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>Edward James Olmos as Elder Predator
Olivia Munn is so fucked up looking now.
>So you sayin' we some kind of predator?
>3 predators in the pic
>none have plasma casters

shit movie
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>ah need the predator
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This movie is doomed

Not even once
i hope the negros run a train on olivia so i can fap
All I see is illegal Aliens and Sexual Predators. The Leftist have gone too far.
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Why the fuck are that retarded kid and his wrangler in the shot? Did they just fucking stroll up and get in the picture?
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>Geez you have a big pussy
>Geez you have a big pussy

I'd you say it twice?


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...T-The fuck is this shit? This can't possibly be the next Predator movie, right? Tell me this is some retarded libshit comedy skit because it has one of those key and peele fucks.
It's real anon.

99% chance that is filmed in Vancouver based on the guns alone. There is a very limited pool of movie guns and that one screams "British Columbia, Canada".
How do you exhale after laughing so much you retard
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>Drive me closer, i want to hit them with my spear!
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>vector in woods
even guns somehow don't feel right for Predator movie
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>casting an actual limp-wristed faggot in Arnie's role

World War 3 can't come soon enough
top kek
wait hold on OP what are you trying to convey?Like what movie is this
Is Pree-dat-or here?
top kek, i didn't know they were doing another movie. I thought this was just a meme.
Did Keegan Michael Key walk onto the wrong set?
/k/ really is the most unironically autistic board
The new Predator movie you fucking dolt
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Wait wheres chris hanson then dumbass?
Truly the shittest joke I have ever seen.
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y-your mother
>>82907634 walks into a bar. He walks up to the bartender,


"I'm sorry sir, I cannot understand you with those penises in your mouth" says the bartender

"Apologies, I just adore having big dicks in my mouth at all times" replied >>82907634
why does Shane always have kids in his movies?
You just know...
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So is this shit going to be PG13 or something? Children in movies fucking ruin everything.
Yvonne Strahovski
Olivia Munn

fuck i think im gonna watch it
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The same guns have been recycled through stargate, battlestar galactica, arrow, and all other TV shows with real guns in them. Plus all the X-men movies, deadpool, A-Team, the resident evils, the underworlds, Robocop, Misison impossible films, Planet of the apes, and those godaweful WWE "marine" films.

You don't even have to be /k/ to spot the same guns over and over again. Virtually all of those are Vancouver TV shows or films. They used to be notorious for over-use of the P90 but lately they are transitioning to the Kriss Vector and skorpion evo 3 as their "near future" gun of choice.
Why are Predators using inferior humie tech?

Their instant stealth, plasma caster and discs should be enough.
>>Jacob Tremblay as Quinn's troubled son, who has a form of autism and is bullied in school but becomes a key player in the fight against the Predators due to his preternatural ability to learn languages.
Holy shit, what a cancerous cast.
I like Shane Black.
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How do we go from this to that?
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how can I stop this from happening?
Feminism making western society lose it's testicles.

>Muh toxic masculinity
If enough people make fun of it on social media before it comes out it stands a stronger chance of bombing on opening night. Ghostbusters strategy.
Cold War ended
I see Shane Black's been hanging out with Bryan Singer

what in gods name am I looking at

F indeed。 I was actually optimistic about this one。 Fuck everything。
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>original Predator movie already over-represented African-Americans

>reboot almost exclusively African-Americans

Daily reminder that social "justice" advocates have zero interest in achieving actual racial equality.

These people are never going to stop. Keep making more concessions to them and they'll keep taking more and more.

If you ever end up having any White children or grandchildren, they'll look back at you with utter hatred and contempt for basically throwing them under the bus.
they look like they're ready to go fight the warriors
My mom dated Shane Black in the late 80s. too bad im not his son
I want to wake up now.

Come on, Weathers isnt just some quota tickmark and Bill Duke is fantastic。 This shit in OP is beyond the pale though, I understand theres no more buff mctonk guys in hollywood but then at least cast some stern looking fuckers, these guys look like an office team-building exercise at airsoft。
>original Predator movie already over-represented African-Americans
>two black guys in a cast of 7 is too many

Jesus it must get tiring constantly viewing the world through this lens
Too many wogs
>Over represented
>2 people
You know blacks actually make a pretty decent amount of the military, including the special ops community, right?

