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Webm Thread - Friday edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 276
Thread images: 151

Its friday
Post what you have
File: mergers and aquisitions.webm (2MB, 960x540px) Image search: [Google]
mergers and aquisitions.webm
2MB, 960x540px
File: WTF.webm (647KB, 840x482px) Image search: [Google]
647KB, 840x482px
File: The Goodnight Kiwi.webm (2MB, 320x262px) Image search: [Google]
The Goodnight Kiwi.webm
2MB, 320x262px
Last thread >>85543742
Current celeb thread on /gif/ >>>/gif/11006793

Time for bed
I look forward to perusing your Cabin webms tomorrow PA
File: arr matey.webm (963KB, 720x404px) Image search: [Google]
arr matey.webm
963KB, 720x404px
File: wind.webm (3MB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 640x480px
File: come on then.webm (190KB, 1080x450px) Image search: [Google]
come on then.webm
190KB, 1080x450px
Thanks Kiwi poster

here one for you
File: your daughter and her tutor.webm (2MB, 720x414px) Image search: [Google]
your daughter and her tutor.webm
2MB, 720x414px
what happened to her. Why isn't she in everything.
At a good stopping point, will do the rest later today
File: confirmed for autism.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
confirmed for autism.webm
3MB, 1280x720px
She been really busy with TV work
Why do you keep posting this into every single thread?
too keep the bad thoughts away
You should listen to the bad thoughts and put a bullet in your head.
File: chuck bumps.webm (626KB, 720x404px) Image search: [Google]
chuck bumps.webm
626KB, 720x404px
I'm sorry that you're upset lol
Man she's a terrible actress.
Someone is butthurt
File: butthurt.webm (2MB, 480x480px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 480x480px



>confirmed for autism
>Emily blunt has hair and a neck
>absurdist qt
>that fargo webm
if you ever posted any of these kill yourself
i seriously want to do something about it, this is getting out of hand, I can't be the only one who fucking hates that shit, can we ask hiroshimoot or /tv/ mods to do something with that?
I also really dislike when someone posts 20-30 webms from the same movie for some reason, but at least I can appreciate something new and the general effort put into the process
not >>85570475 anon
sorry, anon
File: absurdist QT.webm (3MB, 980x1080px) Image search: [Google]
absurdist QT.webm
3MB, 980x1080px
I haven't posted grinder :/
File: yuri moment of clarity.webm (1MB, 1280x640px) Image search: [Google]
yuri moment of clarity.webm
1MB, 1280x640px
and I'm not the primary Yuri poster
File: kenzo S T R O N K.webm (3MB, 850x480px) Image search: [Google]
kenzo S T R O N K.webm
3MB, 850x480px
and if you wanted to make OC it's always appreciated!
>live action scooby doo rip off

but seriously. I didn't enjoy the movie. Obvious twists. I knew what was going to happen based on the amount of time left in the movie. Just kept looking at my watch, it was so boring.

I've no idea why it's praised so.
File: kenzi is jelly.webm (3MB, 850x478px) Image search: [Google]
kenzi is jelly.webm
3MB, 850x478px
File: anon waiting for (you)s.webm (2MB, 1920x1072px) Image search: [Google]
anon waiting for (you)s.webm
2MB, 1920x1072px

This jabrony wants a medal because he understands basic movie structure.

Here's your (you) frienderino
File: mackenzie having a smoke.webm (1MB, 960x408px) Image search: [Google]
mackenzie having a smoke.webm
1MB, 960x408px
you probably would enjoy that a lot more if you didn't know that it is praised and all, if everyone hated the movie you would be here praising it and telling us how underappreciated it is etc. the movie is just not bad honestly, a nice, funny deconstruction
Look, it really simple anon.

There about 4-5 anons who make webms. If you don't like what is being posted, please join us few who actually make webms, or just ask for a movie to be done. I have made 100s of webms for anons from dozens of movies who asked nicely. Sometimes I can do it later that day, some times it later in the week.

I make a boatload of new webms. As in about 200-300 a month for /tv/. Right now I am on about 250 since the 12th of this month. Yes, when I make a new movie, I just sit down and make all the decent webm moments of that film and post it as OC, then they I might repost a few before they are put in the archive that rarely gets posted from.

