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if there was no squid, what did the comedian see that made him

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if there was no squid, what did the comedian see that made him break down?
I guess he saw that zack synder was directing his movie
ur fuckign mom lmfao
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Why did her mother have a child with her rapist?
The plan to destroy all those cities and framing manhattan.

On contrast to a plan to destoy all those cities...and framing a squid.

He wasnt afraid of the squid you retard, nor he believed it was real at any moment.
it is not rape if she wants it
and she clearly said she wanted it
Turn your brain on next time OP
Then why'd he have to beat the shit out of her
hoc Doug sounds just like dr Manhattan.
I loved the comic book, but, much like with Fight Club, I felt that the movie's ending was more effective than the book's. Framing Dr. Manhattan feels more full circle with everything wrapped up nicely, and I think it adds more weight to Manhattan's decision to kill Rorschach. I just wish the studio had listened to Snyder and let him depict the violence realistically as opposed to the cartoonish route they took with the fighting in the final film.
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pic related you
Some maniac in the north pole was about to nuke a hundred cities, the same as in the comic but that was just one city so it makes less sense
But... but... I was said I should turn it off for cape flicks
the ending of the movie deosn't make sense
Near the end of the movie when they're on mars and Manhattan changes his mind was done terribly and made no sense for his character to think the things he did. Was it done better in the comic?
Anyone would break if they leaned back too far.
Zack snyders dead happa trash daughter
he knew that white male and asian female produce bad things
>I felt that the movie's ending was more effective than the book's
capekino fans everyone
Yes it does. Manhattan was publicly discredited by his own people, so in retaliation he attacks the world and then fucks off to space. The world's superpowers unite in order to better prepare for his possible return, ushering in a new era of peace. What doesn't make sense?
Real answer, he stopped by one day when he was older and remorseful and the two had a fling.
no, it wasn't, but I think you're missing the point. Dr. Manhattan was once a man, but not anymore, and his thought process isn't supposed to make sense to us.
I know, but why would she forgive a man who nearly raped her?
>I was said I should turn it off
Damn not even once
it doesn't
i'm tired of explaining this in every watchmen thread, manhattan going against humanity would just make america be nuked
but whatever, brainlets be brainlets
I'm not really a fan of comic book movies outside of the memes, but there are a few decent ones out there. I'm really fucking tired of the capeshit market saturation, though.
That was the point of the public humiliation / exile, and the fact that American cities were destroyed. America was already publicly distanced from Manhattan and his actions by the time the attacks happen.
In the comic book you can see how much he wonders at things and by the time he realizes the whole rape thing he figures out that despite.being no more than an arragement of atoms each human has a complex and fascinating story and that was worth saving, starting with that qt onwards
I can't remeber the exact lines but the part where he goes on about how it's a miracle that the woman existed was stupid. If she hadn't existed he would have loved someone else, she wasn't even the only woman he ever loved. The scene was incredibly out of character and the excuse of oh you can't know what he's thinking since he's incomprehensible to us is an awful one.

I think everyone forgot when writing the ending the movie was set in 1985. When all major cities on the planet got destoyed, especially Moscow by a US superweapon, what do you think the Russian military are going to do? Check the news in case New York was hit as well or immediately retaliate? They wouldn't have been able to instantly find out what had happened everywhere else like they would today, there would have been some delay, even if it was 30 minutes or so, which would have been plenty of time for someone to have pressed the button.
>They wouldn't have been able to instantly find out what had happened everywhere else like they would today
Yes they would have.
The absolute state of mouseshills
über cringe
zack synder's dead hapa daughter.
nobody knows what hapa means, nerd. is that some kind ribbit term?
He was still American and America toted him around as their golden boy for years.

