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>great sword-fighter >talented pilot >skilled mechanic

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>great sword-fighter
>talented pilot
>skilled mechanic
>capable of using mind tricks and other jedi mental powers
>charismatic, charming, instantly likable

is there anything she can't do?
Be my waifu
Have a family
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Yeah, Act.
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We had the same thoughts.
That was the big problem, she could do almost everything.
yuh, where's the version of this mary sue with the straw hat and bucked teeth?
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develop as a character
Be interesting.
And >>81927644
>looks like a goblin when she opens her mouth
And why is that a flaw? If she were a guy, you'd all praise and worship her
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>not realising she's the one that will bring balance to the force.

scrapyard jew always fucked her outta rations

she sucked at negotiating in general. when han solo offered her a job instead of playing hard to get she just sperged out "UR OFFERIN ME A JOB M8???"

also apparently she can't cook worth a fuck or clean her clothes. she walked around in dirty rags and traded her scavenged goods for some americany instant bread
Get me to watch the fucking movie
I'm surprised she was not raped and sold into slavery to that fat bastard.
She looks like the fucking Predator.
Don't, it's forgettable trash.

Some bits are comfy, but for the most part, it's literal rubbish.

If you like Star Wars, watch Rogue One.
It's a flaw because it doesn't fit her backstory at all, makes her boring and predictable, and strips the story from any real challenge because she always knows what to do. And it doesn't leave room for character development.

Also Gary Stu exists as well. Bad characters are bad characters, regardless of gender.
So, what is her next story? Will she become even more powerful? What is joy in watching someone literally rekt'ing everyone and entering into God Mode?
Rogue One wins on not being a remake/rehash of anything, but in other areas it's worse than TFA.

There's very little character development (you might not like Rey or Finn or Poe, but they're more fleshed out and memorable than anyone in Rogue One), and there's some Prometheus-tier writing, where people do things that make zero sense. Like Forest Whitaker deciding to die for no reason when he could have tried to escape with the others.

TFA also didn't digitally resurrect anyone or do anything massively distracting like that.
She's the most unlikable, cunty protagonist in Star Wars history
Haven't seen the movie but she can't be worse than Leia
He couldn't run bruh. You see his robot legs? His breathing apparatus?
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>Twins, one male, one female
>Just like Luke and Leia
>The female "discovers" the Force at a place that becomes known as the "Force Tree"
>The female twin founds the Jedi Order
>The male twin is evil and kills the female.
>Before she dies she makes a prophecy that she will return as The One
>Meanwhile Darth Sidious creates Anakin Skywalker to be a false prophet / golem type creation
>The Jedi are fooled into thinking he's The One
>The Jedi only realize their mistake too late.
>Anakin destroys almost all the Jedi
>Luke tries to redeem his evil father who literally slaughtered children.
>Rey is born and she is the perfect reincarnation of The One. Flawless in every way.
>She finds Luke Skywalker, who now just like his evil father, wants to destroy the Jedi Order

Rey will stop Luke's plans, restore order to the galaxy, and will destroy the dark side. She will also bring about the rise of the new Jedi order as predicted by Supreme Leader Snoke in TFA.

Rey being the reincarnation of The One explains why she is such a Mary Sue in TFA. She's literally a perfect super being.

The entire Star Wars saga is now about how women are good and men are evil.

The women are all leaders (Padme, Leia, Rey, Mon Mothma)

The men are all drawn to the dark side (Anakin, Palpatine, Snoke, Kylo)

tl: dr = Men are bad, women are good. Thanks Kathleen Kennedy!
Of course.. she's a goddess deity reincarnated HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA DISNEY
I thought she was on par with Leia and definitely better than Padme. nu-wars haters seem to only dislike her because of behind the scenes Disney shit that the President of the company has said

I ignored all that and thought it was fun
I still can't stop saying the big black phallus since the cuckball meme
>is there anything she can't do?
Not look weird as fuck with that smile
Lol fucken loser white boy
I bypassed the character development!
I dislike her because everyone else (specially Finn) had to look like idiots to make her look better. I get they wanted to make a female protagonist for a change, but it didn't had to be an annoying mary sue.
I'm hoping her backstory explains it a little bit. I didn't think about all the Mary Sue trope stuff until I saw the response on /tv/, but it definitely would be a critical flaw if there is no explanation (even if it's Force prophecy or Borne Identity tier)
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>The Force originates from within one particular tree

The fuck? Are they officially retconning prequel shit now? Doesn't all of that contradict the midichlorian shit, the way Qui-Gon explains it?
>birthplace of the Force
What? I thought it was a universal energy field. This is gonna be the midichlorian mess all over again.
I have the feeling they won't give a fuck about backstory. TFA made a point in that Rey should let go of her past and look forward, meaning that they won't make her dive further into what happened to her family or anything.

Butthole eyes saying that they won't be coming back for her and she should let it go made it pretty clear they're not touching that topic again.
Be a well written character.
98% they'll pull off a Revan with her, screencap this
I was under the impression she was going to be related to someone pretty important to the first 6 like Obi-Wan or even Luke. Didn't she get a teaser flash when she went into the chamber with Luke's saber? Only other time that happened was with Luke on Degoba

Don't know about any behind the scenes shit, nor care
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How many fucking retcons is this in the space of 8 movies? It's ridiculous.

Literally the Force. All of her talent is based on the Force. She was getting owned by Kylo until she let the Force flow through her and guide her actions.

Watch the movie and pay attention
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>end star wars
that's retarded shit reddit, it doesn't fit with the other movies at all.
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mmmm, yes. Very good.
This pretty much. It's a feminist dyke game now. It's all ogre, all of it.
I don't know how, but this is why the Last Jedi will fail.
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God the worst scene was when Rey get's force frozen by Kylo in the forest and it just looks like she's pretending she can't move. My disbelief just went straight out the window with the stupid fucking look on her face.
If they retconned her into being the "true" Chosen One instead of Ani, I'm dropping this franchise and Disney as a whole.
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The Force isn't magic. To access you have to be taught how to sense it. The easiest thing to sense and use from the force is prescience. Then, you have to be taught how to channel it, which is also easy. the hardest part is using the force to do things for you, like lightning, or suggestion or out pulling stronger force users.

Rey had no business using the Force. Prescience is the only ability she had any business using because Luke was taught as much in ANH, and Anakin mastered Prescience all on his own, but only after wrecking several pods to get good at it.
Why was Rey permanently sweaty throughout this movie? Coming from a desert planet you'd think that she'd be like young Anakin, cold and shivery all the time.
>"I'm going to chew your cock off with my mighty shark teeth."
>hot headed
>average force powers

She isn't that fucking OP when you look at her personality. She won't accept that her parents are gone and tries to run away from the conflict at one point, which gets her captured by Kylo Ren. I don't give a fuck about her piloting ability, because in Star Wars land, piloting is like driving a car. As for the lightsaber fight, she was going against an already-injured Kylo Ren who hadn't completed his training, it wouldn't be that hard for her to win.

OP is a retarded faggot.
That's not true. That's impossible. No.
She uses the force, which is unforgivable. She had no business using the force, to say nothing of using telepathy, or any of it. She's a nothing, a nothing comes along and defeats a dark Jedi, who had just effortlessly beaten a stronger man. And yet, Rey believed in herself, clicked her heels three times, and was A force demi god. the Force awakens is garbage, Rey is a hopelessly Broken Mary Sue, and The Last Jedi must and will fail.
But Anakin really was the Chosen One. He destroyed the Sith and brought balance back to the Force as foretold by the prophecy. How the hell is Disney going to change something that already happened in canon, without making it look like it was completely retarded?
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>you will remove the restraints and leave the cell door open
Really makes your midichlorians ding dong
>is there anything she can't do?

