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How can one movie be so bad?

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How can one movie be so bad?
Funny, I just watched this movie yesterday. I couldn't help but think from minute one how fucking retarded all of the characters were. Why the fuck wouldn't their "growth lab" have a decontaminate / eject into fucking space button?

Retarded movie
>that ending
i didnt want the little shit to win
Why did they have a fucking bondage rat in their containment lab?

You telling me that the only way they could see if it was alive after a night was to electrocute it? Not even bother poking it with a stick or anything? Why was everyone in this film so fucking retarded?
me into all these threads and read the criticisms and then in the next thread I recite those criticisms. I don't know why I do this. But this movie can go fuck itself
oy vey watch the spoilers goy
Great prequel to Cloverfield tbqhwyf
Hey bud, guess what?
Use the fucking spoiler tags you retarded shitstain
Not the guy who wrote that but it's fucking nothing. You could see it coming from a mile away.
Stuff cost money dude, they had plenty of fail safes, issue was none of the characters were willing to sacrifice the other to maintain quarantine.

The rat was to see how the organisms reacts to other life and how life reacts to it. Pretty standard procedure in this scenario, more surprising they didn't have a chimp and many other species to test with.

And the scientist tried to stimulate multiple times without electricity, he got no response so he shocked it.
Again, pretty mundane and standard. If it didn't kill eryone it would have been subjected to much worse over time.

THe movie wasn't perfect by any means but I thought everything made sense.

Throw your critiques at me I'll rebuke them all.
>The rat was to see how the organisms reacts to other life and how life reacts to it.

It was clearly used as a canary. The purpose of a canary is rendered moot the thing you're trying to see is safe is within its own self contained environment away from the canary.
Completely irrelevant, it's common fucking courtesy.
>issue was none of the characters were willing to sacrifice the other to maintain quarantine.
Basically the biggest plot hole or issue in the movie: False or illogical representation to actual character's status.
The person who refused to obey quarantine was not a scientist, was not a doctor, he was a pilot military trained for most of his life to never leave a man behind.

I really think you underestimate how easily reason and logic go out the window when loved ones are in serious danger...

The crippled guys reaction was more of a stretch but a possible cure to give him use of his legs after a lifetime of being a cripple isn't stupid either.

Because it was the International Space Station and they adapted the lab for the study of life. Not something made from scratch
Eat a dick fag

Except they sacrificed Ryan Reynolds to maintain quarantine.
Can we all agree the Jap dude was the only one who did nothing wrong?
Pearl Harbour.
He was the 2nd worst! Hey gang look at my super smart plan. Im not going to let go of your hand till the creature crawls all the way up my body and tries to get on to you. The movie should have ended at that scene, Fuck that guy!
I got a boner when the girl screamed in despair at the end.
Man I bet you have just a shitload of friends.
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