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>"Breakfast Can Wait" is a 2013 song by American

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>"Breakfast Can Wait" is a 2013 song by American recording artist Prince. The accompanying artwork for the single features comedian Dave Chappelle dressed as Prince and serving pancakes from a 2004 sketch from an episode of Chappelle's Show. In June 2014, Chappelle appeared on Jimmy Fallon's Tonight Show and discussed the use of his image on Prince's single. The comic admitted, "That's a Prince judo move right there. … You make fun of Prince in a sketch and he'll just use you in his album cover. What am I going to do — sue him for using a picture of me dressed up like him? … That's checkmate right there."

Lets have an absolute madmen thread
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literally /ourartistformerlyknownasprince/
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>Who asked her lover "Why is your organ so small?"
>He replied "I didn't know I was playing in a cathedral"

What did he mean by this?
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>dated underage goose

Murder by Numbers is the movie I think.
I remember a pre-Notebook interview with goose where the he reporter made it seem like he was some weird dude and went on about how he was box office poison basically.

Based Goose.
That's where they met.

They unironically dated for a while.
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Was he an actual dwarf?
Did it really matter in the end? Dude had more respect and got more pussy than most people on the planet.
5'3 in heels
Prince dances and signs, then hops on the drums while his sexy ass sweaty girlfriend raps or something then he gets up and signs and dances some more and it all looks like more fun than you will ever have at any party ever

He may have been a manlet but he somehow learned.
daily reminder that prince was most probably the best guitar player on earth
Is this real? Someone please tell me this is real.
Yeah it's real, you could just look it up.
Nah, making unwitty comments to strangers on the internet takes up all of his time
Why did They kill him and MJ?
He was also seriously really fucking good at basketball despite being a midget, like that Charlie Murphy story popularized it but it was known long before that aired
Look at how hard he is holding onto her arm? Creepy fucker.
Looks like goat legs....
>Yo security guy, if I start to lean back on the edge of the stage come catch my trust fall while I jam out the guitar solo
>'The party [afterward] at Paisley, that was quite a scene. When he came out of the elevator that night, I happened to be standing with the great Warren Beatty. He came over and Warren said, "I love your music," and he said, "I love your movies," and then Warren says, "Here we are! At your house! It's great!" And Prince goes, "Yeah. Yeah, it is. But I'm still short." It wasn't really a joke. It was kind of poignant. He didn't laugh—he just observed the fact of the matter. He happened to be talking to relatively tall fellas—I'm six-one, I think Warren is six-two. Having a nice conversation. And despite all that, and despite playing at the Special Olympics, and despite his own brilliance, and despite whatever, he still, standing with us, experienced what he must've experienced his whole life. I said, "Oh, come on, man." I tried to make it into a little joke—I think he laughed a little bit, but it was obviously a serious thing for him. I thought, "Wow."'

He was one of the last truly great performers understood how to put on a great live show and tailored all his songs as such
5'3 here and I feel his pain. It doesn't matter how much you've accomplished in life. When you're standing around talking to guys 6 ft and up you feel like a little kid

I don't someone who was as accomplished as Prince really cared. So you walk up to some lanklet who works as the manager of a Sprint store, big fucking whoop
Saw him live a few years ago. Can confirm. Nigga played for close to three hours and was so connected to everyone in the 20000+ audience that neither of us didn't want to stop. It was almost an out of body experience.


Even his songs that sound boring as shit in studio are 100x better when it played it live the way he intended

You don't understand because you're not a manlet
He's an autist who squeezes too hard. She's a weirdo who dates a little boy.

Together they are perfect.
i know chappelle hates white people, but i still love him
sorry bro - loved your show in houston
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>mfw the madman played that fucking SECOND when I saw him after opening with DMSR.
Prince was pretty damn amazing because he just made even the simplest riffs sound cool.


This song shouldn't sound so good but it just does.
I decided to never go to his shows again after, in the early 90s, two times in a row when I saw him he just talked about God for 15 minutes and then decided to Axl Rose'd it and ended the show before it had even started and made some crew member announce the show was over.
>Prince's first album is titled "for you"

Is he /ourguy/?
Pop Life is great
reminder that the album version of purple rain is literally a recording of the first time it's performed live
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Imagine how fit you'd have to be. I'm reasonably fit and I was out of breath just watching him jump and move about so much.
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This is like relationship-gore.