Be an interesting, believable character.
>hot headed
When, in the entirety of the movie, does any of these flaws present an obstacle to her or the people around her? Never. They're barely there at all.

>She won't accept that her parents are gone and tries to run away from the conflict at one point
Neither of these are flaws, and she overcame them both in less than a minute.

> because in Star Wars land, piloting is like driving a car.
Yes, specially when it comes to have full knowledge of a ship there's zero chance she had the time or resources to explore, much less learn to fly.

And there is no excuse for all the other stupid shit she pulls out of nowhere.
Be a well written character
And Obviously, the only way to Destroy Palpatine, was to have him do so exactly the way he did. Palpatine's power was Literally OP. He could see the future as clear as you're using your media to talk to us. It's why he fought Mace with a Saber instead of besting him with knowledge of the Force. He risked a saber battle he knew he'd lose to sway Anakin into saving him. He knew he'd be confronted by Yoda and he knew he would win. He knew that Anakin's Hubris would be his undoing but it was the only way he'd get the Force pet he wanted. And what a pet Vader was. And so much so, that Sheev didn't expect much at all from Vader. And that was his oversight. Much like how Windu overlooked Anakin because he didn't examine Anakin's shatter point or his own, Sheev didn't examine his future with Vader because he didn't expect as much from him.

She used powers she had no business knowing. It cheapened forever the idea of the force.
because the plebs don't care about continuity and the media will tell them it's great and they have to see it.
They do it all the time. In one of the recent episodes of Rebels (which is canon) Kenobi tells Maul that the reason he's on Tattoine is to protect the 'chosen one'. You see, it's all a matter of perspective.
>who hadn't completed his training

But at least he has training.

>it wouldn't be that hard for her to win.

So I guess any random guy can also beat the sith faggot because he was hurt and "didn't completed his training".

Next try, pretend a little better.
by revenge of the sith obi wan had lost faith in anakin being the chosen one but he is proven to be so in return of the jedi
>As for the lightsaber fight, she was going against an already-injured Kylo Ren who hadn't completed his training, it wouldn't be that hard for her to win.
Didn't Finn fought Kylo under the same circumstances and got beaten up? Why would it be different for Rey?
The movies are the only canon, Rebels, all of it is expanded stuff that has nothing to do with the movies, never did. That's the way it worked. Now, if Disney changes it then it's their fanfiction and in no way invalidates the Actual Canon established by George Lucas!

And the time between Empire and Return is one year, and Luke only ever managed to gain mastery in saber and voice and voice pull. At no time was he able to defeat force Lightning. In Fact Vader saved him.

Rey's hopelessly broken and nothing they say can ever change that.
>without making it look like it was completely retarded?

Do you really think they will care for something like that?

They can, and they will, do whatever the want. Things like saying that Sidious wasnt the last sith, luke was corrupted or that snoke is plagueis and sidious was just a puppet.

Continuity and logic barely matters. These are movies for new generations and if they have to contradict or retcon the previous ones, they will do it.
*force pull
>Have to be taught how to use the force

What is Ezra Bridger doing a force jump in the Rebels premiere
>To access you have to be taught how to sense it
Anakin is a human capable of pod racing because of his latent force abilities. Leia could sense that Luke was alive without any force training.

>The Force isn't magic.
My nigga, that's literally what it is.
And yet ships and characters from Rebels appear in Rogue One, establishing them firmly in the movie continuity.
a timeless and talented transgender actress for the modern era.
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Alright dipshit here we go.

I want you to close your eyes and imagine this:
>Star Wars: A New Hope
>Luke watches Ben Kenobi die right in front of him.
>Vader attempts to pick up his lightsaber with the force.
>Instead the lightsaber is pulled out of his force grip and flies into Luke's hand.
>Luke then proceeds to beat the shit out of Vader.

Does that sound like shitty writing. If so then you are a sexist for not holding Rey to the same standard.

Why does Disney want to pervert the established Star Wars canon so badly? Rey could have been her own character, a reincarnation of a great, mysterious Jedi sounds pretty cool. Instead, she's just usurping Anakin's role and has to be the one real chosen one. It just sounds complicated.
>she's just usurping Anakin's role
that's the point, if you're a white male you must be viewed as useless or evil, all the little boys must be taught this now.
Once more, The only viable Canon are the movies done by George Lucas. At no time did George ever refer to the Expanded Universe in his celluloid canon.

Anakin's abilities were Prescience, that's it.

Leia's power was her bond to her brother, as was Anakin's bond to them both. At No time did she sense Anyone Else, at no time Did Vader Read Anyone Else's mind, At no time Was Luke Able to Telepathically Talk to Anyone, not even YODA!

The Force is a means, the with path, or the which way to attain this connection requires you to be Force Sensitive and Requires you to become familiar with what it feels like, and then, only through Repetitive task and efforts, you can strengthen your bond with the Force. You don't click your bloody heels three times and pull force power out of your butt like Rey did. Rey's broken.

Once more, The only Canon is what was established by George Lucas, The founder, Father and Creator of Star Wars. Only what George showed us on film is at all Canon.

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>and whine incessantly desu
So much this!

Rey's an unbelievable Protagonist.

The Irony of all this is that the majority of Star Wars fans are White Males. What are they doing? Women and girls if anything, makes up the minority of Star Wars fans. And women don't care about these type of things unless of course there's some Han Solo type guy they could get behind. And by making Poe a fag, they literally killed Girls swooning over him. What the hell is Disney doing?
Nice bait.
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That's all bullshit and you know it

Everyone in any Star Wars media who becomes a Jedi has times when they use the Force without training

And it's implied that Rey has been trained before.

She's special. You autists can accept someone like Revan can be super powerful just because, but this girl is out of the question

It's called "The Force"

It's a pretty important part of Star Wars and you can literally see when she taps into it
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T-take that back, anon!
>Doesn't all of that contradict the midichlorian shit
idk what you're talking about
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>ignoring Anakin being literal space Jesus racecar driving engineering genius toddler
>And it's implied that Rey has been trained before.
Stop pulling shit out of your ass, this never happened.

>Everyone in any Star Wars media who becomes a Jedi has times when they use the Force without training
Except Rey does this multiple times during TFA. She pulls out shit that even she didn't knew was possible.

t. femanon
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It's explained "force energy comes from the midichlorians, and life couldn't exist without them"

That tree couldn't have been the first lifeform ever, midichlorians must predate that tree, so it makes no sense that the Force came from it (unless they're retconning things).
It's called a Mary Sue. A shitty, bad written literally device.*
>It's explained "force energy comes from the midichlorians
idk what this means you're talking gibberish
y-you too...
Carry a movie.
>At no time did George ever refer to the Expanded Universe in his celluloid canon.
did did with Coruscant.
yoda had been watching luke his entire life.
have an interesting arc or make me care about her. its blatantly false that she is charismatic, charming, or instantly likable.
>what is celluloid
>Once more, The only Canon is what was established by George Lucas, The founder, Father and Creator of Star Wars. Only what George showed us on film is at all Canon.
So only episodes 1-4 and the Ewok shit in 6. Got it. Empire isn't canon everyone.
Damn i miss old movies.
Hayden looked GOAT af comared to the nu wars shit.
>majority of Star Wars fans are White Males. What are they doing? Women and girls if anything, makes up the minority of Star Wars fans.
numale cucks will continue to watch it anyway and if they can draw in more women by pushing the strong woman agenda they will continue to do so, plus the whole nerd hipster bullshit which means if you don't like it you're not cool.
reven was an adult, rey was shown to be a small child when she was dropped off.
wtf? is she okay?
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>Damn i miss old movies.
phantom menace was you fucking queer
Revenge of the Sith came out 10 years ago. Is it new?
Oh well then your whole theory is invalid lol

what a faggot tpm aint canon m8
Well said friend
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>10 years old movie cannot be called old
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does /tv/ think rey is a skywalker, kenobi or just some nobody?

and is there a chance reylo will happen or is that just a meme???
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As was said before, Anakin Used, Prescience, And Leia used telepathy with her brother. She could not use it on Han, her beloved or anyone. Vader could not use telepathy on Leia even though she was right there. Vader had to use an interrogation droid to gain intel.

