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Thread replies: 143
Thread images: 24

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Is he a broken man?
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wew, starting now
hope he doesnt go on about religious meta stories again
>OP is so broken that a 100% sorted man is bewildering to him
this fucker had me cleaning my room n shit
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visual representation of this glorious podcast
I never finished this podcast because it had too much political whining and shit in it. He's had better appearances. Does it get good?
How can one man be so based?
Doesn't this guy subscribe to the Christ Jew? That's about as bluepilled as it gets.
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Tonight we're getting Mick West, who runs metabunk- a conspiracy debunking website. He said at the end of the Peterson episode that he'll be speaking about flat earth. Fingers crossed that Eddie Bravo will be there to have his autistic conspiritard opinions smashed to pieces before his very eyes.
>implying eddie won't just go HURR SAYS WHO
you really think he can talk sense into Bravo?
Id be more interested if he could show Joe that Hincock is a fraud.
Cameron Hanes one was better.
>inb4 deluge of alt right fags who only give a shit about social politics
>you can't enjoy both
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dude is co-founder of neversoft who made tony hawk games
he said meme
I love jordan peterson, he's my homie
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>when you realize that you are living in a neomarxist snake-pit
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>hope he doesnt go on about religious meta stories again
Why? It's what JP is all about.
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All his Jung shit > muh ess jay double yous
god this vaporwave shit is so lame now
Everything turns stale. It should just die.
Anyone else notice how every time a smart conservative gets popular, there are a barrage of threads for months making fun of the guy and creating unfounded memes to harm and slander his reputation?
Sam Hyde
Peter Molyneux
Joe Rogan
I'm sure there's more. It's a concentrated effort isn't it? I just wonder if it's by people who are native to this board or by an organization who have invaded this board. Or reddit
no it isn't

underage leave
It's fucking stupid as hell, it's always been stupid. And you make it even worse with your reddit spacing
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>Sam Hyde
>Peter Molyneux
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>smart conservative
>Sam Hyde
>you really think he can talk sense into Bravo?
Yeah you can't really talk sense into someone like Bravo.

maybe you could bring him out and do experiments with him, taking it really slow, but even then I don't know.
He'd have a hard time believing anything that he doesn't see first hand, maybe friends like joe and brendan could help with doing a three point eratosthenes experiment over skype.
>TFW he legally has to say these words or else he will be fined and possibly jailed

I completely understand why this guy is pissed.
>dude you need religion to be a good person lmao
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Broken once yes, but reforged, better than ever.
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>a show about a traditional warrior prince who's sole goal is to return the world to the individualistic peace of western value systems by slaying a literal fucking dragon of chaos that's turned the world into a postmodernist/ collectivist shithole
>in order to do so he has to descend to the underworld and defeat his own problems, and reunite the feminine and masculine aspects of god before making the world a better place

I wonder if JP likes Samurai Jack. It's SORTED as fuck.
Jordan Peterson is a modern day philosophical hero.
i hope this shit doesn't end in a bloody civil war. that's what they're aiming for, right?
>fag hag
>dyke daddy
i like when he got his shit pushed in by sam then went on the rubin report to say sam isn't a real atheist because he follows the christian "metaphysical rule" of not killing

he's an idiot that truly believes pronouns are the end of western civilisation
Two of those people are idiots and the other isn't a conservative. Your hypothesis doesn't seem very strong.
I was annoyed that Joe interrupted JP when he was going into Kek. I wanted to hear his whole take on the chaos of Internet people who thrive on memes and apathy. That's my favorite subculture because not giving a fuck is awesome.
>sam isn't a real atheist because he follows the christian "metaphysical rule" of not killing
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>and that's a problem
best podcast so far
I hope it does
>shitposting is posting solely for the sake of making other people mad
how can you get it so wrong jamie?
>Say common philosophical things known by many and widely available online


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He had Gary Taubes on recently.
Sam Harris did too.
Into the trash they go.

I can handle him interviewing insane people like Alex Jones. Not buying into charlatans.
That's it. I'm fucking done with this shit board. I've been on 4chan since before /tv/ was even fucking created, and I was here the first day /tv/ went up.

Enough is enough. The quality of this board has always been rather mediocre, but the past 2+ years has seen an absolute nosedive in quality, and a complete lack of moderation and rule enforcement. It's one thing if there's 1 or 2 off topic shitpost threads like this in the catalog filled with crossposters, but the norm is that nearlyy half the fucking catalog is these types of threads. This board is no longer /tv/, it's a /pol/ hybrid board, and there's either no moderation, or the janitors / mods just don't give a fuck anymore, so why should I?

