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ITT: Times Gordon Ramsay was wrong

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There is literally NOTHING wrong with ordering a friend egg at a restaurant
what about an enemy egg?
>gordon will have a moan at other guys not sucking their customers dicks 24/7
>is a cunt to his own ones
In season 4 of Hell's Kitchen when the cool old guy didn't get the win.
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Are Ramsay's restaurants chains or something? I've never heard of a restaurant that cooks the food themselves being incapable of doing something that isn't on the menu.
Vic Reeves trying to be 'funny' and Gordon slammed the cunt back in his place.
I've never heard of a michelin star restaurant cooking random shit that isnt on the menu just because the customer asked
>"comedian" tries to be funny and holds up the line in a Michelin star restaurant
They are not my friends...
I have.

If the line can be held up by asking for 2 fried eggs then he must be serving boil in the bag.
I liked how he told his staff he respected them as though that is remotely true or that that was the reason he wouldn't cook the man some eggs.
Gordo taking everything far too seriously as usual
Uh, you don't get to order friends.
if someone wants friend eggs he should have them god damn.
>Going to a three star restaurant where the Chef spends hours preparing and ordering two fried eggs and some bread
Yeah no fuck off
This is especially noticeable in Hotel Hell
It was all scripted, you know
yea he was in the right as always.
Why wouldn't the chef be pleased that someone ordered a meal that will take 3 minutes to cook instead of "hours" that they can charge the same price for because it's "a three star restaurant"?

Do we know if Gordon knows how to fry and egg in fact?
If you have seen his older shows you would know he is full of shit.
His mentor got him to 5 star or whatever much he had.
seriously would take like 5 minutes and you'd get nice profit for that. it's business after all.

i know it's all reality tv theater, but that's one restaurant where i'd never go if chefs start to shout at customers.
Well one's a hugely successful michelin star chef that caters to the elite of society and is in incredibly high demand for lots of money, the other is a guy struggling to keep and attract customers back in some neighborhood or town.

One can be an asshole because he's wanted by the customers, the other can't because he needs the customers
How was he wrong? Cunt didn't order off the menu.
That's one step up from asking for a glass of fucking tap water from a world renowned restaurant. It's the worst sort of fucking inane humour. The dipshit comedian was clearly trying (and failing) to be funny.
gordon has never given it to anyone under 35
>seriously would take like 5 minutes
That's not the point is it you daft cunt
Why shouldn't a restaurant give you tap water? They legally have to in the UK if they sell alcohol too.
What is the point then? It just sounds like the head chef thinks he's too good to make fried eggs.
Why so mad about food? Is that you, Gordon?
He is. I suggest you take your low-rent caravan gipsy mindset to a high cuisine restaurant some time and learn not to be a twat
I meant if you only ordered tap water
Thats exactly his point.
should have done it and charge 100 bucks desu
People in the restaurant industry get invited to the Hell's Kitchen soundstage all the time and do shit like this to intentionally piss Ramsay off.

He knew exactly what he was doing.
>He is
No he isn't, he's just a cunt. I wonder what he'd say if Her Maj showed up and wanted some eggs.
Does someone have the despondent pizza pic? that's the single biggest example of the times he has been wrong.
>t.never had a proper mean in my life
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Vic Reeves was reviewing food when Ramsay still had his baby eyes
Honestly, it's just fucking food for heavens sake.

People who take food as this super prestige art form, can go fuck yourself. I've eaten at many 5 star restaurants in my life, and not one meal has blown my mind. Really good food, but nothing to stroke cocks about.

These super cocky cooks remind me of those faggy vapers, or "film" critiques who belittle your taste in film. Loosen your belt, and enjoy life for fuck sakes.
He's a 3 Michelin Star chef. He is.
>I've eaten at many 5 star restaurants
On what, Yelp? I guarantee you've never eaten at a Michelin star restaurant.
Someone should invite Mike Tyson to order eggs.
Such a pleb.
high end restaurants make whatever you want if you pay enough and it's actually possible for them. i'd get it if someone goes asking for mammoth steaks or something.
Yeah I hate those kind of people too, just snobs in general
he only eats sssssssssssssuop these days.
I just want to know what Ramsey would do if he ordered thomething not on the menu.
>taking anything seriously in life
Going to a 3 Michelin Star restaurant and ordering a fried egg is like hiring Michelangelo to paint your kid's bedroom blue. It's obviously disrespectful and the "comedian" was being a smarmy little shit and deserved to get taken down a few pegs.
nah, if you tried to order a PB Jelly sandwich at a real restaurant they wouldn't even take your order and you would probably be asked to leave

the only time you're going to get something special that's not on the menu is if the chef knows you
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are you really that naive and ignorant?

it has to do with status, not food. the fact that you can afford to visit and eat at these places is "the thing" you're paying for, it's a sort of bubble. you're also surrounded by people who are similar to you as well which reinforces your value system and also gives you a sense of belonging.
Why? Is Gordon not good enough at cooking to make a simple meal tasty? Asking a 3 Michelin Star chef for a simple meal is a great test of their abilities, and Gordon pussied out.
Are you really that much of a pleb to completely miss the point?
Gordon is always right
Remember when he BTFO this roastie with fake tits?https://youtu.be/phU2TO6h0_s
Your analogy is shit, there's no point in arguing over that instead of what's actually happening in reality, which you don't want to do because the reality is that not all fried eggs taste the same but in your analogy they do.

Go to any Ritz Carlton restaurant (you don't have to be staying there to eat there) and order fried eggs and bread. You'll get fried eggs and bread, not a pompous chef demanding you come to the kitchen so he can tell you he's too good for that.
>A Ritz Carlton restaurant is the same as a 3 Michelin Star restaurant
>"hurr durr is Gordon Ramsay actually not able to fry an egg???"
>>A Ritz Carlton restaurant is the same as a 3 Michelin Star restaurant
There are several which have 3 Michelin Stars, which is why I mentioned them

>>"hurr durr is Gordon Ramsay actually not able to fry an egg???"
I've seen no proof that he can.
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