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Did it really have to be 3 hours long? What would you have cut

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Did it really have to be 3 hours long?

What would you have cut to make it a respectable 2 hour movie?
every scene had a purpose, even removing several minutes of content would be profoundly detrimental
The entire opening sequence and the Mad Max segment can go. Remove Wonder Woman from the Wayne party and the final sequence.
The Dark Knight is less than 2 hours long and better than this

>Cut out Kike Gadot Wonder Rat
>Remove Doomsday plot completely
The whole thing.
They should have started the DCCU slowly.
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>hating on based wonder gal
Why Sri Lankans so nasty lads?
I would never cut scenes. The longer a movie is, the better. The only restraint should be the budget.
>the Mad Max segment
What the fuck are you referring to?
Not one fucking thing.
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Imagine if 10 years ago someone told you a Iron Who? movie would outgross a movie featuring Batman and Superman as the 2 stars. Say what you want about the MCU but they've done an outstanding job building the most successful movie franchise of all time.
Holy fuck, that Iron Man 3 poster is so good. Why is the BvS one so boring in comparison?
Mad Max, sure. The opening scene shows you why Batman hates Supes so much though, why the fuck would you take that out?
No seriously, what is the fucking Mad Max scene?
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Imagine having 2 of the world's most popular heroes, one of which made 1b in his third solo movie, and it makes less than fucking Wonder Woman
The best part is that Homecoming is already more profitable than BvS with three and a half weeks of release and no China, yet DCucks are still trying to call it a flop
The dream Batman has just before Barry talks to him from the future.

That is one of the best scenes, if not the best, in the film. You'd have to be insane to want to cut that out.
How much is Warner Bros paying you?
I really cannot believe people are still so obsessed with bickering about box office numbers. All of you are retarded.
jesus christ
getting exposed as brazilians and pakis really did a number on this guy
Why didn't batman ever check up on his security guard in person?
I think it's supposed to be him having a nightmare about the world if Superman has his way, but I've also read that it's a vision Flash gives him that would happen if Lois dies. Either way it was done horribly.
Oh, why didn't you just call it the nightmare sequence or whatever? Geez. That part was good but it didn't remotely resemble Mad Max.
Spiderman Homecoming is on track to gross around $800 million.

If you told anybody 20 years ago that Iron Man would be more successful than Batman, Superman, or Spider-Man (the 3 biggest comic characters since at least the Silver Age), they would've laughed you out of the building.

That said, anybody calling any of these movies a flop is retarded. They're all making hundreds of millions in profit thanks to the Chinese market.
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>resorting to image hashing because my filename only comes up twice
How much is Disney paying you?
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Why are you all avoiding >>85725111
little pussy ass bitches
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>tfw we'll never see the 4 hour cut
>changing your filenames because you keep getting exposed
your manager is teaching you 4chan ways huh?
Man of steel and BvS made less than Wonder Women.
That wasn't me that was a different poster.
Why are Geonosians in a DC movie?
Why didn't the SuperNazis just shoot him lol

This scene is fucking nuts though, I love it.
I specifically mentioned Spiderman Homecoming only making $800 million.

Why are you so triggered dumb sri lanka poster?
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very interesting stuff
Probably on orders to get him to Superman alive
It was a good looking scene but it had nothing to do with the rest of the movie so it can go.
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>he actually believes the false flag meme
>even though stupid marvlets joined in the thread
Daily reminder the webm paki programmed a bot to post the same webm in every pro-DC thread and left after pic-related exposed him.
You can literally tell it's the same guy too just from the way he posts
it looked a lot like mad max and anyone should be able to tell that's the bit you are on about if you say "the mad max bit"
>What would you have cut to make it a respectable 2 hour movie?
The entirety of the Superman/Batman conflict.

This movie would've been great if it was only about
>Formation of the Justice League
>Batman vs. Superman Conflict
>Introduction of a new Batman

But since it was all 3 mashed together, none of these 3 got the development that it needed.
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Top 3rd is only me.
Sri Lankans is the new buzzword.
You know how I know you're from reddit?
>Daily reminder the webm paki programmed a bot to post the same webm in every pro-DC thread and left after pic-related exposed him.
Reminder that this shitskin is what is referred to as a "DChad"
That shit was 3 hours long?
They're Darkseid's minions, the Parademons.
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Don't call me shitskin when your kind has never posted a timestamped photo like pic related.
Show us that nasty brown skin.
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I'm not a comic nerd or anything, can someone explain to me what those bug things are? Is this an alternate timeline? Why is Superman killing Batman? Wtf was the Flash talking to Bruce about?

