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Star Trek

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Two parents have both died in a tragic accident, giving birth to a child. This child grows up, and becomes their own individual. Years later, it is discovered that it is scientifically possible to bring the two parents who died back to life, just like nothing happened. However, in order to do this, the child must be killed.

What do you do?
tuvix more like poovix amirite
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*blocks your path*
>Arguing over analogies
Literally the worst kind of conversation and completely pointless because we'd just be arguing over the analogy instead of what really happened.

Obviously nothing, since Janeway was a psychopath and what she did to Tuvix was pure evil.
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>life or death situation
>you can save one person, or two people

I'd say Janeway made a hard but just decision.
False equivalence.
The parents agreed to have a child, Neelix and Tuvok didn't.
Tuvix isn't the child, he is the tragic accident.
So there's nothing wrong in preventing the accident or fixing it to bring back the victims.
That'd be like suggesting Vegito/Gogeta is a person that dies whenever he's unfused.
Separate Tuvix so I can kill Neelix personally
But that is what really happened.
Neelix is fucking based, he's a way better character than half the cast
Future Odo did literally nothing wrong. If I had the Defiant I'd have it in warp 9 out of there as soon as it was working.
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He had memories of both Tuvok and Neelix right? And their personalities were truly merged, not one dominating over other?
He said he wants to live. They killed a person.
On the other hand it was an unnatural joining of two individuals. They got separated and NOBODY got actually killed, things went on as they should.
Alright, so change the thought experiment to the parents didn't want children but they had one anyways. It still applies. That individual still has just as much a right to live as the other two.

Like you said, it was an accident. They are dead, bury them.
And yet if Janeway went back in time and prevented the accident and thus Tuvix from being created no one would accuse her of doing anything wrong.
>He had memories of both Tuvok and Neelix right?
>And their personalities were truly merged, not one dominating over other?
From the episode, it appeared to be that way.
When you take command, you are sometimes called upon to make terrible choices for the survival of your crew and success of the mission, and sacrificing your soul along with lives is a decision she'll have to live with, but she shouldn't regret it.

>A mission critical officer is gone
>A highly useful but non-essential crewman is gone (the only person aboard who knows anything about this region of space)
>The friends of both are in mourning (and family would be too if they were aware of it)
>Tuvix can't effectively fill any of these roles, nevermind all of them
>There are no replacements for either and won't be for 70 years as far as you know

I love stories like this, it's the same thing as In The Pale Moonlight except it was her crew she was murdering for the betterment of everyone else.

No it isn't, fuck off and die
Yes I'm sure they would, because fuck time travel fuckery
It's only a tv show, why you hef to me mad?
This guy would >>84425323

And he's repost it regularly too >>84336896
would quite like to make a compilation of odo's various grunts grumbles and "huh!"s
God I'm dying a little inside just thinking how much work that would be
The parents don't want a child, but they are forced to have one because abortion is illegal under President Pence.
You're a liar and you're just repeating your lies in the hope of baiting people into believing you.
But I'm not shitposting. There is no objective right or wrong answer in the case of Tuvix, so no one can be a "liar"
>Tuvix can't effectively fill any of these roles, nevermind all of them
The most important bit, considering the Voyagers predicament.
The needs of the many etc.
stop trying to get peoples hopes up.
>being too lazy to coathanger it

The parents deserve to suffer.
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Kirk had a soulmate. She was young, at least in her teenage years, had short brown hair and she happened to be the daughter of his best friend aboard the Enterprise. Leah McCoy is her name. No one would suspect any time of relationship between them.

Everytime Leah saw Kirk, there would be something about him that tingled her loins. She was very good at hiding this excitement from everyone. There was one time where she caught him when he was vulnerable. He was due for a check-up that was overdue. She happened to be the only one in sick bay when he showed up. She knew some medical stuff, from her father, so she sometimes helped him out on occasion. Kirk noticed her.

Kirk: Where’s your father? He wanted me here and now I’m here. Where the heck is he?

Before she answered, she had looked down at his crotch and noticed a large bulge. Kirk noticed where her eyes were focused for that second and responded.

Kirk: Should you be getting McCoy instead of peering your eyes where they don’t belong?
>Kirk not chess

terrible desu
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Clearly, from her point of view, he appeared agitated from built up sexual tension. What could her dad give Kirk to “cure” this. Just as she left the room, McCoy had stepped in. He, of course, noticed Kirk’s “position” too.

McCoy: The hand doesn’t work any more, I guess.

Kirk: Enough of your wise cracks and help me.

Leah walks up to her father after he calls her over. He tells her to get a certain drug and she leaves to go get it.

McCoy: You know, normal people would just get laid.

Kirk: I can’t do that. I took a vow to be celibate for the first three or so years while I run this ship. It helps me focus.

McCoy: Good for you.

Leah hands a needle over to her father and watches as Kirk rolls up his sleeve. Right before McCoy penetrates his arm, he looks over at Leah. He stares at her as the drug kicks in and his erection deflates. Leah’s feelings, somehow, felt hurt and left the room.
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Picard is French though, I bet he prefers petanque to Anglosphere games.
Poker fits Kirk so perfectly, it's the only reason I made that image.
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A week later, in Kirk’s quarters, it was late and he was laying in bed. He looked up at the ceiling until he would fall asleep. For some reason, an image of Leah popped up in his mind. Just seeing her in her innocent and shy expressions had started a familiar feeling between his legs. He opened his legs and found his hand rubbing the fabric of his slacks. He moaned as he felt his dick getting hard. As he thought about the day he caught her glimpsing as his crotch a week ago, he stuck his right hand, in his pants, and decides to get off on it. It had been a long time since he had a woman. As he grabbed his cock, he moaned as felt an achiness. It was actually hurting him, to get off, rather than pleasure itself. McCoy’s “fix” was no longer working. As he stroked his shaft, he’s reminded of his eleven inch long and three inch thick “tower of power”.

