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/tv/ show ideas you came up with

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I am fairly new to this board so bare with me. Anyway, have you ever had some tv show or maybe any movie ideas that normies might be interested? I had a show idea, hopefully that has not been made yet, on the car ride home.

>it's sophomore year in highschool and the school is doing it's typical 'no bullying' day
>in one of the class rooms, a teacher is making the students write an anonymous letter of how every student has it 'hard', meaning everyone is having something gone on in their life
>she is going to collect them and read them aloud
>the students are your typical students, some popular chicks, some weird kids, chads, the usual
>the teacher is reading your basic shit that every kid has problems with- divorce, having to pay for mom's rent, some student may have ran away from home, sister dying, etc.
>then the teacher picks up a paper that says "I have no friends and I plan on killing myself soon. Before I do so however, I plan to shoot up the school. I will get revenge on all the bullies. It will occur on this date."
>it's an anonymous paper to remind you
>teacher freaks out, the students freak out
>teacher tells the principle and the principle has to find out who made this letter
>of-course the principle is friends with the popular kids and "knows" that hot chick and chad wouldn't write this
>the whole staff is going to biased assuming it's that weird kid that has no friends or is always in a bad mood who sits with no one at lunch
>he is trying to tell the staff it isn't him and starts accusing them of being biased because they aren't interrogating the rest of the students, they are only cherry picking the "weird kids"

That's basically all I have for right now. Let me know what you think. It reminds me of 13 reasons why, and it's probably not a /tv/ recommended show but it might be a normie show or some edgy teenager show.
shit dude thats actually a really good idea
You think so?
I'm still having trouble on how I would like to end the "case". Like idk who actually did write that note. What I do know is whoever is writing the note, they are going to use different handwriting than their regular one so it looks like Stacy's or just not his handwriting in particular. That way they can't just compare handwritings to find out who did it.
I'd say them all doing it in class is a mistake. Should have it be a take home assignment so it could be typed up, thus rendering the handwriting thing unnecessary. That way you could have a "first day" getting to know characters when its normal. Another thing is maybe there are one too many papers handed in. Like say 26 kids in class and there's 27 papers. So it could be anyone in school ~oooo~.
Also perhaps there was a shooting there maybe 15 years ago, which is why the school puts on this veneer of being anti-bullying with this essay. You see a memorial of it, maybe even its the anniversary of the shooting. So maybe one of the kids has a connection to the killer which leads him to be misidentified as the potential suspect.
Dang, that all sounds even better. Normies could eat this shit up. Thanks anon.
I like what I'm reading, would be pretty kino. But honestly it sounds better for a school project.
Sounds like netflix scream, make it short and concise (3 or 4 seasons with a decent ending) and ill watch it
>four teenagers win a school raffle to be a part of a camping trip
>one is a weird kid who likes hurting animals
>another is an 'unconventional girl' who tries her hardest to be a special snowflake
>another is a girl in grief because her boyfriend died
>another is a happy-go-lucky boy who has a severe anti-authority complex
>they're sent with their teacher on this camping trip
>when they turn up they see its more like a compound with security, cameras, electric-fencing, etc.
>they get suspicious
>turns out they're gonna get sacrificed to eldritch gods along with thirty other kids from other schools
their parents are in on it
they enter into a hunger-games type scenario where they're trapped in a forest with these other kids whilst horrific monsters are trying to kill them
it's all part of a larger conspiracy to make the surviving teenagers into supernatural entities which can be manipulated by the government to fight even worse eldritch monsters which threaten the country
eventually it'll reach a status quo where the teenagers have to live as half-monsters whilst attending high school, all while their 'cultist' parents keep a watch over them and help them through it. For instance one teenager may be vampire-like and need to drink blood so their parents will donate theirs to keep them fed, etc.
>It's shitty YA but whatever
Sounds like a pretty good idea. You fucked up though because I can imagine someone with TV connections stealing this idea. It doesn't sound like it would be very expensive to film either. If you just shut up you could have made the Clerks of modern tv shows.
More ideas
>Kid whose linked with the killer is in fact ostracized and bullied in a twist of fate
>Paper is traced eventually to the female teacher's home printer, implicating both her and her student Chad she's fucking, but could it have been planted?
>All of the papers are dusted for prints, none found on the killer's paper
>Could it have been a hoax? A cruel joke made to torture the main kid whose brother shot the school up?
>Killer could potentially have actually been one of the victims relatives. The line about having no friends could refer to not having "real" friends just fake people giving them sympathy
>Maybe the killer is revealed and its some guy, but a girl( the one whose relative was killed perhaps) put him up to it and helped plan the attack
>Maybe the note was actually not part of the plan, but was put in to cry for help perhaps to prevent it (getting caught was part of the plan)
Thanks for the idea, goyim. Gonna sell it to my buddies at the studio first thing tomorrow.
It could be a psychological thing. Like an emo kid who doesn't want to be suspected so to prove innocence he kills himself.