This scene confused the fuck out of me and my friends (we're not usually into capeshit).
>Sri Lankans is the new buzzword
How is it a buzzword if you're literally the only one saying it?
No. 3 and a half, actually.
Dream segment where Lois dies, Superman teams up with Darkseid and takes over the Earth, and Batman is trying to stop him.
When did Henry Cavill visit /tv/?
i think it's pretty cute 2bh
hes a /v/edditor and /co/mblr scum too

Here: >>85725732

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was a potential alternate timeline. It's most likely one like in Injustice where Superman becomes dictator of the earth. Flash was basically saying to him "Fear him (meaning Superman), you were right about him" etc.
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Why do you automatically assume its me?
Because you archived it?
You do realize there's a greater butthurt faggot from Marvel who goes apeshit whenever some mentions Larry Fong, right?
You can always tell its him because he always mentions something about hues or mobileposters.
You literally cannot prove that the other posters are me besides we all use Sri Lankans.
This scene is a pure symptom of Snyder.
"wouldn't it look cool if Batman was in a duster fighting Space Nazis in Tunisia while insectoids where flying away with the bodies and shit was exploding and more Space Nazis were fast roping in from helecopters?"
"Y-yeah... I suppose but Batman is..."
"Cool, let's brainstorm some story excuses for this to be in my movie."
"Erm... a dream sequ..."
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Hi dannyboytbh
Funny that you're saying that, considering that Evans actually looks JUSTed as fuck here.
But you said it's multiple people and not you??
Call me old fashioned, but I prefer it when random shit like that is either left out or telegraphed properly.
I thought it was going to become clear later, but it never did.
I remember him from the deleted partyposter threads.
I think he got banned.
Doesn't prove that its me
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Meanwhile in 2017...
He looked like this in 2013.
He's not going bald, chill
yes it did. if one note is off from a symphony, the whole thing is off
I agree, it's a very weak part of the movie. The DCU needed more movies under it's belt contextually for a scene like that to work.
im pretty sure JL is going to revisit if Joss Sweden doesnt shit all over it like he did with Age of JUSTron
>if Joss Sweden doesnt shit all over it like he did with Age of JUSTron
I won't hold my breath.
I'm not convinced Barry's referring to Superman. If you're hitting the reset button with time travel, you're beyond caring whose names you use. He uses Lois's name, but doesn't name Superman?

There's something more to it.
Finally got a real Lex Luthor on our hands, eh?
Just checking, but you're not actually so brain-dead that you didn't realize that scene was taking place in what was left of the Wayne Estate, are you?

well they didn't have like 12 movies to build up like marvel sooooooooo yeah 3 hours. that or two 2.5 hour movies.

it would still suck and feel bloated and pretentious. I'm still sad wheedon is pissing over it though
im making an anon cut of the movie, just hold on a second
>What would you have cut to make it a respectable 2 hour movie?
The entire thing, have someone else writing it. Start from scratch.
I love how all of you just ignore the huge charcter fatigue spider-man should be having being the 3rd version of spiderman in the big screen in the last decade. Also the last 3 spiderman movies were disliked by critics and fans which would add to the fatigue.
Again, your words would carry a lot more weight had you not been here a year ago ignoring similar points being made about Bateman, Superman, and BvS.

everything but the credits.

No. No I'd cut the credits too.

I waited 20 years for that fucking film. Do you know what that feels like? 20. fucking. years.

For a homo not lex luthor and for them to both realise that mommy is called Martha.
You can't take an hour of footage out of BvS and expect it to be good. They already tried that. The theatrical version sucked balls.
You know it's going to turn out that that's not really what Clark said, right? This is like master-class writing here, not even memeing.
How can you even tell?
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This movie is a huge piece of shit, but for the sake of this thread, there are some things in it that actually serve zero purpose to the film itself.

The biggest offender is the nightmare scene. It's literally a commercial for a what-if sequel and to shoehorn in Flash.
>b-but it gives Batman motivation
He literally got more than sufficient motivation in the opening scene which is literally the only good part of this movie.
>Opening scene
>"Hey everyone I know that a bunch of aliens are bringing the city down around our ears, but keep at your desks until Mr. Wayne personally orders us to save our own lives!"
>You know it's going to turn out that that's not really what Clark said, right?

How is that not what he said?
The blasted skyline in the distance is Gotham, and as the camera pans around, you see the ruins of Wayne Manor.


The tunnels and concrete passages we see are the exposed upper floors of the Batcave.
So is the DCEU going to go full Injustice?
Was it Zodd that caused Batfleck to go full nuclear murder-mode, or the Joker killing Robin?

Should they do that, there's an army of people that are going to just stop buying into DC. I hate Injustice in ways words can't properly convey.


Didn't someone theorise that DCEU Joker is robin?


Well, Snyder's out so they can right the ship now.
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>Didn't someone theorise that DCEU Joker is robin?
Or maybe he's not Jason, he's Tim. Either way there's heavy hinting that Return of the Joker is a part of Batman's past.
Hard to tell. Will be interesting to see what we get from the Flash's movie.

It's a progression.

>Young Bruce witnesses his parents die and weaponizes his grief and desire for vengeance into his career as the Batman. Sees his allies die or get corrupted over the course of twenty years.

>Late-career Bruce witnesses the death/corruption of his own partner and in a fit of rage kills the Joker, probably reins himself back in or goes into semi-retirement.

