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So, what's /tv/ consensus on the series?

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Thread replies: 352
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So, what's /tv/ consensus on the series?
fuck drumpf and fuck white people
Documentary kino
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>that scene where Putin watches Dr Strangelove and Stone gives him the movie as a gift put forgets to put the disc back in the case beforehand

It's so fucking crazy when you think about it. Stone is interviewing a world leader, then asks "did you see that movie", he answers "nah" - cut to them both now watching the movie.

Peak comfy kino.
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I watched it with my father and when this happened we paused the movie and laughed for 5 minutes.
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but which is whitch

what did oliver stone mean by this exposition?
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Gave me a good chuckle
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>CIA supported terrorists in Chechnya that killed hundreds
Fucking pizza hut.
Pretty great. Does a good job of showing the history that the United States has of saying one thing and doing another. And also how they like to keep Russia/Putin as a prime evil. I'd bet that most anti-Trumpers won't even watch it in fear of having their worldview cracked open.
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nice whataboutism
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literally this
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Only watched the first 2 eps so far but it's great
Why do Westerners like Putin so much?
>that scene in the end when the camerman pulls the mic out Putin's pocket, and he checks to see if his wallet's still there
i was surprised at how candid and easy going he was, tbqh.
also, did anyone else notice the fucking qt's he had around in the background??
>>CIA supported terrorists in Chechnya that killed hundreds
prove for that is what exactly? putin's word? lmao
all of putin's claims were ludicrous anyway and stone is such a good lapdog.
Fug I forgot this was going to be released, gonna watch it now
>CIA supporting guerrillas fighting against an enemy government
they definitely never did that before..
You're talking about americans anon, they think Syria and ISIS are randomly occurring events.

The thought that Black Jesus Obama could be just as bad or have as much blood on his hands as Putin is so far out of their realm of thought it's depressing.
thats why america has such a shitty reputation, but for some reasons americans pretend that they are the good guy and russia is the bad, when the rest of the world think the opposite
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Anti-Trump here, pro-Putin, anti-Bush, anti-Hillary, pro-Bill Clinton.

Everybody needs to get out of their "Either/Or" box.

Nobody on either side seems to have noticed that Stone is being attacked this time for NOT being a conspiracy theorist.

Too bad Oliver himself didn't pull that arrow out of his quiver against Colbert. Steve would have had NO comeback. Was Oliver playing "Bad Cop" so Steve could play "Good Cop"? The timing of this project and its release could not possibly be more fortuitous/convenient.

Audiobook is 9 hours, by the way.
Whatever you think of Putin or Stone or Trump or Hillary, you should be very interested in watching this just to see a world leader we never hear from in U.S. media until this month. I guarantee you that every single name I mentioned are all watching the full 20 hours. Stone scooped the CIA.
I agree with your whole post, but it's kind of funny you said
>Everybody needs to get out of their "Either/Or" box.
Right after saying you are anti this and pro that.

Also, players change but the game doesn't change very much. I think it's not really important to side with politicians or to curse on others. I like Obama better than Trump, but so fucking what.
so your proof is that they did it another time, lmao
no, the rest of the world doesn't think that russia is the good guy at all, you dumbass contrarian.
hello non-american here. I hate your country and I hate fag enablers like you
I'm saying I don't necessarily align with the "sides" in the "Either / Or" game.

I agree with you about the game, and I have more complex views of both Trump and Obama, fans of neither but agree with a few (handful) of each.

Putin is at least consistent and his only examples of "expansionism" are both defensive in posture. Russia is being surrounded by NATO bases. His first decade in office was passive and he quadrupled the income of the average Russian. Westerners aren't told how popular Putin is in Russia. Wonder why.
Hello DoD

based kino
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How does he keep getting away with it?
Can we agree it was beautiful with an amazing cinematography? Even the part where Putin is driving looks like a sequence from Skyfall shit movie, but so beautiful.
Mexican here. I agree with (>>84020601) Get your fingers out of my country. Gays are alright, tho.
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>this happened

Wew. I was almost convinced you were just memeing until I saw it for myself.

>tfw Putin is such a sincere guy he cared enough to check and see whether the dvd was in the case

Wtf Im rootin for Putin now!
>American is standing in the West
>Russian in the East
>translator in the middle with a halo over his head to show that through dialogue both sides will find the light

Westeners hate him.

Virgins on 4Chan love him.

>typical American gift

Putin might be a fucking tyrant but the dude is master of bantz and based as fuck.
>putin talks about oligarchs
>stone shows khodorkovsky and some other guy
>khodorkovsky never did anything wrong except being against putin
>stone believes every bit of propaganda from putin
>theater slaughter with terrorist
>suicide vests and everything
>not a single one got off
>another ''''terrorist attack''''
>shown how many kids were killed
yeah, all of them were shot by Putin, better believe everything that Putin says though, you cocksucking shiteaters.
>it's always America's fault anytime Russia attacked another country
>gorbachev had an agreement concerning the nato
>none of this was written down
>stone:those American devils didn't respect that agreement later, right, Putin? fuck America
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>hacking a corrupt organization to expose them to their constituents
>funding literal murderers and terrorists

The left unironically equates these two things
t. chechnyan faggot
You're on the same board dumbass.
>>it's always America's fault anytime Russia attacked another country
What country we attacked?
>>none of this was written down
>>stone:those American devils didn't respect that agreement later,
Isn't it right?
I was told which one you attacked, didn't write it down, I'm right though, just believe me. Ignore the other points, you fucking idiot.
Your propaganda is showing when you demonize Putin as all-bad or excuse America as all-good.

is this the new favorite word for psuedo-intellectuals when they're losing an argument?
>ignores all the points that show how dumb you are
LMAO, it's not right. it's literally
>I don't have any, just listen and believe
You are correct with both comments
stellar post
The worst part is that Russia wasn't responsible for the hacking, it was a guy inside Clinton's team or whatever.
Putin isn't a saint, but America's warmongering is shocking.
>my propaganda
nice argument you have there, you believe all of his propaganda and have literally no arguments, good for you, you idiot.
such a new word that it has been used for the soviet union, right mong?
It's very common in Russia.

An American and a Soviet car salesman argue which country makes better cars.
Finally, the American asks:
"How many decades does it take an average Soviet man to earn enough money to buy a Soviet car?"
After a thoughtful pause, the Soviet replies:
"And you are lynching Negroes!!!"

nicely samefagged

>"Putin is lying"
>"America isn't cocking it up all around the world"

>depose two dictators who were not existential threats and replace them with Terrorist organizations who have displaced 10 million people from their homes.
>Pull out of joint nuclear deterrence treaty and unilaterally build missile systems designed to block retaliatory missile launches... effectively pointing a gun at a defenseless Russia's head
>Outspending the whole world combined on defense
>installing US puppet regimes in the Eastern bloc and moving military equipment up to the Russian borders..

