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Will Blade Runner 2049 be kino or garbage?

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I can't tell, and it scares me.

If you use the word kino you're garbage
>the goose

how could it be anything but kino?
It's just gonna be Drive set in the future with forced nostalgia like in TFA. I bet the Goose is forced to kill Ford and he makes a new variant of the tears in rain speech.
The first movie was garbage, so this one will be garbage
I'm a fan of the Goose, I'll watch it for him.
kinage garbo
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>of a trailer
where did it go so wrong?
And which cunts started this shitty trend?
That right there should have been the entire trailer. Fuck modern cinema.
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It will probably yield the next 4u meme. I mean you can see an Elvis in this trailer.
Trash movie with good cinematography = instant kino
Goose makes it automatically worth a watch for me, but it will probably be garbage desu

Also, why is goose so popular on 4chan? Do you think he knows about it?
no chance in hell of being over 6/10, unless you wear fedoras
>And which cunts started this shitty trend?
Tbh it looks like it'll be the best kino since ex machina
More likely than not, it's not going to be very good. What was the least 80s or 90s film to get a good sequel or remake? At best it might be serviceable, though it'll fall victim to hyperbolic levels of hate for not living up to the original film.
Garbage. Didley has been a hack for years.
Posters had me out...
but then they totally redeemed themselves with this pre-trailer-teaser-trailer
>Bring back Olmos but not Rutger Hauer

>first trailer has senile Harrison Ford in an epic "we're home" meme moment
villeneuve is a hack, this movie will show that, stop memeing him
But he's dead.
"we're human"
Where's Leto? Goose and Ford are fucking ugly.
Too many day time scenes so far. I want it night time and noir like the original.
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*screams inaudible gibbirish*
*rips off clothing and starts burning body hair*
*throws glass bottles at the windows*
*grabs onto ceiling fan and tears it down from the ceiling*

Leto is playing a trap sex droid.
If you want the original watch the original, this should have it's own artistic integrity (while respecting the previous one)
Implying you couldn't write him into the script just like everyone else in this cast.

Make him a human that a replicant was made to look like. Holds some key to the plot.
Kinogarbage, just like the original.
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Why does this shit remind me of Tarkovsky?

please no
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>KINO Confirmed
>like toothpicks in a haystack...
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Looks cute
It will only be kino if it keeps with the film noir style of the first movie. It better not turn into a fucking action movie
Is she naked?
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>a child playing with a bird the size of a goose
in the rain, dead geese off the belt of a tangerine
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It's this latter-day Ridley that worries me. I'm all in for the Goose and Villenueve.
No she's a replicant
wait for the full trailer
Meh, I'd be worried if he were directing.
marvel killed filmmaking

> Ad for the trailer plays at the beginning of the trailer

I hate that shit so much. I get why they do it but holy fuck does it piss me off.
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looks mediocre and unspecial.

anyone seen the last trailer or teaser or whatever from alien covenant? the one with the creepy as fuck recording of shaw singing a country song in the spaceship? now thats high cinema. makes this blade memer trailer look like the total recall reboot, guns and splosions and future, meh.
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Why does this look so obviously CGI compared to the movie 30 years ago?
It's just blurry and fake
Wow he really is autistic. That handflapping is a dead giveaway, he's going full etsubatsu.
Fuck if I know. It's like it's a law to make shit look blurry. Hobbit 3 was the worst nightmare I ever had in theaters. I wish 3D never happened since all 3D does is make things dimmer and blurrier.
I miss the days of miniatures and practical effect.
I understand cgi is easier to use, but if you can make a convincing scene using small and practical effects that are tangible it's much more eye pleasing.
>orangey desert scene

no this is not comfy. the whole movie needs to be dark and rainy.
it looks like any other capeshit cgi of the past 10 years.
this flick will blow shitdick
they were told CGI looks like shit because its too detailed. so they add a blur effect to every CGI shit they do, making it look worse.

fact is, it doesnt look shit because its too detailed, its because they never get the lightning right. and never will.
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Is paying hundreds of people to create a CGI scene really cheaper than a couple dozen people creating a miniature? And if it is, is the final product worth saving that money?
They can change the CGI anytime they want in a easier way. With practical effects they have to plan everything ahead
it's smog you moron
no. not cheaper by any means. but:
1) allows them to do their money laundry more easily.
2) you need to be a master of the craft to make miniatures look good in your movie ie. loads of the fakest CGI looking scenes in the prequels were actual miniatures.

