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/tpg/ Twin Peaks General

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Thread replies: 323
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Last: >>83844801

Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11p0y9z1XOU
We haven't had a moment like this

Or this

Or this


Nope. Just 20 minute shots of people sitting down sifting through paper in silence. I don't care if it's intentionally ironic, or pleb-filter, or whatever. It is boring and shit.
the guy on the left is the same actor who played Stan, the goon with the heart of gold, in True Detective Season 2

Caspere knew this.
yeah what the fuck? no thing happens
Why are season 3 fans such sensitive little bitches?
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First for Normie Cooper.
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real cooper came back in first episode you fucking retard

REAL COOPER IS the EVIL COOPER. Cooper has always been a scumbag, he fucked his best partner's wife. That's who Cooper is, an adulterer and a scumbag. Windom Earle did nothing wrong.

Gordon meeting Boop was a fabulous scene. There are plenty in there.
>steven universe general
When does it get good bros?
septic queers pls go
Jane-E is a terrible wife for not taking Dougie to a doctor by now. But she's got good taste in chips.
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True Detective one the left and Justified on the right
Steven Universe>Twin Peaks: The Return
yea, so far its kinda weak. I dont feel any tension, wonderment nor horror while watching. And we are one third through.
Why do yanks have such a limited range of crisp flavours? I've been to america a few times. 90% of the "chips" are just salted flavour. On occasion you'll see a bbq or sour cream flavour but that's it. In britain, supermarkets have an entire aisle for crisps and all their flavours
So Shelly's kid grew up (and possibly that psycho kid is Audrey's kid) aaaaand nothing else happened in Twin Peaks for 25 years? I assumed this season was going to be the young actors from the original series becoming the old folks, and there would be a fresh batch of young, attractive actors to play the younger generation.
LYNCHED hahahaha LYNCHED!!! Everyone is LYNCHED
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notice HOW EVERY SCENE has music

that's what's missing
The fact that so many anons still name David Lynch as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" director ever only tells you how far auteur cinema still is from becoming a serious art. Cinema critics have long recognized that the greatest directors of all times are John Malkovich and Lars von Trier, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical Hollywood critics rank the highly controversial Orson Wells over golden age directors who were highly popular in cinemas around America. Lynch fans are still blinded by try hard edginess. David Lynch is more complex and deep than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore he must be the greatest. Cinema critics grow up watching a lot of cinema of the past, classical Hollywood critics grow up watching a lot of golden era cinema of the past. Lynch fans are often totally ignorant of the cinema of the past, they barely know the highest grossing flicks. No wonder they will think that David Lynch did anything worthy of being saved.
Maybe you try eating real food and 100 different kinds of "crisps".
>all these FAKE twin peaks fans
bet you dont even eat doughnuts OR drink coffee
fucking casuals
oi 8 why don't you yanks have the builder's breakfast taytos
Because we arent fat.
Someone once told me it's really hard to get meaty crisps in the US, is this true?

we've had the asian woman falling into space

the couple getting shredded open by a weird monster from a glass box

evil coop doing all kinds of insane shit
no no you've been LYNCHED little redditor, the lack of music is very KINO and not senile directing at all, trust me
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Just finished the new episode. I get the appeal of retard Coop but holy fuck this is just ridiculous now. No, I don't want 'damn fine coffee XDXDXD' shit back but for fucks sakes can we at least have a somewhat competent main character that actually talks and does anything? Retard Coop literally does nothing. This episode he drew stuff on paper for 15 minutes. And don't say that I don't get the symbols and whatnot because I understand that his subconscious was guiding him to draw stairs and whatnot but regardless seeing someone silently draw stairs on paper for 15 minutes isn't entertaining at all. There was a point where I got that Lynch was fucking with normies and I was ok with it because it was funny and somewhat interesting but now I think he's just doing this to fuck with people. I'm not going to stop watching or anything because I want to know what happens but if Cooper is still a retard next episode this season will officially be Season 2 tier to me.
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I only buy the rarest imported Canadian crisps, so I wouldn't know.
Diane, 5 P.M. Las Vegas. I'm still a retard.
>tfw mom finds the murder-dwarf
Buy and read The Secret History of Twin Peaks if you want to understand what's going on in the show.
First clip was ok, second one was great, third one was not twin peaks

>the couple getting shredded open by a weird monster from a glass box
Yeah, that really felt like a twin peaks moment...
>No I don't think I'll call Mr. Strawberry.
Evil Dale's interrogation with Gordon was probably the highlight of the show....that was what like 4 episodes ago?