You're literally a mindless parrot
So liberal commies are unironically using old soviet propaganda words now? This world keeps getting funnier and funnier.
>I was told which one you attacked,
>LMAO, it's not right. it's literally
>>I don't have any, just listen and believe
You didn't provide any source.
>>depose two dictators who were not existential threats and replace them with Terrorist organizations who have displaced 10 million people from their homes.
>>Pull out of joint nuclear deterrence treaty and unilaterally build missile systems designed to block retaliatory missile launches... effectively pointing a gun at a defenseless Russia's head
>>Outspending the whole world combined on defense
>>installing US puppet regimes in the Eastern bloc and moving military equipment up to the Russian borders..
what has this anything to do with what I said, you complete fucking moron? debate my points instead of talking about unrelated shit.
I don't like Putin, but do you really want to topple the guy and repeat the tragedy that happened in Iraq/Libya after Saddam/Gaddafi's death?
Europe is basically a buffer zone between America, Russia and the Arab world at this point.
>You didn't provide any source.
just like your leader, putin, you love me too, right?
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I think it would be funny.
>it takes you 4 minutes to make a screenshot
took you long enough, mr ms paint.
We need to get Russia and china to fight each other. That shit would be hilarious.
100% correct and devastating
>just like your leader, putin, you love me too, right?
Again, what country we've attacked?
again, nicely samefagged, I'll wait another 5 minutes for your screencap, we all know it takes ages to do that.
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Hello Derp. You want it in 30 seconds next time?
I heard it. didn't write it down. listen and believe, I listened to putin and believed him, he has no sources, I have none. I'm just like him.
lmao, nice retort, you samefagging idiot.
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Putin is not a bad person, but he must die.
The spice must flow.
Hello D.o.D.
100% right.
k i n o
>I heard it. didn't write it down. listen and believe,
Okay then name the country whiich was attacked by Russia
Just being a realist. Destabilizing our competition is always good for America.
Based Leftist Stone wins again

Oh shit what is happening???
Is that the America like Warren Buffett you're referring to, who was already hiding out inside Fort Offutt on the morning of 9/11 with a bunch of business "leaders" & Generals, exactly the location where Dubya fled to? You have a funny definition of America, "realist"
Theres a difference between the rational left and the new Marxism left. He points this out in an interview saying that the corruption of the DNC forced many "leftists" to switch to a 3rd party vote.
I think people who say Stone just "believes" Putin is kind of missing the point. He is interviewing him, he is there to listen to his side of the story. That side of the story may even so be bullshit, but you want to hear more from it, you want the whole story. If Stone were to interrupt Putin and ask stingy provoking questions, the interview would end much sooner and you wouldn't even be able to blame Putin for it because that's how it would go with anyone being pushed by an interviewer from "the other side", being you guilty or not. That's not to say Stone was political and just pretending he was believing Putin either. Just that he is there to listen and to see what Putin's story on himself leads to. Stone asks questions based on what Putin is saying, this way they are able to actually talk and hear each other instead of having one trying to squeeze an expected answer from another and this other defending and excusing himself all the time. This is how interviews should go, it's not a talk show and not a situation like in Frost/Nixon either.
Yeah that part really caught me off guard.
People have been dumbed down to only react to sensationalism.
I'm fucking tired of all this anti-Western sentiment on 4chan lately. We need to get a Western Internet Defense force going to counter all these sand monkeys and slavshit subhumans.
To expand on this see this post


Its not about information or logic to most Americans any more. Everything is reduced to its simplest, most sensational form in an instant through willfully ignorant mis-interpretation.
Triggered right-wingers defending Marxist Stone ...

Holy shit what is happening???
Go back to your Pentagon pedo parties, loser
>le amerigans xD
I'm not talking about the interview you non-white ape. I'm talking about the state of 4chan at the moment.
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>right wing
>Marxist (parroting the word they just read for the first time)

And there it is again;The dumbed down, sensationalistic, new American. Im ashamed to share space with "people" like this.
How else can our business & military elites divide & conquer us? Quick, 4Chan psy-ops team, put more lead in the water!
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>a thread about an interview is "Anti-Western"
>somehow thinks they have refuted me pointing out how incorrect that is and shifts points

You are literally retarded m8. Are you just in the wrong thread?
The US will fall in our lifetime. Perhaps in Trump's run still. You have Trump saying "fuck you friends, murrica first", you have US states and cities working against the president, there is debt, poverty, bad health, bad education, inner problems becoming more apparent, racial issues, lack of confidence in the police, etc. You have Russia, China and others just ready to say "who's with us?" and people will flock to their side. And a president that is crazy enough to take the bait in spite of what his advisors might say. There is a wall-street bubble ready to burst and more crisis to come in 2017 and 2018.
At this point Im honestly worried that there is no controlling hand and people are literally just this retarded and are playing government.

Which is objectively worse?
it's surprising that early 20th century russians would give a fuck about american blacks
This. US has already fallen actually, people are just pretending it hasn't because that's even better. Trump is willingly entering a coffin saying he is great and they are great as everyone is going "sure sure...". Americans will be last ones to know, they have a completely different vision of the world than the rest of the world.
They didn't, it was just a way to deflect.
>You Russians don't have democratic elections.
>W-well, you hang niggers, so you're just as bad!
Has no one read about the 1999 Russian apartment bombings? They should be fucking /pol/'s wet dream of a true obvious false flag, except of course /pol/ is run by literal Russian shills.

>Speaker of Russian parliament accidentally announced one set of bombings 3 days before it happened
>FSB agents caught in a "training exercise" with live explosives that matched the composition of the other bombings
>Ever major investigator into the bombing has been imprisoned or murdered
>tfw i just watched the first episode
wtf i love Russia now, did i just fall victim to Russian propaganda?
Russia is 1000 times more western than current america
Damn im btfo how will i ever recover.

Laughed out loud big time there. Thought it was cool Putin sat down to watch the film. The best parts were from Part 4 where Stone was pushing him about "hacking". The only time Putin was looking noticeably uncomfortable and Stone called him on it.
What was the endgame? What legislation was passed in "response" to the false flags?
there is a decent doc about this.

Back to criticizing Stone for not being a conspiracy theorist ...

Glad to see you agree that 9/11 was a Bush/Cheney job though
An expanded war in Chechnya which secured the newly appointed Prime Minister Putin's popularity before his 2000 run for president.