Fuck this shit, I am fucking done. Bye you sacks of shit.
can someone give me a quick rundown on "clean your room"?
>he doesn't know
it's a hilarious reddit meme xD
I watched around 35 mins of this last night, what they were really saying was pretty much just common sense, all I really got from it was a little insight into how fucked up canada's education is at the moment, is it worth continuing?
>I watched around 35 mins of this last night, what they were really saying was pretty much just common sense

like every podcast
see you tomorrow
I always looked at the bible as essentially a compendium of protoscience, history, and moral fables that could essentially be disregarded for modern day equivalents, but Peterson makes a good argument that we haven't done a good job porting those teachings into today's teachings. Couching all of that in the current climate of rampant snowflakery, political corruption, and destruction of norms with zero regard for consequences is compelling. Dude's a reader.
The Neil Degrasse Tyson one was actually pretty educational at points
and I had never heard of operation northwoods till the alex jones one
>what they were really saying was pretty much just common sense
This basically sums up all of Peterson's all of secular sociopolitical discussions. I guess when lots of people are distorting of basic norms, common sense stands out.
what age are you?
He cites philosophical arguments underpinning his common sense beliefs, which makes him stand out among a bunch of regular people who spout the same stuff online with no thought as to why they believe those things.
what's got you upset?
fair but people act like he is the second coming of nietzsche

No fucking kidding go to his subreddit or comments on youtube and they say he will be looked at like nietzsche in the future
He understands and articulates better than most
not really
>broken man
Dr. Peterson is trained to fuck your mouth
>Joe Rogan

He'sa centrist, aka he just agrees with whatever his guest says but stays skeptical enough to not make any claims that might reflect poorly on him.
It really got to me when he said "fight"
Trying to legitimize it with air quotes

Its like he has inner struggle if he was an actor
It would be a very poignant moment
lmao you're triggered hard bitch
>Peterson makes a good argument that we haven't done a good job porting those teachings into today's teachings
You're thinking through a desperate mindset. Just because were are currently going through a social change of convoluted cultural guidelines, that doesn't mean we regress to past convoluted cultural guidelines. This sort of change of personal opposition makes you easy to manipulate by people of greater influence.

Don't follow the teachings of associations, follow any teaching that makes sense.
fuck up you fat cunt
That makes him an above average speaker not a fucking hero
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I believe it. Every "Internet famous" person like him has a cult following. People are always looking for their very own Christ figure so they can hang on their every word. This is what happens when you splinter the human race into smaller and smaller groups with little regard for bridge-building.
You dont understand
God is just the name for it a metaphor for something greater
He talks about marduk and acknowledge s religion as just human stories throughout our existence which we can learn from doesnt have to be superstitious and literal
*Just because we are currently
oh yes

let the hate flow through you
die die die
I agree with a lot of points Peterson makes, but disagree heavily with his evaluation of antidepressants and on a few other issues as well.
Far better than the Milo one but about the same as the Gavin McInnes one, don't really find hours of speculation as to why SJWs are so fucking stupid that interesting.
I never advocated for regression, and I never pointed out the specific teachings I was talking about--certainly not ALL of them, nor even the majority of them. There are plenty of outdated ideas and pro-Christian organization propaganda that needs to be ignored.

What I meant was there are useful teachings within that giant tome hidden under layers of bullshit that should be sussed out and presented in a way that's digestible to modern people.
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>people still unironically believe in Marxism
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Tell the truth
>Sam Hyde

>Peter molyneux
Started after he made fun of a kid calling into his show

>Joe Rogan
normalfag? wdum
we were chimpanzees lmao
>You dont understand
>God is just the name for it a metaphor for something greater
Yeah, that's what he says when he's talking to atheists. When he's talking to christians he'll say he's super 100% believing in god with zero ambiguity and no handwaving about how with "god" he only means a representation for something greater or whatever

if you think this guy is trying to do anything other than sell you his crap then you're one of those suckers they say keep being born
video of this?
listen to basically any conversation he has with a christian. like when he was on steven crowder's youtube crap or duncan russel's family hour podcast or when he answers a question about god on reddit etc.
His explanation of kek was pretty hilarious.
Also cringe inducing.
>made fun of a kid calling into his show
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKczW14EO_w

Just look at the dislikes and comments.
Also stefan has samefagged in his comments with a verified account talking about frozen which was really weird.