Rey uses Telepathy, Force Suggestion, Out Pulls an object from an advanced Force user and she's apparently awesome with a light saber for whatever reason.

Anakin never once used anything Rey used. And as a child of the Force he only ever managed to Use Prescience. that's it. You speed watchers and you Nu fans would say anything to justify Rey's broken mary sueness.
disney wars is nothing but meme
plebbit-tier one

As shitty as Phantom Menace was, untrained Anakin never used force powers. The force may have granted him slightly better reflexes allowing him to pod race, putting him on a level with non-force sensitive aliens. He never even finished a race before that day.
>Rey uses Telepathy, Force Suggestion, Out Pulls an object from an advanced Force user and she's apparently awesome with a light saber for whatever reason.

All because she's a woman and for no other reason.
>I have all these skills
>better live in a desert collecting junk for years.
You cant take disney wars as anything but political agenda.
>Anakin never once used anything Rey used. And as a child of the Force he only ever managed to Use Prescience. that's it.
lol didn't read and you'll still be wrong. movie didn't suck so you're having to nitpick that the fantasy protagonist was too fantastic.
>You speed watchers and you Nu fans would say anything to justify Rey's broken mary sueness.
idk what the fuck that means kill yourself you fucking prequel babby faggot. The new ones are technically impressive and narratively more than adequate. They're not some desperate corporate suit with a neckbeard and jeans trying to promote his CGI and toy empire.
>he doesn't realize that rey subconciously learned those things from kylo ren when they were mind raping each other and created a force bond

>The new ones are technically impressive and narratively more than adequate

>nothing visually interesting
>jar jar "lens flare" abrams
>bland music
>the seventh installment in the series which is complete mess, simply because it cant connect with 6 previous films
Midichlorians don't produce the force they're merely attracted to it. Hence why the old Jedi measured them to get an idea of the hopeful's force potential.
get your fanfiction out of here
Rey doesn't have a childhood she's a cloned force assassin left behind by the collapse of the empire.

Ie she is basically an Jason Bourne.
>nothing visually interesting
yes huh
>jar jar "lens flare" abrams
not an argument
>bland music
false. tryhard.
>the seventh installment in the series which is complete mess
yeah its a complete mess because the fucking prequels you dip. tfa and r1 connected with the actual previous films just fine. Not your fucking babby movies made by a deranged old dipshit narcissist.
We're not talking about Yoda, are we, we're talking about Luke's abilities. Not Yoda's.

The name of the world was a never you mind because George had a planet but not a name. So it was George's Idea.

It must be awesome to live in la la land.

I hate it, and my only hope is to share with others of what exactly Disney's up to.

No, you foolish child. Because she's a broken Mary Sue. For I put it to you that Beatrix was not in the same neighborhood as broken as Rey was for Beatrix spent Two years with the master of the white lotus clan. I put it to you that Sarah Conner in Terminator 2 wasn't as broken for it was established she spent years in mexico with fanatics and Gun nuts getting good. I put it to you that Tomb Raider's Lara Croft wasn't as broken in two movies. I put it to you that the Long Kiss Goodnight's Charlie/Samantha wasn't as broken. I put it to you that Salt, in the movie Salt, wasn't as broken. I put it to you that Mrs Smith of Mr And Mrs Smith wasn't as, Okay, maybe Mrs Smith was because wow, yeah, they were both pretty broken.

But Rey's in a class by herself, literally Broken beyond Repair.

LENS FLARE, LENS FLARE. Yeah, so Inventive jj.

You tell the moronic simpletons that Midichlorians are nothing more than Bandwidth, and the Force, the Internet and its associated medias. But they can't get that because the autistic Mike said otherwise. They're a bunch of moronic simpletons.
>is there anything she can't do?
Be likable.
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>being this desperate
>is there anything she can't do?
be even remotely attractive
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Disney and its associated shills are desperate. I'm just spending my Free time as I choose to and I choose to spit on everything Disney has done to undermine the creativity of a better person, namely, George Lucas.
Shut up faggot
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>yes huh
>not an argument
Exactly an argument. Talantless hack J.J. Abrams just cant make good movie, not an action flick.
>false. tryhard.
Now compare to the previous John Williams scores. The weakest one is TFA. Literally 0 memorable original themes.
>yeah its a complete mess because the fucking prequels you dip. tfa and r1 connected with the actual previous films just fine. Not your fucking babby movies made by a deranged old dipshit narcissist.
You can be in denial forever, but prequels do exist. They are part of Star Wars. And TFA is the SEVENTH installment, sequel. And putting prequels aside, tfa does not connect to the OT.
>imperial remnant has EVEN BIGGER DEATH STAR
>the resistance
>movie is already at point where the first order is a serious military threat
>nothing done in the OT means to this movie, tfa literally annihilated all the heroes achievements
>r1 is just another useless action flick

false. tryhard.
actually dont try, just kill yourself.
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>Disney and its associated shills are desperate.
Desperate right to the bank and the critic scores and audience scores and the good well executed movie productions.
>I'm just spending my Free time as I choose
autists gonna aust
>choose to spit on everything Disney has done to undermine the creativity of a better person, namely, George Lucas.
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tldr lol prequels never wont suck m8 tph isnt canon
what is he actually doing here?
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>typical nu wars fanboy
pretty neet m8
Grow breasts.
Have a good accent.
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I hope you are at least paid for what you are doing.
Otherwise proceed to the nearest bridge or just hang yourself.
Audiences? You mean the same type of people who watches Tranformers. Mark Hamil said as much didn't he? Some one said, "But The Force Awakens made bank." Mark retorted, "But was it any good?" Then he said, "Remember Kids, Hollywood's no longer about good movies but is instead only interested in making money." Essentially they're just making products and no longer art. It's not about making making Kino, it's about selling products. "Just look at Transformers. Those movies makes a billion plus but it's what, what is it?" Mark literally spat all over TFA ,the last Jedi and Disney, and you, for that matter.
>typical nu wars fanboy
Nigger I'm an early 90's OT vhs fanboy.
nobody is paying me to call you a stupid you dip. Do this shit pro bono.
>implying the new trilogy ISN'T written like a shitty fanfic

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>Nigger I'm an early 90's OT vhs fanboy.
I bet you are.
>denying rey and kylo have a bond when official media mentions it

i guess you'll see this december anon.
>implying it ever WASN'T written like shitty fanfic

George Lucas writes himself into Flash Gordon. Names the protagonist Luke. Rebels against his dad's furniture empire.
I think they are two sides to the force that need to work together to create the balance. There is no chosen one- there are chosen ones. Yin and Yang. A Light sider with hidden darkness, a dark sider with hidden light, uniting to finally bring balance and sum up the themes of the series. The bond they have is through the force.
that's a good bet. how fucking young and dumb and full of cum are you?
>implying the prequels werent even worse than TFA
Exactly. I don't know why people are acting like shitty fanfic-tier romance isn't right up Disney and Lucasfilm's alley.