We could also talk about the shadiness of the 2002 Moscow theater siege, or the 2004 Beslan sieges, which while not false flags were intentionally manipulated to guarantee maximum loss of life, which then saw for example the end of regionally elected governors in Russia in favor of centrally appointed ones that has given Putin a monopoly on political power than will continue until he dies of old age.
Thanks m8
>were intentionally manipulated to guarantee maximum loss of life
That's literally nothing, but pure speculation
GRU really is hard at working shilling putin.
Based Putin
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All this proof! Nice!

Putin fucking straight up said Russian hackers did it with some stupid shit about them feeling inspired like artists.
>All this proof! Nice!
just like the collusion case liberals were hyping up? LMAO
GRU shill wants neutral objective interviews.

Why do you hate Baby Jesus & Wall Street?
fuck putin and fuck russian people
The problem is what appears from the outside as intentionally causing loss of life is inside of Russia literally standard operating procedures. You can look up videos of hostage rescue training drills by Russians on youtube that are basically guaranteed to kill any hostages in the process. That's simply not considered a concern.
>b-but Putin is evil

He is and he has to be, just like any leader. American, European, Russian, Asian, African, Latino... Either you give in to outside forces or you withstand by becoming a dictator. I don't even see stuff like North Korea as weird, if it wasn't like it was, it would have been conquered by the US. There is no good side and these leaders are not even directly connected to the shit that goes on in their name, it's just how things go. Their daily routine is basically signing a bunch of papers taking big resources from big people and handling to other big people, even if that means war in some country they don't know the name. There is no left or right, west or east, just a bunch of retarded faceless forces pushing each other with everyone being crushed in between trying not to be in the front line in their lifetime of this one single world war that has been going on for thousands of years and that gets more and more sophisticated and invisible. There is absolutely no reason to defend any corporation or politician, if they exist, if they have any power, then they have power over someone else or, at the very least, must protect themselves from the evil shit going on around them and so act evil themselves.

Anna Stepanovna Politkovskaya (Russian: Áннa Cтeпáнoвнa Пoлиткóвcкaя; IPA: [ˈanːə sʲtʲJˈpanəvnə pəlʲJtˈkofskəjə]; Ukrainian: Гáннa Cтeпáнiвнa Пoлiткóвcькa [ˈɦɑnːɐ steˈpɑnʲiu̯nɐ pɔlʲitˈkɔu̯sʲkɐ]; née Mazepa [mɐˈzɛpɐ]; 30 August 1958 – 7 October 2006) was a Russian[1] journalist, writer, and human rights activist who became known in her forties for her opposition to the policies of Russian President Vladimir Putin and, in particular, his waging of the Second Chechen War (1999-2005).[3]

It was her reporting from Chechnya that made Politkovskaya's national and international reputation.[4] For seven years she refused to give up reporting on the war despite numerous acts of intimidation and violence. Anna was arrested by Russian military forces in Chechnya and subjected to a mock execution. She was poisoned on a plane flying from Moscow via Rostov-on-Don to help resolve the 2004 Beslan school hostage crisis, and had to turn back, requiring careful medical treatment in Moscow to restore her health.

Her post-1999 articles about conditions in Chechnya were turned into books several times;[5] Russian readers' main access to her investigations and publications was through Novaya Gazeta, a Russian newspaper known for its often-critical investigative coverage of Russian political and social affairs. From 2000 onwards, she received numerous international awards for her work. In 2004, she published Putin's Russia, a personal account of Russia for a Western readership.[6]

On 7 October 2006, she was murdered in the elevator of her block of flats, an assassination that attracted international attention.[7]

Politkovskaya was found dead in the lift, in her block of flats in central Moscow on 7 October 2006.[49] She had been shot twice in the chest, once in the shoulder, and once in the head at point-blank range.[50]
>Many sources which reported on her death note she was killed on Vladimir Putin's birthday.[51]
Nice deflection. Are you paid per post or is it hourly Ivan?
I see. Im checking out the documentary anon linked now.

I cant help but think though, playing devils advocate, that it seems the corruption in Russia largely seems to not affect the world stage as much as the numerous interventions by the US in foreign states.
Not that this is a refutation or meant to validate anything, but on some level I cant help but be more sympathetic to the Russian side. Of course its probably a grass is always greener on the other side thing, but even just watching Putin speak and comparing him to our current politicians/media you get a sense of professionalism and respect in the way he refers to the US and speaks in general.

Watching US politicians speak is like watching a B movie and your 90% sure both sides are disgenuine, lying, spouting propaganda, pandering, and are downright childish. Its hard to take US politics serious, because it seems as if even the politicians dont take it seriously...its become a complete circus.
>I don't even see stuff like North Korea as weird

I thought I was the only one. If you step outside of your own bias it is extremely apparent why Nork would be acting as such.

Or he could just be a lunatic making irrational decisions with no plan. Who knows desu
>which while not false flags were intentionally manipulated to guarantee maximum loss of life


lets hear your great idea how to take out sandniggers on dead mans switches inside a building
>B-b-b-but muh Chechen terrorism!
One of the most powerful men in the Russian government right now is a Chechen terrorist, appointed to power by none other than...Vladimir Putin. And no, he has not reformed or anything, he regularly has Russian citizens murdered and Putin allows it and even takes advantage of it to have his own enemies eliminated while maintaining plausible deniability.
the russians hacked us guys
hate putin and criticize him, jesus. how hard is it to understand?
we're the fucking good guys remember, we NEVER fuck with russia, but they fuck with us on the daily
>... so Putin's really just a cuck for not "going big" with his Evil like NATO did with 9/11 & the Mid East apocalypse.

And that's how we shall know it was NATO when Temple Mount gets bombed on July 7 and when Los Angeles gets nuked. Putin's evil penis is smaller.
Hey comrade, you might want to update your story. The official version has abandoned the idea of "oh no we couldn't stop those dead man switches" to saying "actually all the explosives were detonated intentionally before we did anything."

BTW in reality it was actually Russian government munitions that killed most of the hostages, the actual terrorist bombs mostly failed, but since you are clearly not even going to bother to give me Putin's latest version this is the last post you get.
the russian gov just doesnt give a fuck lol

The subject matter was 10/10 but the camera work was shaky half the time. The camera work with the handheld looked like crap. Some of the quick cuts while Putin was speaking clipped off the interpreter. Audio recording was 9/10. Interpreter was 10/10. Smooth delivery. Dude needs his own doc.
Stone notes in his Democracy Now interview that the CIA is fond of framing Putin & Politkovskaya's parents insist it was Chechens. Cucks, right?
the russian gov is so obvious with their lies to their own public. it is almost hilarious if the gov wasnt so corrupt and subversive.
> If you step outside of your own bias it is extremely apparent why Nork would be acting as such.
>Or he could just be a lunatic making irrational decisions with no plan.

I think they don't exclude each other. There are just the right conditions for it to be like so.

