ. I even linked you the wikipedia page. He's not making those arguments in HA and noting in HA is in dispute. It's based on historical record.

I'm sorry it's inconvenient that white European males basically built the entirety of science and the modern world. But we did.
Even if it were true that "white" people have objectively contributed more to society than any other group of people, that doesn't somehow make you any less of a loser.
>Explain why I should value 4 doctors LESS than 10 hobos right now.
Because it is an arbitrary set standards you are subjectively constructing to appeal to your own ideological bets.
>and noting in HA is in dispute
This is literally untrue, the entire book is in dispute. I am sorry you live in a sheltered bubble of race baiting memes.
*teleports behind you*
Heh, not so fast, kiddo.
>I'm sorry it's inconvenient that white European males basically built the entirety of science and the modern world
You mean, after Rome molded Europe from a band of shit smelling nomads and both Rome, Byzantine and the East practically jumpstarted your continent by 100 years?
>if it were true

It is true. It's not in dispute. And it's not just true that they "objectively contributed more to society than any other group of people" it's that they contributed more to society than EVERY OTHER GROUP put together. Times ten.
>make a fun trolley thread
>people turn it into /pol/ discussion
Fucking hell you autists. Can't we have some fun anymore?
>I lost an argument before, better cycle back with some random person who I might have a chance to beat to salvage my ego!

By the same logic, white people should be condemned for things like slavery in the US (and the suffering of black people under Jim Crow), the Holocaust, the Holodomor (and other deaths in the USSR), the genocide of native peoples, etc.

You can't have it both ways.
Yes, those northern Europeans really are the best the white race has to offer...after a fee centuries of Rome gibmedats still couldn't prevent the Dark Ages.
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>your own ideological bets
Give an example of an ideological bet, and prove why it is wrong.
It's not arbitrary, all reason indicates that four doctors would be a better thing to keep around than ten homeless people. There's a greater chance of society being kept well, there would be ten fewer leeches, and the potential for a doctor to do good is much greater than the potential of a homeless person. You're undervaluing 4 better people just because there happen to be 6 more bums. If the choice was between 5 doctors and 5 bums, would you just not care or would you value the doctors more?
How about 5 doctors and 6 bums? And so on, and so on.
>It's not arbitrary, all reason indicates that four doctors would be a better thing to keep around than ten homeless people
Subjectively, for you...
This whole thing just reverts, again, to special pleading.
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What would subjectively make me prefer the ten bums? And isn't choosing the bums subjective simply because there are more of them? Why are you ignoring everything I asked?

...Is it because your ideology is worth less than dogshit and you can't even begin to defend it?
>special pleading
Are you ever going to define what this is and explain why it's invalid?
>Makes fun of black people by saying "we wuz kangs"
>Takes credit for the accomplishments of a long-dead white person
What did /pol/ mean by this
Now turn your sentence around and apply it to why 10 bums are worth more than 4 doctors. Heh, nothin personnel kid.
>...Is it because your ideology is worth less than dogshit and you can't even begin to defend it?
That must be it, you must win every argument and never lose.
Because logic dictates that I take the path of minimal casualties based on numerical value alone. Minimized casualties means I choose ten human lives over 4.

Yes it does nigger
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We are already condemned for that. Every single day. I can't remember a day of my life someone on tv or in some form of media has been reminding me of it.

It's funny you bring up this argument though because right now the argument from most of the left is;

>You can never feel good about the accomplishments of your ancestors who built virtually all of science, created the modern world, and have raised the standard of living in immeasurable ways for every human being on earth, because you didn't do it personally and were not alive then

>You must always feel responsible for and guilty for imperialism, colonialism, racism, slavery, genocide of native Americans, and the holocaust, even though you didn't do it personally and were not alive then
>won't even begin to address any of my questions or criticisms
So... thanks for giving up?
>Why are you ignoring everything I asked?
Because it is a dumb argument?
Bill is that you
>the Holodomor (and other deaths in the USSR)
yeah... (((white))) people....

