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What did you guys think of this movie?

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What did you guys think of this movie?
Pretty good
A bit fucked up
Pretty good re-enactment of the events, good for a watch when there's nothing else on.
liberal propaganda against nazis and authority figures like police

dude all people who want to keep society safe are evil
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Hmmm. One person here posted twice. Who could it be?
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they try to remake this movie every couple years with a new set of actors trying to be more dirty than the first, i like the one where forest wittaker is the bully
They blame the scientists for all the bad things they did.
Was it really a prison if it was an experiment in a lab pretending to be prison?
Depends. Mentally it can feel like a prison
John Wayne dude is probably a legit psycho
Not enough rape scenes.

You know, I know this steak doesn't exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize? Ignorance is bliss.
I went into it with low expectations, and it surpasses those. I do disagree with the whole "you don't know how you'd act if you were a guard" notion, though. I know the movie was dramatized, but it seemed that not a single one of them had honor or integrity.

Basically, I felt like it all boiled down to whether or not you'd stand up to a bully. Fuck everyone there for not having the balls to knock that smug guard down a peg.
I thought that things had gone much worse for everyone during the real experiment. I guess it just has a really bad rep, even if people still had a bad time. Good movie. The manlet who acted like the biggest badass guard was my favorite, reminded me of an online troll.
Pretty good. Seems like it was pretty damn intense
As adhd autist pleb, this movie was way better.

I viewed this then eventually OP's stanford one, there's really no payoff at the end of the Stanford
At least some people get their heads beat in with experiment
Not nearly as good as Das Experiment.

And as >>86571500 points out, it is literal propaganda and so was the original study/experiment that turned out to be flawed in millions of ways besides the ethical reasons.

But that's perfect for the free sensationalism just like every "banned commercials" compilation. It's just a way to sell it. If that means nobody will reproduce the study so that the false conclusions won't be obviously exposed, all the better.
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That's just an american version of das experiment.

Which is actually really good, unlike the other two.
>yes daddy please let me lick your boots more like the cuck I am
>everything I don't like is liberal propaganda
It's propaganda because it's false.

Students in the original experiment knew they were playing a type of game and people in experiments act in the way they think researchers want them to act.

New studies were done to figure out what students thought would be expected from them in such scenario, and they expected that the guards must act hostile and domineering and that prisoners must act either passive, defiant or both.

The wrong conclusion of the original experiment is that this research game would tell us anything about how a guard or prisoner would act (it doesn't).

The propaganda of the movie das experiment lies in the fact that comparisons are drawn between nazi camps and horrible treatment of the handsome Tarek turk.

The movie is of course made by a jew and his political motives are further shown by his next movie, the well known "der untergang" or downfall.

If nothing else you might know the hitler meme where the subs are changed.
> people in experiments act in the way they think researchers want them to act.
People in general act the way they think others, especially superiors want them to act. The researchers never told them to act a certain way, nullifying the experiment.
>New studies were done to figure out what students thought would be expected from them in such scenario, and they expected that the guards must act hostile and domineering and that prisoners must act either passive, defiant or both.
This does not contradict the premise of the experiment, if anything it strengthens it. People acting differently because they think they should isn't quirk of the experiment, it's a fact of life.
>The wrong conclusion of the original experiment is that this research game would tell us anything about how a guard or prisoner would act (it doesn't).
We already know how guards or prisoners act, that wasn't the point of the experiment. The point was to see how differently people act when they're put into certain positions or rules. Considering that while it may have been a game, everyone in it was acting pretty seriously and wasn't just pretending, I'd say the experiment succeeded. Even if the prisoner/guard question was unsound because they thought they were suppose to act in a certain way, the very fact that they did act radically different based upon their assigned role is significant.
>The movie is of course made by a jew and his political motives are further shown by his next movie, the well known "der untergang" or downfall.
A person's motives has nothing to do with whether their experiment or movie is untruthful.

Also, stop redditspacing. You're literally spacing every fucking sentence.
>a bunch of kids good at doing what they are told to do go too far
the experiment was doomed from the start
I avoid any movie that has the word "The" and "Experiment" in its title.
A key issue was the professor/researcher didn't exclude himself from the experiment. He made himself warden and made the experiment go a certain way. While the guards acted as what they felt would get obedience, and the prisoners all eventually succumbing to the pressure of fitting in, there was no real baseline of what prisoner/guard relations should be beyond the inmate they brought in.
I thought how different the results of the experiment would be today but sadly it would never happen
the guy who ran this experiment should have went to prison desu
What are some other movies based on this?
Just how many of them are there
>Movie based closely on real historical events
>clearly illustrates the dangers of authoritarianism, totalitarianism, and the police state
>nazis, who admire that kind of thing, think it's liberal propaganda mocking their Beloved Leader

wew lad
>Kyle Patrick Alvarez

Fun fact: the original American remake of Das Experiment was such a steaming pile of shit that the studio that made it sat on it for a couple of years before releasing it direct to video.
>The researchers never told them to act a certain way

Shows how little you know about the experiment.

>"We cannot physically abuse or torture them," I said. "We can create boredom. We can create a sense of frustration. We can create fear in them, to some degree. We can create a notion of the arbitrariness that governs their lives, which are totally controlled by us, by the system, by you, me, [Warden] Jaffe. They'll have no privacy at all, there will be constant surveillance -- nothing they do will go unobserved. They will have no freedom of action. They will be able to do nothing and say nothing that we don't permit. We're going to take away their individuality in various ways. They're going to be wearing uniforms, and at no time will anybody call them by name; they will have numbers and be called only by their numbers. In general, what all this should create in them is a sense of powerlessness. We have total power in the situation. They have none. .. (p.55)

He also chastised guard playing students when they weren't tough enough on the prisoners.

>This does not contradict the premise of the experiment, if anything it strengthens it.

No it would strengthen the other phony experiment where most people would supposedly kill someone with an electric shock when ordered. This had a different premise. Because if people obeyed well, then prisoners wouldn't be rebellious and good guards would depend on their leader's orders.

That is also a phony study, btw.
>Based closely on real historical events

The scientists (or at least the main one) basically held them all prisoner, why wouldn't they blame the scientists? The experiment should never have gone that far.
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Oliver Hirschbiegel
>Everybody knows Stanford is a university not a prison

Well done, anon, well done.
Why should he have any responsibility to goyim?
goyim rules the world goy
You've clearly never been in a situation like this you fucking faggot

People will abuse their power
There are more differences between stanford prison experiment and its movie than the shining and its movie.
>an """"""""""""""""""""""""""""experiment"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" where the "guards" explicitly told they can freely fuck with the "prisoners" as long as the "prisoners" get food and water
>applicable at all in the real world
pretty gay tag line, would have been cooler if it lasted 24 hours.
liberal here, the experiment has been discredited for some time. psychology is mostly a pop science. the methods he took were not emperical nor followed correct methods
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