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Did Mr Plinkett BTFO fans of Rogue One? https://www.youtube

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Did Mr Plinkett BTFO fans of Rogue One?

Rogue was Shit, Force Awakes was shit. Their unwavering defence and praise of TFA is the fucking weirdest thing
Why are you still talking about this? Get some friends.
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The state of Star wars.
that voice is so horribly unfunny and obnoxious to listen to. i don't understand how anyone thinks it's acceptable, especially on hour-long videos
Did Hackfraudmedia BTFO RLM?


It's never gonna catch on.
He can't even maintain it convincingly. When he actually has to explain himself about something it magically turns into a normal voice.
not even him, but it's good

It isn't. Just because he can do the voice doesn't mean he's funny.
Just stop mejt, its not even remotely good, should have just done it in your own style
The disney trash makes the prequels look like masterpieces
men that sucked, stopped posting this
it is though, it's pretty insightful
Eh, their (and by that I mean all three, Mike, Jay and Rich) reasoning behind why they thought it was shit is incredibly flawed. It basically adds up to: I don't like this movie therefore it is a bad movie! More specifically their main arguments in the half in the bag video were the following:
1. It wasn't what they expected. Therefore bad.
2. It is Star Wars and contains typical Star Wars elements. Therefore bad.
3. Star Wars fans enjoyed the movie. Therefore bad.

In the plinkett review they try to retroactively prove (to themselves foremost) that it's a bad movie by going into character. They criticize the film for its lack of backstory, which is a point unfair of them to make at the time considering they seemed to completely ignore most if not all the details while watching it. All that stuff about motivation, what the characters are thinking/feeling is all there. Is it brilliantly written? No, but it is there. Conveniently they also fail to mention that there are indeed "quips" in that action sequence (which essentially their plinkett review rests on). Characters do make their thoughts/feelings known during the action like in A New Hope; characters do have arcs in the movie.

They got called out on their bullshit, so naturally they made this video to try and poorly defend themselves (with flawed reasoning again). And even after that they tried once again to defend their opinions on the audio commentary track, but by just spouting even more bullshit. Anyone can reduce a movie to trivial notions using flawed reasoning, especially while ignoring large parts of the story.

I'm not saying this movie is brilliant. I'm not saying people have no right to dislike it. But if you attack this movie in a review like they do, you should have good reasons to back up your opinions. Unfortunately this is something that RLM does not do, but I guess has never done either. They review films primarily on how they feel without actually putting any thought into it.
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Charismatic as fuck deal with it nerd.
RLM shills will hate this but it's a much better Plinkett review of the new SW than the real Plinkett.
This, they made a huge deal about fan pandering in Rogue One but praised the same fan pandering in TFA when it was even worse there
They said the fan service in TFA was one of that film's weak points.
Exactly I cant even watch the prequel reviews in the same light after that. They just feel like "THIS ISNT THE STAR WARS I GREW UP WITH REEEEE" now.
Its catching on
fuck the voice thats satire, the actual review is really good and interesting, especially him ripping into reys character like cucklasa shoukdve done
So you just ignore how the majority of them are devoted to story structure, characterization, editing, blocking, shot composition, and all the other aspects of filmmaking that are brought up that have nothing to do with Star Wars?
In the middle of the video I forgot I was watching a parody.
It's a great video, far better than Plinkett's TFA review

But for the love of Christ stop spamming it
Nah. R1 is still a pretty good star wars whereas TFA is a low tier marvel film.
>responding to youtube comments
This is just pathetic
They actually delete dissenting opinions sometimes
For them being as critical as they are about so much crap you'd think they would be able to take some criticism. Fags
They only care about getting drunk and talking abut movies while getting free money from an army of fans who eagerly await RLM's opinions on movies so they can parrot them even if they themselves haven't seen it
I like this but it really drags in certain places
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>Pandering to OT fanboys is ok in TFA
>Suddenly it's not in Rogue One
This annoyed me, but 2bh I felt like the good parts of Rogue One were far superior to the good parts of TFA. The Scarif battles were very good. As much as I liked Poe, him aimbotting 10 TIEs in 20 seconds was retarded. How is the First Order supposed to be a threat when they get BTFO that easily?
Mike is mostly accurate in his criticism of Rogue One. However, I do think RLM in general is pretty nitpickey about the movie.

