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>HBO and Amazon are developing their respective controver

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>HBO and Amazon are developing their respective controversial alt-history series Confederate and Black America for the small screen, but Studio 8 is aiming bigger with Black. With its premise of a nation where only African-Americans possess superpowers


Is this gonna be some black power fantasy jerkoff?
Basically an x men rehash, except people are now double racists for hating muties and black people.
>the series created by Kwanza Osajyefo and Tim Smith 3 starts with a police shooting in Brooklyn that sees teen Kareem Jenkins survive a hail of bullets and discover that he is a lot more powerful than he ever knew. As Jenkins connects with others who share similar powers, a widespread oppressive global conspiracy to keep the knowledge of such superpowers from the world — and especially the black community — themselves is unveiled to all.
I can't wait for all the click bait like with Luke Cage.

>BLACK features a bulletproof black man, and it's exactly what we need right now.
>SCATHING takedown of the altright as BLACK takes on Trump and....
>even in a world of black superheroes, straight white males have all the power.
>This trailer for BLACK is everything.
>the internet just broke when BLACK premiered at SDCC, and racists can't even.

Cap it. At least 2 of these will happen.
so corny it hurts. it feels like it should be tongue in cheek 70s blacksploitation
Modern America is fucking garbage. Absolutely pathetic how you let niggers run rampant and destroy your country like this to the point of rewriting history and irreversably demonizing whites.

Americans are born cuckolds.
do you write for these sites
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I know you were just making headlines of shitty web articles up, but god damn they're not that far off from reality.
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Nothing agaisnt blacks, but why can't other races get some representation?

It seems like everyone's eager to have a black person in their film/tv show but everyone forgets about hispanics, asians, cherokees, etc
the liberals are pushing harder for a race war than anyone else at this point
blacks bitch and moan until they get what they want. the rest of you just ride their coattails
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>Kwanza Osajyefo
holy shit, this name is such a caricature
might as well call yourself tyrone deshawn jones
It's only America making these tv shows, nowhere else. It's like you idiots WANT your country to go down in flames.
Take a wild fucking guess
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>It's like you idiots WANT your country to go down in flames
Only some of (((us)))

I honestly think Americans, or at least a part of them, really believe in the classic "go down in flames to rebuild a better future, rising from the ashes" kind of thing. Retarded, but...
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How can you even read this and not blush?
How can people deny how embarrassing this shit has gotten?
At some point you have to wonder if the people behind all this are TRYING to turn the races against each other. I mean come the fuck on.
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>the people
They are.
>We're bored out of our minds and want a race war. When will you take a hint?

t. The Elites
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>mfw millions of white americans will unironically praise these shows
so cucked it's embarrassing

Confederate is a very interesting idea. Black America is a lot less interesting. Black is just stupid.
A fundamental part of the ecosystems of various forests and grasslands are the destruction and redistribution of floral genetic material. There's a reason why fire has been associated with ritual cleansing throughout the annals of history.
what did someone have a stroke or something?
these shows are going to fail because when things get rough people will want to watch comedies not films that remind them how much their pathetic life sucks
>shitting on a show that barely exists at this point
>anime girl png
Every time.
>but Studio 8 is aiming nigger with Black
That's more like it
whoa... so is his superpower the ability to turn white when he dindu nothin, like in the poster??
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If we're going to get sci-fi alternate history, why not pic related or a movie about Yakub creating white devils?
The Jews are getting a little on the nose with this stuff.
This is getting fucking ridiculous.

Don't be so literal about it. A race war won't be a cleansing fire. It'll be rape, mindless murder, looting. Yeah, some fires here and there too, but it's not all about the fire ffs
>keeping knowledge of superpowers secret from the black community

by the way, why is it just called "police shooting"? Seems to muddle the water. Was the shooting justified? Was the moon cricket acting like a criminal at the moment?
>niggers will start taking bullets to test if they have superpowers
it's not that bad an idea guys
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So I should have bought that comic when I came out and made bank once the show haired?
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spot fucking on
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So where did Arabs come from then? Did Yakub make them too?
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wondernigger powers

