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Daily reminder if your favorite director isn't on this list

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1. Alfred Hitchcock
2. Orson Welles
3. Stanley Kubrick
4. Federico Fellini
5. Jean-Luc Godard
6. Francis Ford Coppola
7. Jean Renoir
8. Ingmar Bergman
9. John Ford
10. Akira Kurosawa
11. Martin Scorsese
12. Yasujiro Ozu
13. Luis Buñuel
14. Andrei Tarkovsky
15. Charles Chaplin
16. Robert Bresson
17. Carl Theodor Dreyer
18. Billy Wilder
19. F.W. Murnau
20. Michelangelo Antonioni
21. Howard Hawks
22. Fritz Lang
23. François Truffaut
24. Sergei Eisenstein
25. Kenji Mizoguchi
26. Roberto Rossellini
27. Zack Snyder
28. David Lynch
29. Hong Sang-soo
30. David Lean
31. Vittorio De Sica
32. Luchino Visconti
33. Alain Resnais
34. Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger
35. Roman Polanski
36. Ernst Lubitsch
37. John Cassavetes
38. Sergio Leone
39. Wong Kar-wai
40. Jean Vigo
41. Satyajit Ray
42. Max Ophüls
43. Robert Altman
44. Stanley Donen & Gene Kelly
45. Abbas Kiarostami
46. Jacques Rivette
47. Werner Herzog
48. D.W. Griffith
49. Terrence Malick
50. Buster Keaton
I don't go to directors. I go to films.
good list la
>does not rate the two pic related
>dares to call anyone a pleb
why do plebs always talk about welles, bunuel, hitchcock, fellini, bergman, ozu, spielberg, peckinpah, godard, truffaut, dreyer, bresson, kurosawa, imamura, ichikawa, mizoguchi, visconti, troell, ford, hawks, eisenstein, tarkovsky, vertov, renoir, murnau, sternberg, lang, griffith, scorsese, coppola, chabrol, rohmer, leone, tavernier, kusterica, yimou, kubrick, wilder, wyler, wajda, polanski, rosselllni, desica, antonioni, bertolucci, clouzot, carol reed, boorman, demille, eastwood, kiarostami, szabo, jansco, depalma, vigo, donen, lean, and satyajit ray as if they were the pinnacle of cinema?
>Ctrl+F "Nolan"
>Zero results
Shit list ;)
Clint is extremely hit or miss.
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>no paul thomas anderson
oliveira a shit
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>Zach Snyder
>no Sidney Lumet
>no Robert Bresson
>no William Friedkin
>no David Lean
>no Bela Tarr
>no Jean-Luc Godard
>no Fritz Lang
>no Michael Mann

Daily reminder that your list is pure ignorant shit
wes craven
criterion-core: the list
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>No Paul W.S. Anderson
no kieslowski, this list is false
Godard and Lang are there, Tarr's only good film is Satantango.

I was thinking about Michael Mann, but Malick and Keaton deserved much more his spot
Bresson is there too.
lmao this list used to have Nolan, Tarantino and George Lucas but this insecure spineless anon keeps rearranging his pathetic list after getting BTFO'd after every single thread, must be pretty embarassing

Look the OP picture in the archive for proof, I'm too lazy
>8. Ingmar Bergman
No, you are wrong. I have never been a fan of Tarantino or Nolan, haven't watched a single Star Wars film.
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>mfw I'm not on this pleb list
>haven't watched a single Star Wars film
this makes you a pleb
Nice fucking bait.
If I had to replace Hack Snyder with anyone it would be Bresson.
My favorites are on that list though.
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Hope you get directed by a pack of niggers
I kekd
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hey guys
this tbqh
Whoops, Bresson is actually there.
Let's make it Sam Fuller instead.
>no john carpenter
>no jodorowsky

who made this list?
>tfw there won't be more Resident Evil films

Vulgar auteurism is real bois
>Snyder but no jadorowski
>no fassbinder

No John Carpenter?
>no Henri-Georges Clouzot
>no Sidney Lumet
>no Ethan & Joel Coen
>no Hayao Miyazaki
>no Michael Haneke
>no Alejandro Jodorowsky
>no Thomas Vinterberg
>no Brian De Palma
>no Jim Jarmusch
>Zack fucking Snyder anywhere on the list whatsoever

opinion D I S C A R D E D
Where my paul verhoeven bros at??
who /harmony/ here?
Exactly this
Carpenter maybe, but I would be very hesitant to put Jodo there.
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>no Kim Ki Duk

ultimate pleb
having no korean directors in your list is an easy pleb filter.
>27. Zack Snyder
I like how you slid that hack in there you fucking turd.
>Who's Hong Sang-soo
I guess you're the pleb.
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>mfw these plebs have probably never watched a film by 佐藤寿保 [Hisayasu Sato], Rafael Corkidi, 小川紳介 [Shinsuke Ogawa], Alain Fleischer, Bill Gunn, 吴文光 [Wu Wenguang], András Jeles or Franco Brocani
I'm always between Lynch and Gilliam. 1 outta 2 ain't bad
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>no Jean Pierre Melville
>no melville
>no zinnemann
>no lumet