You know, I don't doubt that ISIS members hate the US and praise Allah and so on and so forth. That doesn't mean ISIS came out of nowhere. I don't doubt that Trump loves America and wants to make it great, I really don't. I don't think Hitler sat down and thought "hm see these nice jews here, they have money, let's start some propaganda against them". I think the leaders are not even aware of themselves. It's just that it doesn't matter who they think they are, they are all pieces on a game board with no one playing. No one is playing. The world is meant to go wrong.

How much kiddie porn do they pay you at the Pentagon, Bunny?

Maybe that is why Putin refused to say hello or acknowledge Gorbachev at the parade. Stone asked him and Putin's like >I didn't see him
What the fuck are you taling about? Putin's lies would be hilarious if they weren't so serious. Do you not remember the stories he was telling in 2014? About how all those "green men" were just spontaneous locals and totally not Russian SOF? Followed a few months later by open admission of course they were Russian military.

In fact I don't fucking understand how no one isn't noticing the hacking story is following the literal timeline of his denials then. First Russia had absolutely nothing to do with it. Then ok, there were Russians involved, but just citizens acting on their own initiative with no government involvement. Then open bragging about how the government was able to successfully involve itself and deny responsibility until it was too late to do anything. We've already moved to stage 2 on the hacking story, the next stage is only a matter of time.
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It's past your bedtime. Are you getting sleepy nothingburger?
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I'm not even gay and every time I see him it feels like my dick is going back inside my body.

Nice try. Deflection from any point made regarding U.S. fiasco politics & the Middle East apocalypse. Did Putin do that too?

Too bad you Pentagon fucks can't pull another JFK on Putin and just finally get back to your pedo-ring fist-bumps & Syrian pipeline rape job.
>About how all those "green men" were just spontaneous locals and totally not Russian SOF? Followed a few months later by open admission of course they were Russian military.
There is no contradiction, a lot of Russian navy crew, former and actual, living in Crimea, especially Sevastopol.
>the next stage is only a matter of time.
So you should thanks us for saving your precious 2 praty system
I like it when Putin talks about other countries because he's being honest. When he talks about Russia he's just lying through his teeth.
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You didnt address any of the content of my post ane went on about "Russian hacking". If you use the phrase Russian Hacking im going to disregard anything you say.

Besides the hacks were proven domestic from within the DNC itself, "influencing" an election (which is the only word any of your shit news sources will use: Pro-Tip: paying attention to buzzwords and spin words might pay off) is not a crime much less posting memes compared to installing insurgents as the US frequently does, and does this mean you are against government transparency??

So its bad that the DNC was exposed as being corrupt and rigging their election for the representative of their party? I mean where do you draw your line in the sand? Because there are so many points of refutation its hard to take you seriously.

>what does this have to do with what I'm saying.

You're literally demonizing someone who doesn't hold a fingernail to what the US has done to reek chaos and death... not a single point that you brought up has any substance whereas American foreign policy has clear causes and effects that continue to devastate lives...

Again I reiterate, you're a mindless parrot.
>What country we attacked?
If you think about it, it really is the core of political argument these days.
Backdoor samefag still arguing about hacking while NATO is busy trying to frame Putin and get their World War.
Proofs? No seriously where the fuck any shoots from Orbit with massive horde of bears crossing Russia-Ukraine border,
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>t.Schizophrenia with a side of Autism
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>backdoor samefag

What did she mean by this?
nice bait
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>1 (1) buzzword

XD jokes on you because your a newfag, nu-male, cuck, sjw, feminazi, brony, stacy, summerfag, Nintendobabby, brainlet, neckbeard, roastie, normie, chad, chav, pleb, barneyfag, shill, autism, fedora, manlet.


Me:over 9000
You:Buttblasted [x]
Hit a nerve + psychological projection
Overboard reaction to 2-word reply = "triggered" (ironically, forgotten on your list)
Desperately responding to posts consecutively.

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90-second reply record belongs to (You)

Back to school
>You didnt address any of the content of my post
The content of your post was

1. The US does bad stuff!
Which is pure whataboutism and deserves to be ignored in a thread about Putin.

2. Putin sounds so much more reasonable than US politicians!
Which I did address. Putin does not sound reasonable unless you are completely ignorant of what he is saying.

>Besides the hacks were proven domestic from within the DNC itself,
This is a lie. You have now revealed yourself to be a GRU agent and this is the last post you get.
Russians are up for some huge protests right now.

Also, the average wage in Russia is about the same as in some Eastern Europe shitholes, that's embarrassing for a would be world power.
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>Russians are up for some huge protests right now.

first off. theyre not huge

second. theyre all underage children. too pussy to cause trouble.

third. youre a delusional retard
Why does stone love russia so much, his Secret History of The US might as well been on how.we kept screwing up with Russia
Russians aren't exactly known to care about loss of life when dealing with enemies.
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Oh they are huge, that will be easy to be checked. Just compare them with earlier protests.

My second idea can also be easily checked.

Now tell me, dear meme poster, where have I lied in my post?
You should ask those innocent dead Iraqis about Russian carelessness and see if they prefer American bombs
I see why the liberals hate him now, Putin comes out of this looking like the man
I forgot to add, the point of a protest is not too cause trouble, my uncultured, undemocratic friend.
Oh shit HUAC is here
>Just compare them with earlier protests.
TOP FUCKING KEK, just compare them with late 00's protest and when Navalny got 20-25% of voters on Moscow elecation
I think we found our new meme
wtf is the name of the doc
Stone is always cozying up to authoritarian bastards. Except when those bastards are americans, then he shows the fangs that faggot.

Rated: hypocricy/10
Putin is the leader of the free world t b h. Obama and Merkel and Macron and everybody else are puppets of George Soros and or other nameless mega rich special interests and their allegiance is to a global order. Putin is his own man and his allegiance is to Russia.
Nice whataboutism, /pol/
Actually, we do. Only Americans for some reason still have the red scare going on in 2017 for some reason. You're just warmongers who are desperate for a war with russia. Your country has crazy "leftists" who call themselves left but they are huge warmongers and need a constant enemy (currently le evil russia and putin). Oh yeah because their warmonger candidate lost but they are so desperate for war with Russia that they are still trying to have it.
The size of the protests does not negate the size of Putin's popularity.

Facts are facts that average Russian income quadrupled under Putin from the poverty of the 1990s. Even Gorbachev, a Putin critic, concedes that Putin has stabilized Russia.

But like all propagandists, your job is to demonize and remove all complexity, all shades of gray, and any good attributes. Putin doesn't use that tactic against the U.S., which makes your job harder.