That’s when he gets an unexpected call from Uhura. He was being called to the bridge. He had little option, but to go to the bridge with his surprising trouser bulge. He wasn’t wearing underwear, so it was easy for people on the bridge to see the outline of his cock through his black trousers. While giving orders on the bridge, it was hard for Spock and Scotty to not pay attention to Kirk’s surprising erection. Scotty had to make a remark.

Scotty: Captain, if you were having a wet dream, you could have mentioned it before coming to the bridge. You could have given us a heads up.

Spock: It is too noticeable to not say anything, Captain.

Embarrassed Kirk responds out of sexual frustration.

Kirk: I wish you both mind your own damn business.
>planning, carefully have to think your move, must think in advance
>just swing a club and occasionally run

what did he mean by this?
Picard is a sophisticated man that appreciates other cultures.
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He then stormed off the bridge and went back down to his deck. As he was heading toward his quarters, he spots Leah getting ready to enter into her quarters. Kirk approaches her. Leah not only notices him approaching, but noticing his bulge as well.

Leah: Captain, is there anything I can do for you?

Kirk: Yes. Come with me to my quarters.

Kirk grabs her by the hand and leads her to his quarters before she could say anything. As the doors shut he leads her over to the bed.

Kirk: As your Captain, I order you to please me sexually.

Leah was shocked. She was into the Captain, but had no idea that he was into her. But how can she turn down a tall, handsome man with brown hair and brown eyes? He is twice her age. It also occurred, to her, that it would be hard to please her Captain sexually if she had never pleased a man before. She’s a virgin.

Leah: Captain, where should I start?

Kirk: You do have permission to remove my clothes and touch me inappropriately.
He's the only captain to beat Q with a punch.
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Leah, nervously, approached her Captain. Kirk noticed her hand tremble as she was reaching for his trousers, to undo them.

Kirk: You seem nervous.

Leah: I never pleased a man before.

Kirk somehow knew this, but wanted to hear from her. A virgin. A woman never touched by man. He was gonna be her first. He had to please her before she could please him. He ordered her to sit next to him on his bed. By surprise, he leaned in and kissed her deeply on the mouth.

Leah’s instincts told her to wrap her arms around him. Especially after he penetrated her mouth with his tongue. The sensation of his tongue rolling around in her mouth sent shock waves to her loins. As he placed his hands on her thigh, she broke the kiss.

Leah: I thought you took a vow of celibacy.

Kirk: Now that I think about it, who’s gonna know?

Just as she ran her slender hand over his cheek and caressed his face, his lips came crashing into hers. The feelings and intensity of the many months that had passed crashing into them all at once. After she fell backwards, on the bed, her hands began to explore the inside of his uniform and his back as their tongues fought for dominance. He broke their kiss as he began to place hot wet little kisses down her neck.

Leah: Captain, is this how people make love?

Kirk: Don’t ruin this by talking.
>needing to carefully plan your moves in noughts and crosses

Maybe if you're retarded.
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>There are people who unironically think a Q can be harmed by a punch
>Or you could even punch one if they didn't want you to
>Or that couldn't tell that Q was joking
that game is literally over after the first move if you put your symbol in the wrong place
it's an unforgiving game unlike the others
It's also a game for children.
You have to be 18 to post here, faggot.
Are you actually retarded?
Fact is, Q never bothered Sisko again.
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1. Julian Bashir
2. Odo if he morphs into Julian Bashir
3. William Riker
4. Thomas Riker
5. Gul Dukat
6. Data
7. Trip Tucker
8. Bones McCoy
9. Kirk
10. Tuvok
11. Any Jeffery Combs character
12. Morn
8998. Barclay
8999. Rom
9000. EMH
9001. Neelix
there's nothing wrong with what I said
>Tic tac toe is unforgiving
Maybe if you're 5. Otherwise, it's literally nothing.
>Bullying Barclay

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When he sat up, his hands freely roamed her ample chest and carefully unbuttoned her uniform to reveal her hard pips. He rubbed each pip with the tips of his thumbs before lowering his head to lick them one at a time. She moaned and felt herself getting more aroused as he did this. She arched her back and moaned as he kept rubbing his hands over her chest and lowering his head to suck on her pips. She never felt like this before. Even when she tried to get herself off.

Leah moaned and wanting him even more. Just touching her chest made his communicator rock hard. He then glided his left hand underneath her blue skirt and carefully removed her panties. Just when he dropped her panties on the floor, he removes his yellow uniform shirt to reveal his muscular breasts. Leah places her own hand between her legs to feel her moist torpedo as Kirk disrobes. She looks up to watch Kirk undo his trousers. She arched her back again after seeing his enormous, rigid communicator. He kneeled in position before penetrating her torpedo tube. He was so massive that her torpedo tube had to stretch to accommodate him. He was afraid he was hurting her by the look on her face, but she arched into him, wanting more.

Leah: Oh Kirk!

Kirk says nothing as he pushed himself inside her, slowly, even after seeing the tears on her face from the pain. He began to move, carefully, drawing his hips back, then carefully thrusting back into her, then he began thrusting faster, building up a rhythm. She manage to raise her legs and wrapped them around his waist as he drove himself into her enough to the brink of climax. She screamed out his name as her body shuddered wildly as he kept thrusting faster and harder.

Leah: Oh, Kirk!
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fixed your image
>No Quark at the top
You know you want to give him Oo-mox, bashfag.
Also, what about Bashir's EMH?
>8998. Barclay
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Bashir's EMH belongs to Garak. I ain't touching that.
what the FUCK is going on in this thread
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Leah moaned loudly. She could feel herself reaching an orgasm. Kirk groaned as he could feel himself coming. He, too, was at the brink of climax and was about to release inside this beautiful woman before him. A woman who has fallen in love with him. Just as he came, filling her with his dilithium, he withdrew his communicator and collapsed beside her. He puts his arm around her as she lays a hand on his chest. Both of them are out of breath.

Kirk: Leah, we can’t say anything about this to anyone. You’re 16 and I’m 34.