I am not going to try to recall which webms have been posted and which ones haven't to make sure your autism of too much OC is solved. If it is OC I post it, and ask that anyone who has OC post it.

As for the movies I have done this month.

>Dead Calm
>Wake in fright
>Turkey Shoot
>Lawrence of Arabia
>A New World
>The Man from Uncle
All were requests or "check these films out"

A few films (Like Inception or Batman Begins) I chose, and many times when anons see that I am working on a film people ask "Make sure you do X scene"

so needless to say, if you want a film done, ask for it, unless i think the movie is totally shit I will get around to it. And I am never ever going to feel bad about posting OC. Yes, some anons post the same damn thing every thread. It keeps it bumped on slow days, and it not like that there is a magic limit of one webm thread. These threads will get you try out new movies more then any other set of threads on /tv/

TL:DR - Fuck off
File: muhwebms.jpg (14KB, 133x220px)
14KB, 133x220px
which one you want senpai?
Yep, the whole "hate X movie since it is popular" just means you don't get to enjoy good movies.

Sure, I can enjoy Kubrick or Tarkovsky. But that doesn't mean I can't enjoy a funny deconstruction of horror films with plenty of brick jokes.
File: Daddario v Upton.webm (3MB, 900x600px) Image search: [Google]
Daddario v Upton.webm
3MB, 900x600px
Is it time already?
File: The Cabin in the Woods - cubed.webm (3MB, 1000x454px) Image search: [Google]
The Cabin in the Woods - cubed.webm
3MB, 1000x454px
File: assaultbread.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1280x720px
alright I dump some Bond webms
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284KB, 2040x1386px
File: bond.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1280x720px
>you can't win
File: 1442054066061.webm (3MB, 1280x534px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1280x534px
File: holidayheist.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1280x720px
Nice, I was working on that scene as we speak.
File: paths of glorying this thread.webm (3MB, 1788x1080px) Image search: [Google]
paths of glorying this thread.webm
3MB, 1788x1080px
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3MB, 1280x720px
File: crazy qt.webm (868KB, 854x480px) Image search: [Google]
crazy qt.webm
868KB, 854x480px
You think she uses head and shoulders?
Kek, just realized she was in "Cabin in the woods" under a fair bit of makeup.
File: crazyafcunt.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1280x720px
File: betty is intriqued.webm (2MB, 432x720px) Image search: [Google]
betty is intriqued.webm
2MB, 432x720px
>bratty bunny
Here is my version, with stupid file name as well.
File: bunny.webm (3MB, 960x540px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 960x540px
File: confirmed for ADHD.webm (3MB, 850x480px) Image search: [Google]
confirmed for ADHD.webm
3MB, 850x480px

Some perfume company gave Spike Jonze a bunch of money to remake Weapon of Choice with that one qt.
File: daisy.webm (3MB, 662x494px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 662x494px
File: crushingthighs.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1280x720px
That's not hot.
File: EMP.webm (3MB, 480x270px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 480x270px
i must know, what that's from
almost the last one
File: Based Nathan.webm (3MB, 1280x540px) Image search: [Google]
Based Nathan.webm
3MB, 1280x540px
File: fuckingidiotlol.webm (1MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1280x720px
File: Animated Kino.webm (3MB, 600x254px) Image search: [Google]
Animated Kino.webm
3MB, 600x254px
File: grabsthepussy.webm (1MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1280x720px
why didnt the monsters kill eachother?
File: howcomenobodyheardtheshots.webm (2MB, 854x480px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 854x480px
File: tenor.gif (555KB, 498x229px) Image search: [Google]
555KB, 498x229px
Can you make some of her
File: jump.webm (3MB, 480x270px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 480x270px
Last one, and later folks
File: STONE BAR DANCE.webm (3MB, 850x480px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 850x480px
fucking fallon

getting to touch all the emma's butts with his forearms.
File: lol.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1280x720px
I have to run so I made a quick one.