Look at Anakin/Padme scenes ffs.
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>implying reylo won't be the greatest love story ever told

kill yourself
I thought about it during the movie. The whole film was just jerking off over her.
>I boipussed the cumpressah!
What did she mean by this?
yeah they where way worse but they already set the precedent of crazy overpowered The One characters. If she only did the exact same shit as the previous 2 protagonists, there'd just be threads of the same contrarian faggots whining about how she didn't do anything different.
Luke was pretty much useless for the entirety of A New Hope. It only near the end that we see him become heroic and he has his chance to shine. That's exciting. Rey doesn't have that. Rey's just fucking perfect.
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>kathleen kennedy denies finnpoe
>john bogeya denies finnrey
>nobody will deny reylo

with the immense popualrity of reylo and them knowing how SJWs get triggered over the thought of it being canon, you'd think they'd come out and just confirm there isn't going to be any romance between them already.
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>stormpilot debunked

KEK. how will tumblr ever recover??
>It only near the end that we see him become heroic and he has his chance to shine.
The movie is explicitly about the hero's journey. The plot is literally about him saving a princess. Also he's a whiny faggot Lucas surrogate.

Stop trying to parrot things you heard other smarter people say better. Luke was the audience surrogate for a space fantasy movie in the 70's. A cringey poindexter that overcomes all odds. Rey is the audience surrogate for a space fantasy movie 40 years later. It's almost like there's been decades of film history between then and now and the roles of protagonists and audience surrogates don't always have to be the same fucking thing. Almost like they're skipping to the fucking point since we've already watched Luke's fucking arc.
i replied to the wrong thing sorry anons
Kinography on a scale not yet seen by mortal man
probably the yellow shit is stuff he likes and the purple shit is stuff he hates

It's like they tried to rip off Bastilla, and got half way and stopped and then forgot she was supposed to be hot.
What am I supposedly parroting? Huh? Why are you so fucking mad? Your post essentially boils down to "get with the times gramps" so shut the fuck up and go back to Tumblr.
Disney shills, everyone
Surely not. Rey; a young and inexperienced character who is being introduced to us this trilogy can't be wiser than Luke Skywalker himself.
That'd be like if Luke visited Yoda on Dagobah and started telling Yoda what to do.
>gathers the whole production office
>documentary crew is there
>has all the storyboards printed out and set up on posterboards
>I'm gonna look so cool running this meeting for the behind the scenes footage
>I know I'll have a highlighter in each hand and like color all over everything and look like I'm doing some really important shit
>everyone will be so impressed by my ambidexterity
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>is there anything she can't do?

Can't suck like Heather Brooke.
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they claim rey and kylo's creators never even heard of KOTOR before. kek.
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I'm getting a little tired of this shit women.
And yet the audience is always weaker, they're never stronger. See Neo, from the Matrix. See Sarah Conner, Terminator 1 and then 2, See the protagonist in Kick ass. See, Dr Strange. See Thor who was weak for the most part of the movie in Thor and had to earn his godhood back. See Murdoch in Dark City. See, Remo Williams. See Rocky 4. Rey's a broken Protagonist that had no business being as strong as she was, by the second film and up to third film, then yes. But she's all powerful by the second act of the movie and she's too perfect in Everything. She's garbage.

Although I may be a misogynist that doesn't mean that everyone who dislikes Rey is, some of them just don't like Mary Sues.
This movie is four years old, holy shit, why are you losers still bitching about it?
>What am I supposedly parroting?
>Luke was pretty much useless for the entirety of A New Hope. It only near the end that we see him become heroic and he has his chance to shine. That's exciting. Rey doesn't have that. Rey's just fucking perfect.
might as well be copypasta. It's "idk much about screenwriting or film-making but I've seen people that did say this" without any evident demonstration on your end that you actually know what you're talking about.
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>tfw you like a girl and try your best to be nice to her but she spends all her time trying to escape and kill you
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>Force Tree
Didn't think they could get dumber than midichlorians
i'm a feminist and i don't like rey. but i'm hoping they'll give her more flaws and show her weaknesses more in the next movie.
>See Neo, from the Matrix.
Yeah. Literally The One. Can't be killed. Can literally do anything he wants if tries.

See Superman. See Spiderman. See Wolverine. See any relevant fucking protagonist that is a The One ubermensch character.

Knownothing parrot faggot.
Disney had their protagonist use force suggestion, force pull, and force telepathy all without any training and just after hearing about the force like, five minutes before. And them inventing a force tree is so far the dumbest thing done by Disney?
Dont you dare bringing Bastila in here. She has nothing in common with this xenomorph. Bastila has a character, she is hot, and more interesting and investing overall.
Oh ye of little faith.
Neo's not a God. He's at best the source in human form. He's weakened by his humanity, and he's weakened by his inability to see himself other than Human. Yes, if he wanted it, he could have gained everything he had by movie's end. But he has restraints on himself. he gets good after he dies, and the only time he uses bullet time was subconsciously.

He does die, if you'd remember, he dies at the end. And he had to run from the many Smiths who attacked him, and th Oracle Smith did legitimately beat him. Oracle Smith couldn't kill him unless he wanted it.

Kryptonite is Superman's weakness, that or a red sun. And he's not stronger than Doomsday.

Spiderman is weak and is not at all, broken, not even in his own comic.

Wolverine's pretty much the same, as Logan showed you.

Rey's a nobody who was a force Grand master for no good reason other than, Muh feminist girl power click my heel three times magic nonsense. She's a horribly broken Character.
But Rey isn't the one. Anakin is. And even Anakin wasn't as powerful as her, he got rekt by Dooku in Attack of the Clones.
She's more powerful than the most powerful man in the universe. That's how she's a Mary Sue
tldr. not your journal. Rey went through the protagonist beats. Struggled the entire film. Your essay about irrelevant dogshit doesn't change that.
>Anakin is.
kek not canon
> struggled
Not canon? WTF are you talking about?
When did Rey struggle again? Everyone's she's fought she's defeated. She's never used a blaster before but practically shoots eight guys without even trying. Can climb literal mountain sized obstacles. Can Fly the Falcon although she never flew bit before, although the Falcon is a custom put together freighter and although Luke, who was a pilot and was called a pilot by his bud Wedge, didn't understand anything in the Falcon. And not only fly it, Rey flies it expertly within minutes in a dog fight, in the innards of a ship with several moving parts. Even if she used Prescience,the same ability both Luke, Younglings and Anakin managed when he raced pods. Anakin wrecked several pods before he got good and even then had never managed to finish a race or win one. And Luke only ever used prescience to block the blaster droid under Obi Wan's tutelage and it aided him in timing when to pull the trigger.

Rey's using force telepathy, even though she just heard about the force five minutes ago. She out pulls the saber from Ren.

Admit it, She's broken beyond belief.
prequels aren't canon deal with it
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tumblr is VERY upset, don't bully!!!!

Could you imagine those chompers brushing up against your skin as she scream whispered in your ear? The fear of being bit would be overridden by misplaced arousal.
>When did Rey struggle again?
entire movie. from first appearance to looking at her crippled normie friend. entire life pretty much. what are you retarded?

also tldr
I love how the robot flops around in the millennium falcon but none of the characters need seat belts
These people are revolting.
Is this for real?
>my favorite universe
Have these people even heard of sw before tfa?
God what have we become.
Yeah, you're a retarded Troll or one of those tumbler idiots. What ever your damage, get bent.
No. The prequels are canon. And so is the new Disney trilogy. You have to deal with it.
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They are trying.
not an argument lol

prequel babby btfo
>the OT baby mentality
>Sheev didn't expect much at all from Vader

I can get behind that. In ANH everyone treats Vader like a fucking goon, and the only respect he gets is because he can mind choke them.
prequels aint shit but hoes and tricks
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I don't care if the prequels were homemade videos of George Lucas shitting on the floor. If he says it's canon it's fucking canon, regardless of if they're good or not.
You're obviously an OT-only retard, so it appears talking to you is a waste of my time.
They'll get shot a thousand times over by better marksman. What a bunch of hairy fairy losers.

How about you write a few paragraphs as to why it's not an argument, K.