Uncanny valley every time
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Is the original Bladerunner good to watch now days? Or will it seem super dated?
Its literally perfect
the set doesnt feel (abandoned mall/tuna factory/gay art museum) enough
dated. it's good if you saw it when it was new and want to see it again, but if you're young and watch it for the first time it will for sure show its age and look/sound shitty, which might ruin the immersion.
Deakins will make it look kino at least.
This is a lie. I watched it 20 years after it was made and it looks amazing. Not dated at all.
If you watch anime you SHOULD be used to things being slow.
what's slow about bladerunner?

I watched it a few months ago and I was very impressed by the visuals.

It doesn't look dated at all. I saw it at a screening in a cinema not long ago and it looks as good, if not better than half the shit released these days.

The biggest issue for Blade Runner is probably Harrison Ford is a bit too dry and flat as Deckard, and some people may have issues with empathising or relating to the characters in the film. Beyond that there aren't many issues.
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>doesn't look dated at all

I like Blade Runner but lets' not oversell here lads.
You realize there is a blu-ray release right?
That VHS footage looks nothing like the real product

that doesn't look gritty at all
i'm calling it now. it's gonna be NWO bullshit propaganda.
kill yourself
Pretty sure Sony started doing it last year along with starting the trend of putting a 5 second version of the trailer at the start. I think it's because of something with YouTube videos showing like the first 5 seconds before you can skip it, but that doesn't really make sense cuz if it's not playing as an ad on another video why even include the 5 second thing? Just make a separate version for ads that has the cold open or whatever.

I swear to god every time Sony has a chance to do something well they do the exact opposite for no reason whatsoever, and it never pays off, and they never learn their lesson. Apparently they had a $700 million loss last year so maybe the guys in Japan are gonna step in.

I just looked at what movies they have coming out soon, fucking hell.
>Spider-Man Homecoming
which needed Kevin Feige to come in and take control away from the retards at Sony because all they're capable of is making terrible decisions. And apparently Sony is thinking of making the rest of the Spider-Man films without Marvel's involvement. Plus Avi Arad is still trying to make his Venom franchise happen. I can't wait for the Aunt May: Secret Agent movie they were planning
>The Emoji Movie
speaks for itself
>The Dark Tower
Never read the books and I thought the trailer looked fine (as in not as bad as I thought it'd be) but then again that's how I felt when they finally released a trailer for Fant4stic, and we all know how that turned out. Plus the movie comes out in 3 fucking months and we just got the first trailer and poster this week. If that's not a red flag I don't know what is.
>Blade Runner 2049
all signs point to kino but seeing the title on a list with other upcoming Sony films isn't fun
>Jumanji Remake
is this like the 5th Kevin Hart/The Rock movie we've gotten in the past few years? Every time I see a trailer for a movie with the two of them it's obvious immediately that the film is just a vehicle for them and the film itself is just secondary
Right, no, its not happening. I'm not going to see the trailer, I'm certainly not going to see the film. This is like 2 hours of mediocre looking entertainment, I can watch Bladerunner many more times and get something out of it. This cannot be worth it if it messes with a second's enjoyment of the masterwork.

What a stupid film to try and make.
There's some annoying red flags in the small teasers but christ Deakins affinity for using digital does not suit Blade Runner. Blade Runner had a certain grimy look to it and everything just looks so clean here.
Nah, it's to try and generate enough interest and be engaging enough for millennials browsing social media to then go and watch the whole trailer.
What red flags did you notice?
>My psyche is so delicate that watching this movie would destroy what I think of the original.
wouldn't they watch the full trailer anyway though? and the full trailer is 3 days away, the audience they'd be trying to attract with that will definitely have forgotten by monday. They'll barely be able to remember it in 3 minutes, let alone in 3 days
The original is overrated as fuck and I'm betting with one will just be trying to pay homage to the original for 2 hours.
literally the worst fucking mentality

I hate the Star Wars prequels but that doesn't change my opinion of the OT

I hate Jurassic World but that doesn't change my opinion of the first film, or even the 2nd and 3rd

My favorite films are the Lord of the Rings trilogy and my favorite book is The Hobbit. I still like those just as much as I did before Warner Bros pulled a Sony and basically sabotaged the Hobbit films.