Why would they not blame America for this?
I'm not going to keep repeating myself. You can read my previous posts in this thread that have already explained why.
your explanation is stupid
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Jesus Christ...
i think it means "half asian, parent asian"

It basically means you have a sex tourist 50 year old dad that fucked some 14 year old thai girl and as a result you're a fucked up child

also nice quads
Stop posting retard
Dude murdered dozens of people, killed many more in war time, was pretty much a colossal douchebag, and he's upset about this plan when he does not even having a direct hand in the murder of millions that will, according to the story, end all future wars and disagreements. The dude shot a woman pregnant with his own child because he's a dick, and we're somehow lead to believe he actually gives a fuck about the millions that will die?

Stick my quads up ya faggot ass
The proof needed that this thread was made by MCUcks leaking butthurt all over the place.
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>The dude shot a woman pregnant with his own child because he's a dick
You're seriously apologizing for a cunt that almost blinded him with a glass bottle? You're cancer.
1 he may have murdered dozens of people but he was in a war, 2 he didn't see himself as a good guy like ozy does
I think DR. manhattan's ex girlfriend is hotter.
i was helping you out

why are you being mean to me
nice samefaggot, faggot
I just looked it up, apparently it comes from the Hawaiian word for "half", and there it refers to any mixed-race/ethnicity person, regardless of their ancestry. However, I guess it's taken on a new meaning in California to refer to people who are half Asian. Basically, if you see someone using it, he's outing himself as a west coast faggot.
Didn't say that shit at all, faggot. She hit his cheek, by the way. Whether or not he deserved it doesn't matter, he still murdered her for his own selfish reasons.
He killed people outside of war. He killed JFK, for one. It doesn't matter how he saw himself... in fact, the way he saw himself, he should have been ok with Ozy's plan.
stop pretending to be me, faggot.
dude stop it
wat. I just got to this thread.
>He killed people outside of war. He killed JFK, for one.
that is zack synder's shoehorned fanfiction bullshit.
> Basically, if you see someone using it, he's outing himself as a west coast faggot.

I'm really not surprised in the least. Let's hope Kim Jong Un has nukes capable of reaching that faggot state soon
lmao that muscle suit seam
Negative. You see flashbacks when her daughter is older, he's talking to her and her mother is clearly still bitter about something. There really is no good explanation for that dynamic.

Mucho cringe
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It actually is. There's a reddit subcommunity of an Asian /r9k/ only with the mommy issues multiplied to extremely creepy levels. They'd give Freud a hard-on
He was a fucking terrorist, anon. Even if it was bullshit, he is no doubt guilty of numerous other crimes that don't even have to be mentioned since his character is clearly a sociopath who gets off being a soldier.
Is that where the homo who keeps spamming "cringe" came from?
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There was mass communication before the internet, friend. People don't jump to nuclear arms until they have a solid understanding of what the situation is. Not only that but if they truly believed Manhattan was working on the behalf of the US, there would be no point in launching missles - he would simply turn them to steam.
After the event of his interview, people thought he was already going rouge. Not to mention his absence, which was public knowledge.
I don't understand your point. I literally don't know which side you're on, whether you dislike the term hapa or like it, or how you feel about Zack Snyder. Your views are incomprehensible for the same reason I dislike you: you just keep spamming the same words over and over with no context or meaning behind them. Please explain yourself.
Someones mad
>manhattan going against humanity would just make america be nuked
Didn't several cities around the world get destroyed in the movie?
There wasn't no rape in movie, he didn't even pull his pants down
The squid emitted psychic brainwaves that made anyone nearby feel a sense of cosmic dread.
He was very afraid of the squid.
tell me about this thread, why is it so cringe?
Incomprehensible posts are a violation of global rule 3.
He's right, tho. The squid was retarded. Manhattan matches the idea much better and has a much better setup.
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He's trolling you, dude. Is this your first day on the internet?
I thought he was trying to counter troll the guy posting about Snyder's dead kid.
>that is zack synder's shoehorned fanfiction bullshit.
Its in the comic. He makes a joke like "Don't ask me where I was the day Kennedy was shot" implying that he was involved.
Isn't latex airproof? What happens to all the sweat and stuff when she's fighting bad guys intensely? Hahah
Not that guy but that is technically a /tv/ reference. Diddly
What was funny
Childhood - when you relate to Rorcshah because he is stoic edgelord
Adulthood - when you relate to Rorcshah because he is bitter autistic virgin that hides behind mask and layers of edginess