He mostly in the backgorund, and to be fair, she looks a lot better in season 1 of Dark matter.
File: missed the dubs guy.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
missed the dubs guy.webm
2MB, 1280x720px
File: was it rape.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
was it rape.webm
3MB, 1280x720px
Finally a role that suits her looks lol
File: shit.webm (428KB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
428KB, 1280x720px
File: capekino.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1280x720px
i like the file name
She was 32 when Cabin was filmed.
File: jfimdb1.jpg (405KB, 1366x2048px) Image search: [Google]
405KB, 1366x2048px
File: more shit.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
more shit.webm
2MB, 1280x720px
goes topless in house of cards
File: even more shit.webm (982KB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
even more shit.webm
982KB, 1280x720px
Thanks. She looks convincingly crazy.
File: herc disappointed.gif (950KB, 320x234px) Image search: [Google]
herc disappointed.gif
950KB, 320x234px
File: 1.webm (3MB, 720x300px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 720x300px
File: cuban pete rumba beat.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
cuban pete rumba beat.webm
3MB, 1280x720px
I probably wouldn't want to fuck her tbphwyf. I hooked up with a drunk slut at a bar that didn't even think about condoms and my dinger stopped working.
how is it none of the deaths from all those people satisfied the old ones?
File: hnnng.jpg (10KB, 192x186px)
10KB, 192x186px
I just made this webum because of pic related

dunno why but seeing a chicks ribs gives me a boner
didn't follow the ritual
File: when you only do pushups.webm (977KB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
when you only do pushups.webm
977KB, 640x480px
File: there is no dishwasher.webm (3MB, 1280x718px) Image search: [Google]
there is no dishwasher.webm
3MB, 1280x718px
we all get that it's a movie about making movies right?

They were describing the plot to a slasher movie. If you kill of the virginal girl first, you're going to trigger "the old ones" aka the spoiled normie audience that knows what to expect and doesn't want to be challenged.

It doesn't matter what movie you make, if you don't color in the lines your movie is going to get destroyed by the old ones.
File: celeryman.webm (369KB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
369KB, 1280x720px
stopped watching when Negan showed up. Is it worth catching up?
File: 1324451020957.gif (2MB, 350x197px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 350x197px
File: scanners headsplosion .webm (3MB, 850x480px) Image search: [Google]
scanners headsplosion .webm
3MB, 850x480px
She's describing what she used to do as a kid when she was anxious or whatever. Basically illustrating sensory self-stimulation common among people with autism spectrum disorder.
File: cucked ricks bfs gay beating.webm (3MB, 1280x718px) Image search: [Google]
cucked ricks bfs gay beating.webm
3MB, 1280x718px
you tell me, does it look like its worth it?
File: review1.webm (641KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
641KB, 1920x1080px
eh not really
File: Fast and Furious_4.webm (3MB, 800x340px) Image search: [Google]
Fast and Furious_4.webm
3MB, 800x340px
cabin in the woods

also to the anon posting Goldeneye: Thx for new content, but bro: Aspect ratios are your friend.
File: Pizza you see.webm (3MB, 720x404px) Image search: [Google]
Pizza you see.webm
3MB, 720x404px
exactly, now i'm all out of webms (only the reviewbrah and porn stuff is left) and I will spare you guys the rest of the TWD webms.
File: Enemy at the Gates_1.webm (3MB, 1280x544px) Image search: [Google]
Enemy at the Gates_1.webm
3MB, 1280x544px
Is reviewbrah okay?
File: review4.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1280x720px
File: 1491755564651.webm (214KB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
214KB, 640x360px

webm of negan making fun of fatso lydia ?
She is a pop singer with gorgeous prosthetic legs made for her. Yes, she has lost one of her legs. She can dance too.
File: kenzo faces.webm (3MB, 850x480px) Image search: [Google]
kenzo faces.webm
3MB, 850x480px
convincingly qt more like
you're doing gods work anon thank you for your service
Going to a 20's themed party.

What's a good booze to bring?
Source is Killjoys
File: stone hall.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
stone hall.webm
3MB, 1280x720px
It's for a grils bday party. Think I'll do something light like Gin cocktail fixins.