They literally sees him as Butler. It's because Sheev treated him like a Butler.
Is there nothing she can't do!!!!!!!?!??!??!??
>ywn have an inadvertent chad moment with an anon bro

Why live?
>thinking some dipshit producer like Lucas gave a shit about "canon."
>How about you write a few paragraphs as to why it's not an argument, K.
lol nope.
If you think they're never going to explain her back story you're illiterate at visual storytelling. They were hinting at it so hard the entire movie with flashbacks and constantly bringing it up and shit.
I don't think you're getting what he's saying. It doesn't matter how lazy George was or isn't, It's his baby, he created it. You punks are late comers to the party and your head's so far up jj, kennedy's and disney's arse, that you're gassing up their joint with your nasty quips. So cease and desist, punk.
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>when you accidentally force in just the tip
she's so ugly and can't act.

Who is she related to? Nepotism if I ever saw it.
>It's his baby, he created it
then dumped it off for a cash in sequel and got egg on his face when Kershner reinvented the genre with minimal input for George. Then everything George did since was progressively worse. He shot the first movie. It's not his franchise. He's not the final say on what is and is not canon, and that was made apparent and unambiguous when Han shot second.
pretty sure they didn't want to hire someone padme tier hot again because actresses being attractive is oppressing women

Well, the difference is that Anakin is literally born of the Force, if anyone's going to be exceptional, it'll be him. And keep in mind that despite all of that, he gets stomped by Dooku twice in AOTC before killing him in ROTS.

Also, the PT is about Anakin's fall and all the people he brings down with him. The fact that he's so good at all things Force related has a sinister subtext, because you know he's going to use his gifts against those he served with.
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>debunks finnrey and stormpilot, SJWs favourite pairings
>doesn't debunk reylo, their most hated

really makes you think..
*She's so cute and can't act
That's not how movies work. You're not allowed to have a garbage collector whose suddenly James Bond international man of mystery whose able to fly harriars and helicopters he's never flown but does so because he's clever and stuff. And can do Judo and can fire any weapon, hitting every target on the first try. But don't worry as to why he's so awesome, that's a story better left for another time.

I'll forgive her inability to act, but being a broken Mary sue that's a bit much.

Of course not, Troll.

They held an eating contest to decide who would play Rey and Daisy started in on her opponent instead of the food. Everyone else dropped out when they saw her bite right through a woman's skull.
Some one needs to tell the poor dear that she smiles too deeply and menacingly. My penis literally curls up every time she does that smile of hers. She's rather unsightly sometimes.
>You autists can accept someone like Revan can be super powerful just because, but this girl is out of the question

By the time we see Revan in KOTOR, he's been trained as a Jedi since childhood and he's fought a brutal galaxy-spanning war where he's had time to hone his powers. He's had decades of training by the time we're introduced to him. Rey MAY be a Skywalker and she MAY have had her memory wiped, but none of that is certain.

And extenuating circumstances aside, she mentally and physically beat one of the two main villains in the first movie of the trilogy.
>Of course not, Troll.
I'm not a troll. You're just a stupid kid and a waste of time. You made it too obvious too early that you haven't earned your movie autism. You haven't put the hours in. But hey at least you're trying. Watch more movies.
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>Rey will never wear something like that one battle outfit Padme had

I always thought it was hotter than the slave Leia costume.
Kathleen Kennedy is doing this to get back at all the SJWs who called her an ugly, homophobic racist white cunt and claimed Rey was a self insert because they both have brown hair and blue eye.

They thought by hurling abuse and harassing her it would make her do what they want, and instead she just got pissed and is axing all their favourite pairings. She'll probably make Reylo happen just to spite them.

They did this to themselves. Kathleen pandered to them in the 1st movie but now that they've done nothing but bully her and call her a bitch she's going to not give a shit anymore. Kek.
Rey is a shit eyed, not blue.
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I'm just saying what the SJWs. They all say Rey and Jyn look exactly the same and are both clearly Kathleen Kennedy self inserting. They hate her for not making Rey a black girl and not making Finn and Poe blatantly homosexual.
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Reyfags BTFO
And she was four at most when they dropped her off. By all accounts she's a youngling in training learning Prescience for the first time, AT Best.
There's nothing she could have learned in that time that would have warranted her using such a wide ranged and varied display of power. She had no business using the force for anything other than deflecting shots or timing when to avoid calamity.

Take your time, young one, and go through the thread. There are many post that shows as to how and why Rey's a broken character. You're a sucker, sadly, one of those nu fans that are so desperately sucking on disney rancid tits, that is, the house of rats and decays tit, that you've literally thrown logic and truth out the window so as long as you're allowed to continue to enjoy their pus filled white stink they've convinced you losers is the best milk ever.
Who cares. These people are actually mental.
If nobody will pay attention on their shitty posts they will probably suicide.
>There are many post that shows as to how and why Rey's a broken character.
yeah it's called an echo chamber dipshit. welcome to your first hivemind
The problem is Kennedy and JJ are little more than these people but not by much. They're diseased,all of them, and sadly, George turned over his first born to these losers and degenerates.
>from her first appearance
what the fuck are you talking about?
The only thing you see her do is scavenge for parts and get paid for it, and clearly were meant to think shes good at it since she kinda scoffs at the amount of portions she gets.
Then after that, she easily beats up two thugs sent to steal BB8, then without issue pilots a ship she has never flown before to such an effective degree that she is able to outmanuever not one, but TWO pilots from the first order. First order soldiers, as it is established in the film, are trained from birth so these pilots are fucking experts and yet Rey, who keep in mind has literally never flown the millenium falcon, expertly outmaneuvers these trained from birth experts so well that she is able to position the falcons gun to line up a perfect shot for finn to take. All this without ever getting hit by the tie fighters.

After THAT she, again without ever having seen anything off world before and never being on this ship before, is able to manipulate a ships control panel with such accuracy that she shuts a door on that stupid tentacle monster at the exact moment that would save Finn.
THEN she has somewhat of an inkling of a struggle after two expert headshots on stormtroopers and is then blindsided by Kylo Ren. Sure, somewhat of a struggle. Now she is captured and we're gonna have to see what kind of inventive daring plan her friends are going to have to sa- oh and shes broken out on her own.
Not only did she resist Kylo Ren, who was trained by LUKE FUCKING SKYWALKER as well as this Snoke fellow who is implied to be extremely powerful as well, despite never having attempted to use the force EVER in her life before this. Immediatley after that she uses a mind trick, god knows how she even knew that was fucking possible, on a stormtrooper and escapes while evading all the other soldiers on the base and runs into her friends.
AND THEN she fucks up Kylo Ren in a light saber duel despite never having used one ever
It' s not at all a hivemind. It's the truth. The Truth always speaks louder, and clearer than the Lie.
tldr not an argument
Okay son, no more poo and giggles for you. You've had your fill, troll so its off to bed with you.
Anakin is an evil character. He's a villain. Having all powerful villains in not bad, and it doesn't make him a Mary Sue. Villains can't really be Mary Sues.
>It' s not at all a hivemind. It's the truth.
whatever you need to repeat to yourselves m8.
>The Truth always speaks louder, and clearer than the Lie.
You really don't understand how you're literally describing how echo chambers are used for thought control? You're in a cult.
not a troll. you're just 2autistic4me right now. Go back to /r/prequelmemes faggot

>Padme's battle attire

I bought a pack of Star Wars trading cards at a dollar store one time and this was the picture they used for Padme's card. I painted that fucker white then threw it away to hide my shame.
such shitty weathering.

and all white is so fucking bland.
So because Disney has destroyed Star Wars' believability, and in lieu of us proving Rey's a horrible broken mary sue, we're all now, a hive mind?

i don't know what that is. But Rey's broken, the force awakens is garbage and the last jedi will burn. How's that, troll?