Leah: Does this mean that we can still see eachother?

Kirk: We have to be careful. We don’t want to draw attention and suspicions.

Leah changes the subject.

Leah: I have to admit. I’ve liked you for a while.

Kirk: If it helps, I didn’t mean to upset you, a week ago, in sick bay. I didn’t want to look suspicious in front of your father. You have my permission to stare.

For the past few weeks, Kirk and Leah would make passes at eachother. Just about every two nights, for the past month, Leah would be in Kirk’s quarters, sharing a sexual and some sort of love affair.

One day, Kirk entered sick bay just to see her. McCoy was there, but she wasn’t. Kirk didn’t want anyone to think that he was there just to see Leah, but to chat with his friend instead. But, he would bring her up in the conversation.

McCoy: Kirk, what are you doing here?

Kirk: Can a friend see a friend, McCoy?
Of Course there is. Its murder. You would go to prison everywhere for this
when does Picard ever bluff?
Kirk does all the time
TOS - Fizzbin
TNG - Ashley Judd's Orgasmotron 5000
DS9 - Tongo
Voyager - Flotter
Fat Riker, or thin Riker? This is an important question
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McCoy: I’m kind of not in the mood. My baby girl is not doing to well in the last week or so. Her condition doesn’t look life threatening, but if she’s not well by tomorrow, I’ll have to bring her in here and treat her.

Kirk: That’s too bad, McCoy. I hope it’s nothing serious. What kind of symptoms does she have?

McCoy: Is there a reason why you’re here?

Kirk: Like I said. I came here just to talk. Now that I see that it’s a bad time, I’ll go back to the bridge.

Kirk leaves sick bay and goes to the bridge. While seated in his chair, he can’t help but think of what is happening to Leah. He draws concern of her condition and really hopes it’s nothing that threatens her life. he wanted to check on her, but he didn’t want to draw suspicions.

That’s when she entered the bridge. As Kirk’s attention was immediately facing her, he just had to ask why she was on the bridge.

Kirk: Leah, your father told me you weren’t well.

Leah: I’m just more tired and can’t keep anything down.

Just those two conditions, Leah mentioned, Spock immediately knew what was going on with her, but didn’t say anything about it.

Spock: You seem to be doing well now.

Leah: For once, I’m not throwing up or too tired to do anything.

Kirk: You’re probably well enough to tell your father that you’re okay. He’s really worried about you.

Leah: I’ll go to sick bay now and tell him I’m fine.

Kirk gives her a smile that Spock also picked up before she left the bridge. Spock started to have a feeling that something is going on between Kirk and Leah, but decided to wait for an appropriate time to bring it up.
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Leah enters sick bay to see her father. McCoy is happy to see her and greets her with a hug.

McCoy: Leah, I’m so glad you’re okay.

Leah: Me too.

McCoy: I’m greatful that it was nothing serious. I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you.

Leah, then, wanted to tell her father about her and Kirk, but as soon as nurse Chapel entered the room, she got dizzy and fainted into her father’s arms. Chapel helped McCoy pick her up and carry her to a medical table. Just as McCoy scanned her, that’s when he discovered what’s really wrong with her. It was so serious, that he called Kirk and Spock to sick bay.

Once Kirk and Spock entered sick bay, they both approached McCoy, who was near Leah on the table.

Kirk: What’s wrong, McCoy? She was fine on the bridge.

McCoy: I don’t know how to tell you this, but my little girl is pregnant. At least six weeks.

Kirk’s heart nearly jumped into his throat. Leah’s pregnant with his child. Now, he knows that it will be a matter of time before someone discovers that they had an affair.

Spock: You don’t look happy, McCoy.

McCoy: Of course, I’m not Spock. She’s 16 years old. I’d hurt the bastard who knocked her up. She’s too young.

Kirk: Before jumping to conclusions, you don’t think that from a planet we visited recently, something could have impregnated her?
Stop. Nobody wants to read your fucking fanfic.
When he tries to get Lwaxana back from Ferengi idiot captain.
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McCoy: She’s never left the ship. Besides, I already diagnosed that her unborn child is human.

Spock’s discovery was right. Kirk had indeed, got McCoy’s daughter pregnant. The smile, he saw earlier, suggested that there was something between them.

McCoy: Kirk, you’re my friend. I want you to go around finding the man that did this. Spock, you mind-meld somebody who might be lying.

Kirk: Sure thing, McCoy.

Kirk and Spock leave sick bay. As they were walking down a corridor, Spock decided to make his opinion known about what’s going on.

Spock: Captain, permission to speak freely about my idea on who impregnated Leah.

Kirk: Of course. It’ll save us some time.

Spock: Captain, I have noticed the way you two act around eachother in public. For her to turn up pregnant suggests me to believe that the unborn child is yours.

Kirk: Listen, Spock. If McCoy finds out that it’s me, it could ruin our friendship and his trust in me.

Spock: Why did you have an affair with her?

Kirk: There’s something about her that’s special. A feeling that I never felt around any other woman. I love her.

Spock: Then you must tell McCoy. No matter the cost. If you tell McCoy what you just told me, maybe he’ll be easy on you. A real friend wouldn’t keep something like this from another friend.

Kirk, later, went back to sick bay. When he got there, Leah was awake, but still on bed rest. He approached McCoy.

McCoy: So, did you find out who the guy is?

Kirk: Yes I did and you’re not gonna like it.
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Fat. He looks like a big teddy bear.
He should have just left her to become a Ferengi sex slave
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McCoy: I already don’t like it.

Kirk: McCoy, it’s me. I broke my celibacy vows and made love to you’re daughter.

In the background, Leah let out a sigh of relief. She didn’t plan on her father decking Kirk in the face.

McCoy: You bastard. You’re my friend. How could you do this? I trusted you. I normally wouldn’t punch my Commander, but you had it coming, you cradle robber.

The punch landed Kirk on his knees, but got up as he checked for blood on his lip.

Kirk: I kind of seen that coming.