Was also thinking, now here me out, to do that I was confused and thought didn't mean the 1920s but the 2020s, so I show up wearing a bunch of retarded future shit.
Kindly requesting the Broadchurch webm of Jodie Whittaker breaking a ton of shit in a bar and screaming she will break another girl's fucking face.
File: rainbow faces july update.jpg (1MB, 4032x1257px) Image search: [Google]
rainbow faces july update.jpg
1MB, 4032x1257px
Spiderman deleted scenes was crazy.
Get one autographed faggot
ya she looks like literal trash here i don't see what the fuss is. would fug tho
File: how to art.webm (3MB, 1274x720px) Image search: [Google]
how to art.webm
3MB, 1274x720px
who is that girl?
lel I'll give you $20 for the JLaw
Worst acting of 2017
why do her eyes look CGI?
Why not faggot
File: patriarchy btfo.webm (3MB, 850x480px) Image search: [Google]
patriarchy btfo.webm
3MB, 850x480px
could be. everything else in it is.
no u
$250,000 obo
because i like to ruin them in fun ways
green screen, green eyes, ain't that just quackin' weird

Vat 69
File: roger blackface.jpg (3MB, 3024x4032px) Image search: [Google]
roger blackface.jpg
3MB, 3024x4032px
who sells these kinds of hats
are you asking for it to be reposted, or someone making it?
File: TMFYU - haberdashery.webm (3MB, 1000x416px) Image search: [Google]
TMFYU - haberdashery.webm
3MB, 1000x416px
They are called boater hats

will you ever paint that absurdist qt?
The Weekdy
File: IMG_8665 2.jpg (2MB, 4032x3024px) Image search: [Google]
IMG_8665 2.jpg
2MB, 4032x3024px
Yeah I gotta finish it when I get it back. Keep not finishing any of the 8x10s. Also keep not painting. Figure I'll do a rare paula too.
going with a newsie hat
What new ones do you have planned?
File: caddyshack face.gif (999KB, 500x281px) Image search: [Google]
caddyshack face.gif
999KB, 500x281px
trying to finish the ones I got. Keep pushing the goalposts back to make more. There's like 120 in production or done and I'm trying to get set up for streaming and shooting shit and stuff and the summers almost gone already and so on. Plus I'm doing a pet series coming up and actualprodcution work so I've been holding off on starting new stuff. Am working on doing bigger and bigger ones too. Working on a giant pic related for my mom.
paint something from MDE
File: Batman.Begins - Scarecrow.webm (3MB, 1000x416px) Image search: [Google]
Batman.Begins - Scarecrow.webm
3MB, 1000x416px
If I did it wouldn't be sam
thats a good one. Or Sam or Nick from that yellow baseball scene
File: The.Awakening - webm test.webm (3MB, 1000x426px) Image search: [Google]
The.Awakening - webm test.webm
3MB, 1000x426px
File: Turkey Shoot - endless kek.webm (3MB, 1000x426px) Image search: [Google]
Turkey Shoot - endless kek.webm
3MB, 1000x426px
File: Running Scared - Webm test.webm (2MB, 1200x510px) Image search: [Google]
Running Scared - Webm test.webm
2MB, 1200x510px
File: grinder.webm (3MB, 600x400px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 600x400px
File: marty thinks you're a fuckwit.webm (350KB, 400x450px) Image search: [Google]
marty thinks you're a fuckwit.webm
350KB, 400x450px
>black bars
it's stupid fun, but the negan season has been better than the last few
Was it autism?
File: AdamChaplin.webm (1MB, 720x404px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 720x404px
File: AdamChaplin2.webm (2MB, 720x404px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 720x404px
File: AdamChaplin3.webm (2MB, 720x404px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 720x404px
File: The Strain S1E2 - Worms in you.webm (3MB, 1000x562px) Image search: [Google]
The Strain S1E2 - Worms in you.webm
3MB, 1000x562px
File: Tomorrowland Gynoid wakes up.webm (3MB, 1394x634px) Image search: [Google]
Tomorrowland Gynoid wakes up.webm
3MB, 1394x634px
File: Tomorrowland She a keeper.webm (2MB, 1298x590px) Image search: [Google]
Tomorrowland She a keeper.webm
2MB, 1298x590px
File: Mauichargeup.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1280x720px

Is that a stunt double for Brosnan in the first shot? Looks nothing like him for some reason...
Either one would be appreciated.
File: supergirl.webm (3MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1920x1080px

Is there just that one Hacksaw Ridge webm that makes the movie look really silly? I finally watched it tonight and I gotta say it's bretty good.
Series 1, episode 5. Early in the episode I believe.
File: kenzie ass.webm (1MB, 960x540px) Image search: [Google]
kenzie ass.webm
1MB, 960x540px
File: donna.webm (3MB, 900x506px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 900x506px
How do you tie a good bun like that? I'm a guy btw.
Practicals so gud guys. CGI BTFO.
idk lemme know tho
File: skins.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1280x720px
so in that celebrity thread earlier

the person claiming to be an a-list celebrity said I had already painted them.