Now there was a pretty Princess. Not this xenomoprhic creature these tfa idiots are foolishly still defending. I'm sorry, daisy, I'm sure looks pretty in he own way.
oh and on top of that she instantly loved and admired by everyone who meets her instantly

Why the fuck would the resistance trust her? They didnt trust Finn and they know more about his back story than Rey.
Why would Han Solo be so nice and open to her? Sure she's a great mechanic but he met her that day. That one is at least somewhat understandable though since Han was probably awestruck by how qt Rey is.
Then of course theres the whole Leia goes to hug Rey instead of Chewey after they come back. But worse than that is that Rey is the one who is sent to Luke
Why would Leia not go? Why would Leia send Rey? Its not like she saw her beat Kylo Ren, in fact, nobody did. Finn was unconscious when it happened and remained so for the remainder of the film. How would Leia even know about Rey's force feats so far? They never discussed it, and the only thing she reacts to because she "felt it" was Hans death so why would she consider Rey to be qualified?
It cant be the same reason i hypothesize Han had, since Leia is probably not a lesbian.

Just to be clear i dont hate TFA. I enjoy it every time i watch it. Just because i point out some truly staggeringly awful flaws in the writing doesnt mean i dont have fun watching it. Dont love your franchises unconditionally.
>not an argument
isnt an argument either
Is Rey a Skywalker?
oh and its even weirder that she's this resistance hero upon return because again nobody saw her do anything spectacluar and the only witness to her lightsaber victory is knocked out.
She didnt even destroy Star Killer Base. Poe did. So why the fuck is he not the one who gets to go see Luke? Why is he not at least accompanying her? Because the writing is fucking lazy
Thank you for the Pasta good sir, I'm going to burn Disney shills at every recourse.
>We'll never have a SW film with an alien as the lead character

This is the diversity sjw's really need to bitch for
no but she will give birth to the next generation of skywalkers when kylo ren plants his seed in her
>So because Disney has destroyed Star Wars' believability, and in lieu of us proving Rey's a horrible broken mary sue, we're all now, a hive mind?
no you're a hivemind because of the rhetorical propaganda strategies you knownothings parrot at each other in a fucking echo chamber. You just said that you feel validated because you guys are all yelling the same talking points.
>The Truth always speaks louder, and clearer than the Lie.
you're in a cult
>But Rey's broken
meaningless talking point.
>the force awakens is garbage
all available metrics and standards by which that can be objectively determined to disagree with you. Other than your hivemind and your empty knownothing talking points you've got very little to stand on.
>and the last jedi will burn.
regardless of what it is oh I'm sure there'll be plenty of threads about how it underperforms in Thailand or somewhere and you'll tell yourself that.

you're not here because you like movies. you're here because you're conflict oriented and asocial and undereducated.

Someone is going to respond to your post saying Daisy is an ayylmao.
they're all aliens dipweed
>ywn have the two ayy lmao qt3.14 grills Daisy Ridley and Anya Taylor Joy star as grey jedi lovers
>or even have the two of them play lesbian twileks
>or even have a sexy twilek star at all
>or even a fucking Togruta
Shill, so you're not denying the Truth that Rey's a Broken Progatonist and that she's a mary sue if there ever was one, but you're attacking us and me,and even the I's, the royal We, with Talky points because we're hurting your feelings?

Wait,your response is too properly structured to be some troll's response which means you have a horse in this race. So you're either from Disney, or you're some tumblerina defending your poo protagonist.

which is it?
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>hurr durr "act"

Every basement dweller with a movie collection thinks they know everything about acting.
I hope fire finds you and burns both you and anyone at disney if they were to ever think such a disgusting thing up. Although, I said that's the way they were probably going to go, Rey being a dyke. What a bunch of disgusting subhuman filth.

As long as Daisy just keeps sweating profusely, I don't care.
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>tumblr is demanding kathleen kennedy be fired

do they know she's the boss???
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she looks like wu all grown up

Most tumblr users don't even know what deodorant is. How are they supposed to know who they're rallying against?
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>the way to fix this is to harass kk!!!!
>be progressive woman CEO
>pander to women and progressives
>they still call for your head

"Progressives Intellectuals"
Anyone who thinks it's stupid she figured out mind tricks is an autist.

She had hands on mind trick sessions with kylo ren just before
>i don't know how much she influences the new movie

you're right i got hacked when i was younger and now im an expert at it.
you're in a cult.
>so you're not denying the Truth that Rey's a Broken Progatonist
I think its funny that you're using Proper Noun capitalization for your talking points now. I think "broken protagonist" is a more or less meaningless thing to say. Structurally and functionally she works just fine to move the narrative along. She struggles with an emotional arc throughout the entire movie and overcomes great odds to win the day for the good guys in the end. Standard protagonist shit. Works fine. You bickering about the relative ease by which you think she managed to not die doesn't change that.
>and that she's a mary sue if there ever was one
they pretty much all are, and Rey fitting the diagnostic criteria of a made up label isn't an actual criticism. It's a labeling fallacy. Hence why all your rambling isn't an argument.

tldr for the rest of it. Use more periods or something. Take your meds.
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i hope she makes reylo happen just to spite them. NOTHING would trigger them more.
>It's a "shit posting bait thread created by a mentally ill psychopath who spends all day posting online arguing with strangers because he's a hopeless psychopath" thread
I think I'm pretty hopeful.
You know how dumb you sound. "Hey, Eddie Van Halen just gave me an impruptu lesson on Respect for the Wind, so I'm ready to out jam Eddie even though I've never played a guitar before."

You're a special kind of stupid, you silly disney shill.

We're in a cult, eh Disney Shill. Next you're going to contact someone and they'll meme with, 4chan users can be and probably are, Cultist. OOOHH, I can't wait you silly shill you.

Rey's A Terribly, HORRIBLY, Incredibly, Undeniably, Broken. She's by far the most Daunting, Impetuous, Incredulous, Maleficent, Mary Sue, I have ever seen.
And lastly shill, I want you to read THIS >>81937203 and then, >>81937499 and after that, >>81937604

Now, after you've gone through all that. I want you shill, to go to disney and to tell all of them, From Kathleen Kennedy all the way to the execs at the house of rats and decay, that I want them all to get bent. And that George Lucas' worst attempts far exceeds their best tries.

>ship makes 0 sense
never stopped them before
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She will if they keep posting shit like this about her all the time.
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>great odds
the problem with that is that the film gives us no reason to believe Rey will have any issue overcoming her obstacles. So when she beats Kylo Ren its not really a surprise at all, and the fact that she beats him pretty handily reinforces that even further.
>she works just fine to move the narrative along
for the record im not the guy you're responding to and i actually agree mostly with that. But to me the issue isnt so much that Rey is a bad hero or "broken protagonist" but that she is a boring hero.
>struggles with an emotional arc
Not really. Her only struggle is deciding to stay with Finn and Han and not go back to Jakku. Other than that she seems pretty damn sure of herself all the time. You could argue she struggles a bit when she has the lightsaber vision but even then its not really clear if she was running away because she wanted to ditch Han. If that was the case she wouldve just taken the ship instead of run out in the middle of jungle.
Mary Sue is a stupid label, and even stupider label to use to single out Rey considering that virtually all blockbuster heroes in the MCU and DCEU movies would fall under that too. Hell, even Anakin is somewhat of a Mary Sue too.
All that being said though, i dont understand how you can think about all the things Rey is inexplicably able to do and the obstacles he has no right overcoming and think "yeah this is great writing"
I am hopeful that The Last Jedi will give something for Rey to truly struggle with and set up an actual emotional arc that will develop and resolve by the end of this new trilogy.
As of now, Rey is a nothing character.

>We're in a cult, eh Disney Shill.
No I said you where. It's an anonymous imageboard and you're a crazy person. You're the one displaying all the tells.
And telling yourself that everyone that disagrees must be being paid is something crazy people do.

tldr for the rest of it. word count will never make you right.

nothing projects intellectual comfort like scream laughing
No, Anakin is never, ever a mary sue, Not even once. Not ever. As a child, on his own, Anakin only ever managed to use Prescience. He, at no time used anything other than Prescience which aided him in Faster Response time. Like how Prescience Aided Luke in faster response time. it's for timing, nothing else.