Leah got out of bed and rushed over to her father’s side.

Leah: Daddy, he’d never hurt me. We’re in love.

McCoy was shocked to hear his daughter’s last three words. He looked back at Kirk.

McCoy: Well, back in my home, we had this tradition called “shotgun weddings”. Looks like you’ll have to marry my little girl for the count of her being pregnant with your child.

Kirk: You’re fine with that?

McCoy: I don’t see a choice. I hate to see my daughter give birth to a bastard.

It wasn’t long before the Enterprise took a detour, back to Earth, so McCoy could arrange a marriage for Leah and Kirk. McCoy seemed to look on the brightside enough to have a friend marry his daughter instead of some duchbag. Seven months later, they had a little a little girl and named her Sophia Winona Kirk.

The End
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Why did nobody in Star Trek utilise cyberweapons? Barclay could have won all the wars if he put his mind to it.
>Fat Riker
>But also in love with the anorexic doctor

this shit doesn't make any sense
I don't know what I'd call Picard's actions in that episode.
Fucking finally. Thanks for taking up space in the post limit, faggot.
fat and beard goes together
Things I hate in /trek/ threads:
>pedophile screenshot spam
>T'Pol screenshot spam
>7 of 9 Photoshop spam
>Janeway/Chakotay pregnancy spam
>Janeway/7 of 9 coprophilia spam
And now
>TOS fanfic spam
Aliens did. Like that time a virus took over the Enterprise computers and turned Data into a weirdo.
It's hard to say whether that was an attack though, the species was dead so it certainly wasn't an intentional attack, at least.

One of the major problems with programming things that go into space, radiation strikes can randomly corrupt any part of the system so they have to be able to rebuild themselves, I always suspected the alien ship thought the Enterprise was a corrupted part of itself and started rebuilding its core systems.
>Janeway/Chakotay pregnancy spam
t-tell me more
exploits are a thing of the past since everbody switched to Rust
Janeway orders Chakotay to impregnate one of the spam people they encounter in the 4th season finale.
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What Odo did was a million times worse. Voyager needed their tactical officer (and to a lesser extent, their kitchen rat) and Tuvok has a wife and kids.

The Defiant descendants had created their own civilization, and were all wiped out because a bucket of goo has a crush on a terrorist.
>died in a tragic accident, giving birth to a child
I don't think that's how reproduction works
>Fat Riker not number one
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He's big trom-boned.
Odo ruins everything
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>Begin Captain's Log, Spacedate Fourteen. As we begin our journey, my mind can't help but recall the words of Starmada's Founder, Jimmy 'Jeans' Rubbenstein and pray that our crew will live up to them: "Let us think the unthinkable, do the undoable, and, time permitting, eff the ineffable"
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Odo was literally right. Fuck that colony, fuck the Defiant crew for thinking that marooning themselves on an empty planet was anything but retarded.
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What do you guys think about the endings?
I think TNG finale was almost perfect.
I don't know if I'm fully satisfied with DS9 finale. The Female changeling changed her mind and backed off a little to quickly imo. She didn't really have a choice. Maybe. And I guess I'm ok with Sisko's ascension and whatnot.
VOY finale felt almost insulting, but it was a stupid ride from start to finish.
TOS and ENT were pretty much deprived of proper finales, if you don't TOS movies.
Somebody write me Riker weight gain fic. I would do it myself but I am at work and sober.
Pretty much. It's like the ghost of your child showed up and tried to convince you to rape a woman so they'd be born. Yeah, sucks to be you, but I'm not ruining my life so you can fuck around planting trees or whatever.
DS9 wasted way too much of the finale on Pah Wraith bs that no one cared about
TNG had the GOAT finale
>Riker weight gain fic
Please I need this in my life
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"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."

Archer did the same thing if not worse with that Trip clone.
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"I'd rather show you"
>My Icecream by XXXfudgeyrists666XXX

The TNG finale made no sense because Q created the entire crisis then acted like it was Picard's fault.
>Q is an asshole
How is this a plothole?
Q also flat out tells Picard the solution because he can't figure it out.

The changeling pretty much thought her race was fucked so she was going take out as many solids as she could till she linked with odo. She knew Odo's conditions. Small price to pay for saving the entire species.
I just finished TNG (my first trek)
What do you guys suggest? Are other series as enjoyable?
Is this a meme? Tuvix was better than both of them
I suggest you try them all for yourself.
DS9, then VOY, then ENT.
Babylon 5
Blake's 7
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
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DS9 is a direct sequel to TNG that starts during Best of Both Worlds, and it's the best Trek series.

The TOS movies also range from excellent to okay, with the majority being in the former category.
Speaking of changelings

>No Changeling has ever harmed another
The Founder that Odo accidentally killed was in the process of trying to get the The Defiant to start a war, which they certainly would have died during the process of, how could they possibly claim Odo was at fault for defending himself? Wasn't this Changeling mission going to kill them both anyway?
DS9 is as good if not better. A bit slow at first but it pays off.

TOS is great if you can handle the 60's style. The first season might be the best of all Trek seasons, though the quality falls off.

Don't bother with Voyager or Enterprise unless you've watched the other ones and are hungry for more. It's not all bad but it's mostly bad or boring.
DS9 is god tier
Voyager and Enterprise are forgettable
TOS is overrated, but the best episodes are decent and the movies are good.