And they said they started as a child actress and had one major role that changed everything but wasn't a huge role at the time.

I think Emma Stone was on /tv/.

And I think she knows who I am.
File: Rose McIver - Blinder 1445809.webm (3MB, 1280x532px) Image search: [Google]
Rose McIver - Blinder 1445809.webm
3MB, 1280x532px
You should paint the fitness guy on the tv show where fat people stay stupid shit if you haven't already.
totally already on the docket.
File: maisie williams - the falling.webm (3MB, 640x344px) Image search: [Google]
maisie williams - the falling.webm
3MB, 640x344px
File: I Scream.webm (575KB, 220x276px) Image search: [Google]
I Scream.webm
575KB, 220x276px
Feminism Intensifies.webm
File: emily blunt 1489277880277.webm (3MB, 1280x532px) Image search: [Google]
emily blunt 1489277880277.webm
3MB, 1280x532px
File: Lost River_Seersha qt.webm (1MB, 1154x480px) Image search: [Google]
Lost River_Seersha qt.webm
1MB, 1154x480px
Your bitrate sucks.
File: emma roberts ahs.webm (2MB, 700x908px) Image search: [Google]
emma roberts ahs.webm
2MB, 700x908px
give me a quick rundown on supergirl, is it kino?
File: stone shy.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
stone shy.webm
3MB, 1280x720px

>imogen gay poots
>lena headey
>Eva Lilly
>Emily Blunt
>Emma Stone
>Emma Hermoine
>Olivia Wilde
>KT Perry
>Margot Robbie
>Margaret Qualley
>Eva Green
>Julia Louis Dreyfuss
>kasie hunt
>cringe girl








anon i like your paintings a lot, so no offense but i doubt a celeb was really posting here. i havent read that thread though
File: Annalise.webm (3MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1920x1080px
File: shine.webm (1MB, 960x400px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 960x400px
paint kenzi pls
File: stone elevating.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
stone elevating.webm
3MB, 1280x720px
oh yeah I'm pretty dogshit at sarcasm. I'm like 80% sure it was some histrionic faggot.

But I'm always willing to entertain the odds.

And idk if I could physiologically manage not following through on the clues. Doesn't matter if it's real or not, someone was making an effort. And it directly involved me in a way.

If it's real, it's a pretty good supplement to the narrative. If it's fake it's an even better one.

Mostly just putting it out there. A person claiming to be a female "A-list celebrity" said that I had already painted them, and I was at a party at the time. That's the list of peopel it could have been. None of them are credited in the Sopranos though i dont think.
File: MDE_takeiteasy.jpg (27KB, 673x586px) Image search: [Google]
27KB, 673x586px
Thanks, I will look it up and make it tomarrow
File: the americans.webm (3MB, 1280x718px) Image search: [Google]
the americans.webm
3MB, 1280x718px
Anyone watched her DP30 interviews? She is a real beauty.
nah, ur just gay kiddo
It is honestly pure SJW feminist propaganda. Its pretty much complete shit, but in my opinion if you can watch it without getting triggered by that stuff it's worth it for how fucking hot Supergirl is.
wow, such degeneracy
>alt-right are even more triggered than SJWs

you cant make this shit up lool
consider sudoku
yo I don't care if it's rural or not.

I'm gonna go ahead and pretend that Emma Stone or Gay Poots actually not just aware of my work, but a fan.

It doesn't matter if it's some faggot pretending tbphwy. It's all make believe anyway.

It's just nice to not want to die.
Could pretty much be true.
Cole Sprouse was here the other day and PewdiePie is always lurking 4chan too.
What Sopranos part, episode etc?
who is cringe girl?
fucking kek what the fuck does he think he is accomplishing. Dat loop is kino
File: S05.E13.webm (3MB, 852x480px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 852x480px
god Keri is so fucking beautiful, cant wait for next season
>more triggered than SJWs
Not possible, my dude. But they are definitely triggered as well, just not nearly to the same degree.
File: Confirmed for Autism.jpg (3MB, 4811x6067px) Image search: [Google]
Confirmed for Autism.jpg
3MB, 4811x6067px
idk. She I guess would have to be middle aged now. Ruling out gay poots and rarest pepe.