he's going to be Dougie Jones up until the last episode

and the last shot Dougie will smash his head on a mirror and ask Where's Annie? and then it will fade to black and the words L Y N C H E D will slowly fade up
retard coop scenes
>pretentious garbage
james and evelyn scenes
>pure unfiltered kino

if you disagree, you're a fucking faggot
It's amazing how Lynch fills his stuff full of freakshow exhibits. Twin Peaks has shemales, giants, amputees & midgets (two of them now!)
All we need is a pinhead character and we Tod Browning nao

You straight got lynched, nig.
>season 3 fans identify with the alt-right caricature
Summer is here

This. I've read it twice and I finally understand what the fuss is all about.
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>he wants fan service

you're gonna have a hard time, senpai
He was always cool imo
I miss the old Cooper, fine cup of Joe Cooper,
Cherry pie to go Cooper, the has-a-soul Cooper,
I hate the new Cooper, the Red Room Cooper,
The always rude Cooper, the has-killed-a-few Cooper,
I miss the sweet Cooper, the Twin Peaks Cooper,
I gotta say, at that time I’d like to meet Cooper,
See, I respected Cooper, it wasn’t any Coopers,
And now I look and look around and there’s so many Coopers,
I used to love Cooper, I used to love Cooper,
I even had the tape recorder, I thought I was Cooper,
What if Cooper made a doppelganger that looked like Cooper,
Called “Dougie Jones” Cooper, Man, that’d be so Cooper!
That’s all it was Cooper, we still love Cooper,
And I love you like Cooper loves Cooper.
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>third one was not twin peaks
There are still 12 more eps.
First act is ending. Real coop tomorrow.
he's been in like 2 scenes and in neither does he mention anything remotely to do with politics
>/cg/ - Copy pasta General
music will come back when real coop wakes up

Mark Frost pls go
>Wanting to feel like you're watching the same show =/= fan service

Is "fan service" the latest meme phrase to shut down any criticism of the show?
so never
You're even more senile than he is if you're spending your time foaming at the mouth passive-aggressively on the internet about stuff you don't care. You're senile and pathetic. Go be Lynched somewhere else, my man.
so why is there a crazy murder-dwarf? and who was the woman he killed? why was he rolling dice and writing down what he say?

your criticism is that it isn't something that it never can be and which ended 25 years ago

your criticism sucks, i rate it 0/10
>Is "fan service" the latest meme phrase to shut down any criticism of the show?
That would be LYNCHED ofcourse
As seen by the fucking ending and start of episode 5 and 6 its OBVIOUS that Twin Peaks s3 is not a fucking TV series.

It's just a hugee fucking movie which Lynch got away with by claiming to Showtime executives that it would be le soft reboot season 3

We are only nearing the end of the first act, probs when Doguie will return to normal Cooper.


he was hired by Patrick Fischler to kill the woman (Lorraine) who failed to kill Dougie Jones, she was the one who hired the people to put the device on Dougie's car.
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Hitman, woman he killed was the original person setting up the Doguie hit that was botched.
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>Naomi will never bully you

>Wanting to feel like you're watching the same show

Then rewatch the first two seasons. Everyone knew this season would be way more like FWWM (or even other David Lynch movies) than the tv show because it's being directly solely by Lynch. The only reason you liked the original series was because Lynch directed only 4 episodes.
>people think Good Cooper is ever coming back

i hate to break it to you all but we /DougieJones/ forever now
Rhonda best girl
Ah yes FWWM had no music. FWWM had drawn out 15 minute scenes of people doing nothing in silence. FWWM didn't have a plot.
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limp wristed faggot
yeah but when are we getting an actual TWIN PEAKS moment?, this new season is VERY non twin peaks, im very dissapointed.
Is there a better scene than this?
>guy standing in background with gun
>guy reacting to kid getting hit
what more do THESE PEOPLE want
>way more like FWWM (or even other David Lynch movies)
it's not tho
>just wanna discuss comfy s3
>plebs whinning and ruining every thread

Just go watch better call reddit and go away.
>not relevant
top zoz
>First four episodes have had plenty of great moments, interesting visuals and great scenes
>Last two episodes were a bit slower, but still plenty of interesting scenes
Maybe you should stick to your steady diet of capeshit, sitcoms and redditbait.
>no Balthazar Getty kung fu webms
wtf /tpg/
>muh music ;_;

How effeminate are you, you retarded nu-male sack of shit?
>Ah yes FWWM had no music.
This season does have music. It's just different from that which you wanted.

