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What are some films where the ending is so retarded it ruins

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What are some films where the ending is so retarded it ruins the whole thing
Mystic River
I have to ask. why do you think the ending to 10cl is retarded?

>they decide to show the alien instead of leaving it to the audience
>muh feminist heroine destroys alien ship and alien monster with no effort
I have to ask how retarded do you have to be to not find it completely retarded

Especially in what ostensibely is a 7/10 breddy good thriller until the ending
I had no idea John Goodman could act. Mew was great too. But yeah the ending ruined it.
>I had no idea John Goodman could act
t. never seen any movie made before 2000 fag
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I wanna say Sunshine, but real lowkey like, because i enjoy it and don't want anybody to pay attention to my post
Should have ended with the alien gas cloud to explain why that one girl died and that's it. Her molotoving a spaceship is dumb as fuck
Better endings:
>cut to credits as she says you gotta be kidding as she sees alien spess ship in the distance
>takes her laughable gas mask off and dies, roll credits
>flash forward to her to police station where it's explained john goodman dindu nuffin
>or just fade to black as she fumbler for john goodman's car keys
>cut to credits as she says you gotta be kidding as she sees alien spess ship in the distance
That the only good ending
This entire film is shit and anyone praising Goodman is a reddit underage pleb. No joke you like any facit of this film you are an enemy to cinema.
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Mew is terrible like always though she can't act
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This is the shittest film I love.

I know it's bad, but I still cried like a bitch. Does this I mean I'm being injected with soy in my sleep by heebgoblins?
War for the Planet of the Apes
>I had no idea John Goodman could act
he's one of the GOAT American supporting actors
Sunshine final act is such a bizarrre off putting thing.

I have really mixed feelings about the final twist. I didn't hate it but it sure felt cheap and convenient.
The ending of Interstellar wouldn't be half as bad if the movie didn't jerk itself off so much to being 'the most scientifically accurate film ever!'. How do you do 3/4 of a movie spoonfeeding relativity, time dilation, theoretical physics, etc to someone, only to turn around and have an ass pull like the power of love?

It's like if they have a gritty murder mystery end with some whacky shit about....oh crap.
what a great poster
its fucking stupid really
>the movie didn't jerk itself off so much to being 'the most scientifically accurate film ever!

Really? I thought it was just shitting "gravity" excuses from the beginning to end up with a history rewrite ending, which thank god they didn't go with.

>have an ass pull like the power of love
That's not really what happened though. Especially with Brand's man being dead and burried in the end.
The fact that there is still a human resistance during an actual alien invasion is retarded in any movie. When she took down the ship its like a chimpanzee destroying an M1 Abrams tank.
Interstellar was a 5/10. I wouldn't watch it again, though I'm glad I watched it the first time. The ending seemed almost as if Nolan felt obliged to have a twist at the end, the same as Prestige, the Dark Knight, Inception, etc. I hope he doesn't become the new Shyamalan because of this attitude.
feminist? what the fuck are you talking about? cuz it's a chick?
Literally what was wrong with Seven's ending?
Did you guys think the whole subplot of the paki doctor going suncrazy was just for fun?
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I would nominate this movie. This one really gets under my skin. I was rooting for lynching making a comeback toward the end.
>great le reddit meme there friends

>i had epic lols after reading that xd
What feminist? Did you watch the movie?
this entire movie had a cool premise but terrible execution. gerard butler's character, instead of actually being secretive, literally WANTS to go to prison just for 'muh zinger moment in court' and then constantly overtly says he is gonna kill people. there's no subtlety, no secretive stuff, etc and of course the ending made me mad as well, I get the point that they broke the law to catch the bad guy but there was no build-up to it or any kind of moralistic dilemma, gerard wasn't clever and neither was foxx, the end was atrocious
Return of the king
this one
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>browsing /pol/ so much any female immediately represents part of a world wide plot to erode your non-existent male masculinity

top kek never stop making me laugh /pol/acks
you do realize the ending was shit?
pol boogie man doesnt exist, the movie sucked, the ending sucked and ruined all the build up
it sucked, im just havin a laugh about all the feminist shit you said which had nothing to do with the flick at all, /pol/ damage control gives me a chuckle so heres a (you)
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This. It would've been supremely satisfying for Gerard Butler to have won at the end.
>Guy quips about alien invasion when talking about possible reasons for being in shelter
>Girl finally escapes and see bad cgi spaceship and alien weapons
>made even worse w/radio brodcast about a resistance
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That's the whole point though. It's a quadruple fake out. Sounds like you got LYNCHED by a non Lynch movie.
The *ending* was retarded?
If it wasn't for the typical (American), audience I can guarantee the movie would have ended with just the noise of the Cloverfield alien. The ending was like over exposure, but for some reason movies that want to appeal to the mainstream audience require some big encounter where somebody overcomes the odds, so the introduction of the aliens had to be met with her fucking destroying it.
It's seen in the fact the movie title spoiled the revelation too, probably for marketing reasons but it made that entire ending just horrible. Especially when they show the name of the lane like it's worth seeing.
The Shining.
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>didn't end with mew getting btfo by alien and burning goodman watching from his window saying "told you so", roll credits
I actually liked that they doubled down and caught me off guard, I wasn't expecting them to actually do it.
>muh mystery, you make your own ending

shit us played out, show some good old fashioned cheesy show and tell 8bstead of, was he crazy?? no? maybe? yes? both? yes and no? maybe noyes?
I liked this film, and I liked that I didn't like that there was no mystery, though it took a couple of years to sink in.
>girl imprisoned by some dude
>thinks he's evil
>whole movie is this fucking awkward who's the boss of the house i'm uncomfortable shit
>turns out he's right
>but wait he's evil anyway!
>better kill off both the white males now
>stupid cgi sequence of pure cringe
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