Because the episode plays out in the end like Picard was supposed to be learning some kind of 2deep4U life lession when all it really was was just a bunch of stupid Q fuckery.
>let's go fight this alien menace and bring our families with us
Sisko got what he deserved
>7 years

>The most iconic science fiction show in the history of television



Don't wait. Do it now.
he learned to be less rigid and stuck to protocol and be more friendly with his crew because they were his friends thus him joining their poker game
they weren't supposed to cross the Borg, I suppose they were on a regular Starfleet mission when they received the call for battle. (even tho considering what happen on regular basis during the "normal" starfleet assignements I wouldn't bring wife and kids into this)
>Le sgoddy beam me up XD being repeated for 50 years makes a show good

Iconic means jack shit. The writing for most episodes borders on hackery
Exactly, still they could have wasted a couple of hours dropping people somewhere and met the Borg cube in some other place instead of Wolf 359
If I was a starfleet admiral I wouldn't accept the ship I ordered to join me for a battle with the survival of earth at stake to just "take a few hour just to drop the kids at Risa, they'll love it" Their was no time for such concerns and the vulcan captain of Sisko's ship knew it.
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September can't come soon enough.
Gene was more concerned about his ideal future than he was with character development. All the characters in TOS are flat and predictable, and the few plot lines that are actualy interestimg are usually paced horribly.

TOS is like the Beatles. It was revolutionary for the time but didnt age well and better things inspired by it have come along sense.
ceasing to exist because someone altered your past is a fucked up way to go
They can beam thousand of people in one hour or less at any starbase. There was really no reason to bring their families along especially considering they knew they were going to fight and have casualties.
>Admirals have no concern for other people
Yeah, this is classic Trek I agree

Personally I think this was the worst mistake DS9 made.
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So, did the Enterprise D have dolphin officers?

One could write a book or teach a class on how mind bogglingly stupid you sound right now.
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College level or high school?
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>What is it they've sent us?

That episode made me oddly sad. Is it so wrong to want to jerk off on a reproductive husk with your androgynous, boy/girl, mono gendered autismal trap G.F.? I don't even give a shit about the ham fisted political message. I just really wanted to see Troi cry her eyes out when she realized that Riker chose bowl-cut ass pussy over her annoying ass. He showed more passion and emotion for the mono gendered alien that he had just met than he ever once showed for Troi.
speaking about political messages
remember this little gem here?

>TOSfags have no arguments beyond insults
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Gene was so much anti drugs that even alcohol was banned in his crypto-communist utopia. Remember the synthale and how you're not drunk with it ?
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*block your path*
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Sure, and after he died this happened.
>it was banned
>Scotty was an alcoholic with a personal supply in his room
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Why can't we have a new mirror universe series by HBO where the Federation are a bunch of alcoholic sex perverts bent on galactic domination?
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In their defense TOS is comfy as all hell, and to me it is still better than VOY. It's just what was interesting 50 years ago isnt exactly interesting today in my opinion.
>Our shields are constantly failing
>Our bridge crews are incompetent
>How can we protect them?

>"... How about if we made the ship 12 feet tall? Shoot, that, Romulans!"
I can't find his nipple
pitching and batting are mind games on the same level of poker
IMO this is head cannon but it's implied changelings can survive the vacuum of space
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> fixed
If I remember correctly real alcohol wasn't banned, you could still easily buy or replicate it. It wasn't really appropriate to show them drinking real deal on duty I guess.
And don't forget the rivers of real bloodwine, springwine, Romulan ale, Saurian brandy and other shit throughout all series.
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They definitely can, but it's unlikely they'd survive whatever destroyed the ship.
also Picard's brother was making real wine on Earth
Why does the filename say "Dukat" twice?
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I fucking forgot to mention the most important spirit of them all!


Seriously, this shit doesn't make any sense. Why wouldn't you strive to make drugs that are non addictive and non harmful? Pretty much everyone has a magical computer box that can synthesize almost anything they want whenever they want. They have the technology to create physical things out of light but they can't come up with some cocaine that isn't addictive? Don't give me that shit Star Trek! You know damn well that there would be a massive drug culture. Even if you can't make non-addictive drugs you still have the magic computer boxes that can make anything. If your addiction takes you to the point that you need a gallon of heroin a day then it isn't a problem because you can just make it in a second. Everything is super socialist, no one has to work unless they want to and you don't get payed to work. Sure some people are going to want to go out and join Starfleet or go become an architect. The vast majority of humans on Earth are going to be synthesizing drugs and pizza and then fucking each other in big grease orgies because of course they would. What the fuck else is Joe Shmoe going to be doing in the Star Trek universe?
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>marooning the people who will almost single-handedly save the Alpha quadrant was a good thing
The Prophets would have intervened anyways

JC at least.
But you didn't change anything
but Section 31 wasn't marooned on the planet
I love how the uniform changed too into some flowers crap.
are you retarded?
>What the fuck else is Joe Shmoe going to be doing in the Star Trek universe?

"We have evolved past the overwhelming grip of greed, lust, sloth and other baaad things. We are all philanthropists, enlightened and productive members of society" Would be Gene's answer to that.
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Someone notify the Federation government. A human supremacist is a star fleet admiral.
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>neither was Garak
Hmm, I guess they didn't need them after all
The analogy is correct from an deontological standpoint. The thing is, if you're relying on utilitarian calculus, Janeway should've just said fuck the mayflies and hopped them back to the Alpha quadrant in the very first episode. The "janeway is a monster" meme is more about arbitrariness of her decisions. Other captains have done some fucked up shit, but they tend to have a more stable moral framework.
Friendship One.

Janeway was going to leave an entire species to die off. All because she got upset that Ensign Redshirt was killed on the away mission. Even though it was very clear that Humanity was at fault for the plight of that world.
No it isn't, it adds intention and time and removes the necessity of the action. See

lol, pay attention
>having a child is always intentional
>it's morally worse to kill someone if they've been alive longer
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>being a pakled
I bet you aren't even a 1st level stratagema grand master lmao
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Knowing what I know about transporter technology, Tuvix could have been saved in the buffer while they separated Tuvok and Neelix. Tuvix then could have been transported onto the ship. There extra crew member.
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>necessity of the action
Only if it's necessary to get back to the Alpha quadrant, which of course it isn't. And if it were she should've done that when she had the chance in the first episode.
Explain why murdering a child is okay if the child was born from an unwanted pregancy.
Explain how the passage of time changes the calculus on whether or not murder is acceptable.
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Thomas Riker
Reminder that Janeway could have got his crew back home instantly if she just had sex with Q but nope.
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>it's the best Trek series
TNG is objectively the best Trek. Posts like these only serve to raise expectations.
Save the child. Forcefully separating Tuvix was the immoral choice and the faggot crew only did it because of feefees for Tuvok.
Life isn't as black and white as your (((textbooks))). Getting home was more important than Tuvix's life, but less important than making sure they didn't drastically alter the balance of power in the quadrant.
>Explain why murdering a child is okay if the child was born from an unwanted pregancy.
because aborting rape babies is legal, Tuvok and Neelix got raped by the transporter and that flower so they had a right to abort Tuvix and since they weren't able to give consent the burden fell of Janeway.