If anything a sequel being shitty should make the original seem even better, right? I know when I watched Jurassic Park after seeing Jurassic World I appreciated it a lot more than I did before
It looks like Prometheus.
Wheres the noir?
The thinking behind it is they have data that says people will watch a trailer for around 10 seconds and if they're not interested or engaged, they'll shut it off.
I guess they also think that their audience is already following someone who shared the teaser so when they see that so and so posted the full trailer, they'll remember the short clip and watch the whole thing.
Only James Cameron can do it desu senpai
I didn't say "what I think of X".

In any case, as it appears to be a genuine sequel, for what reason I can't imagine, you know there will be a lot retconning exposition and needless backstory additions (the vice of needy millennials ruining everything).

How many people watched Bladerunner and wanted to know what happens next? Absolutely nobody. This is just fanfic, leave it alone.
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>kill yourself
that's all you got?
I have faith it's going to be good and if it's not well we always have the books
only fag that can do gritty nowadays is blompkamp, but give him blade runner and hell put the fucking die antwoord or whatever the fuck they are called as sidekicks of the main character.
Those are all children's films so terrible examples. Children's films do not permit ambiguity.

Bladerunner is ambiguous, in all regards and because it was made for grown-ups 25 years ago, doesn't cater to anyone's need for explanation (more so in the Director's Cut). Not just on the big questions but on the smaller ones. In a call back to noir, few if any characters in it have clear motivations nailed down except the replicants.

The ambiguity is what is about, thats the actual theme of the film. Is Decard a replicant? It doesn't matter.

But tumblr needs to know so this shit is going to fill in all the gaps, I can feel it already. We'll probably be watching C-beams twinkling by Tannhauser Gate before the end because there is no way that could be left as something poetic to prod the imagination.

Yes I'm sure I can ignore the fan service retrofitted 'canon' on one hand but on the other, maybe I can't entirely.

Its a completely misguided project.
how many people wanted another Mad Max movie after like 30 years? With Tom Hardy replacing Mel Gibson and George Miller being an old man who's last few movies were Babe, Happy Feet, and Happy Feet 2?

All signs pointed to Fury Road being a shitty reboot like Jurassic World or Terminator Genesys, yet it was universally acclaimed and was nominated for Best Picture and Best Director at the Oscars, which is almost unheard of for an action movie, let alone one that sounds as stupid on paper as Mad Max Fury Road did.

I used to think reboots/sequels/remakes were all unnecessary and shouldn't be made but after Fury Road I realized that no matter how fucking retarded a movie sounds on paper, it could end up being amazing. Even something blasphemous like Back to the Future Part IV I'd be okay with if it was done well. Shit, I never thought there'd be a sequel to Trainspotting, but right now Trainspotting 2 is my film of the year, even if it is just May.

Point is, it doesn't matter if a Blade Runner sequel is necessary, it matters if it's good.
>Baby Goose
>Ford possibly giving a shit
It's possible that it could end up sucking, but all the right elements are there for it to be incredible. We won't know for sure until it comes out, though, so assuming it'll be great or terrible and treating that assumption as fact is just a waste of time
looks super generic and modern. like nu-star trek modern, with that fake clinical look with gay ass color grading.
it's gonna be awful
this will happen
Do I need to watch the original Blade trilogy first, or is it a complete reboot?
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>Alicia Vikander

fucking end this meme Hollywood shes ugly as fuck
>i love hollywoods cock! keep giving me rehashes and uninspired trash, i love it all!
what a good goy.
>and George Miller being an old man who's last few movies were Babe, Happy Feet, and Happy Feet 2?
All of those were great, though.
so Harrison is a replicant?
Its not about that.

Mad Max is a good example of something where you can do dozens of films with a string of actors, he's an adventurer like (comic book/Robert E. Howard) Conan. He turns up, walks into a situation that is usually kicking off by itself, does stuff, and fucks off again. You saw how Fury Road ended, they get it. The sequel won't begin with how Furiosa is really his secret half-sister or something, it will be something different.

It shouldn't really even matter what order you watch an imagined series of 20 Mad Max films. We could have said the same of James Bond before Skyfall/Spectre which are also woeful examples of this obsession.

Bladerunner is literally the last film that needs this kind of treatment. I know all I need to know about Dekard and I know what happened to him as well, he left with Rachel. Thats it.
Boy, you better get your chubby girlfriend having, meme posting ass out of here.
She's beautiful.
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garbage. WB hasn't made kino in decades
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