educate yo own damn self whiteboi
Lol those don't even look remotely alike. God damn are blacks really this stupid?
Is 2018 going to be, dare I say it, the year of Black Supremacy Kino?
charge your fuckin battery!
to be fair, she was Greek and we Greeks are not white either
Pretty sure you're talking about Canada, friendo.
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Oh you
and this will tell the tale of a group of black youths with incredible powers, starring:
>JayQuan - shoplifts without being found out
>Taneesha - loudest sassy MM-HMM in the world
>DeShawn - learned to read, called the "Shaman" in the group
>Marquis - run at full sprint with his pants down
>Precious - with a twerk out of this world and lust for sex, she can chat up any man and have him cough up any information ... or that they want to get away from her 450lbs body squeezed into a dress with rotten leftovers between her fatrolls
>Larry (token white guy) - has a job, refered to as "man on the inside"
So it's like a superpowered Mike Brown?
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>be filthy race traitor with ebony fetish
>want Cleopatra to be a cute black girl for Antony & Cleopatra movie
>current casting trends means Antony will be handsome white guy
>it could be complete Shakespeare interracial kino

please hollywood.
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No I'm talking about America, #1 producer of cuckold pornography on the globe
holy shit lmao
somehow television keeps getting worse and worse
Sony currently has Cleopatra in the works.

So you can expect it to be shit.

Ruth Negga would make a good Cleo.
>executives will STILL ask why tv subscriptions are dropping after this is the tripe they try to give you
didn't kings of Egypt bomb I'm sure they'll try to make it profitable and not pander right?

hopefully it'll inspire some indie/smaller group to do it better, like that Macbeth film with Fassbender, that was excellent.
I want Zimzam to be the villain

>LeTrell - ability to make white women orgasm on command
>Marshawn - like wolverine but has big dicks instead of blades

im white btw


Reads like a blaxploitation
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Your country literally lets cuckold pornographers make childrens tv shows then exports this perverse filth to the world

America is modern day Sodom and Gomorrah and I hope your entire degenerated stain of a country burns in nuclear hellfire
>look up promise of black America
>what if freed slaves were given their own country???
>what is Liberia
>a country founded by and for freed American slaves
>a country that collapsed into armies of men hopped up on crack running around in wedding dresses holding AK 47s with necklaces of human hands while eating the hearts of children

Cleopatra is an Oscar endeavor, not commercial. Those are all done at loss in order to gain social bragging rights.

You can go through the Sony emails. Amy Pascal tried to get Angelina Jolie directed by Finch.

>like that Macbeth film with Fassbender, that was excellent.

That was good. They should do a King Lear movie with Schwarzenegger. He's old enough now.
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>tfw to intelligent to give the white devil super powers

>learned to read, called the "Shaman"

So I am no expert but how would you even hide superpowers from the world in the age of youtube and the internet?
Angelina would of been interesting I suppose
Same way Germany hides an entire cities' worth of mass rape footage caught on CCTV.
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NOW I understand the new weird klingon face

black klingons where the ones!
do his powers activate like SHAZAM?

DINDU.... NUFFIN!!!!!!!!!
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>reading Black supremacy stuff
>there's a theory a black super scientist created whites
>the savage, raw-meat-eating white hordes eventually revolt and flood out from their caves, taking the black super society (complete with lazer weapons and hover cars) from them with stone weapons and sharpened sticks

It is the coolest idea for a science fantasy film in a long time. It'd be like planet of the apes in a way.

Needs a catchy title.
>Melanin Down
>Yakub's Sin
>Neanderthal Uprising
>Satan is a Blond
I'm serious here.
I mean it could kinda work if the powers are really low key like in The Misfits. But even there, superpowers have been around only recently and the public found out shortly after because a guy who could control milk wanted to become famous.
>I'm serious here.
I think he is too.
>The Alt-Right are PISSED over the new show BLACK (And that's a good thing!)

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You cant visit a star, it would be to hot and you would disintegrate from the heat, you stupid nigger
this seems great
They're going to live in a police state Dystopia where the state controls the internet.

There's going to be a scene in episode two where a politician and the chief of police are looking at footage and the politician says "shut it down". Then some nerd in the corner goes clackity clack and the video is deleted off the internet.
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>worldstar becomes the only place you can find footage of black powers
>worldstar is the underground, anti-establishment communication network for People of Powers
>No. You absolutely can't.
can't what? is there a panel missing?
I fucking miss this show
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