it's like raping someone that is in a coma and then the parents that are the legal guardians having to decide what to do with the child
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You can scrub a thousand plasma manifolds, but if you suck on dick, you're a cocksucker.
Considering Admiral Janeway stole a timeship. She could have prevented them ever getting taken.
There are no children nor pregnancies involved in VOY: Tuvix.
that would have saved the original Kim tho, Janeway would have never allowed that

also no 7o9 and no EMH etc.
though it saves the rest of the original crew.

dozens of starfleet officers/crew died to allow a Borg Drone and an AI to live.
What if...
What if Janeway merged with Tuvok? What do you think Chakotay would do? The answer to that seems obvious.
The better question is what if Kim merged with Tuvok, would he finally get a promotion?
how did Kim stay an ensign, while paris went prisoner, lt, ensign, lt?
Kivok never graduated the academy, instantly demoted to crewman
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I don't like that Janeway isn't called sir. I thought it was a cool detail that women are also called sir and voy threw it away. Also what is with Janeway roleplaying as a nanny in the holodeck?

Are women called sir in the new Star trek movies/discovery?
What I really don't get is why he was so anti-drugs while being a junkie himself?

synthehol was a mistake.
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What if Doc never vacated Seven's body?
Janeway needs more bodies due to being stuck in the delta quadrant so obviously having Tuvix at the cost of Tuvok and Neelix is a disadvantage
The women/sir thing was interesting because it meant masculinity/strength/gentleman honor still reigned supreme and women were equal agents within that culture. As opposed to how things are actually playing out where men are becoming huge pussies and catty feminine culture is absorbing the weaker men.
Did Neelix ever give Janeway some really useful, important\game changing piece of info on what lied ahead?
All I remember is
>These guys don't like omlets
>I've never been there before, Captain. Sorry!
>This nebula looked spooky the last time I saw it 20 years ago
Murder is "the unlawful killing" of a person.

How is this lawful? Once it happened, to kill them is murder. The captain may have the power to execute a particularly nasty prisoner of war spy, but that's about it.
In the Vaudwaar-episode he kinda warns her about them, from the spooky bedtime stories he heard or something like that
Well, there was the time that they nooooooooooooooooooooooo

Remember the time Kes warned them about the Krenim but when Voyager encountered them it was never even brought up?
Because Janeway was the law on the ship as the captain and the highest federation officer in the quadrant.
Her decision was lawful by virtue of being her decision.
A captain is not a king with unlimited authority. They cannot order the execution of innocent people.
That's a good point actually, with the absence of a sector JAG, Janeway was the law out there.

"I just did. Now bring me my coffee, Jaffee"
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I can remove her from command
Wasn't that more like a post factum realization when shit already hit the fan?
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Not before she pulled a plug on you, oprea man.
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>t. doesn't go to museums
What the fuck, she looks like the left side of her face has melted.
I think he did genuinely warn them, but it was already too late. I guess C+ for effort?
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A daring synthesis.
So why did she care if the other captain was executing spirit creatures to go whizzing across the galaxy? If the captain can ignore rules and just kill people for utilitarian reasons?
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because those aliens were attacking her ship too and only decided to stop because she agreed to stop the Equinox
Her ship was bigger which means she outranks him and what she says goes.
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>mfw I remembered that Nog was in VOY
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Along with the King of Jordan and Dwayne.
Jeffery Combs was in the same episode with Rock iirc.
And JG Hertzler
And rom
As a Hirogen veteran fighter.

Don't remember Rom in Voyager.
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Your Imzadi, shows up wearing this, wyd?
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>Riker sees Troi like this
>is prepared to stick it in her
>sees that she just finished up banging some other guy
it's a wonder these two eventually ended up married
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Riker fucks everything it's only fair.
Also BETAzoids get married nude.
>flagship of the federation
>let's send an half-betazoid that isn't even a full telepath
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>and were all wiped out

Nah. It's just another alternate universe most likely.
Nothing you do really matters in star trek, especially with time travel involved.
Odo just created another timeline.
>>flagship of the federation
Reposting this because I love it

>What they meant by "Flagship" wasn't the military sense of the ship that the commander of a fleet would use, but some kind of mobile advert for why you want to join The Federation (look how smart and advanced we are, look at this luxury, you can have this too if you just let us be your bosses forever). And Picard was the chief salesman of the USS Propaganda.
Finally worked my way through season 1 of TOS up to the famous City on the Edge of Forever episode.

And boy was it everything I was expecting, jesus christ that's a good episode.

I guess everything is down hill from here, not just in terms of season 2 and (((3))) of TOS, but I struggle to recall any of the rest of the franchise have an episode as good as that.

Although I'm yet to touch DS9, but I'm worried that's just going to be a big soap drama in space.

Also the wifey in that episode is still fit as fuck 50 years on. God damn.
With this type of obtuse moral relativism, why bother having a Prime Directive, or giving a shit about Tuvix?
go back to Hacker News you fucking Californian faggot
what do you think her pusy looks like? maybe a bump on top or something?
That's the problem with alternate universes. Nothing really matters.
By star trek's own logic we're just watching the one of the better timelines where almost everything works out by the final episode.
Actually I think he has a decent point. Go pick up one of the best of the year scifi anthologies and while it's unfilmable, scifi on tv has barely scratched the surface of whats out there.
You don't want to see it
>he has a decent point
The line he was mocking never even appeared in Star Trek, only parodies of it.
Save the parents. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. There are two parents, but only one child.
do you think tom raped janeway as a lizard or did he rape her before she fully transformed into a lizard?
Wtf is it with Klingon sex? Bruises, blood, dislocated joints, broken ribs and shit. Is it like some half-animalistic super-bdsm type of fun? Why would anyone who isn't a Klingon enjoy this.
I don't even know why you'd want to mate with a brown human, never mind alien. Maybe Quark is really High T?