>FWWM had drawn out 15 minute scenes of people doing nothing in silence
No because it was a movie with a limited runtime.

>FWWM didn't have a plot
Season 3 has plenty of plot. Much of which was heavily moved forward in the first two/three episodes. Now it is fleshing out additional plotlines which will eventually converge. Just like in the other seasons.
we can only hope
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>Comedy writer

first we were sincere
then we were pretentious
then we were ironic
then we were post-ironic sincere
now we are unintentionally ironic sincere
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First for Diane
Did those moments come in the first few episodes? No faggot, they had to be earned. Just wait.
good scene

this is canon
yeah, bob brings out the evil in people. they are both Cooper though.
>when the memes hit
>alt right
Fuck off back to tumblr you absolute dropped snowcone of a human being, you're not fooling anyone
This show has no hope of being redeemed. David Lynch, please retire. You are devoid of ideas. Your characters are insipid. You try to make them intense, crazy, weird, and quirky, but they come off that way only if you have a mind of a middle-schooler. That whole scene between the drug dealers was laughably bad. Whoever was playing the older of the two is just a bad actor overplaying the part. "Look at me. I'm so crazy. I do karate moves for no apparent reason. That's how edgy I am." Nice directing there, Lynch. Oh, and that coin flip thing was so spooky and weird. No, not really. I'm sure Lynch fanboys will love the brutal scene of the woman being stabbed. Yes, nothing like gory graphic violence to help the show garner praise for being mature and intense.

For the 3rd or 4th episode in a row, we get the Dougie show. Yay! There's nothing more interesting than dragged-out nothingness. He has gone from being confused like a stroke victim to now just acting mentally retarded. "Kyle, let's do another 10 minute scene where someone talks to you and you just repeat the last three words they say. The audience will love it."

But what is unforgivable is the obscenely graphic way you depict the child's death. Hitchcock learned in 1936 that showing the killing of a child is taboo. It is something that is terrible and should not be shown for entertainment. Not only do you show it, but you show it in the most violent way. It was repulsive. But I know you wanted to show it to prove how edgy, intense, and mature your works are. Your fan boys probably enjoyed it. "That was so f'in cool the way he showed the kid being run over. It was awesome, dude."
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thank goodness Lynch is putting in all these blatant ad placements.
It's like you've never heard of Doritos, get the fuck off my planet faggot
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Back to /pol/ sweetie :3
I've given up guys

It just seems like Lynch has no desire to do justice to Twin Peaks and instead made a completely different show with the Twin Peaks label slapped on it. I thought I could trust him, how could he do this to Cooper? ;_;



>when you haven't identified with the 99% in three minutes
i miss the good ole days when we talked about judy
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/tpg/ is already dead after only 21 days. What a joke of a series and fanbase LOL
There are no rules on what makes a TV series. But yeah I agree, Lynch got into TV because he realized that instead he could make an 18 hour movie.
Early days
The aftermath scene with Carl comforting the mother and seeing the son's spirit ascend is one of the most powerful scenes in the entire series
leave judy out of this
Please tell me this is fake. I couldn't find it on Google.
call for help
Did he find the pages from Laura Palmer's diary that were torn out by Leland/Bob?
Presumably where she wrote that Good Cooper is in the Lodge and he can't leave?
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Why do people think Dooper is funny? It's sad. It's not fair to see him like this.
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>Wanting to feel like you're watching the same show

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>tfw no tsundere waifu
Who the fuck wants consistency these days? Plens
he saw jodorowski do it and thought it was cool
hack copying a hack
Yes, it would match up with the other FWWM references so far.
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REMINDER: 119 is her current weight.She's a UFC fighter in strawweight division and she's trying to cut weight by using PEDs
can't tell what the aim with this guy is, you'd probably sympathize with him but Lynch had him commit those two really off putting acts (in the bar, running over the kid).
don't call it Twin Peaks then

If so we are expected to believe that after MIKE walked away from the traincar, BOB/Leland showed her the pages then killed her, and while he took her body to be dumped he left the pages, which MIKE came back to recover, then later when Gerard stopped taking his meds in the Sheriff's station and MIKE popped out, instead of simply handing over the pages he tucked them away in a stall door.

tl;dr Frost is shit
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Good point. It should have been called Rancho Rosa.
it's funny and sad