The whole shooting will happen today thing is dumb tho. The school could have just called the police or closed. It would be better if there is no date specified. (To keep audience on the edge.)
>(getting caught was part of the plan)
oh oh ! And maybe the weird kids start to revolt against the school. They all bring masks to school and start this revolution against the teacher. The principle is all like "WHY DO THEY WEAR THE MASK??!" But now I am just speaking out loud.
>It would be better if there is no date specified
That's true. I wanted the date to be far away enough and have it be the finale. Perhaps a day where the school can't cancel (finals day perhaps). It's a race against time to solve the case before the date occurs.
Why the fuck are you using spoiler tags? This isn't a real show.
There's a horror movie that's similar to this with Thomas Haden Church.
Also expanding on the whole date idea. What if we trick audience into thinking it will happen during the graduation date but in reality it happens pretty suddenly?

For example there's a big bully who went to another state and will come during exams. So people will think the shooter would gofor the exam day to so everyone is in school.

Also I think I have an idea who the shooter is to make an interesting plot twist. It's the janitor everyone hates. He needs to be an important character everyone will send him to look around the school to look for any weapons or hidden objects. He will be treated as a side character but in the his plan willbe revealed.
your idea has some major plothole. the whole situation would be solved just by calling the police (like any reasonable person would do) and taking the fingerprints from the paper. crime solved. I'd say that you should create a situation where the school shooter has a chance to be really anonymous or that the police can't involve.
Can't we just fix the fingerprint issue? That shouldn't be too hard. The police are going to be part of the show, that's an obvious. The police don't know any of these students. The whole plot is that the teachers are just being one sided saying that chad wouldn't have done this and that's why he is not being interrogated by the cops.
I'd say you could try to create some tension between the students aswell. Otherwise it's some boogaloo where teachers are pointing fingers to characters. 13 reasons why does this kind of thing really well so I'd suggest you look it up.
The fingerprint problem can be solved with a little bit mystery involved in it. There is 1 piece of paper extra with no fingerprint. Teacher told the kids to put the papers during break so someone could have been able to sneak in an extra paper.

Also couldn't the kids just say which paper they wrote and then the last person left would be the killer, or alternatively 2 people will claim the same paper.

1 extra paper is the way to go.
Yeah, I did have that in mind. Stacy could be all "it's probably that FREAK who watches anime all day like a loser". Not only does this create tension, but it also further implies that the "freak" is being bullied which is suspicion that he may be the one, creating even more controversy for teachers to turn on him.
have got an idea... big bad basa the anti hero handy man with a badass secret and a whole lump of chewing gum. he actually is a black belt in martial arts and hides when his customers (because of course- he is the handy man) go away while he is working as a handy man. he hides and waits for intruders, intruders which he disarms and puts in their fucking god damn places. but he doesn't kill them... like batman also does... he's a hunky chunky migrant from philippines to u s of a and he's bad ass as hell
>posting a good idea on /tv/
I'm stealing this idea. Expect to see it come to fruition in some form next year.
>Also couldn't the kids just say which paper they wrote and then the last person left would be the killer,
Funny, I was going to include that. Say the teacher suggests that idea. However, someone points out that that would be exposing all the anonymous papers and some of the kids may refuse to do that, even for such a serious case like this (we all know how high schoolers can be pretentious)
But yes, the extra paper kind of has to be included. That way there are less loopholes.
Here's a better idea what if the freak also has a bro tier chad protecting him? And the freak could be like I will find the shooter and prove my innocence. The show will styled to make it look like it's freak vs normies. But halfway through the show he proves his innocence (or maybe dies?) and since chads and stacies have none to pick on anymore and have to doubt each other they fall into despair?
A reality show where Salma Hayek does everything naked.
***a nuisance.
I have no idea why I said pretentious
Someone should write a novel about this
would read
The problem with this is that the kid specifically SAID in his paper that he had no friends, so, of course the teachers are going to specifically look for students who don't have any friends.
You could also cuck the audience and not reveal the actual shooter or show the shooting, instead focusing on the mental state of a bunch of individuals related to the case or school (like the teacher goes out and learns to use guns, and keeps one in his or her desk at the risk of losing their job, the weird kid goes to great lengths to prove they're not involved in the shooting, the Chads all group up to try and solve the mystery together, one of the Stacys starts hanging out with the weird kids in the hopes that she'll get tipped off not to come to school on a certain day but she falls out with all her normal friends, etc), and make it more of a teen or high school drama than a direct whodunnit mystery.

I only saw half an episode of 13 Reasons Why so if this sounds derivative my bad. It's just a cool catalyst to force a group of already fluctuating people to evaluate their lives further and more seriously than most high schoolers do, and we can see their values change (like the Stacy throwing away popularity to gain a better chance of avoiding the shooting, the teacher risking their job for a bit of security, the Chads reinforcing their solidarity but ultimately acknowledging that having each others' backs isn't going to be worth anything if someone comes to school with an automatic rifle, etc).