Nigger, Alan Moore is a full blown autist obsessed with details, by changing something as big as the fucking ending you render a lot of the things in the story pointless, Bubastis being the most obvious example.
Snyder excised basically all the plot elements that relied on the existence of the squid.
>You can see the lining for the latex muscle suit
i think they used to go by Japanese rules in the 50s. where it doesn't count as rape if she cums.
What's your endgame?
Like Bubastis?
>basically all
Mr. Bombastic, Simply Fantastic doesn't serve a plot purpose in the Watchmen. Instead, she simply served to drive home that Veidt was willing to sacrifice anything and everything to achieve his goal.
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its for his face you dyel.
>Then why'd he have to beat the shit out of her
Watch the movie again you faggot, the moment she is arguing with the cuck husband, the first time sups stop him for raping her, the second time she went after him, she was looking to fuck with him.
No shit you dumbass are you fucking retarded
Snyder didn't excise anything though.
He left it all.

Comedian being freaked out. The world governments laying down their arms. Bubastis. The team of scientists and "artists." The egyption symbolism (the monster's psychic visions are meant to show that veidt designed it to parallel the birth of the god Set).
He didn't remove a god damn thing.
What fuckng squid are you talking about I don't remember any squids?
no you dumb nigger!

The Comedian saw it as the biggest joke ever and knew he was in a mental checkmate, nobody would believe such story and he could not stop it and he didnt want to because Ozzy was right
>american agent nuking the world and the world not doing anything about it because America got hit too
>the world uniting against an absolute GOD who can walk on the sun and whose super powers have been extensively investigated and published as a deterrant, USA and the world know that they cant do anything against Dr M while the Squids works because it was an unkown alien threat and it died
Not to mention the squid made sense because it was a typical comic book thing to happen. Remember that the JL came together for the first time to fight a Starfish from outer space.
The stupid thing about a Watchmen movie is that Watchmen is a comic about comics: The pirate comic book, the symmetry issue, Manhattan being able to be in the past, present and future, all these things make sense because it's a comic. When you translate it to the big screen, most of it looses meaning and all you've got left is the plot, which was just an excuse to do everything else. It's like someone filming Ulysses or something like that. It's pointless and unnecessary.
The part where they don't have constant waking nightmares reminding them of the alien threat.
The part where they don't lose months worth of sleep over these horrific visions of alien monsters clawing their way out of their mothers' wombs just to teleport to earth and kill everyone.

The squid was a giant mutated psychic brain. It wasn't just an explosion, it haunted people for years with dreadful psychic nightmares.
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From the actual comics. It was pretty out there for a series where superhumans weren't really supposed to be a thing.

About halfway through the series, Moore sort of back-handedly introduces the reality of psychics/telepathy like it's some sort of afterthought. Ozymandias uses the brain of a psychic to genetically engineer a monstrous psychic "squid" and passes it off as an extraterrestrial whose death throes are experienced by sensitives around the world.

So she could take control of the relationship and rewrite it into something less traumatic.

the real reason is that Alan Moore is fucked in the head especially about rape, tho
To be honest anyone with principles is a saint these days.
>superhumans weren't really supposed to be a thing.
I guessed you missed that character with the name of Dr. Manhattan.
It is so uncharacteristic of this sociopath to give two shits about millions of people he doesn't even know, and if it was Vietnam, he'd be blowing them up and not giving a fuck.
I saw this joke on reddit too
It's one of the rare instances where the film adaptation is altered and makes more sense than the source material
Except that the whole point of the Comedian is that he doesn't give a shit about people being killed en masse, including Americans in American cities. His entire history is full of him pulling large scale acts of violence and he even jokes about how little of a shit he gives with regards to the nuclear holocaust the he expects is coming. Seeing Ozymandius set off blue nukes in a bunch of cities wouldn't phase him because it's what he expects is eventually going to happen. It's the absurdity of the plan in the comic is what catches him off guard. The film didn't have to have the alien but it did need to have something different than a fake attack by Manhattan.

