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Has there ever been a more assblasted director in cinematic history?

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Has there ever been a more assblasted director in cinematic history?
Gus Van Sant
I want to slap that beard right off his face
there's some kind of filthy stray animal attached to his face, someone burn it off
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t. cinemasinlets
it's called kike rage
He's right though
His Sephardic Jihadi hipster look is unsettling
That's a nice beard. I admire his dedication.
He's definitely right, but that doesn't make him any less assblasted.
I will agree that cinemasins isn't always funny and they quite often fuck up in their critiques, but to go to the lengths that Vogt-Roberts did is ridiculous. He threw a full on temper tantrum on twitter solely because he didn't understand what cinemasins very obviously tries to do.

Yes cinemasins has had a drop in quality from their shorter, to the point style vids but that change was made because they felt limited and unable to tackle the more complicated sins of movies. In making the videos longer they had to throw in more joke sins to adhere to a rough ratio they'd maintained in the smaller videos. Unfortunately this lead to an overall drop in the quality of what was presented.

Yet again, this doesn't equate to a proportional response being acting like an emotionally disturbed manchild who can't handle someone poking fun at his movie and obstinately declaring that there is nothing funny about the style, except that it is always "mean-spirited". The director very clearly has thin skin, probably because of the yes man culture out west and is so used to being mollycoddled that any attempt at light ribbing appears to him to be genuinely abusive.
Cinema Sins is for children so he probably should have chilled the fuck out. That said, the young adult-to-adult brainlets that watch the channel should absolutely get gassed
Osama bin Laden made Kong???
I've seen several cinemasins videos that I vehemently disagreed with, I've been disappointed in their inability to notice very obvious sins, and I've seen them make sins that were very clearly wrong. That being said I enjoy the videos for what they are, attempts to be funny while providing a snarky form of comedy which is steeped in the anal retentive nitpicky nerd culture. Still, I think Jeremy gets too far up his own ass at times and I find his personality to be just a bit too smarmy for me to truly enjoy listening to him as a person outside of cinemasins. The "character" of the narrator is more entertaining, precisely because it is so very obviously a put upon act and not at all intended to be taken seriously.
>can't handle critics
I'm a professional!

Why? Link to interview?
He had a meltdown on twitter because cinemasins put out a video on his shitty Kong movie. It's still up there with repeated assurances he's totally not upset, unasked for comparisons of cinemasins to Donald Trump, and multiple screencaps of cinemasins videos trying to exclaim what he sees to be the obvious evidence that cinemasins hates movies and posits itself as meanspirited, actual criticism.
Guy cinema sins has always been loud-fast garbage for children
>I've seen several
Holy fuck, how old are you two?

I throw it on for noise. Living alone means my house is pretty quiet and just having random shit I don't have to think about in the background is better than nothing.
>hurr cinemasins just nitpicks!
>nitpicks three weakest sins from the whole video to discredit them
>hurr cinemasins ruins the originality of cinema
>coming from a man directing the 343535th reboot of a movie someone else wrote

his movie sucked, he's another yes man director but that doesn't change that cinemasins is an abomination ofa channel
Well that's what its made for. Children whose parents can't be fucked.
There has been no decline in quality.
This is all that it has ever been.
At least you aren't thinking about
anything of consequence
because you dont have
time to
Yeah it's just another channel riding on the coattails of RLM's plinkett review style of "criticism" only lacking even a similar level of skill.
I just think it's mindless fun. I'm fully aware it has little to no actual quality.

Lol, I wanted to watch this video after I finally watch the movie, but this outrage seems too good to miss
I mean the movie is about the same level of quality and craft as cinemasins. It's good for noise but overall you don't even need to pay half a mind to it.
The biggest problem of CinemaSins isn't that they sin pointless shit, that they sin unfairly or are simply wrong in their sins. They are ASSHOLES and they know it, those aren't review, those are comedy skits pretending to be reviews.

The REAL problem is impact they have and millions of idiots who actually consider them move critics and think that sins they sin are fair, objective and actually make movie better.
That's an indictment of their audience, though, not them. If you read anything they post outside of the videos or listen to their podcast they make it clear that it's not intended to be fair, honest criticism.
I don't see why directors should have Twitter accounts if they aren't allowed to participate in culture. Things are interactive now, fans can talk to artists, and artists can talk right back. Turnabout is fair play.
>If you read anything they post outside of the videos or listen to their podcast they make it clear that it's not intended to be fair, honest criticism.