Well, I didn't expect that. Why would these kids go back to school though? Their lives would be set and organised and they'd spend the rest of their days in some sort of monster military wouldn't they?

My personal writing idea was inspired by a thread on here, a Fallout: New Vegas TV series, with season 1 detailling the "canon" events that occurred in the game, and the remaining seasons dealing with the Fallout of that and taking place after the game ends, with an expanded scope after season 1
I don't like this idea at all, would not watch.
"I'm planing to shoot up the school. I will get revenge on all the bullies who have been tormenting my life."

Also that could have been a setup by the killer to gang up on the freak
Could have been a lie though to throw them off, or its more a metaphorical "no friends" because they are a popular kid whose friends only like them for money or looks. Of course what you said is true, they'd look for kids with no friends but that doesn't reveal the true perp.

Also off this topic, but has anyone ever made a movie or show about the Ruby Ridge incident? That would be an incredible movie.
It's a logical fallacy to accuse someone that they are going to plan to shoot up the school just because you think they are weird. The paper could be written by anybody, that's why it's anonymous.
The janitor being the killer is fucking stupid. What could he possibly have against the students? How the fuck did he send in a homework assignment along with the rest of the student's homework? Just doesn't make any sense
sure thing faggot
I would watch this movie, it has potential to become some serious mindfuck
>You never had that wierd janitor at school that everyone hated

Also 1 extra paper was put there during the break. Ofc none would remember the fact that the janitor came and cleaned something because he is such an insignificant and lonely character who does what everyone tells him to do.
that's a non-issue, you can't scan for fingerprints from soft textures like paper, only hard surfaces that leave a smudge like glass, plastics or polished metals
good neat idea though OP, if I was writing it my perspective would be this:
>after reading the note, the teacher orders everyone to identify their own papers
>most notes are easily identifiable since they're personal stories that are easy to corroborate
>there are then 2 students claiming the same paper, they will be the suspects
>you'd then follow the life of the kid who's not lying as he tries to prove it to everyone and confront the other kid, maybe try to understand if he's really the one
That sounds boring as fuck and removes the whole loner vs the whole world idea.
yeah good luck writing something out of that
It would be interesting if there were actually two school shooting notes, but one is from Chad to have a nice giggle and that will be revealed half way through the season.

But the other one is real. robot kid will still be suspect though, even tho he's innocent (maybe?)
Actually I didn't, my school's janitor was very out-going and cool, the kids liked him a lot
the teacher planted it to frame one of the students he hates because of (fill in the black) reason. at the end of the season the teacher takes a student hostage and the one he accused all season has to break out his dad's winchester to save the other kid
Damn I like that one, bonus points if the hero kid tragicaly gets shot down by cops
Better hide this before the riverdale producers find it
Does he die or survives? Important question.
Also bonus points if everyone thinks the student was actually the school shooter
You know I fucking love drama so I'd let him die. But then again, I love a good Happy end so make him survive and become new elected King Chad

Exactly my thinking
>(fill in the black)
It was because he found out the student was the one who reported him to the cops about his drug addiction, it didn't stick obviously but he's after him as payback.
And Chad and Stacy help the protagonist
I think the framed student would catch on to the framing pretty fast, especially if he already reported the teacher for smth. Maybe have it be a personal reason, that only the teacher knows. A revenge because the teachers second cousin has been bullied to death by Victim kids father or smth convoluted like that
>, have you ever had some tv show or maybe any movie ideas that normies might be interested?

>Islamic immigrant family flees their war torn homeland and settles in suburbia
>Dad is under-cover jihadi terrorist who secretly loves western culture and wants to live in peace so sabotages his missions
>Son is beta nerd atheist
>Daughter is sexy Persian stupid bimbo ala Married with Children daughter
>Wife wears a burka, mumbles like Kenny from south park, no one can understand her but her family

The twist is the son goes from atheist redditor to hard line muslim because he doesn't fit in and the dad goes from jihadi to Al bundy
A reminder that this is for the normie audience, who only have the attention span of the beginning and ending of an action scene.
If you're aiming for comedy i would put the "racist" neighbor who's trying to prove he's a terrorist and falling in the most comical ways possible, in a saturday morning villain way.
Unfortunately this type of comedy wont ever be good, not because of the political correctness but because of the state of modern comedy movies.
do it modern family style and i'd watch it
characters you have to add:
>muslim lesbians
>muslim pedo uncle called mohammed

feel free to add
Mainstream studios will look only at OPs normie TV show idea and steal that, while we will actually be discussing a comedic racist tv show about refugees. Genius
>Implying that mainstream studios would make justice to OP's idea instead of cheaping it by making a black and white morality bulshit.
>Implying that mainstream studios are aware of a chinese pottery image forum
Keep dreaming anon.
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