That said the absence of the alien isn't that bad. What is unforgivably awful however is having Nite Owl see Rorschach die and then go ballistic on Ozymandias. Not only is it cheap, stupid melodrama but it undercuts an actually touchingly lonely moment and the thematic climax for Rorschach character (Rorschach and Comedian both are killed to ensure Ozys secret is kept safe, in both cases no one knows or cares that they have been murdered).
>comedian says "it's a joke, it's all a joke"
>/tv/ misunderstands and literally thinks it's a joke, waiting for the punchline

I forget how fueled by autism this board is sometimes.
>It's the absurdity of the plan in the comic is what catches him off guard.
That isn't it at all. He genuinely does a 180 and starts caring about things he shouldn't care about.
the squid is irrelevant; it was about the plan itself and how it would manipulate the world
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>what did the comedian see
>I guess he saw that zack synder was directing his movie

My guess is that he peered through the fourth wall and fourth dimension to see your edgy post
But the point of his reaction in the comic it's how absurd it all was. When we finally see it was all about a giant squid, we understand why he acted the way he did.
In the movie it makes no sense because The Comedian himself had been part of plans that were similar to Ozymandias's.
Thats actually a good point, I hadn't considered that - you're right it does harm the Comedian's motivation.
The only reason the squid wasn't in it is because they were saving it for the sequel.
Why the fuck would a character called the Comedian say something like this if there wasn't some overall point to it?

He's right the whole point is that it's one insane joke that Ozymandias is pulling on everyone.

Ozymandias' plan is so absurd it seems like something out of a comic book -- which it is. Which is the point of his plan. One last ridiculous joke. It's also the whole point of the black freighter as well -- a sick cosmic joke.

Why would the Comedian give a shit about some bombs blowing cities up when he gleefully murdered a shit ton of people in Vietnam? When he murdered fucking JFK sending the entirety of the USA into disarray? When he brutally murdered a pregnant woman without a second thought? When he abuses and causes destruction wherever he goes. He literally ONLY cares for Sally and their daughter.
Plus it makes no sense for veidt to have made a secret island if he didn't need a place to house all the world's best authors and artists.
In fact, we're straight up shown the scientists finishing the machine at Karnak in Antarctica. What was the island for?
Who was on the island?

If the machine was being made at Karnak, how did the Comedian stumble across it while looking for sandinistas?
>Why would the Comedian give a shit about some bombs blowing cities up when he gleefully murdered a shit ton of people in Vietnam?
I don't know. Why would he give a shit about a fake alien squid?
Why don't you read the first part of that post, where he talks about exactly that?
I don't recall in the comic that he went apeshit and got killed because of the ''absurdity'' of a giant fucking squid murdering the planet

he understood what Veidt was going to achieve and that reasoning is compatible with both the comic and the movie
No, the thing that was "a joke" was how he was going to achieve that, which was with a giant squid.
Why would he lose it if the plan was basically similar to what he did for a living during his lifetime, only in a greater scale?

>giant squids are funny

you have shit taste in comedy

don't project that shit taste unto that character
I'm not surprised somebody this dumb is defending Zack Snyder.
Are you intentionally missing the point here my mans?

remember that part in the comic where everyone kek'd at that giant squid monster wrecking NYC

yeah that was my favorite part too
You're seriously fucking retarded. Are you also pissed that The Comedian was called that but he wasn't actually a comedian? What a fucking plot hole, right?
>le ad hominem and assuming assumptions
>I have nothing to say but let me type my mental diarrhea anyway

get fucked kiddo
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