But most people won't do this. Most people think that they only sin bad movies. It didn't help they sinned Citizen Kane that one time to make how they work clearer, because most of idiots that watch them have no fucking clue what Citizen Kane is or how important it is. They just saw CinemaSins review 'some dumb, old movie'.

They are ok and I enjoy watching them, but I do understand that their sins aren't worth SHIT. And I understand that, you understand that, but millions of sub-100 IQ retards don't understand that.
The biggest problem, surely, is that they're that only when they feel like it. When they have valid criticisms they make them, when they don't but still want to get clicks from a video on a famous movie, they do a parodic one, but the rules are flexible because what finally matters is the parasitism.
Dr. San?
Let's be honest, most people who subscribe to anyone with a Patreon think Citizen Kane sucks because they're intimidated by it. It wasn't the best title to pick to make that point.
Responding to criticism/parody/what have you is fine. Throwing a bitchfit and acting like the densest retard on the block because they picked apart your subpar movie is not. The Looper director had a reaction when they did his movie. He was sad at first, but then came around because he realized "all press is good press" and that the video still generated interest in his movie.
Agreed but that's still just a reason to get mad at the idiots, not them. Lay the hate and blame where it's due, not on them.
>It wasn't the best title to pick to make that point.

It is movie wildly recognized as the best movie of all time. Not gonna dispute if it is one or not, but it bears certain weight. And CinemaSins 'reviewed' it like it was fucking Emoji movie or some shit. This should have sent the point that they can review any movie, not only bad movies and that their sins are nothing more than jokes, but as I have said, people watching those movies have no fucking idea what Citizen Kane is and that it is regarded as best movie of all time. CinemaSins sinned it so it must be bad. End of story for them
>This guy is going to direct the MGS movie
>video game movies
Sounds about right tbqh
>implying MGS has some artistic integrity the film has to match
top lel

I do agree his rage was misguided and I feel bad about that. He made a mistake by thinking that shit was serious. Maybe had a bad day or something, I dunno. Too bad that shit escalated.
Anyone who isn't an edgy teenager knows they're just nitpicky faggots

I can guarantee you 70-80% of their viewers don't know that.

You greatly underestimate how stupid people are.
>tfw see his tweet about cinemasins and agree because it's an autistic, nitpicky channel
>tfw watch the cinemasins about Kong and realize with the exception of a few nitpicks, a lot of it is valid criticism of a flashy but hollow movie
This guy is so assblasted. It's just a nitpicky comedy video, it's nothing to get upset about.
>The REAL problem is impact they have
you sound like hillary clinton, makes you think. fucking commie.
I am a commie
I'm new to this cinemasins thing. Who the hell would want to watch 20 minutes of "plot holes" or whatever they call it for a two hour long movie? This seems like literal autism and I don't use this world lightly.
>Thins I don't like are autism

Nice post you made there, people will surely want to have a frutiful discussion with you
Fuck off with your shitty thread nobody cares about.
Dude, from when I first got the internet in 1999 until now, most of the non-professional writing I've read online about Kane has been people saying "it's overrated". They were foolish to expect their viewers to get it.
Just saw the guy's twitter


how can anyone be so mad at some ironic review video
No, everyone will suck it.
He's aware of his total lack of talent and he feels he's been revealed for the hack that he is.
I said that it seems like autism. I'm ready for fans to tell me that they also do good reviews or some shit.
hahahahaha that never ending SEETHING twitter feed of his

They don't do 'reviews', they do comedy skits. I'm not watching 20 minutes to learn at which points clocks on walls are not in synch in the movie, I'm watching them for some harmless jokes made at expense of movie I have seen
He's trash. He steals content and is just a means for people to watch the cliffnotes of movies and lend them a sense of smugness about them. He loves it when he's taken seriously but will hide behind the veneer of comedy when he's told what a fucking idiot he is.
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Remember, Jordan, this is a sneaking mission.
If you get caught your career will be fission mailed.
and then whats funny is how he mentions that he wasnt even angry about the video, after making like 15 tweets in a row about it and complaining
Martin Scorsese
They've complained multiple times on the podcast that people take them seriously when they're clearly meant to laugh at the ridiculous nitpicky, overly smug, hyperanalytic character of the narrator.
dude there's porn
>The REAL problem is impact they have and millions of idiots who actually consider them move critics and think that sins they sin are fair
ie. listen only to the real critics we paid off in RT, now this dweeb who criticizes us for no reason
it's a bitch when the monopoly on fake news is shattered
t. cinemasins
Tarantino and Nolan throw bigger fits daily
Its /tv/ of course they don't understand that it's a joke.