Rey is able to do things Obi Wan never did in six movies.
>tldr for the rest of it
Actually id like to see you respond to those three posts he cited. You're pretty much the only person ive seen defend this writing without shouting about sexism and /pol/. It'd be a shame if you had no rebuttal
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is kathleen kennedy actually /ourguy/ ????
>No, Anakin is never, ever a mary sue, Not even once. Not ever.
that's the cringiest fucking thing I've ever read. He's a textbook goddamn definition one. He's a careless genius that's good at everything author surrogate jesus character thats the best at everything as a fucking baby.

prequel babby pls go
I'm not disagreeing with you because Facts isn't a disagreement, they're facts. If you're in love with a lie then that's your damage, not mine. Rey's a broken character. Nothing you say, can change that. She's instantly loved and she's all capable, and all powerful. She's broken. Broken into a million pieces. She's more broken than anything I've seen. Even Madara's final form isn't as broken as she is because he wasn't loved by people he just met, or trusted by people he just met.

And that's what scares you, shill, the reality that others are getting hip to the crapiness, that is TFA and Rey.
Look i understand that Anakin being the whole chosen one meme allows for a lot more wiggle room in regard to what we can accept from him, but this Prescience thing is stupid.
If its not explicitly stated in the movie, it doesnt count. I have a hard time believing you would instantly forgive everything about Rey if Disney came out with a statement saying Rey had that same ability and frankly i wouldnt either.
It was stupid with Anakin in The Phantom Menace, and its stupid with Rey.
Reminder that Qui-Gon helped Anakin win the podrace and R2 helped Anakin destroy the Trade Federation Station.

It's been 18 years, how do people still not see this?
>Anakin actually lost battles
>Anakin actually had two decades of training
>Anakin was explained as special right off the bat rather then left to ambiguity
>having to create headcanons to justify shitty characters

But Anakin's not a mary sue anon, I promise. He's not at all a genius, just a guy who was a slave in a droid shop and a parts shop. Any kid, given enough time, could get good once they've done something repititively. He wasn't in that wasp guy's shop by choice, he was a slave. That was his Daily Job, and it was his job for years. That's how he got into pod racing. He took them apart and learned how to put them together. He wrecked every pod he was in and had never won a race. So it took him years to get good.

yes it is, his prescience ability was off the scale when the Jedi gave him the test. Don't forget. His ability to predict what happens next was second to none.

Anakin always Wrecked every pod he had raced in and had never finished a race. Prescience only gave him the ability to react quicker and even then, it only managed to make him equal to his alien opponents who had faster reaction times than humans. At the end battle, he's taken to battle via remote then uses his ability to Avoid Calamity. The very same ability he mastered on the desert planet after pod racing for many years. And happened onto a battle ship, inadvertantly destroying a fuel tank when he fired at oncoming droids.
Yeah i think he lost on screen more than he won until the OT came along
>loses to Dooku in attack of the clones
>beats dooku in Revenge of the Sith
>loses to Obi Wan in Revenge of the Sith
>beats Obi Wan in Star Wars
>beats Luke in Empire Strikes Back
>loses to Luke in Return of the Jedi
Yeah he's dead even with his on screen fight record in films.
Sure he goes pretty much undefeated against a shit ton of opponents in the two clone wars series but as far as the films go Anakin is a far better written power fantasy than Rey is because Anakins story has ups and downs and is at least exciting.
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Rian says Disney gave him complete creative control over the movie.
What head canon is he making up? The force bond? Or you mean the part about her learning stuff through it?
you sort of missed the point of my post.
Prescience ability was never discussed on film so it doesnt count. Its just retrospective fan fiction tier garbage to explain poor writing.

Thats fine if you buy it, when discussing and comparing Anakin and Rey in their respective films it just doesnt count.
Am I meant to hate this board, or love it?

He is that one thing where minorities are tricked into believing everything isn't terrible for them.
>lmao this guy who is a fucking emotional baby who falls to the dark side and kills kids and his friends and gets his leg and arms chopped off is a Gary Stu
>b-b-but this woman who can do literally everything and beat anyone with no damage to herself and has had no training and is emotionally pure is definitely not a Mary Sue, s-stop being so sexist guys!
goddamnit when will she go away, her ugly mug reminds me of my cousin when he was a kid, fuck the casting director who did this to us
I don't really care about whether or not the writing is fucking flawless or not.
grew up as a homeless servant to a large manipulative scavenger on a garbage planet. almost got blown up repeatedly and had entire life torn apart, where she watched her mentor get murdered, her friend get crippled, and was thrust into the center of an intergalactic war she wanted nothing to do with. She struggled. Clearly struggled. Luke wanted adventure and got it and is literally named after the writer/director and you're saying its a problem that the fantasy protagonist in the sequel is a wish-fulfillment engine? Cry more faggot. Thems the breaks.

And more importantly, from my point of view as a fan OF FUCKING SCHLOCK SPACE FANTASY and the whole gestalt that is filmmaking, the script not being perfect makes it better. Wabi Sabi brah. Jaba The Hutt was some frustrating go-nowhere half-deleted subplot in Star Wars. It's a sloppy schlock series and your retarded play by play means nothing.
take your hormones
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pretty good, but can you pull this off too?
>>lmao this guy who is a fucking emotional baby who falls to the dark side and kills kids and his friends and gets his leg and arms chopped off is a Gary Stu
yeah he is.
>>b-b-but this woman who can do literally everything and beat anyone with no damage to herself and has had no training and is emotionally pure is definitely not a Mary Sue, s-stop being so sexist guys!
said she was too faggot. kys.
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does weed even exist in the SW universe?
And I say there are a bunch of naked cheerleaders in my room.

There aren't, but I can say it.
spice = any type of rec drug
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Of course it counts. George Lucas called it Prescience, its what Younglings use, and it's what Luke used in ANH. And as I said before, when George Lucas confirms something as, that's what it is. Rey on the other hand, has no right to have done, any of the thing she did. Defenders of Rey uses Anakin when he was a kid and Luke, but George already confirmed that both used Prescience. I think there was moron on here the other day saying that Luke used the force to put the homing missiles into the chute. Which dumb because that would imply the rebels made IEDs that needed a telekinetically gifted individual to just happen along and put them into the chutes. And then fly away all the while still telekinetically forcing the IEDs of which he can no longer see at this point, on to their target.

you read the novel. There's one problem. Rey's onscreen for five minutes and then she's off to explore the universe. And at every turn she was not only sure of herself but knew what to do. Everytime she's offered help she knocks hands away, INCLUDING HAN'S SOLOS HELP, because she's a stroink wymen who needs no man.

As a protagonist, she sucks.
>make a false equivalence
>make a false dilemma
>only address a strawman
>expect an argument

you're cute. Can I fuck your face?
>>makes a false equivalence
The only person here who did that was you when you claimed Anakin was as Gary Stu as Rey is Mary Sue which is objectively wrong because Anakin received more training, got beaten more times and had emotional failings more times.