Nice IMDB list there, OP
>no brad bird
>no tyler the creator

Youre missing Lunet

And nice bait having Snyder on there
>having a favourite director
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>27. Zack Snyder
Why's your favorite director your favorite director, /tv/?
who /lean/ here?
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Is it objectively the best movie of all time?
Brief Encounter is
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Damn didn't notice the Coens were on there. shit list.
>27. Zack Snyder

Gr8 b8 m8, r8 8/8. Where's Verhoeven on this list?
>12 angry
>le samurai
>high noon
>not imdb as fuck
watch more films
>no Anders Thomas Jensen
kys noob
>no Theo Angelopoulos
sad desu
kys pleb
Nobody hopefully, shit director
kurosawa was basically capeshit of its day
Guess I'm a pleb.

I like David Lynch a lot, but my favorite is probably a tie between Wes Anderson and Satoshi Kon.
Wheres quentin tarantino?
see >>83562510
He´s entry lvl cinema, same goes for the Coens
>this is your averange /tv/ user these days
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>Akira Kurosawa is #10
god bless
Did you think this would make you sound smart?
>Zack Snyder is better than PTA.

Come the fuck on. That's retarded.
>no danny boyle
don't see neil jordan, jim jarmusch or jonathan glazer there
Cronenberg is always overlooked.
>My favourite director is legitimately Edgar Wright.
How much of a meme redditor am I, /tv/?
Nice bait.
>Lynch, Snyder and Scorsese are on the list
>no Cameron, Tarantino or Spielberg
almost got me tbqh
Rolling for Polanski
You know, I kinda respect the guy for being a major film buff. I mean this doesn't say much about him as a director, but at least I don't give him shit.
No nolan No fincher (having Lynch) Jesus fucking Christ. Lynch is a fucking H A C K
>only made a couple of good movies
>being favorite director of anyone
Only makes films and kinos*
>Zach Snyder
The top 6 are all entry level.

>no Park Chan-wook
>no Terry Gilliam
>no John Boorman

I think we all know who the fucking pleb is op.
> No David Fincher, David Cronenberg or Neil Jordan

What sort of fuckery is this?
*extremely influential to the point they have defined film as it is today and therefore have become the absolute must watch
It could be said for most of the list, but it is more relevant for those.
Woody Allen?
When /tv/ became IMDb? lmao all these people complaining because Nolan, Fincher, Tarantino, and Park Chan-wook aren't there.
and Woody

Well, you got Bergman at least

>no Jodorowsky
>no Wes Anderson
>implying people even know another lang film besides metropolis
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>no Carpenter

Into the trash it goes
If you don't at least know M and the Mabuse films, why are you even on a film board?
No Neil Jordan or Takashi Miike? What's the point?
If you go by that then you have to include Steven Spielberg and George Lucas
where's nolan?
Dude's been on a streak of like 10 GOAT movies in a row.
Nobody on your list made a movie half as good as interstellar
>27. Zack Snyder
You cheeky cunt
>having a favorite anything
you remind me of middle school when all the preteen girls would write down lists of the boyband guys in order of how much they loved them
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reddit leave

reddit leave
>t. lowenergy BTFO'ed mareddits
>no Harmony Korine
>no Todd Solondz
Bait. Right off the bat.
half of that movie couldve been taken away and it would have been better
>No Yorgos Lanthimos
OP is a faggot.
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Verhoeven is my favourite director.

It's such a shame Hollywood seems intent on rebooting all his movies whilst completly missing the point of the original. I wouldn't be surprised if Showgirls is next.
Haha yeah that's EXACTLY what it's like!
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Woody Allen is a faggot tho.
>when chad and stacy are talking about welles, bunuel, hitchcock, fellini, bergman, ozu, spielberg, peckinpah, godard, truffaut, dreyer, bresson, kurosawa, imamura, ichikawa, mizoguchi, visconti, troell, ford, hawks, eisenstein, tarkovsky, vertov, renoir, murnau, sternberg, lang, griffith, scorsese, coppola, chabrol, rohmer, leone, tavernier, kusterica, yimou, kubrick, wilder, wyler, wajda, polanski, rosselllni, desica, antonioni, bertolucci, clouzot, carol reed, boorman, demille, eastwood, kiarostami, szabo, jansco, depalma, vigo, donen, and lean
No Refn ? Pff...
>all that entry level
>literally only 2 japs
>zack snyder

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