Damn Demi was a pedo even back then? What a lucky kid, I hope he got to smash that. Wonder why she married Bruce Willis then.
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>ywn bury your face in 80's demi moore bush
Has any female celebrity ever had a statutory rape/pedophilia scandal? IIRC there was some Dutch Olympian gymnast who had CP also she does porn herself now and there was a British comedian who claimed to be asexual who got caught diddling a baby, but nothing with a major celebrity.
princes music is terrible
go listen to swans or something
He throws his guitar up and it never comes down
Why is he squeezing her so hard?

Some people say one of the reasons he was abusing prescription drugs was because he had alot of hip problems after years of jumping around on stage. There is a clip of him performing The Beautiful Ones on the George Lopez show where you can tell he hurt himself when he jumped off his piano
Isn't the age of consent there like 16 or lower?
Nope, it's 18
Adulthood is 18, but age of consent and legal responsibility are 16. legal responsibility can be 14 under the right circumstances, even
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I never understood Prince.

>dress like a complete faggot prancing lala homo man, a total fruitcake
>turns out he's Chad incarnate, fucking 11/10's for breakfast and dumping his dick in so much pussy that he has to dress and act like a faggot to counteract

Explain this shit to me.
>implying you wouldn't squeeze the hell out of Bullock if you had her next to you

I'd never pull my dick out of her.
many women will literally whore themselves out to someone with fame or status

how do you think those nasty looking ceo rich fucks pound prime teen pussy?

A parental figure / figure with authority is the number 1 pussy magnet
Paula Poundstone, but they were really vague about what happened with that.
Bitches care a lot less than you about how a man dresses, and if it's a man as famous and wealthy as Prince, how he dresses doesn't matter one bit.
I lived near his house in Chanhassen Minnesomalia
Believe in yourself and you can achieve anything
Prince would be a meme except for the fact he's a guitar god who could play like 8 other instruments and sing and dance.

He had a huge personal rivalry with MJ because he thought MJ was a bitch for not playing instruments.
Sandra "dated" a lot of people during the making of that movie.

BTW she has an interesting little mole/birthmark on her inner thigh, right between the taco stand and the porta potty.
Short people can jump high for some reason. Must be some center of gravity thing.
He was right about MJ being a bitch.

>Jackson described Prince as “one of the rudest people I have ever met” and said “he has been very mean and nasty to my family”.
>“There was a point during the show where Prince was playing bass and he came out into the audience with this giant bass — he knew where Michael was sitting — and he walked right up to Michael and started playing bass in Michael’s face"
>“The next morning, Will went over to Michael’s house for breakfast, and they’re talking about Prince and the show. And then Michael goes, ‘Will, why do you think Prince was playing bass in my face?’ Michael was outraged.
>‘Prince has always been a meanie. He’s just a big meanie. He’s always been not nice to me.'
>'Everybody says Prince is this great legendary Renaissance man and I’m just a song-and-dance man, but I wrote Billie Jean and I wrote We Are the World and I’m a songwriter too’.”

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>and he walked right up Michael and started playing bass in Michael's face
Lol oh my word
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fun fact, Prince could not sanction Michael Jackson's buffonery
>he walked right up to Michael and started playing bass in Michael's face. Like aggressive slap bass.

the madman
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Prince was clearly always jealous of the 'king of pop' title and MJ's general fame being greater than his. Sure he was talented but maybe make as many worldwide hit songs as Micheal before trying to compare yourself.

Sloping Tranny shoulders. Prince was really a princess.
>Was he an actual dwarf?

Dat cat could ball!
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>it's a "Prince is an underrated guitarist" post accompanied by that video

Prince was overrated

he only has one good song - Purple Rain
>'Everybody says Prince is this great legendary Renaissance man and I’m just a song-and-dance man, but I wrote Billie Jean and I wrote We Are the World and I’m a songwriter too’.”
Problem is Prince believed his own hype harder than Jackson ever did for himself.
I can see why Prince would be jelly that Michael didn't play instruments, but Michael was still the best performer of his time. He choreographed and produced all his own shows, for fuck's sake.