As for the face fucking, I'm all for it as long as it's a 69. I won't suck someone off unless I'm being sucked off.
oh wow i was mistaken
you're just another childish fanboy who is incapable of anybody criticizing things he likes.
By the way, facing a dangerous situation, which is what Rey does, and being in danger, which is something a real character does, are not the same thing.
Grow up a bit.
And i almost let this one go but
>watched her mentor get murdered
she knew Han Solo for maybe an hour of her life.
>had her entire life torn apart
Im pretty sure Rey would disagree with your assertion that her life is worse now than it was on Jakku.
>her friend get crippled
fair point, but it hardly makes up for everything else.
>cry more faggot
way to really let us all know how insecure you are about Star Wars
>There's one problem
good. don't give a shit. There's problems in everything. Doesn't change the fact that it's an exceptionally executed space adventure movie that revived an almost dead franchise. tldr on everything else I don't care about your false premise Mary Sue maymay. It's old hat. Means nothing.
What the fuck do you not understand?
It isnt in the fucking movie, so it doesnt fucking count.
Slippy the droid is something that was made up outside of the film, do you think thats 100% applicable to the events of Star Wars? No you fucking dont
>exceptionally executed space adventure movie


*breathes in*

go back to the youtube comments section of the RLM review or the Screen Junkies honest trailer
that seems more your speed
shut the fuck up you whiny child faggot. TPM. He's an untrained slave kid. He built C3P0. Built and won a pod race. Was told he had magic space aids. Flew a space ship WITH ZERO TRAINING ENTIRELY and blew up the droid control space donut saving the day for everyone WHEN HE WAS FUCKING 8 OR WHATEVER. Stop talking about 2nd and 3rd movies in conversation about the 1st movie you autistic fucking dip. kys.
>exceptionally executed space adventure
you say that but yet you havent managed to refute a single point made against you.
Please explain how this movie isnt extremely flawed
Your feelings aside, George Lucas established which is what. You can feel or say, or do whatever it is your kind does to blow off steam. You blog,yes? Whatever. When kennedy got her grubby hands on it, both her and the jj and the house of rats and decay thought they could do anything and we'd just eat it up because, star wars. Boy, are they learning that's not the case. Just look at you, shill, you're literally losing your poo. It's probably stinking up your room even now.

They never called it anything other than use the Force. George called it Prescience so when he used it again, it was Prescience and we knew it as such. So when George Called it Prescience which explains how it works, that's all there is to it.
>ad hominem
>trying to recycle burns used against you
>desperate hyperbole
>autistic nitpicking
you win at being a loser. scoreboard faggot. Learn how to form a coherent or intellectually honest thought. or kys I dont care.

either way definitely seek out psychological treatment for your disorders
Are we talking fucking droid shit? I'll absolutely cede the point to you that lil Ani was a technological Gary Stu in TPM. I thought we were talking Force shit.

But Rey was a technological Mary Sue with no training. Everything you can apply to lil Ani is everything you can apply to Rey PLUS her Force combat bullshit. And at least Ani had never won a race up until TPM. Rey hops into the Falcon for the first time and BOOM
>you say that but yet you havent managed to refute a single point made against you.
not points made against me and they're not points at all. labeling fallacies and autistic play by plays. The movie speaks for itself. All this desperate unoriginal contrarian fallacy from edgy faggot prequel babbies means nothing.
And don't forget. the Falcon is a custom made freighter. Meaning Han and Lando added bits. Luke, who was a pilot and was called a pilot by his mates, that little chat they had before the final mission of ANH, even Luke was at a lost when he saw the controls of the Falcon. Rey's not only moving it, but she's out flying trained pilots. The Force Awakens is a sick joke of a film.
this is some next level bait

Get over it dude. Not everyone has to be exactly like you. are you autistic by any chance?
>Rey's not only moving it, but she's out flying trained pilots.
explicitly stated in the film that Rey knows the intimate workings of the Falcon, having been there when Plutt installed the compressor and having developed a well-reasoned opinion on it's efficacy. She literally grew up working on space ships.

But yeah that womprat hunter and literal baby turned monk where totally super trained pilots.
I'm not saying be like me. I'm saying adhere to the rules of logic by which civil society was founded you intellectually dishonest zero-sum child.
Oh my god its like talking to a fucking wall.
>so when george called it prescience which explains how it works thats all there is to it
No it doesnt fucking work like that. If thats what is going on with Anakin in the film then the film would have made it abundantly clear.
Anything outside the context of the film is irrelevant.
>ad hominem
i dont think you even know what that means
>trying to recycle burns used against you
now you're just making shit up
>desperate hyperbole
no idea what this could possibly be referring to
>autistic nitpicking
>implying that criticizing something is autistic nitpicking
i guess you just love every movie you see and think all movies are 10/10 flawless
>the movie speaks for itself
not really.
>prequel babbies
when did i ever mention the prequels? Why are you so insecure about this?
>autistic play by plays
i guess if by autistic play by play you mean the breakdown of how many plot holes are in the movie? Do you even know that people are allowed to dislike things that you like?
>they're not points at all
just because you keep saying that doesnt mean its true. You still havent refuted anything
>wants me to adhere to the rules of civil society
>apparently disagreement over a work of art is against these rules
do you live in North Korea?
My Uncle's an Aerial Mechanic. He's fixed for the big airlines for Forty years. You know how much of them he can fly? Rey had no business flying the falcon.
Is this the new way to "win" a discussion? State "tldr" and just ignore every point that the other part makes?

I also find this very amusing, as you used "uneducated" as a way to put down the other guy. The only posts in this thread that seem to have been made by an uneducated person is yours.
>i dont think you even know what that means
explain it then
>now you're just making shit up
grow up
>no idea what this could possibly be referring to
you're stupid
>not really.
scoreboard faggot.
>Why are you so insecure about this?
why are you projecting
>just because you keep saying that doesnt mean its true.
back at you m8.
>You still havent refuted anything
no sound arguments warranting refutation sorry :)
>apparently disagreement over a work of art is against these rules
being a belligerent fallacious dickhead knownothing isn't against the rules. Nobody is saying you're not allowed to be uneducated and retarded. You are choosing to be.
yeah that guy is reaching a transcendent level of butt hurt over people not liking his favorite movie
oh I was unaware you're an indentured servant that works on spaceships for a living. super dope equivalence you're drawing.
>belligerent fallacious dickhead
you're the only belligerent fallacious dickhead in this entire thread
>no sound arguments warranting refutation
again just saying that doesnt make it true. If you're so smart you should know that
>back at you m8
cute. But i at least made an initial argument. You havent
>why are you projecting
but you are literally acting insecure
>scoreboard faggot
i have no idea what this means
>you're stupid
you still didnt tell me what you were referring to so i guess you just made it up
>grow up
10/10 if you're trolling. You are shit flinging on an anonymous imageboard because someone doesnt like the same movie as you but.
>explain it then
an ad hominem is an attack on someones character rather than the argument.
Since you havent made a single argument it could be said that you are committing the logical fallacy of ad hominem attacks.
If you think me calling you insecure is an ad hominem, then maybe stop being so insecure? If you werent acting like an insecure man child i wouldnt call you insecure
She doesn't seem to be physically capable of closing her mouth
because she has a qt big stupid smile
tldr I bow out. enjoy your desperate contrarian autism. I'll continue just enjoying well-made trash for what it is I reckon. You cultists will always be here.

You ever seen that part of Shawshank Redemption where they're trying to force Tim Robbins to suck dick at knife point and he tells them that if they stab him his jaw will lock down so tight they'd have to call the fire department to pull him off of the guy's dick? Daisy is like that all the time. Her teeth make the same groaning sounds an old bridge makes when an 18 wheeler drives across it just when she's thinking about what she's going to say.

the term was in the Fans consciousness since, 1993, all under the direction of George Lucas, by the way. So you see, prescience has always been well established Lore.

I remember reading a mag twenty plus years ago when George talks at length about it.
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good riddance
>well established lore

Just because something is explained outside of the movie doesnt make the shit that happens in the movie acceptable, all it means is that the writing was lazy and stupid and needed fan fiction to correct.
Listen you, I just established that George quantified it as danger sense and prescience, the ability to sense danger. Anakin Demonstrated it. How would it need fan fiction if the source books, that were directed by Lucas, came out six years before episode one? If anything you could see he filled in the blanks after The OT but not for the Prequels.
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