>Bruce witnesses the death of his adopted "family" and friends die in the collapse of the Wayne Building and using his oldest coping mechanism, externalizes that grief in the form of aliens this time instead of criminals, but there's only one target left; has a far more cavalier about death during the pursuit of this new vendetta.

I'm curious as to whether this Bruce ever caught up with Joe Chill, and if he let him live if he did. My gut tells me yes to both questions.
I always liked it best when writers portray Batman's No-Kill Rule as a kind of compulsion, as something he has little control over: No matter how much he wants to, his brain will not let someone die in front of him by direct action or lack of action. It's a tick. The Arkham games really sold this idea. More writers should pursue that angle in my opinion, it's way more interesting than the whole "b-but if I kill someone I'll never stop" deal. He's only marginally less insane than the guys he puts away to start with.
Where do they say that Batman killed the Joker, Satan?
The building was already pretty much empty besides some workaholics and lookie loos.


Literally everyone on that floor was gathered there with Jack when Bruce called. How do I know that? Because I know what I'd be looking at if I had a front-row seat for an alien invasion. When Bruce tells him to get everyone out, that's what Jack is doing - making sure *everyone* is out. That's why he's still there when Zod smashes Clark into the building. He was doing his job as head of security. Bruce feels responsible for him still being inside. How do I know that? Because we're not all retards who need characters to speak their feelings directly into the camera.
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Wait. You people actually think this movie is anything other than a steaming pile or is this a coordinated bait thread?
That's the same compulsion, though. Even Nolan missed that. To Bruce, there's no difference between killing and actively choosing not to save someone. They're both on that same slippery slope.

The men of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice may not please eunuchy fanboys but anyone old enough to experience morning wood will appreciate it. Taking that comic book novelty where superheroes temporarily become rivals, Batman/Bruce Wayne (played by Ben Affleck) mistakenly blames the recent destruction of Metropolis and nearby Gotham City during an invasion of aliens on the mid-battle appearance of Superman (played by Henry Cavill). The antagonism between these specimen (Affleck follows Cavill’s already muscled-up example) is based on both men’s confused urge to do good. Each orphan’s personal torment and heroic ambition amounts to a passion. Grindr might match them, yet they’re initially mismatched which means that when they finally meet—and fight—it’s equivalent to a hate fuck.
>Slippery slope
That's no good, though. That's just the "muh inner darkness terrifies me" motivation. Batman's no kill rule is at its best when his decision to always always save people isn't something he chooses to do for reasons, it's something his brain forces him to do. He HAS to save the villains life.
Is this pasta?
Ignore all that Internet nonsense against Affleck’s casting; he’s a warmer presence than Christian Bale’s stoic Batman who, at best, seemed a selfish lover. Check The Brothers Grimsby where Sacha Baron Cohen jokingly referred to the henchman played by Scott Adkins as “Ukrainian Ben Affleck;” it certified a hotness type. And smoldering Cavill wears the Superman uniform like a second skin. Costumer Michael Wilkinson’s brocade Superman suit is successful fetish gear—textured fabric with sequin octagonals invite you to touch that thin line between drag queen and stud. Male intimacy in this film gives new meaning to the old phrase “iron fist in a velvet glove.”
Protip: If its 2 hours long its not respectable.

All time classic epics are above 2.5 hours

Spider-man had a great reception on Civil war, a greatly received 1 billion movie. Often regarded as the highlight of the movie. Everyone was happy and anxious it was coming back to Marvel.

Then you have RDK who prints money. Iron-man being probably more popular than Superman now.

SM:HC was a bigger blunder than BvS
This sounds a little like Armond.
Yeah, but the compulsion to save life doesn't work well coupled with a sublimated desire for vengeance, and to me, that's the cornerstone of his character.
>I thought it was going to become clear later
It was going to be. This was slated be a long running series like the avengers, but apparently Snyder is too autistic for audiences and they want this shit over with so they can reboot Batman for the 4th time.
>Posting Armond "The contrarian nigger" White
>SM:HC was a bigger blunder than BvS
>He says this as Homecoming is more profitable than BvS with three and a half weeks of release and no China
>Yeah, but the compulsion to save life doesn't work well coupled with a sublimated desire for vengeance
But isn't that the point? Batman's whole character is how his principles get interfere with his raw thirst for vengeance. Whenever he goes nuclear and turns into the Punisher, giving into his anger and taking the most efficient possible path towards removing criminal scum, it's seen as him becoming the villain. BvS is actually a good example of this. He dresses up like a bat and goes to beat the ever loving shit out of thugs every night because he has a compulsion for vengeance, but for one reason or another stops himself from taking it all the way.
That was the point of what I said in >>85730666.

He probably started there but ended up where we saw him through most of BvS because of the toll that his entire career had taken on him. I still believe main sequence Bruce wasn't a killer, mainly because of how Alfred's reacting to his decisions throughout BvS.
Imagine if they have the balls to adapt this scene
Only its Batman who kills Joker and Tim never recovers (eventually becoming nu-Joker). Is Affleck talented enough to sell the idea that killing someone would be an apex traumatizing thing for Bruce to do?
Yeah, I think he's got it in him.
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