To clarify - you are saying they are actual, unbiased move reviewers that oppose paid off critics on RottenTomatoes?
The picture of an autistic, oddly sexualized sperglord yelling out half baked criticisms at whatever bullshit movie he's watching is entirely too self reflective of the fa/tv/irgins for them to understand it.
I wasn't talking against you, I singled out your phrase which I agree with and pointed out that's what (((they))) all hate and fear
they all hate famous internet people/sites they can't control because they're at their mercy, it's not like tv where only the big shots decide what narrative gets played
i liked kong it was a lot of fun
I watched one cinemasins video an era ago, the everything wrong with Now You See me. Their content is dog shit catered to assholes.
>waah waaaah they called my movie shit ;_;
>we're white
Cinemasins is unfunny but you can tell it's not being serious

However dumb people take it seriously, case in point
youtube comments tier response. Kys idiot.
>The REAL problem is impact they have and millions of idiots who actually consider them move critics and think that sins they sin are fair, objective and actually make movie better

>reddit spacing
>shit opinion
Really makes you think.
>I don't have an argument: The Post

fuck off cinemasins shill
>another post with no argument that just tells me to leave

you are the cancer killing this board
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>/tvpol/ getting THIS triggered over someone criticizing the most reddit youtube channel of them all

I'm not surprised.
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>reddit calling anything cancer
>unasked for comparisons... to Donald Trump
Can this be the new "unsolicited opinions on Israel?"
What's cinemasincs?
>disliking a reddit youtube channel makes me reddit

really fires up my neurons
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>comparisons of cinemasins to Donald Trump

When did the left become the people with sticks up their asses? This shit is happening more and more and it just reminds me of HW Bush whining about The Simpsons ruining the moral fabric of the country.

Yes I'm that old.

But these people are 20-40 and should all be the product of the generation that rebelled against the stodgy old farts with their backwards moral high horses. So what the fuck happened? They all lost their sense of humor and rebelling against convention?
Shift in the Power Dynamic, nothing unusual. As the pendulum swings of which party is in power, they switch tactics and slowly sink further and further into hypocrisy.

The Left made a big deal about the need to support President Obama and tore into Republicans for disagreeing or standing in his way as he tried to get legislation passed that they felt was unconstitutional. Meanwhile, with Trump they throw up any and every reason to disrupt him.

Kinda boring tbqh
Every youth generation starts thinking the world needs new ideas and should give their ideas a shot, get old, become conservative and realize anything good needs to be fought for to be preserved, and try to deny the next generation what they had. Like anything with people, everyone is more willing to change their perspective or their worldview than change their opinions.
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Can't films be schlock fun anymore?
Can't people be snarky assholes online anymore?
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>/tv/ actually defending cinemasins
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Damn he's salty
>makes shitty King Kong movie #934937439
I've been here long enough to remember when cinemasins was a tiny niche channel that /tv/ unironically liked
That director is making a Metal Gear Solid movie
This is the same guy that wrote 75 tweets about a trump supporter sitting next to him in a plane. He's insane
Neo-/tv/ is all middle school cancer
>hey guys remember THIS gem?? avengers.jpg
>anyone else remember honest trailers? fuck I'm old
>based e celebs amirite
I've seen the term "00s kid" thrown around unironically.
He has a point on cinemasins being low tier faux satire that is just nitpicking though
I don't hate the guy but he went too far with the butthurt, he could've just tweeted his thoughts on Kong's video and then just say "hey fuck those cinemasins guys they can suck my dick" and be done with it

I still think CinemaSins is shit and reddit tier cancer and it shouldn't exist but whatever
I remember that. Post it plz
He is right though, he just overdid it. His points are good, and if he did contained them in a few tweets or a longer post it could be fine, instead he went with like a thousand and that made him sound like an assblasted faggot, which he probably is.

CinemaSins is the worst kind of entertainment on youtube, and that's saying something.
>cinemasins problem is people are stupid

uh no
you should learn about false equivalence and not be so stupid
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who else got cursed with this bullshit? literally will never be able to grow a full luscious beard its fucking shit
Just use some Minoxidil. Don't get it in your eyes and it'll take 20 seconds a day
Why even bother acknowledging some shitty youtube 'review' at all?
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Yeah but My Own Private Idaho was the best film of the early '90s
me expect the patches of no hair on the chin are larger and the mustache doesnt connect with the beard
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