One thing they kept mentioning was how Saw Gerrera didn't go with them and escape. Didn't they notice the dude could barely move? He can't run. He can barely breathe.
This happened years ago
To add to this, the pandering actually made sense givin Rogue One's story

They complained about OT vehicles being used, when the movie literally ends where ANH begins, it wouldn't make sense for them to be using different vehicles givin the timeline. So according to RLM TFA can use the exact same vehicles the OT used even though it's in the future, but Rogue One can't even though it takes place right where the OT begins

Fuck those guys and the people who admire them and think they are good critics
No, and RLMs heart wasn't really in it since the only reason why they did a Mr.Plinkett of it is because of retarded fans who wanted a Mr. Plinkett for the sake of ripping into star wars instead of a Mr.Plinkett ripping into an actually terrible overrated movie. The half in the bag episode covered everything that needed to be covered and the time spent on it could have been better spent on an actually terrible triple A film instead of a mediocre one.
I'm sure you conveniently don't have any proof of this though right?
Why in the fuck these dudes' opinion of fucking R1 or TFA cause so much fucking butthurt? The movies are mediocre. Fucking R1 is barely even watchable with all that fucking jumping around at the start and that weirdly edited climax and that carrie fisher wax doll.
The Force Awakens is a boring but functional film with proper pacing and well defined if uninteresting characters and stakes. Rogue One tries so hard to be "hype" that it forgets the foundations of storytelling.

"""Fanservice""" pays incredibly little into the final judgment of either film.
This place is a haven for plebs in case you haven't noticed. They pretend to hate capeshit and other drivel yet it's all they watch. They're merely butthurt when anyone says their children's movies are shit.
>but praised the same fan pandering in TFA
Not at all.
Because of one main reason, their fanbase. And we have RLMfags who come on here

If they say something profoundly stupid (or in this case hypocritical) there is an arm of fanboys who will repeat what they say like the gospel, and like I said before we have people like that who come to /tv/ so we have to deal with it

And this problem isn't unique to RLM, pretty much every internet critic has this problem to varying degrees, but RLM is the worst in that regard
>One thing they kept mentioning was how Saw Gerrera didn't go with them and escape. Didn't they notice the dude could barely move? He can't run. He can barely breathe.

True but it really did feel like the writers were saying to themselves "ok we're done with this character so we should just kill him off right now." That's a feeling that repeats itself throughout the entire movie as characters do whatever the hell it is they were put there to do and then die because what the fuck else are we going to do with them? We know none of these characters are important because we've never heard of any of them before so we need to wrap this up with everyone dead.


they're in damage control mode and waited months as to make it seem like it isn't damage control
>what if I told you the deathstars fatal flaw that the rebels exploit was built that way intentionally?
>and then I made a movie where the guy who created the flaw was also the main characters dad
>planet destroying beam is made from the same crystals that power light sabers
>oh don't forget the cameo of that guy from the bar that calls luke a faggot
>and then there's a bit with vader in it

yikes, stop defending this movie
They didn't praise it. But they sure as shit didn't hamper down on it.
The hype was huge for TFA. And then it was just a redone version of IV.
Yet they didn't mention this and didn't destroy that it was just a basic movie.

But they sure as shit mention how after a year the new cool thing was to point out that the movie was okay and just a carbon copy while /tv/ said that shit day of.

RLM can be funny and I'm okay with differing opinions. But it's things like when they act like hipsters and shit on those that disagree with them, that they put themselves as snobs who think highly of their own thoughts.
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>I'm acting
Nah, they complained about adding shit just to have it because it was recognizable. The AT-ATs being the biggest example so everyone can shout 'I REMEMBER THOSE' even though there's no reason for them to be there (HURR DURR HEAVILY ARMORED SLPWLY MOVING CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES ON A WATER PLANET).
its not perfect but is it better than the last hundred RLM videos? hell yes. the imitation plinkett voice got old, but his points were so spot on i forgave it
Because for all the shit they gave the prequels TFA deserves that same kind of thrashing but they didnt do it and are still reluctant to even admit the movie just wasnt good. Rogue one while not being good felt like embarrassing overkill and them overly shitting on it to make up for them liking TFA. Rogue one isnt bad enough to make like 5 videos out of just piss off people who disagree with you. Idk it just seems incredibly childish, I mean I guess us bitching about them is childish too but jesus christ I mean Mike spent months making the TFA review and all he did was spend an hour and a half bitching about other youtube critics and the prequels again while saying TFA was just kinda underwhelming for like 20 minutes. Just say you're not going to make the damn review if you thought the movie was good you fucking faggot.
>even though there's no reason for them to be there
That's bullshit though, it's like complaining that there are Abrams tanks on an army base on Hawaii. It's such a stupid thing to nitpick because it is not a problem lore or logic wise. Rogue One was boring and utterly stupid, but the presence of out of place equipment was not a problem it had.
charismatic acting, but shit character. deal with it
you know, this actually isn't half bad
bump 1
>an imitation of Plinkett now does the job better than the real thing

What an age we live in
You are as pathetic as it gets.
I liked it when he actually talked about force awakens.
Looks like you're reacting rather badly to a different opinion to your own. Maybe you should grow up?
wow really made me think
I think you should come up with your own style- I can't stand the Plinkett voice.