Hell, blacks and hispanics made up almost half of my battery during my time in.
Is that based miller from the expanse?
Fucking kid in the movie and three black guys

Blacks make up about 10% the US population (coincidentally around same percentage as fags). 2/7 > 1/10
and they're just here every second shoveling all of this inane horseshit into every thread. it's amazingly sad to think they're like this irl too, not like they actually interact with any real people, but probably just exchange racist texts regurgitated from right wing podcasters all day
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>Now all movies will have token white guys

(((They))) typically don't cast blonde guys as good guys. Its almost like they are aware of how BLACKED the cast is. As if having a super aryan dude will make up for it.

Is that in the USA?Interesting. In my country black guys often struggle with the specops training.

Just saying, I'm not the guy thats hating on Mac and Dillon.
>two black guys in a cast of 7 is too many

Are you incapable of simple math?

2/7 = 28%

Are you trying to tell me that almost 30% of America is now Black?

I couldn't care less about accurate race proportions in movies, but this is all that people left of center seem to obsess over, so if I can't even get through to them with their own strain of logic then I don't know what else to do.

2/7 = 28%

African-Americans make up 10% of the U.S. population.

Now if you look at African-Americans in USSOCOM you're looking at a number below 5%

Again, I'm not criticizing the old Predator movie for having 2 Black actors in it. I'm criticizing the fact that they felt the need to add EVEN MORE Black actors in the reboot.

These people will never be satisfied.
Yeah, US. Hell, I'm black, even. I'd say the ratio for the original Predator is about right, honestly. Older action and war movies generally got it pretty right in that regard, especially Vietnam movies where it's post-segregated-Army and during draft time.

I mean FFS, the whole 'Black no-nonsense' NCO meme in a bunch of movies and games was a thing for a reason. They're pretty prevalent in the military. There was a point during my time in where my entire COC was black save for two platoon leaders.
/tv/ wasn't always like this. it was worse.
Perfect cast
>Charlie Hunnam
>Tom Hardy
>Idris Elba
>Michael B. Jordan
>Mark Wahlberg

That movie would be too expensive though lmao
Blacks make up 21.5% of the army, actually. They pretty much make up 20% even across all the branches.

So, ya know, the first movie got it fucking right. Maybe at least google this shit before going on /pol/ rants.
>I can see his nigga lips
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its gonna be rated R
did you read the reply at all

Original worked because any of the cast could die, no way in Hell the cunt or the kid is dying, all tension is thus removed.
You just know
I see 2 a boy and a money predators

You trollin us mothafucka. I dont care who y'are back on the_donal, you post this bullshit one mo time, I'mma meme you, real quiet, and get some dubs.

Also Total Recall remake
Yes. For one, the unit in the movie wasn't even SOCOM. In fact, only one of them(Ironically one of the black guys) was actual military to begin with. The rest were under the loose and nondescript 'employ' of the CIA, heavily hinted at being prior-military mercenaries.
Humaneaboos or "huubes" for short.
It's always the blacks
Never the Latinos, Native Americans, Arabs, Asians, etc
Always the damn chimps
Because they have been making the biggest stink.
Native americans have easily been shafted way harder than black people in america and yet they barely get any attention at all.
bru you get free college if you are a native

you get free casinos
i trust shane black
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>Key player in the fight against predator
>Be predator
>Chasing fools through the woods
>Kid drops backpack
>Step on about 300 fucking Legos
I thought it was Tom Morello those niggas look the same
at what point does american cuckery is too much when Key is seen as ok to play a hardass soldier just because he's black?
>fucking kaypeele

Literally the opposite happened
>One of the 'friendly' Predators is trans-gender and identifies as human.
I'm not even making this up.
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hahaha now I have to see it I feel this was there plan all along to get people to talk about it
This is such obvious horseshit, but in this age i'm not that sure anymore.

Except Ghostbusters bombed hard.
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dude its okay, he dies in the movie
If the rumor is right about it being a team of hunters pairing up with the humans because a renegade clan is wrecking shit then this may be the most fun and exciting predator movie yet. im all for it.

They're super predators, they hunt with hi-points
> tfw never gave a shit about Negros as long as it's a good character; still think of the matrix as the best black characters
>lately everyone won't shut up about blacks and basically telling me I'm a racist bc I don't watch ENOUGH blacks in the movies
>tfw almost can't watch blacks in the movies without thinking of the agenda
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