You sound like a 14 year old who thinks hes insightful or something. "My views didn't align 100% with either side, I must be so fucking unique!"
>shills calling other people shills
>checking the grammar
nice whataboutism
That's what the dead Iraqis said!
>Watched part 1 with lefty friend
>Watch Colbert interview with Stone straight after
>Mfw he's breaking through the conditioning
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>Putin is the leader of the free world t b h.

Putin is a meme figure very much like Trump and likeable/hateable for it, but make no mistake about him as a leader. If he got his you'd see media censorship as matter a fact. Keep in mind Putin is the same person that's essentially exploiting a loophole and corruption in Russia's political system to rotate between being the PM and President. That alone should tell you everything you need to know about the state of things over there.
Because he's refreshing compared to western politicians
I think it's just because Russians come off as very no-nonsense and telling it how it is.

>get a group of EU representatives together for a panel
>Russia is the only sane person in the room
>Iraqi refugee who raped a 10-year-old boy at a swimming pool in a 'sexual emergency' has his conviction overturned because the Austrian court 'didn't prove he realised the boy was saying no'

The West is not free
>Pentagon & NATO surrounding Russia for a decade with new military bases & "missile defense"
>now known as "crazy leftists"
I'm not even an Americuck. I hate America just as much as the next guy, but in this documentary Putin was either lying or saying things I already knew.

Stone was also remarkably ignorant on a long list of issues.
Damn, I didn't expect Putin to be this frank.
Panicking Pentagon pedos on suicide watch
I just like, get, Putin you know? He speaks my language, about what I know about power and how it works. Obama never did. Obama was full of shit.

Remember when Russia annexed Crimea and Obama went out there and was all "Its, uh, the current year you know, you just, uh, uh, can't do this" and that always stuck in my craw because they did do it. Its obviously something you can do, because they did it. I would be embarrassed to say what he said. If I could stop them I would stop them thats one thing, but to just say its one way when its not is something that really bummed me out about the leader of my country, that he was a guy that clearly didn't understand power.

Putin understands power perfectly, he gets it.
No, man. You're saying you understand power but you don't. Obama doesn't literally think what he said.

No annexation is an American construction through different treaties and international organization to bolster their hegemony. If he accepts it as possible, or doable, even if it is actually done, then that sends a message that run contrary to US foreign policy.

Politics isn't an autistic chess game where you explicate your moves.
>"..it'll send a message.."
Exactly. Thats just the sort of thing Im talking about. Worrying about 'messages'. He doesn't understand power. Thats exactly right. You get it.
Another thing that bothers me about how the West has become, is when our leaders start acting like a bunch of pussies. Whenever they do this you know without a doubt somebody is going to get bombed. Being a pussy doesn't give you license to bomb people.

Take the most recent case in Syria, and Trump was right up there with the McCain's and the Haley's and the Schumer's and Warner's and all the great pussies of our leadership. It was sickening to see.

Heres the thing. If your country, and your people are on the brink of annihilation, and your whole world is at stake, and all that stands between you and salvation is a group of full of innocent villagers, gas the fucking villagers ok? Gas the shit out of them. What are we talking about here? Just our existence right? And I know it wouldn't feel good, and it would be a bummer, but its the job you signed up for. You're the leader.

But our leaders, oh man. OUR leaders, our leaders would rather watch every one of use be destroyed than possibly risk offending even one brown person. I mean thats our leaders. They're despicable. They're despicable. Reprehensible.
That's why it's time to start terminating /pol/tards.

It takes courage. But it's time. Anon you should start. Kys
You're just weak-minded.
Why not do something about it?
Well I voted for Trump because he was not hawkish on Syria but it just does not seem to matter once these people get in power they all get religion pretty quick don't they?

I just want that war to end. Bombing Assad is the opposite of what I would do. Because Assad can actually win. And once someone wins its over. But inexplicably, whenever his forces seem on the verge of a breakthrough he does something that prompts western intervention and it goes back to a stalemate.

Alternatively McCain could just come out and say it. Its about a pipeline. And the oil and natural gas in that region are vital to US interests and allow us to live the lives that NONE of us want to give up, and that its all really just a resource grab. But then that would make us the evil empire and thats like waking up a sleep walker. It might hurt our delicate psyches.

I just hate this having to false flag gas attacks on innocent villagers to 'send a message' to Americans that the region is vital to our interests. And I don't think its right that our leaders should be able to get away with it by acting like pussies. So I go and I make a point of it on malaysian cartoon message boards. Thats what I do about it.
>but it just does not seem to matter once these people get in power they all get religion pretty quick don't they?
Another point that Put understands well actually with his 'men in dark suits' line here
>So I go and I make a point of it on malaysian cartoon message boards. Thats what I do about it.

That's the problem, man. Go run for office or some shit.

Otherwise I agree that both politicians, and the American people are living in a kind of trance that they'll probably never wake up from. But then again that's the whole world.
The only thing I would do is if there was a war against Israel I would sign up in a heartbeat and say put me on the front line. Put me right in there not some rear guard I want in there.

But THAT'LL never happen and our country as it stands certainly is not worth fighting for, or working for, or representing or anything and nationalism as a way of organizing society is on its way out like feudalism, tribalism, mercantilism and every other kind of -ism before it.

Have kids and raise them to live in a world thats only ever going to regress. Thats all you can do.
>Gorbachev's agreement with NATO wasn't in writing

Well I guess we can break it and Russia isn't allowed to be mad
What do you do for a living?
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>>khodorkovsky never did anything wrong
I came from a small town in Kansas and moved to a big city and got a job in a gas station in multi-culti neighborhood and so I had only vague presuppositions about the way people were and I just ended up being red-pilled very quickly. Its alright but Id rather be a janitor because one you have keys to stuff when shit hits the fan and two nobody fucks with you. one thing is for certain the gas station is the worst place to be when things go down I learned that in 2008. when the gas prices went up, people took it out on us.
You don't think the country is worth fighting for because you don't have your own family, as I suspected.
What country we attacked?

Reminds me of the time Obama officially gifted a set of AFI greatest films DVDs to the British Prime Minister. That's bad enough considering the PM gave Obama an exquisite hand-carved pen holder made from the timbers of the sister-ship of HMS Resolute (the President's desk). But the best bit was the DVDs were all Region 1 and couldn't be played in Europe's Region 2.
Well I mean people in this country are having less and less children so what does that tell you?