All people will remember Prince for is sperging out at the record companies. I haven't heard one song of his on the radio in my country for over a decade.
>Michael Jackson, Prince, and Madonna were all born in the same year
>only Madonna is left now

It checked out with Kevin Smith's encounter also which indirectly explained how Prince knew Charlie Murphy was talking shit in the locker room, because his entire mansion was wired to record from any room.

Felt like I was a genius detective or some shit but then he admitted it was all true on some radio interview shortly after.
>he only listens to radio
Prince got to fuck prime Madonna pussy as well
I dunno, Anon... Little Red Corvette is pretty awesome.
prince was always the better michael jackson because he was sexy as fuck and made shows that were sexy as fuck.
>not 7
It's what future generations will reference for posterity.
When they never hear a Prince song on an oldies station, because Prince alienated all the record companies and by extension all the radio networks, their sole opinion of him will be based on horror stories.
>t. butthurt warner bros exec
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>never saw Prince perform before
>mfw watching this video
I saw him live when I was around 12, my mom was a huge fan and brought me along. He was absolutely incredible. Still the best concert I've ever been to.
There is truth to that. Prince was really unknown to me as a kid (born in 1989). I mean I watched Batman 89 a dozen times but I didn't know who made the music for it.

I think it was when Prince did the SuperBowl halftime show I learned how much of a cultural figure Prince was. That and Dave Chappelle's sketch of course.

Still he blunted a lot of his impact by going to dormant in the 90s. Everyone in my age Demo knows Michael Jackson's music I bet quite a few wouldn't know who sung Purple Rain.
>Forgetting Raspberry Beret
That song is so infectious I can't help but get a little happy thinking of it.
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I'm not even into his music, but that showmanship is just outstanding. You can tell he really put everything he had into that. Whew.
no fair...
Robert Fripp is the best guitarist on earth
Jackson had the fame but Prince had the talent
Prince is responsible for the PMRC and the tipper stickers of albums warning of explicit content
It was when Tipper Gore heard her daughter listening to a Prince song that she became alarmed at what was being put into music
t. hoverhanding beta orbiter
C o n f i d e n c e
*grabs autistically*
Pretty much. Prince knew he could fuck anyone he wanted, therefore Prince would fuck anyone he wanted.
Before this sounds like some magical thinking bullshit, I mean it's true because he's 1 of the best guitar players who ever lived, not just because he thought that highly of himself. Need the confidence + the talent. 1 or the other will get you some girls/ money/ respect sometimes, both will get you all of them all of the time
youre terrible
Who was in the wrong here?
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>yfw prince made a Donald trump song
Sounds like you live in a shit country
>it's a single music thread on /tv/ is better than the entirety of /mu/ episode

nice one
Operation Falcon
prenatal care dont exist in the ghetto bitch
bo diddley shit things scarier than prince
Probably my favorite Prince guitar performance:


Obviously he was a godly rocker but his blues guitar was incredible as well.
I can't fucking stand Kevin Smith, I really loathe everything he's ever done (and no amount of 'but duuuude clerksss' will change that) but he told a long anecdote about Prince during one of his Q&A shows once that was really funny, about how Prince's entire house was wired for sound and he would kick everyone out of a room if he had a fresh idea in his head.
Sony killed MJ for the back catalog. Same reason they paid for the molestation lawyer the first time.. they wanted something he owned.
>eric clapton
>jimmy page
prince is underrated but not the greatest of all time
Lena Dunham
also prime Carmen Electra. bastard
he's one of the greatest
see: 20 minutes long live version of Purple Rain that is unfortunately not on youtube anymore
prince was arguably more versatile than any of them
maybe it's this one, but it was actual video footage

He would still care because despite being a self made world-famous millionaire who as a guitarist was at least the equal of Jimi Hendrix and better than his whole band at every instrument they played and being adored by millions of women that tall pleb would still always be glad at least he was taller than him and he couldn't do anything about it.
and it's definitely an issue when even most women are taller than you
I agree, your many albums are much better, that's why you're so rich and such a hit with the ladies.
>a guitarist was at least the equal of Jimi Hendrix
oh please just shut the fuck up already. also nobody outside of america cares about prince.
You know nothing of the guitar.
Nah. The best guitar player on Earth actually died yesterday.
what the fuck I just googled it and had no idea it happened until you posted this jesus christ what the fuck
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