And, as if it needed saying, Jadzia is just a huge slut and got completely overpowered by Kurzon's personality as she had none of her own.
>I expected videogames
I'm glad you were disappointed.
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>muh prophets
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Kill him
>He fell for the Bajoran religion
How does it feel to be a brainlet? They were just 4D aliens that lived in a wormhole.
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>mfw DS9fags talk at all
Why would you expect the Borg in the Gamma Quadrant?
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Forget this shit...why wasn't Tuvix THICC as fuck and 350 lbs, if he was composed of two dudes?
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Man, it's almost like the number of TV channels increased at a greater rate than the population between 1989 and 1999 or something
It's not his fault people try to sell DS9 as this gritty war drama to differentiate it from the other series
Nielsen families are normies by definition
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>blaming DS9 being a tier below TNG because there were more channels

As you can see from the graph. People gave DS9 a shot because they liked TNG. Then they jumped ship quick. Before TNG was even over with.
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>people try to sell DS9 as this gritty war drama
I hope you've got 7 more years of this left in you
Ah yes, people never bring up the Dominion war, Section 31, Sisko's actions etc. when describing DS9 to people
DS9 fans
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>Remember the time Kes warned them about the Krenim but when Voyager encountered them it was never even brought up?

Maybe Annorax had done something to the timeline, causing whatever they had discovered beforehand to be erased.
all the fucking time, its plain as day did you even watch the show? They even make several allegories to it.
>people shitting on ds9 or whatever
>people defending ds9
>stirring shit up all the time and getting high on that
fucking worthless autists
fucking miserable.
DS9 fans can take anything that's thrown at us.
>can't spell curzon
>thinks he has anything worthwhile to say about star trek's best slutfu
>not enjoying all forms of Trek

people just need to get along
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I wonder what this general will be like when STD starts? Figure the people who watch it will be drowned out by the series arguments and people making fun of it.
Shitposting will hit levels not thought possible.
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What matter was used to create Tom Riker? Is Will hollow inside like Remick?
Better ratings than Voyager or Enterprise? I don't see the problem here.
>Haha! You can't spell an Alien name that's never shown written on screen
o no, i am so rekt

And all sluts are disgusting.
all righty, my virginal pal!
>Roastie argument #1
0/10, nobody uses this unironically anymore
Just finished season 1 of Voyager (my first run of the show). Overall, pretty forgettable stuff. I think there were about 3-4 episodes I'd consider good. I quite liked the last episode though, Tuvok clashing with the Maquis crewmen was pretty nice to watch. You tend to forget one of the main pulls of the show was apparently going to be the Maquis-Starfleet/Federation conflict, so it's nice for the show to remember they should actually talk about it.
>this guy mad because i called him out on never sticking it in anything living
The Maquis from that episode never show up again, but the "our bio-neural gel packs are sick" plotline does.
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The show overall is not as terrible as the memes suggest, but it was mostly wasted potential.
>t. roastie or virgin
Fucking sluts if fucking gross man. Gain some self respect.
Some memes are entirely accurate though

oh, that's sad. I mean, I guess the bio-gell packs thing makes sense, but the Maquis conflict should still be on the forefront, especially with recurring characters since the ship isn't that fucking big.

yeah, I'm not too far in ofc, but I haven't seen anything truly horrible yet. the Chakotay native stuff is a bit silly, but I guess it was the 90s and Voyager somehow managed to get a hack as their consult. Also wish they had more personal scenes, you know? The episode where Torres was split into human and klingon was good, bc you actually got some character drama. the technobabble already feels a bit too much.
all I'm saying is I've never met a single guy in the real world who doesn't want to bang Dax right out of Jadzia's body. why are you this mad in every thread over a fake alien whoring it up all over fake space?
>Torpedo problems seem to end around the time the cybernetic genius arrives and starts modifying torpedoes
Wow, it's almost as if there's some sort of conclusion we can jump to
>Chakotay native stuff is a bit silly
It gets toned down a bit, only a few more episodes deal with it later.
Jumping to conclusions is something retards do, they specifically said they "modified" the torpedoes, not create them.
>it's a Chakotay's father ghost complains about white people raping the natives episode
That's good. I forgot to mention I loved Chakotay just uppercutting that (former) maquis guy in the last episode, that's the edge the character should show more and not 'you know, my people believed bla bla'.
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>it us a Chakotay opens up the first casino in the Gamma Quadrant after the Frengi screw him out of his land episode
>it's a Chakotay takes his clothes off and realizes he is descended from ayylmaos
That is an excellent idea.
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>it's a Chakotay finds Laura Palmer's secret diary with the help of Deputy Andy and rescues Tom Paris and Dale Cooper from the Black Lodge episode
I think what the people really want to see is another TOS era series
t. CBS executive
Why do you make excuses for the writers? The writers have nothing but contempt for their audience, so we have no need to make any special allowances for them.
Does anyone have that DS9 episode guide?
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TL;DR form:

Skip because they are bad:
>Any jadzia focused episodes
>Any Jake focused episodes
>Any lwuxanna troi episodes (theres only 1, still)
>Mostly all Ferengi focused episodes (rivals for example)