Also, I don't get why everyone hammers you for advertising when RLM clearly does the same
>Video was posted 5 minutes ago
>Plinketts long awaited TFA review
>he talks about TFA for like 20 minutes before complaining about the prequels for over an hour
>talking in absolutes
Hello again, stop samefagging
Isn't this like their fifth video about this shit?
Did someone at RLM have a breakdown when they realised they weren't the Star Wars gurus they thought they were?
You forgot the link to your video.
>star wars guru
Kek, since when? You people get upset about this movies so much.

Also rogue one was mefiocre, honestly.
Funny how butthurt everybody is over this. Reddit letter media fans are okay with their internet friends dishing it out but when the heat comes back to them they can't handle it. Just look at the comments.
If you don't watch only Half in the Bag and re:View, then your opinion doesn't matter. Mr. Plinkett is shit and so is BotW.
based fraud poster
Look at this little man. Just accept it, TFA is better than the prequels (well, that's not saying much) while RO is not even fun, it doesn't have interesting characters and the story is just forgetable.
Stop crying about it.

They do that for every movie and every franchise, though. They have a very particular idea of what movie X has to be based on a) the title of the movie; and b) previous entries, if it's a franchise. If a movie deviates from that pre-conceived idea they have, they're gonna call it shit 99% of the time. Once you realize this, their reviews lose a lot of weight. They're fun for when you want to shitpost about a movie you also like, but if you expect some kind of objectivity or professionalism in their review videos, you're looking for the wrong thing.

I don't know why it takes so long for some of you to see this, it was very clear from the first episodes of HitB and Plinkett. You just happened to agree with their shitty opinions.
Post the patreon videos
>has two faces she makes

Lol try again
don't the same criticisms apply to Dunkirk? will RLM hate it?
It is better than the prequels but its still not good

>better than the prequels

it isn't though
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>I wanted a slow motion shot of Finn's throbbing dark penis entering Rey's quivering white vagina

What did he mean by this?
absolutely agree siths are NOT welcomed here
Prequels are terrible, kid.


I know the prequels are terrible. TFA and R1 are simply more terrible.
Not really, they succed in the most basic shit, unlike the prequels.
The prequels were memorable. I forgot about TFA as soon as I left the theater.
Only the phantom menace and the fight between obi wan and anakin were memorable, the rest was shit. Even though I think prequels were much more creative, I wish lucas and his team stayed just for the worldbuilding but let JJ direct
I remember the prequels too, I remember it for the awful story, bad characters, terrible pacing, pod racing. But the soundtrack was good.
Nazis are self hating cucks deep down
If anyone says R1 and TFA are worse than the prequels they are retards

Sure any one of the prequels had more originality than both of those movies combined, but they are garbage through and through
>I wish lucas and his team stayed just for the worldbuilding
>Darth Icky
>functional film with proper pacing and well defined if uninteresting characters and stakes
>people actually believe this
>proper pacing
the rathtarr scene ruins all pacing. instead of han sitting us all down and explaining shit we get DUDE SPACE TESTICLES LMAO
>if these two drunk guys don't have the same exact opinions as me on stupid kids movies then I will post everyday about how much I hate them
>that will show them

What did /tv/ mean by this?
nothing inaccurate about the vid
>I'm sad that a "legend" died, a person I knew for about 2 days
>tfw there will never be a quality ColoClawFish/Blade57HRC thread ever again


This guys a fucking maniac and I love it
The fact that you see lots of arguing over which is less shit, the prequels or the sequels, should tell you all you need to know about both.
>different opinion to your own
Shitposting and samefagging is not a "different opinion"
>Their unwavering defence and praise of TFA is the fucking weirdest thing

Because for years in their reviews of the prequels, they made it clear that to fix them, they should have been exactly like the old movies. TFA did that, which is why it was shit as it brought nothing new to the table, but the two are now forced to defend it because that's what they were saying Star Wars should be like for ages.

Or they genuinely think that it's good and so have fucking terrible taste, which I think is more likely.
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>more than one post disagrees with me so it must be samefagging
Sheev is the most memorable character in the series.
It's mostly because the memes tho
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Since this is an RLM thread, let's settle this once and for all:
Who is worse, Moby or Josh?
Josh. Moby knows when to shut up. Josh just talks and talks about every fucking second of a movie and always think his film school tier opinions on what's "deep" are interesting.
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