Are you saying Italians are not white?
>my lack of self-awareness
>it's a dumb argument
You're still missing the part where you prove it?
>Because logic dictates that I take the path of minimal casualties based on numerical value alone
What? Whose logic? Sounds pretty arbitrary to me.
Are you saying that Mediterranean mixed ethnic groups are northern European or Aryan? I absolutely guarantee that you are not even remotely related to the Greeks or Romans.
>tfw to intelligent to explain why 10 bums are worth more than 4 doctors
I'm trying, but you /pol/ kids are famously dense.
Logic of numerical value that minimalizes casualties.
>We are already condemned for that. Every single day. I can't remember a day of my life someone on tv or in some form of media has been reminding me of it.
You sound paranoid, bud.
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Try a little harder, cupcake. Why are 10 bums worth more than 4 doctors?
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Uh oh, someone doesn't know their haplogroups...
It's not measured as "worth more", but minimizing causalties.

Is it better to prevent 4 deaths or 10?
Lol do you?
The argument from the "left" is that even though we (we = white people alive today) are not responsible for things like slavery, its effects are still being felt by black people and we have an obligation as decent human beings (i.e., what Jesus preached) to help undo that harm.

Because one is based on utter fantasy and one is based on hard cold facts.
And my point is that it depends on who is dying. If all you know is the numbers, then it makes sense to minimize the number of people killed. But, since we know WHO is dying, the method used to choosing who dies changes. My point is that a larger number of less valuable people is not preferable to a lower number of more valuable people, especially with the contrast of hobos versus doctors.
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>cold hard facts
Tell me again what you were doing in Germania, besides eating your own shit, before you stole all of Rome's technology and passed it off as your own success?
>And my point is that it depends on who is dying
Which makes it subjective...
>implying that weak argument was a match for my cold, hard quads.
And I am trying to explain to you that "muh measured human value" is a /pol/ meme used to justify treating people like shit.

By that same logic the effects of the scientific achievements that were discovered, invented, designed and built by whites from about 1650 to the current age which include virtually all of modern medicine, modern agriculture and the green revolution, telecommunications, transportation, engineering, civil society, human rights and the rule of democratic secular law are "still being felt" by the entire world and everyone in it.
>By that same logic the effects of the scientific achievements that were discovered, invented, designed and built by whites
But they weren't, not to the autistic extent you keep thinking.
Yes, I can thank the Greeks, Romans, Chinese, Byzantines and the Islamic Golden Age for all that.
Doctors save lives, presumably that's the point. But besides that equality is objective in math not irl so whether you think everyone's equal just for being born or that doctors have a higher point value neither is correct so choose whatever faggots
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And again, your measurement is just as subjective because we both know who is a doctor and who is a bum. Continuing to choose based on numbers is a subjective choice you're making, and you won't defend it to the degree that I have defended my position.
>justify treating people like shit
That has nothing to do with this debate at all. Treating someone like shit usually has to do with having the choice to do good or evil, and choosing evil. That doesn't apply to this scenario because it's already certain that people are going to die as a consequence of your choice.
So unless you can explain to me why choosing the 4 doctors over 10 bums makes me evil, then you have nothing to stand on.
Something inherently wrong with you if you can't basically agree that all human beings have a basic equak worth under a secular first world system.
>now the argument has to do with the memes of good and evil.
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Yeah, the Romans invented steam engines, internal combustion, computers and nuclear power.

What did Europe do after that? From 1650 onward? Lets go over it again;

If you look at that pic and look at the very bottom right corner you are going to see a little grey smudge, it almost looks like a printing error.

That's the contribution to science by every other single person on earth in history who was not white.

Maybe I need to enhance and zoom in on it or something.
You're missing my point about "decent human beings".

All those things are great, but it doesn't give us a pass to throw up our hands and say "well, Salk gave us the polio vaccine and if you throw in the sewer system the Romans invented and algebra (arabs are honorary whites when we want them to be), that undoes all those years of slavery".
>And again, your measurement is just as subjective because we both know who is a doctor and who is a bum
To which I am saying it doesn't matter and to allow it to matter, takes away objectivity.
Remind me again what YOU have contributed to the world.
>after centuries of gibmedats from every developed empire in the world, Europe finally took off.
>still plunges itself into a dark age, takes them another few centuries to invent steam engines
Kek. Leonardo came up with the idea of machines 3 thousands years ago you brainwashed retard.
Can't undo it so why try at all?
>If I spam Murray's arbitrary success scales hard enough, I'll win an argument.
So honestly then, the Chinese should be the single most successful country on his chart? So why isn't it?
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