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>its another dougie episode
where is that again Leland?
Its more of a spiritual processor but coming up with a new name would have just confused people.
It's funny but it's also sad, that's how Lynch rolls.
It's a Joe Rogan cameo
What a world we live in
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>"special" agent cooper

I agree with this, fuck this show
what would be the other?
except for Dopplecooper calling who he thought was Phillip Jeffries..
and electricity
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Jade gives 2 rides
has anyone else analyzed what Laura said to Cooper in the lodge? I amplified the audio, but can't really understand what she's saying. Weird thing is there's a clear voice of a woman saying "Whisper" but I don't think it's Sheryl Lee
also in the background audio, sounds like dishes clanging together.
Think realistically about it, if we had real Coop all he would have to do is stop evil cool which would be obvious since there they know about both. Then the only think they would have to stop is the drug smuggling and it would be a lot less of a show.
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I knew there would be plebs who don't understand anything about lynch and his kino but I didn't know there was going to be this many people confused and frustrated. Have these people never seen art house? know nothing about dream conscious metaphors? Know knowing about lynches main theme of duality that saturates almost every scene created in twin peaks?
I bet she does.
Annie appeared at Laura's bed and told her to write it
Leland/Bob knew about the diary and has already torn pages from it, he could have done it again. Or maybe they are even the same pages that were originally missing?
And then Leland hid them in bathroom when he was at the police station for questioning?
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i bet she did
stop overanalyzing it
so why did the drug dealer have the power to suspend gravity and teleport a coin?
>march 28th
what did he mean by this? any theories?

idgaf dude, i want to watch something which make sense after i come home from work
i guess it's the point that we do not know
Lynch is a manchild who likes to gawk at freaks. If he would have been born in Victorian England, he would have gone to see Merrick every day.
Lynch directed 6 of the original 30 episodes. As it happens, they were also the weirdest and ones the audience had most complaints with (i.e. 15 minute Giant sequence after Coop gets shot). At the same time they were also the most memorable.

This is what he always wanted the series to be, but the countless other directors and writers made the show into what you think Twin Peaks supposedly is.
Richard was drugged as fuck. The magic never happened
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Jeffries, the ring, the arm, the trailer park in this episode.


I've probably missed several. Lynch has been dropping references to FWWM and the Missing Pieces in particular this season.
After the new season was announced I watched the show for the first time and loved it. I couldn't get more than ten minutes into the movie though, way too weird. I was so excited for this, I waited a whole two years. All I wanted was classic Cooper and coffee and donuts, the original Twin Peaks was so comfy and funny. I'm seriously about to give up on the new season, it doesn't make a hoot of sense.
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Dougie gets handjob here Anon?
the last time someone did a magic trick it was a lodge spirit (tremond/chalfont kid)
he did some cocaine and had major hallucinations?
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Normies dont get this
Mairzy doats and dozy doats and liddle lamzy divey
A kiddley divey too, wouldn't you?
Yes! Mairzy doats and dozy doats and liddle lamzy divey
A kiddley divey too, wouldn't you?
If the words sound queer and funny to your ear, a little bit jumbled and jivey
Sing "Mares eat oats and does eat oats and little lambs eat ivy"
Naomi has a perfect mommy haircut in this.

And mommy demeanor. Always running around the kitchen and scolding people. Gets me HARD.
Remember that we have explicitly seen Gerald/Mike go into the men's bathroom at the police station whilst possessed, meaning he is more likely to have put the pages there.
Lynch should stop using Windswept so much. It was great at the end of episode 5, overusing will ruin it.
so what are these?
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ruin it

She says to 'Follow 15' which implies Cooper was to go through the outlet in episode 2. But he went through outlet 3 instead and wound up in place of Dougie
please delete this
Hey retard, babbie angry that people like what he doesn't like?
[jazz music starts playing]
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those chips suck. none of them tasye like what they advertise
Episode 7 speculation

Doogie will face off against the midget
Mike will pull some magic that saves his ass

Injun sherrif finds a prophecy page about there being two Coopers

Richard Horne's drug smuggling scene. He might be the one to kill that big time drug dealer eventually.
yeah, you're right
I forgot about this... Maybe he torn them himself then. He probably knew about the diary. But why would he hide them instead of just preventing all this shit from happening if he was good and knew about this...
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holy shit watch something else then. This is not a show to turn your brain off with. The fuck normies
I like this season way more than season 1.
Come at me.