He also tries to stop kids from getting close to their families with his "de-foo-ing" cult
guy seems like a pseud desu, but getting sorted and cleaning a bit more could do me good
its a symbol of taking responsibility for things that are in your power to do/accomplish

Sam who?
Yeah, beacuse there are absolutely no threads or memes about progressive people.
Alt-righters really are a fucking whiny bunch.
>hating Gary Taubes
Enjoying your diabetes anon?
Why will none of his opponents debate him?
Not an argument
How can you possibly enact change in the world if you can't even keep something simple like your own room in order?
>Jordan Peterson
>Joe Rogan

>beacuse there are absolutely no threads or memes about progressive people
No not really, just hack comedians like Colbert, schumer and Oliver. The whole point is they are trying to pass of their political views and witty comedy, which we see through. They are on the TV hence they are discussed

No one attacks the left (progressive isn't the right word) equivalent of Peterson of moly because it's not /tv/ related
I wouldn't agree that he got rekt by Sam Harris. They were arguing with 2 completely different axioms in the first place.
That's exactly what most of the podcast was about and it was awesome.
It's about your locus of control. You can't act on the world unless you can act on your room. CLean your room first. After that you can focis on your house and then your mind. After that you can enter the world. Basically don't take on grand concepts until you have your life under control.
what are his views on antidepressants?
That's not really what this podcast was all about.
Yes, progressive is the right word because you were talking about conservatives. The opposite of conservative is progressive. There can be conservative leftist movements, and progressive ones, and the same with the right wing. The major problem with talking about politics with Americans is that they always put shit in packages: progressive = left = democrats/ conservative = right = republicans. That's not how political ideologies work.

Besides all that, you're just whining. They're always making fun of Black Science Man, there's still a lot of Bill Nye shitposting going on, the whole Louis CK thing, and I could go on forever. Stop being a whiny bitch.
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Is this shitposting kino?
easily the highlight. Made me laugh out loud, then it gave me goosebumps.
Maybe you're too busy changing the world.

Not talking about myself though, but that is just self-help tier bullshit.
Sam is a boring twat. There's nothing special about saying "I only believe in things that I can see" for hours and hours. You're not actually making any interesting points doing that, you're just being a boring twat.
>Maybe you're too busy changing the world.
Well did you change the world? Oh you didn't did you. So you didn't achieve shit then. You could've had a clean room. You made choice to achieve nothing instead. Smart.

I think you might have missed that half of my post where I said I wasn't talking about myself.
I don't give a shit about changing the world, nor this guy glorified self-help bullshit, thank you.
post secondary sjw culture is fucked. I cant even watch this, it's just depressing how brainwashing schools are now

I know, he should've said "posting solely for the purpose of eliciting an emotional reaction"
But that's not what Sam does.
listened to the first episode with him. Pretty interesting stuff.

has Joe ever had some nihilist or existentialist/absurdist/whatever on the show? I've read enough old writing but it would be neat to see someone put it in the current world we live in.
Yeah, him and Peterson are a lot alike. I bet their podcast together was boring as fuck and didn't have anything of value.
>I wasn't talking about myself
Oh so that person you were talking about did change the world? Was his name Albert Einstein? Don't set up a strawman for me, what are you doing? My logic applies both to you and to your strawman, I don't care.
It literally is. He's just a rationalist who keeps repeating things that everyone knows until people get bored of talking to him.
I'm saying that reduction is dumb and really doesn't mean anything. It's almost the same thought process of people saying that you shouldn't criticize a movie unless you made one yourself.
As boring as it was, Peterson challenged the definition of truth and for me that was a very new idea. Unironically got my gears grinding. What idea did Sam introduce in that conversation? That reality is as real as science says at any given moment? Wow, what an eye opener.
>I'm saying that reduction is dumb and really doesn't mean anything
Nothing REALLY means anything and you're going to die and humanity will perish. BUT your room can be clean while all of that happens.

Are you from America? Because that's how ideologues work here. You're talking about political ideology in general and he's talking about the American bipartisan politics. That is the identity of politics here, everyone falls into one of two categories.

The republicans are not always conservative and the democrats are not always progressive.
That doesn't mean anything though. What's a "progressive" economy? What's a "progressive" tax rate? What's a "progressive" policy on NATO? What's a "progressive" way to deal with Israel? Not everything progresses. Most things just are. Like taxes.
It literally isn't though. A lot of his talks don't have anything to do with atheism at all.
>mfw he kept going on about dragons and ideologues

Maybe I shouldn't have listen to both of his episodes back to back.

Progressivism is pretty much solely about social issues. It's a bullshit movement.
The guy I replied to was talking about conservatives so I responded talking in his own terms, because the opposite of coservatism is progressivism. Take it with him.
That could be said about every public figure. Lurk more and go fuck yourself.
I also cleaned my room because of this
So you are must going to spew memes instead of making an argument? Good to know, redditor.
he's too smart and too sincere. Dangerous combination for a debater.
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wtf...pic related

guy basically said he thinks the whole protest culture is retarded. how does some college age kid think they can understand something as complex as the economy and try to enact change on it when they can't even be fucked to clean their own room. then he went on to say something along the lines of "don't try and help the entire world. help yourself. then help the people around you. that's where you can make a real change in the world"
jordan peterson is a faggot that got shit on by sam harris
Thread posts: 143
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