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Why does everyone care about the Deadpool stuntwoman?

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What about the Resident Evil stuntwoman whose face was degloved?

Or the Transformers extra who was killed when a fucking beam crushed her like a bug?
>Or the Transformers extra who was killed when a fucking beam crushed her like a bug?
Any pictures of that?
because we didnt get to see their tities
Because only black lives matter
Because it is recent news.
Why not start a thread about stunt deaths? Would be more interesting than this.
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TDK had a dead stuntman too.
Because neither of those things happened today.
And a dead Joker.
What happened to a Deadpool stuntwoman? First time i hear anything about it.
She didn't die and she took the accident and loss of her arm, the recovery of her face in stride.
It's amazing actually, that she took it optimistically.
What about those two asian kids who got paid $1800 to their parents who died from a falling helicopter on the set of the twilight movie because the producer and film company mainly consisted of Jews?
Domino stuntwoman died in a motorcycle crash.
People joke that she died because of forced diversity as she died because she didn't have helmet because she had to show off her Black Afro (TM).

Motorcycle crash.
>something happened today
t. /pol/
People talked about her a lot...when it actually happened two fucking years ago. Why do you care about the attractive female but not the stuntman who recently died on the set of The Walking Dead?
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they didn't drive so good
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>she died because she didn't have helmet because she had to show off her Black Afro
Fucking realy? I always thought that hollyjews were obsessed with safety (less suing that way). Hell i remember that Connery stuntdouble outright refused to do a stunt without a helmet and they had to shoot an extra scene of Connery puting on the helmet.
why the fuck do stuntwomen always die?
You know why..
Don't be an asshole forcing us to say it when you can do it yourself
TDKR had dead audience
its what you call "occupationnal hazard"
Too soon
Because you're a fucking retard. A walking dead stuntman just died one month ago.
I'd imagine that it's rather easy to be blacklisted if you refuse to do a stunt.
I'm sure they all sign a waiver so the production company isn't liable in case of injury or death.

I mean they got Carrie Anne Moss to learn to ride a bike to film the chase scene in Reloaded. That was without a helmet and with a person behind her. Now that is shit I'm surprised the studio let slide.
Tom Cruise died and he was a male stuntman.
>tfw no qt stump gf
Why even live?
>caring about people who do stunts for a living
literally what. It's a hazardous occupation. Do you get butthurt when US soldiers die too?
Why the fuck do stuntpeople only die when they're making shit movies? Does the stupidity of the script infect them?
>Do you get butthurt when US soldiers die too?
What a terrible example. Those fuckers get mini-parades and salutes and shit.
>Why does everyone care about the Deadpool stuntwoman?
They don't. The people crying about what a tragedy this is are virtue-signalling Redditards who secretly don't give a shit but are horrified that someone might find out so they act all saddened. People die every fucking day, what better way to go then in a movie stunt?
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>Fucking realy? I always thought that hollyjews were obsessed with safety (less suing that way)
Incorrect. (((They))) are obsessed only with pushing their narratives, none of them care one iota if anyone dies as long as they get the shots they want.
because it made to reddit homepage
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what is that
Why not just put an afro on a low key helmet? I've seen that done before, a small helmet that still gives proper protection can be covered with hair and still look convincing from back or side shots. Side note, the proper way to do it would be to film a scene of Domino putting on a helmet, or just replace the helmet head with Dominoes head digitally in post like they did on Girl with the Dragon Tattoo with Rooney Mara.

Just seems like they were cutting corners to save money and someone died. Huge shame, the family should be sueing.
>extra suffered severe permanent brain damage
>now has the mental faculty of a small child
>Paramount & Dreamwork refused to pay the medical bills
>Parents of the two kids sliced by helicopter blades awarded $1800 in compensation by the studio

Fucking Jews.
Fincher movies really do have the best use of CGI.
How much do stuntmen/women get paid? Surely you could afford one of those aug arms with hollywood bux
Not enough.
wtf. they could have glued one to a helmet. fuck diversity
>why does anybody care about [recent thing]?
>why aren't they currently caring about [older thing] instead??
really makes you think
why? when will hollywood realize that WHITES PAY to se movies not blacks.
>What about the Resident Evil stuntwoman whose face was degloved?