If it's Lilly it makes scents given the current description of work, and that I've spammed her on twitter and IG.

If it's Lena it doesn't make scents because that nigga does tv mostly.




>Could pretty much be true.
Eh, you'd have to be very delusional to believe this. Some famous people possibly do come here, not denying that, but they are not posters, they lurk. The people who post are basically 2% of all unique ips. Also the post(s) in question is using a tripcode, something 99% of newfags who got her post 2012 have no knowledge of.
That's Amy Acker, playing Fred from the show Angel, Buffy's superior spinoff series. Series 1 is dull and episodic but it gets amazing in season 2, which is where you're girl Fred comes in. Gunn, the guy, is her boyfriend.

yfw there's a hole in the world
File: Saoirse oscars 3286446.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Saoirse oscars 3286446.webm
3MB, 1280x720px
oh that girl, ok thanks
File: saoirse dancing 03301459.webm (2MB, 640x800px) Image search: [Google]
saoirse dancing 03301459.webm
2MB, 640x800px
File: Brian.webm (3MB, 1280x544px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1280x544px
my nigga, i'm gonna dump
File: kenzie confirmed for ASPD.webm (3MB, 850x480px) Image search: [Google]
kenzie confirmed for ASPD.webm
3MB, 850x480px
but wait she's talking about marvel characters she didnt
what the



unironically going to paint webmrelated as a paint squekquel to confirmed for autism
File: asian fucks up high speed ring.webm (1MB, 1280x544px) Image search: [Google]
asian fucks up high speed ring.webm
1MB, 1280x544px
File: blue velvet cap.webm (825KB, 1080x608px) Image search: [Google]
blue velvet cap.webm
825KB, 1080x608px
also been totally watching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCb9SSylTTg
for the last 30 minutes.

I'm going back to pretending it's definitely Stone.

whatever fuck it 9/11 night

would do again
thats why you gotta post a feint 10 minutes earlier that you can delete so that YOU can >ktt

like when you do the thing with the baseball bat
>the thing with the baseball bat
sit on it?
worlds your oyster really
It was some fucker in basement LARPing and laughing at you autistic tards
Fucking pathetic really
yeah I know. math doesnt czech out.
>Fucking pathetic really
says the guy thats never fucked an armpit




wtf happened to this thread?
mods doing op a favor
This always pissed me off. Like you'd have to be a certified retard to fuck that corner up that badly.
for the record I am still laughing about the face extinguisher webm with SHES FUCKING RETARDED OK.
>wtf happened to this thread?
He was asking for it tbqh
Who is she?
>main protagonist would rather have everyone in the world die than have her feelings hurt
Bravo Whedon.
Be ok anon. Get rid of the gun.
You can always tell when a movie is made in Canada. They reuse the same actors over and over again.
I'd do the same. Literally FUCK the world
please post La La Land webms anons. This scene was top tier

>give me a quick rundown on supergirl

Here you go:

That's stupid - i honestly am not bothered by any of that...fucking America i swear.
Then you, your wife and her boyfriend will have no trouble sitting down to enjoy an episode of Supergirl then.
Oh neat, more American cuck memes
damn that is sick
>that *tips fedora* at 3:32
Appreciate all the OC PA and all the other contributors.


Wow Amy Adams used to be mai waifu but not anymore after this!
>Amy Adams
That's Jenna Fischer dude
Hello, could you get a tripcode so that I can filter you? I think you're annoying and I don't find your paintings funny
>TL:DR - Fuck off
Top Kek
Might just be his hair being wet and slicked back

So this is what prosopagnosia feels like
>Vat 69
Mein negro. Premium cheapo.
music choice kek
>then they I
awl dat tism
Elderflower liquor
lol he finally got his mermaid
put on big boy pants or gtfo
Holy shit
it not her fault Japan screwed up
>/tv/ reading comprehension
How big is your monitor that your subs are that small?
>he doesn't have stadium TV in his living room
If you want a regular dose of Superman tier superhero shit, it's awesome.
That's a man, baby
Thread posts: 276
Thread images: 151

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