it's Cooper's love poetry to Annie that he stuffed behind the door

Good spotting. Tried to read the notes myself but couldn't get a decent screenshot.
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>tfw twin peaks rape dwarf stabbed you with an ice pick

Richard is gonna try and kill/intimidate Miriam as a witness before she tells Truman about him driving over the kid. Richard will get Chad involved.
how the hell would that help? and why would he stuff them behind the door?
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Florida Georgia Line - Cruise
I don't think it was coke. His reaction to taking it isn't what you'd get from coke, and it's not how coke has been portrayed in the series in the past.
Everything has changed in Twin Peaks, become more modern and corrupted. The Sheriff and his office, the residents, the entertainment. There is no idyllic small town feel, relationships are twisted. We've moved from soap opera to CSI. The drugs have changed in Twin Peaks too.
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Poor Miriam. I hope she is somehow really lucky and manages to avoid that.
I'm trying, Mark.
Kekked at that scene, came out for nowhere and the audio implied the next shot would be of whoever said that but instead it just cut straight to the bar. Literally LYNCHED
I love getting Lynched.
read Kafka.
Thanks desu
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>The Secret History of Twin Peaks.mp3
>The Secret History of Twin Peaks.mobi
im ready boss

Some pages are missing from the .mobi version and it got me so frustrated so I ordered one, it's not expensive at all.
I live Dougie's retard supernatural insights.
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It sucks that this show has been turned into normie-core murder porn like literally every
NCIS or similar show that's on TV right now. Lynch was always above such violence and used subtle techniques to scare you. What you plebs don't understand is he sold out and this is more normie-bait murder porn for the masses, with a pseudo-intellectual twist.
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The Chinese designer drugs Truman had Bobby watching the trails for.

I pretend to be Dougie in front of my family, I repeat every last word and I walk slowly, they think it's funny...for now.
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Do you like my meme?
You're wrong, see

It has zero normie appeal, as much as you'd like to believe it does
hope magic motherfucker wrecks him for bringing up problems
I feel like hes using it as a ploy to do things like the truck/kid scene, glass box. Its like a smorgish board of ideas they he wanted to use. I can't say its being pulled off perfectly but I am still enjoying the ride
b-b-b-but muh watercooler, muh speculation
That stupid woman standing there watching and not hiding somewhere.
who is Miriam? the fat chick? Does she even know Richard?
She saw him hit the kid you dumb fuck

did you even watch the show last night?
There's no evidence that they fucked

she saw him drive off after he ran over the kid, they locked eyes
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i need to try this but my dad will kick my ass probably
Yeah but does she know him personally or did she only see his face?
Magic man and his black cohort are my favorite characters now. Hope we get to see more of them soon.
>The drugs have changed in Twin Peaks too
The designer drugs are being designed by the Black Lodge critters to spread their power
>Naomi Watts will never "mother" a sticky load out of your cock after a hard day at school
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Rate my t shirt?

That's just because it's on Showtime. It's clear Showtime is going after the Game of Thrones murder-porn normie crowd. This is simply failing because no one owns the showtime channel
who is that?
pretty nice actually


>puts Lynch's worst movie on the cover

That face who fades away from the opening intro.
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Hard day at school, honey? Come here, mommy will take care of it.
yeah whats up with that?
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Apart from when he killed all those people
thats the picture that made the sheriff cry


its a nod to the 90s show
>above graphic violence

Lynch has always been known for outbursts of extreme violence. This is just like any of his movies in that regard. Plus, the show is clearly parodying crime dramas the same way the original Peaks parodied soap operas.
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a tip of the hat, if you will
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brings back some memories
This is a show about Laura Palmer, she died, we know who killed her, so what's the point of this show again?
>anon: But you can't do that, you're my moooom!

>Naomi Watts: Quiet, young man! Now you sit right there and CUM FOR MOMMY!
I like the experience but I've given up on plot entirely. Maybe that's what Lynch is going for with all the convoluted disjointed plotlines, like when Inherent Vice loses you the first time you're watching it and you're just along for the ride. Except here you can almost take each scene separately and judge them on their own merits. I like the tropes and non-sequiturs, and the way things are just shown instead of explained and how mystery is given so much space.
It's the only thing I've seen where you can have two gloating pig-women talking cupcakes followed by a serious and graphic scene of a kid being hit by a truck.