We've had quite a few threads about her since that happened. Shockingly, people talk about more recent events more than ones that happened a year ago
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peanuts, one of those 'you do it cos you like it and want to set records' jobs.
that fucking wheel when no cheeky breeky 2
Stunts don't get hurt anymore. Don't believe the news, they're all publicity stunts to advertise the movie.
>black stuntwoman dies on Deadpool set
>she's a stuntwoman for Domino
>Domino is a white character in the comics, but was blackwashed for the movie
>if they didn't blackwash Domino, this stuntwoman would be alive today
>land your first job as a stuntwoman
>die immediately

the state of that woman. Related, at her first ever road race

>I was alone for most of the day, scared and in tears. I had no-one to talk to, and I didn't know what I needed.
The parents of the kids that died on the Twilight Zone set were awarded way more than that. $1800 is what they were paid initially to act in the movie.
The SJWs have blood on their hands. Diversity kills.
very disrespectful to their loved ones. please delete this and think before you post.
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best thing I heard all night
Shh, he's trying to indoctrinate kids.
>defending john landis

thats a first on /tv/
>I'd imagine that it's rather easy to be blacklisted if you refuse to do a stunt.
They belong to SAG you doofus. Not to mention they have a special team that designs these stunts. It's not just the director yelling at someone to throw themselves off a roof.
Why not glue an Afro over the helmet ?
Not cool. He's still in jail :(
So.... Only female stunters die?
It's going to be weird having a fourth-wall-breaking self-referential antihero with a dark sense of humor skirt around this whole thing in the marketing.
>hollyjews were obsessed with safety

did I ever tell you the story of darth landis the greedy?
I'm pretty sure she was doubling for deadpool
You can guarantee the same people mourning her are still going to preorder for this capeshit movie. If they really cared maybe they'd boycott the movie so better safety measurements are in place.
BVS has braindead audience
Well that's bullshit she didn't have an afro.
How much you think she has right to from insurance?
I don't get it
Diversity kills
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>Roasties thinking they can do a man's job
The shootings at the theater in Colorado.
To be fair, a lot of people on /tv/ don't really understand how movies are made. But yes, the film industry is one of the most heavily unionized in the United States.
Hahaha that's pretty funny.
a male stuntman on the walking dead died like a month ago
>Oh hey, didn't see you there. As you might have heard... yes, we'll address it. Did you really expect us to make a Deadpool movie without anyone ending up dead?
There have been multiple threads here about the stuntwoman you've posted a photo of.
I'm happy she's doing okay and hasn't let the accident completely ruin her life.
D-degloved? As in l-like the skin being torn of her face or what?
It was basically an empty highway. The cars and trucks arround her are mostly CGI. It's fairly easy to drive a bike on a newly build straight highway without any cars arround you.
She had to drive zig-zag lines to avoid the CGI cars while driving pretty fast. The whole thing looked pretty risky since she had to make sharp turns leaning strongly left and right.
Could have gone wrong.
This one is black.
She was driving.
But, he'll come back, so that doesn't count
Male stuntmen die doing dangerous stunts
I'm black and i love capeshit, do i not exist?

Still tho, this Domino was a diversity casting and thats bullshit.
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She was riding a motorcycle (no helmet) and a mechanical arm camera failed to move out of the way in time. I assume she tried to dodge and didn't make it, face got clipped by the camera and ripped her skin off. She also tore a neck artery.
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Determinism wins again baby.
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Maniac post bro. I laughed.
we can rebuild her
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Let me guess, she's black? Or a tranny? Cba reading the thread.
vanilla sky'd
Because that's what you get when you use stuntwomen instead of stuntmen. I understand the lesser gender wants to prove itself, but they can't help but prove us right every time they try.
why though?Isn't TWD one of the most boring and unactionfull shows of all time?Don't they just walk around?
Imagine getting a handjob from that. She'd rip your dick right off.
Why would anyone pay 1800 bucks for a pair of Asians?
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>not replacing your normal dick with a robodick
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Can you imagine how cute she looks when she waves at you as you go to work? Pure anime.
Hahaha! Here have an upboat!
The picture you posted is literally the Resident Evil stunt woman and i don't see any degloved face
Did he accidentally read the script?
they could have had her ride the motorcycle down stairs on a green screen set. So that any accidents would have had her flying into padding instead of a half inch thick plate glass window.