I don't agree with your premise its mostly childless men that go off and fight in wars but Ill address it prima facie. If having kids and being willing to fight for your country are connected, then what does it tell you that Americans are having less and less children?
Stone seemed pretty senile and out of it. I guess Putin saw this as a free propaganda opportunity since Stone was only ever throwing him softballs
Hoho you got me there.
Im not trying to 'get' you though I cant help but feel affronted after such a personal attack. I think you could have just guessed I don't have a wife or kids we are on 4chan after all.
>You can look up videos of hostage rescue training drills by Russians on youtube that are basically guaranteed to kill any hostages

That is pure bullshit and you know it.
I didn't mean to offend, I just find that people are more willing to defend their shit if they've got family. Though that just means they're willing to fight for family more than country. We wouldn't even be in the state that we are right now if corporations brought all their shit back to U.S. soil and paid Americans decent wages. Then we'd have things to be proud of: our products manufactured by everyday Americans.
>being banned(?) for this
I've seen this too many times. fucking (((mods0))
Its alright. I get much worse on /pol/. I tell them republican armies are for suckers. They attack me and question my mettle. Its all good. Its good for debate.
>Also, players change but the game doesn't change very much
this applies only to foreign policy. in domestic affairs there is a strong difference between the two parties.
The fourth episode is kino

I honestly don't know who's more wrong. I know Putin is an enemy though. But I, in certain ways, respect him
>khodorkovsky never did anything wrong except being against putin
He wanted to sell off Russian oil companies to the UK
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putin's no angel but you've got to close your eyes to quite a lot to believe the long term intentions of the US are anything but aggressive
>George Soros
Why has he become /pol/'s go-to boogeyman? I've seen how /pol/ recruits newcomers to its ranks, and indoctrinates them with their little infographics so that no one ever really has to stray away from the popular opinion, there, but it's ridiculous how fucking every one of them brings up Soros.

Guy is a self-made man, and just supports whoever he wants in power. Donald Trump and all other millionaires have been doing that for years. He also helped bring the USSR so it's not like he's a Marxist either.
>This is how interviews should go

If you're conducting a shallow puff piece, sure.
this desu
the cognitive dissonance of the people who complain about soros supporting the politics of robert mercer, sheldon adelson, the koch brothers, etc is downright bizarre to me
>the koch brothers
Oh thanks, these were the ones I'd wanted to cite, and not Trump, who hasn't too much of an avid political fund-giver. But the Koch brothers litterally dump money all over the place, and do Soros' games wherever, just in favor of Republicans and not Democrats.

Get a grip /pol/. You don't like that communists would order what to do with your money, and yet can't stand that Soros does what he wants with his.
Seems like a whole show dedicated to watching Putin bullshit Americans, as usual. Are people gullible enough to actually believe him?
Yeah, just like Greatest Story Never Told amirite? Putin a dindu nuffin! It's not like he kills dissidents, gays, political opponents and journalists. He just so based bro! You know? It's not like he rigs his own elections to stay in power...fucking btfo those liberals amirite?
>he's no angel
Why are some of you so fucking warped in the head to the point that you can't just admit what he is? A totalitarian. Russia is a hellhole mess that pretends to be successful and did we just straight up forget how Putin rolled into Georgia not more than a year ago, then spread propaganda that they wanted Russia to be there? Do we forget who Putin funds in the middle east? How he's allies with Syria? His relationship to both the Taliban and Al-Qaeda? The resources he's given Iran?

What is wrong with you faggots?
He's hardly self made, his family was very wealthy in Europe before they fled. It would be like calling Trump a self-made man.

/pol/ hates him because of his political activism disguised as philanthropy. They say he funds many of those noisy sjw political activist retards, occupy, BLM, pro-abortion, refugees welcome in Europe, Hillary, etc. Basically, if you find any sort or organised lefty protest where they are somehow all marching under the same slogan, especially international protests, they are usually traced back to Soros. I don't like him because he's an arrogant and greedy asshole. For example, he made his billions usually on the suffering of others rather than in a legitimate business like Gates or Jobs, like that financial crash in Britain in the 90s.
>A totalitarian
He isn't

>Russia is a hellhole mess
Sanctions don't help

>and did we just straight up forget how Putin rolled into Georgia not more than a year ago
It was a while ago, and the west started that conflict just the same as the ukraine thing, or syria thing
Typical western "big lie" bullshit, they just omit everything they have done in the controlled media.
>he rigs his own elections
doesn't he have like a 90% approval rating? even western firms conduct the polls from outside mind you
It's propaganda.
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>leader of the free world
don't mind me, just giving my political opponents a nice cup of polonium tea
>he isn't a totalitarian
You are a brainwashed little shit if you honestly think Putin is some saint. You kids are ridiculous.
>sanctions don't help
Gee, I sure do wonder what he did to get those sanctions...
>It was a while ago, and the west started that conflict just the same as the ukraine thing, or syria thing
Holy shit, no we didn't. Putin literally took advantage of nobody paying attention tp him and he went for it.

You have been fed actual propaganda, bud. Putin is terrible.
>he has a 90 percent approval rating
Ah yes, I'm sure that's accurate. You people sure are dumb.
>he actually thinks Putin is a dindu nuffin
Neck yourself you useful idiot. Putin is a totalitarian. Next you are going to tell me North Korea is a paradise.
Well in the land of the blind the man with one eye rules.

Putin is a remarkable man I do think but its the failures of western leadership that have caused him to take over that title.
Well at least didn't he stumble into LSE only through his own wits, then had immense trouble actually finding a bank that would take him in? Also, let's not dismiss that the chap grew up in a time where everything'd been progressively confiscated from him for being Jewish. But I'll admit I've only ever been to his wiki page twice, when I first heard about him years ago and just now.

>/pol/ hates him because of his political activism disguised as philanthropy.
Well I mean most people at his level that do charitable things or philanthropy usually stems from their own greed. I like Gates too, but don't forget that his charity thing was only kicked off since his lawyers recommanded that he ought to rebrand himself as a "nice rich guy", because he kept losing his trials in the 1990s.

>For example, he made his billions usually on the suffering of others rather than in a legitimate business like Gates or Jobs, like that financial crash in Britain in the 90s.
But alright this one I can agree on. Sounds really filthy what he did with the pound.
>You are a brainwashed little shit if you honestly think Putin is some saint. You kids are ridiculous.
They are no more totalitarian than the west, with our speech codes, thought crime, assassinations of whistle blowers, ethnic replacement by foreigners, and so on

Try to think in terms outside your brainwashing, just because they do things differently doesn't mean its wrong.

>Gee, I sure do wonder what he did to get those sanctions...
He went against the wishes of the US establishment, and countered US actions against Russia

>Holy shit, no we didn't.

Yes we literally did dumbfuck. Ukraine is run by an American puppet government since the Coup
Georgia provoked Russia on US orders
Turkey provoked Russia on US orders
The US started a fucking civil war in Syria to harm Russia and remove Assad

The fuck does "totalitarian" even mean you utter retard
Anyone the leftist west doesn't like is a "totalitarian"? But not communist countries like China or Cuba, no them we should love!
why the fuck is /pol/ riding this guys dick?