Guaranteed good/great episodes
>Garak episodes
>Worf On an away mission episodes (besides the 2 part episode, it was okay).
>Dukat focused episodes
>Michael Edington focused episodes
Is DS9 worth watching?
Do I need to watch the original series or can I go straight from NG to DS9?
>>Any lwuxanna troi episodes (theres only 1, still)
She figures prominently in 3 episodes...
Coulda sworn it was only 2. the odo episode and the muse.
You can go straight from TNG but having the context of TOS will make it even better.
She comes twice as the ambassador, the Forsaken & Fascination, and the one last time as in the muse.
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>it's an everyone falls in love with random characters episode
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I just want to study you guys
what do you think would happen if you stuck your dick in nagilum mouth?
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He doesn't even have a mouth, that was his best attempt to look human.
>advanced species
>can't even imitate simple 3 dimensional life forms
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>Klingons are all irrational and violent
>solve they's problams with fitin n shit
>mating ritual is literally rape
>always played by black actors

>Chang, Gowron, Duras, Kahless clone and Martok all show intelligence and cunning unlike most Klingons
>white actors
What did they mean by this?
Really makes you think
At least he knew enough to blow his limited CGI budget on his eyes.
>Skip the Visitor
>Skip Ferengi Episodes that aren't Profit and Lace
Otherwise pretty alright list, but your criteria includes one of the best episodes out of anything Trek
I noticed this before. Its led me to believe that the klingons may use some sort of unspoken caste system, where the numb negro ones are always jiving and being rowdy, while the white ones always do their best to be respectful and honorable- all the while, the latter group always seems to be the ones in command as well.
are you the same autistic faggot that things the visitor is the greatest piece of screenplay ever created? it was a shit episode fuck off
The majority of the fandom thinks that it's a good episode. It's fine if you have your own opinion that differs, but please don't behave so disingenuously about it.
>skipping Ferengi episodes
Otherwise its an alright list. Ferengi episodes are fan-fucking-tastic, though.
What the fuck is with Riker and Troi in TNG.

Are they just fuck buddies? Like even when Riker is getting with "Tell me about your sexual organs" he still makes out with Troi.
because it was emotional heartstring pulling, thats all it was, and thats why people think its good cuz its an "awwww look he loved him and dedicated his life to saving him!"

Wow amazing haven't seen this before, topped off with shitty ass science and poor acting and oh wow the greatest trek episode in the history of trek! Yea nah fuck off it's neutral at best
the magnificent Ferengi and the emperor's new cloak are the only good Ferengi focused episodes. the area 51 one was alright I guess.
They had a relationship in the past, Riker was too career focused so they broke it off.
I understand, you don't like it, that's fine. But most people do like it, and you shouldn't pretend that only one person in this whole world disagrees with you.
But all throughout the show, they casually kiss, hold hands, cuddle and shit, even when they are fucking completely different people.
He's yet to justify why it is a good episode, furthermore I'm almost sure it's the same guy because hey says it the same way anytime anyone mentions it.
Betazoids are very open
>not staying in touch with your ex and having him/her act as a fuckbuddy
this is common practice even now in 2017
>I'm almost sure it's the same guy because hey says it the same way anytime anyone mentions it.
Calling it by its name?

I don't see that as a good enough reason for you to start posting disingenuously.
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>Meet alien species in TNG, DS9, VOY
>Alien civilization always just blatantly an antiquity ancient rome set
>They literally use fire torches for lighting despite having warp capability
>Don't even have windows on their buildings.
>Paths in the cities are literally just dirt.
>Every alien planet is just like a town with 15 people with a single "Councilman"
>City centre is a courtyard with some medieval style carts selling fabric.

Even fucking Romulus, a planet famed for it's gardens, architecture, culture, in Trek, is only ever shown as a fucking dark ages tier shithole.

Because of this "All aliens are just dark ages retards", TNG ruined the Romulans. They're supposed to be violent, but passionate, creative and emotional Vulcans. Yet, in TNG, they're just shown as emotionless psychopaths who all have the same hair cut and wear the same clothes and live in literally the dark ages and they don't even have electricity and shit.
>I want Star Trek to have a big budget
Kill it and Neelix to bring Tuvok back.
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It's not just that TNG has terribad design choices in the fabrics and costumes (all civilian clothing and fabric in Trek looks fucking hideous, (Everyone in the Federation wears lycra overalls and all fabric is shiny "Space" fabric). But the Aliens in that era of Trek are just boring as living fuck.

How in fuck are Romulans in TNG anything like Romulans in TOS? Romulans in TOS were seductive, proud and cared about honour, in TNG they are just psychopathic autistic people.

What the fuck is even the difference between Cardassians and Romulans? They're the same fucking race beyond makeup.

Enterprise had interesting aliens and alien designs. TNG, DS9 and Voy didn't, beyond like, the Jem'Hadar and Klingons.
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not >>84444228 but star trek could be amazing if it weren't limited by budget constraints, forced to compromise its sfism in order to get a big budget (like jjtrek), and didn't include the grandfathered-in garbage from previous series which were limited by the social mores of the time, budgets, proclivities of the dudes in charge, etc

honestly >>84444228 is one of my favourite posts in a trekthread ever and i think you ought to apologise
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Would you /Trek/?
Alright, I apologize.

But I warn you now: You have just forfeited the right to complain about the Klingons in New Trek looking different from the Klingons in Old Trek, and I will be taking every available opportunity in the future to remind you of this forfeiture should I ever feel that you have forgotten.
They explained that difference in ENT
It is possible that there are different differences now.
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Klingons Discovery.png
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>he doesn't know
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I hate to pick on a child, but this kids head is just "off". He looks so fucking weird every time I see this episode.
Just another ENT autist, nothing to see
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>rewatching any child-focused episode
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For the most part, TNG, DS9 fashion is just terrible 90s tv fashion, like from saved from the bell, but they use shiny fabrics because THE FUUUTUUURRRREEEEEE.

It's like the neon green space drums in Nemesis.
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and the children shall lead.gif
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>child-focused episode
The surest way to find a bad one
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>Weebs still exist in the 23rd century.
Pamelyn Ferdin ruled the 60s and 70s.
I'm not posting in that fucking thread, cancer.
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