(The way the kid was lying there face down reminded me of the propaganda photo of Syrian kid on the beach, and then everyone just stands and stares and their reaction is given all the focus -- is this reaching or Lynch's first venture into politics?)
The entire first two seasons was building up to Dougie Coop
To stop the one who killed her from continuing on killing?
You'll lose all subtlety if you use things like "cum for mommy".

>Quiet, young man! Now you sit right there and look out the window! Don't look back until I tell you to. Got it? Oh, and not a word about this to anyone, you hear me?

Dougie Coop.
Im pretty sure theres like a 'what happens,happens' thing in Twin Peaks. The lodge spirits cannot directly intefere with the flow of like time or some shit.

It's why they had to wait exactly 25 years or some shit to release Cooper.
I dunno, I'd rather she say that tho

at least when you're getting there

I'm lolling
wake me up when something happens

the fantasy is more teen-on-mom desu
So nobody in Croatia fucking recorded part 7? What the fuck.
This is a good place to discuss TP, much better than reddit and these stuckup obsessive fans.
It's barely begun tho... But anyway I think it's fucking boss.
But the mother thinks it's a bit wrong and gross and why make it grosser by saying naughty words? The act alone is wrong enough for her and the situation so delicate, so she refrains from saying naughty shit. That's how I see it anyway.

I'm from Croatia wtf are you talking about? I may help.
most reddit "discussion" is just fan theories and people showing off the Twin Peaks-themed birthday cake they made or whatevre
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>now I'm imagining Naomi on a Zoe Holloway-like video
Part 7 aired after Part 6 in Croatia by accident
Off topic but I love Croatia. I always go the for the Outlook festival in Pula.
do you ever look at the things you type and ask yourself how you fucked up so badly in life?
I agree with you
I see her as eventually succumbing more to the kink, but you're right at first it would be broached that way
See you in a month at the soonest
S3 ends with dougie realizing that everything that happened in twin peaks was just a fantasy he crafted to bear his solitude in an insane asylum
>he didn't cry during the child scene

Confirmed heartless
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>Leland/Bob knew about the diary and has already torn pages from it, he could have done it again.
After the pages were torn, Laura gave her secret diary to Harold. Then she died. We don't know for a fact that she didn't return to Harold's place to write more in her diary, but we do know pretty well that Leland/BOB didn't visit Harold to tear out more pages, and we know everyone has already read the secret diary obtained from Harold. So whatever pages BOB/Leland had torn out, he already had at the time of the scene where the Chalfont boy tells her to BOB is looking for the diary.

At this point in the film, Laura had not yet seen Annie in her dream, as she only gets to the dream with the picture from Mrs Chalfont who gives her the picture after she already gave the diary to Harold.

Thus, if Hawk did find pages which indicate the Annie, it would constitute a retcon or some offscreen event that was never even imagined by anyone.
Haha haha
Thats not dune
I want an endless looping gif of happy Dougie in the elevator with the doors closing and opening.
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Hey anon, your aunt has come to stay with us for a month!
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She's going to sleep in mommy's bed, but don't worry, you still can too!
well he made a movie about Merrick so I can't say you're wrong
Give this man all the internets
fucking weirdo

Why was he so happy?

Also, what was he crying when he looked at Sonny Jim?

I would so do a variety of perverted acts that would lead to her and my mother having me castrated and raised as a girl from then on for the sakes my own sanity.
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Somebody make it happen, PLEASE!
These six episodes so far felt like getting pissed in the face by David lynch....
with Dune you don't have to look at Dern for 2 hours...

I love him unironically
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Good twin peaks pepes
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relevant characters, maybe?
But that was funny.
Has the midget stabbing scene been uploaded onto youtube? I loved that shit, the instrumental hip hop completed it

Yes, Obssessive Compulsive Disorder makes me have intrusive thoughts all the time.
>welcome to jurassic park
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*posts le "thats le joke" meme*
Honda, watch out
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New thread
Ahh, Ashley Jones.

I just jerked off to her yesterday. Top cutie.
top kek
This, had me bowling in my second rewatch.
The music is glorious:
Three of those were super cringy. The fourth (Sycamore trees) isn't necessarily lightyears better than the music we've been getting in the bang bang bar. But are you really complaining that the series at episode 6 hasn't yet topped what Lynch did in the finale of the original series?
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>HONDA! ...Dave call the police
>Lucky 7
Whos the girl? Why is she in the intro?
Underated post
All great except Leland's death.
You've never heard a brazillian call her out? What about Hashad Evans?
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