This is the kind of guy a real american is supposed to fucking hate with every fiber of their being. This is a guy who sends assassins with silenced pistols after you if you piss him off.

This is why the founding fathers put together the constitution in this and not any other fashion, cunts like putin.

and cretins on /pol/ think its "redpilled" because the guy is an asshole
Whataboutisms aren't necessarily bad, but sometimes they're false equivilances or just a bad comparison.

When you say Russia's bad because they hacked the DNC you indirectly compare its moral compass to that of the US. In that sense it's not exactly a wrong argument to point out the wrongdoings of the US, since it's completely relevant.

Your example of a whataboutism just can't be compared to the former one in this thread. It's a logical fallacy because it has nothing to do with the topic that was discussed and because nigger lynching is a practice that's a hundred years old.

All in all: Using the term ''whataboutisms'' is just another way to deflect the argument or to wrongly dismiss the argument.
Because he projects that (carefully crafted through propaganda) le badass image that is attractive to social degenerates.
Holy shit...this is delusional beyond belief. The man literally kills his political opponents and political activists who question him and we have this fucking brainlet here who legit thinks Putin is a dindu muffin that is the product of a media hit job to make him look bad.

You're autistic, matey. Barely anything you just said was accurate.
Its according to western polling firms. You can look it up.

Why wouldn't Russians think highly of him hes given them great victories and his approval rating will likely be high as long as he continues to do so.
NK might be a cesspool but it's definitely better than Obama's America
>This is a guy who sends assassins with silenced pistols after you if you piss him off.

Except he doesn't
And the west does this all the time too retard
The founding fathers would be far closer to Putin than they would be to a halfbreed like Obama or the modern USA
Oliver Stone was an awful choice, he ruined the entire thing with his moronic interviewing. He can't even ask questions properly, he makes Putin as uncomfortable as possible (and I don't mean with biting interrogation, just the way he acts), and could have been replaced with any number of people who would have been better candidates.
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>Its according to western polling firms. You can look it up
No, it isn't.
>great victories!
Name one.
I'm not saying you're wrong, but if you're making a claim then the burden of proof is on you, don't tell people to go and source your claims for you.
Who, Louis Theroux? You fucking cucks make no sense.
Oh, man...
This image hurts my eyes.
>gorbachev had an agreement concerning the nato
>none of this was written down
>stone:those American devils didn't respect that agreement later, right, Putin? fuck America

Putin literally answered that this "agreement" wasn't documented in any way so he can't realistically blame US for not honoring it. Gorbachev was a fucking idiot and majorly fucked up.
>The man literally kills his political opponents
Yea ofc anyone who dies in Russia is murdered by Putin

The real world is a messy place, who are you to fucking judge anything?
the russian economy is a lot better under putin than it was under yeltsin, and he has preserved their sovereignty. both of these things the us apparently intended to crush.
>rolled into georgia
do you remeber the iraq war? I remember the iraq war. the united states has fuck all authority to start finger wagging about violations of international law.
the us has a documented history of financing and supporting some of the worst of it, including in the middle east
not sure if you're paying attention, but the west isn't looking all that free and open anymore. secret laws, courts and jails, ubiquitous warrantless surveillance, worldwide election interference and even support for violent coups, open political assassinations and advocacy of torture, we're not such a shining beacon of democratic rule and human rights these days
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Jesus dude stay off Infowards. Obama was highly overrated and had a shitty deal with Iran and whatever, but he didn't transform America into North Korea.
> Except he doesn't
> And the west does this all the time too retard
you can't even make 2 noncontradictory sentences
>Except he doesn't
He does you delusional faggot

Found the /pol/tard. No, not Theroux (although there's nothing wrong with him), but Stone's makeup assistant would have done a better job. The very least they could have done was find someone willing to have the conversation in Russian and translated it post-production so the baby-faced FSB manlet translator wasn't wandering around with them everywhere, and it would have made the footage much better too without the need for 16 cuts every 30 seconds.
This is all just one big whataboutism.
US sanctions have caused the Russian economy to nosedive. Their GDP per capita is almost half of what it was in 2013.
>CTR at full force
The idea that Putin is running a regular assassination enterprise is purely fiction.

How narcissistic can you be to think the whole world has to operate according to your thinking and your values
Dude, you are literally posting propaganda about Putin being a golden boy...
>And the west does this all the time too retard

no it does fucking not

America DOES NOT organize political assasinations.

Name a single fucking journalist that disappeared or got assassinated in the US because they said mean things about a US president.

Putin actually had a guy killled using a radioactive agent taken from a top level government facility that could be obtained in two or three places in the entire world - he wanted everyone to know who did Litvinenko

America does not do this, never has, the CIA never even got approval to kill fidel fucking castro and it really really wanted to.

So fuck off with your retarded russian shill "but you do it too" rhetoric - we fucking don't and you are smelly barbarians
>The founding fathers would be far closer to Putin than they would be to a halfbreed like Obama or the modern USA

Great job comparing politicians who have been dead for centuries with a contemporary leader. You also really misunderstood Obama's views, are you still on the "he's communist because he's black" phase? The guy's a full-blown neocon.
I want to know what happens to a person to brainwash them like this.
western leaders are disgusting freedom-hating cucks so another disgusting freedom-hating cuck must be good, just because (((media))) told you he is their enemy
just wow
even (((politifact))) acknowledges that Putin is incredibly popular in his country.

You guys just don't understand how down and out Russia was in the 80s/90s. The fall of the Soviet Union really was one of the great tragedies of that century. Communism is bad mmkay yes, but in its absence there was only chaos. Chaos is reaaally bad. Putin brought them back. They're much better off now. Of course they love him for it. And as I was saying earlier, if all the stands between your people and utter destruction is a few political dissidents, you kill the dissidents. You kill the dissidents man.
Of course a people generally ruled by fear or propaganda pretend that their glorious leader is amazing and popular. Is this baby's first totalitarian state?
>poor little white goy
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>the russian economy is a lot better under putin than it was under yeltsin
It's not exactly like Putin orchestrated some sort of economic miracle, the economy was naturally trashy after the collapse of the USSR and Yeltsin was a complete imbecile. It didn't grow much faster than other developed countries under Putin (and of course, he hasn't been doing a good job lately)
>And as I was saying earlier, if all the stands between your people and utter destruction is a few political dissidents, you kill the dissidents. You kill the dissidents man.
We have actual people in this free society, who think like this.
I agree that it's a fallacy, I was merely pointing out that Russians are fond of the "tu auoque" fallacy.
Litvinenko betrayed his nation & his country
He deserved his death