though i'm wondering why she was kept in an ambulance for 45 minutes before they gave up. instead of getting a helicopter to rush her to the ER in minutes.
The dead can't sue.
her estate can.
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when is she getting a robot arm?
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>as she died because she didn't have helmet because she had to show off her Black Afro (TM).
Jesus, I didn't even consider that. Confirmed because Zazie has no helmet in her shots either. The stuntwoman is literally fucking dead because diversity cred was more important than safety.
Too big
What a disgusting looking motorcycle.

>what if Misty Knight and Domino had a kid
but if she was wearing a helmet you faggots would be like "bbaaaahhh no one would ride like that too much health and safety pc madness"

Now you're just grasping at straws.
LMAO who the fuck would be like that
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only communists hate helmets.



kys my man
that's not even close to true
nah. someone might say it doesn't look cool but nobody cares about helmet rights
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I actually followed her pretty closely after her accident. Despite the months of rehab and amputation she was still so damn optimistic. Kind of breaks my heart.
the jews do it all the time, blame them if we need to be the jew to beat the jew
what all did she lose?
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Just her arm, but she broke a fuckton of bones, (her torso is actually twisted as a result), her face was degloved and she had a brain hemorrhage she had to be put into an induced coma.
>her face was degloved

just to clarify, this means that her face detached from her skull?
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Pic of her torso
Yes, imagine the skin on her face is a glove. Now imagine taking the glove off. That's degloving.

Despite how fucking horrific it sounds it's not too hard to reattach in most cases.
>Despite how fucking horrific it sounds it's not too hard to reattach in most cases.
Their families can
Damn, that's horrible. I wonder if they can reconstruct her torso?

How will her and her boyfriend/husband fugg now?
>permanently dislocated shoulder
What, they can't fix that?
So she'll never have to work again, right? She has to be a millionaire from compensation?
>this movie was made inn living memory to Stunt Woman, who passed away doing what she loved
>stunt womaning
Not likely, spine injuries are dangerous as fuck due to the nerves inside being delicate as all fuck

On her dislocated arm, idk probably something to do with her neck injury.
Don't think we got artificial shoulders yet.
>have artificial hips but not shoulders
>Or the Transformers extra who was killed when a fucking beam crushed her like a bug?
it takes some special skill to get killed on the set of a CG cartoon
maybe he got crashed by a giant green wall
Shoulders(the whole thing, not just the bone) seem infinitely more complex than a hip.
More complex, but also doesn't need to be load-bearing like a hip. Seems like something you should be able to fix so it isn't painful at least.
>xXx is a shit movie
kill yourself jabroni
Good news is she can still do stunts. I know a 1 armed stuntman who was also in spider man 3, Logan, for a stunts.

They usually just cut his fake arm off and have him screaming.
It wasn't an inability to do the stunt

>A crew for Canadian television network Global News witnessed the rider successfully complete the stunt four times, before the fifth time when the rider lost control of the bike.

Having male stuntman doubling for actresses would look obvious
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Kind of spooky she stunted for Nebula a few years ago, before the accident. Nebula has a bionic left arm.
Anon please. John "How Do I" Landis was devastated by that tragedy.
the singularity approaches
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Do robodicks exist yet?
Can you feel anything from having one?
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What the fuck
because "stupid" movies have the most realistic intense action.
fuck how I long for the good old days when they would actually blow up gas stations and kill half of the crew than have some faggot numale with a dildo up his asshole "animate" the "explosion" and have RDJ cry because something flew in his eye.
Female-to-male transgenders get a lump of meat that they have to pump up or insert shit into to get erect. It's why very few of them bother.
Why did I laugh at this
Nice try.
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shit in the future there's probably going to be technology that can make a dick or vagina that's even better than a pure biological one
She isn't taking a picture of her sectional though. She's taking a picture of her stump and stitched back on face
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Took me a second.
This made me laugh way harder than it had any right to.
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