>America does not do this, never has
What do you think the US has been doing for 20 years now when they drone random people?
Literally every day they carry out targetted assassinations
us sanctions wouldn't have had as strong an effect without the expansion of nato. but yes, I agree, the US is a much stronger world actor than russia.
the legitimacy of the agent making an accusation is of material concern. if the united states considered these acts provocations to war, then presumably they wouldn't do the same things themselves the world over. reciprocity is the foundation of law.
>autistic cuck screenshots google
youre the little cuck who sits in /v/ pretending to know even the slightest nuance of economics, you don't, stop pretending. youre a poorfag pleb who sits and pretends to be an expect of shit h e knows nothign a bout
or they think there are worse alternatives like Yeltsin.
It's not a fallacy, its a response to brainwashed ignorant western retards who attack Russia because the media tells them to

Meanwhile they lack even the slightest ability of criticizing their own countries or seeing things from a neutral point of view
great argument, i could have put the raw numbers in and made my own graph, but why would i do that when one already exists?
not russian btw
My experiences with totalitarian states, as an American, seeing what we've wrought in the middle east over the past two decades, is that however bad you think the totalitarian state is the alternative is worse.
>all those dumb idiots thinking russians will starve and start a revolution
lmao at those "political" experts.
alternatives can be worse. keep yourself safe faggot
you're assuming stability was ever the goal of regime change
obama and dems cant claim a high moral ground anymore though, neither can Antifa and the extreme left.
>admits he browses /v/
Go back there summer child.
>What do you think the US has been doing for 20 years now when they drone random people?

not even remotely similar to having your own citizens killed to uphold an undemocratic regime

by praising putin you are praising the greatest cancer that society ever struggled with
What value is "freedom" if you are dead? What value is democracy if the mob votes for suicide?
What value is the fucking constitution and human rights if you are an oppressed minority in what used to be your country?

Our countries are literally dying, our institutions and society is totally dysfunctional
Utopian thinking is for idiots and nuts.
america doesn't need to assassinate dissident journalists, its free press simply blacklists them
and if they prove persistent, they get accused of rape or pedophilia or even espionage
>stares at him
>"give me back my pen"
This guys scary as fuck
but (((nobody))) could possibly benefit from instability in the middle east. i mean (((who))) could you possibly have in mind

USA. what a country. and so free
what value is life if you cannot be free
90% of these posters are paid russian shills. It's literally the highest paying job in that failling shithole to be a psyops troll. When you have a failling country it makes sense to invest in making everyone think your rivals are feeling the same thing
no one is free though, now pay property and income taxes goy
holy shit imagine how much Trump gets. like a quarter of a million per tweet?
>everybody who disagrees with me is paid to do so by a vast organization devoted to my personal downfall
when you put it like that, it sounds downright reasonable
Which is not an argument.
another whataboutism, 4chan really loves soviet antics as of lately
Who are you to judge & condemn what a sovereign country does to its own citizens?
Ever heard the phrase mind your own business?
Who are you to say what is best for Russia?

Democracy is the absolute worst form of government, but you retards want to destroy the whole fucking world pushing that meme.
it is for them so I dunno.
>hypocrisy is fine as long as you have a volley of tu quoques to back up your bullshit trebuchet

where can i watch it?
>abloobloo democracy sucks because people dont vote for the things i like all the time abloo wahhh
Putin says money doesn't bring happiness.
>Fuck Russia
>muh freedom
>proceed to support the Saudis
I'm not even a fan of Putin, but every day Western hypocrisy reaches new heights.
>kill innocent people to keep yourself "safe"
You are brainwashed, mate.
its true though, obama got cucked by a russian dictator and his puppet.
it buys a lot of hookers though, and theirs are the best
if money doesn't buy happiness, why work to end poverty?
>more dodging
You can't focus on Russia...
K eep
Y ourself
S afe
Whats there to say? Russia is a poor country with a high murder rate being attacked on all sides by the USA
nice dodge
reform starts at home, why can't you focus on your own problems first?
When you spend almost half and hour defending Putin as a good ol' boy unfairly treated in media, you come off as a shill.
What does the average person know about anything? Fucking nothing.
Theres a reason democracy has been universally condemned throughout history
I've been on 4chan for a decade and it's amazing to see it taken over by russian psy ops. I feel bad for all the little ivans typing for a living when I just do it while taking a shit though. Worst is we probably have the same STEM degree but they cant find a real job over there.
>nice dodge
That is literally you, faggot
funny, I was just about to say the same about people who tow the American party line and parrot white house press releases
>what is there to say?
That Putin is a controlling totalitarian who kills his own people and has managed to stay "elected" for a remarkable amount of time despite his own people trying their best to fucking leave the country?
nice insult, are you gonna try whattaboutism bext?
keep dodging though
>another whataboutism
The shilling is unbelievably subtle, amirite?
>his own people trying their best to fucking leave the country
fake news
Alright, so stop dodging. Let's talk about how oppressive the Russian government is towards minority groups such as gays?
>Who are you to judge & condemn what a sovereign country does to its own citizens?

seriously thats the best you can do?

Not getting fucked over by your own government is literally the cornerstone of western civilization and something people have been working for for thousands of years.

I love how /pol/ went through this metamorphosis where they were first libertarians (which was at least admirable in a way though stupid) and now they flat out support having dictators because nothing else is edgy enough
It is literally not fake news.
to continue this conversation we will have to migrate I think
no, let's talk about how US internal politics use race and sexual politics as wedge issues to avoid meaningful class reform or even shell out enough to house the homeless
So, more dodging eh?
It's like a teacher lecturing students who didn't do their homework holy shit.
Nobody wants to continue listening to your Putin dicksucking.
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Ahh, poor Hanz, Dave or whatever cannot grasp how people in his country DARE to critique some of the western ideas! You honestly believe that any media will ever tell you the whole truth? At best you will get half truths.

Hell, I'm not even going to hide it, I'm Russian. Might be from Olgino itself, who knows. 4-5 years ago I was naive thinking that there are some kind of influencial and impartial news agencies that only report on facts. During that time I also thought that "old media", that is printed press is somehow worse than independant "new media". But now it's very clear that there are no news agencies that work like that. I don't even think that they can work like that. Mass media is part of culture and a business, so of course they want to associate themselves with main bulk of their readerbase, that's where the money lies. After being under what you might call "heavy state propaganda" for more than 10 years and seeing tons of different stategies being applied here it's incredibly amusing to see how generally subtle western media began their propaganda crusade once they find a new target doing the same kind of techniques that were used here years ago. Fucking hilarious. But instead of the "Americans did this! Blame them!" we got "Russians did this! Blame them!".
>he doesn't know that the Kremlin literally controls your media directly to feed you lies about your "President".
Russia still feeds you propaganda, matey.
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